Teaching Writing Using Popular Songs

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  • 7/30/2019 Teaching Writing Using Popular Songs


  • 7/30/2019 Teaching Writing Using Popular Songs








  • 7/30/2019 Teaching Writing Using Popular Songs



    First task- students listen to the song and

    try to immerse themselves into the

    situation sung in the lyrics.

    Secondly, students are asked to thinkabout a bad situation they themselves

    had experience.

    They are required to write down a short

    paragraph about what happened and how

    their friends helped them.

  • 7/30/2019 Teaching Writing Using Popular Songs


    (When?), I was unhappybecause (What?). My f riendhelped me by (How?). I know

    I can count on my f riendbecause (why?).

  • 7/30/2019 Teaching Writing Using Popular Songs


    Th e Bad Sit uat ion

    W he n? W hat ? H ow ?

    Last w eek Lo st m y purse Lent m e m o ney

    Last year Quarrel w it h fam ilym em ber s

    Consoled and adv ised m e

    Yest erd ay Failed m y exam i nat io n Ad vised . Co nd uct revisio n w i th m eo r t u t o r ed m e .

    Last n ight Invo lved in anaccident

    Took care of m e or v isi ted m e.

    Th is m o rn ing Pet d ied Conso led m e.

    A fo r t n ight ago Go t lost in a newplace

    Came a l l the w ay to he lp m e.

    Few years back Had self est eemprob lems

    Giv ing suppo r t by encouraging m e.

  • 7/30/2019 Teaching Writing Using Popular Songs


    W hy? Becau se, he / she

    Can keep secret s.

    Is som eon e I can t ru st .

    Gu ides m e w henever I need he lp .

    M akes m e sm ile .

    Accep ts m e fo r who I am .

    App reciate m e .

    A lw ays stand by m e.

    Understands m y needs.

    Give supp or t w hen I need i t .

  • 7/30/2019 Teaching Writing Using Popular Songs

    7/20Ex a m p l e

    La st y ea r , I w a s unha p p y

    b eca u se m y m oth er p a ssed

    a w a y. M y f r iend , JoAnne

    help ed m e by giv ing m e sup p ort

    a nd sitt ing b y m y sid e, si lent lycry ing w i th m e. I k now I ca n

    count on m y f r iend b eca u se no

    m a t t e r w h a t h a p p en ed , I ca n

    a lw a ys ca ll her a nd sha red m yp roblem s w ith her

  • 7/30/2019 Teaching Writing Using Popular Songs

    8/20Ex a m p l e

    Ba ck in yea r 20 0 8 when I joined t he

    prefect ca m p, I w a s unha pp y a s Iw a s sick a nd I spra ined m y a nk lew hen I fe ll dow n f rom the ta b le

    tw ice . M y f r iend helped m e by

    ta k in g ca re of m e an d p u t t in goin tm ent on m y a nk le . I k now I ca n

    count on m y friend b eca use shew ould a lw a ys be t here w hen I need

    help a nd she w ould a lw a ys ta k e ca reof me.

  • 7/30/2019 Teaching Writing Using Popular Songs


    Ex a m p l e

    La st n ight , I w a s unha p p yb eca u se I q u a rrelled w it hm y sist er. M y fr iend help edm e by com for t ing m e a nd

    t old m e jok es. I k now I ca ncount on m y f r iend b eca u seshe is t he one w ho a lw a yssta nd b y m e.

  • 7/30/2019 Teaching Writing Using Popular Songs





  • 7/30/2019 Teaching Writing Using Popular Songs


    Son g w i ll be p layed and st ud ent s are requi red t osing t he son g t hen lat er ref lect on i t .

    Brainst or m abou t f r iend ship. ( st ud ent s are f ree togive ideas on w hat f r iend ship m eans to t hem )

    St ud ent s w i ll be d ivided in to group s to pro ceed t ot he group task.


  • 7/30/2019 Teaching Writing Using Popular Songs


    Revise a l l th e t h ings t hat has been brainst or m ed.Point s t hat is no t re levant , can be cut ou t .

    Typ e o f Po et r y : Acrost ic PoemIt sim p ly m eans, t he FIRST lett er in each l ine can be

    read ver t ical ly to form a w ord .They can u se t he i r ow n nam e for exam ple, bu t in

    t h is task, th ere w i ll be g iven l im i tat ion s.

    Gro up t ask: Po et r y

  • 7/30/2019 Teaching Writing Using Popular Songs


    Each group has to com e ou t w i th TW O acrost ic po em .

    The w ord t hat can o nly be used by each group is FRIEND and also o ne o f t heir goo d f r iend s nam e.

    Exam ple: F Fo rever, lend ing m o ney,R Rem em ber, t hat I don t pay,

    I In t im es, you w i ll be poor,

    E Every t im e I need you ,

    N Never once you leave m e,D Dear Sten nia.

    Po em m ust be related t o t he t he m e, FRIENDSHIP.

    Inst ruct ions

  • 7/30/2019 Teaching Writing Using Popular Songs


    Exam ple b ased o n f r iend s nam e:S Som et h ing...

    U U n u su al

    S Secret ....A Ad o rab le

    N Nice

  • 7/30/2019 Teaching Writing Using Popular Songs


    Line 1 : For ever d ream ing, ( I dr eam ed) Line 2 : Rem em ber ing w ho ?, (a f r iend s nam e) Line 3 : In w her e?, (nam e a place etc.) Line 4 : act ion Line 5 : how it w as don e

    This t ype of po em a lso kno w n as W ing spa rk. Itfo l low s a speci f ic pat t ern .

    How to develop t he poem ?

  • 7/30/2019 Teaching Writing Using Popular Songs


    Acro st ic Poe m


    Im por tance o fw ord choice.

    Im proved in th easpect of accuracy.

    St ude nt s are ableto constr uctsentences.

    Im por tance in thew r i t ing on pur posecan be st ressed.

  • 7/30/2019 Teaching Writing Using Popular Songs


    Cho ice of w ord s


    Sent ence st ru ct ure Format

    Text re lat ion t o t he t op ic

    Presenta t ion o f w ork

    Part icipat ion in gro u p d iscu ssion

    Evaluat ion Schem e

  • 7/30/2019 Teaching Writing Using Popular Songs







  • 7/30/2019 Teaching Writing Using Popular Songs


    The Lesson PlanStage Activity and content Rationale

    Set induction

    (5 minutes)

    1. Teacher makes a quick overview of what the studentshave learnt in the previous lesson.

    2. Students are then asked whether they really have theability to write a topic sentence and a complete paragraph.

    To make a review of what the studentshave learnt and to direct students to

    the topic.

    Presentation(1 0 minutes)

    1. Teacher will then distribute the song lyrics to the studentsfor each.

    2. The song will play through the radio while the studentsare told to listen attentively and sing along.

    3. Teacher will ask the students to state their view on thestory, meaning and theme of the song.

    4. After that, teacher will come out with a topic sentenceand a complete paragraph by follow the theme of the song.

    5. Teacher will also explain the use of some thephrases/words highlighted within the lyrics.

    Teacher and students work together toknow the right way to write a completeparagraph (joint-construction).


    (1 5 minutes)

    1. Teacher will divide the students into groups.2. Teacher will distribute the handouts for the song lyrics toeach groups.3. The song will play through the radio and the students aretold to listen and sing along.

    4. A suitable topic will be given by the teacher which relatedto the theme of the song.5. Each group will develop only one paragraph with a topicsentence according to the topic given. They may use thephrases/words highlighted to complete their own paragraph.

    Students are told to work collaboratively in order to help themgenerate more points.This also helps to build up theirconfidence before they are required to

    write independently.

    Closure(1 0 minutes)

    1. Teacher asks students have they have learnt from thelesson.2. Explain the moral value of being cooperation, friendshipand reliable.

    To make an overview of what thestudents have learnt and also to instillmoral value.

  • 7/30/2019 Teaching Writing Using Popular Songs


    Suggested answer :

    *BOLD PHRASES/ WORDSare phrases/words taken from

    the lyric.

    I have a friend who is reliable. I can always count on him wheneverIm in need. He always helps me no matter what kind of problems Iface. He is always the light to guide me when I am wrong.