Tabular Processing

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  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


    gfj;k.kk xzkeh.k cSad(Hkkjr ljdkj dk mie)

    iz0 dk0] utnhd ctjax ou] nsgyh jksM] jksgrd !" 00n#jHkk$k: 01262-256418, 252622 %S&l: 01262- 271206

    oSclk'() *+ Email : [email protected]

    Chairman Sir, Date: 03.09.2013

    Reg: Regular Inspection and Audit Report as at 13.08.2011 of ranch !ffice "andi Adampur.

    The gist of outstanding iegu!aities of a"o#e e$ot %as sent to &h. '.&. Dhu!! " %a of Ta"u!a ofo*a #ide !ette dated 10.05.2013(+!ag ) %ith an ad#ise to su"*it his o**ents %ithin a $eiod of 03 das fo* the date of eei$t of the !ette fo!!o%ed " e*inde dated12.06.2013 and #aious te!e$honi e*indes (02 fo* /enea! anage, 10 fo* hief anage and 05 fo* &enio anage).. Theegiona! anage, isa %as a!so si*u!taneous! ad#ised to fo!!o%-u$ the *atte %ith &h. Dhu!! #ide ou !ette dated 10.05.2013. egiona!ffie, isa a!so fo!!o%ed u$ the *atte %ith &h. Dhu!! #ide e*indes dated 06.06.2013 and 12.06.2013 (02 !ettes) a$at fo* #aious#e"a! e*indes.

    n e$! to !ette dated 12.06.2013 (+!ag ), &h. Dhu!! su"*itted his e$! #ide !ette dated 12.06.2013 (+!ag ), ho%e#e, he has notsu"*itted e$! to s$eifi iegu!aities *entioned in the ta"u!a $ofo*a. The iegu!aities %hih %ee etified ha#e "een do$$ed andthe detai!s of outstanding iegu!aities, e$! of &h. Dhu!! and eo**endations of , isa ae a$$ended "e!o% in ta"u!ated fo*at:

    $$endi , te* o. 39

    #IR Item$o.

    $ature of irregularities Comments of %rring !fficial Recommendation ofRegional "anager, &isar

    1 2. n o. 238, *utation is in the na*e of &/ insteadof /.7. n o. 250, !and of he%at o. 7662, hatoni o. 116

    is *otgaged to ;and De#e!o$*ent an< (a*ount =*easue*ent of !and not *entioned), these detai!s ae notin!uded in the of "oo%e.

    1. t is a *atte of !aifiation%hih e>uie to e$! the ta"u!a$ofo*a and it is not a *atte of


    2. Ta"u!a $ofo*a of dated22.10.12 andi da*$u isa!ead se#edissued on the"#asis of dated 17.06.09 and %as tansfeed fo* ..

    da*$u as on 24.06.09.

    ?ide !ette dated 12.06.2013(+!ag D) &h. Dhu!! %as ad#isedas unde, in es$onse to his

    e$! *entioned a!ongside:

    @'ou ae ad#ised to su"*it oue$!o**ents on the ta"u!a$ofo*a itse!f fo on%adsu"*ission to .. 'ou *ae$ess ou #ie%s in the$esi"ed o!u*n of ta"u!a$ofo*a and ensue that no

    5 () agin *one has not "een ta

  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


    3. !ease $o#ide *e o$ies of!ettes aoding to %hih ite*%ee do$$ed " . andi

    da*$u is on !ea#e, %ho assued*e to $o#ide the sa*e as and%hen hAe Aoin his duties.

    4. te*s ino$oated in hage-sheet dated 26.05.12 ae a!so

    e$eated in this ta"u!a %hihneeds etifiatenoetion.

    5. te*s in!uded in $e#iousta"u!a $ofo*a ae againe$eated and ino$oated in thista"u!a $ofo*a a!so %hih is*ee! a e$etition. f these %ongenties ae not oeted at thisstage, than it %ou!d "eo*e too!ate.

    6. Bhene#e, an ta"u!a$ofo*a is $!aed "efoe higheauthoities fo an $atiu!a"anh, a!! the ite*s ae #ie%edand onsideed fo so*eneessa ation.

    7. Cn>ui is a!ead ondutedon the hage sheet dated26.05.12 in %hih these ite*s%ee in!uded and again

    ino$oated in ta"u!a no%.

    8. one again e>uest to ougoodse!f to $o#ide *e thee>uied !etteseods and$!ease get it oeted fist. +oinfo*ation, eods andneessa ation, $!ease.

    futhe oes$ondene in thisegad %i!! "e entetained.

    Be ad#ise ou to e$! theta"u!a !ette !atest "13.06.2013 " 04.00$.*. fai!ing%hih the *atte %i!! "e efeedto .. fo futhe neessaation.@

    ?ide !ette dated 19.06.2013(+!ag C), egiona! anage,isa has su"*itted hiseo**endations, %hih ae asunde:

    @Be info* ou that des$ite ofou e$eated #e"a! and %ittene*indes to &h. '.&. Dhu!!, &h.'.&. Dhu!! has not su"*ittede$! ti!! date. t is futhe statedthat . '.&. Dhu!! has #isited

    da*$u "anh fou ti*es inthis ontet and e#en then hehas not su"*itted his e$!.ene, %e ae una"!e to gi#ean o**ents on the saidta"u!a. Be e>uest to ougoodse!f to tauate esoues o ino*e soue and his o%naounts ae unning iegu!a, sti!! he has "een *ade guaanto info!!o%ing !oan aounts:

    o. a*e ti#it *t. d#.(s. in;a

  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


    / 21.03.09 25000 2500013D &h. gasen, *entioned at 13 a"o#e is not ha#ing ade>uate esoues

    o ino*e and his o%n aounts ae unning iegu!a sti!! he has "een*ade guaanto in fo!!o%ing aounts:

    o. a*e ti#it *t. d#.(s. in ;a

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    25.09.08 and s. 5.60 !a

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    eod.(g). esidentia! $oof is not on eod.

    o. 105(a). no*e $oof is not on eod.("). ge $oof is not on eod.(e). i!!s ha#e not "een ta

  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


    o. 128("). e#enue eod of seuit of 624 shae of tota! !and 0214 ineh%at o. 409, hatoni o. 624 is not on eod.(e). no*e $oof is not on eod.(f). i!!s ha#e not "een ta

  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


    of s. 86000- on 13.03.09 #ide sa!e deed 3567 dated 13.03.09 fo*he%at o. 839, hatoni o. 1600-1602, the e#a!uation of %hih has "eensho%n as s. 6.0 !a

  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


    onsideing the ga#it of the *atte, eo**endations of egiona! anage, isa and to safeguad the inteest of the an

  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


    gfj;k.kk xzkeh.k cSad(Hkkjr ljdkj dk mie)

    iz0 dk0] utnhd ctjax ou] nsgyh jksM] jksgrd !" 00n#jHkk$k: 01262-256418, 252622 %S&l: 01262- 271206

    oSclk'() *+ Email : [email protected]'ate: 11.0+.2013

    Chairman Sir,

    Reg: Regular Inspection Reports RIR- of ranch !ffice ateha)ad as at 1/.10.2011.

    The outstanding iegu!aities of a"o#e e$ot %ee sent to &h. .&. Tan

  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


    &. anage hief anage /enea! anage

  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


    gfj;k.kk xzkeh.k cSad(Hkkjr ljdkj dk mie)

    iz0 dk0] utnhd ctjax ou] nsgyh jksM] jksgrd !" 00n#jHkk$k: 01262-256418, 252622 %S&l: 01262- 271206

    oSclk'() *+ Email : [email protected]

    Chairman Sir, Date: 03.09.2013

    Reg: Regular Inspection and Audit Report as at 1.01.2012 of ranch !ffice Charhi 'adri R-.

    The gist of outstanding iegu!aities of a"o#e e$ot %as sent to &h. J.&. haha, &. anage (unde sus$ension) " %a of Ta"u!a ofo*a #ide!ette dated 26.03.2013 (+!ag ) %ith an ad#ise to su"*it his o**ents %ithin a $eiod of 03 das fo* the date of eei$t of the !ette fo!!o%ed "e*indes dated 09.04.2013, 20.04.2013 and 01.05.2013. The iegu!aities %hih %ee etified ha#e "een do$$ed and the detai!s of outstandingiegu!aities ae a$$ended "e!o%:

    Item $o. $ature of irregularities

    44(f) ofo*a (C) fo* e*$!oe not o"tained in -13487.

    45 The fo!!o%ing !oans ha#e "een santioned "eond #ested $o%es i.e. fo santioning a !i*it of s. 1.5 !a

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    -4779 03.02.06 -5556 02.10.06 87-1554 19.08.11 87-1590 02.07.11

    -6166 20.02.07 -6218 25.02.07 87-1624 26.01.09 87-1633 03.02.09

    -6865 02.09.10 -6962 09.09.10 87-1651 25.06.09 87-1688 13.08.09

    -8146 19.10.11 -8304 05.12.08 87-1776 02.02.10 87-1828 15.08.10

    -8599 13.10.11 -8739 17.02.09 87-1837 24.08.10 87-1846 16.09.10

    -8988 04.06.09 -9400 26.10.09 87-1916 21.01.11 87-1925 17.02.11

    -9659 23.01.10 -9668 29.01.10 87-1934 19.02.11 87-1943 17.10.11

    -9695 16.02.10 -9710 22.02.10 -162 23.04.02 -1411 13.02.04

    -9729 26.02.10 -9738 05.03.10 -6489 22.10.07 -6504 15.07.10

    -9783 02.04.10 -9880 29.06.10 -6513 29.10.10 -6601 08.03.08-9978 13.09.10 -9987 19.09.10 -6629 26.02.11 -6762 03.07.08

    -10055 03.12.10 -10259 10.04.11 -6788 24.07.11 -6805 09.08.11

    -10286 03.07.11 -10310 20.08.11 -6850 22.09.08 -6896 01.10.11

    -10374 17.09.11 -12035 21.02.09 -7044 29.01.09 -7196 11.10.09

    -12257 25.12.10 -12293 14.01.11 -7293 23.01.10 -7327 19.02.10

    -12327 19.02.11 -12345 12.03.11 -7372 11.06.10 -7381 29.06.10

    -12406 26.08.11 -12424 23.10.11 -7390 29.06.10 -7406 19.08.10

    -92 19.01.2000 -10240 02.04.11 -7415 10.09.10 -7424 04.10.10

    -11267 10.02.12 87-87 01.03.07 -7442 05.11.10 -7460 16.11.10

    87-14 26.02.07 87-32 26.02.07 -7558 10.06.11 -7503 06.12.10

    87-126 02.03.07 87-135 02.03.07 -7521 26.03.11 93-2101 29.08.1187-144 02.03.07 87-162 03.03.07 87-755 09.09.10 87-791 19.09.07

    87-171 03.03.07 87-223 04.03.07 87-807 20.09.07 87-816 20.09.07

    87-250 05.03.07 87-311 09.03.07 87-825 23.09.07 87-834 23.09.07

    87-348 17.03.07 87-366 22.03.07 87-898 06.10.07 87-977 17.10.07

    87-384 29.03.07 87-393 12.04.07 87-1013 28.10.07 87-1068 14.03.08

    87-472 30.05.07 87-490 09.07.07 87-1086 13.05.08 87-1110 14.07.08

    87-506 11.07.07 87-542 14.05.10 87-1165 26.07.08 87-1174 26.07.08

    87-560 26.07.07 87-588 15.08.07 87-1183 26.07.08 87-1235 29.07.08

    87-603 15.08.10 87-667 06.09.07 87-728 12.09.07 87-746 12.04.10

    87-676 07.08.10 87-700 19.07.10 93-2077 03.10.10

    59 ;i*itation %as going to e$ie in -11267 %ithin net 6 *onths as on date of ins$etion.

    80 ii) J not o"tained in /-272.#i) n#oie of &ida uto*o"i!e (ana!) of s.639000- and $a*ent a!so *ade in fa#ou of the sa*e on 19.03.10 "ut "i!! of s/iaA oto #t. ;td. /ugaon, %hih is $otheated to o. /-270.) d#ane he>ue not o"tained in /-268,269,272, 273, 275.

    81(a) i!! not o"tained in 680, 682, 678.

    88 a) oo%es signatue not o"tained on a$$!iation in 87-2137 and agee*ent in 87-2119.) n :J;/-87-2155 to 2182, 2207 to 2234 fo!!o%ing dou*ents ae "!an

  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


    (i) nte-se agee*ent "!an< and unattested.(ii) J;/ agee*ent.(iii) eso!ution of fo*ing J;/ and a#ai!ing edit fai!it fo* "an< not got o"tained.

    89 a) n o. J-156: i) onsideation #ouhe not signed " guadian. ii) eei$t of s. 174000- not o"tained. iii) d*ission etifiate issued " institute is in fa#ou of daughte "ut dou*ents eeuted ae as son. i#) Kua!ifing ea*ination dou*ents not o"tained.

    ") eei$t of fo!!o%ing fees $aid to institute ae not o"tained: i) s. 171250- dated 21.07.10 in J-183. ii) s. 12650- dated 07.12.10 in J-192. iii) s. 14750- dated 14.07.10 in J-226. i#) s. 42000- dated 14.07.10 in J-235.

    ) eei$t of fees $aid in ash " student not o"tained in J- 183.d) gee*ent is not signed " student in J-192.e) egistation o a$$o#a! of institute is not in eod in J-226, 235.f) +ees $aid in ash of fist insta!!*ent "ut eei$t of the sa*e not o"tained in J-226, 235.

    106 anh anage *ust ensue that de$osit #ouhe is signed " the "oo%e in aounts %hee#e !i*itation has "een etended onthe "asis of de$osit #ouhes.

    A##%$'I4 5C6

    1 no*e of CD. JhaAAa and ansi has "een edited to one aount on! and the eod has "een $e$aed " !u""ing "othshe*es.

    onsideing the ga#it of the *atte and to safeguad the inteest of the an

  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


    gfj;k.kk xzkeh.k cSad(Hkkjr ljdkj dk mie)

    iz0 dk0] utnhd ctjax ou] nsgyh jksM] jksgrd !" 00n#jHkk$k: 01262-256418, 252622 %S&l: 01262- 271206

    oSclk'() *+ Email : [email protected]

    Chairman Sir, Date: 07.09.2013

    Reg: Regular Inspection and Audit Report as at 13.08.2011 of ranch !ffice "andi Adampur.

    fe% of the seious iegu!aities of a"o#e e$ot ha#e a!ead "een su"*itted to D setion and the iegu!aities %hih %ee etifiedha#e "een do$$ed. The gist of e*aining outstanding iegu!aities of the e$ot %as sent to &h. '.&. Dhu!! " %a of Ta"u!a ofo*a#ide !ette dated 10.05.2013 (+!ag ) %ith an ad#ise to su"*it his o**ents %ithin a $eiod of 03 das fo* the date of eei$t of the !ettefo!!o%ed " e*inde dated 12.06.2013 and #aious te!e$honi e*indes (01 fo* /enea! anage and 10 fo* hief anage).

    The egiona! anage, isa %as a!so si*u!taneous! ad#ised to fo!!o%-u$ the *atte %ith &h. Dhu!! #ide ou !ette dated 10.05.2013.egiona! ffie, isa a!so fo!!o%ed u$ the *atte %ith &h. Dhu!! #ide e*indes dated 06.06.2013 and 12.06.2013 (02 !ettes) a$at fo*

    #aious #e"a! e*indes.

    n es$osnse to !ette dated 12.06.2013 (+!ag ), &h. Dhu!! su"*itted his e$! #ide !ette dated 12.06.2013 (+!ag ), ho%e#e, he hasnot su"*itted e$! to s$eifi iegu!aities *entioned in the ta"u!a $ofo*a. The detai!s of outstanding iegu!aities andeo**endations of , isa ae a$$ended "e!o% in ta"u!ated fo*at:


    Item $o. $ature of irregularities Recommendationof Regional"anager, &isar

    1 2. n o. 238, *utation is in the na*e of &/ instead of /.7. n o. 250, !and of he%at o. 7662, hatoni o. 116 is *otgaged to ;andDe#e!o$*ent an< (a*ount = *easue*ent of !and not *entioned), these detai!s ae notin!uded in the of "oo%e.

    Des$ite of oue$eated #e"a! and%itten e*indes to&h. '.&. Dhu!!, &h.'.&. Dhu!! has notsu"*itted e$! ti!!date. t is futhe

    5 () agin *one has not "een ta

  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


    stated that . '.&.Dhu!! has #isited

    da*$u "anh fouti*es in this ontetand e#en then he hasnot su"*itted hise$!. ene, %e aeuna"!e to gi#e ano**ents on the

    said ta"u!a. Bee>uest to ougoodse!f to tauateesoues o ino*e soue and his o%n aounts ae unning iegu!a, sti!! he has "een *ade guaanto info!!o%ing !oan aounts:

    o. a*e ti#it *t. d#. (s. in ;a

  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


    o. a*e ti#it *t. d#. (s. in ;a

  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


    o. 94(d). i!!s ha#e not "een ta

  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


    o. 111(). i!!s ha#e not "een ta

  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


    o. 154("). i!!s ha#e not "een tauied.(e). no*e $oof is not on eod.(f). esidene $oof is not on eod.

    o. 159("). i!!s ha#e not "een ta

  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


    gfj;k.kk xzkeh.k cSad(Hkkjr ljdkj dk mie)

    iz0 dk0] utnhd ctjax ou] nsgyh jksM] jksgrd !" 00n#jHkk$k: 01262-256418, 252622 %S&l: 01262- 271206

    oSclk'() *+ Email : [email protected]

    Chairman Sir, Date: 07.09.2013

    Reg: Regular Inspection and Audit Report as at 28.12.2011 of ranch !ffice Ar*a $agar.

    fe% of the seious iegu!aities of a"o#e e$ot ha#e a!ead "een su"*itted to D setion and the iegu!aities %hih %ee etified ha#e "een do$$ed. The gist ofe*aining outstanding iegu!aities of the e$ot %as sent to &h. '.&. Dhu!! " %a of Ta"u!a ofo*a #ide !ette dated 30.03.2012 and 25.03.2013 (+!ag = es$eti#e!) %ith an ad#ise to su"*it his o**ents %ithin a $eiod of 03 das fo* the date of eei$t of the !ette.

    The detai!s of outstanding iegu!aities, e$! of &h. Dhu!! and e*auied in 88-1142,1151,1152.

    . 88-1159, 1160, 1162 o*$!ete.+. 88-1160 santioned on 18.10.11,no 2nd an as on date./. 2nd an o anage signed in88-1134 to 88-1162, %hee#ee>uied.? = B. o e$!

    . dont onfi*.+. dont agee./. dont onfi*.

    ? = B. o o**ents.

    25(/) utting on #ouhe is not attested in . 1155. o o**ents. o o**ents.

    26 /. esidene $oof not ta

  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


    35 , ,/. 546, he>ue de$osit !ette, h$otheation !ette and 420 aeino*$!ete in #ehi!e !oan 8.D. Bitnessaddess of %itness is e>uied on guaantee in 8.

    o o**ents


    o o**ents.

    36 +o!!o%ing dou*ents ha#e not "een tauied.

    . /uaantos o*$!eted.

    . o o**ents.. o o**ents.

    . ;ette of intodution $!aed in !oanfi!es.. &a!a $atiu!a a#ai!a"!e.K. &a!a $atiu!as a#ai!a"!ese$aate!.

    C. ddess in dou*ents dont*ath %ith that in !oan a$$!iations.+. o o**ents e>uied.

    . atiu!as of guaantee in ae inoet and "ase!ess.. o o**ents.. o o**ents.. ;o of fe% o-"oo%es $!aedno% in fi!es "ut addess and

    identities ae non-onfi*a"!e asthee is no hoto on a$$!iation.ddesses ae inoet andoino*$!ete.. 1, 2 not a#ai!a"!e in fi!es.K. o o**ents.

    42 +o!!o%ing dou*ents ae ino*$!ete:. nneue D546 in 374238,247,256, 265,274, 283, 292, 308,317,326,344,353,362, 371.. in 374238, 247 (anage signatues a!so e>uied in theseaounts), 256, 265, 274,353,362,371 (2nd *an signatues a!so e>uiedin these aounts),283,292, 308, 317, 326, 344.

    C. ffida#it in 374238, 247.+. Bitness is e>uied on guaantee in 374238,247,256, 265,274,283,292, 308, 317, 326, 344,353,362,371./. /uaantee in 374308, 326.. he>ues in 374238, 247, 256, 274, 326, 371.

    . o o**ents.. o*$!eted. anage signedon 238,247,256,274, nd *an %ase!ie#ed, o nd *an %as thee on23.09.11.

    C. o o**ents.+. Bitness o"tained./. /uaantee o*$!eted.

    . o o**ents.

    . o o**ents.. +igues in ae "ase!ess.

    C. o o**ents.+. Bitness is sti!! e>uiedino*$!ete./. /uaantee not o*$!eted in -374308, 326.. !! he>ues ae "!an

  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


    374256, 274,283,292, 308, 317, 326, 344, 353, 371.. ?ouhe is not signed " a!! "oo%es in 374256, 274.D. ?ouhes ae $assed " seond *an in 374238, 247.. Bh "oo%es ae tauie*ent %as not *et indi#idua!!, if e!igi"!e, and ho% t%oonsu*e !oans an "e gi#enM

    . s nneue not on! ontains "oo%eguaanto sa!a $atiu!as"ut a!so ontains so*e i*$otant $atiu!as suh as atua!! in se#ie,

    date of etie*ent, dedutions fo* sa!a fo onsideing 50E ta

    J. !! "noo%es &+ ho!de in ou"anues ha#e"een o"tained %hih a!ong %ith intent to de$osit !ette ae ino*$!ete in 19,20,21,22,23,24,25.B. oo%es na*e is not in guaantee. onsent to gi#e guaantee is notgi#en as $e a$$!iation. ene, it is no guaantee in 19,20,21(oneguaantee in these aounts), 23,24,25.N. T%o o$tions i.e. $uhase of $!ot and f!at ha#e "een tiuied as $e ;= i 0207.J. a*ent though &+ s.. agin *one uti!iLed.?. 20 he>ues a#ai!a"!e in o. 19to 25.B. 19,20,21 - no guaantee

    24-3 guaanto, 23, 25-neguaanto.N. f!at is %itten %hih *eansousing oad aana +!at.

    1. o o**ents.

    /. o o**ents e>uied.

    J. o o**ents e>uied.. agin *one uti!iLation notensued.?. 20 he>ues ("!anuied.

    1. o o**ents.

    48 n -17 of /u!a" &ingh fo s. 700000-: agin *one uti!iLation etifiate on etifiate is on eod.

  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


    +. agin *one uti!iLation is not ensued. eod. agin *one uti!iLed$o$e! as onstution o*$!eted.ouse is nea" "an< "ui!ding.

    50(") n J-79 utting on agee*ent is not attested. Thee is no utting o#e-%iting. o o**ents e>uied.

    51 n -18:+. 10 he>ues ae gi#en " guaanto %hih ae ino*$!ete and !ette ofintent of de$ositing the sa*e is not gi#en.

    /. agin *one uti!iLation is not ensued.

    +. he>ues ae %itten in hand%itingof guaanto sho%ing na*e of"oo%e fo %hih he>ue ae gi#en.&e#es $u$ose of intent of de$osit ofhe>ue./. o o**ents.

    +. .. to deide a"out thee>uie*ent of !ette of intent.

    /. o o**ents.

    54 D. +o* dou*ents i t a$$eas that in so*e ases ight"oo%eguaanto had not signed the dou*ents at ti*e of ad#ane,es$eia!! in ase of De#ende & &u"e &ingh, De#ende & &adhu and&uesh & JogaA. e-signing the dou*ents afte !ast o"se#ation adds*oe to dou"t. *$esonation in othe aounts is not u!ed out as *anof "oo%es and se!!es did not tun into "anh. Bho eei#ed the$a*ents is a!so a >uestion.

    C. an housing !oans ha#e "een gi#en to one $eson as "oo%eo-"oo%e. ;i*it $e "oo%e a!so stands ossed.

    D. De#ende & &u"e &ingh #isited"anh on 19.04.13 and signed !ette in $esene of , .. aaga in 214, -241 and 374274. &ignatue on !ette ta!!ied%ith !oan dou*ents. &uesh &JogaA &ingh signed !ette in$esene of . &ignatue of !ette ta!!ied %ith !oan dou*ents.D $hoto suh as $hoto D ad, D;, ad, oigina! tit!e deedsa#ai!a"!e in !oan fi!e. De#ende &&adhu #isited .. on 06.05.13 and

    signed !ette.

    C. ;i*it $e "oo%e not ossed as"oo%e o-"oo%e.

    *$esonation is not u!ed out. Bhoeei#ed the $a*ent is a!so a>uestion.

    C. ;i*it $e "oo%e has "eenossed.

    55 n the tansations of ou $esona! aounts:. an DaftsTs ha#e "een egu!a! issued fo a$$!iations of $!< o**ission "eing staff has not "een haged.. an

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    &enio anage hief anage /enea! anage

    gfj;k.kk xzkeh.k cSad(Hkkjr ljdkj dk mie)

    iz0 dk0] utnhd ctjax ou] nsgyh jksM] jksgrd !" 00n#jHkk$k: 01262-256418, 252622 %S&l: 01262- 271206

    oSclk'() *+ Email : [email protected]

    Chairman Sir, Date: 07.09.2013

    Reg: Regular Inspection and Audit Report as at 0+.11.2011 of ranch !ffice 'C &isar.

    fe% of the seious iegu!aities of a"o#e e$ot ha#e a!ead "een su"*itted to D setion and the iegu!aities %hih %ee etified ha#e "een do$$ed. The gist ofe*aining outstanding iegu!aities of the e$ot %as sent to &h. '.&. Dhu!! " %a of Ta"u!a ofo*a #ide !ette dated 25.03.2013 (+!ag ) %ith an ad#ise to su"*ithis o**ents %ithin a $eiod of 03 das fo* the date of eei$t of the !ette.

    The detai!s of outstanding iegu!aities, e$! of &h. Dhu!! and e*auied.

    egu!ait not e*o#ed.

    6 nneue has not "een o"tained in aount nu*"e - 5525. 60 !oose he>ue a#ai!a"!e andagiu!tue !and *otgaged in 5525.

    nneue not a#ai!a"!e in 5525.

    8 n -5233 signatue of DD ae not thee on nneue . &e$aate etifiate as $e nneue sho%ing sa!a $atiu!adedutions a#ai!a"!e in !oan fi!e.

    T a#ai!a"!e "ut nneue nota#ai!a"!e.

    9 (10) / 546 is ino*$!ete in 546. o o**ents o o**ents.

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    9 () n housing !oans, the fo!!o%ing dou*ents ha#e not "een o"tained:1. Thid $at $a*ent in 519,521,512,523,520,518,522,516,528, 510.5. igina! eei$t of $a*ent in 519,521,512,523, 510.6. De!aation (nneue ?) in 519,521,512,523,520,518,522,516,528,510.9. on 282 in 519 (one guaanto).

    10. oo%es in 522.

    11. oo%es on 282 in 519,521,512,520,518.

    13. ndeta10. o*$!eted.

    11. on house !oan "oo

    13. o e$!.

    15. /15 T 2009-10, 10-11a#ai!a"!e in !oan fi!e.16. T&a!a $atiu!a a#ai!a"!e in!oan fi!e.17. atiu!as of "oth "oo%es aegi#en in ouse !oan "oo

    1. ot $aid thid $at $a*ent "uta*t. edited in &+ of se!!e.5. eei$t not on eod.6. De!aation not on eod.

    9. ot ta

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    11. ;ette of intodution in 590,591,593,595,597,598,599,603. 11. !! ae &+ ho!de. intodued.

    11. nneue not e>uied.

    15 () n fo!!o%ing onsu*e !oan aounts, dou*ents *entioned against eahae ino*$!ete:1. $$!iation in 595, 603.4. nneue D546 in 607.10. he>ues in 595.11. he>ue de$osit !ette in 595.

    1. $$!iation o*$!eted in 595, 603.4. nneue o*$!eted in 607.10. he>ues a#ai!a"!e.11. Do$$ed #ide !ette dated25.03.13.

    1. $$!iation ino*$!ete in 595.4. o o**ents a"out 607.10 = 11. eedfu! done. (uttingnot authentiated " ).

    17 () n fo!!o%ing aounts, dou*ents as *entioned against eah ae

    ino*$!ete:6. in 88-216.

    o*$!eted in 216. ot o**ented.

    17 (D) n fo!!o%ing aounts, dou*ents *entioned against eah ha#e not"een o"tained.1. ;ette of intodution in 212,202,206,216.8. &antion !ette in 196 to 216.9. nneue in 200.10. oof of esidene in 215.11. ffida#it in 202, 211, 213("oo%e signatues ae e>uied), 200("oo%es signatues ae e>uied).

    1. &+ ho!de.8. &antion on eod.9. nneue o*$!eted in 200.10. ntodued " staff. onfi* theesidene is in isa.11. ffida#its not e>uied.

    1. ntodution not $oued in a!!these aounts.8. ot $oued in a!! these s.9. ot o"tained in 200.10. ot o"tained.11. ot $oued in 200,202,211.

    19 n fo! !o%ing #ehi!e !oan aounts, dou*ents *entioned against eahha#e not "een ta

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    35 Cnt e!ated to faud and othe nefaious *odus o$eandi found in "anhnot e$oted to . Detai!s of faud has a!so not "een gi#en.

    o suh enties %ee found at anstage.

    eod not a#ai!a"!e.

    63 eei$ts of fees not o"tained in fo!!o%ing Cduation !oan aounts:364,369,379,382,393,397,401,406,417,429,432,433,434,442,451,455,457,459,469,480,494.

    Cnd use stands #eified. Cnd use of !oan #eified " .

    64 onsideat ion #ouhes ae not signed " "oo%e in Cduation !oan 429, 433, 442 (dated 16.05.09).

    Cnd use #eified. 'es, not in eod "ut end use#eified " .

    66 n Cduation !oan 434 - !oan a*ount santioned s. 302000- "utdis"use*ent *ade fo s.319000-. Tota! !oan dis"used - 75000O85100O 70000O58100O31000P319000. eei$t of s. 75000-, 85100-,

    70000- not o"tained.

    *ount dis"used s.291100- utstanding s. 3168-. !ease do$ the*atte.

    Dis"used a*ount in this ase iss. 291100- i.e. %ithin !i*it.

    onsideing the ga#it of the *atte and to safeguad the inteest of the an

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    IRR%9ARI;I%S ! S%RI!S $A;R% I$S#%C;I!$ R%#!R;

    02.03.12 11133 -do-

    05.03.12 302 ost of statione.

    30.03.12 1790 -do-

    30.03.12 760 -do-

    30.03.12 600 ;a"ou hages fo %hite %ash.

    30.03.12 720

    05.03.12 1865 ost of net%o

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    10.11.09 ho%e#e, the s "a!ane as on 10.11.09%as s. 12978-. Theefoe, aount %as egu!a%hen the nd "uffa!o %as ad#aned.

    The Cing ffiia! has tied to *is!ead the authoities though *isinte$etation and su"*itting e$! %hih is de#oid of fats. onsideingthe ga#it of the *atte, eo**endations of egiona! ffie, isa and to safe guad "an

  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


    gfj;k.kk xzkeh.k cSad(Hkkjr ljdkj dk mie)

    iz0 dk0] utnhd ctjax ou] nsgyh jksM] jksgrd !" 00n#jHkk$k: 01262-256418, 252622 %S&l: 01262- 271206

    oSclk'() *+ Email : [email protected]

    Chairman Sir, 'ate: 13.0+.2013

    Reg: Regular Inspection Report RIR- of ranch !ffice >ui =hurd as at 22.03.2013.

    &h. D.?. /e%a!, anage %as ad#ised to su"*it his o**ents to a fe% of seious iegu!aities $ointed out in the a"o#e e$ot #ide ou!ette dated 28.05.2013 fo!!o%ed " e*indes dated 17.06.2013, 21.06.2013 and 23.07.2013 a$at fo* #aious te!e$honi e*indes. Thedetai!s of iegu!aities and e$! of the Cing ffiia! ae a$$ended "e!o% in ta"u!ated fo*at:

    Credit unctionItem $o. $ature of irregularities Comments of erring official1 ;oan of s. 15.25 !a

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  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


    34 hotoga$h not o"tained in 56 &+ aounts. m&r kkrs& a*$aign ds rgr Fkj Fkj tkdj kksys x1 kkrs gSa2 xkaoesa %ks)ks xzk%j dh l6foDkk ugha 4kh2 9r* m&r kkrksa esa okafGrnrkost3%ks)ks miyCDk u gksus rd kkrk la,kyu dh 9u6efr ugha nhtk1xh2

    The Cing ffiia! has su"*itted $at e$! of a fe% ie>u!aities %hih is not on#ining des$ite affoding a*$!e o$$otunit. onsideingthe ga#it of the *atte and to safe guad "an

  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


    gfj;k.kk xzkeh.k cSadiz0 dk0] utnhd ctjax ou] nsgyh jksM] jksgrd !" 00

    n#jHkk$k: 01262-256418, 252622 %S&l: 01262- 21206oSclk'() *+

    Email : [email protected]

    Chairman Sir, Date: 28.09.2013

    Reg: Regular Inspection Report of .!. #adla as at 30.0?.2012.

    The gist of outstanding iegu!aities of $$endi of a"o#e ins$etion e$ot %as sent to &h. & Ta!%a " %a of ta"u!a $ofo*a dated 30.03.13(+!ag ) fo etifiation. The detai!s of iegu!aities, e$! of Cing ffiia! and o**ents of $esent inu*"ent in-hage ae a$$ended "e!o% inta"u!ated fo*at:

    A##%$'I4 5A6

    Item $o. $ature of irregularities Comments of erringofficial

    Comments of presentincum)ent incharge

    Recommendationof Regional"anager, Am)ala

    !ur comments

    27 De*and !oan -12222dis"used on 11.01.06 fos.48000- against +D3102490014 dated 18.03.05 fo60 *onths. n *atuit on18.03.10, +D $oeeds %eenot edited in De*and ;oanand the sa*e %ee edited inD!oan on 13.10.2011 i.e. aftee$i of 18 *onths 25 das.utstanding "a!ane of s.6873- in De*and ;oan afteedit of +D $oeedsadAusted " de"iting no*enteest eaned on De*and!oan.

    De*and !oan %as duefo *atuit on 18.03.10e!ated to $eiod of &h.&at$a! nand. Bhen ita*e to * notie on13.10.11, !osed the on13.10.11 and eta inteesthaged %as e#esed as the*one %as %ith an< and

    e*ained outstandingdue to an< fau!t.

    The +D 3102490014 = 12222 %as due foadAust*ent on 18.03.10duing the inu*"en of&h. &at$a! nand %hoe*ained in the "anhu$to 08.02.11. &o thea*ount s. 6873- *a"e eo#eed fo* theCing ffiia!.

    The ite* is note!ated totenue of &h.& Ta!%a.

    Bho!e $oeeds ofthe +D in!udinginteest ha#e "eentansfeed to !oanaount and no etainteest has "een$aid on +D afte*atuit. s suh,thee is no !oss to the"an

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    of su"sid. has "een eeuted net ofsu"sid.

    su"sid. ;oan ad#anedon 30.11.11, the su"sid= *agin *one has"een adAusted on thedate of dis"use*ent andthe sste* has "eende"ited %ith net ofsu"sid on the date ofad#ane*ent.

    the !oan aount, the"an

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    7 n De"t &%a$ aounts:(#i ii ) o. -1812 isad#aned "eond $o%es as 88-17286 %assantioned " egiona! ffieon 09.09.10.

    #iii) -1812 done eanest!$esent nu*"ent nhage has"een e>uest to *o#e fo ationonfi*ation fo* *"a!a othe %i!! "e got !osed fo*"oo%e.

    #iii) !ease guidetion *a "e initiated. #iii) The !oan has "een

    santioned "eond$o%es sine the %as santioned "egiona! ffie.

    11 ;i*itation egiste of !oandou*ents is not *aintainedas $e instutions.

    ;i*itation %as e$ied innu*"e of ases " $e#iousnu*"ent nhage heneegiste ou!d not "e

    *aintained as $e instutions.o% it is "eing *aintained as$e instutions.

    Be ae enteing the sin the sste* no%.

    The ite* *a "edo$$ed.

    has not onfi*edthat !i*itation egiste isu$dated. t is %oth%hi!e to *ention that

    !i*itation in 88aounts is e$ied.

    12 !ettes ae not "eingo"tained as $e the$eiodiit $esi"ed " .

    s e$!ained in $oint 11, a !otof !ette %ee not o"tained" $e#ious nu*"entnhage, hene, $eiodiitou!d not "e *aintained. o%, o"tained and $eiodiit%i!! "e *aintained

    !ettes %i!! "eo"tained as $e$eiodiit $esi"ed " in futue.

    The ite* *a "edo$$ed.

    The e$! of C is nottena"!e as !i*itation in88 aounts is e$ied.

    15 ;oan dou*ent egiste isino*$!ete and !ettes aenot "eing enteed in it.

    !ettes ae not enteed in!oan dou*ent egiste in thisegion.

    Be ha#e stated enteings in the sste*.

    The ite* *a "edo$$ed.

    C has ad*itted the!a$se.

    19 o effots ha#e "een *adefo eo#e in aountsafte the $e#ious ins$etion.

    egu!a eo#e a*$aignae onduted to effeteo#e in .

    Be ha#e *ade $esona!ontats %ith the"oo%e in s =the esu!ts ae e$etedduing this eo#eseason (a"i).

    The ite* *a "edo$$ed.

    The e$! is not tena"!eas the $ogess ineo#eies is not#isi"!e, es$eia!! in.

    The egiona! anage, *"a!a #ide !ette dated 15.05.2013 (+!ag ) has eo**ended to initiate ation fo ite*s o. 7(#iii), 13, 18 and 20 of$$endi as $e an< no*s. The ha#e eo**ended to do$ ite*s o. 1(iii), 11,12,15 and 19. o%e#e, %e ae not in agee*ent %ith the sa*eand easons fo diffeene of o$inion ae *entioned against eah ite*.

    nothe ta"u!a $ofo*a dated 17.10.2012 (+!ag ) %as se#ed u$on Sh. S= ;al@arfo etain #e seious iegu!aities of $$endi of a"o#eins$etion e$ot. nitiation of D fo these iegu!aities %as eo**ended #ide note dated 08.03.2013 (+!ag D), %heein ou

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    and no !i*itation hase$ied #ide ou !ettedated 24.05.2012 %ithegad to te* o. 21 =22 of ns$etion e$otdated 18.10.11 %ithoutatua!! o"taining the !ettes. ene, gotthe ite* do$$ed onthe "asis of*ise$esentation offats.

    "anh. o% ha#e o*$!eteda!! !ettes.

    has a!so "een e$oted " $esent in hage ta

  • 8/12/2019 Tabular Processing


    gfj;k.kk xzkeh.k cSadiz0 dk0] utnhd ctjax ou] nsgyh jksM] jksgrd !" 00

    n#jHkk$k: 01262-256418, 252622 %S&l: 01262- 21206oSclk'() *+

    Email : [email protected]

    Chairman Sir, 'ate: 2.0+.2013

    Reg: inancing )e*ond (ested po@ers )* "s. &arshi "iglani at .!. Arnauli.

    ind! $euse note dated 07.06.2013 (+!ag ) %heein ou goodse!f had dieted to se#e a @&ho% ause otie@ u$on s. ashiig!ani fo santioning !oan aount a*ounting to s. 95.30 !a

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    &e#ie egu!ations, 2010.

    B, TCC+C, ou aehee" dieted to sho% ause as to%h disi$!ina ation shou!d not"e initiated against ou fo oua"o#e *isondut unde the$o#isions of aana /a*in an