Running head: THE SUBJECTS OF ROAD RAGE  The Subjects of Road Rage: Everyone John Eriss Andrew D. Ramirez am

The Subjects of Road Rage - John Ramirez Lam

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The Subjects of Road Rage: Everyone

John Eriss Andrew D. Ramirez am

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A different view of the driving wor!d revea!s the idea of road rage or the vio!ent reaction

in driving that is caused by the se!fishness of "eo"!e and even discomfort inside vehic!es. #ost

 "eo"!e are b!inded by their own confidence about the rea!ity in !ife$ which is the argument that

anyone can be a "art of road rage. This dangerous term is something that a!! drivers must be

aware of$ student drivers$ non%"rofessiona!s and "rofessiona! drivers$ to "re"are and warn them

about a mista&e they might ma&e in the future that can ruin their own !ives and the !ives of others

and to ma&e the society a better "!ace to !ive in. This research "a"er contains different studies

and surveys about the different as"ects of road rage$ such as its definition and causes$ that show

that road rage is dangerous enough to be something a!! drivers shou!d !oo& out for. Evidences

from road rage cases in the 'hi!i""ines a!! conc!ude into a tragic ending on "!aces no other than

the road. The truth and rea!ity behind road rage is revea!ed inside to o"en the eyes of the "eo"!e

who be!ong to the wor!d of driving. A!! as"ects of road rage combined together can "rove that it

can not on!y ha""en to "eo"!e with anger management issues but a!so to anyone.


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The Subjects of Road Rage: Everyone

Everyone ma&es mista&es. (t is a "art of the human nature where no one can be an

e)ce"tion of. 'eo"!e intentiona!!y or unintentiona!!y do things that aren*t a!ways good. Some

 "eo"!e im"atient!y just cut someone off or se!fish!y b!oc& one another just for the sa&e of going

first. Some "eo"!e react with rude gestures and fou! !anguages. They may not have noticed but

they are a!ready starting with the first !eve! of road rage which can !ead to an even more intense

stage of rage that may cause injuries and death. Recent!y$ different cases of road rage have been

re"orted in the 'hi!i""ines. #any suffered from harsh "unishments$ gui!t and death because of

different mista&es made by road ragers. +io!ent!y re!easing anger is sure!y a big mista&e and not

on!y im"atient "eo"!e can e)"erience it. According to a random house dictionary ,n.d.-$ this

vio!ent anger caused by the stress invo!ved with driving vehic!es is what we ca!! road rage. Road

rage can ha""en to anyone$ im"atient or "atient$ rude or &ind. Everyone can !ose contro! of his

own body es"ecia!!y with the things that irritate him the most. +io!ence is usua!!y the resu!t and

it severe!y destroys !ife. This is the dangerous wor!d of driving where !ife gets even more

com"!icated than it seems. Road rage is a "art of every driver*s !ife and they need to &now about

what it is.

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Road rage is defined as the aggressive behavior by a driver of an automobi!e or other

motor vehic!e that is usua!!y uncontro!!ab!e$ argumentative and vio!ent. The term originated in

the /nited States s"ecifica!!y from 0ewscasters at 123S T+ os Ange!es ,1TA-$ a !oca!

te!evision station in 2a!ifornia$ during the 4567s. A rash of freeway shootings occurred on the

879$ 447 and 47 freeways in os Ange!es. These shooting s"rees even s"awned a res"onse from

the AAA #otor 2!ub to its members on how to res"ond to drivers with road rage or aggressive

maneuvers and gestures. ,#artin$ ;747$ 'ara. ;- Road$ a way !eading from one "!ace to

another that is intended for vehic!es to move on and Rage$ the e)"ression of vio!ent and

uncontro!!ab!e anger by a human or a creature$ combined together by the re"orters of os

Ange!es and forms the term road rage which means the vio!ent and uncontro!!ab!e anger on the

road. Some behavior or actions that are used by "eo"!e under road rage may inc!ude rude

gestures$ verba! insu!ts$ de!iberate!y driving in an unsafe or threatening manner$ or ma&ing

threats with wea"ons or shar" objects. Road rage can be the vio!ent and tragic fights that ha""en

on the road due to the annoyance of other driver*s actions. (t can a!so just be the sim"!e irritation

 "eo"!e fee! in within because of the things that don*t go their way when driving. This means that

sim"!y getting annoyed by other drivers when driving is a!ready e)"eriencing road rage. The

main cause of road rage is categorized aggressive and selfish driving . These are the most

common reasons that irritate other drivers. Aggressiveness is being inconsiderate of others

 because of se!f%assertive actions such as immediate!y cutting off other drivers without signa!s or

using the wrong !ane just to avoid traffic$ thus$ !osing res"ect for other drivers they meet on the

road. Some drivers even try to com"ete with one another even if they are not in a com"etition.

They acce!erate against the s"eed !imit to race each other to not !et other vehic!es overta&e or just

to "rove who goes faster. Aggressive drivers are a!so usua!!y im"atient on the road. Another

common action by these drivers are the hon&ing of horns for a !ong "eriod of time because of

other drivers who irritate them by sim"!y being s!ow in terms of s"eed or even by ma&ingunintended wrong decisions on the road. 0ot on!y can aggressiveness cause road rage$ it can a!so

cause discouragement to other drivers and cause minor or tragic accidents. (t is the number one

cause of road rage and a!so the number one cause of accidents. Aggressiveness and the actions

 "erformed by aggressive drivers are caused by an e!ement in !ife which a!! "eo"!e have$

se!fishness. 3ecause "eo"!e are se!fish$ they become aggressive at times to get what they want

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and to have no one on their way. 3eing se!fish inc!udes not humb!y giving way to other drivers

when they try to cross an intersection or when others try to change !anes even if they have

signa!s. Another act of se!fishness is occu"ying e)cessive s"aces that are not needed by the

vehic!e such as de!iberate!y occu"ying two "ar&ing s"aces or driving in between two !anes.

These b!oc& other drivers from having a convenient "ar&ing s"ace and from being ab!e to move

ahead es"ecia!!y if they are in a hurry. Se!fishness as a human nature a!so wor&s the other way

around. <hen "eo"!e don*t get what they want$ some get sad$ some react negative!y. This a!so

causes road rage$ reacting negative!y or vio!ent!y when other drivers de!iberate!y or care!ess!y

get in their nerves. =owever$ road rage can a!so have good effects such as !earning from its

!essons and sha"ing one*s character$ but sti!! many disastrous effects are made by road rage that

can never be e>ua!!y com"ared to the benefits it gives. (t causes distraction to the community$ to

other "eo"!e and to one*s se!f. Road rage can cause discouragement$ de"ression$ damage and

destruction of "ro"erties !i&e vehic!es owned by other "eo"!e and "ub!ic materia!s such as

e!ectric "osts$ !arge "ena!ties de"ending on the severity of the case$ injuries of se!f and others

such as b!eeding and fractures$ sic&nesses or hea!th "rob!ems !i&e heart attac& and stro&e$ trauma

and !ast!y$ death. The most severe !eve! of road rage is the "oint where an individua! or a grou"

reaches the "oint of &i!!ing someone. Road rage has a !ot of unfortunate effects that can indeed

ruin !ives.

'eo"!e who reach the "oint of &i!!ing someone have anger management issues. =e !oses

contro! of his own anger and &i!!s someone by shooting a gun or by ramming his own vehic!e

direct!y to the victim even if he &nows that it is wrong. osing contro! of anger is very dangerous

for it a!ways resu!ts to a disaster. Drivers who !ose contro! of their se!ves often become rec&!ess

and care!ess. They drive with frustration and have a wea&er abi!ity to co"e u" with stress and

irritation. These "eo"!e murder someone e!se unreasonab!y or for a very sha!!ow reason.

#ize!! ? 2om"any surveyed the @reasons@ given for vio!ent reactions and made the

fo!!owing !ist:

"It was an argument over a parking space..." 

"He cut me off" 

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"She wouldn't let me pass" 

A driver was shot to death "because he hit my car" 

"Nobody gives me the finger..." 

A shooting occurred "because one motorist was playing the radio too loud." 

"The bastard kept honking and honking his horn..." 

"Heshe was driving too slowly" 

"He wouldn't turn off his high beams" 

"They kept tailgating me..."

A !ot of se!fish and aggressive driving incidents have occurred because of the

disres"ectfu!ness or care!essness of other drivers they meet. ,#ize!!$ ;744-

  0ot on!y disres"ectfu!ness and care!essness cause road rage$ anger or irritation that came

from other "ast events a!so contribute to !osing contro! of anger when a "erson gets behind the

whee!. actors that create these irritations are usua!!y other "eo"!e such as aggressive driverswhich are usua!!y "rofessiona! drivers or student drivers who sti!! !ac& &now!edge about the

wor!d of driving. Bther factors of irritations are the "ub!ic trans"ortations !i&e the jee"neys and

 "edicabs. The environment around the "erson can a!so be a factor.

  The most irritating factor in driving is the aggressive driver who is usua!!y a "rofessiona!

driver because a "rofessiona! driver &nows a !ot more about the road giving him a confident

driving ca"abi!ity. Their aggressiveness is bui!t u" by their confidence which is trained through

the e)"eriences they had on the road. A "rofessiona! driver &nows more driving techni>ues and

can "erform a !ot more dangerous actions that can ma&e their driving easier or ma&e them

achieve whatever they want !i&e beating a red !ight or overta&ing s!ow or average vehic!es. They

are often the ones who cut off "eo"!e and "revent "eo"!e from getting on their way. 3ecause of

the confidence they have$ they a!so begin to mu!titas& with the use of things that aren*t su""osed

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to be used when driving such as the ce!! "hone. Driving ta&es a !ot of concentration and ce!!

 "hones can be distracting and ma&e a "erson become !ess aware of other "eo"!e !i&e cutting off

another driver without noticing it and it cou!d be a very annoying action to anyone. ,awrence$

;744- 2onfidence can be a good thing and it can "rovide a smooth driving but too much

confidence can create a "roud attitude in a driver. 3eing "roud can !essen one*s consideration for

the different driving techni>ues of other drivers resu!ting to a >uic&er tem"er that easi!y activates

when other drivers ma&e mista&es de!iberate!y or not. This attitude urges the driver to hon& his

horn in a distracting and inconsiderate way that can enrage other drivers es"ecia!!y if they are

aggressive too.

Another factor is the drun&en driver. This is a very serious issue e)"erienced by the wor!d

and is now being ta&en care of by the government with !aws regarding drun& driving. Bne "ersonis &i!!ed every ha!f%hour due to drun& driving.,ifeTi"s$ ;744-

Driving whi!e either into)icated or drun& is very dangerous and drivers with high b!ood

a!coho! content or concentration ,3A2- are at great!y increased ris& of car accidents$ highway

injuries and vehicu!ar deaths. ,=anson$ ;744-Drun& driving is dangerous and can a!so cause road

rage to other "eo"!e. (t can severe!y affect a driver*s coordination and a!!ow his "erformance to

 become "oor$ thus$ affecting other drivers near him through near!y harming them or rea!!y

harming them.

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  Student drivers are a!so factors of the causes of road rage. These are the "eo"!e$ usua!!y

under the age of 46$ who are starting to !earn how to drive but don*t have their own !ega! driver*s

!icense yet. Student drivers have their own student*s "ermit for driving that a!!ows them to

!ega!!y drive on the road on!y when accom"anied by any "rofessiona! driver. <ith the guidance

of "rofessiona! drivers$ they are ab!e to notice things they don*t usua!!y watch out for and these

cou!d he!" them gain confidence and have more &now!edge about the road. 3ut because these

!ess e)"erienced student drivers are in contro! of the vehic!e$ they might sti!! "erform mista&es. A

student driver on!y has a !itt!e confidence in his driving s&i!!s which ma&es other cars !oo&

terrifyingC therefore$ it is harder for him to switch !anes es"ecia!!y if a!! cars are moving fast. Bne

scenario is when a student driver tries to switch !anes to be ab!e to reach his destination. =e uses

his signa!s to the right and s!ows down$ but vehic!es from the right side &ee"s on moving fast

ma&ing him stuc& for a few moment and cars behind him are hon&ing their horns because there

is a traffic !ight u" ahead. This is a very difficu!t situation because of a!! the "ressure around him

inc!uding the !oud advising the guardian ma&es saying that what he is doing is wrong. 3ecause

of the !ac& of &now!edge about driving$ they can "erform different!y and do things that aren*t

su""osed to be done on the road !i&e moving across the intersection !ine on a sto" !ight. <ith a!!

the "ressure$ a student driver can "anic and his coordination and driving becomes "oor ma&ing

drivers behind him irritated and may have vio!ent reactions about it.

Aside from student drivers and "rofessiona! drivers$ jee"ney drivers are a!so considered

as an irritating factor. Jee"ney drivers are the most inconsiderate among a!! drivers. They do

things according to their career$ to earn as much money as they can with or without regards for

other vehic!es. The jee"ney driver or barker  wi!! ca!! you saying$ Ride and ( wi!! go in a

minute 3ut he wi!! sto" for another 49 to 7 more minutes to wait for more "assengers. Some

do not &now how to drive gent!y. They s"eed u" !i&e there is no tomorrow$ then sudden!y ste" on

the bra&es in the midd!e of the road where other cars "ass on. ,#arvin$ ;744- These are some of

the habits of jee"ney drivers that do not on!y annoy "assengers but a!so other drivers in the area.Jee"neys are often the ones who get hon&ed at because of their im"o!ite manners and habits.

#ateria! things can a!so enrage a driver*s mood. =is environment can affect the way he

drives and give resentment to a driver when the environment becomes a bad one. Seatbe!ts and

the air conditioner unit of a car can contribute with those that give irritation to a "erson

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es"ecia!!y if they are not wor&ing "ro"er!y. Seatbe!ts give the tight and wra""ed fee!ing to some

drivers ma&ing them fee! enc!osed or not free which ma&es it a !itt!e more difficu!t for them to

 "erform we!! when they drive. Seatbe!ts can add u" to the irritation or anger a!ready being fe!t by

the user and can mu!ti"!y the irritation !eve! and can a!so cause a more intense re!ease of anger.

<hen air conditioners don*t wor& "ro"er!y and do not "rovide the coo! comforting air they are

su""ose to give$ it causes discomfort to the driver and the "assengers. <ith the discomfort of no

coo! air "!us the whining of "assengers$ one can e)"erience road rage. ai!ure of vehic!e

e>ui"ments can a!so cause road rage such as the defectiveness of the car bra&esC it can cause

accidents with other drivers and can ma&e them react im"ro"er!y or vio!ent!y de"ending on that

other driver*s abi!ity to co"e u" with simi!ar situations. ai!ure of tai! !ights to !ight u" when a

vehic!e s!ows down can a!so cause drivers behind him to not be aware of his dece!eration and

can create an accident or a dis"ute between the two drivers.

  Another factor of road rage is the !ac& of &now!edge about streets and directions. This

may not a!ways irritate women but it sure!y affects men. <ith the !ac& of the sense of direction$

drivers get !ost and because of some menFs "ride$ they >uic&!y get discouraged whenever they get

!ost. #ost of the time$ men react im"ro"er!y during these events of getting !ost. They react with

rough actions such as "unching the driving whee! or cursing out !oud inside the car.

These are the most common factors that can ha""en to a!! drivers and not just the

im"atient or the aggressive ones. <ith an intensive !eve! of irritation from these factors$ "eo"!e

can tru!y cost one*s !ife in rea!ity. 'hi!i""ine news re"orters recorded some of the most a!arming

road rage cases in the 'hi!i""ines:

Raul Bautista and Sowaib Salie. Bn June ;4$ 2avite turned into a dead!y fami!y feud

as it !eft si) "eo"!e dead. According to an A3S%230 re"ort, the troub!e started at a traffic jam on

the 0ueno highway in (mus as Sowaib Sa!ie re"eated!y hon&ed his vehic!eFs horns at the car in

front%%driven by Rau! 3autista. A confrontation eru"ted when both motorists arrived at the "ub!icmar&et. 3autista then !eft the scene on!y to come bac& !ater with reinforcement in tow. A brief

firefight eru"ted !eaving si) "eo"!e dead$ inc!uding 3autista$ his two sons and the fami!y driver$

and Sa!ie and his fe!!ow trader #ahmod Su!tan. ,To"Gear$ ;775$ 'ara. ;-

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  Edgardo Canizares and Manuel Hernandez Jr. Bn Bctober ;$ ;77H$ Edgardo

2anizares was trave!ing with a "assenger a!ong Gen. Ro)as Street near the corner of Shaw

3ou!evard when his 0issan 2efiro a!most hit the car of #anue! =ernandez Jr.$ a 'asig 2ity =a!!

!ega! officer and ne"hew of a Sandiganbayan Justice. =ernandez was re"orted!y driving against

the f!ow of traffic$ "rom"ting the angry 2anizares to get out of his car and insu!t =ernandez.

=ernandez "u!!ed out a gun and shot 2anizares four times and his "assenger$ twice. =omicide

charges were fi!ed against =ernandez but he was freed after "osting an '67$777 bai!. ,To"Gear$

;775$ 'ara. I-

  Eldon Maguan and Rolito Go. This is incident "ut road rage on the front "age of every

news"a"er in the country. Bn Ju!y ;$ 4554$ ;9%year%o!d E!don #aguan$ a De a Sa!!e /niversity

engineering student$ was driving his car down a one%way street in San Juan and near!y co!!ided

with Ro!ito GoFs vehic!e$ which was trave!ing the wrong way. The businessman got off his car

and shot #aguan$ who died a few days !ater. Go was convicted of murder @in absentia@ in 455

 by the 'asig Regiona! Tria! 2ourt as he was in hiding after he esca"ed from the Riza! 'rovincia!

Jai! a few days before the sentencing. Go was fina!!y caught in 455I in 'am"anga and then

served his !ife im"risonment sentence at the 0ew 3i!ibid 'rison in #untin!u"a. Go was

transferred from the "risonFs ma)imum security faci!ity to the minimum security area ear!y this

year$ a!!owing him to wa!& around the faci!ity without security escorts. ,To"Gear$ ;775$ 'ara. -

Road Rage ha""ens anywhere$ not on!y in the 'hi!i""ines but in the wor!d and they resu!t

to injustices and tragedies. A!! road rage incidents conc!ude to "unishments inc!uding "ena!ties$

im"risonment or even death. (nnocent "eo"!e can be victimized even if they didn*t do anything

wrong. Anyone can be a "art of road rage and anyone can e)"erience road rage.

#otorists were surveyed which of a !ist of "articu!ar ty"es of behavior they had

e)"erienced from other motorists in the !ast 4; months.

3ehavior A!! #otorists ,-

Aggressive tai!gating I;

=ad !ights f!ashed at me when other motorist annoyed 95

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Received aggressive or rude gestures 86

3een de!iberate!y obstructed or "revented from maneuvering my vehic!e ;4

Received verba! abuse 4I

3eing "hysica!!y assau!ted 4

 0one of these 4;

A!most nine in 47 ,66 "ercent- of a!! res"ondents had e)"erienced at !east one of thety"es of behavior !isted above in the !ast 4; months. This can re"resent that 66 "ercent of every

 "eo"!e e)"erienced road rage$ severe!y or not severe!y$ thus$ each "erson has an assum"tion of

66 "ercent chance of e)"eriencing road rage behind the whee! whether they are the victim or the

road rager. ,Joint$ ;744-

The majority of drivers had been tai!gated or driving very c!ose behind ,I; "ercent- and

had !ights f!ashed at them by other motorists ,95 "ercent-$ and about ha!f ,86 "ercent- had

received aggressive or rude gestures. Bne in five had been de!iberate!y obstructed$ and fewer had

received verba! abuse ,4I "ercent- or been "hysica!!y assau!ted by other motorists ,one "ercent-.

#en were more !i&e!y than women to have received aggressive or rude gestures ,9; "ercent and

8; "ercent$ res"ective!y-$ verba! abuse ,45 "ercent and 47 "ercent$ res"ective!y-$ and are more

!i&e!y to have been de!iberate!y obstructed ,;8 "ercent and 4H "ercent$ res"ective!y-. ,Joint$


Conclusion and Recoendation

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Road rage shou!d be ta&en serious!y by everyone and not on!y by some "eo"!e of have

anger management issues or are &nown to be se!fish$ es"ecia!!y because everyone is born se!fish.

Road rage is a critica! com"onent in !ife that can shatter !ife itse!f as easy as c!ic&ing the trigger

of a gun and it can ha""en to anyone. Accidents are a !ot more un"reventab!e but road rage are

com"!ete!y "reventab!e if "eo"!e choose to disci"!ine themse!ves to "ro"er driving and &ee"ing

their coo! when they are behind the whee!. 'eo"!e who choose to be disci"!ined on the road wi!!

sure!y have a better driving !ife and "revent accidents they might e)"erience to increase their

severity. A!! drivers from the 'hi!i""ines and the wor!d shou!d view road rage as a very serious

matter and to !oo& at sam"!e road rage cases as !essons and not gossi"s. =aving a "ro"er

understanding about road rage can he!" ma&e and maintain a "eacefu! wor!d and a better "!ace to

!ive in.


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9 most a!arming road%rage cases in the 'hi!i""ines. Top!ear

 hilippines. Avai!ab!e at htt":KKwww.to"gear.com."hKfeaturesKfeature%artic!esK9%most%


Goog!e. Road Rage. !oogle #ictionary. Avai!ab!e at




=ansen$ D. A!coho! 'rob!ems and So!utions. otsdam. Avai!ab!e at


Joint$ #.and #ize!!$ . Road Rage. $$$ %oundation for Traffic

Society. Avai!ab!e at htt":KKwww.aaafoundation.orgKresourcesKinde).cfmL

 buttonMagdrte)tQRoad Rage

#arvin. (rritating Scenes (n Jee"neys And 3uses. &untian orner.

Avai!ab!e at htt":KKwww.!untiancorner.comK!ivingKjee"%bus%irritateK 

#artin$ G. Road Rae. The hrase %inder. Avai!ab!e at


/sefu! Drun& Driving acts. &ifeTips. Avai!ab!e at

