The Measurement of Web-Customer

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  • 8/3/2019 The Measurement of Web-Customer


    Information Systems Research, 2002 INFORMSVol. 13, No. 3, September 2002, pp. 296315

    1047-7047/02/1303/0296$05.001526-5536 electronic ISSN

    The Measurement of Web-CustomerSatisfaction: An Expectation and

    Disconfirmation ApproachVicki McKinney Kanghyun Yoon Fatemeh Mariam Zahedi*

    Sam M. Walton College of Business, Information Systems Department, University of Arkansas, 204 Business Building,

    Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701-0201

    School of Business Administration, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, P.O. Box 742, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201

    School of Business Administration, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, P.O. Box 742, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201

    [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

    O nline shopping provides convenience to Web shoppers, yet its electronic format changesinformation-gathering methods traditionally used by customers. This change raisesquestions concerning customer satisfaction with the online purchasing process. Web shopping

    involves a number of phases, including the information phase, in which customers search for

    information regarding their intended purchases. The purpose of this paper is to develop the-

    oretically justifiable constructs for measuring Web-customer satisfaction during the informa-

    tion phase.

    By synthesizing the expectation-disconfirmation paradigm with empirical theories in user

    satisfaction, we separate Web site quality into information quality (IQ) and system quality

    (SQ), and propose nine key constructs for Web-customer satisfaction. The measurements for

    these constructs are developed and tested in a two-phase study. In the first phase, the IQ and

    SQ dimensions are identified, and instruments for measuring them are developed and tested.In the second phase, using the salient dimensions of Web-IQ and Web-SQ as the basis for

    formulating first-order factors, we develop and empirically test instruments for measuring IQ-

    and SQ-satisfaction. Moreover, this phase involves the design and test of second-order factors

    for measuring Web-customer expectations, disconfirmation, and perceived performance re-

    garding IQ and SQ. The analysis of the measurement model indicates that the proposed metrics

    have a relatively high degree of validity and reliability. The results of the study provide reliable

    instruments for operationalizing the key constructs in the analysis of Web-customer satisfac-

    tion within the expectation-disconfirmation paradigm.

    (Web Customer; Satisfaction; Information Quality; System Quality; Web-Information Satisfaction;

    Web-System Satisfaction; Construct Validity; MTMM Analysis)

    IntroductionIn a turbulent e-commerce environment, Internet com-

    panies need to understand how to satisfy customers to

    *Names listed alphabetically.

    sustain their growth and market share. Because cus-

    tomer satisfaction is critical for establishing long-term

    client relationships (Patterson et al. 1997) and, con-

    sequently, is significant in sustaining profitability,

    a fundamental understanding of factors impacting

    Web-customer satisfaction is of great importance to

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    e-commerce. Furthermore, the need for research in

    Web-customer satisfaction (called e-satisfaction by

    Szymanski and Hise 2000) has been accentuated by theincreasing demand for the long-term profitability of

    dotcom companies and traditional companies that are

    Net-enhanced (Straub et al. 2002a).

    Satisfaction is the consequence of the customers ex-

    periences during various purchasing stages: (a) need

    arousal, (b) information search, (c) alternatives evalua-

    tion, (d) purchase decision, and (e) post-purchase be-

    havior (Kotler 1997). During the information-search

    stage, the Internet offers extensive benefits to Web cus-

    tomers by reducing their search cost and increasing

    shopping convenience, vendor choices, and product op-

    tions (Bakos 1998, Alba et al. 1997). However, the onlineshopping experience depends on Web site information

    to compensate for the lack of physical contact and

    causes customers to rely heavily on technology and sys-

    tem quality to keep them interested and serviced as they

    explore e-stores with ease and pleasure. In other words,

    consumers make inferences about product attractive-

    ness on the basis of: (1) information provided by retail-

    ers and (2) design elements of the Web site such as ease

    and fun of navigation (Wolfinbarger and Gilly 2001).

    Palmer and Griffith (1998) observed that Web site de-

    sign is an interaction between marketing and techno-logical characteristics. Lohse and Spiller (1998) showed

    designing online stores with user-friendly interfaces

    critically influences traffic and sales, and Szymanski

    and Hise (2000) found product information and site de-

    sign critical in creating a satisfying customerexperience.

    Given the roles of information content and system

    design in Web-customer satisfaction, this study fo-

    cuses on identifying and measuring the constructs for

    the process by which Web-customer satisfaction is

    formed at the information search stage. In doing so,

    we synthesize the information systems (IS) research on

    user satisfaction with the marketing perspectives oncustomer satisfaction to explore the role of expectation

    and disconfirmation regarding information quality

    (IQ) and system quality (SQ), which may shed some

    light on the process by which Web satisfaction is

    formed. Insight into this process could help Web-based

    businesses improve their customers satisfaction, thus

    enhancing the effectiveness of e-commerce for both

    sellers and buyers. Hence, the purpose of this research

    is to identify key constructs and corresponding mea-

    surement scales for examining the expectation-disconfirmation effects on Web-customer satisfaction.

    In the identification and development of constructs, a

    model of the expectation-disconfirmation effects on

    Web-customer satisfaction (EDEWS) provides the un-

    derlying foundation for the measurement model that

    explains the structure and dimensionality of the pro-

    posed constructs.

    Theoretical PerspectivesEnd-user satisfaction is an important area of IS re-

    search because it is considered a significant factor inmeasuring IS success and use (Ives and Olson 1984,

    Doll and Torkzadeh 1988, DeLone and McLean 1992,

    Doll et al. 1994, Seddon 1997). Although many studies

    in end-user satisfaction do not explicitly separate in-

    formation and system features when identifying the

    structure and dimensionality of the user-satisfaction

    construct, DeLone and McLean (1992) made an explicit

    distinction between information aspects and system

    features as determinants of satisfaction. Based on IS

    success literature, DeLone and McLeans highly cited

    model (1992) identified IQ and SQ as antecedents of

    user satisfaction and use.A similar separation of theoretical constructs can be

    found in marketing. In modeling overall satisfaction,

    Spreng et al. (1996) identified attribute satisfaction and

    information satisfaction as antecedents of satisfaction.

    Information satisfaction is based on the quality of the

    information used in deciding to purchase a product,

    whereas attribute satisfaction measures the consumers

    level of contentment with a product (Spreng et al. 1996,

    p. 17). Szymanski and Hise (2000) found that aspects

    associated with product information and Web site de-

    sign are important determinants in forming customer


    For online shopping, the experience of using a Web

    site during the information-search phase could be af-

    fected by IQ factors (e.g., a richer product description)

    and SQ factors (e.g., other links; see Jarvenpaa and

    Todd 1996, 1997). Considering satisfaction in the Web-

    usage environment, Pitt et al. (1995) observe that in-

    formation is the dominant concern of the user, while

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    Figure 1 The Model for Expectation-Disconfirmation Effects on Web-Customer Satisfaction (EDEWS)

    the delivery mechanism is secondary. Furthermore,

    Katerattanakul and Siau (1999) and Zhang et al. (2000)

    note that an important role of Web sites is information

    delivery and that the quality of information is consid-

    ered critical in e-commerce. At the same time, the Web

    sites performance in delivering information can be in-dependent of the quality or nature of the information,

    thus making it possible to have a clearer distinction

    between Web site information and its system. While

    distinguishing between IQ and SQ may not be wide-

    spread in traditional IS studies, such a distinction is

    clearly possible on the Web due to the feasibility of

    separating content from the content-delivery system.

    Recognizing and modeling information and system as-

    pects separately may elucidate the process by which

    Web-customer satisfaction is formed.

    Based on the nature of Web site development for

    online shopping and the proposed models by DeLone

    and McLean (1992) and Spreng et al. (1996), we posit

    that Web-customer satisfaction has two distinctive

    sourcessatisfaction with the quality of a Web sites

    information content and satisfaction with the Web

    sites system performance in delivering information.

    Web-customers satisfaction with a Web sites IQ and

    SQ is in turn affected by their prior expectations

    (formed by their prior experiences and exposure to

    vendors marketing efforts), possible discrepancies

    (e.g., disconfirmation) between such expectations, and

    the perceived performance of the Web site.

    This concept is captured in the expectancy-

    disconfirmation paradigm, which has been the popularapproach for measuring customer satisfaction in mar-

    keting. Based on this paradigm, customer satisfaction

    has three main antecedents: expectation, disconfirma-

    tion, and perceived performance. When applied to

    Web-customer satisfaction, Web-IQ satisfaction has

    three antecedents: IQ expectation, IQ disconfirmation,

    and IQ-perceived performance. Similarly, Web-SQ sat-

    isfaction has three antecedents: SQ expectation, SQ dis-

    confirmation, and SQ-perceived performance. Figure 1

    shows the EDEWS model, which is the conceptual mo-

    tivation for identifying the key constructs in studying

    Web-customer satisfaction, as discussed below.

    Satisfaction. Based on Spreng et al. (1996), Cadotte et

    al. (1987), and Oliver (1980), we define overall satisfac-

    tion as an affective state representing an emotional re-

    action to the entire Web site search experience. This

    definition focuses on the process evaluation associated

    with the purchase behavior as opposed to the

    outcome-oriented approach, which emphasizes the

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    buyers cognitive state resulting from the consumption

    experience. IQ satisfaction and SQ satisfaction in this

    study have an evaluative nature similar to that of over-all satisfaction. Furthermore, following DeLone and

    McLean (1992), we define Web IQ as the customers

    perception of the quality of information presented on

    a Web site and Web SQ as the customers perception

    of a Web sites performance in information retrieval

    and delivery.

    In extending the Delone and McLean model by ad-

    dressing issues related to the relevance, timeliness, and

    accuracy of information, Seddon (1997) also empha-

    sized the importance of IQ and SQ in perceived use-

    fulness and user satisfaction. The distinction between

    IQ satisfaction and SQ satisfaction is useful in devel-oping a business Web site and for gauging customers

    satisfaction with it. For example, customers dissatisfied

    with site retrieval and delivery mechanisms (such as

    cluttered pages) are likely to leave the site even if the

    information available on the Web site is of high qual-

    ity. Conversely, if a Web site lacks the information that

    customers need, its entertaining design or ease of

    search will not keep customers from leaving the site.

    Therefore, the distinction between IQ and SQ pertain-

    ing to customer satisfaction has practical implications

    for the Web-design process.

    Expectation. When consumers consider buying aproduct, they utilize prior purchasing experiences or

    external information to form internal standards of

    comparison, which are used in forming their expecta-

    tions (Olson and Dover 1979, Oliver 1980). Expectation

    is conceptualized as the aggregation of individual be-

    lief elements in a consumers cognitive structure (Olson

    and Dover 1979), and is a precursor in predicting a

    variety of phenomena involved in buying behaviors

    and subsequent perceptions.

    There has been a lack of consensus regarding the

    conceptual definition of the expectation construct in

    the expectancy-disconfirmation and SERVQUAL lit-

    erature. In the debate over the validity of expectation

    measurement in SERVQUAL (Van Dyke et al. 1997,

    Pitt et al. 1997, Kettinger and Lee 1997), Van Dyke et

    al. observed that expectation lacks a concise conceptual

    definition because of its multiple definitions and cor-

    responding operationalizations. For example, three

    types of expectation have been suggested: the should

    expectation, the ideal expectation, and the will ex-

    pectation (Teas 1993, Boulding et al. 1993, Tse and

    Wilton 1988). The should expectation highlights anormative standard for performance whereas the

    ideal expectation characterizes the optimal perfor-

    mance. The will expectation focuses on predicting

    future performance.

    Following the conceptual definition by Olson and

    Dover (1979), we define customer expectation as their

    pretrial beliefs about a product (a Web site in the

    current study). Our definition of expectation is in line

    with the will expectation suggested by Teas (1993)

    and with Szajna and Scamells (1993) conceptualiza-

    tion of expectation as a set of beliefs held by IS users

    about a systems performance and their own perfor-mance when using the system. Furthermore, it also

    corresponds with Spreng et al.s (1996) definition of

    expectation as beliefs about a products attributes or

    performance at some time in the future.

    Perceived Performance. Perceived performance is

    defined as customers perception of how product

    performance fulfills their needs, wants, and desires

    (Cadotte et al. 1987). The general role of this con-

    struct in the expectation-disconfirmation paradigm

    has been a standard of comparison included in the

    disconfirmation of expectations. In this respect, em-

    pirical research has attempted to investigate the im-pact of perceived performance on satisfaction di-

    rectly (Churchill and Surprenant 1982, LaTour 1979)

    or as mediated by disconfirmation (Cadotte et al.

    1987, Churchill and Surprenant 1982, Churchill 1979,

    Oliver 1980, Swan and Trawick 1980).

    Disconfirmation. Disconfirmation is defined as con-

    sumer subjective judgments resulting from comparing

    their expectations and their perceptions of perfor-

    mance received. This definition is similar to the con-

    cept of expectation congruency suggested by Spreng

    et al. (1996). Specifically, once consumers form their

    expectations, they compare their perceptions of prod-

    uct performance (based on their purchasing experi-

    ences) to the pre-established levels of expectation. Dis-

    confirmation occurs when consumer evaluations of

    product performance are different from their pretrial

    expectations about the product (Olson and Dover


    Conceptually, there has been a debate regarding

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    how to measure the disconfirmation construct. There

    are two main approaches: (i) to compute disconfir-

    mation by subtracting expectation from perceived per-formance or (ii) to measure disconfirmation directly as

    an independent construct of the perceived gap. Ad-

    vocating the subtractive approach, Pitt et al. (1997) ar-

    gue for including expectations when studying quality

    issues and not relying solely on a perception measure-

    ment so that richer diagnostic information can be ob-

    tained. Likewise, Swan and Trawick (1980) introduce

    the subtractive disconfirmation approach, based on

    comparison theory.

    However, in the literature of SERVQUAL, Van Dyke

    et al. (1997) advocate the direct measurement of ones

    perception of service quality with a disconfirmationmeasurement. Furthermore, several studies in market-

    ing use the subjective disconfirmation approach, con-

    sidering disconfirmation as an independent construct

    that influences consumer satisfaction (Oliver 1977,

    1980, Churchill and Surprenant 1982, Spreng et al.

    1996, Cronin, Jr. and Taylor 1992). We opted for the

    direct measurement of disconfirmation because it has

    been the more established approach in the expectation-

    disconfirmation paradigm.

    Salient Dimensions of Information and System


    In empirical studies examining expectation-disconfir-mation constructs and models in marketing, the can-

    didate products salient attributes are easily identifi-

    able and directly measurable. For example, in setting

    up their experiments, Churchill and Surprenant (1982)

    used a plant and a videodisk player. They chose the

    number of blossoms and plant size as the impor-

    tant features of the plant and focus and hum as

    the important features for the videodisk player. Simi-

    larly, Spreng et al. (1996) used versatility and video

    outcome as two salient features of a camcorder. How-

    ever, in measuring IQ and SQ expectation, perfor-

    mance, and disconfirmation, salient dimensions of IQ

    and SQ are not pre-established, nor are such dimen-

    sions directly measurable. Therefore, the salient di-

    mensions of Web IQ and Web SQ should be identified

    and measured as latent variables. The salient dimen-

    sions can then be used to construct second-order fac-

    tors to represent IQ and SQ expectation, performance,

    and disconfirmation.

    Higher order factors have been used in measuring

    complex constructs. For example, Segars and Grover

    (1998) developed a second-order factor for measuringthe success of strategic planning. Doll et al. (1994) de-

    veloped a second-order factor to measure end-user

    computing satisfaction as a multifaceted construct.

    To measure the second-order constructs, we devised

    a two-phase process for instrument development. The

    objective of the first phase was to identify the salient

    dimensions of Web IQ and Web SQ. In the second

    phase, the instrument for construct measurement was

    developed and the measurement model was tested us-

    ing controlled lab experiments in which IQ and SQ ex-

    pectations of participants were manipulated for con-

    trolling and measuring the levels of expectation anddisconfirmation and their impacts on Web-customer

    satisfaction. This section reports on the results of the

    first phase.

    Phase 1 required the identification of factors consid-

    ered important by Web customers in judging the IQ

    and SQ of Web sites. A number of researchers have

    examined various factors determining Web IQ, but a

    standard measure has not emerged. After an extensive

    review of the literature, we identified five IQ dimen-

    sions: (1) relevance, (2) timeliness, (3) reliability, (4)

    scope, and (5) perceived usefulness (Table 1), and four

    SQ dimensions: (1) access, (2) usability, (3) navigation,and (4) interactivity (Table 2). The literature search

    contributed to the content validity of the constructs to

    be measured.


    Construct Validation

    To create instruments to measure the constructs of

    Web IQ and Web SQ, we began the instrument devel-

    opment process with previously tested instruments

    (Zmud and Boynton 1991, Bailey and Pearson 1983),

    which has been designated as an efficient practice for

    IS researchers (Boudreau et al. 2001). The draft instru-

    ments used an 11-point semantic differential scale with

    values ranging from 0 (not important at all) to 10 (ex-

    tremely important). In accordance with Churchills

    (1979) general principles for construct development, a

    draft 42-item instrument was created (33 items as

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    Table 1 First-Order Factors and Subscales for Web-Information Quality

    First-Order Factors Definition Supporting Literature


    Subscales for Relevance

    Concerned with such issues as relevancy, clearness, and

    goodness of the information

    Applicable, Related, Clear

    Bailey and Pearson 1983, Bruce 1998, Davis et al. 1989,

    Doll and Torkzadeh 1988, Eighmey 1997, Eighmey and

    McCord 1998, Saracevic et al. 1988, Seddon 1997,

    Wilkerson et al. 1997, Zmud 1978


    Subscales for Timeliness

    Concerned with the currency of the information

    Current, Continuously Updated

    Abels et al. 1997, Bailey and Pearson 1983, Doll and

    Torkzadeh 1988, King and Epstein 1983, Wilkerson et al.

    1997, Zmud 1978


    Subscales for Reliability

    Concerned with the degree of accuracy, dependability,

    and consistency of the information

    Believable, Accurate, Consistent

    Bailey and Pearson 1983, Doll and Torkzadeh 1988,

    Eighmey 1997, Eighmey and McCord 1998, King and

    Epstein 1983, Wilkerson 1997, Zmud 1978


    Subscales for Scope

    Evaluates the extent of information, range of information

    and level of detail provided by the Web site. This new

    dimension of information quality, similar to a library

    search, is needed for Web site evaluation.

    Sufficient, Complete, Covers a Wide Range, Detailed

    Bailey and Pearson 1983, Doll and Torkzadeh 1988, King

    and Epstein 1983, Schubert and Selz 1998, Wilkerson et

    al. 1997, Zmud, 1978

    Perceived Usefulness

    Subscales for

    Perceived Usefulness

    Users assessment of the likelihood that the information

    will enhance their purchasing decision

    Informative, Valuable, Instrumental

    Abels et al. 1997, Bailey and Pearson 1983, Davis et al.

    1989, Seddon 1997, Doll et al. 1998, Eighmey 1997,

    Eighmey and McCord 1998, Larcker and Lessig 1980,

    Moore and Benbasat 1991, Venkatesh and Davis 1996,

    Venkatesh and Davis 2000

    Table 2 First-Order Factors and Subscales for Web-System Quality

    First-Order Factors Definition Supporting Literature


    Subscales for Access

    Refers to the speed of access and the availability of the

    Web site at all times

    Responsive, Loads Quickly

    Bailey and Pearson 1983, Novak et al. 2000, Selz and

    Schubert 1998, Wilkerson et al. 1997


    Subscales for Usability

    Concerned with the extent to which the Web site is

    visually appealing, consistent, fun and easy to use

    Simple Layout, Easy to Use, Well Organized, Visually

    Attractive, Fun, Clear Design

    Abels et al. 1997, Bailey and Pearson 1983, Davis 1989,

    Doll et al. 1998, Doll and Torkzadeh 1988, Doll et al.

    1994, Dumas and Redish 1993, Eighmey 1997, 1993,

    Nielsen 1993, Moore and Benbasat 1991, Schubert and

    Selz 1998, Selz and Schubert 1998, Eighmey and McCord

    1998, Venkatesh and Davis 1996, Wilkinson et al. 1997,

    Zmud 1978


    Subscales for Navigation

    Evaluates the links to needed information

    Adequate Links, Clear Description for Links, Easy to

    Locate, Easy to Go Back and Forth, a Few Clicks

    Abels at al. 1997, Wilkinson et al. 1997


    Subscales for Interactivity

    Evaluates the search engine and the personal design, i.e.,

    the shopping cart feature, of the Web site

    Customized Product, Search Engine, Create List of

    Items, Change List of Items, Find Related Items

    Abels et al. 1997, Eighmey 1997, Eighmey and McCord

    1998, Selz and Schubert 1998, Wilkinson et al. 1997

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    shown in Tables 1 and 2, plus one direct question for

    each construct).

    The participants in the measurement process wereundergraduate and graduate students at a large met-

    ropolitan university. Characterizing Web users as

    highly educated (88% had at least some college expe-

    rience) with an average age of 38 years (average age

    decreased with the increase in number of years on the

    Internet and level of skill), the GUV WWW survey

    (1998) described generic Web users with educational

    profiles similar to those of our participants. Web users

    in the GUV WWW survey (1998) were also quite ex-

    perienced with the Internet74% had more than one

    year experience with the Internet. The participants in

    this study had an average age of about 27 years, andmore than 80% had more than two years experience

    with the Internet.

    Initially, 10 Internet customers and experts reviewed

    the instrument for the purpose of evaluating it for face

    and content validity. The comments collected from the

    respondents did not indicate any problems. As rec-

    ommended by a respondent, two versions of the in-

    strument were created and used to avoid order bias.

    The first pilot test was performed based on a conve-

    nience sample of 47 usable responses. An examination

    of the factor analysis results showed the existence of

    additional factors, leading to the addition of under-standability and adequacy as two more IQ dimen-

    sions, and entertainment as an additional SQ dimen-

    sion. Furthermore, the easy to locate item had a very

    low loading. Because its meaning did not correspond

    with the concept of navigation (the factor it was in-

    tended to measure), it was dropped at this stage. Six

    new items and three general questions (one per new

    construct) were added. The changes resulted in a pu-

    rified instrument (Churchill 1979) with 50 items for

    measuring IQ and SQ dimensions and their impor-

    tance. A second pilot test was performed to test the

    modified instrument based on another convenience

    sample of 47 usable responses. Examination of the

    findings found the instrument to be reliable with no

    major bias.

    The twice-piloted instrument was used for data col-

    lection on Web-IQ and Web-SQ dimensions in the first

    phase of the study. Data were collected in two rounds,

    yielding 330 usable responses in the first round and

    238 in the second round, a total of 568 observations.

    There were no overlaps between the subjects in the two

    rounds. Examination of the t-test results gave no in-dication of item order bias.In the analysis of the IQ dimensions, the construct

    for timeliness showed extensive cross-loadings with

    the reliability factor. It seems that Web customers view

    out-of-date information as unreliable for making pur-

    chase decisions. Therefore, for further purification(Churchill 1979), this factor was dropped. One item forusefulness (instrumental) was dropped due to its

    low factor loading in measuring perceived usefulness.The results indicated six factors for Web IQ (Table 3).The high factor loadings indicate convergent validity,

    and the lack of noticeable cross loadings supports dis-criminant validity of the reported factors for Web IQ.

    The mean importance rating is the average of subjectratings of the items comprising each factor and thusindicates the strength of conviction that the subjectshad concerning the importance of the construct. The

    last row of Table 3 reports the mean importance rating,which is used in the second phase of the study for se-lecting the salient dimensions.

    The factor analysis results for Web SQ indicated that

    the navigation factor should be divided into (internal)navigation and (external) hyperlinks, which is quite

    meaningful in the context of information search for on-line shopping. Due to low factor loading in measuring

    interactivity, the search engine item was removedfrom the analysis. Table 4 reports the results of thefactor analysis of Web-SQ dimensions. Again, the highfactor loadings for the reported factors and the absence

    of significant cross-loadings support the convergentvalidity and discriminant validity of the proposedfactors.

    Appendix A includes the instrument and Cronbachalphas for the factors reported in Tables 3 and 4. The

    alpha values for all factors in Web IQ exceed 0.85. Highreliability was also present for usability, entertain-ment, hyperlinks, and interactivity. However, theCronbach alpha was 0.51 for access and 0.68 for navi-

    gation. Whereas the 0.68 value might be acceptable inexploratory research (Nunnally 1967), the same cannot

    be said of the 0.51 value. But because usefulness in IQand navigation, access, and hyperlinks in SQ are two-

    item factors, the interitem correlation can be used asan appropriate check for these factors.

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    Table 3 Factor Analysis for Information Quality (N 568)

    Constructs Manifest Variables Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5 Factor 6

    Relevance (3) Applicable 0.165 0.037 0.815 0.213 0.109 0.140

    Related 0.126 0.183 0.815 0.123 0.173 0.159

    Pertinent 0.188 0.112 0.785 0.204 0.196 0.157

    Understandability (3) Clear in Meaning 0.349 0.045 0.290 0.703 0.174 0.250

    Easy to Understand 0.204 0.106 0.180 0.857 0.197 0.113

    Easy to Read 0.168 0.171 0.171 0.823 0.122 0.123

    Reliability (3) Trustworthy 0.843 0.070 0.174 0.225 0.201 0.133

    Accurate 0.863 0.037 0.186 0.228 0.189 0.129

    Credible 0.856 0.121 0.136 0.156 0.199 0.110

    Adequacy (3) Sufficient 0.259 0.207 0.175 0.086 0.760 0.164

    Complete 0.308 0.151 0.272 0.288 0.659 0.238

    Necessary Topics 0.194 0.299 0.181 0.253 0.699 0.183

    Scope (3) Wide Range 0.129 0.854 0.128 0.104 0.173 0.081

    Wide Variety of Topics 0.076 0.924 0.099 0.127 0.141 0.085

    # of Different Subjects 0.004 0.878 0.073 0.061 0.146 0.173

    Usefulness (2) Informative 0.180 0.272 0.246 0.207 0.235 0.799

    Valuable 0.227 0.161 0.299 0.249 0.285 0.759

    Variance Explained 46.6 12.5 7.9 6.4 5.0 3.8

    Mean Importance Rating 8.96 6.91 7.80 8.43 8.12 8.15

    Table 4 Factor Analysis for System Quality (N 568)

    Constructs Manifest Variables Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5 Factor 6

    Access (2) Responsive 0.149 0.204 0.065 0.024 0.041 0.854

    Quick Loads 0.084 0.264 0.066 0.023 0.347 0.657

    Usability (4) Simple Layout 0.180 0.759 0.025 0.189 0.047 0.161

    Easy to Use 0.119 0.791 0.114 0.132 0.134 0.236

    Well Organized 0.125 0.767 0.223 0.091 0.208 0.155

    Clear Design 0.205 0.691 0.247 0.019 0.308 0.034

    Entertainment (3) Visually Attractive 0.221 0.218 0.734 0.112 0.195 0.032

    Fun 0.187 0.133 0.888 0.149 0.091 0.053

    Interesting 0.138 0.117 0.866 0.193 0.051 0.076

    Hyperlinks (2) Adequate # of Links 0.179 0.132 0.278 0.836 0.121 0.022

    Clear Description for Links 0.179 0.199 0.151 0.839 0.209 0.027Navigation (2) Easy to Go Back and Forth 0.189 0.202 0.119 0.259 0.741 0.193

    A Few Clicks 0.127 0.294 0.170 0.120 0.699 0.126

    Interactivity (4) Create List of Items 0.799 0.108 0.174 0.063 0.244 0.020

    Change List of Items 0.818 0.114 0.072 0.034 0.306 0.102

    Create Customized Product 0.785 0.174 0.209 0.197 0.091 0.117

    Select Different Features 0.770 0.212 0.178 0.189 0.003 0.104

    Variance Explained 39.0 10.7 9.0 6.4 5.3 4.5

    Mean Importance Rating 7.36 8.17 7.14 6.70 8.09 8.40

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    We also examined interitem correlations for each

    factor. These correlations were quite high for Web IQ

    and are relatively high for Web SQ. Of the two-itemfactors, usefulness and hyperlinks had relatively high

    interitem correlations, whereas access and navigation

    exhibit relatively lower correlation. However, all cor-

    relations are statistically significant. General questions

    showed high correlations with factor items in most

    cases. High correlation values among items and with

    the general question in each factor indicated support

    for the presence of convergent validity.

    Construct Measurements, Experimental Design, and

    the Measurement Model

    In the second phase, the three most important dimen-sions of Web IQ and Web SQ were selected for manip-

    ulating expectations and measuring perceived perfor-

    mance and disconfirmation. As shown in Appendix A,

    the importance ratings of Web-IQ and Web-SQ dimen-

    sions were measured by an 11-point semantic differ-

    ential scale ranging from 0 (not important at all) to 10

    (extremely important). The criterion was to select three

    factors with the highest mean importance ratings.

    Importance rating measures the importance of each

    dimension to subjects. Using such ratings, Brancheau

    et al. (1996) identified key research issues of IS man-

    agement. In the same context, Wang and Strong (1996)classified attributes of data quality to create a hierar-

    chical representation of consumers data quality needs.

    Furthermore, in selecting the most important features

    of Web IQ and Web SQ based on importance ratings,

    we have followed the common practice of selecting the

    most important attributes in designing experiments for

    testing expectation-confirmation models in marketing.

    Therefore, based on this criterion, the three most sa-

    lient dimensions of Web IQ were reliability, under-

    standability, and usefulness. Similarly, access, usabil-

    ity, and navigation were selected as the top three

    salient dimensions of Web SQ (Tables 3 and 4).The rationale for using three dimensions was based

    on the fact that second-order constructs had to be cre-

    ated using these factors. Chin (1998, p. x) suggested

    that: To adequately test the convergent validity, the

    number of first-order factors should be four or greater

    (three while statistically adequate would represent a

    just-identified model for congeneric models). Kline

    (1998) suggested that for a confirmatory factor analysis

    model with a second-order factor to be identified, at

    least three first-order factors are needed. On the otherhand, using more than three dimensions would in-

    crease the complexity of the measurement model to an

    unacceptable level in terms of estimation and sample

    size. In most experiments designed for testing

    expectation-disconfirmation models, only two salient

    attributes have been used (Churchill and Surprenant

    1982, Spreng et al. 1996). Hence, using three salient

    dimensions for IQ and SQ provides adequate data for

    testing the EDEWS measurement model while keeping

    the complexity of the experiments at a manageable


    The selected three salient dimensions of Web IQ andWeb SQ were used in developing the measurement

    model (as shown in Appendix F) as well as in devel-

    oping the instruments for measuring expectation, per-

    ceived performance, and disconfirmation for Web IQ

    and Web SQ, as reported below.

    Expectation Measurement. Expectations regarding the

    reliability, understandability, and usefulness of Web

    sites were measured as first-order factors, which were

    used in creating a second-order factor for measuring

    the IQ-expectation construct. Similarly, the first-order

    factors for measuring expectations regarding access,

    usability, and navigation were used to create a second-order factor for measuring the SQ expectation. Mani-

    fest variables for expectations were measured using

    an 11-point semantic differential scale ranging from

    not likely at all to highly likely, as shown in Ap-

    pendix B.

    Perceived-Performance Measurement. Conceptually,

    two different types of definitions for performance con-

    struct are possible: perceived or subjective product per-

    formance and objective product performance. Because

    the expectation-disconfirmation paradigm focuses on

    customer-subjective judgments of product perfor-

    mance, this study measured perceived performance.

    The construct for IQ-perceived performance was mea-

    sured as a second-order factor using the first-order fac-

    tors for perceived performance regarding reliability,

    understandability, and usefulness. Similarly, the

    second-order construct for SQ-perceived performance

    was measured using the SQ first-order dimensions of

    access, usability, and navigation. Manifest variables

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    for perceived performance were measured using an 11-point semantic differential scale ranging from very

    poor to very good, as shown in Appendix C.Disconfirmation Measurement. This study follows thesubjective disconfirmation approach by measuring dis-confirmation directly. The first- and second-order fac-tors for IQ and SQ disconfirmation were created in a

    similar manner to the factors used for measuring IQand SQ expectation and perceived performance. Theinstrument for disconfirmation measurement directlyevaluates disconfirmation as an independent con-

    struct, with an 11-point semantic differential scaleranging from 0 (much lower than you thought) to 10(much higher than you thought) with 5 as the neutral

    midpoint (the same as you expected), as shown in Ap-pendix D. Positive disconfirmation is measured byscale values above 5 (5 to 10); negative disconfirma-tion is measured by scale values below 5 (0 to 5); and5 represents 0 disconfirmation.

    Satisfaction Measurement. Using a single-item mea-sure, Westbrook (1980) measured consumer satisfac-tion on a delightful-terrible scale, measuring consumerfocus on degree of delight experienced in consuming

    a cognitively fulfilling product. On the other hand,Churchill and Surprenant (1982), following Pfaffs(1977) approach, described overall satisfaction withcognitive and affective models and used multi-itemmeasures of belief and affect for the assessment of sat-isfaction. Similarly, Spreng et al. (1996) based their def-inition of satisfaction on a summary evaluation of theentire product-use experience and developed fourscales using cognitive and affective components to de-scribe satisfaction.

    We developed the measurements of Web-IQ satis-faction and Web-SQ satisfaction as well as overallWeb-user satisfaction based on the published instru-ments with Cronbach alpha values greater than 0.96(Oliver 1989, Spreng et al. 1996).1 Using 4, 11-point se-mantic differential scales, Spreng et al. (1996) mea-sured satisfaction with 4 scales. As shown in Appendix

    1The assumption in adopting this procedure is that high alphas rep-

    resent reliable scales. However, it is possible that high alphas (Straub

    et al. 2000b) could result from common methods bias (Cook and

    Campbell 1979). It is important to assess whether the instrumenta-

    tion process used maximally different methods to examine different

    variable types. In this case, high alphas would represent more reli-

    able scales.

    E, we adopted these scales to measure satisfaction with

    IQ, SQ, and overall satisfaction and added two items

    to elicit overall satisfaction with a Web site throughthe intention of reuse and recommendation to others.

    Experimental Design. The experiment was a 4 4

    factorial design, intended to estimate the EDEWS mea-

    surement model via confirmatory factor analysis. A to-

    tal of 16 cells were created for this study4 actual

    combinations of IQ and SQ levels by 4 manipulating

    expectations. Churchill and Surprenant (1982) used a

    similar factorial design by setting up three perfor-

    mance categories for plants and videodisk players and

    used credible printed messages for manipulating sub-

    ject expectations in the three performance categories,

    hence producing a total of nine cells for each product.Such manipulations are needed to create a common

    standard of comparison and to control the levels of

    expectation. In this study, four Internet travel agent

    Web sites were selected to fit the high-high, high-low,

    low-high, and low-low levels of the Web-IQ and Web-

    SQ constructs. Web site selection was based on ratings

    of Internet travel agents by PC World, ComputerWorld,

    and The authors evaluated, categorized,

    and synthesized the quality dimensions and rating in-

    formation provided by these sources and used the re-

    sults to create rating reports in implementing the ex-

    perimental design. High IQ and high SQ indicate thatthe chosen Web site possesses a high level of IQ and

    SQ in terms of the three selected salient dimensions.

    The experimental protocol required the manipula-

    tion of subject expectations by setting their expecta-

    tions to high-high, high-low, low-high, and low-low

    for IQ and SQ. Expectations were manipulated at the

    start of the experiment by showing the subjects the rat-

    ing reports with credible rating information for each

    salient dimension, along with descriptions regarding

    the assigned Web site. To ensure the experiments ob-

    jective of setting expectations, the researchers created

    one true and three mock rating reports for each Web

    2PC World, ComputerWorld, and compared 9, 6, and 22

    online travel agents, respectively. PC World (using a five-point scale:

    excellent, very good, good, fair, and poor) and ComputerWorld(using

    scores of A to F) compared these agents Web sites on various at-

    tributes of information and system features. rated Web

    sites using an 11-point scale (0 to 10) for various criteria and the

    resulting overall score.

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    site. For example, for the travel Web site with high IQ

    and high SQ, one rating report had true high-high rat-

    ings and three mock rating reports indicating high-low, low-high, and low-low levels for IQ and SQ.

    Subjects were randomly assigned to 1 of the 16 cells.

    Subjects participated in an information-search exper-

    iment, requiring them to purchase an airline ticket

    over the Web. Usable data was collected from 312

    subjects. During the experiment session, each subject

    received a rating report for a Web site to review.

    Based on their review of the information, subjects

    completed a questionnaire (Appendix B) designed to

    measure their IQ and SQ expectations. The question-

    naire also collected demographic information about

    the subjects and their Web experience. Upon com-pleting the questionnaire, subjects searched the as-

    signed Web sites for 20 minutes. Following the search

    period, subjects completed a second questionnaire de-

    signed to measure their perceived performance, dis-

    confirmation as well as Web-IQ and Web-SQ satisfac-

    tion. Overall satisfaction was also measured at this

    time. Appendices CE report the instruments used in

    developing the above questionnaires.

    Analysis and ResultsStructural equations modeling (SEM) was the desig-

    nated tool for estimating the EDEWS measurement

    model for the confirmatory factor analysis; we used the

    most recent software for such an analysis, Mplus (de-

    veloped by Muthen and Muthen 2001 and based on

    Muthen 1984). The estimation algorithm was the

    mean-adjusted maximum likelihood, which adjusts

    the estimation results with respect to nonnormality in

    the data.

    The internal validity of the experiments was tested

    by manipulation checks for verifying that the manip-

    ulations had taken (Perdue and Summers 1986). Ma-

    nipulation checks are intended to measure the extent

    to which treatments have been perceived by the sub-

    jects (Boudreau et al. 2001, p. 5). The manipulations

    of expectation were investigated to confirm whether

    different levels of expectations were successfully set.

    We estimated two logistic regressions with IQ and SQ

    manipulations as the dependent (categorical) variables

    and the factor scores for IQ expectation and SQ expec-

    tation as independent variables. The coefficients of theestimated functions were significant with p value of

    0.000 and tests of the significance of estimated func-

    tions had p values of 0.000. The results were further

    confirmed by additional analysis using ANOVA, in

    which the F statistics had p values below 0.000. These

    findings indicate the successful manipulation of the

    participants expectations.

    We estimated the measurement model, containing

    the confirmatory factor analysis for the constructs. The

    normed chi-square (ratio of chi-square and the degrees

    of freedom) for the measurement model was two, be-

    low the recommended range of three.The t values (estimated factor loadings divided by

    their standard errors) for the loadings of manifest vari-

    ables were very high and well above two, supporting

    the statistical significance of the parameter estimations

    (Muthen and Muthen 2001, p. 74). The t values of the

    factor loadings in the measurement model ranged

    from 18 to 119, indicating strong convergent and dis-

    criminant validity. Furthermore, the high squared

    multiple correlations (R2 values) for the indicators sup-

    port the assertion that indicators are good measures

    of the constructs (Gefen et al. 2000, Bollen 1989, p. 288).

    (Appendix F contains details on the measurementmodel, confirmatory factor loadings, R2 and t values.)

    Although there is a debate regarding the use of the

    multitrait-multimethod analysis (MTMM) (Alwin

    1973, 1974; Bagozzi et al. 1991; Bagozzi and Yi 1991),

    we used MTMM to further examine the convergent

    and discriminant validity of the factors (Campbell and

    Fiske 1959, Straub 1989). Although no clear criteria ex-

    ists as to what makes methods maximally dissimilar

    (Pedhazur and Schmelkin 1991), we applied the ap-

    proach used by Davis (1989) to argue that an item, say

    clear in meaning, used for measuring the expectation

    of understandability (in Appendix B) should be differ-

    ent from the clear in meaning item used for measur-

    ing the perceived performance of understandability (in

    Appendix C) or the disconfirmation of understand-

    ability (in Appendix D). In this sense, the clear in

    meaning item may be said to be a method used for

    measuring different traits: expectation, perceived per-

    formance, and disconfirmation of understandability,

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    Table 5 Reliability Measures for Model Constructs

    First-Order Factors



    Composite Factor


    Average Variance

    Extracted (AVE)

    e-Understandability 0.95 0.90 0.74

    e-Reliability 0.97 0.90 0.75

    e-Usefulness 0.95 0.78 0.64

    P-Understandability 0.95 0.88 0.71

    P-Reliability 0.97 0.89 0.72

    P-Usefulness 0.95 0.70 0.52

    D-Understandability 0.94 0.88 0.71

    D-Reliability 0.95 0.84 0.65

    D-Usefulness 0.95 0.78 0.65

    E-Access 0.80 0.87 0.60

    E-Usability 0.96 0.80 0.67

    E-Navigation 0.93 0.75 0.62

    P-Access 0.80 0.91 0.74

    P-Usability 0.97 0.79 0.66

    P-Navigation 0.86 0.75 0.61

    D-Access 0.79 0.90 0.71

    D-Usability 0.96 0.79 0.66

    D-Navigation 0.81 0.77 0.63

    Web-information satisfaction 0.97 0.90 0.69

    Web-system satisfaction 0.98 0.91 0.70

    Overall satisfaction 0.98 0.96 0.84

    and should show low correlations across the traits


    Acknowledging that this definition of method is nota use of maximally different methods, we follow

    Davis in arguing that items for measuring expectation

    of understandability (as reported in Appendix B) are

    different methods measuring the same trait and should

    have high correlations with each other (monotrait-

    heteromethod). Similar arguments could be made for

    the other five IQ and SQ factors. In the satisfaction

    case, different satisfaction types (IQ, SQ, and overall)

    were used as traits and the common satisfaction items

    were used as methods. Thus, seven correlation matri-

    ces were created, each corresponding to one of the six

    IQ and SQ first-order factors (understandability, reli-ability, usefulness, access, usability, and navigation)

    and one for satisfaction. These matrices were examined

    for the evidence of convergent and discriminant valid-

    ity of expectation, perceived performance, and discon-

    firmation constructs.

    To investigate the convergent validity, the mono-

    trait-heteromethod triangles for each construct were

    examined for high values; 100% of the correlations

    were significant for the traits, supporting convergent

    validity. To examine discriminant validity, each matrix

    was analyzed individually, resulting in a total of 1,608

    comparisons and 20 violations (a 1.2% exception rate),a rate that meets the discriminant validity criterion set

    by Campbell and Fiske (1959).

    The evidence for reliability of first-order factors is re-

    ported in Table 5. Cronbach alphas were all above 0.79,

    with most Cronbach alphas above 0.90. (The interitem

    correlations for the two-item factors are also reported in

    Appendices BD.) Table 5 shows the composite factor

    reliability values for the constructs, which are at or above

    the recommended threshold of 0.70 (Segars 1997).

    Average variance extracted (AVE) shows the

    amount of variance captured by a construct as com-

    pared to the variance caused by the measurement error(Fornell and Larcker 1981, Segars 1997). The AVE val-

    ues for all measures exceeded the recommended

    threshold of 0.50 (Segars 1997), which indicates that the

    3Note that Straub et al. (2000b) raise a serious concern about Daviss

    (1989) MTMM analysis in this regard. They argue that Daviss meth-

    ods were not different and not maximally different as described

    and demonstrated in Campbell and Fiske (1959).

    constructs captured a relatively high level of variance

    (Column 4).

    Following Doll et al. (1994) and Segars and Grover

    (1998), three first-order factors of understandability,

    reliability, and usefulness were used to create second-

    order factors for IQ and SQ constructs. Based on Doll

    et al. (1994), R2 values for the second-order factors

    were computed (Table 6). High R2 values indicate an

    acceptable level of reliability for the second-order fac-

    tors (Doll et al. 1994, Bollen 1989, Gefen et al. 2000).

    Significant factor loadings for the second-order factors

    (Appendix F) indicate their validity (Doll et al. 1994).

    Implications, Limitations, and FutureDirectionsIn measuring Web-customer satisfaction, a critical task

    is to identify key constructs of Web-customer satisfac-

    tion and to develop validated instruments to measure

    them. Hence, the results of this study have immediate

    implications for businesses operating on the Web and

    for research in Web-customer satisfaction.

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    Table 6 R2 Values for Second-Order Factors

    Second-Order Factors












    Understandability 0.59 0.64 0.67

    Reliability 0.77 0.82 0.85

    Usefulness 0.88 0.97 0.87

    System Quality


    System Quality


    System Quality


    Access 0.79 0.86 0.86

    Usability 0.88 0.81 0.79

    Navigation 0.84 0.70 0.78

    Note. The R2 values were computed based on Doll et al. (1994) using the

    CALIS procedure in SAS.

    Implications for Practice. As online shopping becomes

    a common practice, the online retailers are increasingly

    being held to the same business-performance stan-

    dards as businesses operating in traditional markets.

    Managers of online retailers need to monitor the sat-

    isfaction of customers with their Web sites to compete

    in the Internet market. In doing so, they need to rec-ognize the distinctive roles of information content and

    Web site performance in retrieving and delivering

    product information. This imperative is due to the fact

    that customers dissatisfied with Web site information

    contents will leave the site without making a purchase.

    Similarly, no matter how thorough the information

    content of a site is, a customer who has difficulty in

    searching and getting the needed information is likely

    to leave the site. Therefore, one can add value and cre-

    ate insight by examining Web-customer satisfaction

    with the information content as well as the system

    quality. Having access to reliable and scientifically

    tested metrics, the practitioners would be able to ex-

    amine the structure and dimensionality of Web-

    customer satisfaction. Our proposed metrics for sepa-

    rately measuring IQ and SQ constructs can assist

    managers in this regard because our analysis distinctly

    focuses on both the information contents and the de-

    livery of the information.

    Furthermore, online customers commonly have re-

    peated experiences with various Web sites. Therefore,

    gauging their expectations and the disconfirmation oftheir expectations can be of value in analyzing Web-

    customer satisfaction. Consequently, online retailers

    are able to examine whether their Web sites meet their

    customers expectations by examining Web-customers

    IQ and SQ expectations and disconfirmation. More-

    over, the introduction of expectation and disconfir-

    mation constructs brings the marketing aspect of Web

    sites into focus for such retailers, an aspect crucial to

    the effective design of Web sites for online business.

    Implications for Research. Our work paves the way for

    researchers to investigate the impact of expectations

    and disconfirmation on Web-customer satisfaction byclearly delineating Web-IQ and Web-SQ dimensions.

    It shows the complex nature of the constructs and ex-

    perimental design for accurately analyzing the process

    by which Web-customer satisfaction is formed and for

    testing hypotheses regarding relationships among

    these constructs. In addition, validated measures could

    provide the consensus among researchers of customer

    satisfaction and encourage them to develop more re-

    fined measurement models (Segars and Grover 1998).

    This study provides the needed metrics for initiating

    future studies on Web-customer satisfaction.

    Limitations. The reported results are obviously lim-ited by the type of subject, the nature of laboratory

    experimentation, and choice of Web sites. Using stu-

    dents as subjects could have an impact on the results

    (Szymanski and Henard 2001). Testing the measure-

    ment model with other strata of Web customers will

    add to the generalizability of our results. Second, the

    nature of lab experiments and the choice of Web sites

    limit the reported results. Because the purchase of air-

    line tickets is a prevailing practice among Web users,

    this study employed Web sites of online travel agents

    for experiments. However, Web-customer satisfaction

    may depend on the distinctive nature of products or

    services offered online. The replication of this study for

    other types of products and services can enhance the

    generalizability of the reported results.

    Directions of Future Research. The results of this study

    facilitate further research in analyzing the antecedents

    of Web-customer satisfaction. Such an analysis can

    provide valuable insight into the process by which

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    Web-customer satisfaction is formed and the identifica-tion of factors that could lead to a more satisfying ex-

    perience at the information phase of online shopping.For success in e-commerce, the information searchstage must lead to a purchase decision. Because the pres-ent studys focus was on the measurement of Web-customer satisfaction, the proposed constructs did notcontain the purchase intention. However, a comprehen-sive approach is needed to examine the influence of sat-isfaction on purchase intention in the Web context. Fur-thermore, in his model, Seddon (1997) includes the net

    benefits of the IS to individuals, organizations, and so-ciety. It would be instructive to examine these benefits inthe context of Web sites, and the role of these factors inthe formation of expectations about Web sites.

    ConclusionsIn this study, two perspectives from the user-satis-faction literature in IS and the customer-satisfactionliterature in marketing were synthesized to identifynine key constructs for analyzing Web-customer sat-isfaction. Based on IS literature, we argued that mea-suring Web-customer satisfaction for informationquality and system quality provides insight about acustomers overall satisfaction with a Web site. Bysynthesizing IS and marketing theories related to

    customer satisfaction, key constructs are identi-fied for Web-customer satisfaction with a modelfor Expectation-Disconfirmation Effects on Web-Customer Satisfaction (EDEWS), demonstrating therole these constructs play in the formation of over-all Web-customer satisfaction. The EDEWS measure-ment model provided strong support for the reli-ability and validity of the proposed metrics formeasuring the key constructs of Web-customersatisfaction.

    AcknowledgmentsThe authorsthank Fred Davis,the Guest Editor, theAssociateEditor,

    and reviewers for their helpful comments on this paper.

    Appendix A. Information Quality and SystemQuality Measurement Scales andReliabilities (Phase 1)

    All items were measured on a continuous 11-point semantic differ-

    ential scale, where 0 not important at all, and 10 extremely

    important. (Each construct has a general question that is reported

    here but is not used in computing the Cronbach alpha. Additionally,

    interitem correlations are reported for two-item factors.)

    Information Quality

    Relevance: (Cronbach 0.85)

    Information that is applicable to your purchase decision is:

    Information that is related to your purchase decision is:Information that is pertinent to your purchase decision is:

    In general, information that is relevant to your purchase decision


    Understandability: (Cronbach 0.88)

    Information that is clear in meaning is:

    Information that is easy to comprehend is:

    Information that is easy to read is:

    In general, information that is understandable for you in making

    purchase decision is:

    Reliability: (Cronbach 0.92)

    Information that is trustworthy is:

    Information that is accurate is:

    Information that is credible is:In general, information that is reliable for making your purchase

    decision is:

    Adequacy: (Cronbach 0.82)

    Information that is sufficient for your purchase decision is:

    Information that is complete for your purchase decision is:

    Information that contains necessary topics for your purchase de-

    cision is:

    In general, information that is adequate for your purchase decision


    Scope: (Cronbach 0.91)

    Information that covers a wide range is:

    Information that contains a wide variety of topics is:

    Information that contains a number of different subjects is:

    In general, information that covers a broad scope for your purchase

    decision is:

    Usefulness: (Cronbach 0.88, interitem correlation 0.78)

    Information that is informative to your purchase decision is:

    Information that is valuable to your purchase decision is:

    In general, information that is useful in your purchase decision is:

    System Quality

    Access: (Cronbach 0.57, interitem correlation 0.40)

    A Web site that is responsive to your request is:

    A Web site that quickly loads all the text and graphics is:

    In general, a Web site that provides good access is:

    Usability: (Cronbach 0.84)

    A Web site that has a simple layout for its contents is:

    A Web site that is easy to use is:

    A Web site that is well organized is:

    A Web site that has a clear design is:

    In general, a Web site that is user-friendly is:

    Entertainment: (Cronbach 0.87)

    A Web site that is visually attractive is:

    A Web site that is fun to navigate is:

    A Web site that is interesting to navigate is:

    In general, a Web site that is entertaining is:

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    Hyperlinks4: (Cronbach 0.83, interitem correlation 0.70)

    A Web site that has an adequate number of links is:

    A Web site that has clear descriptions for each link is:

    Navigation: (Cronbach 0.68, interitem correlation 0.52)

    A Web site, on which it is easy to go back and forth between pages,


    A Web site that provides a few clicks to locate information is:

    In general, a Web site, on which it is easy to navigate, is:

    Interactivity: (Cronbach 0.87)

    A Web site that provides the capability to create a list of selected items

    (such as shopping cart) is:

    A Web site that provides the capability to change items from a created

    list (such as changing contents of a shopping cart) is:

    A Web site that provides the capability to create a customized product

    (such as computer configurationor creatingclothes to your taste and

    measurements) is:

    A Web site that provides the capability to select different features ofthe product to match your needs is:

    In general, a Web site, on which one can actively participate in

    creating your desired product, is:

    Appendix B. Measurement Scales for ExpectationsAll items were measured on a continuous 11-point semantic differ-

    ential scale, where 0 not likely at all and 10 highly likely. (The

    Cronbach alpha is reported for each factor. Additionally, the inter-

    item correlations are reported for two-item factors.)

    Expectation About Information Quality

    Based on the reports provided to you about the Web site, do you

    expect information on the Web site to be:

    Understandability: (Cronbach 0.95) clear in meaning

    easy to comprehend

    easy to read

    In general, understandable for you in making your purchase


    Reliability: (Cronbach 0.97)




    In general, reliable for making your purchase decision

    Usefulness: (Cronbach 0.95, interitem correlation


    informative to your purchase decision valuable to making your purchase decision

    In general, useful in your purchase decision

    Expectation About System Quality

    Based on the reports provided to you about the Web site, do you

    expect that the Web site:

    4Since this factor was created after the completion of data collection,

    it does not have a general question.

    Access: (Cronbach 0.80, interitem correlation 0.67)

    is responsive to your request

    quickly loads all the text and graphics

    In general, provides good access

    Usability: (Cronbach 0.96)

    has a simple layout for its contents

    is easy to use

    is well organized

    is a clear design

    In general, is user-friendly

    Navigation: (Cronbach 0.93, interitem correlation 0.86)

    is easy to go back and forth between pages

    provides a few clicks to locate information

    In general, is easy to navigate

    Appendix C. Measurement Scales for PerceivedPerformance

    All items were measured on a continuous 11-point semantic differ-

    ential scale, where 0 very poor, and 10 very good. (The Cron-

    bach alpha is reported for each factor. Additionally, the interitem

    correlations are reported for two-item factors.)

    Performance in Information Quality

    Based on your experience of using the given Web site, please pro-

    vide your evaluation of its performance in terms of the following

    features. The Web sites performance in providing information that


    Understandability: (Cronbach 0.95)

    clear in meaning was

    easy to comprehend was

    easy to read was

    In general, understandable for you in making your purchase de-

    cision was

    Reliability: (Cronbach 0.97)

    trustworthy was

    accurate was

    credible was

    In general, reliable for making your purchase decision was

    Usefulness: (Cronbach 0.95, interitem correlation 0.90)

    informative to your purchase decision was

    valuable to making your purchase decision was

    In general, useful in your purchase decision was

    Performance in System QualityThe Web sites performance that:

    Access: (Cronbach 0.80, interitem correlation 0.66)

    is responsive to your request was

    quickly loads all the text and graphics was

    In general, provides good access was

    Usability: (Cronbach 0.97)

    has a simple layout for its contents was

    is easy to use was

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    is well organized was

    is a clear design was

    In general, is user-friendly was

    Navigation: (Cronbach 0.86, interitem correlation 0.75)

    is easy to go back and forth between pages was provides a few clicks to locate information was

    In general, is easy to navigate was

    Appendix D. Measurement Scales forDisconfirmation

    All items were measured on a continuous 11-point semantic differ-

    ential scale, where 0 much lower than you thought, 5 the same

    as you expected, and 10 much higher than you thought. (The

    Cronbach alpha is reported for each factor. Additionally, the inter-

    item correlations are reported for two-item factors.)

    Disconfirmation in Information Quality

    We are interested in knowing how the Web site performed com-

    pared to your expectations in terms of the following features. The

    Web sites performance in providing information is:

    Understandability: (Cronbach 0.94)

    clear in meaning was

    easy to comprehend was

    easy to read was

    In general, understandable for you in making your purchase de-

    cision was

    Figure F1 The Structure of the Measurement Model

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    Table F1 Factor Loading, T value, and R2 for First-Order Factors in the Measurement Model

    Expectation Performance Disconfirmation

    Items Loading T value R2 Loading T value R2 Loading T value R2

    Understandability E-understandability P-understandability D-understandability

    Clear in meaning (underst-i1) 1.00 0.0 0.88 1.00 0.0 0.89 1.00 0.0 0.85

    Easy to understand (underst-i2) 0.98 45.5 0.92 1.02 43.0 0.94 1.02 40.8 0.89

    Easy to read (underst-i3) 0.90 36.2 0.78 0.96 36.8 0.80 0.98 30.9 0.80

    Reliability E-reliability P-reliability D-reliability

    Trustworthy (reliab-i1) 1.00 0.0 0.87 1.00 0.0 0.88 1.00 0.00 0.83

    Accurate (reliab-i2) 1.03 50.7 0.93 1.07 53.5 0.93 1.07 40.4 0.90

    Credible (reliab-i3) 1.07 51.0 0.95 1.08 55.1 0.95 0.97 27.1 0.84

    Usefulness E-usefulness P-usefulness D-usefulness

    Informative (useful-i1) 1.00 0.0 0.89 1.00 0.0 0.87 1.00 0.0 0.88

    Valuable (useful-i2) 1.03 38.5 0.90 1.01 51.3 0.94 1.01 43.1 0.93

    Access E-access P-access D-access

    Responsive (access-i1) 1.00 0.0 0.56 1.00 0.0 0.74 1.00 0.0 0.73

    Quick loads (access-i2) 1.26 17.6 0.79 0.90 19.8 0.59 0.89 18.1 0.58

    Usability E-usability P-usability D-usability

    Simple layout (usability-i1) 1.00 0.0 0.73 1.00 0.0 0.79 1.00 0.0 0.79

    Easy to use (usability-i2) 1.19 33.1 0.87 1.15 32.6 0.91 1.09 29.6 0.84

    Well organized (usability-i3) 1.26 31.8 0.93 1.15 33.0 0.96 1.11 38.2 0.90

    Clear design (usability-i4) 1.24 37.6 0.93 1.08 31.5 0.92 1.06 34.9 0.87

    Navigation E-navigation P-navigation D-navigation

    Easy to go back and forth (navigation-i1) 1.00 0.0 0.84 1.00 0.0 0.63 1.00 0.0 0.72

    A few clicks (navigation-i2) 1.03 37.5 0.88 1.13 20.7 0.91 1.03 19.7 0.65

    Table F2 Factor Loadings, T values, and R2

    for Satisfaction Factorsin the Measurement Model

    Items for Factor Loadings T value R2

    Information-Quality Satisfaction

    Satisfied (Inf-sat-i1) 1.00 0.0 0.93

    Pleased (Inf-sat-i2) 0.97 57.0 0.95

    Contented (Inf-sat-i3) 0.96 34.0 0.80

    Delighted (Inf-sat-i4) 0.99 43.2 0.88

    Information-System Satisfaction

    Satisfied (Sys-sat-i1) 1.00 0.0 0.96

    Pleased (Sys-sat-i2) 0.99 99.2 0.97

    Contented (Sys-sat-i3) 0.93 37.9 0.83Delighted (Sys-sat-i4) 0.95 49.6 0.89

    Overall Satisfaction

    Satisfied (Sat-i1) 1.00 0.0 0.94

    Pleased (Sat-i2) 0.97 46.7 0.95

    Contented (Sat-i3) 0.94 38.0 0.87

    Delighted (Sat-i4) 0.94 39.1 0.92

    Will recommend to friends (Sat-i5) 1.06 40.6 0.89

    Will use the site again (Sat-i6) 1.09 34.0 0.83

    Table F3 Factor Loadings (T values) for Second-Order Factors in

    the Measurement Model

    First-Order Factors

    Used to Construct

    Second-Order Factors Expectation Performance Disconfirmation

    Information Quality






    QualityUnderstandability 1.00 (0.0) 1.00 (0.0) 1.00 (0.0)

    Reliability 1.18 (21.7) 1.03 (21.7) 0.98 (19.6)

    Usefulness 1.17 (21.8) 1.28 (27.1) 1.21 (21.9)

    System Quality







    Access 1.00 (0.0) 1.00 (0.0) 1.00 (0.0)

    Usability 1.14 (13.6) 1.00 (23.7) 0.94 (21.2)

    Navigation 1.26 (15.1) 0.92 (16.1) 0.83 (16.9)

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    Reliability: (Cronbach 0.95)

    trustworthy was

    accurate was

    credible was In general, reliable for making your purchase decision was

    Usefulness: (Cronbach 0.95, interitem correlation 0.90)

    informative to your purchase decision was

    valuable to making your purchase decision was

    In general, useful in your purchase decision was

    Disconfirmation in System Quality

    The performance of the Web site that:

    Access: (Cronbach 0.79, interitem correlation 0.65)

    is responsive to your request was

    quickly loads all the text and graphics was

    In general, provides good access was

    Usabili ty: (Cronbach 0.96)

    has a simple layout for its contents was

    is easy to use was

    is well organized was

    is a clear design was

    In general, is user-friendly was

    Navigation: (Cronbach 0.81, interitem correlation 0.68)

    is easy to go back and forth between pages was

    provides a few clicks to locate information was

    In general, is easy to navigate was

    Appendix E. Measurement Scales for Satisfactionfor Information and Features of theWeb Site

    All items (except the last item) are measured on a continuous 11-

    point semantic differential scale.

    Satisfaction with Information Quality (Cronbach 0.97)

    Onlybased on the information provided by the assigned Website,

    please indicate your views regarding the overall quality of infor-

    mation in making your purchase decision.

    After using the Web site, information that you obtained made


    Very dissatisfied vs. Very satisfied

    Very displeased vs. Very pleased

    Frustrated vs. Contented

    Disappointed vs. DelightedSatisfaction with System Quality (Cronbach 0.98)

    Onlybased on the information provided by the assigned Website,

    please indicate your views regarding the overall qualityof Websites

    features in making your purchase decision.

    In terms of the features of the Web site that provide the infor-

    mation you need, using the Web site made you:

    Very dissatisfied vs. Very satisfied

    Very displeased vs. Very pleased

    Frustrated vs. Contented

    Disappointed vs. Delighted

    Overall Satisfaction (Cronbach

    0.98) After using this Web site, I am. . .

    Very dissatisfied vs. Very satisfied

    After using this Web site, I am. . .

    Very displeased vs. Very pleased

    Using this Web site made me. . .

    Frustrated vs. Contented

    After using this Web site, I am. . .

    Terrible vs. Delighted

    Using this Web site is. . .

    Will never recommend it to my friends vs.

    Will definitely recommend it to my friends

    After using this Web site, I. . .

    Will never use it again vs. Will definitely use it again

    Appendix F. Confirmatory Factor Loadings in theMeasurement Model

    The measurement model is shown in Figure F1, and confirmatory

    factor loadings for the constructs using first-order factors are re-

    ported in Table F1. Table F2 contains the confirmatory factor load-

    ings for satisfaction. Table F3 reports factor loadings for the con-

    structs based on second-order factors. The factor loadings are

    computed within the estimated model using Mplus. The t values are

    reported in parentheses. The robust method of estimation in Mplus

    results in factor loadings above one for high level of loadings.

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