The the Top 100 World Universities

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  • 7/24/2019 The the Top 100 World Universities


    The THE top 100 world universities

    1. California Institute of Technology, US2.University of Oxford, UK

    3. Stanford University, US4.University of Cambridge, UK5.Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US6.arvard University, US7.!rinceton University, US8. Im"erial College #ondon, UK9. $T %&rich ' S(iss )ederal Institute of Technology %urich, S(it*erland10. University of Chicago, US11. +ohns o"ins University, US12. -ale University, US13. University of California, ereley, US

    14. University College #ondon, UK15. Columbia University, US16. University of California, #os /ngeles, US17. University of !ennsylvania, US18. Cornell University, US19. University of Toronto, Canada20. 0ue University, US

    Im"erial College #ondon !hoto1 /lamy
  • 7/24/2019 The the Top 100 World Universities


    21. University of Michigan, US22. Carnegie Mellon University, US23. #ondon School of $conomics and !olitical Science, UK24. University of $dinburgh, UK25. 2orth(estern University, US

    26. 2ational University of Singa"ore, Singa"ore27.King3s College #ondon, UK28. Karolinsa Institute, S(eden29. #MU Munich, 4ermany30. 2e( -or University US31. 5cole !olytechni6ue )7d7rale de #ausanne, S(it*erland32. University of 8ashington, US33. University of Melbourne, /ustralia34. University of ritish Columbia, Canada35. KU #euven, elgium36. University of Illinois at Urbana9Cham"aign, US

    37. eidelberg University, 4ermany38. Mc4ill University, Canada=39. University of California, San 0iego, US=39. University of California, Santa arbara, US41. 4eorgia Institute of Technology, US

    #ondon School of $conomics and !olitical Science !hoto1 /lex Sagre42. !eing University, China43. University of Toyo, +a"an
  • 7/24/2019 The the Top 100 World Universities


    =44. University of California, 0avis, US=44. University of ong Kong, ong Kong46. University of Texas at /ustin, US=47. Tsinghua University, China=47. 8ageningen University and :esearch Center, 2etherlands

    49. umboldt University of erlin, 4ermany50. University of 8isconsin9Madison, US51. ro(n University, US52. /ustralian 2ational University, /ustralia53. Technical University of Munich, 4ermany54. 5cole 2ormale Su"7rieure, )rance55. 2anyang Technological University, Singa"ore=56.University of Manchester, UK=56. University of Sydney, /ustralia58. University of /msterdam, 2etherlands59. ong Kong University of Science and Technology, ong Kong

    =60. University of ;ueensland, /ustralia=60. 8ashington University in St #ouis, US62. Utrecht University, 2etherlands

    University of 8ar(ic !hoto1 /lamy63. University of 2orth Carolina at Cha"el ill, US64. oston University, US=65. 0elft University of Technology, 2etherlands=65. University of Minnesota, US
  • 7/24/2019 The the Top 100 World Universities


    67. #eiden University, 2etherlands68. University of Southern California, US69. University of ristol, UK70. 0urham University, UK71. $rasmus University :otterdam, 2etherlands

    72. )ree University of erlin, 4ermany73. Monash University, /ustralia74. University of 4roningen, 2etherlands75. !ennsylvania State University, US=76. University of 4lasgo(, UK=76. University of elsini, )inland78. University of T&bingen, 4ermany79. University of !ittsburgh, US80. University of 8ar(ic, UK81. U""sala University, S(eden=82. University of Co"enhagen, 0enmar

    =82. University of 2e( South 8ales, /ustralia

    University College #ondon

  • 7/24/2019 The the Top 100 World Universities


    =90. $mory University, US=90. #und University, S(eden=90. Ohio State University, US93. University of $xeter, UK=94. University of onn, 4ermany

    =94. 4eorgeto(n University, US=94. McMaster University, Canada97. University of Sheffield, UK98. ;ueen Mary University of #ondon, UK=99. University of 4?ttingen, 4ermany=99. Michigan State University, US=101. University of asel, S(it*erland=101. 5cole !olytechni6ue, )rance=101. :ice University, US