tekanan dan personaliti

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  • 7/30/2019 tekanan dan personaliti



  • 7/30/2019 tekanan dan personaliti


    Emotional & Intellectual Basis ofStress

    Apakah asas biologi bagi emosi?

    Apakah peranan emosi dalam tekanan?

    Adakah perasaan negatif sama dengantekanan?

    Apakah peranan kata hati dalam

    tekanan?Bagaimanakah budaya melihat peranan

    emosi dalam tekanan?

  • 7/30/2019 tekanan dan personaliti


    Apakah peranan emosi dalam tekanan?

    Emosi negatif adalah bukan tekanan

    walaupun sering dikaitkan dengan tekanan

    Emosi yang negatif boleh mencetus tekanan

    sekiranya dilihat sebagai ancaman yangtidak boleh ditangani

    Emosi boleh menjadi sebahagian dari tindak

    balas terhadap tekananEmosi boleh memarakkan dan mengekalkan

    tindak balas tekanan melalui rumination

  • 7/30/2019 tekanan dan personaliti


    Tekanan, emosi & kata hati (inner

    dialogue)Lazarus: penilaian kognitif terhadap

    mengakibatkan tekanan akan membawa

    kepada tekanan emosimarah


    iri hati


    Emosi ini dikatakan berkait dengan kata hati

    yang negatif

  • 7/30/2019 tekanan dan personaliti


    Tekanan, emosi & kata hati (inner

    dialogue)Kata hati ini memberi tahu bagaimana harus

    atau mesti bertindak

    Selalunya reaksi yang berlaku adalah negatifdan tidak sihat

    Menjadi halangan untuk menangani situasi

    dengan lebihImplikasi:

    tukar kata hati supaya lebih positif

  • 7/30/2019 tekanan dan personaliti


    Bagaimana orang Jepun melihat

    peranan emosi dalam tekananBudaya mempunyai kesan yang dramatik terhadap emosi

    dan bagaimana harus bertindak terhadapnya

    MORITA THERAPY: the 5 principles of feelings D. K.Reynolds

    1. Feelings are not controllable by the will

    2. Feelings must be recognized and accepted as is3. Every feeling, however unpleasant, has its uses4. Feelings fade in time unless they are re-stimulated5. Feelings can be indirectly influenced by behavior

  • 7/30/2019 tekanan dan personaliti



  • 7/30/2019 tekanan dan personaliti


    TYPE A Stress prone

    aggressive, competitive, hostile, easily angered, hard

    driving (2 things at once), time conscious, unable to

    relax, cynical, not generally anxious

    In response to stress:

    tightened facial muscles, gestures, grimacing, explosive

    speech, interrupt the interviewer, hurrying the pace

    increased risk for CHD & all other causes of premature

    death even when other risk factors are controlled

    Anger (state) & Hostility (trait) may be esp. important

  • 7/30/2019 tekanan dan personaliti



    *stress resistant:

    *opposite type A, relaxed, easy-going, experience

    fewer hassles than type A

    *Typically not as successful as type A, but many aresuccessful nevertheless

    *decreased risk of CHD, but if suffer heart attack, lesslikely to live why?

  • 7/30/2019 tekanan dan personaliti



    *stress prone:*Feel helpless, hopeless, give up, little or no emotional

    *response to stress, please others at their expense,


    *depressed, behavioral inertia

    *poor health: more likely to get cancer

    *Seligman:*helpless is learned so is optimism!

    *Interventions to increase optimism and decrease

    *Helplessness, facilitates treatment and cure

  • 7/30/2019 tekanan dan personaliti


    *Hardy Personality

    *stress resistant

    *Kobasa: studied business managers, supervisors, executives

    * compared high stress/high illness vs. high stress/lowillness

    *Hardy people thrive on pressure, characterized by the 3Cs

    *Commitment: actively involved in life, sense of purpose &meaning

    *Control:internal locus of control

    *Challenge:perceive change as challenge and welcome it,adapt

    *Hardy Social Support: a truly supportive social network

  • 7/30/2019 tekanan dan personaliti


    Irrational, Illogical Personality

    stress proneCharacterized as: evaluators, needy

    Do not perceive situations accurately because of

    should/must/ought, unrealistic expectations, and

    irrational beliefsELLIS (REBT): most stress stems from negative thoughts

    & irrational beliefs

    ABC Model: A = activating agent

    B = illogical beliefs

    C = consequences bio psychosocial

    A + B = C

  • 7/30/2019 tekanan dan personaliti


    Role of Negative Self-talk

    Promotes more stress and inhibits copingNegative self-talk often targets the self

    Primary stressor: the initial trigger

    Secondary Stressor: negativeself-talk

    can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy and

    lower self esteem

  • 7/30/2019 tekanan dan personaliti


    Millons Model: 8 stress prone personality styles

    1. Aggressive: mistrust others, defensive, fear losing

    control, use anger, intimidation anddominance to retain control

    2. Narcissistic: self absorbed, think they are unique

    and special, lack empathy

    3. Histrionic: crave affection, constant stimulation

    interpersonal approval, flair for the


    4. Dependent: require high levels of support from

    others,passive, submissive, fear loss of

    support & rejection

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    5. Passive-Aggressive: ambivalent, negative, pessimistic,

    want independence but lack the skills to

    achieve it

    6. Compulsive: rigid, inflexible, maintain self-control

    will only behave in socially approved


    7. Avoidant: want social contact but remain a recluse

    because of extreme fear of rejection

    8. Schizoid: no desire for interpersonal contact,

    hypersensitive to social stimuli, fear

    interpersonal contact, lack social


  • 7/30/2019 tekanan dan personaliti


    The Intellectual Basis of Stress

    Albert Ellis: emphasized the role of irrational, illogicalthinking on stress

    Lazarus: described 5 intellectual resources linked to

    personality & cognition

    1. Intelligence: involved in stimulus appraisal, clears up


    2. Life Experience: past successful experiences with a

    stressor helps guide us through subsequent stressors

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    3. Verbal & Written Communication: important to express

    feelings, wants, needs, and desires

    4. Creativity: thinking outside the box helps us to perceivethings differently and try new and innovative solutions

    5. Problem Solving Ability: ability to find ways of coping

    with our stress

  • 7/30/2019 tekanan dan personaliti


    The Convergence of Intellectual &Emotional Factors

    Lazarus & Folkman Stress Appraisal Model


    Primary appraisal + secondary appraisal

    = reappraisal

    Leads to final appraisal

    Primary appraisal: affected by situation factors & person

    factorsSecondary appraisal: affected by coping dispositions &

    coping resources

    equally important, occur simultaneously, & are context

    dependent Cited by 16,818

  • 7/30/2019 tekanan dan personaliti


    Emotion-focused vs. problem focusedcoping

    Emotion-focusedmanaging or reducing emotional distress looking on the bright side, seeking emotional

    support, having a drink, using drugs

    Problem-focusedsolving or managing the problem that is causing

    distress information gathering, making decisions,planning, and resolving conflicts acquiringresources to help deal with the underlyingproblem

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    *When is one better than theother?

  • 7/30/2019 tekanan dan personaliti


    Stress, sex differences, and copingstrategies among college students

    Brougham, R. et al. (2009)

    college women reported a higher overall level of

    stress and greater use ofemotion-focusedcoping

    strategies than college men.

    however the use ofemotion-focusedcoping

    strategies dominated over problem-solvingstrategies for both men and women

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    *situations in which something

    constructive can be done willfavor problem-focused coping

    *those situations that simplymust be accepted favor emotion-focused coping

