THE CORRESPONDENCE PRINCIPLE BETWEEN CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM QUANTITIES Yu. I. Zaparovannyi UDC 530.145 Questions of the reestablishment of a classical quantity from the known quantum operator are investigated in this article, In that case when the operators are constructed according to the rule proposed in article [15]. The existence of a twofold limiting transition is proved, in which the investigated rule satisfies the requirements of the correspondence principle. In classical mechanics the specification of the coordinates q (ql, q2 ..... qN) and the momenta P(Pl, P2, .... PN) at the instant of time t completely determines the state of a system with N degrees of freedom in the the sense that the value of any physical quantity A, characterizing the system under consideration, can be calculated as the value of a certain function A(q, p, t) [1]. In quantum mechanics the state of such a system is completely determined by the specification of the wave function ~q, t) [2] in the sense that the experimentally measurable value (A> of the quantity A at the moment of time t can be calculated from the known ~I, with the aid of the following formula: <A> = ~ ~ (q, t) 0 (A) (q, t) dq, (1) where O(A) is the operator, representing the physical quantity A in quantum mechanics. Here and in what follows dq = dqldq 2.... dqN, and the integration over all variables runs from --r to + ~. Understanding by the correspondence principle ~{ connection of physical theories by means of a limit- ing asymptotic transition with respect to a certain characteristic parameter of certain laws into others [3], it is natural, on the basis of this principle, to require the existence of a definite relationship between the operator O(A) and the classical function A(q, p, t). In fact, in the limiting transition from quantum me- chanics to classical mechanics, the operator O(A) must change into the classical function A(q, p, t) since O(A) and A(q, p, t) represent the same physical quantity. In this connection the interrelationship of the operators in quantum theory should, of course, in the limiting transition lead to an analogous interrelation- ship between the corresponding classical functions. In other words, the operator O(A), representing the configuration of operators O(Ai), i = 1, 2 ..... n, symbolically written in the form 0 (A) =f(O (A,), 0 (A~_) ..... 0 (A,)), (2) must correspond in the limiting transition to the same configuration of functions, i.e., to the function: A (q, p, t) = f(A, (q,p, t), A2 (q,p, t) ..... A n (q, p, t)). (3) Furthermore, the correspondence principle must manifest itself in the interrelationships of quantities, playing a fundamental role in the evolution of the system, the conservation laws, etc. Thus, for example, in investigating the dynamics of the system in classical mechanics we use the classical Poisson brackets: ]=, Opj Oqj Oqs Ops In quantum mechanics, the quantum Poisson brackets i (O(A).O(B)~O(B).O(A)) (5) {o (A), O (B)} = - ( Patriee LumumbaPeople's Friendship University. Translated from Izvestiya VysshikhU chebnykh Zavedenii, Fizika, No. 6, pp. 18-23, June, 1974. Original article submitted May 3, 1973. 19 75 Plenum Publishh~g Corporation, 227 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y. 10011. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopyozg, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher for $15.00. 769.

The correspondence principle between classical and quantum quantities

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Y u . I . Z a p a r o v a n n y i UDC 530.145

Quest ions of the r e e s t ab l i s hm en t of a c l a s s i ca l quantity f r o m the known quantum ope ra to r a r e inves t igated in this a r t i c le , In that case when the o p e r a t o r s a r e cons t ruc ted according to the rule p roposed in a r t i c l e [15]. The exis tence of a twofold l imi t ing t ransi t ion is p roved , in which the inves t igated rule sa t i s f i es the r e q u i r e m e n t s of the co r respondence pr inciple .

In c l a s s i ca l mechan ics the specif icat ion of the coordina tes q (ql, q2 . . . . . qN) and the m o m e n t a P(Pl, P2, . . . . PN) at the instant of t ime t comple te ly de t e rmines the s ta te of a s y s t e m with N deg ree s of f r e edo m in the the sense that the value of any physical quantity A, cha rac t e r i z ing the s y s t e m under considera t ion , can be ca lcula ted as the value of a ce r t a in function A(q, p, t) [1].

In quantum mechan ics the s ta te of such a s y s t e m is comple te ly de te rmined by the specif icat ion of the wave function ~ q , t) [2] in the sense that the exper imen ta l ly m e a s u r a b l e value (A> of the quantity A at the momen t of t ime t can be calcula ted f r o m the known ~I, with the aid of the following fo rmula :

< A > = ~ ~ (q, t) 0 (A) �9 (q, t) dq, (1)

where O(A) is the ope ra to r , r ep re sen t ing the physical quantity A in quantum mechan ic s . H e r e and in what follows dq = dqldq 2 . . . . dqN, and the integrat ion over all v a r i a b l e s runs f r o m --r to + ~ .

Understanding by the co r respondence pr inciple ~{ connection of physical theor ies by means of a l i m i t - ing asympto t ic t rans i t ion with r e s p e c t to a ce r t a in c h a r a c t e r i s t i c p a r a m e t e r of ce r t a in laws into o thers [3], it is natural , on the bas i s of this pr inciple , to r equ i re the exis tence of a definite re la t ionship between the ope ra to r O(A) and the c lass ica l function A(q, p, t). In fact , in the l imi t ing t rans i t ion f r o m quantum m e - chanics to c l a s s i ca l mechan ics , the o p e r a t o r O(A) m u s t change into the c l a s s i ca l function A(q, p, t) s ince O(A) and A(q, p, t) r e p r e s e n t the s ame physical quantity. In this connection the in te r re la t ionsh ip of the o p e r a t o r s in quantum theory should, of course , i n the l imi t ing t rans i t ion lead to an analogous i n t e r r e l a t i on - ship between the co r respond ing c la s s i ca l funct ions. In other words , the ope ra to r O(A), r ep re sen t ing the configurat ion of o p e r a t o r s O(Ai), i = 1, 2 . . . . . n, symbol ica l ly wri t ten in the f o r m

0 (A) = f ( O (A,), 0 (A~_) . . . . . 0 (A, ) ) , (2)

m u s t co r r e spond in the l imit ing t rans i t ion to the s a m e configurat ion of functions, i . e . , to the function:

A (q, p, t) = f ( A , (q ,p, t), A2 (q ,p , t) . . . . . A n (q, p, t)). (3)

F u r t h e r m o r e , the co r re spondence pr inciple mus t mani fes t i t se l f in the in te r re la t ionsh ips of quanti t ies, playing a fundamental ro le in the evolution of the sys t em, the conserva t ion laws, e tc . Thus, for example , in invest igat ing the dynamics of the s y s t e m in c l a s s i ca l mechan ics we use the c l a s s i ca l Poisson b r a c k e t s :

]=, Opj Oqj Oqs Op s

In quantum mechan ics , the quantum Poisson b r a c k e t s

i (O(A).O(B) ~O(B).O(A)) (5) {o (A), O (B)} = - (

Patriee Lumumba People's Friendship University. Translated from Izvestiya Vysshikh U chebnykh Zavedenii, Fizika, No. 6, pp. 18-23, June, 1974. Original article submitted May 3, 1973.

�9 19 75 Plenum Publishh~g Corporation, 227 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y. 10011. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopyozg, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher for $15.00.


Page 2: The correspondence principle between classical and quantum quantities

play a no less impor tan t role in the d y n a m i c s o f t h e sys t em. The co r re spondence pr inc ip le r equ i re s that the ana log of the quantum Po i s son b r a c k e t (5) in c l a s s i c a l mechanics should be the c l a s s i c a l Po i s son b r a c k e t (4}.

It is quite c l e a r that the fulf i lment of the co r respondence pr inciple , in the sense indicated above, de- pends on the law used to cons t ruc t the ope ra to r O0k) for a given phys ica l quanti ty A. For example , the co r r e spondence pr inc ip le for the Po i sson b racke t s a s soc i a t ed with the rules for the cons t ruc t ion of the o p e r a t o r s accord ing to Dirac [4] is a lways sa t is f ied. However , the Di rac rule is not unique [5, 6], which leads to contradic t ions [5] a s soc ia ted with its genera l iza t ion to all poss ib le functions A (q, p, t). Upon the cons t ruc t ion of quantum o p e r a t o r s with the aid of von Neumann 's rule [7], Weyl ' s rule [8], the s y m m e t r i z a - t ion rule [9], and the o ther well known ru les [10-14], the indicated pr inc ip le is sa t i s f i ed in the l imit ~i --- 0.

In the p r e s e n t work the conditions of the l imit ing t rans i t ion are invest igated, ensur ing the fulf i lment of the co r re spondence pr inc ip le in the sense indicated above in that case when the quantum ope ra to r s a re cons t ruc ted accord ing to the rule p roposed in a r t i c l e [15].

The inves t igated rule is based on the introduction of a ce r t a in se t of quadra t ica l ly in tegrable functions of coordina tes and t ime ~oK (q, t), sa t i s fy ing the following normal iza t ion condition:

S (q, t)j2 dq = 1. (6) K

The action of the o p e r a t o r O0k) on some function U(q, t) depends on the chosen se t ~0 K and is de te rmined by the re la t ion:

i -- ((q--q')p) O(A) U(q, t ) = ( 2 ~ h ) - N S A e ( q , p , t ) e h U(q ' , t ) dq'dp. (7)

Here and in what follows, (qp) denotes the s c a l a r product of the vec to r s q and p. The functionAG(q, p, t), the so -ca l l ed genera t ing function of the o p e r a t o r O ~ ) [16], is re la ted to the c l a s s i ca l funct ionA(q, p, t) by the following in tegra l t r ans fo rma t ion :

Ao (q, p, t) = ~ ~ (~, 7, t) m (q + ~, p + 7, t) d~d~, (8) where

N t

(q,p, t) = (2=h) 2e h (qP)~ ~ (q, t)~'~(p,t) (9)

and the following F ou r i e r t r a n s f o r m is to be unders tood by ~ (p, t): N -- ~ (qp)

~ ( p , t) =S(2~h) 2 %~(q, t) e h dq. (10)

The genera t ing function AG(q, p, t) is uniquely re la ted to the ope ra to r O(A). In fact, a s s u m i n g U(q, t) =exp (iqp/ti} in Eq. (7) and mult iplying by exp{--iqp/fi}, a f t e r in tegra t ion we obtain:

t l

Aa (q, p, t) e- h (qP) - (q") O (A) e n . (11)

In con t r a s t to p rev ious ly known co r re spondence rules [4, 7-14], the co r respondence rule (7) gives, in- dependently of the fo rm of ~01~ (q, t), He rmi t i an ope ra to r s for r ea l functions A (q, p, t), which are single valued for given ~0~, and this rule guaran tees that the ave rage values (A) will be nonnegative provided A(q, p, t) -> 0 (see [15, 16]).

It is not difficult to show that the inves t igated cor respondence rule admits an inverse t r an s fo rma t io n in the sense that the c l a s s i ca l function A (q, p, t) may be found f rom the known ope ra to r O(A). In o r d e r to p rove the given a s se r t ion , we introduce into cons idera t ion the F o u r i e r t r a n s f o r m ~0 (u, v, t) of the attxi[- i a r y function (9), so that

( q , p , t ) = ( 2 f f ) - 2 N ~ ~ (I.~, tO, t) e t(~q+vp) dudv, (12)

then introducing the following definitions:

l (13) ~ - ' (u,~, , 0 = ~(u,~,t)'

~-1 (q,p, t) = (2r~)-2~ S ~-1 (u, v, t) et(uq ~-~p) duclv (14)


Page 3: The correspondence principle between classical and quantum quantities

and having substituted the function (12) into re la t ion (8), a f te r multiplying by ~a -1 (u, v, t)" exp{i(q--q ' )u + i(p--p')v} and integrat ing over u, v, q, and p, we obtain

A (q, p, t) = S 9-~ (~, vl' t) AQ (q -t- ~, P + ~, t) d~d~. (15)

With the aid of Eqs. (9) and (12), it is not difficult to obtain f rom formula (14) an explici t express ion for the inverse t rans format ion ~o -t in t e r m s of the original set g0~:

S e- lh~, et(q~+2~p) dld~]. (16)

~-' (q, t,, t) = (2~:) -~' ~ j, ~ (i' - hi, t) ~, (f' + hi, t) e-'~',~ df' tc

Formula (15) in combination with (11) and (16) de te rmines the des i red function A g l, p, t) with r e spec t to the known opera tor O{A).

The following p roper t i e s of the kernel ~a -~ follow d i rec t ly f rom Eq. (16):

S 9-' (q, P, l) dqdp = l, (17)


S - ~- (q-O(P-V , ,. ~-i* (q, P, t) = (2~:h) -Jr e ~ ~- (~, ,], t) d~d,l. (18)

These p roper t i e s allow one to r ep re sen t ~-1 in the form of an expansion with r e spec t to an a rb i t r a ry , com- plete, o r thonormal se t of functions • ngl):

, t, ( q p ) ~ , - 1 9 - ' (q, P, t ) = (2,~h) -~' e ~- . . Cm. (t) Z* (q) 7~ (p), (19)

n , rt~

--1 where the mat r ix Cmn is Hermit ian, which is obvious, and T race (C~n) = (2~fi) N/2.

Finally, substi tuting express ion (12) into (8) and expandingA in a Tay lor s e r i e s in powers of ~ and 7/, a f te r the appropria te t ransformat ions we obtain the different ial equivalent of Eq. (8):

A~(q ,p , t ) =-~ i ~q, -~p, t A (q ,p , t ) =-~qnA(q,p,t) , (20)


where the explici t fo rm of the opera to r ~r follows f rom Eqs. (9) and (12) and is de termined only by the set of functions ~ ~:


--_ ~.~ ~ ~. (~, t) ~ ~ + ih , t e ~ (21)

Now let us discuss the conditions for the fulfi lment of the cor respondence principle . In vir tue of the rule (7) le t the opera tors O(A,)and O(A 2) cor respond to the c lass ica l functions A 1 {q, p, t ) an d A2gl, p, t). The product of these opera to rs gives the new opera to r

O(A) = O(A1).O(A~), (22)

which cor responds to a cer ta in function A gl, P, t) in vir tue of the inverse t ransformat ion (15). We a re in te res ted in the connection between the functions A~ gl, P, t), A2gl, p, t), and A(q, p, t) under the condition that the opera tors cor responding to them are re la ted by Eq. (22). F i r s t of all let us consider the re la t ion between the corresponding generat ing functions. Taking (11) into account and using (7), f rom (21) we obtain


Confining our attention in what follows to the case N=I and expanding the generating functions AIG and A2G in expression (23) in a Taylor series in powers of ~ and ~, we obtain

= ~ (-- ih)" O~A,o(q, p, t) O'A~o (q, u, t) (24) Ao(q, P, t) ,~oz" nl Op ~ Oq n

F r o m here with allowance for Eq. (20) follows the connection between the corresponding c lass ica l functions

A__ - lh #~ A A ~r (q, p, t) = |e oqop T~pA, (LP, t) 9--qnA., (q, ~, t)]~=q. ~=p. (25)

Now let the ope ra to r 0(~) be the product of seve ra l opera to rs , i . e . ,

O (A) = ~ (A,)-O (A2)-...-O (Am). (26)


Page 4: The correspondence principle between classical and quantum quantities

In this case the co r r e spond ing c l a s s i c a l functions a r e re la ted by the equation ^ - i h 2 _ ~v, 1 o

~--r (q,p, t)----[e ~162 ~ fi ~q:, Ai(q,,p,, t)]ql=q, pi=p ' /=l

which follows d i rec t ly f rom Eqs. (24) and (25). Implement ing the l imit ing t rans i t ion ti -~ 0, the following r e su l t f r o m Eq. (27):

A~ (q,p, t) = A~ (q,p, t). A2.~ (q,p, t) . . . . . A~. (q,p, t),

where the following notation has been introduced:

A~(q,p, t) = ~ ~o (~, t) A (q + ~,p, l) d~,

% (q, t) = X [ ? ~ (q, t)l ~.

we obtain





f o r m Now we may p roceed to an a r b i t r a r y configurat ion of o p e r a t o r s (2), which we may always wr i te in the

0 (A) = : ( 0 (A~), 0 (As) . . . . 0 (An)) (31)

= ~ ~ u~,. p~ [o (A,), 0 (A~) .... O(An)], (l) Pm

where l is an in tegra l n -vec to r , m = ~ l i , Pm(xl ,x2 . . . . . x n) denotes a pe rmuta t ion of m e lements (/t of l = l

the e l emen t s ~ , l 2 of the e l emen t s x 2, l n of the e l emen t s Xn), a n d U P m a r e coeff ic ients which do not depend on 1i.

Since each t e r m of the s e r i e s (31) is a spec ia l ease of the ope ra to r (26), then in the l imit ing t r a n s i - tion fi ~ 0 f rom Eq. (31) we obtain

A~ (q, p, t) = f ( Av~ (q, p, t), A2, (q, p, t) .. . . An, (q, p, t)). (32)

Thus, an a r b i t r a r y conf igurat ion of o p e r a t o r s (31) in the l imit ing t rans i t ion h --* 0 co r r e sponds to the same configurat ion of the functions A~0.

It obviously follows f rom Eqs. (29), (31), and (32) that the t rans i t ion f r o m (2) to (3) is poss ib le if and only if the following condition is fulfilled s imul taneous ly with 5 - - 0:

% (q, t) = X I ?~ (q, t) l ~ --> ~ (q). (33) K

It should be noted that in the indicated l imit ing t rans i t ion the c o m m u t a t o r of any ope ra to r s is zero. This fact p e r m i t s one to cons ide r the l imit ing t rans i t ion for quantum Poisson b racke t s , that is , for the c o m - muta to r divided by (--i5). Thus, if the o p e r a t o r s of the quanti t ies A, B, and C a re re la ted by the quantum Po i s son b r acke t (5), then for a r b i t r a r y functions, with the aid of Eq. (24), we obtain:

C o = ~ ( - - i h ) ' - I - ( O~-A~O~Ba O n A ~ 1 7 6 (34) ~,.~ n! \ Op" Oq n Oq n Op n '

which gives the following r e s u l t for 11 ~ 0 upon allowance for (20) and (21)

C~(q,.p, t) = {A~(q, p, t), B~(q,p, t)}. (35)

Finally, the fulf i lment of the l imit ing t rans i t ion condition (33) reduces re la t ion (35) to the c l a s s i ca l Po isson b r acke t (4).

Al l of the resu l t s cons ide red above can be eas i ly genera l ized to the case of N degrees of f reedom.

Thus, the co r re spondence pr inc ip le for the rule (7) for the cons t ruc t ion of o p e r a t o r s is sa t i s f ied in connection with the following double l imit ing t rans i t ion:

1) h--+O, 2) s0(q, t)---~(q). (36)

The phys ica l meaning of the condition fi --* 0 is well known. As to the l imit ing t rans i t ion c~0(q, t) ~ 5(q), accord ing to the r e su l t s of a r t i c le [16] its phys ica l meaning co r r e sponds to the r equ i r emen t for the ex i s - tence (in quantum mechanics with the rule (7) for the cons t ruc t ion of ope ra to r s ) of s ta tes of the s y s t e m with exac t ly specif ied coord ina tes .


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The author expresses his deep gratitude to V. V. Kuryshkin for suggesting the topic and for systematic aid in the work.


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