The UK and international institutions

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  • 8/13/2019 The UK and international institutions



    The UK and international institutions





    The CommonwealthThe Commonwealth is an association of countries thatsupport each other and work toether towards shared

    oals in democrac! and de"elopment# $ost mem%erstates were once part of the &ritish 'mpire( althouh afew countries which were not ha"e also )oined#

    The *ueen is the ceremonial head of theCommonwealth( which currentl! has 54 mem%er states+see ta%le %elow,# $em%ership is "oluntar!# TheCommonwealth has no power o"er its mem%ers(

    althouh it can suspend mem%ership# TheCommonwealth is %ased on core "alues of democrac!(ood o"ernment and the rule of law#

    continued ###

    British Council 20131

  • 8/13/2019 The UK and international institutions



    Commonwealth members

    -ntiua and&ar%uda

    -ustralia The &ahamas

    &anladesh &ar%ados &eli.e&otswana &runei


    Canada C!prus /ominica

    i)i +currentl!suspended,

    The am%ia hana

    renada u!ana ndiaamaica en!a iri%atiesotho $alawi $ala!sia$aldi"es $alta $auritius$ ami%ia auru

    ew ealand ieria akistanapua ewuinea

    :wanda ;amoa

    ;e!chelles ;ierra eone ;inapore;olomon slands ;outh -frica ;ri anka;t itts and e"is ;t ucia ;t

  • 8/13/2019 The UK and international institutions






    The European UnionThe 'uropean =nion +'=,( oriinall! called the'uropean 'conomic Communit! +''C,( was set up %!si> western 'uropean countries +&elium( rance(erman!( tal!( u>em%our( and the etherlands, whosined the Treat! of :ome on 25 $arch 1957# The =oriinall! decided not to )oin this roup %ut it %ecame amem%er in 1973# There are now 27 '= mem%er states

    +see ta%le %elow,# Croatia will also %ecome a mem%erstate in 2013#

    '= law is leall! %indin in the = and all other '=mem%er states# 'uropean laws are called directi"es(reulations or framework decisions#

    EU member states-ustria &elium &ulariaC!prus C.ech :epu%lic /enmark'stonia inland ranceerman! reece ?unar!reland tal! at"iaithuania u>em%our $altaetherlands oland ortual:omania ;lo"akia ;lo"enia;pain ;weden =

    British Council 20133

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    The Council of EuropeThe Council of 'urope is separate from the '=# t has 47mem%er countries( includin the =( and is responsi%lefor the protection and promotion of human rihts in thosecountries# t has no power to make laws %ut draws upcon"entions and charters( the most well@known of whichis the 'uropean Con"ention on ?uman :ihts andundamental reedoms( usuall! called the 'uropean

    Con"ention on ?uman :ihts#

    The United NationsThe = is part of the =nited ations +=,( aninternational orani.ation with more than 190 countriesas mem%ers#The = was set up after the ;econd Aorld Aar andaims to pre"ent war and promote international peaceand securit!# There are 15 mem%ers on the = ;ecurit!Council( which recommends action when there areinternational crises and threats to peace# The = is oneof the fi"e permanent mem%ers of the ;ecurit! Council#

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATOThe = is also a mem%er of -TB# -TB is a roup of

    'uropean and orth -merican countries that ha"eareed to help each other if the! come under attack# talso aims to maintain peace %etween all of its mem%ers#

    This te>t is taken from ife in the =nited indom( a uide for ew :esidents( 3rd edition

    ae 137 Crown Cop!riht 2013

    British Council 20134