The Zest Project Report

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  • 7/31/2019 The Zest Project Report


    TH E ZEST PROJECT REPORT (Sun da y, July 10 , 20 11)

    As th e ZEST (ZAN ZIBAR ENTERPRISE AND SUSTAIN ABLE TOURISM ) manage r/ coo rd inat o

    th e past few m ont hs, I have engaged w ith several ZEST project net w orks of part ners by liaisiand having direct cont act w ith som e of the stakeholders, partner project fu nders, thebeneficiaries, partner netw ork pr oject coordinat ors and also pot ential organizations thinkingabout collaborat ing wit h the ZEST pro ject. I am cur rent ly wo rking w ith CARE INTL. in th eiJOCDO project headed b y W innie, to m ake an assessment on po tent ial donors, and also com iw ith t he m ost cost effective system of creating a market linkage betw een the b eneficiaries atou rism and private sector.

    In Zanzibar, agriculture is by far the m ost imp ort ant source of em ploym ent. About 75% of tpopu lation benefits from revenues directly or indirectly induced from the Agricultu ral sectoThe inform ation I gathered from visiting partner project sites, suggest that , agriculturalprod uctio n is pred om inant ly subsisten ce, small scale and largely rainfed.

    As result of t hat, the netw ork of partner s have collaborated in the m ost efficient and pristim anner, by involving the comm unities they w ork w ith in new pr ofit generating schemes likCom m unit y Banking, Food Processing, Hand icraft, Pott ery, M aricultur e Fish Ponds, Poultry etc.

    W orking closely with t he netw ork of part ner projects, and having their full cooperation, I w

    successfully able to achieve and or w ork on the follow ing: Accurate data collection , w here necessary Development of sustainable m echanism to support long term growt h Cluster creation and developm ent M arket linkage betw een the agricultural sector and to urism sector Prom otion and developm ent of Uw amw ima farm ers associat ion Ability to int eract w ith ot her cross funct ional organizations for possible futu re

    collaboration Devise a long term strategy to support cont inues grow th of t he farm ers income &

    sustainability M ade an assessm ent of th e econom ic imp act (inform ation directly from the

    beneficiaries) Developm ent of synergies am on gst part ners, sponsors, benef iciaries and proje ct


  • 7/31/2019 The Zest Project Report


    Below , are profiles of som e of the net w ork of partners and w hat ha ve achievetoday a nd t he challenges they face.

    U WA M W I M A

    Project nam e:Uw amw ima Vegetable Producers Farmers Association

    Project goal:To increase vegetable production o f t he m em bers and create a long term m arketlinkage and sust ainability

    Benefits and Grow th


    Vicobas-village com m unity banking has mo bilized comm unity savings to create a cred

    schem e for the farm ers to borrow for t heir farm activities. Tw enty such banks havebeen form ed w ith a circulation capital of TZS 12.000.000 and a m em bership of over 3small ho lder farm ers. They save because th ey have the w ill and the excess.

    There are meet ing sheds. There are charcoal cold stores. There is bulking, grading, stor age and group m arket ing of th e vegetables. Field extension services. Seed supp ly store. Demonstrat ion farms.

    Drip irrigation Technology. Office and cold storage. Office staff and facilities.


    M ore land is put into use. M ore food is produced. M ore groups are formed. Idling by t he yout h is scaled dow n. Bore holes are in dem and to supplem ent t he rain fed crops. The com m unity is on t he learning spree


    W ater scarcity, Financial constraints, Delayed paym ent from agents and hot els Lim ited land pieces, High transport atio n cost,

  • 7/31/2019 The Zest Project Report


    U W Z

    Project nam e:Tandarusi Handicraft Project fo r W om en w ith Disabilities

    Project goal:

    Strength ening the capacity of pe ople and guardians of people w ith d isabilities to participateentrepreneu rial developm ent in Urban and W est Districts, through addressing skills deficienresources and gender inequ ality.

    Project objective:

    Econom ic em pow erm ent fo r sm all holder peop le wit h disabilit ies handicraft p roducers th rom arket oriented hand icraft pr oduction in Urban and W est Districts of Central Unguja

    Project nam e: M tende Vegetable Farming Project for People w ith Disabilities

    Project goal:

    Strength ening the capacity of pe ople and guardians of people w ith d isabilities to participateentrepreneu rial developm ent in M tende, t hrough addressing skills deficiency, resources andgender inequality

    Project objective:

    Economic emp ow erment for small holder farm ers with d isabil it ies through m arket orientedvegetable and fru it pr oduction in Sout h district of Sout h Unguja Region.

    Achievem ents and Goals

    These projects target specific disabled groups of people w ithin the respectivecommuni t ies

    A m ajor goal of Zanzibar Association o f the Disabled is the fu ll participation of alldisabled peoples in t he m ainstream of life, particularly tho se in ru ral areas that formthe vast m ajority of th e country s disabled peoples population.

    The organization s priorit y issues are education , sustainable livelihood s and hu m an

    rights advo cacy. The projects have show n very significant grow th since their inception t o date. The projects have reached over 1 60 disabled peop le that are direct ly involved in th e


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    The projects provide meaningful employm ent t o people w ith disabilities and otherfam ily m em bers w ho pro vide labor at various stages of produ ction and m arketing of products.

    The groups w hich include disabled peop le, guardians & parent s of children w ith

    disabilities and ot her fam ily mem bers has brought people w ith d isabilities together t om eet openly and work t ogether and interact w ith custom ers and com m unity mem berw hich w ere not p ossible before.

    The confidence am ong t he peop le wit h disabilities involved in th ese projects isincreasing as a result of t he im pact on at titu de and behavioral change and redu ction ostigm a and discrim ination.

    The econom ic im pact from the p rojects has significantly imp roved th eir standards ofliving actually transform ing their roles with in th e fam ily.

    Anot her significant social im pact is the visibility of p eople w ith disabilities in the

    comm unity. The products from the projects have emerged to be popular within t hecomm unity. The em erging visibility and acceptance of people w ith d isabilities canlargely be att ribu ted t o t he pro jects. Ent erpr ise activities also are directly changingcustom er s behavior tow ards people w ith disabilities

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    All along w ithin Zanzibar, people w ith disabilit ies have been view ed and t reated as recipientw elfare and m ost Governm ent institu tions and civic organizations including ZanzibarAssociation of the Disabled, have focused on m edical, welfare and ot her charitableintervent ions to suppo rt p eople w ith d isabilities. This approach has left m any w ho could

    participate in produ ctive activities dependent, po or and vulnerable.The em erging results from t his project pro ve that people w ith disabilities, given oppor tun itcan be econom ically active, contribut e to th e econom y and do not need h andout s.

    Since povert y not on ly leads to disabilit y, but also allow s few concessions for t he need s andaspirations of people wit h disability, these projects aim t o provide role m odels of how to :

    Imp rove social participation Econom ically empo w er Address gender equit y Equalize oppo rtu nities Increase visibility of peop le w ith d isabilities in societ y Build t he confidence, self-esteem , pride and overcom e discrim ination against people

    w ith disabilit ies and Bring about att itudinal change by families and com m unities tow ards people w ith



    In th e initial stages the interaction w ith the groups w as done o n d aily basis during skills trainand project implem entation, however, after im plement ation mon itoring is done on w eeklybasis and afterw ards by the field staff. The idea is to allow t he groups operate indep endentlyw ith m ento ring done once every three m ont hs. The capacity of field staff and local volunteehas been enhanced to provide support to t he groups.


    Lack of resources (financial) by partn er organizatio n to allow reach of ot her disabledpeoples groups as well as enhancing capacity o f t he p rojects. Apart f rom these project

    that h ave VSO suppo rt, there are no ot her projects that have been im plem ented bypartner organization.

    M ajority of people w ith lack education and skills which m akes it difficult to initiatecomp etitive projects that can com pete in the lucrative tou rist m arket.

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    Project nam e:Developing Sm all-Scale Com m un ityM aricultureProject s in Zanzibar as anAltern ative Sustainable Livelihoo d

    Project goal:

    The project 's goal is to im prove t he quality of life of t he coastal comm unities in Zanzibarthro ugh small-scale m aricultu re using appropriate and sustainable culture t echnologies and tproject targets tho se poor com m unity groups wh o are already involved in m aricultureinitiatives.

    Project objective:

    Initially the pr oject started w ith m ud crab fattening that later extends into fish farm ing and

    value addit ion t echniques. The pro ject is skills-specific and having to capacitate t he righttechnology for th ose poor com m unities who are already involved and have background onm ariculture, w ould reduce the use of resources to achieve sustainability. M oreover, the t argroups were chosen according to geographical locations that m eets the requirem ents ofestablishing m aricultu re syste m s i.e. fish pond s, crab cages.

    Benefits and Grow th

    Other com m unity grou ps around Unguja and Pem ba have expressed interests to gettr aining and engage in fish farm ing activities.

    Technical trainings and capacity building for appro priate m ariculture technologies Operational/f unctional mariculture system / structures; Income p roceeds upon harvests of cultured f ish and crabs; Com m unity empow erment of taking care their environm ent (m angroves and i ts

    associated resources to be specific); M onet ary benefits in term s of labor assistance in t he research; Increase of up t o 15% of prof it sharing, after th ey w ere trained to p repare the foo d fo

    the fish and m ud crab

    Interaction (32 hours w eekly) Personal meetings Electron ic mail Telephone conversation

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    Lim ited seed stock supply to expand t echnology especially m ud crab W eather condit ions W orking ethics, cultures and comm itm ent of comm unity groups Financial constraints (for examp le release of funds for the m ariculture activities were

    hindered by t he Sector program office and heavy w ork overload to carry the t ask Transparency on comm unication and release of funds from the sector program office. The mar icultur e activit ies have been halt ed, especially th e research and crab n ursery

    techniques where recom m endation for expanding m ud crab fattening is specificallyanchored


    Project nam e: JOCDO and PESACA (Com m unit y Banking f or Jozani Credit and Develo pm ent )Project goal:

    To imp rove t he econom ic situation of Zanzibaris on Pem ba and Un guja Islands throughim prov ed financial services, business opp ort un ities and mark et access

    Benefits and Grow th

    Significant increase in th e village savings and loan group s (audit ed q uart erly) Capacity buildin g

    Financial management know ledge Ability to expand an existing small business and or start a new one M embership request in dem and Borrow ed funds put in good use Good repayment rate

    Interaction W eekly personal m eetings, Weekly Telephone conversations, M ont hly group m eeting

    Challenges Lack of fun ds

    Brian M TourayProject M anager

    Zanzibar Ente rpr ise & Sust ainab le Tour ism (ZEST)[email protected]