DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut SYLLABUS OF MLISc. Course Effective from SESSION 2016 - 2017

SYLLABUS MLISc. Course - Chaudhary Charan Singh University · 2016-09-06 · DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE.ell. Char~lll Singh University, Meerut Master ofLibrary &

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Page 1: SYLLABUS MLISc. Course - Chaudhary Charan Singh University · 2016-09-06 · DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE.ell. Char~lll Singh University, Meerut Master ofLibrary &



MLISc. Course

Effective from

SESSION 2016 - 2017

Page 2: SYLLABUS MLISc. Course - Chaudhary Charan Singh University · 2016-09-06 · DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE.ell. Char~lll Singh University, Meerut Master ofLibrary &

DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE.ell. Char~lll Singh University, Meerut

Master of Library & Information Science


Paper Paper Paper Title Credit Internal Exam TotalCode Marks MarksMLS Knowledge, Information and

I 101 Communication 04 25 75 100

MLS11 102 Knowledge O(ganization : 02 12 38 50

Classification (Theory) - I

MLS·111 103 Knowledge Organization: 02 12 38 50

Classification(Practice) -I 1

MLSIV 104 Research Methods and Statistical 04 25 75 100


MLSV 105 Computer application in LIS (Theory) 04 25 75 100

MLSVI 106 Computer application in US (Practical) 02 12 38 50

MLS Elective Papers ( anyone)VII 107. a) Public Library System 04 25 75 100

b) Academic Library Systemc) Special Library System

MLS. VIII 1vv Viva-Voce 02. 50 50

Total Credit I Marks 24 600

Page 3: SYLLABUS MLISc. Course - Chaudhary Charan Singh University · 2016-09-06 · DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE.ell. Char~lll Singh University, Meerut Master ofLibrary &

•Pdper-IMLS 101


Unil [J

Unit III

Unit IV

Unit V


Credit: 04Marks: 100

Knowledge, Information :lnd Communication

Information definition: characteristics, nature, and value; ConceptualdilTerencc betweell d<lta. information and knowledge; Communication ofinformation; barriers.

Knowledge delinitioll. kinds of knowledge, growth of knowledge,Universe of subjects: formation. structure and development ofsubjcclS.

Information science: definition, scope and objectives; Information scienceas a discipline and its relationship with other subjects; Information society: genesis. characteristics. implications:

Information industry generators. providers and intermediariesIntdlcctu<ll Property Right Acts.

Knowledge Mall.:lgemclll delinition, concept, need .:lnd basic tools;Trends in Knowledge management, Role of inforlllatiollllwnager.

RecolI/mel/dcd Books

1. Raman N;;ir, R Accessing information through internc\. NewDclhi. Ess Ess, 2002.

2. Bavakutly, M. et al. cd.: Information Access, management andexchange in the tcchnological age. New Delhi. Ess Ess, 2003.

3. Ramesh Babu. M and Goplllllkrislman. S. cd. Information.Communication, Library and Community Development. Delhi,B. R. Publishing, 2004.

4. Khan. MTM Informa1ion Organisation and Communication,1997.

5. Ramamurthy, CR Information Securily A source book forlibrari:llls. Delhi. AU1horspress. 200 I.

6. Mahapatr:l, PK and Chakrabarti. B Knowledge Management inLibraries. New Delhi. Ess Ess. 2002".

Page 4: SYLLABUS MLISc. Course - Chaudhary Charan Singh University · 2016-09-06 · DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE.ell. Char~lll Singh University, Meerut Master ofLibrary &

Paper - IIMLS 102

Unit I

Unit II

Unit III

Unit IV

Unit V

Credit: 02Marks: 50

Knowledge Organization: Classification (Theory)

Development of generol theory of classification Contributions ofRichardson, W. C. Berwick Sayers, H. E. Bliss, S. R. Ranganathan andCRG. M3ppillg of universe of knowledge: problems; C3tcgorization ofisolates: modern trend~.

Mapping of Universe of subjects in CC. UDC and DDC ; Features ofspecial classification schemes.

Classificatory Principles in Classification ofSciences, Social Sciences andHumanities.

Compamtivc study of CC & UDC with regard to common subdivisionsand indicator digits

Recem trends in classification; automatic classification, Web Dewey,Dc~~·ey on CD. Classification in Online System.

Recommended Books

I. Kumar, PSG: Knowledge Orgnnisation. Information processingand retrieval practice, Papcr III of VGC Model Curriculum.DCIhi. B. R.I)ublishing. 2003.

2. Kumar. I)SG : Knowledge Organisation. Infoonation processingand retrieval: theory. Paper 11 ofUGC Model Curriculum. DeihLB. R. Publishing, 2003.

3. Hussain. Shabahm : Library Classification: f3cets and analysis.Delhi, O. R. Publishing, 2004.

4.. Ramalingam, MS :~ Library Cataloguing and ClassificationSystems. Delhi, Kalpaz, 2000.

5. Kochar, RS : Library Classification Systems. 1998.6. Balakrishnan, S and Paliwal, PK ~: Library Online

Cataloguing Systems. ew Delhi, Anmol. 2001.7. Aswal, RS : MARC 21 Cataloguing fonnat for twenty first

century. New Delhi. Ess Ess, 2004.

G:+~ fA (hv-~",W,..­


Page 5: SYLLABUS MLISc. Course - Chaudhary Charan Singh University · 2016-09-06 · DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE.ell. Char~lll Singh University, Meerut Master ofLibrary &

•I)nper - IIIMLS 103

Credit: 02Marks: 50

Knowledge Organization: Classificalion (Practice)

The practical examination will consist ofTen complex (itles (0 be classifiedin depth according to UDC (Abridged edition 2003)

Reading List

I. Fosket,' AG : Universal Decimal Classification. Clive Bingley,London.

2. Mcllwaine, Ie : The Universal Decimal Classification; A guide to itsusc.

3. Universal Decimal Classificmion. British Standards Instilution,London.

Page 6: SYLLABUS MLISc. Course - Chaudhary Charan Singh University · 2016-09-06 · DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE.ell. Char~lll Singh University, Meerut Master ofLibrary &

•Paper-IVMLS 104

Unit I



Unit IV

Unit V

Credit: 04Marks: 100

Research Methods and Statistical Techniques

Research concept, meaning. need. purpose ; Types of researchHypothesis definition, characteristics. functions. Research designconcept and types; Identification of problem.

Research methods: Scientific method: definition, characteristics, process.spiral of scientific method : Historical melhod definition. steps,Descriptive method: meaning, assessment, evaluation.

Research tcchniques ; Questionnaire print and electronic fonn ;Quantitative :llld" qualitative studies; interview; observation: libraryrecords and rcpons ; sampling techniques.

Data analysis and interpretation: Measures of central tendency: Mean ;Mode ; ~ ledian ; Me:lSUfL"'S of dispersion : variance and co\'ariance ;Standard deviation: Graphical represenlution of data: bar graph; piegr.tph ; histograms; Chi square test.

l3ibliomctrics; Scicntol11clrics; [nfolllctrics and Webol11ctrics : conceptsand .definition: BibliOlllctric Laws: I3radford ; Zipf ; Latka; Researchrepan; Structure. style, contents, guidelines

Recommended Books

I. Sinha, SC.and Dhiman. AK: Research Methodolgy. New Delhi,Ess Ess, 2002.

2. Khan. MA Research Methods in library and InformationScience. New Delhi. Cosmo, 2002.

3. Deverajan. G Research in Library and Information Science.New Delhi, Ess Ess. 2002.

4.5. Kumar, K Research Methods in library and Information

Science. 1992.6. lancaster. FW : Bibliometric Metllods in accessing productivity

and impact of research. 1991.7. Ravichandra Rao, IK : Quantitative Techniques for Library and

Information Science, 1983.

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•Paper- VMLS 105


Unit II

Unit III

Unit IV

Unit V


Credit: 04Marks: 100

Computer AI>plicatioll in LIS (Theory)

InlrOduction to computers Brief description of various components ofcomputer ; Input and Qutpul devices ; Classificalion of computers :Hardware and software.

IT and libraries; Representing data in a computer: ASCII, EBCDIC;Progrnltlming languages gCllcr.llions; Software packages; Operalingsystems, Multimedia: elements nnd its application in libraries.

Library aU\Olwltion software pack:tges CDS/ISIS, WINISIS, Libsys,SOUL. Alice for ,,;·indows. VTLS. TLMS: Application oflibw)' softwarepackages in \'3rious library opcnuions and services.

Telecommunication and networking; Network media: UTP, Optical fibreclement, network interface card. Hub, Router, Modem; Types ofnelwork: LAN, MAN. \VAN and their applications in library networks; Networktypologies Bus, Stur, Ring. Token ring; Imernet and intranet basicfeatures and applications.

Digital libraries : genesis. definition, objecti"e and scope; Software andhardware for digital libraries ; Data warehousing; Data mining; Meta data; Anificial intelligence :md cxpen systems; Online searching of databases: MEDLINE. DIALOG, OCle.

Recommended Books

1. Deitel, HM An introduction to operating systems.Masschusettes. Addison-Wesley. 1984.

2. Martin. J : Fourth generation languages. New Jersey. PrenticeI-Iall, 1985.

3. Vasantha, Nand Mudhol, MV Sofiware packages for library I

llutomation. Delhi, Ess Ess, 2000.~. Raman Nair accessing Infornlation through Internet. New

Delhi. Ess Ess.2002.5. Dhiman. AK : Basics of Infonnation Technology for Librarians

and Infonnation Scientists. lew Delhi. Ess Ess,2oo3.6. Aswal, RS : CDSfiSIS for Windows: A handbook for librarians.

New Delhi, Ess Ess.2003.

Page 8: SYLLABUS MLISc. Course - Chaudhary Charan Singh University · 2016-09-06 · DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE.ell. Char~lll Singh University, Meerut Master ofLibrary &

•Paper - VIMLS 106

Computer Application in US (Practical)

Credit: 02Marks: 50

ote : This paper will be of 50 marks out of which 12 marks will be allotted forinternals and 38 marks will be allaned for annu:l1 examination. The annualexamination will be conducted by one external examiner and one inlcmalexaminer to be appointed by lhe university. The duralion of theexamination would be of 3 hours. The practical questions will be set 10

check IT skills in the following areas:

I. Creation of database using CDS/ISIS or WINISIS,2. Use of library software packages for in-house operations, Bar Code

generations, membership cards, machine readable catalogue cards,3. CD-ROM & Online searching,4. Internet searching.5. Web page design and creation for a library centre.

Recommended Books







Deile!. I-IM An introduction to operating systems.Masschuseltes. Addison·Wesley, 1984.Martin. J : Fourth generation languages. New Jersey, PrenticeHall. 1985.Yasantha. Nand Mudhol, MY : Software packages for libraryautomation. Delhi. Ess Ess, 2000.Raman Nair : accessing Information through Inlemet. NewDelhi, Ess Ess,2002.Dhiman, AK : Basics of Infonnation Technology for Librariansand Information SciC'ntists. New Delhi, Ess Ess,2003.Aswal, RS : CDS/ISIS for Windows: A handbook for librarians.New Delhi, Ess Ess,2003.

~(>1 ~ .~~"L-£"'~)/iJ,x.

Page 9: SYLLABUS MLISc. Course - Chaudhary Charan Singh University · 2016-09-06 · DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE.ell. Char~lll Singh University, Meerut Master ofLibrary &

•Paper - VII(a)MLS 107

Credit: 04Marks: 100

Planning :lnd Management of Public Library System

Unit I Concept. nature Bnd characteristics of Public libraries. Public LibraryMovement in India. Public Library Legislation: Need and importance.

Unit I. Public Library Systems in India. alional Policy for Public LibraryDevelopment in India. Public Library Users.

Unit 111 Public Library Collection. Library Cooperation and Resource Sharingamong Public Libraries in India. Budgeting for Public Libraries. HumanResource Development.

Unit IV Public Library Services. Library Extension Services. Role of UNESCO,IFLA, Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation for development andpromotion of Public Libraries.

Unit V Public Libraries in India: The Slate Central Library, Mumbai; DelhiPublic Libmry: T. S. Central Public Library. Chandigarh. Recenl Trendsin Public Library Services.

Recommended Books

1. Raman Nair, R: Public Library Development. ew Delhi, Ess EssPublications. 1993.

2. Kumar, Sand Leena'Shah: Public Library ACIS in India. New Delhi, EssEss Publications, 200 I.

3. Augustinc,CA and Devarajan, G: Public Library System in India. NewDelhi, Ess Ess Publications, 1990.

4. Vishwanathan, CG: Public Library Organisation. New Delhi, Ess EssPublicmions, 2005.

5. Raju. AAN: Glimpses of Libmry Movement and Public LibraryDevelopment in Andhr.. Pradesh. New Delhi, Ess Ess Publications, 2010.

6. Trivedi .., Priya Ranjan and Others: Public Library Systems and Services.New Delhi. Jnanada Prakashan (P&D), 2010.

c ([/' tc: {f"v~~.J.-\.­


Page 10: SYLLABUS MLISc. Course - Chaudhary Charan Singh University · 2016-09-06 · DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE.ell. Char~lll Singh University, Meerut Master ofLibrary &

•Paper - VII(b)4LS 107


Credit: 04Marks: 100

PhlOning 3nd M:ln~lgemcntof Ac<tdcmic Library System

Unit I Role oflibr:lries in Academic Inslitutions. Development of Academic librariesin India. Planning of Academic libraries. Role of VGe and UNESCO inpromoting Academic libraries.

Unit II Library Givemance Authority, Committees and Role of librarian. HumanResource Management : Staffing. Selection & Recruitmelll, PerfOmtallCCAppraisal.

Unit III Budgeting. Academic libmry buildings: Planning, basic clements in designing.Furniture.

Unit [V Library and Information Services: Need and types. Library Cooperation andResource Sharing. Role of INFLIBNET: Electronic journals and Consonia.VGe Infanci e-journals consortia. OCLC

Unit V Shadhgang3. Shodh sindhu. Shodhgangotri. Role of NAAC and UGC inacademic libraries.

Recommended Books

I. Singh. S : Reference Ser\'ice in Academic Librarics in India. New Delhi: Ess EssPublications.

2. Prasher. RG Univcrsity Libraries in India 1980s and Beyond, Ncw Dclhi:Medallian Press.

3. Sahai. Shri Nath: Acdclnic Library Systcm. 200 Edition. New Delhi, Ess Ess

Publications, 2009.

4. Dhiman, AK and Sinha, SC: Academic Libraries. New Delhi, Ess Ess


5. Bavakuuy, M and Abdul Aziz TA: Redefining Acdemic Libraries in

Knowledge Society. New Delhi, Ess Ess Publications, 2014.

6. Waghchaure, Shilpa S: Best Practices in Academic Libraries. New

Delhi, Ess Ess Publications, 2016.7. Vernl;}. Shiv R:lIl1: Academic Library System. New Delhi. Shree Publishers and

Distributors, 2005.

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•Paper- VII(c)MLS 107

Credit: 04Marks: 100

Unit I


1)lanning and Management of Special Library System

Definition. meaning, objectives and scope or Special Libraries.Types ofSpecial Libraries. Development of Special Libraries in India.

Special Libraries Governance Authority, Committee and Role ofLibrarian. Organisational Pallem: Staff. Selection. Budgeting, SpecialLibrary Buildings. Furniture.

Unit III Library Cooperation and Resource Sharing among Special Libraries.Networking and E·joumals Consonia. INDEST, FORSA. CSIR.

Unit IV Study of Important Special Libraries in India. liT Madras: BARC,Bombay: CFTRI. Mysore: Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library,Patna.

Unit V Library and Information Services in Special Libraries. Need and Typesof Services. Recent Trends in Special Libraries in India. Role ofNational Organisations for the development of Special Libraries.

Recommended Books

I. Mukherjee, AK : Fundamentals or Special Librarianship and Documentation.2. Sinha. SC and Dhiman, AK : Special Libraries: Research and Technical Libraries.

New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications.3. Dhiman, AK: A Handbook or Special Librnries and Librnrianship. Verma, Shiv

Ram: Academic Library System. New Delhi, Shree Publishers and Distributors,2008.

4. Barna. BP: National Policy on Library and Inrormation Systems and Services rorIndia. Bombay, Popular Prakashan. 1992.


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•Paper - VIIIMLS Ivv



Credit: 02Marks: 50

Viva voce examimuion will be of 50 marks. The viva-voce examination will beconducted by a group of Three members Coordinator, External Examiner and a Seniormost Teacher in the depanment.

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CII. Ch:uan Singh University, Meerut

. Master of Library & Information ScienceSECOND SEMESTER


Paper Paper Paper nile Credit Internal Exam TotalCode Marks MarksMlS Information Storage and Retrieval

I 201 . System 04 25 75 100

MlSII 202 Knowledge Organisation : Cataloguing 02 12 38 50

(TheolY) •MlS

III 203 Knowledge Organisation: Cataloguing 02 12 38 50. (Practice)

Any ONE of the followinMlS Information Sources and Systems in

IV 204 anyone of the following 04 25 75 100a) Natural Sciencesb) Social Sciencesci Medical Sciences

MlSV 205. Iflformation Technology application in 04 25 75 100

LIS (TheolYl

MlSVI 206 Information Technology application in O~ 12 38 50

LIS (Practical)

MlSVII 207 Dissertation 04 25 75 100

MLSVIII 2vv Viva 02 12 38 50

Total Credit I Marks 24 600

~tI(;r,i) llL"v.'Cl~

Page 14: SYLLABUS MLISc. Course - Chaudhary Charan Singh University · 2016-09-06 · DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE.ell. Char~lll Singh University, Meerut Master ofLibrary &

•Paper-IMLS 201

Unit I

Unit II

Unit [][

Unit tV

Unit V

SECOND SEMESTERCredit: 04Marks: 100

Information Storage and Retricv~ll

Abstract and abstracting concepl, types, procedure of abstracting ;Guidelines in preparing abstracts; Principles of abstracting (canons) ;AUIO abstracting.

Index and indexing: concepts and types. principles of indexing; Subjectindexing ; Pre-eoordinate indexing system Post coordinate indexingsystems: Chain indexing; Citation indexing.

Special types of indexing KWIC, KWAC. KWOC etc. ThesaurusThesaurofacct; Vocabulary control: 100ls of "ocabulary control.

Fe3tures of IR system; Jnfom13tiOll relrie,'a) models; Search strategies:manual. machine; Evaluation ofiR systems; Trends in JR.

Infonnation products: I1Jlure. concept. types; Marketing of inform:lIionproducts.

Recommended Books

I. Bradrord. SC : Documentation. 2nd cd. London. Lockwood. 1953.2. Foskett. AC : Subject approach to Information. 51h ed. London,

Library Association, 1997.3. Guha. B : Documcntation and Infonnation : services, techniques

and systems.'2nd rev ed. Calcutta, World Press. 1983.-l. Kawatrn, PS : Fundamentals of Documentation wilh special

refercnce to India. New Delhi, Sterling, 1983.5. Khanna. JK : Documentation and Information Services: systems

and techniqucs. Agra, Y K Publishers, 2000.6. Lancaster, FW : Information Rctrieval Systems: Characteristics,

Testing and Evuhmtion. New York, John Wiley, 1968.7. Ranganathan. SR : Documentation and its facets. London, Asia

Pub. House, 1963.8. Prasher. RG : Index and Indexing. New Delhi. Medallion Press,


Page 15: SYLLABUS MLISc. Course - Chaudhary Charan Singh University · 2016-09-06 · DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE.ell. Char~lll Singh University, Meerut Master ofLibrary &

•Paper-IIIMLS 203

Credit: 02Marks: 50

Knowledge Org:misatioll : Catnloguing (practice)

Cataloguing of complex problems involving the rendering of Headings and. Description will be done according to AACR-II for Corporate Authors, Non Book

Materials and PeriOdicals. There will be FOUR Cataloguing Problems. ThePractical Examination will be conducted through a question Paper and evaluatedby One External Examiner and One Internal Examiner to be appointed by theUniversity.


Page 16: SYLLABUS MLISc. Course - Chaudhary Charan Singh University · 2016-09-06 · DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE.ell. Char~lll Singh University, Meerut Master ofLibrary &

•Paper-IV(b)MLS 204


Credit: 04Marks, 100

Information Sources :lnd Systems in Social Sciences

Unit I Social Sciences: Definition, tcnninology, scope and History of SocialSciences. I3ranches and Landmarks in Social Sciences.

Unit II Information Sources: Types. lee<! and Purpose. Primary Sources, SecondarySources and Tertiary Sources in the field ofSocial Sciences.

Unit 1II lnfonn:l.tion Networks in Social Sciences: Need and Purpose. Study of SocialScience Networks at Nalional and International Level.

Unit IV Major activities of important Research Organisations in lite gro\\1h of SocialSciences with special reference 10 India. USA and UK.

Unit V Infonnation Analysis and Repackaging. Content Analysis, Condensation,Consolidation, Compilation in the field of Social Sciences.

Recommended Books

I. Katz, WA: Introduction to Reference Work. New York, McGraw Hill.2. Shllmm, Pllndcy SK: Libmry and Society. New Delhi, Ess Ess Publications.3. Dhiman. AK and Rani, Y: Resource Sharing and Library & Infommtion

Networks. New Delhi, Ess Ess Publicalions.4. Bradford. SC: Documentation. 2.... Edition. London, Lockwood5. Foskett. AC: Subject Approach to Information. 5111 Edition. London, Library

Association.6. Kwatra, PS: Fundament:Jls ofDocumcntation with special refcrcnce to India. New

Delhi, Sterling.7. Khanna, JK: Documemmion and Information Services: Systcms and Techniques.

Agra, YK Publishers.8. Ranganalhan. SR: Documentation and its Facets. London, Asia Publishing House.9. Guha. 8: Documentalion and Information. Services, techniques and systems. 2....

rev cd. Calcutta, World Press.

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Page 17: SYLLABUS MLISc. Course - Chaudhary Charan Singh University · 2016-09-06 · DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE.ell. Char~lll Singh University, Meerut Master ofLibrary &

•Paper-IV(e)MLS 204

Credit: 04Marks: 100

Information Sources and Systems in Medical Sciences

Unit I Medical Sciences; Definition. terminology, scope and History of HealthSciences. Branches and Developments in Heahh Sciences.

Unit II Information Sources: Types. Need :md Purpose. PrimaJ')' Sources, SecondarySources and Tertiary Sources in the field of Medical Sciences.

Unit 1Il Information Networks in I-Iealth Sciences: Need and Purpose. Study of HealthScience Networks at National and International Level. MEDLARS, PubMcd,IndMed. MEDlnd.

Unit IV Major activities of imponant Research Organisations in the growth of HealthSciences in India and USA.

Unit V Infomlation Analysis and Repackaging. Content Analysis. Condensation.Consolidation, Compilation inlhc field of Health Sciences.

Recommended Books

J. Katz., WA: Introduction to Reference Work. New York, tI.lcGraw Hill.2. Shanna, Pandey SK: Library and Society. ew Delhi. Ess Ess Publications.3. Dhimall. AK and Rani. Y: Resource Sharing and Library & Information

Networks. New Delhi, Ess Ess Public3Iions.4. Bradford, SC: Documentation. 2nd Edition. London. Lockwood5. Foskett, AC: Subject Approach to Inform3lion. 5th Edition. London, Library

Association.6. Kwalr.l, PS: Fundamentals of Documentation with special reference to India. lew

Delhi. Sterling.7. Khanna. JK: Documentation and Infom13tion Services: Systems and Techniques.

Agrn. YK Publishers.8. Rangnnathan, SR: Documentation and ils Facets. London. Asia Publishing House.9. Guha, B: Documentation and Information. Services, techniques and systems. 2""

rev cd. Calcutta. World Press.

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•Paper - VMLS 205

Credit: 04Marks: 100

Information Technology Application in LIS (Thcor)')

. Unit I Internet and Intranet: Basic features and applications. Protocols: concept andfunctions. 'Modes of Connectivity: Dial Up, ISDN, Leased Line, Dlue Tooth,Wi Fi etc.

Unit II E-mail: Definition. importance. types. process and applications. WebBrowser: NClSCape Navigator. Internet Explorer, MazilIa Firefox.

Unit III Web Servers, Web Tools. Search Engines. Internet Security. NetworkProtocols: TCPfIP, SPX. NetBUI, FTP,lllTP.

Unit IV Digital Libraries: Definition, Need, Objectives and Scope. Stornge Media.Standards. Fom13t5: 150·9660. DVD. Software and Hardware for DigitalLibraries. Open Source Sofiwares. RFlD: Features components and itsapplications.

Unit V Dal:1 warehousuing. Data Mining. Meta D:lta. Scanners and Cameras.Artificial Jntelligence and Expert Systems. Online Searching of Databases:Web of Science Institutional Repositories. Subject Oate.......ys.

Recolllmended Books

I. Denajan.·O and Asari, K. Ravindaran: Informalion Technology and LibraryAutomation. New Delhi, Ess Ess Publications.

2. Cooper, Michael D: Design of Library Automation Systems. New York, JohnWiley.

3. Chopra, HS: Digital Library. New Delhi, Shree Publishers and Distributors.4. Deital, !-1M: An introduction to Opernting Systems. Massachussettes, Addisson

Wesley, 1984.5. Dhiman. AK: l3asics of Information Technology for Librarians and Information

Scientists: New Delhi. Ess Ess Publications, 2003.6. Aswal, RS: .CDS/ISIS for Windows: A handbook for Librarians. New Delhi, Ess

Ess Publications, 2003.7. Martin. J: Founh Oenerntion Languages. New Jcrsey.lirentice Hall. 1985.

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•Paper - VIMLS 206

Credit: 02Marks: 50

Information Technology Application in LIS (llraclicc)

The question paper "for practical examination will be set to check IT skills in thefollowing areas.

1. Database creation in SOUL 2.0 and KOHA2. Use of Library Software Packages, SOUL 2.0, Alice for Windows and KOHA for

In House Operations, Bar Code Generations, Membership Cards. tI.·lachineReadable Catalogue Cards.

3. Access to World c-Book Library, Web of Science and Shodhganga.

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•Paper- VIIMLS207


Paper- VlIlMLS 2vv

Credit: 04Marks: 100


This paper will consists of areas such as annotated subject bibliography,bibliomctric study, case study, survey, trend report etc. The dissenation Onanyone of the above theme will be submiued before the commencemenlof annual examination and ,\ill be evaluated by an external examiner. Itwill carry 75 marks. Viva Voce examination will be of25 marks. This w1llbe conducted by a group of Three members consisting of Coordinator ofthe Department. External Examiner and the Supervisor.

Credit: 02Marks: 50

Viva Voce

Viva voce examination will be of 50 marks including 25 marks forcompukory educational lOur to atlc:lS1 one reputed library. Of the 25marks 15 marks are allotted 10 the tour report and !.he remaining 10 markswill be for viva-voce examination. conducted on the educational lOurreport.

Note: For more ··Suggeslcd Re3dings·· please COnt3Cl concerened le3chers.