January, 19o6.] Reinforced Concrete in Construction. 41 Building Inspection, and changes in the same promptly re- ported. (d) The Chief of the Bureau of Building Inspection may require full tests to be repeated on samples selected from the open market, when, in his opinion, there is any doubt as to whether the product is up to the standard of these regulations, and the manufacturer must submit to the Bureau of Building Inspec- tion once in at least every four months a certificate of tests showing that the average resistance of three specimens to cross breaking and crushing are not below the requirements of these regulations. Such tests must be made by some laboratory ot recognized standing on samples selected by a building inspector or the laboratory, from material actually going into the con- struction, and not on ones furnished by' the manufacturer. (e) In case the results of tests made under these conditions should show that the standard of these regulations is not maintained, the approval of this bureau to the manufacturer of said blocks will at once be suspended or revoked. Tests made under the requirements of the City of Philadelphia on concrete blocks in the market here have developed about the foltowing results' Modulus of rupture, I5o to 175 pounds. Compressive strength, 12oo to 16oo pounds per square inch. Absorption, 5 per cent. The compressive strength is reduced little, if any, by the water ab- sorbed. Freezing tests show little loss. The average compressive strength after freezing is in the vicinity of tooo pounds per square inch. The blocks passed the fire tests well. A io, ooo HORSE-POWER STEAM TURBINE. The two steam turbine sets of io,ooo horse-power each, which are being installed at the Rhenanian Westphalian Electricity Works, are the largest turbine sets, and in fact the largest stationary engines of all Europe. Each of these gigantic engines comprises a turbine running at I,Ooo r. p. m., which is direct-connected to a rotary current ~generator of 5,ooo kilowatts, 5,ooo volts, and 5o periods per second, as well as to a direct-current genera- tor of 1,5oo kilowatts and 6oo volts, and to a central 'condensing plant. The whole set is 2o meters in length, and weighs I9o tons, of which 9.4 meters and lO7 tons correspond to the turbine. The maximum height of the tur- bine above the floor is 2.6 meters. The turbine is of the single-cylinder type, and has only two bearings, one of which serves at the same time as a bearing to the alternator. The governor is made to compensate to x per cent. of any oscillations in the angular speed, with variations in the load as high as 20 per cent., while the maximum variation in the number of revo- lutions between running at no load and at full load is not to exceed 5 per cent. Another unit of the same size is shortly to be installed at the power station in a Westphalian mining company.--Scienti~c American.

Ten years of electric reduction at Niagara falls

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January, 19o6.] Reinforced Concrete in Construction. 41

Bui lding Inspect ion, and changes in the same prompt ly re- ported.

(d) The Chief of the Bureau of Bui ld ing Inspec t ion may require full tes ts to be repeated on samples selected f rom the open market , when, in his opinion, there is any doub t as to whe ther the product is up to the s tandard of these regulat ions, and the manufac turer mus t submi t to the Bureau of Bui lding Inspec- t ion once in at least every four m o n t h s a certificate of tests showing tha t the average resistance of th ree specimens to cross b reak ing and c rush ing are not below the r equ i rement s of these regulat ions. Such tes ts mus t be made by some labora tory ot recognized s tanding on samples selected by a bui lding inspector or the l abora tory , f rom mater ia l actually go ing into the con- s truct ion, and no t on ones furnished by' the manufacturer .

(e) In case the results of tes ts made under these condi t ions should show tha t the s tandard of these regula t ions is no t maintained, the approval of this bureau to the manufac ture r of said blocks will at once be suspended or revoked.

Tests made under the requ i rements of the City of Phi ladelphia on concrete blocks in the marke t here have developed about the fol towing resu l t s '

Modulus of rupture, I5o to 175 pounds. Compress ive s t rength , 12oo to 16oo pounds per square inch. Absorpt ion , 5 per cent. The compress ive s t reng th is reduced little, if any, by the wate r ab-

sorbed. F reez ing tests show little loss. The average compres s ive s t r eng th af ter f reezing is in the vicinity of

tooo pounds per square inch. The blocks passed the fire tes t s well.

A io, ooo H O R S E - P O W E R S T E A M T U R B I N E .

The two s team turb ine sets of io,ooo horse -power each, which are be ing installed at the Rhenan i an Wes tpha l i an Electr ici ty Works , are the la rges t turbine sets, and in fact the largest s ta t ionary engines of all Europe. Each of these gigant ic engines comprises a tu rb ine r unn ing at I,Ooo r. p. m., which is d i rec t -connected to a ro ta ry cur ren t ~ gene ra to r of 5,ooo kilowatts, 5,ooo volts, and 5o periods per second, as well as to a d i rec t -cur ren t genera- to r of 1,5oo ki lowatts and 6oo volts, and to a central ' condensing plant. The whole set is 2o meters in length, and weighs I9o tons, of which 9.4 meters and lO7 tons co r respond to the turbine. T h e m ax imum he igh t of the tur - bine above the floor is 2.6 meters . The turbine is of the single-cylinder type, and has only two bear ings , one of which serves at the same t ime as a bear ing to the a l te rna tor . The gove rno r is made to compensa te to x per cent. of any oscil lat ions in the angular speed, with var ia t ions in the load as h igh as 20 per cent., while the m ax i m um var ia t ion in the n u m b e r of revo- lut ions be tween r u n n i n g at no load and at full load is no t to exceed 5 per cent. A n o t h e r unit of the same size is short ly to be installed at the power s ta t ion in a Wes tpha l i an min ing company.--Scienti~c American.