Theydon Bois Issue 63 Sept 2008 Village News Winner of formal section Village front gardens competition 2008

Theydon Boistheydon.org.uk/Downloads/08 Sept V News.pdf · Theydon Bois Primary School - Newsroom Winners Primary School Wins International News Day Challenge: Pupils at Theydon Bois

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Theydon Bois Issue 63 Sept 2008

Village News

Winner of formal section Village front gardens competition 2008

Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 2

The Ups and Downs at the Donkey Derby

Theydon Bois Primary School - Newsroom Winners Primary School Wins International News Day Challenge: Pupils at Theydon Bois Primary School beat more than 700 other schools in the the International News Day Challenge to produce their own school newspaper, news website or podcast. They won the Key stage 1 Newspaper category after running their own newsroom at the school for a day. Their stories covered local events as well as national and international issues. The Guardian newspaper sponsored the event and judged the results along with a number of former teachers. They commented that "the standard of this year’s competition was particularly high and that current newspaper editors should be watching their backs given the creativity and attention to detail shown by the entrants. Theydon Bois Primary School did a fantastic job and well deserved their award". Pupils from the school were invited to the Guardian offices to receive their awards and perhaps to give the journalists there a few tips!

Following the problems we had last year, the weather was very kind to us for our 21st Theydon Bois Donkey Derby held in July. It even allowed us to get the Hot Air Balloon inflated for most of the day.

We raised much needed funds for the Scouts and Guides within the village and I trust a good day was had by all who attended.

I would like to thank everybody involved in making the event so successful, without them it would not happen - the committee who as always worked hard to ensure everything went smoothly, all the people who helped out on the day running stalls and ensuring the smooth flow of the event (no significant arm twisting was required) and those who helped on the days before and after the event.

Particular thanks must also go to the Theydon Bois Parish Council and The Corporation of Lon-don for agreeing to let us hold the Donkey Derby on the Green again this year.

On the evening before the event, we had a celebration to thank those who had helped set up the first Donkey Derby. Our gratitude goes to those people and indeed everybody who has sup-ported the event in whatever form over the years.

Finally, thank you to everybody who attended the event making it one of our most successful yet. If anyone is interested in helping with next year’s event, then please let me know.



Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 3

21st Theydon Bois Donkey Derby on 13th July

Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 4

Parish Council Chairman’s Report As the previous edition of the newsletter went to press the Parish Council had just held its first meeting after the elections on 1st May. The election now seems a very long time ago but I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the new councillors: Jenny Berry, Jacq Dodman, Mike Emmett, Sue Sowerby and Paul Vincent, onto the Parish Council. It has been an extremely busy time for all the councillors as new committees and working groups have been set up in order to carry out the work of the Parish Council. You can find full contact details of all the councillors and details of our roles and responsibilities on the notice board by the Parish Office at the Village Hall and on the website.

I have heard many residents comment on how nice it is to have the planters back in the village after the resurfacing of the pavements. They do indeed provide a colourful display in the centre of the village thanks to Jane and Barry Turner who plant them and keep them watered. The Parish Council are looking into the possibility of installing more planters in the village and we are pleased to say that the bicycle racks will be re-installed soon. The village has looked very attractive this year and we were delighted to discover that the village was the runner up in Group Two of the Calor Essex Best Kept Village Competition organised by the Rural Community Council of Essex. This was a major achievement after wining the Group last year. The Parish Council appreciates the efforts of all the residents who work hard to ensure their own properties are well presented, and the work by many volunteers who contribute time and effort into maintaining the areas around the allotments, churchyard, Village Hall, playground, Green, pubs and other public areas all of which are assessed during the inspection visit for the competition. One particular group I would like to thank here are the sterling group of people who meet at the Village Hall regularly on the first Saturday morning of the month and then tour the village picking up litter. If anyone feels they could join them to help out details, are always posted on the notice boards.

Two of the major issues affecting our village in the last months have been the implementation of the parking restrictions and the consultation carried out by The City of London to gauge villagers’ opinions about the future of the Avenue of Trees. Both these issues are dealt with in detail in individual articles in this newsletter and I would urge you all to read them.

Please also read the article written by a group of pupils from our primary school. They have started a campaign to encourage us to stop discarding so many plastic carrier bags. I certainly felt quite guilty as I read the letter they wrote to me! The Parish Council have since written to all the shops in the village drawing the shopkeepers’ attention to the campaign and asking them to support it in whatever way they can. We can all help by getting into the habit of taking a reusable bag with us and not rely on being provided with one that we will simply throw away. At the July meeting of the Parish Council we presented George Gardner with a gift in recognition of the years he has worked as Burial Clerk for the Parish. We are all extremely grateful for his work over the years and wish him all the very best for his retirement. Fiona Dodd has now been appointed as the new Burial Clerk and we welcome her onto the small team of people employed by the Parish Council.

Two items from Neighbourhood Watch - the first is that, sadly, some of the planters down by the shops have been vandalised again, the good news is that the CCTV image is being examined, and hopefully the perpetrators will be caught.

Secondly, some villagers have received letters from Spain, saying that they have won a large sum on the Spanish Lottery and all they have to do to claim is fill in a form with their personal details. Unless you actually did enter the Spanish Lottery, don't fill anything in, but send the letter and its contents to the Office of Fair Trading, with the reference number 407176, where it will be investigated. ;

The Office of Fair Trading, Scambusters Team,

Fleet Bank House, 2-6 Salisbury Square,



Neighbourhood Watch

The Parish Council holds public meetings on the last Thursday of every other month. These meetings are publicised on the village website and notice boards where the agendas are placed three clear working days prior to the meeting. These meetings provide an opportunity for resi-dents to keep abreast of the issues affecting our village and we welcome any contributions. Commencing with the September meeting, to be held on the 25th September at 8pm in the Vil-lage Hall, we are changing the format of the meeting to allow residents to speak about items on the agenda at the beginning of the meeting before the issues are formally discussed and pre-sented by the Council. We will of course still have the open session at the end of the meeting to allow you to bring any other issues or ideas to our attention. We are however very aware that public meetings are not always the easiest time to talk to us. So, with this in mind, the Parish Council have started to run surgeries. Two councillors will be available at the Village Hall on the first Monday of every month from 5.30 to 7.00pm. During this time please take the opportunity to pop in and chat informally with us about any concerns or ideas you may have. The next surgery will be held on Monday 5th October and subsequent ones will be advertised on the notice boards and website. We appreciate that problems do arise that are more urgent. The Parish Office is open every day. Madeleine our Clerk, or Sally her assistant, are there between 10.00am and 2pm. If they cannot answer your query immediately they will refer your comment to me or another councillor and we will get back to you as soon as possible.



Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 5

Parish Council Chairman’s Report (continued)

Councillor John Spencer County member for Epping & Theydon Bois

Telephone 01992 560025 Email: [email protected]

Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 6

News from County Hall In the last edition of the Parish Magazine I outlined my responsibilities as a County Councillor. I thought that I would give some more specific information in some areas of work that is undertaken by Essex County Council. One area is the role of the Children and Young Peoples Strategic Partnership (CYPSP) which is probably not generally well known or appreciated. The Epping Forest CYPSP is a multi-agency partnership of organisations working together to promote an integrated and co-ordinated approach to improving outcomes for children and young people across the district. A number of sub groups (e.g. parenting and emotional health and well-being) and the Local Delivery Groups focus on improving service delivery; the Board of which I am a member is responsible for strategic planning and commissioning. The priorities of the CYPSP are improving child and adolescent mental health, parenting support, youth provision, increasing activities and reducing obesity. A wide range of projects are supported and commissioned in response to these priority needs. Essex County Council (ECC) has the responsibility for leading the Children’s trust arrangements and supporting the CYPSP. ECC is also a key provider of services for children locally. The Teams Around the School, Child and Community known as TASCCs provide early intervention and preventative services to improve attendance, behaviour, family support, relationships and emotional well-being. ECC provides a range of youth services and social care services as well as support for children and young people with learning difficulties and disabilities. The Essex Casualty Reduction Board welcomed new tougher sentences for drivers who cause death or serious injury on the roads as an important step to reducing accidents. A new offence of “causing death by careless driving” came in to force on the 18th August which will mean motorists who cause serious accidents when avoidably distracted could face prison. It will be applied to activities such as using a mobile phone or sending a text message, reading a map, applying make–up or even adjusting the radio, where such behaviour is later proven in court to be the cause of an accident and could lead to a five year custodial sentence for irresponsible drivers depending on the circumstances. Last year in Essex over 7500 drivers were prosecuted for using their mobile phones while driving. New legislation has increased the penalty for using a hand-held phone from £30 to £60 and three penalty points on a licence. ECC in conjunction with Essex Police are implementing our road runner roadside education and “switch off before you drive” campaigns all helping to make drivers aware of the dangers of driving whilst distracted.

Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 7


We are sure you are all aware of the problems that have occurred at the Blunts Farm and Old Foresters sites owned by Aitch Group and their subsidiaries.

EFDC had thought that Aitch Group had employed the services of an engineer to oversee the methodology of re-shaping the land at Blunts Farm and the filling of the vast water filled pits. It was originally thought that this work would be completed by the autumn of 2008. Unfortunately nothing seems to have been achieved and EFDC report that it is unlikely that the work will be completed this year. TBAG obtained photographic evidence that the landowners have now developed a motocross course on the site. They have been informed by EFDC that they have to remove the track and jumps, as there is no planning permission in place. EFDC have said that ‘it is unlikely that planning permission would be given for a change of the use of land for motorsports.’

In light of the fact that we discovered that a motocross event was planned for the Bank Holiday weekend of 24th August TBAG, along with other interested parties engaged in a campaign to stop this event and potential further events. Particularly as the East Kent Schoolboy Scramble Club commented that Blunts Farm could be a ‘national venue.’ TBAG learned on 21st that the motocross event scheduled for the weekend had been cancelled. The EKSSC website comments 'The club would like to say thank you to the residents of Theydon Bois and the Council for some of their positive feedback and comments.' TBAG have been in communication with EFDC about this event since we found out last Thursday that a meeting was scheduled. Our efforts may have at least, in part, resulted in the cancellation of the meeting on 24th August.

Currently we are awaiting the removal of unlawful hard standing at the former TREK motorway depot. The Enforcement Officer has decided that in order not to inconvenience residents with extra lorry movements to the site to remove the hard standing, he is allowing the developers to clear the site by the autumn of 2009.

We are also awaiting the replacement of the ‘bunded’ topsoil on the Old Foresters site, which should be spread, and the site re-seeded by autumn 2008.

On 10th May portakabins and a caravan were delivered to the Old Foresters Site. EFDC gave the developer eight weeks to submit a planning application, which would have made the location of the portakabins on Green Belt legitimate. However as the developer has demolished the pavilion he has been informed by EFDC that it is unlikely that he will obtain permission to replace a building in the Green Belt and has been informed he has to remove the portakabins, caravan, newly laid hard standing and structure.

[email protected]

There have been a lot of items that have come up over the time since our last column which we could usefully bring to your

attention. However we will look at three different areas which will be of interest to you.

In May this year the East of England plan was finally published. This is a government document that sets out the plan for the region over the years to 2021. Probably of primary interest to the village are the targets set for housing expansion in this period. Epping Forest District is required to support a minimum of 3,500 additional houses in the region. It should be noted, however, that the buildings approved since 2001 count towards this figure and that level is currently 3019. In addition to the direct requirement, Harlow has been asked to support 16,000 additional dwellings, some of which are likely to be to the south and west of Harlow and would therefore come into our district.

The Leaders and officers of Epping, Harlow and East Herts councils are working together to develop a joint approach to this need. In conjunction with this, the council has issued a Call for Sites. This is a request for individuals and companies to identify potential sites for residential development over the next 15 years. The proposal of a site only flags up that someone thinks it has potential. There is no presumption of use for this purpose and particularly no special increased likelihood of planning permission being granted.

A second area of interest is that the Government is currently consulting on a possible move to weekend voting. They have issued a consultation paper, available from the Ministry of Justice by post, or from their website at www.justice.gov.uk/index.htm. The matters for consideration cover whether such a move might increase voter participation, what effect it would have on the costs of the election, possible issues with religious issues and what effect it would have on people involved in the elections whether as a candidate or involved in the running of the poll. The District Council Constitution committee is to consider this at its next meeting and thus will put the council’s view into the consultation. If individuals want to comment they should note that the closing date for comments is the 26th September 2008.

Finally for this time, Epping Forest has completed a Value for Money review of its operations. This involved looking at the council’s costs and performance ratings in comparison to grouping of similar councils. The review followed the Audit Commission’s rating of the council with a score of 3 which is ‘Consistently above minimum requirements – performing well’. The value for money section of this report highlighted some areas that we felt should be looked at in greater depth to see whether there were lessons that could be learned from other councils to help

us to deliver greater value for money.

To finish there are two interesting figures to leave you with, Epping Forest has the second lowest council tax in Essex ( and the lowest percentage increase this year) and for every £1 of council tax paid the people of the District get back £2.42 in services.

District Councillor John Philip

[email protected] [email protected]

District Councillor Roland Frankel

Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 8

District Councillors Column

GENERAL PROGRESS Restoration of the Mansion continues with the completion of the floor in the Salon, the largest room in the house with wonderful views of the garden, and further work in the Wing now provides additional space. A large ground floor room in the Mansion con-taining a large fireplace is now complete and will be used for winter functions especially carol concerts. The Trust’s recent educational activities have included study days held by William Tyler and Peter Lawrence, a per-formance of Shakespeare’s Tempest by the Greek Theatre Players and an excellent musical evening with the Fitzwilliam Quartet. The late summer archaeological excava-tions on the site of the Medieval and Tudor Mansions are underway. Tours of the Man-sion and Gardens by private groups continue to be popular. SITE AND GARDEN TOURS Sunday Morning Tours of the Mansion and grounds/walled garden are held on the 3rd Sun each month (except Dec 14 – 2nd Sunday). Tours 10.00 to 12.00 (gates open 10.00 to 11.00 only). Refreshments and car parking. Unless otherwise stated, all events are held at the Copped Hall Mansion. Car parking and refreshments (where quoted) are usually available. Vehicle access is only possible via the London entrance on the B1393 Upshire Road. FORTHCOMING EVENTS UP TO DECEMBER 31st 2008

Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 9

Copped Hall Corner

Sept 9 Bavarian Evening with the Epping Forest Band.

Sept 28 Copped Hall Run/Epping Rotary Club.

Oct 5 Apple Day in the Mansion grounds

Oct 5 Sunday Evening Lecture - William Hogarth - given by Jeff Page in the Theydon Bois Village Hall.

Oct 11 Jazz Evening with the Hugh Rainey Band

Nov 16 Sunday Evening Lecture - Two 18th Century Gentlemen - given by Georgina Green in Theydon Bois Village Hall

Dec 13 Carol Concert

Dec 20 Carol Concert

Dec 21 Carol Concert

t h e ch a r i t y f o r yo u r co mmu ni t y—w w w . l o u g h t o n c a b . c o . u k

Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 10

Citizens Advice Column Loughton & District Citizens Advice Bureau

Q - I had to give up work a few years ago because I was diagnosed with a progressive, incurable disease. I’ve been on incapacity benefit ever since but I’ve heard there’s a big drive to get people off this and now I’m worried sick my money may suddenly be stopped. I would love to be able to work again, but I don’t think many employers would put up with me needing to take lots of time off sick and for hospital appointments.

A - Incapacity benefit is being replaced by a new payment called Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) in October as part of the Government’s welfare reform plans, but this shouldn’t affect you, as it will only apply to new claimants. Sick and disabled people already getting incapacity benefit will continue to get this. However, if you are worried about any aspect of your claim, contact a CAB adviser to discuss this in confidence

Central to the ESA is a new medical assessment, which looks at what people can do, and not just what they cannot do. All new claimants will have to take this test. For most people this will include an interview with a trained doctor or nurse, which will assess how your condition affects what you are able to do. It will also explore what could be done to help people get back to work, for example if they need treatment, or adjustments at their workplace to help you cope better. It is envisaged that people currently receiving incapacity benefit will eventually move onto ESA, but there are no firm proposals or dates for this at present. Part of the Government’s plan is to help people back into work by providing increased support to find sustainable employment. But it is also accepted that some people will always be too sick or disabled to work and they will continue to be supported through the benefits system. For more information and advice on sickness and disability benefits go to the Citizens Advice website adviceguide.org.uk or contact Loughton & District Citizens Advice Bureau (Monday to Friday 10am to 1pm). Telephone advice (020 8502 0031) is available on Monday & Wednesdays only between 2pm to 4 pm. We offer general advice on any subject, including welfare benefits, employment, debt, consumer problems, housing issues, relationship problems, plus specialist Debt advice. All advice is provided by fully trained advisers at St. Mary's Parish Centre, High Road, Loughton – and we have an Outreach office at Chigwell Primary Care Health Centre, Limes Farm.

Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 11

Theydon Bois Rural Preservation Society Death of our President - It is with great regret that we report the death of our President Ralph E Weston, aged 92, (pictured right) who

had lived in the village with his wife Vera since 1957. Ralph joined the Committee of the Society in 1980 soon after he had retired from his post as Government Chemist, a job that took him to both sides of the ‘Iron Curtain’ and for which he was awarded the OBE. By 1983 he was leading walks in the countryside around the village and from 1990 to 2003 he monitored the weekly Planning Lists with great diligence and attention to detail. From 2004 he was our President. His knowledge &wise advice will be greatly missed.

Among his many interests he was a keen cine and still photographer and a long-time member of the Epping Film Society and on occasion opened his garden to the public on Open Gardens Day. He was proud of his practical skills in carpentry, plumbing and everything electrical and several neighbours have been grateful for his ability with a set of drain rods! He is survived by his wife Vera, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Quiet Lanes - For many years Coopersale Lane has been designated in the Local Plan as a ‘protected lane’, one of only a few in the Epping Forest District. Not long ago the government introduced the concept of a ‘quiet lane’; that is, one where motor traffic does not have absolute priority but where pedestrians and horses can expect to use it in equal measure. At the moment the County are conducting a pilot study around a village in Uttlesford District and have promised a full report and the opportunity in due course for us to see whether they would consider Coopersale Lane appropriate for designation as a ‘quiet lane’, thus enhancing the tranquillity of the village.


Thurs 2nd October 2008 - Free talk by EFDC on Listed Buildings

The Parish Council have started new Open Surgery Sessions for Villagers which commenced on the 4th August. They will enable villagers to discuss in confidence issues of concern. These Surgeries will take place on a monthly basis (1st Monday of the month) and dates for future Surgeries can be found on the Village Website and the diary page of Village News.

This is your opportunity to tell us what is happening in the village – good or bad. If you have issues or concerns which you would like to be addressed, come along and discuss these, in confidence, with a Theydon Bois Parish Councillor.

The next Surgeries will be held between 5.30 & 7.00pm on Monday 6th October, 3rd November and 1st December 2008 in the Poplar Room, Theydon Bois Village Hall

It’s your village – let’s work together to keep it a safe and pleasant place to live.

Parish Council Surgeries

Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 12

Village News Sponsors

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Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 13

Village News Sponsors

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Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 14

Avenue of Trees Following on from a site visit to the avenue of trees along Loughton Lane by the Epping Forest and Commons Committee in March 2007 the Superintendent of Epping Forest was asked to prepare options and consult with the residents of Theydon Bois about the future of the Oak avenue. Eight options were prepared and presented by the Superintendent at a public Parish Council meeting on 31st January. Two further options were suggested at that meeting and were then offered for consideration. On 18th February further consultation was conducted and interested parties were given the opportunity to vote on one of ten options.

112 responses were received the results were as follows:

The proposal to plant 60 oak trees as per option 2, the clear favourite, was agreed on 7th July at a meeting of the Epping Forest and Commons committee at the Guild Hall. It is intended that planting will commence during the winter of 2009-2010. It is proposed that large trees will be planted that would be supported by a root anchor system. This will help secure the trees, reduce vandalism and look more in keeping with the landscape of the Green. Some trees will be felled over the next five years but it is hoped that the healthier larger specimens would remain for the next 20 years. The cost of £15,600, which includes two years of after care watering, would be met from the Epping Forest local budget.

It was noted however by Jacq Dodman and Anthony Purkiss, who attended the Guild Hall Meeting (but as is normal practice were not allowed to speak) that a number of Verderers said that the Parish Council should be approached to help fund the project. The Parish Council will remain in communication with the City of London and the new superintendent Mr Paul Thompson, who commences his post on 1st September, to ensure that this iconic feature of our village is maintained and preserved for future generations.


No OPTION Resp %

1 Remove and replace all existing Oaks in a single exercise. 4 3%

2 Plant a new line of Oaks outside existing line to create a wider avenue and remove existing trees over time as required.

70 53%

3 Create a new avenue away from the road on either north or south side. 4 3%

4 A sequential "wave" felling and replacement programme. 8 6%

5 Plant an additional avenue of trees perpendicular to the existing avenue. 4 3%

6 Plant additional avenues along The Green southern edge and removal of existing Oaks as required

1 1%

7 Retain existing avenue and manage as required create new group planting around Theydon Bois Green.

6 4%

8 Remove the north avenue of trees and re-route path with new south side row of trees. 6 4%

A Allow the Avenue to diminish and left as a green open space, and the road between the avenue closed to all vehicular traffic.

10 7%

B Existing trees die replace with new trees, and the road between the avenue closed to vehicular traffic.

22 16%

Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 15

Theydon Bois Parking Update Since the last issue of the Village News the Parish Council Parking Group has completed the task of reviewing all of the parking related correspondence received since 2003, including some more recent correspondence from residents sent directly to Essex County Council, in reply to the consultation process or in respect to other parking related issues affecting them as residents or visitors to the village.

Since 2003 we have received correspondence from 53 residents supporting the introduction of parking restrictions and 11 in support of residents’ permits. Conversely there have been 33 residents writing in opposition to the introduction of parking restrictions. These figures do not include petitions of which we have received a 76-signature petition from residents in Forest Drive supporting restrictions, a 92-signature petition opposing restrictions in Theydon Park Road, a 39-signature petition opposing restrictions in Woodland Way and Heath Drive and a petition from residents in Hornbeam Road highlighting a dangerous junction.

Although the formal consultation process by ECC had closed, in the June issue of the Village News we gave the residents of roads that were scheduled to have parking restrictions which were still waiting to be ratified, a second opportunity to comment. This opportunity was particularly welcomed by our Ward District Councillors, whose responsibility it is to ratify the restrictions. The comments we received were as follows;

Baldocks Road (32 homes) 4 supporting and 1 against. Harewood Hill (26 Homes) 2 supporting and 1 against. Purlieu Way (49 Homes) 6 supporting, 3 wanting residents permits and 1 against. The Weind (20 Homes) 2 supporting and 2 against

We have now met with District Ward Cllrs. Frankel and Philip and they have agreed to ratify all the restrictions above and Thrifts Mead. However they have agreed not to ratify the proposed change in timing in Orchard Drive and Heath Drive as this would have removed the opportunity for residents to re-locate their vehicles to a nearby road with a different restriction time.

To bring you completely up to date, we have recently started receiving complaints about commuter parking from residents in Blackacre Road, Green Glade and Pakes Way. We will be monitoring these and reviewing the situation in Theydon Park Road where we intend to consult each household soon. We would like to point out that residents should be clear about the advantages and disadvantages of parking restrictions, before requesting them and understand that once restrictions have been ratified it is complicated to reverse the decision and once done, impossible to reinstate them.

Finally, we are pleased to record our thanks to EFDC, who have recently confirmed that single yellow lines will no longer be enforced in Theydon Bois, on a Bank Holiday. Double yellow lines, bus stops, loading bays, Blue Badge bays and permit bays will continue to be enforced. If you would like to comment on matters in this article please do so by contacting the Parish Office - Tel: 813442 Email: [email protected]


Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 16

Theydon Bois Drama Society

Teaching Awards 2008 Winner

We are a member of The National Operatic and Drama Association (NODA) and during the last few years have won regional awards for two of our productions, 'Deathtrap' and 'The Roses of Eyam'.

At NODA’s AGM at Potters Bar in June, we were the recipients of our district’s special award for 'Inspirational Contribution to the Pursuit of Excellence in the Theatre' for our set design and construction. This reflects the skill and hard work over a number of years of our directors, together with our set designers Andrew Pegram and Lynn Green, and our constructors and painters led by Graham James and Mike Rankin. Photographs of some of our sets are shown opposite.

The next opportunity for them to display their skills will be the Neil Simon comedy 'Plaza Suite' on 23rd to 25th October.

The achievements of this long-standing & outstanding music teacher are breathtaking. John Powell has taught at this large comprehensive for 37 years and inspired thousands of children. Two thirds of pupils are actively involved in music making, including many who showed no interest in music at primary school. Half of all pupils are learn-ing an instrument, and 15 peripatetic music teachers visit the school to teach them. “But it doesn’t end there,” says a parent. “There’s School Choir, School Orchestra, the Big Band, The Swingers, The Chamber Choir, Drumology, The Gospel Choir, The Community Choir and choirs for each year of the school, not to mention jazz bands, rock bands, steel pan bands, and acapella singing groups!”

John has organised numerous major musical events, such as music tours to Spain and Italy, and performances in the Westminster Halls and St Paul’s Cathedral. And, as Head of Performing Arts, has mounted many school shows and musicals. Former students queue up to praise his lasting influence on them. “He is the man,” says one, who now plays in a band. “He is a legend, and we are all indebted to him for the interest he took in us and his enthusiasm for music which he passed on to us.” Another, now a professional musician playing with a London orchestra, remembers how John helped prepare him for Cambridge and how John’s influence still informs how he approaches music today.

But John is also totally dedicated to making mainstream music lessons lively and inter-esting, and all pupils appreciate his patience and good humour. He contributes greatly to the wider community, by nurturing new music teachers, and supporting other schools in his region, as well as putting on community concerts and other events.

Colleagues say he is, quite simply, inspirational. The Teaching Awards judges say this is a man who deserves “the highest award possible.”

The Ted Wragg Award for Lifetime Achievement,

sponsored by The Innovation Unit in

East of England

Awarded to

John Powell of Theydon Park Road and Davenant Foundation School

Article & photos courtesy of Teaching Awards website

Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 17




left below Cactus Flower

right below

Deadly Nightcap

Picture Post

Above - George Gardner Retires second time

around see article page 31

Left - the Balloon goes up over Theydon Bois at the Donkey Derby

see page 3

Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 18

Picture Post

Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 19

Picture Post

JAMBOREE FUN - Theydon Bois guides and scouts attended The Essex International Jamboree in July. Nearly 40 Theydon Bois Guides and Scouts led by Joy Simmance and Paul Vincent joined 10,000 Guides and Scouts from around the world at the Jamboree held at Kirby-le-Soken. The theme of this years Jamboree, which is held every 4 years, was ‘The

Worlds Endangered Animals.’ Both groups camped for 7 days in The Lemur sub camp, enjoying good weather for most of the week and making many new friends. All of our Scouts and Guides took full advantage of the activities and entertainment available, which included sailing, boating climbing, karting, it’s a knockout (photos above & left), discos and concerts.

Everyone left the event very conscious of the plight of endangered animals and keen to support them.

Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 20

Found: 1 jacket, 1 pair spectacles, 1 notebook Lost: 1 husband!

The sunny weather encouraged around 1200 people to visit the gardens on Sunday 29th June – and one gardener reported 1100 of them had visited her garden, fortunately not all at once. People who have lived in the village for years remarked that they had never seen so many cars on the Green (this was before the Donkey Derby which saw a similar number of cars).

It was a great day and our sincere thanks go to all those involved. Special thanks to the gardeners of course who work so hard to make their gardens special and thanks too to all those helpers without whom we could just not run the day. Profit for the day was over £5,700.

And the lost husband? Well we never heard the end of that story; he got separated from his wife in the Great Gregories area. We saw the somewhat miffed wife at the Village Hall as we were clearing up and one of our minibus drivers took her round the village to look for her husband and finally to the station without him - we can only hope they were re-united at home.


Open Gardens’ Day was held on the 29th June this year with 24 gardens on display including St Mary’s Churchyard and the village allotments. It was an incredibly successful day. The VA Committee are very grateful to the organizers – Linda Cohen-Klein and Carol and Graham James for all their hard work. (Their report follows below).

A new floor has just been laid in the Ladies’ Cloakroom as there had been water damage under the former surface.

The Storage building has once again been the target of youngsters, apparently with nothing better to do than rip up tiles on the roof and damage the guttering. The anti-vandal paint does not appear to deter them climbing onto the roof. Work will soon begin to replace the existing car park lights and to install four additional lights along the hedge on the far side of the car park. The existing lights have been damaged many times by cars reversing into them. The Committee hope the new ones will be more successful.

Mr John Sheldrake, our Hall cleaner for many years, has retired recently after a sudden illness. He has been a very conscientious and hard working member of the Hall management team. We are very fortunate to have secured the part-time services of three new members of staff who between them, will look after all cleaning aspects of the Hall. Our existing part-time lady is increasing her hours and will work alongside them.

Open Gardens Day

Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 21

Theydon Bois Village Association

Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 22

The Past Summer in Theydon Bois Although this copy was written in early August to meet the exacting requirements of the editor, more than enough activity took place in the tranquil (?) village of Theydon Bois during “high summer” to be newsworthy. The new parking restrictions continued to cause controversy, with repercussions reaching as far as the Mayor of London. The Donkey Derby, Horticultural Show, Open Gardens Day and other regular events all took place with equal success. The weather was either very hot or very wet, invariably the latter, which the mystics might attribute to the moon which decided to partially eclipse the sun in late July. And the rest of summer is yet to come!

Norman Mead, Deputy Chairman of the Stop Stansted Expansion Campaign, addressed a local meeting to warn that the proposed second runway at Stansted would create pollution, environmental and traffic nightmare for everyone in the Epping District, resulting in many people moving away from the area.

David Williams of the Council for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE), Essex Branch, was the speaker at the Annual General Meeting of the Theydon Bois Rural Preservation Society (TBRPS). He stressed that CPRE policy was not necessarily to object to particular rural matters but to create a balance between the pros and cons of a situation. However CPRE was very concerned about the environment including atmospheric and light pollution. CPRE was especially vigilant regarding inroads into the Green Belt and Theydon Bois was fortunate to have a large section of the Belt (Epping Forest) on its doorstep.

It was announced that Paul Thompson would be the new Superintendent of Epping Forest from September with responsibility to the City of London Corporation for the management and conservation of the 8,000-acre Forest. He had relinquished his responsibility for Hampshire County Council’s Countryside Service to take up his new appointment and will be the ninth Superintendent of the Forest since the Corporation took over its management in 1878. Concerns that Theydon Bois could one day be linked to Loughton were raised with the purchase by auction by an unknown developer of a 9.4 acre strip of land next to Debden Lane. The auctioneer's catalogue stated that the land “offered enormous opportunities and scope not only for significant residential development, subject to all necessary and appropriate consents, but also the opportunity for immediate leisure use”. Loughton Mayor, Chris Pond, commented, “I imagine the developer has bought the land to add to a land bank .

A period of hot weather ensured a success for the 28th Annual Theydon Bois Village Open Gardens Day. Visitors were booking-in at the Theydon Bois Village Hall (TBVH) from mid morning to early evening for visits to the 22 gardens, which were open with free transport provided to the furthest gardens (report & pictures on page 20 & 21).

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The Past Summer in Theydon Bois (continued) The 21st Annual Donkey Derby organised by the Theydon Bois Scout Group was also a great success due to its new location on the Village Green and, again, the exceptionally fine weather. (report & pictures on pages 2 & 3).

The 99th Annual Show organised by the Theydon Bois Horticultural Society was held in the TBVH and the best for many years. There were fewer exhibits, mainly floral, but this was offset by an increase in new exhibitors, mainly from allotments holders. More important, the children’s section had more “growing exhibits” this year, an encouraging sign. The photographic section was again well supported with a large number of entries, many of high standard (report & pictures on pages 34 & 35).

Blazing June arrived just in time for a successful Olympic Summer Fayre organised by the Theydon Bois Primary School and its Parent Teachers Association. The event was held in the school grounds with school staff, parents and children all taking part in various ways. Events included a Flags and Fancy Dress competition and demonstrations of dancing, karate and gymnastics. Races were held on the sports field and the many stalls were busy including those providing refreshments in the form of ice cream, refreshing melon, cakes and

sangria (very popular - but for adults only).

Members of the Theydon Bois Branch of the Epping Forest Conservative Association were among other Conservatives and guests from Essex who were present at Great Gregories, the home of John and Gill Padfield, to enjoy an excellent dinner and listen to the Hon Nicolas Soames, MP for Mid Sussex. He was introduced by Mrs Eleanor Laing, MP for Epping Forest, and then talked about his famous grandfather Sir Winston Churchill and especially Winston’s wife Clementine who had supported her husband so well in his political career.

Stephen Metcalfe, the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for South Basildon and West Thurrock, then held a fund raising auction and Bob Church concluded the occasion with a fund raising raffle.

Fifty members and one guest attended the June meeting of the TBWI, held in the TBVH and presided over by its President Kay Rush (pictured right). A letter was read from the Federation Secretary advising that the resolution banning the practice of “Bottom Trawling in the Fishing Industry” had been defeated at the National Conference; however another concerning the “Inappropriate Imprisonment of the Mentally Ill” had been passed by a majority of 97%. A later TBWI event, Summer Strawberry afternoon, held on a typical English Summer’s Day (lots of rain), was very successful being supported by some 80 ladies as well as a few men (who liked strawberries!).

The Theydon Bois Mens’ Forum, which is organised by the Theydon Bois Baptist Church, concluded its 2007-2008 series of Wednesday Meetings with a special Ladies function in the

Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 24

The Past Summer in Theydon Bois (continued) TBVH. After a coffee reception, David Vroobei spoke about his career in “Jewellery and Gems”. The members and their guests then sat down to an excellent three-course luncheon especially prepared for the occasion.

At the June meeting of the Theydon Bois Music Society in the TBVH, a recital was given by Richard Shaw – piano - and Hanna Marcinowich –clarinet and two different saxophones. The pair played a number of musical compositions by a variety of composers ranging from Malcolm Arnold to Desenclos. Richard was the accompanist throughout except for his excellent solo item - Beethoven's Bagatelle in E flat. Hannah demonstrated her musical versatility including a Jazz item, not unexpected as she plays with a leading swing band.

At the later AGM of the Society the Chairman, Barbara O’Connor informed the members that the Society had enjoyed a successful year and the Treasurer, Frank Hill, reported that it was in a good financial position. Paul Argent thanked the Committee for its hard work, which had ensured the continuing success of the Society.

The Theydon Singers gave their summer evening concert in the TBVH which, this year was a vocal performance of The Mikado, that evergreen Gilbert and Sullivan operetta. Janet Cass conducted the singers, who were in fine form, and Paul Chilvers provided the excellent piano accompaniment.

The Wine Rack business in Forest Road closed for business which was not unexpected due to the direct competition from the Tesco Store in Coppice Row, which sold wines and other alcoholic beverages at lower prices. The premises were being leased by a high-class restaurant catering for evening dining.

The Railway Arms, one of the four pubs in the

Village, reopened as a Restaurant/Pub following extensive refurbishment.

Children were catered for with special menus and a safe and secure playground at the rear enabling parents to dine "in peace" if necessary. Many Villagers were pleased that the pub had reopened without being renamed, radically changed or, even worse, demolished to make way for residential development.

Theydon Bois was once again successful in Class 2 of the Calor sponsored Best Kept Village Competition organised by the Rural Community Council of Essex (RCCE). This year Fyfield, near Chipping Ongar, was judged the winner for 2008 but Theydon Bois came a close second as runner up and a representative of the Village attended an RCCE Award

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The Past Summer in Theydon Bois (continued)

Ceremony held in Little Waltham, Chelmsford, to receive the Certificate of Achievement.

The Victorians Petanque Club (VPC) based in Theydon Bois scored a recent success in the Eastern Counties Region (ECR) petanque qualifying - contest when they competed against some 700 players from throughout the United Kingdom. The team, comprising Andy Wilmot, Dave Tarling, Phil McCrostie and Ritesh Lungat, achieved 11 wins in three qualifying events and gained a well deserved second place overall in the final day of the event. The VPC team were now looking forward to representing the ECR in the Inter-regional Tournament to be held next September at Bean Sands in Somerset.

Ralph Edward Weston, a leading Village stalwart, died in late July (pictured right also see page 11). Many in the Village will miss him.

At the July meeting of the Theydon Bois Parish Council, Councillor Peter Hammond, made a presentation on behalf of the Council to George Gardner (pictured left & on page 18, also article on page 31).

Finally, the charitable reputation of Theydon Bois residents was illustrated by the example of local resident Alan Brown, 67,

and his friends Peter Noke, 66, Mike Maris, 64 and Alan Miles, 64, who played 100 holes each in just one day at the Theydon Bois Golf Club to raise funds for the St Clare Hospice where Alan Brown's wife Wendy was treated before she died. The intrepid four commenced play at 6.30 am and finished at 8.15 pm after nearly 15 hours of golf, raising over £10,000. And blood donor Alan Hollingbery of Forest Drive received recognition after having made some 100 donations of blood to the National Blood Service (NBS) since 1963. Having reached the age limit of 70, he could no longer do so and was therefore presented with a special award of a decanter by Dr Elizabeth Page of the

NBS to commemorate his remarkable achievement.


Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 26

The Woodland Trust Members of the Parish Council were invited to see a preview of the plans that The Woodland Trust are intending to submit to Epping Forest District Council. The Trust is proposing to submit a planning application for an artistic representation of a seed case – a raised earthwork – to stretch down the hillside. The artwork will be visible from the motorway and will be planted with trees and bushes. It will be formed from material sourced from the excavation of a pond on the site the only material being brought in will be the rocks and stones required to add artistic detail to the project. The pond will be fed by the brook which runs through the site, forming a watery habitat for more species of wildlife. It is intended to make a point of interest for local people to visit until the newly-planted trees become more established.

Theydon Bois Wood is part of the pioneering multi-agency Green Arc project, which covers 400 square miles of countryside to the north and east of London, stretching across Essex and Hertfordshire. Plans for the area have recreation and wildlife conservation objectives, incorporating flood risk management, reduced levels of pollution and provision of locally-produced food, together with health and economic benefits. One of its aims is to provide improved public access to green spaces.

Back in 2006, the Woodland Trust bought 98 acres of formerly arable land on Abridge Road in Theydon Bois. The site sits within the boundaries of ancient Epping Forest and the Woodland Trust aims to plant it with 50,000 native trees. The planting programme is well underway, thousands of saplings are already in the ground, and a second planting season is due to start in the autumn. Young saplings of oak, ash, field maple, hazel, hornbeam, crab apple and other native tree species already dot part of the hillside and are just about visible from the northbound carriageway of the M11.

“The earthwork has been designed to make a statement to raise awareness of the Green Arc project in Essex and Hertfordshire, and climate change issues,” said Woodland Trust campaign development officer Christina Joachim. The new woodland and its artwork will be cared for and managed by the Woodland Trust. The artwork will be visible for motorists driving north on the M11. Wild grasses and flowers will colonise the slopes, softening its outline. Over the next few years, the Woodland Trust will continue to plant trees on and around the artwork. In ten years’ time, the artwork will be covered with young trees and will be visible from the motorway as a raised area of trees. In 50 years time, the artwork will be discernable only by those walking on the ground beneath maturing trees.

The Parish Council are now awaiting notification of the submission of the final plans from EFDC. Once we have the plans they will of course be available for residents to view at the Parish Office in the Village Hall. Any resident wanting to comment on the plans should write to EFDC, precise contact details will be available with the plans at the Parish Office. Please copy your comments to the Parish Office so we can take all opinions into account when the application is discussed at the meeting of the Parish Council Planning Committee the date of which will be advertised on the Parish Council notice boards. This is a public meeting and again we would welcome any resident who would like to attend and express their views.


From September the Epping Forest Group of the Alpine Garden Society will be meeting in the Village Hall, Theydon Bois. The Society is for all those interested in alpine plants, whether in the wild or growing at home.

The Group meets monthly from September to May, usually on the second Tuesday of the month and meetings take the form of an illustrated talk or demonstration, followed by refreshments. There is also a plant raffle, sales table and an alpine plant competition. The annual subscription is £5 and members receive a monthly newsletter by email or post. The charge per meeting is £2 and non-members are welcome.

The next three meetings are:

Tuesday 9 September - European Alpines by Sheila Brown

Tuesday 14 October - Japan by Matthew Reece

Tuesday 4 November - Turkey by Pam Turtle

For further information please contact the Group Secretary:

Keith Ballard, Tel: 01992 813231, email: [email protected]

New Osteopath Service at Limes Medical Centre Operating from

Theydon Bois Surgery

Rishi Meetaroo, graduated from the British School of Osteopathy, London – widely regarded as the finest. He received a bachelor of osteopathy degree with honours. Rishi is also qualified in Medical acupuncture and diagnostic ultrasound. Rishi is registered with the General Osteopathic Council. His special interests include complicated spinal condi t ions , headaches, frozen shoulder syndrome as well as sports injuries. No GP referral is required and all major insurances are covered.

Contact the Thrifts Mead Surgery 01992 815166

Petition to Re-Open

Ongar Epping Line

There is an electronic petition to re-incorporate the Epping to Ongar line back into the tube network. As many commuters from Ongar and North Weald are now driving to Theydon Bois to use the tube, reopening the line would surely ease our parking problems. Since the line closed to the general public in 1994, there have been significant development in these areas warranting this. I urge all villagers to sign it. http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/ongar-tube-back/

NIK HUNT 42 Green Glade

Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 27

News in Brief, Comments & Notices

Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 28

Theydon Bois Music Society The Theydon Bois Music Society is the society for lovers of good music in the village and surrounding area. Mrs Doreen Argent, together with a group of like-minded friends started the Music Society to enable people locally to listen to classical music. They wished to encourage young students to play before an audience and invited them to visit the society in order to gain this experience. Doreen had a “piano fund” and eventually purchased an upright piano. After many years spent in arranging these events, Doreen retired as president. Mrs Joyce Eynon, formerly secretary to the society, took up the reins and for ten years organised these monthly concerts. The present Chairperson is Barbara O'Conner and each year she and the committee invite a variety of musicians - string quartets, brass ensembles, solo voices, and pianists to perform at these events.

The Music Society meets regularly during the winter and spring usually at 8.00 pm in the Village Hall, Coppice Row, on the second Thursday of each month. The much improved acoustics and facilities in the new village hall have proved popular with concert goers and artists alike. This season’s program will see the return of some old friends plus some excellent new young performers.

The Annual Subscription of the Music Society costs £45.00 (All 9 Concerts). All are welcome to join; visitors are especially welcome and may pay at the door (£8.00).

If you would like further information please contact the Secretary, Doreen Snell. Tel: 01992 812645.




Sept. 11th 2008 Naides Ensemble - Harp, Viola & Flute

Oct. 9th 2008 Rossignols Amereux - Soprano, Flute & Piano.

Nov. 13th 2008 Miriam Kramer & David Silkoff - American Violinist & Piano

Dec. 11th 2008 "Friends" - Francis & Paul Chilvers & others.

Jan. 24th 2009 Coffee Morning (Saturday at 10am.)

Feb. 12th 2009 Marcus Andrews - Pianist.

Mar. 12th 2009 Kokila Gillett & Parval Timoffevsky - Gypsy Violinist & Piano

April 16th 2009 Graham Walker - Cello & Pianist

May 14th 2009 Marylebone Trio (Wind) Oboe, Clarinet & Bassoon.

June 11th 2009 Miyuki Kato - Japanese Pianist.

July 12th 2009 AGM


Keen, enthusiastic volunteers are needed to take over the running and organisation of this much needed and well-used facility for the elderly residents of our village. The Day Club runs on Wednesdays from 10.30 am until 2.30 pm and is held at Robert Daniels Court. A dedicated team of helpers and drivers enables elderly and house-bound villagers to spend a happy day socialising with others, playing quizzes and games and refreshments are provided. The Day Club is such an important part of village life for many elderly folk who would otherwise spend time alone and provides companionship and entertainment on a weekly basis. Marian Mellis, the present co-ordinator, has announced her intention to step aside from her role after many years helping with and running the Day Club and a replacement is needed otherwise the Day Club will be forced to close. On behalf of the village we would like to extend our thanks to Marian for all her considerable work. It would be very sad indeed if the Day Club has to close due to lack of volunteers. If you feel that you can help take on the running and organisation of the Day Club then please contact Marian Mellis on 01992 813793. Marian is only too happy to answer any questions and to help with hand-over arrangements.

Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 29

News in Brief, Comments & Notices


We would like Theydon Bois to be a plastic bag-free zone. We are worried that plastic bags are damaging the environment and killing animals. We think that if shops would charge 50p per plastic bag, people would not want to buy new bags and re-use what they have. We are disgusted with what people are doing to our world and wildlife. Most people aren’t listening to what people say about recycling, which we are all angry about as well.

Did you know that typically bags are used for only 20 minutes before being thrown out? But they will take up to 1000 years to rot away! If the Normans had used plastic bags in the 1066 invasion, archaeologists would be digging them up today. We would like packaging in shops to be changed so people do not use plastic bags and throw them away. We really want Theydon Bois to be a plastic bag-free zone. People of Theydon Bois can you help us?


Theydon Bois Short Mat Bowls Club. The Theydon Bois Short Mat Bowls Club meets in the Village Hall each week on Wednesday evenings and from 9.00a.m. until 4.00p.m. on Thursdays. Competitions are organised within the club and are very well supported by the members. Each Christmas a lunch for members is arranged and a Target Bowls competition is held with appropriate snacks, of course, to celebrate the New Year. We are a very friendly and sociable Club. There are vacancies for new members in the Thursday Session and we invite you to come along and visit us. We are having Open Days on Thursday 9th October and on Thursday 16th October from 10.00am until 4.00pm. All you need is a pair of flat shoes or trainers, bowls and tuition will be provided. Further information may be obtained from Joy Wainwright ( 01992 813219)

Theydon Open Gardens Day

Oh Theydon had a gardens day In the year 2008 So many gardens you could see Once past their garden gate

You paid your £4 at the hall And got your guide to all The lovely gardens you could see Some very large or small

The flowers were red The flowers were blue In fact so many flowers In every possible hue

We hope you give our gardens A loud almighty cheer So here's a promise we will make See you all again next year. Sheila Gymer

Theydon Bois Men’s Forum

Our new season of Men’s Forum starts on Wednesday 8th October 2008. We have vacancies for new members and if you are free for a couple of hours on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of months October to June then why not join us. We meet at the Theydon Bois Baptist Church (Rear Halls), The Green, at about 10.15 am and finish at 12 noon. Our meetings start with a cup of coffee and a chat with other members and we then enjoy a selected and enjoyable talk given by an invited guest and all this takes place in a very friendly atmosphere.

If you would like to know more about the Forum please telephone either Vic Dowsett on 01992 814740 or Harry Memory 01992 812696

and we will send you the programme of our speakers for the forthcoming season.

Our speakers for the start of the season are as follows:

We look forward to welcoming you HARRY MEMORY

Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 30

News in Brief, Comments & Notices

Oct 8 Victorian and Early Twentieth Century Harlow Claire Hooper

Oct 22 Coastal Wildlife Barry Kaufmann-Wright

Nov 12 Criminal Justice- The Case of Edith Thompson Professor Rene Weiss

Nov 26 World War Two Locally Tony O’Connor

Dec 10 History of the Foundling Hospital Janet Kersey

George Gardner (pictured on page 18)

On the 31st July George Gardner was presented with a gift of wine by the Parish Council in recognition of 16 years service as the Burial Supervisor at Theydon Bois parish Cemetery.

George started the job in early 1992 and until he decided to retire earlier this year was one of the village’s unsung servants working many additional hours without payment. Initially the role was chiefly as record keeper and as the interface with members of the public and stone masons. A caretaker was also employed but when he left some years ago George’s role expanded and he found himself responsible for the arrangement of funerals, interment of ashes and many other duties, some of which are now performed by the funeral directors themselves. During this period George has been involved with about 250 funerals and 40 ashes interments.

Running the cemetery is not always a routine task. During the past few years there have been a number of incidents of fly tipping and on one occasion a pile of soil was left outside the cemetery gates completely blocking access. As a funeral was arranged for that morning considerable upset was prevented to grieving residents through George’s urgent actions together with members of the parish council. One grave has been exhumed and some inappropriate tributes have had to be removed. All these things must be done with tact and consideration for the feelings of the surviving relatives.

Regulatory responsibilities have increased over this period and George regularly found himself involved in the annual topple test of all the gravestones in the cemetery. Although parish councillors are also involved in this task it was always George who was left with the task of writing to grave owners and stonemasons to rectify any problems found.

George has been replaced by Fiona Dodd as Burial Supervisor and Village News would like to wish her all the best in her new role. She has an ideal role model to follow.

We wish George every happiness in retirement second time around.

Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 31

News in Brief, Comments & Notices

Epping Railway Circle - Model Railway Exhibition Saturday November 15th 2008

10.30AM to 5.00PM

The Village Hall Theydon Bois Essex

10 Layouts, Trade Stands, Refreshments

Adults £3.00, Children/Concessions £1.50,

Family (2 + 2 £7.50)

Royal British Legion Remembrance Sunday Our annual Service of Remembrance will take place on Sunday 9th November 2008, starting at the War Memorial, St Mary’s Church, Coppice Row at 10.45 am and continuing in the Church for the main part of the service. In the event of inclement weather the entire service will take place in the Church. Medals may be worn and standards carried- everyone is welcome.

About The Royal British Legion It is the U.K’s leading charity providing financial, social and emotional support to millions who have served and are currently serving in the armed forces. We help over 5000 people each month. The Legion was founded in 1921 to protect welfare and interests of Service and Ex-Service personnel, their families and their dependents.

Every Year Our Work Includes

Providing welfare visits to veterans who are housebound or hospitalised Supplying lifeline alarms to the elderly and infirm Providing mobility aids to the disabled including scooters Providing much needed medical care such as covering the cost of a nebuliser to

aid breathing and deliver medicines The Legion runs seven Poppy Care Homes and Four Poppy Break Centres, the

latest of which, Somerset Legion House, in Weston- Super-Mare opened this year and has excellent facilities

My appeal is again this year, please do give generously when you see the Poppy Sellers outside the shops or they call on you at your homes & please “wear your poppy with pride”.

Volunteers Needed Due to age, illness and incapacity, we have lost some of our regular poppy sellers and need volunteers to take their place. Can you spare an hour or so anytime between Saturday 1st November and Saturday 8th November helping to sell poppies. Please contact our poppy organiser, Alan Hollingberry at 31 Forest Drive Tel: 01992 813260.

Armistice Day this year is Tuesday 11th November. Please pause for 2 minutes – Just to remember.


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News in Brief, Comments & Notices


Many of the trees throughout the village have been planted by families and friends in the memory of a loved one. The names of the sponsors and those remembered are displayed in the foyer of the Village Hall. This has proved to be a popular way of remembering loved ones and there is still the opportunity for anyone to have a memorial tree planted. The cost will be circa £100 depending on the species and availability. If you would like a Memorial Tree please contact the Parish Office at the Village Hall Tel: 813442 e-mail: [email protected]

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News in Brief, Comments & Notices




23rd, 24th, 25th OCTOBER 2008 Performances start at 8pm

BOX OFFICE : 01992 812250 Three different couples visit Suite 719 of the luxurious Plaza Hotel, and in so doing a hilarious comedy is created. Sam & Karen Nash honeymooned in the suite 20 years ago, and Karen wants to recreate that romantic time, but Sam has other things on his mind, is it a big business deal or ..? The second occupant is Jesse Kiplinger, a successful film director, who has arranged a rendezvous with an old girlfriend, Muriel Tate, from his old school days. She is dazzled by Jesse, but is a married woman. Will she succumb? The third couple are Norman & Ray Hubley who have hired the suite for their daughter’s wedding day. However, the bride has locked herself in the bathroom and refuses to come out. Watch as Norma & Roy threaten, cajole, curse, beg - anything to get their reluctant daughter out.

Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 34

Theydon Bois Horticultural Society HORTICULTURAL SHOW 99th Annual Show Saturday 26th July 2008

Brilliant sunshine, lack of water...(don’t knock the weather though!) makes it difficult to dig and garden but that didn’t matter....we had many new exhibitors who tried something new.

Even people who have lived in the village all their lives as well as newcomers managed to find flowers, vegetables and produce, which they proudly staged. We had fewer flowers this year but the standard of plants was high, which showed the care and pride people are taking in their gardens now. New allotment holders were encouraged by their success to try more classes next year...lets hope they do!

Children’s work was stunning with an exceptional class for pottery. Plants grown by the children hopefully will encourage a love of gardening and ‘growing your own’ to eat. Epping alpine society raised a lot of interest as did the local Village Design Statement Association. A tombola in aid of Macmillan Nurses raised £70.

Many visitors enjoyed the afternoon of this traditional village event............however.....next year will be our 100th show (make a note of the date - 25 July 2009) and after that, who knows? A loyal band of volunteers, as well as committee members, worked hard to man the plant stall, tea room (which was busy all afternoon,) raffle......all of which showed an increase over previous years.

Events like this take a lot of hard work but give the community a feel good factor. MANY THANKS to the army of helpers who made the show a success. FRONT GARDENS COMPETITION 2008

From an initial list of some 70 gardens selected by the Parish Councillors and following further inspection by the Horticultural Society, 21 were shortlisted for judging. Many front gardens were seen to be disappearing under paving, possibly as a result of the new parking restrictions. Unfortunately the majority of these paved areas seemed very unimaginative and left little or no room for any planting to add some interest. The winner of the formal section is pictured on the front cover and opposite is the informal section winner. If you are considering paving some of your front garden, you may find inspiration by visiting those listed below as winners of the Hardstanding with Planting category of this competition.


FORMAL 1ST 29 Baldocks Road (front cover) 2nd 31 Woburn Avenue 3rd 35 Baldocks Road

INFORMAL 1st 8 Hornbeam Road (opposite) 2nd 48 Orchard Drive 3rd 26 Heath Drive

HARDSTANDING WITH PLANTING 1st 5 Woodland Way 2nd 2a Blackacre Road 3rd 10 The Weind

COMMERCIAL 1st The Bull 2nd The Queen Victoria 3rd Not awarded

Village News Issue 63 September 2008 Page 35

Winner of informal section Front gardens competition

Copy for Village News & Website Send to Madeleine McCarthy, Parish Clerk, Parish Office

Theydon Bois Village Hall, Phone & Fax 01992 813442 Email - [email protected]


23 Sept Neighbourhood Action Panel—Village Hall—7.30 pm

25 Sept Parish Council Meeting - 8pm Village Hall

2 Oct Theydon Bois Rural Preservation Society - Free talk by EFDC on Listed Buildings

4 Oct Litter Pick meet 9am Village Hall

6 Oct Parish Council Surgery - Village Hall - 5.30 to 7pm

17 Oct Horticultural Society - Free talk on Roding Valley Nature Reserve & weighing of heaviest pumpkins - Village Hall 8pm

23 to 25 Oct Drama Society - Plaza Suite by Neil Simon - 8pm Village Hall

1 Nov Litter Pick meet 9am Village Hall

3 Nov Parish Council Surgery - Village Hall - 5.30 to 7pm

9 Nov Annual Service of Remembrance - War Memorial - 10.45 am

15 Nov Epping Railway Circle Model Railway Exhibition - Village Hall 10.30am to 5.30pm

20 Nov Horticultural Society - AGM & free talk on climbing wall plants - Village Hall 8pm

25 Nov Neighbourhood Action Panel - Village Hall - 7.30 pm

27 Nov Parish Council Meeting - 8pm Village Hall

29 Nov St Clare Hospice Quiz - Village Hall - Tickets 812042

1 Dec Parish Council Surgery - Village Hall - 5.30 to 7pm

6 Dec Litter Pick meet 9am Village Hall

various Epping Forest Group of Alpine Garden Society - (page 27)

various Theydon Bois Men’s Forum - (page 30) - Music Society - (page 28)

various Copped Hall Events - (page 9)

5 Dec Village Xmas Tree Lighting & Carols at Village Hall

If you would like your event included in the forthcoming events section either in Village News or the Village Web-Site please notify the Parish Clerk by phone or e-mail as per the contact details below. Entries for the Village

News diary must be received by the relevant copy date and are NOT automatically rolled over to the next diary. Onus is therefore on the organiser to re-confirm for the next village news.

Village News Sponsors - James Sear Estate Agents, Theydon Bois Pharmacy, Theydon Bois Balti House, Indian Ocean, Theydon Bois Nursery, AND Technology Research - see pages 12 & 13

Village News

Edited & Produced by

Tony Ames

Village Website www.theydon.org.uk

Edited & Produced by Jim Watts

Village Activities 2008