TIIE CIIIXA-CI.OSET. From Good Hoaae Keeptng Blng a aaag <>f ealna, a eloael ox-p and wlde. Bowa and rowa ol dlabes, aettliig alde by iMe. When the door I- oj. 'ti g.Ily lo h.di.dd lialntv ahlnlng crysUl the tea noi wl.aad gold. Grandma's blue-sprigged chLna on the upper stieit (Oraadma uaed to wash 11 and dr> eaih plece neracil), lloplnc. poorold lady. if llving nol to. That futiu-c geueraUona mighl from I.>;- drlnk tea. Rinc a aaag ol bn eaaa* a eleael deep m <i ¦¦ i Cracked and broken dlshcs aetting sldc by Ide, When the d..or stonds open 't - awful to in'inda Fragmenlary eryslul tl," teu-sel i.- gold. Oraadma'i blue-sprlgged thlna wsarch well the appei N.d a p'iece to tell Ihe lale of Ita ihaltered - lf. Well ia it for r.randmn -le ha* nol ved lo -...: Tho-." qualntly fashloned teacuna will nevei more hoii tea. Sing a aang of Brldgel nf M iry Ann of Kale The eomlng, golng, restl de, who form the mmlly Heapaof aea waihed wreckage streajn nlong Ihe ihore Tell »f devaatatlng ilorms when tbe fury' o'er. Softly clo*e Ihe lo<cl door haitrred treaanrea hlde, There's no bftlm t<> hcal thesi woaads, tbougb we scarch world wlde, Ralm will nol heal hlnn wnre. nor Ihe aad hearl rei I: Vothing now rematns lo do bul to try remcnl SEFTON'* SERVANT. "Do yoa know, it doea aeem odd," aald Mra. Walton, aettlng dowa her eup, and folding her liands. "Do nol you think bo?" "Odka? What, .laiie:" Her hnaband apoke briskly, with u faint note ol challeaHC in his \.,<w. Wo were aittiag, aix ol as, tbeee two and their four gncsts. ln ihe cuurtyard at Bagol taking tea- aome ol ua. am afraid, taking it in the ahape ol wbiskcj nnd Apolliuaria water. But then the day was hot. ¦.Mr. Sefton'a conduct, Jamea, Mra. Walton answcre.1. "in aeadiag Fred here in thla way. lt is not that 1 grudge tbe man hia food und bed. Iln. Linjrord. Vou kaow that. In h house like this one or two extra moutha make literallv no dilfcrenee. Bul 1 do aol underatand whj be ia here. Can you think, Mra. Liagard, why Mr. Sefton has aeal him .'" Sefton, a middle-aged baehelor, lind been one ol ua until a daj or two before thia.a irtieat al the i'ourt. Then be had gone to viail the Feathei stones near Exeter, taking hia valei with liim. We liinl all liked bim. There had been no mys- tery aboui his movement* whatever, and, conae ftuentlv, onr aurpriae had been gre I « hen, twenty- fonra lntcr. hla aervant had retiirned, lieai na r* note from him. in which he aaked Mr. Walton to tflke the nian in for a week, and cxplained that. f'red had falien out with the Featherstones1 l>if- er, and found the house uncomfnrtublc. S»me wouid have thoughi the explanation Insiifllcient, but the Squirc w.is the leasi auapicioua ol men, and, withoul t-akiiiK coimsel, he had wired an afhrmative. Mrs. Liagard, a particalar friend ol Sefton a, did not haaten to aoawef; -.. I s..i-l: " lt certninly seems oueer t*> me. Sefton has hambera ln l-oa- don. Why did he nol aend tiie man to town. which la nearer to Kxeter thaa Worceataliire ? Stirely it wouid have beea more naturaL as well os more casv, to aend him home." "Of eaarae il wouid!" Delvea Bagol aaaeutod indolently. He was leaning haek iu hia with his eyea in the Inwn, which vergea on tbe Dne open alde of the coiirtyard. "Or iato lodg- inps ;.t Kxeter. where he mighl have ma le aome usc of him. Or to a hot.-i .he ..ii." Tirlvcs added, with a sij h. " to pay for his b "And it is imi." Mra. Walton said, "as i! Mr Sefton were an iatimate friend ol n re. tl »ugh I like him very much. This ivas his lirsi visit. (If Mr. Walton did nol knew hi- handwritlng, l ahouM l>e teropted to think tbe letter n forcery " lt is his letter, aufe enough," said Um S braequely. Mrs Liagnrd ceaaeil drawii patterna on Uie fwivement with tbe ndle of her i le nnd ooked up. "Sefton ia n fool:" alie suid nirily. '. Fred can (lo nnything with him rniind liis lager, Mra. Wi Iton Ile alwaya couid. 11 is so. Liagard, isift it .'" "Vou oughl to know, my dear," i id tlie gea* tlemnn. plaeidly. "Well. le eaa!" ahe aaawere Ij with e shi ¦-.¦¦ of temper. "I dare kij p haa gol Sefton under li is thumh. Vou have all gol we k plaee* menl An.l vour tervante know them." And aaM finished her whiakcy and Apollinaria very much a.s it sne liked it. Mra. Lingai waa i. rito wlth n:"st ol ua. Sl e wa8 well conneete I. She had a rich hnaband Bul al r li also n villa nt Pau, in whieh ahe apenl half ihe year. an l French p"!ish ad long ago hidden any n l good qualitiea tae woman may have poaaesscd. Almost the aame mighl i>e aaid ,,f hei huabaud. «. lazv. over-fed maa, rarelj withaul French novel in his hand. "But." said Mr Walton, impatientijr, "why ahonld Fred wis!i to he here. Vou do Bol think he )ins ciiine io rob the houae, 3 "To kiss the maida, more liki gested aome one. "That la Liagard all over!" retorted mndame aaptemptuuualy. "Vou were w :.;:.:_- with my maid this moralag, my man. I aaw you and blushed lor your taate. Si e has-" " Pooh, pooh I" tii-m Uie S'iuiic .. N" more tigure than .i blackboard! ** trinm- phantly. "Pooh, pooh!" cried the Squire, still more bn- patiently: "ihis is .,11 nonaeaae." "No. Jamea, il ia nol nonaense," - id Mn Wal- ton, plaeidly. "I mel Mr, Sefton'a aervant on the stoirs near tbe aewiag-room very 1 ¦.t.- night, aad he hurried by tne in n Way I did I at all like. He i> a good <o\ iag m n, h little above his aitdbtioB, and I dare bhj Mr. Scfti i.poiled him. He will ael our a I a cars."' ¦. Has it oceurred to you." I asked, "thal he may bave gol into some i .. tr ible wii poliee? And Mr. Sefton waats bim aafe oul ul the way for a bil " Nothing more likelyi" quoth madame, with an evil 5ini!e. "Well," aaid Mr. Walton. with Rudden decision, "I will not navc him tn the houae after Satui- day." I was lawardly making merry und comrrattilat- ing Mrs. Walton on the cleverneB8 with which i>he hr.d reached lvr enda. I had aeen them all along.wjien Mr. Lingard Kald: "Hen. comes the genueman in ciueation! And "v ¦.11 \\ill -<... I am right. lt is the girls he li nftci He haa oim ol tlieni in tow now, the ekanuneg!" I saw Bagtit's face llneli ill over, He, i.a well aa Liagard, -¦. tting fa the lawn. I turned, and, to l«* aure, there ^'.a.- red, good-looking, Kllm youag fellow, dreaaed In n tweed suit, which I gappoee he thoughi he ui .rlit wear, be mufti. He was eros-sing the lawn from Uie gar dens with a girl ul his aide Aa I looked, tbe pirl.taking from him n haskcl pfl caine towai ll was l^--..." '¦'.: Walton. Mr. Liagard, ln flne, ha m le -li;.. .. \'r. have made a liad ahot this time," I i ooolly. I was nol goiog to help him oi t diflieulty. Bnt, with French arine«w, he Cr he had nol tbe gl ce to ip i/c "Miaa Walton. is it '.' Well, mademoiapllc La no doubl amusin^' beraelf." Bagot i;ot up with aneh violenee thal his chnii went ovei like a ninepin. Luckii)*, it was only a wieker oae. me and knoek the balls about," he said to nio. ln- tnead veiy hi.-i, "All rinht." I aaaeuted, aad, riaing more gently, went with him "('oaiso beaat!" he cried. ¦¦¦ aoon aa Uie door of the billlard-room waa ciosed heliiad '¦. "I bave a good mind tu kiek him. If thal be Freach politeiiess, haag Freach poiilcneaa, aay I'" "With all my heart," I anawered, chooaLng a cue. "And that woman! After Seftoa lefl she foi* lowed me aboul the plaee n whole day. waating to tell my fortune. ralil il ma le me aick. .s!i'' la old eoough to be mt roother." "She tlatter-- her-clt I Baid, paualag upon a caiinou. "thal Maatei Freil haa hen, aenl bai keep an e\e upon her- in Sefton'a intereet. is her readinii ol tlie liddle." "Rubbisb!" retorted Boeot.he was ln b coa- tradietoiy moo<l Seftoa is as tired "f ei as hei hnaband la. What on earth he evei ^lU- m bei affeetations I ennnol Imm ine "Vou do not think thal Fred la here on her account ¦>" "Not hei It i.s so ne Intrigue of 1ns own with the aaaida «»i oi oh! I don'1 know," lie ron e.luded fretfulK. atriking hia lsaa.ll over the enali ion. and gramblina as be aought foi i' uadei the fender. I put dowa my cue. Delvea Bagol aad l were old trleada. I Liked th.y, liked bia boylab Im* puLsiveuess aml Irank bearlog, u d eveii tbe ob atinacy and aelf-conlidencc ihul were well ei in a iiii^'ot. "Look bere, Delvea," I aaid, do you not apeak i" Walton? Aboul Ueaaie, I mca'u. Vou ara wretched company al prea-ut.ln paiu yoaraelf, aad a eauac "i pulu .ihera He looked al !ue an.niy: init, aceing me aa* moved, releated. "Well, I intended to ape him to-day, Brett. And then I beard tbe old boj talkinir of Uie doctor b1 Aabley wlio wanta to marry Mary Vooag, nd and boul fortuue-hunt- era jieneraily, you kaow, alanging llMm up lull aml down dale. And 1 inked, thal ia the trutb. Vou know, except my pay and tbe threc bundred a year rent for UiM plaee, 1 have abaolutely nothing." "Thanks to old Siiuire Courteaay '' "Well, thanks to Iiiu, and oae o. tWO othcrs," Delvet, aaid gloouiily. lt wa* a proverb in ihe family tbai a eertain Squire Courteaay had atarted Uie Bugota dowahill by raisiuK iiioi.cy at ruinoua lutereal in tbe i >. Hia descen.lanta reaeated it the more that be d brought his eaterpriae '<. a most Lgnomlnioua end. Hla twenty tbouaan gulneaa had done no one any good, for the old geatleman, ridiag by nighl to join the l'rin'-e at Derby, had been waylaid and murdercd along \.i'!i is aervant, and robbed, ol eouwe "Well, you may make your mind eaay, Delvea, I aaid. "Walton wouid much ratber that Beaale married a Bagot with Stjuire Courteaay for a graatpgrandfathcr, to aay nothing of tbe gunpow- dcr geatleauiB.Bagol rhymea wlth faggot, you know.ta.ui a Snooiia with the twenty mouaand ui haad. , ,, .l'oaaibly," replicd Delvea dryly. 'Bal a^Bagat with Uie '"iu wouid he siill more welcoiae. "You caoaol .-ai youi cake and have it, young man,' I retorted. And we played o game ol nltj up, ai.d then wenl to <ii-css J"i dinner. never tell anv doub! myaelf ol tne Bucoesa ..! 1'.- "s's sut. il' I had, a glance at- lia.ol I OUTt wouid have lemovcii lt. Tlie COUrt, nUUlllI at ail limes, and bcautiful ln aummer, loruMd threc ,,, ,, |10|iow s,,u..ic. A greal atone tywer, lattiecil si, i,, Bpcak, bj wide niullioncd windowa, lornici tbe prim .("1 alde; and this time and is had meiiowed to a deep orange ":.'. ihe winga were ol atill "Ide. date. luey ran back ii., a ie fronl nl rigbl aaglca-long, matiy-gaiilcd nira oi hrick .md ti.''. maaked by ro ¦-..,. umi vcilcd by westeriaa. Like all bouaca ill in this abape, the t'ouil was a rambling pllc I; wag ;, ilay'a iouraey from one end t" the other. (.. the ground Booi .. am .le lonj .paaange. foi o v* ;,. ti.Mc.-ioi Uaea of ihe limlding, almpllllcd ,,, ,':.-;s for tln- atraager, bul .ve he liad no -,-, i, ;,..!-; ;.,,c. Tl e .. were ai leaaf aix atnir- taaes 11." rooma were on as manj levela, aud often the onlj way "- reach a aext-door neighiioi wnstogo dow; atniraiiiid aaceml another corkserevv fliglit, pasl a fresb aeriea ol Bngota, who aceined, l»y the fainl gleaiu ol ihe candle, '.. be amirking III theii Itala.s Delvea nnd I were more lucky. We o cupie rooma adjoining one another in the weal win*. with a liny ilurk ataircaae, moal auggeative ol midiiighl luuider, al! to oureelves, Above iia glepl sonic "f Ihe aprvanla. L'nderneath waa tbe -1,,. one oi t:., bandaomeal .- a in lhe ¦-. lined v-nl. '.kabelvea, und wl! wariiicd ,,., wintei i.i: is bj .. greal open llreplace, fJanked by oak settleg. \s i,\ iu bed lhal nighl heard aomelhing, a insii. aharp aoiuid, a.s caaily recognized by an ed- ucated eai aa anv. lt was tbe click ol one billiard ball atriking another. I faney I maet bave bun aome 'une liatening to lt, apprehending whal tt waa bul ol the time nnd plaee, until at toal i grew less iirowav, and hegan lo pul one and one tovether. Then 1 atarted up i" b«l, remerabcrlng tbai it miist Im- 2 ""I" k at leasi ; thal all Uie men h.d come to i.el ui the aame time wlth my¬ aelf; and ih.it therefore this aouad needed ex- pian.ition. . f ,, , Could it i»e merely the echo ln my eara oi im dav'a play? So ('liek! click il canie. nt reg- 1-. intervala. There coitld la- no douht. Soue onr ln thia atill house. wrnppeil in aluml»er. thia .,-,. iu which enrlj houra were kept. waa piny- in« hilli irds al .' in the morniag. And i had pui out the hillianl-rooai lighta with my own hanu two houra before, al leaat; and aren everj one ¦tart to l>ed. , .... -lt is Bagot," was my flrsl Hiought. cannot aleep, and ln- goae dowuataira. Bal Wal¬ ton will nol like it." l>tting it of bed. T out on a drenair^-gown. and sr.itiv feltmy way tolbgota room. rhe¦iiooi was unlocked. the room waa in darkneaa. bnt i lieard him breatliing, made my way t.. him, aaa awoke him. .,¦-.¦..> ..llallo!"heerled, graapiagme, who la ii -I Brett Do not make anoise, I whlsperen "There jv soroethtng wrong downataira.aomethirig verv qucer. nl any rate " I made him liaten. I Im aound "I ihe I.-.lis waaquite audible here. .. tll righl '" be aaid, brlakjy lightiug his cnndlc and gcttlng up. "Il la Liagard, foi n Bovereigu We will go -low-ti and give him n fright. - He b eepa ln ihe ,,ther wing." 1 ob pcted ¦?Well al ny rate we will go and *><. who lt is " repiied tbe vouns fellow. thoronirhly wlde aw ike now. And .ordingly we ailently opened the door. and with n gunrded liirhl p... rn pi ,!,,,v tbe nnrr >w atoire isc which 1 "l Its fool n few n ees nl tl hilli rd room doi l'he- 1 - rfo ilropw tlie imlle. one awiftly and silently bcihI led by me \ v oi jr -ci.-,i io I,". eomins frmn the billianl atart r bj our npproaeh. " « io |: ii | whiapered l"r -1! I hml are a i.ill form in a bl ie ro *?. " bo w ia it, o] man.'" Dei -"- did not anawer. Ile a - -;i<'- ,- -. emptj paasngc whieh led tl in b lilding to the 1 "iabl ii.,n v. i. ttevei - '.'. ¦¦ i.-pca'.-d to question be lool rd 1 l me, 1 en di ¦;.,-¦ |H i do nol know v. ho n wa tered, way un ia ial with him. i:s s.-e w ho is iieiv." Foi atci Ihe click of .'. lliard halls .. Wi ,t tlie dickena is np I I nei .. r tln it. do you l! The st ,n whlrh the wom u ' '"' shaken my r.ervea I aa for B had hai geil atraugely. He nu longer ieen look on tie affair aa a iaik and .- n ah ne n joke. IL- apoke w Ith aa e emphanls ., '.' i? The de will soon aee.'" and he flung Ihe door wide open I w.-nt in behind Well, I had not l ed for 1 \* t ,- toble in 1 .. fuli gl.t Ui* Sefi His fi 'e. - ired n l ol II is, peered I ua ovei ;. s hhouMei r rcsted on the I. le ene. n 1...11. <. e at- od ¦-' , tliud.audible In the ail dead allei the plaee.iato a pocket '1 he My first imp ilae h ia to la -. !"it | cheeked il I t .- luii ..' .a-' room fell - dden preaenee a-. .,? thiinder iu Hm air. IVi ipa lhe terrorst.ruckme aal perhapaBngot'adumb- 1!", uauallv so fiaiik and read> "t api f ivorite with tl e aei .-anta nd out a iii.-tiv word for them, atnod tong ring tlie Interloper with hla >. v ipokc flrat, who moved flral Fred I s id, pntting the st.-.- -.!,.. I oiibl, ing ol thia? Will you rxplain, if you l':,h: The fellow w-is friglitened He atuI <.-.,-,! i, ln rti le aomethiiig then reeo red I.i- voiee aml fell .¦,.-.. |fi ...,- dow 'i to uae be t ibie 11.¦ «/aa foi d ol the D ,- li.- pi .! nol |.. li 1 ¦." -'¦ H aroubi we wouid overlook it. and not report him t.. Mr. Walton. h si: ui !, me thal his t.-ar exceeded tlie Bul w hen I tiirned and saw B igol a freezin i< e, 1 wondcreil no longer. Why, li ot!" I aaid, thinking he waa ill, lor 1 e \-, .-. the 1 -.;..- ,:. to t..,.,- -, |, "le of t kind -' s ti,c ." II,. did nol l"t me lini-h. Ile shooked u ,-,| iru- by hia iolem e. H<- pul un ni <;,, ed he sei rnnt. "You lie '" he cxi laimeil, u-l dressiiig him in a voiee tremtiliiig with passion, w;,,],- be st rctclii d oul one l. md as ii he ie, n,-ci: \ oi not come ilowii to usc 1 r toble Vou I. nol down io play. \" ive r >i.low:, lo Ile broke ofT ehoked hj Foi a uiomenl he I: n d !<¦ ind nildly. Then exclaim in cannol say it! <¦, tuiot s,-, it! ^..-, :" ,- mn "'1 and di lelj laii rrom " i".,i me, I waa dazed. I waa '-t 11 looking from him to tbe acrx'anl in inexpreasible wonder, when ! i. nd him gone. A moment'H heaitation, and hurried after .him. in alarm, and aome angei and more coni ision, und heard bim stuinble up lhe si.,ns like one i.lii,d l: ii when I i" icbed the landing at the Uip be had I". ked hia do n ln- hind him. To go down '¦' Um billiaid-room and flnd it d rk and tl e man i'Hni« p this was m-. liisi im* I.-,! Then I wenl to my own room aud on the bed and pinehed my arm. Whal had naased mual he u drearo, Tbe ahoii Interx'iew. |)elve s pilSHioll, the -.aVets lear. hiwl left t|. [niperfeel imprcKsii.na ol n ilrcain. Bul n<», tbe iilneh bil home. and 1 aal ci."t. liatening untll mre thal nl] waa r-iilel nexl door. '111is I did more than onee, and ao liuiia l>rtween Irotibled gleep and wakina mtil mortiin?. When I flnally opened mv eyea Bngol was .t my bedalde r.ii-it." he i'c.-.i-i. nbriiptly, as tbough lie were afraid to let the icaolutiou he had 'aken Itlllld i|,,. . -s: of an inatant'a dela.v. "I have made un ii.v miml t.. t.ll you. I mual tell aome one, <>r I -!,:¦]] go inad." ii i can do nnything la help you." I said. mneh concerned for him, "go on, my dear boy." .. \ o oannot. No one can, he replleil, In n cold, Impaasive manner, very unlike lu-s uauaJ way. " Lingaid, eurae him' wna right." .. ||ow do you mean? ln what. Bagot?" li,, bad gone lo the wlndow, and apoke wlth his l'.i"!c to n»- 11" said thal nian had AOme att.-r one ol ol Um women. He told me which. lie was nliout right. Clever fellow, Liagard," Wlth a hlltei- Laugh. I am pretty aharp al taking hinta. I aaw alrendy a! what he waa driving. '* Do you mean." I said abockril thal Bagot, of all people, ahould eatertaiu bucIi a thoughi "thal he is here on accoiint "i Mi* Walton- "f IVsaie ?" "Aye, 1 do." be aaawered, drearily. "Rtraage, is |i in " f'.ut women are atninge, Brett." .. or ali e :" 1 ci ied .. \-..-. shame IndeeU." he said, in tbe aame tone, I waa efoj | wl I did aol know how to him, wl, t to s v to him. An Iden aa prepoater ml wlien entertained by him so abhi my ever> lay reaaon B ¦'. Bagol " i a-lccl fieiilv. you do nol Inainnate lhal abe. Bessie.aPi.ura h him ''" |.,,oU heie." i,e said, " I milSl tell VOU all or nothing. 'I ial la iual what I do mean \ know Lingard noliced bei walkiag with him yea- tei ;." :'" "Why. vou Joaloua fool! I cried. apringini oul of l.'d. "Ihere \vas no h.irm in fhat. She had been picking fruit, aad he earrfed the baa <-t |. r ler as anv .-crvant mlght." "Wait," be anawered, quite unmoa/ed by n.v Lndignation. "Did you notice thal man'a hand laatnigbt? You did not. I did. Brett. He waa weoring on Iii-. Ii11JL-- flnger Miai Walton'a pearl ri ti l: the one hei fatbei gave Imi laai Chrlatmas ahould know ii aiiioim h hiindred." "But she may have loal n He may liavc found it," I aaid, s mewhal atagaered bj this., " It was on her finger when 1 said good-Bighl to her."1 Ilagot uiu.wcred, gloomily. "<»f thal 1 am certaiu. lt cbanged hands alter miduiubt. Aml that is not all. You .liil not see who tt was w hom we all l.ui eauffht eoming out of the biillard- i... tn tiu-, morning.al '.' o'clock this mornlng, llr.-ti. I .Inl. lt waa Miss Waltoii." .. Impoasible'" I erled, akih-ist. remembenng thal sl»e alept in the oth.-r wing. lt w.is. iou shake your head. I tell v<;". hc repeated bitferly, " ll was li.. you tbink l bhotild not know her aaywhere.everywherc, manl An.l for lhal leliowa tale, do you Iwllcve it yourself? VYho ever heard >.i a aervant r""1* down alone to uae tbe bUllard-table inlhe middle of the nighl ?" , . ,. , I found ;. diffieulty there myaelf. I did n rt helieve Delvea's suspiciona had any hasis. I re- pudiated t-liem atout-ly in mv own min.L Uul it was so difflcull to I'Xplaln Fred'a eondiirl "ther. wise, Ilis own story w.:s Improhable. and tne more improhable tbe m«»re closely I acanned it. On the other hand, if Delvee were right, trcda strange return and his vigll ln lhe billiard-room i.- ame intelligible. So iliil his peculiar fenr al aighl .-f ltair.il. whom all tbc bouavbold knew io i.e cnurtina Mias Beeale. I rememliere.1. too, with n ainklng of tho hean a wonl which tlie i.utler had aaid to me liefon- dlnner the prevloua evening. Ile waa an "hl Eervant, ln Mrs. VValtou's.ilidei «. and meetlng him on the ataira 1 hud nol scrupled lo aak him ii he could aecounl for tlar reappeorance ol Mr. Sclt.ma aervant, He eould not: and on mj aaking him between i<" t and earneal ll Fred w is courtinn one ol the maida, he had anawerol, -Nn sir. I..- h.-.-|.s binnvll very stiff. I tbink ho conaidera liimsell n cul a.mve Ihem " A ,. ,i. .,. ihem. I'mphl » onld lt he thal Linc u.i -.¦ ia 11- Itl .' ..r aball leave to-day," aald Delvea, preparing "No: yoo mnal <i" notldna "f th.- kind." I nnawerrd firmly. "Vou mnal atny twenty-fonr houra al leaat. And ma«le him promiae thla Now ili.ii he had lold 1ns atory. 1 could are (toa while nn.l heart broken be lonked, icl whllr I pitie-l him I waa angry wlth him. lt waa hard io reiiieinl.er ih.it n lover is the mosl rolatile rrenture In lhe work): and thal f..r him fmra im- plicil confidenee lo decra.ling auspicion la bul a -., ,i ;, step taken ln p momcnt. Rather ll s.-.-m.'.l natural to tbink he ahonld h.,ve been tlie laal lo harhor the thoughl. Tlie thoiiglit! Ob. Ihe pity ul it. if he a*cre righl had heard of thlnga like this before. I knew Ihey happened someiimca in piaces Ihe lenal jikely. Uul bithcrto lliey had liefallen mj friends' frien.la, an.l I could ahruy mj ahouldera A few .l..\ s lieTorc we had taken t .¦> tt amall laland ln the river. \n.l one nl tl r boya (..nl made a t*ong of fnir women -wretrbcd du it waa ibout ihe la.liea, giving eaeh a vene I remembered lieaeie's: My next i- tall and plump and frea .\ 1 ..,' eth* f al rilbury, \- il :.*.';i nnil And mllk and no Are all ln her face, lhal I* falr to aee. She had been vexed in a g-ood-humored way bj the wonl free," and thc roii strel had auffered ,l(, little. f'oiild it le, I wondercd now. lhal h<- had seen arigbt.that hii. mor.' delicate inpight, eynieal youns don thal he wna! had read ln thal unnfTeeted frankneaa which 1 found so eharming n fatal lark "t reaerve ui odioti* faci " .\.,: a hunilred iin ea ao! would bellevc in llcseie. ihotigh all Ihrse gay young !.- ,iwi bl.oiihl '¦. -rl liei s.t tiext j.,-r :.t breakfasl in lhe aeal ua illj .... Ile 1 ilel: t kei <> ¦¦ bj hei father at lhe other orner A- he di o croweil er ple . ml gi . eyes. I tli.iiiuli she .lri:iii>i"l them iiuiekb Slie n visdbly li irl and made no re- in:.r'...' ntid I strwi e by ehatl ;-!'. t.ver oll lhe I.ii. rarda attf Um It im ' wl i.'h I t.i the wret imi mpen lin r, it was tli <1 thal drea.ll .1 wont m opp of il v,: I, hundretl timea nn' "ind yel aom. huppeued pre ahiv. I. i. i. the 1 ,,-t I., n.\ I..- :.'. ,i, wkiepert'd, ^ " ,i I',.,..,,-. ...... well did Uut th. . H ...... |: , iedlv ... Ibe I "Mr. Seftnn's man . She did n*>i how Sefl I aend it t it ln 1 bul lo mi sir.ui e I ntild 1...1 I ¦, . . . .-, M - -..-,...;--.. .: Haater Fred'a ,,. hei i' Mra. 1 I -. - W ..'.-, aame tim ase ;.-. . Uul ...... dear? I lhat l .. .-I mn i- Ml Sel ¦. i -. I .;..'. I.. see e -.. .... por, onfuaed, r- 1. an.l !>...' ip* !'...¦ .- wa* rfbci I tbc me uli nl Sefl . ,¦-.- ,-n referen to Her f«k e nffaii .,-.-. tlu- | l, ,'.-,i Mra. I.ii re I \^ ;i |,. ri i r ¦.¦ ere i than evei . ita, alone «i in p'.ira, killina t ime aa we i,i,t .;,<¦., k t,. Ile. . ¦. r.>Iid ii' I ,.| |. - .', nl hilli 'i'ls. iib hu! he.-n hia I'uafom after breakfaat Uut . ,- ¦.:, went, ao fai r. ild mai e mil nnd rrally tt ope t: liim i -. th.it sotiiet w.is w r><: n h it nol Rpoken lo papu" tbe :." rea. he tl r al e al wh h . mialii Interfrre waa iu two M irtl .-I aim il n«>l tell >lr \\., Iton ol i i.-'l s ese p If in he h lliar.l o..m aml mnke thc a nt i n il n ;f l: sliowii ao s': :, i!e,: re looliah, bul not to mi I dcuTmlned t keep foi it few houra eaal liier filvn . .'..'. ii. I.. I'.i,'-'. and rn I; " 1: .,,.- he h "I been an ini inte of thi N'«>w. t: ,- VV Iton*' i.-iii. l'i..'.- u I. .i'i' i tin> .- -i.-n ln ix-.'-i'ii he sliort, ». ite i'<- irded, I nmn moal s.ni|ii.-. c iiti'.i i- likin- Ibe Wultoiis, .i I.i liim , . f.al iiud >.' .-- m . nu.ite love, K, I re ieve, lhal ol u fatlier II,¦ '' ,- i.', Iil lu. k. r«»r her , ud Ibe onI> viewa slie held lb.il .re.l of tl.- irimaterial were r.inneeted wnb nmaic nnd pelniisl Ilel tii-t iiis'n.rt -\ ii j. :,!.¦. ¦ " .'.¦ ..Id man. \,.i rihoiilil I,.- |.il nt f\|>! iiniii.- mysteriea, Katbei filyn," she uid: "lhal i-- .' mai n pni .,f in***s. i- it not ''" I shudderol Uul min.1 of < ict dui .¦-. per- ips ... ¦¦ Itaelf, mn 'I slow to | 'lo nol tl.iiil ite ndc ' n -I anid rn.-..'.,!. Ile ' I somethina n.| fom ;,; ible i>. h'm. bul I... d|.| nol drenm lhal she could deridin Iil nfl ee; and hi- very Innoeen. i* ff.e<! "Vou ui'.-.; knov .i :r tl mnii arerets, father. I menn," :¦'¦<. te|*':ife.l. invilinu us b«, :. I.ioh t,. p.iii in 11,<- -.|.,,i tlu prr I,."-, spoit Th.Te are arcrela ln all llvea, lu.lv," hc said gmvely I ihinl; you had better lake ire, Mra Lin »rd, I Kiifrj eated softly, bul so thal all mlubt heur, 1 wisli you would mind your own huainess, Mr r.i.-ti. -hi- mi.''I. rudely, loaina hei leniper; flier.' was hei wenk sp.,t. " I ean lokc ire ul n.\ sell withoul y.uii heip Vnd for Pnther Ulyn'a arerets, abould tbink Ibere are n. t mnin ln this little villni/e lhat are wortli mueb. Mr, Uretl js for ninking myaterica where there are none, rather "Strange thinjr* happen everj'where,"1 he an awered <|uite eaiferl* "An old place haa :.lw;.\s it-. mysteriea, n- nld itork** and rlddlea, lad'y. Tliere un- soiur. for Instanee, who sa* lhat Mr. 1'ourtenny IbiK.d IVIvea haa nn tloiihi i..|.| y.ni l,i. story" he ran on irarrulotialy, * nevei w.i^ rnbhed or »»iiir-*«-r.-'f. bul pol aafc t,, l»,.|i.\. nml tlieil :,»>r,.:..l ln llt*> !'r i.-ii'l.-i's acrviee, nnd thnl lhe Inle waa sel nlio.il t>. aave the eatates. N'..n know that, DelveB?" "'I'., aave lhe catatea? From wbat?" ma<lanie raaketl, nbtuaelt "l'i.im ...iiiiisi it imi." |i<-!'.-s snswered, speak in ii.i- ihe old ktentlem m Uul \ ou do m»l h,- !u- .- ihe si.,1-.. .tl i-i '¦" Ile s!.k iil* head, smilinc nl llie lad. lt w:.s plen.sunl to aee hou pro ,.i hc waa «.i thc tra.liti.ui, nnd lo". he lookeil nl Delvea while he lw.lt. npon'it. Ifcijr.il had often told me thnl Ihe nld iM'iitleinaii would talk lo him by Ihe hour ..I thi* thnl nnceslor, nointinu uul Ihelr isirtrniia. nnd <i..t:,ilin- th.'ir vlrtues, .inl showina aollcllii'le lhal he sbould know whal marringra thej had made nnd ho* tbey fnred "Will." said Mrs Mnsar.1, welgbtllj ihe bad nboul ..s inu.-li roin in.... i'. 1 i*t eorntMisitioit a n..\ he i-.tr .t.-i| from n flat-lron "I 'h> nol tbink i.h oi your atory >>r riddle, ni whatevcr you ...ll it. repeclally ;.s wberever tbc old aenlleman went. there aeema to be no doubl !,.. t"ok the money with him. It is nol half an inlerestlni to Mi. itroti. al am rate as the myatery of Fred " "Fred?" mnrmured the prieat, iin//le<1 and nn- '¦ert..iii. ihe li^hi '.'"iu* from hia faee. "I rto nol Ihinl I know Iil* .. \V,||. ih. i.' hc Is! I.' nk !" ri"il tlie Indy. ilna the old gentleman'* aleeve nol lon cere monioualy. Fred, us it ehaneed, had .¦..me wlthin tbe room to take a iiish from a aervant, and, heins liisi.le, sti-.o.l waitin^' a inoinent. Father Olyn bnd a good view of him. " You do not sec much rnyatery abonl him. I dara Bajr,1 oootluued *r§. Lingard, caatiag a spiteiul glaace ln my dlrection. -t'ommonpluce enougb, bi lie aot? The prieal paaaed bla haad acnisa his forcliead. ..I think I know hia lace." he murmured, ihoiight- fuiiv lonklnn from one t.. anotbei ul ua wiin a puzzled evpiession. Fred had gon.il o iln "Yea I have iren his taee before. Bul nol Intely. No, nol foi a long time. It was when your latuer wa:. here, dear la.l." , Mra. Liagard laughed. "Nonaenael abe cried. .. Fred is i.11 r n boy of twenty now-or liti e more. And evea Bagol said geatly, "I thlnk you muat i.e miataken, fi Uier " .. , Um the prieal did nol gtve way. ><>. nc replled, in aome excitemeat, I am rigtit-niui vet wrong. I rememlMr now. His face pul me in miad ol a aervaal of yoar faUiera builer. who dletl here suddenlv many \ears ago. Hla naiiie was taton. I knew him weU-very well. Indceil. ln lhe paaee whieh rollowed. Wilklna, who waa Btnnding bebind Mr. Walton'a chair. atooped '" hla i'.ir. " Fre.l's name is Aaton. air.' he aald ln ;i |ow tone. but one whieh we all heard What :¦" cried.¦ hoat. turning aharply. Are ron anre of that, Wilklna?" ... "Ouite anre, air," waa the anawer; l r.rtcK \sto.i. air." And Wilklna fixeil his eyea on the prieafa face, mneh Impreaaed, it was clear, by bla Itul does the man come from this parl '" asked ih,. Stiuire. Aml it may be Imagined how heed* fnllv we were llatening. " I thoughi he wi - mra'nirer.tlial lie waa nol a Worcesterahire man al all." .. -II.. gnve himaelf oul r..i a atranger, air, an ¦wercd the butlei cantioiialy. The other aervanta had lefl lhe room . ,, "Humph! It is rather od,i:" rommented the s;.,iiire. turning agaln to lhe tabte and lookina round upon ua, his glnaa hetweeit 1ns Hngera .. |t is. Jamea." Mra. Walton agreed. ; \er.v odd : Uowever, be goea to-morrow. And.WI k na, .-on v-iM not men tlon this dnwaataira, pleaae alwnya thoughi thal there was aometbing in tbe inaii's retiirn thal woiild aol qitite lieai looking Into." , ., i;.t s:,t illent, hia eyea eaal down. Heaslea Uioih hta Heei ie to he ebiewhere. For the reai o( UH, We stalted Yiiliolis lllCOI.e*, Witll Ul.B lie'-V li.-ht npon the aubjeet, to accounl lor Freds preaence. Bul as ihere were al k*aa1 as many tbeorlea ia peraorw al 'he fable, an one ronld make evea a aiagle rnnvert; and we Boon broke up ln diaorder. Mr Walton riiaappcnred ln Uie direi liuii of tbe st iblea Bn rol nnd I wenl ofl lo ether lo ihe I.pei'a. Aml tbe laai I aaw o| Mra Lln* :. she wrut workimi ilesneralely to gel up a llirta'ion with faiite ile mieux -the old prieat. The aigbl "f thi.se tw<. remnlned with me all ,l.,\ more, I dreamed of them that night. I ed I aaw her nmid ahrieka of laughter drag- lUng the nhl n.-t toward the altar. while Sefl - .crvant- eaatina a ainister hackward glaace nl t.hcm n .- Hl one hy one the bi ure >.t r indk-a below the altar piece fade-l Sa II S»l. ,.-.f u n. " lui'1.* ligbt preaently dnitaled me. M. eyea ara irted and ajew dim. 1 awoke, Uie amarl ln them atill. What waa thh ? A re glow flickered on the wal's of my room, aml now r .se. now annk Irreau* Inrly. A pufT nf white amoke.and yel anothet ilarted anake-llke throiigh the open windot wntehed them Inrllv, lylng with mv face tlial Itut n thlrd followed. Ua! I aprnnc oul (,| U'd wide awake, at lhe sv'ne momeill that a voiee miLeide acreamed abrilly, "r'ire!" Ilud- dling on a few elothea, and anatehing up my wnt. h a keepaake 1 r>n t-. Ba Iii-l-..-s I |, .-. it in. f,>r it w..s holted, rt up! Tlie I oiirt la on llrc " II. Once aaaured Ihat II takcn 1 .. al irm, lo tll.ai' inl. lie lln hutl un yrt mullc lill -,\eie lllllBt IWO ol t -,i- lork "f ' ¦.'. .|-[^ Iii thi s- ire "i men aome together, ., ln.. "Ites, i,| ' ,!".-:, slijih. ¦' \ ah rp pe ikn "i ibles, and pii ked f t be wi ml.. wa la?l all the wotuen ¦¦ into lhe weal I Walton aay, ln ii \ rp t ,- IiiiMiiiIi ¦¦ wi11 la* llrett, i eye.| V I returncl 1 11 \ ... .- e. .!.¦ -p le it> .,_.- " aml 1.1 '.>.¦! . ¦.. I. worka ,s ..-,'. Ii pl .-. I- He pointrd to the tbe and who . the M .':¦',.-¦.,.!-,- lhe .- room ,. c- hilU take them fllll Blld toM si. iii .a-, ^. iii (oi aore Soliietimi ike aud -'¦ ai.,. it iiim -I un from . ievi .- .,- . More - from ol vill igera lewaided him llia face with aimita, hia baii a liiaportw.-iath.il nl a hero No aomler that I ilnl nni nim. in..! I look him foi one lhe atablcmeii or . ed, Vea, I,.- ia woi king like Who lon'l vou know exclnimcd '' .. v re 11 ia Sefton s mun Ile ali ill i. .-,- n llve po d note lu iiioirow \-.-, und al >¦. Iiere aa long likea .lane will have no ,. unsl him ,,ft.-i thia, will laj u pi |lu oi had |oiiied ua, and, he rin the w,,r,|-. st,...ii fi ..-... iun_ l>\ lli> slde No lloll l| || w,.s unple ¦¦ und see ii rival aud mieh ii rival ilistiuguish hin ." lluf nothini Vnd nul nothing; foi ivluil w s ihere Vel I aaa great I.i uston .. 'I he tii lioiia young fellow Vi I l're.1 w.ia I ui I Iiiinc c\;i.-- t ¦¦! lo la> of une iu . .-: Ii iidi j tln ti,,--" ....en- nol t am s Ii id pn .', here he w ua doin Ihem, m. nl ill" and wel I. \\e had Leeli I.i 11 llliatl ia"i ill llilll, "!' !.,. i,.,il ome \c:¦>. atroi ., iiulueemei t ., lliia waj Wan it Ihe knowled p tl il |te»aie waa ni i.i.i the windowa, ivut< mia the aeene ur ¦!. ire t" 1":' hei futbei inilei .,¦ obli oi Injth oinl'ii.<. Vnywuy, lns exertiona pmved Biieeetieful The ia ia good as ."it and ni nii ol t p hel|n>ra itind a-.. the lalk n erted to its origin "I here is ol vei ¦- in in li d itiiui.- done, air, i hink, anid V. ilk .No." reiilied tlie Si|iiire cenially lns relii ..,-.. .1.... . ..r. i...i .,!!_ lej.lie-l |,1»- .-'I'lll- _. Ill,ill.. in-. I, 1. ^;,^ areal "For u wondei there ia not Bul ,i h ,,| broken out aii\ -¦¦¦ here lae, the houae unisi hiive pone Why, hail the wulbi nie ol lim I,,--. nnd na drj iu* tom hw.I." - ||»w did it eonie lo hn'ak <>ut nl ill'.'" asked (¦., ,,i i|iiei iiloiial) Vnd ln the kit hen Tlie in.-s in ihis bul weather wouid la.' Im ua ui o, wouid lliej iml [en ii.¦ ii"' cook waa makii jum, or ome IfOltis ..I lhal I- Ind." ¦. ild the S«|iiire mlblently. Itul H.h repiidinlcd tbe un mnkin u sertllii: rollllllly lhal she l.-"l Nfl lhe lires go nlll ,ii iiiahing up tbe dlniiei he iwrvanfa had tak.'ll II ""ld Sil|>JM-l ]he bllt ler, ton, had l.ieu Ibrough Uie kitclieii ot baif-paal 10 and loeked llif, diMira Tlie lirea were oul then. Ile hutl .-.n- ,,,.,i :i giutrded lamp, ;>* uaual, and was certain thal he had droppeil no aparka ,,|ie was inissiiik " "' ,' ¦- ..¦ . ¦¦ ..- .¦ .¦ h.iulh " Where la tlie glil K"iie '." s,|,. ,-.,n,e in at thal moment, and Bnawereil f«>r beraell Here I am, father," alie aaid iiuieth ..Where llBVe J'OII been, Pllild?" asl.ed Mis Walton, inakin- rooin foi hei on the aettle. Whul bnve vou I'cen doin .. Boins ? Thanking I red foi lns gallantry, ahe iinawered, hei coloi rialng, her tone iinlmated \,,,| | 1'iinh there nre aome otliera wlm ahould bave done It, too, Inalead «.i leavins him wltboiit ..' vM,r,| ile' h.is hehnveil nobb liiiuk );,.,. .; ||e ..'. ill have n live poiind note ta morrow :' uiiBwered Ihe Kqiilre I'.ill she was md looking Bl laT ill.er ller evea were liiineil lull on Bagot, ¦¦. lUi n meaning ln liieni I eoiiid no' fntl.i. I' mighl lie appeal, iii avmpathy, "' dellance eitlMi Bul whalevei it ivna, hia eyea retuineil no nnawei, and bera quieklj ilropianl, S.¦ one renuirked tlml Iv looked l,i. (janl aml t.red aml leavlng \iiis. Lingard ln tbe Miiddle of her leiilh ic.ital of lhe mi.'itier in whieh she hnd hecn anniaetl, and ol all thnl abe had said. iiiul all thal Liagard had aaid, I tbok him av.a\ w ith me -This is likelv to pul our old puzzle into tlie baekgrollnd." aiid, eveing him atealthily as we plolde up-tairs to'ethcr. -Whal Ti.e ii-.- ." .. To he anre. Wh it clse"" .. It is all one," aaa his rurioua anawer. - \'ou do not BMaa," I said, "thal you think." " Seftoa'a aervaal was ut the bottom of it:' Vcs.J do," bo rejoiucd. "Uut. eome. eotne." I DTged, lurnin-,' iBto his rooin. ¦. Th is is a naety thiua to lay al any man a .1.-. Bagot, \>'n know nothlng. "Nothing at aii." hc anawered eoldly. except thal he .inl it-intentionully or by nccldent. i know nothing. Or-aee bere, Brctt. ine nre bruke out aboul half-paal I.from that to Who was so llkely to be aboul then aa ihe man who hi up the billiard-room al 2 oclocK tne .rning before? Wbat would Walton aay to this il he knew ol thal '.' Oh, no doubt, he added, with a bitter ieering laujrh, cul ahort m t'u* nn.hll.- by ,i sorl ot shu.l.ler. "he is a regular Uon Juan. ln tlie drawinjt-room mic evening, and the kitcben tbe nexl ! ..ii.'-oi,' i said, deliberately, tlie aneer waa so \ ile, you are eitlier oul ..t your mind .>r a hrtite. Aml I leii him withoul anothei word, thinkins how atrange a lover'a eyes are. They know no rolora. Ilis miatresa is alwaya pureat whlte «r fouleat black. There is no hetwixl and between lt he one ilay Investa hia Dvlcinea with qualitiea ratlier angclie than ol tbe earth, he la as prone the ne\i, >>n tbe aliehlesl i>.cation, to aay, " Vicc, thy name la wonian!" and till ,.' a wind« nnil. It is so, and ii is atranpv. At the late breakfaat which followed our tri.iti.'.-l night, Ikigol talked loutlly and al ran. .h.ni with thc Limrnrds, seeming to avoiJ me, and I siw nothlng of liim iintil aboul noon. Then, lurninn. tlie eorner ..f a walk, In lhe ahrublier.v, I ...nn.' upon him.and Fred with him. Tbey were hnvini* nn Bltercation.1 nibiht have <-\- neetod M. \s l came up he.itd UokoI exelalm, "No! wnnl to h.ai nothing, ruj manl Noth- «- Will you lie good enough to go your way and I'' me miii<* ? .. it is for j 'in .w ii sake, sir." urged tbe aervant ies| e.l lullv t-noii' h "Halloo!" ih..i"'iit 1. "this is ;i new devclop- ment." Aml 1 noled the contraat the two men preseuted na Ihey al.1 t isethcr: Uajrot, wlth bia inii. heavy form and croppcd bkvck lin r. his lips rurlina with aeorn, his head in the air: tIm* other, tall alao, bul ilira and fnlr, with n amall pnle mustache.more handaome, even In tlie larger Im. s oi more*nrtsfocratlc type, but atamped by ruatom and edttcation with the benring ul an .n- feilor. "Wl.it is it. Ikigol '" I Interposed. II,. did i>' anawer. and Fred appeaLrd to me volubiy. Mr. Uag-ol will nol liaten lo me. Ile doea nol aive me n henrinK, air," he crled. "You ar>' Ilis fiieml. Mlghl I beg a hearing irom .vou, ."'Wliat is it vou w.nit with blm?'1 I asked < ivilly. , , "Sometbing that is for his ndvantnge. In I :.. maln. I mean. air. Aml n Wl lor mine, too." -oh, riibbbi)'.!" l;.-.j"t evelalmed aavagely. " I'omr along, Hrett " Uul I did nol move, and the man. after n aliyhl pntise, eontlnued, " ll is aboul Mias VVulUm. sir -in a way."1 I took tighl fiold oi Dagot'a nrm. an.l k.-pt him there almoal by maln foree. I fell nueer myaelf, hearinn thoae worda, bul I had sueh eontidencc in lleaaic thal I waa determined he ahould hear tlie fellow out now. "About Mias Walton f repeaicd, aa careleaaly as I could, "Aboul ber ring, is it .''. "The im.': I found? On, no a!r/ readlly enough. .Tlien whal is lt?" I aaked. Ile had pauaeil again, md waa ihlftlng hia feei nnl lookina aboul hnij uneaaily, wbile I waa burnlng wlth Im. patience. .. |t ia aboul Mr Rngol and her. sir." he blurte I out It is common talk in tl"' eervanta' ball lhal Mr Bugot.apenking withoul offetice, air. i- aweetliearting the yoiing lady. An.l I tiiink- well, I oan give him n lejr, up, air, Tl.it is the ,. ,.\f him a les up, sir, ir n conslderation. Uagot, I regrel t. aay, gwore violenlly Uul I ha.l liis nrm na in n , n c. Indeed," I replle siii'. -ihl-., Vn.l how "Well, I !:.:¦.'.' something.he would like to know, sir." Ah' Alwitil Mir-a Walton .'" |t haa t,. do with her in the v. i.v I have aaid." he anawered doirxedly, ir.nl ol Lettins out . tor s,¦!:.'. aei ret I now Rathered he ,| in itti I. -'. .. lindii i! it difHeuli t ij |nu so tn ii,,., !.. it- value, I mea /. could ni..rr'. her nmre pleasant-Iike, it he knew lt sir. I ovi word >.i t >vn hc sni to Imiiii !ns ii..¦ his in lhe billiard room ,., ugo lu :¦! ... i.i Ibe yoitn ri mi' I km.w sonn - iv.irtli moiiej lo him. « lal* li I am rc i.ly to U'll him i"r "i -io." " Vou t to lhe '.<¦ ee foi li .¦:" rlcd fi Nt. .'-. ., minute," I i ii»l, smilins - ind my Up* did but smile. Hc s|.-, t,.«| Uest-ie, had hc the lolt, ie Idioi I . ¦ re not vei pl,un -. m i'- pri'i- H, ,\ Ih- nmre deltnite. \\ bal d nl lor \ . ud p. ¦!- be anawered, blinkiag with ln* eyes ,i h ul .ti ... hiatling contemptnoualy, He st. utieil in ast.inislim. ll: i| ¦. Do you I ny wine man E in a pokc '" 1 i II.. red.l.I \> ith ansrcr, and brokc out violently II || |a nol w.rri - ind po in.la ten tiini's lula .. 1 -" and ^. ,1 ¦ || t worth ten 1 i| II .. ¦¦'.... iil! .'" - | ¦,'. ie "Now, l 1 tu H I, t do vou ,- rhat I will have nothing .,, du with him oi aenae 1. -.i v- ibe .!'¦ u '. w bavc noiie of ii -|>.- ik in j our interest, nd red au \ ? t, me it my ii worth -. ll I,'--. t llang me' lhat ia atl itflil en Sll :. I will have no de ilinitt with .-.,.. |l '. I,,. down the w ilk rew varda, i-'red, I ln lerp..*4'd, "and I will apeak to Mi R When Iiud olieyed uie ie did n -r -.' fnr, bul nioved in uul l.» the lawn nn tl.'' er aidc ,., ,;,. .,..;,.. md kepl hi* eye ip.m us auspi.'iniislv | tnuk H tlu Iton l." pre, ..,i,|. i: ,n- is i: mkj p nik nl s, ¦..- kind .. ... i.e il inkful it iv uot uf t ,- kind yo Ihntiirht. Ne-. n .. ui :. unirrily, for he sl.1. hia he i.i s il vei " You have .i il. my Ind, ind ileaei ve lo - f,,r |t \, seuaibl' now il y. Vnd I |.,| Ui- lie t t.i |* *.'P' i'"' ¦ ilition* " A humlred I ¦. Verj well, lt. ,... .- otbei h ml. ll ¦. inf.iruiiitii.il he :ive* not 1 |ll.ii i¦¦"- l«T lt ,. ,. |H ,,i slei it lo i .. Ind. aceini; this. I - '" cpeak unpleaiKitillj lo him. his eyea, w th il *>h u n !.:..! at.ippe.1 v , V|..., e.l. S .'in- one Uesaie W >. ,. ,,-i,| |,,- ir w ii sl .. .1 l. ind we listei .1 losslv. W U\ nol I '. '' "'.'.. bnew th H to Sefton - servanl u ii-ji we mi f ll.il h:-.ii \ ou urc lea in lo daj. are yo md '" II.-r ..!<...r, hilverj tone ime irisply Ihroiiith the mr; ., h '.! >wer \.«' oiil.l imi heai liideeil '" ll i-iimr .' tniiii II"'- could iinj mic h ive sus|ie. led wiuiiaii .: 1 am mueh ln ileliti'.j to \"U for 1 I'tuni n,\ nn., to in.- yeatcrdu I lefi " on ir.l iable. I .1" imi mind le hsbp weiii oii pleisantly, "thal my father \\ 's \n\ :.i,.i\ with me fnr miahiying it n few weoka ii ^ iinxio s n.it to ln- senlded this ,,.,,'- | vvimiI down '" lhe room oiyself, b n l found thc nentlemen were atill up \ [e\\ ii, ,- m orils p --i.-'l i.i"i il I.. r fathi wishina t... him. nnd aome inimej elinked. Then sin- ilit:,-.l ..n. little rei ti whal alw had clTe, t.'.l Uul we atood t-lierc stooil -t 111 looking differ ,.t,t wraya lkig.il did n.H dnre raiac his eyea or ,ui.rt ii'iine I in slicer mcrej nnd pltj »I.«i nol look at him Whal bad la? done >i rather, . i, ,i i, k.| hc ii"' done. V'tilcnii hud r ille.1 Venua Bniirehe.l' Ikittom Imd dubbed 'l itani aaal ,\n liab krentleman had alandered his own mreetlieuri Ml this Maater Delvea ha.l done. Uut it lleaaic %> .s not avenaed In thal ruomenl il ber priile eoul.l she havi known >>\ thc offenoe, aa lleaven forbld she sbould had nol found aolaee enough In ln-* luimlllation then ahc waa nol the Rir| j |(.,k her for, imt n verj merciieaa vlxen indeed , , I i-oiihl nol aaj anything to him aboul thal I ,| ired nol I merclj propoacl t.> blm wlth il feeted earclesaneaa nn uaaumlmi his conseul thit we ahould .-epl I'n-.l's trrins Uut ln- s mi N-,' -nll " I will have notbina t.. .I.. with his arerets! ^."l are all t.'lever for me Arrnnae whnl you like. hm I will bave no i,-t nr pari in it. mn pny him anvtliln*." All this with .i rlull rc flnah on hia face and avertetl eyea. His prcjudlec :.. uust Uie man waa Invineilile, and. aeelnu I .I.I nol prevall, 1 lel blm ao Imek to the hoitse, nnd rel-urned nlone to Fred, .. lt is of ii,i nsr." I aald bruequelj between them tl"-'. were enouirh tn apoil anj man'a tem p,.r. "Mr. Unjrol will have nothlna lo s.u t,. Tlu- Baeraaeera al OM Plauated the akull ;.'..! ro honea. their Iga tli n uitlj ni the tt SBlhead. Vour to. 6. rn pirate, not ..n tl ¦eaa. bul "1. th.- hlffn repntatlon ,.t atandard ren ii - -k.iiu- un.! -i varlou d lli- i,,,i,- ;,i.i rorner trafflc as* aevi r to anj degr ¦¦ ...'¦ rt. .1 lloatetter'a Btantaeh niti ra, :.'ti.ah tt. .i atandard Invlgoranl snd eossaetlva ig been t.i.-- ahlnlna aark sl whlrh hl* ahafta aave been dlrected hesp loeal blttera, rompoaed ..f Bery aa- ntlmulanU, aith an Infualon »i- estrael paaalMr. ' tonle ..!.. are >tlll aoui.-Uniea rerommended aa Identlral wlth ai -.Iat lo, di i.«alna vlrtue* klndred i . i'i, bo* fainll; n dl. Inc Theae |.-r. i, -i ..li rhlle Ih t< .' lulidi ., and previ alive al .ii-..i-,. purau - ii. aucceaaful i.>i ovei omlna taalarla, dyapepala, Bervouaneaa, kMasy Ireubtas, rMtaatlpallaa nn.l rkaiaiatla 11'aiaafai. uul uuiy ou thla, bul uu uiauy oasv Uneuta. your ofi'er. If you take my adviee you will make ¦ clean l.reast of it, and trust to his nonerosity. It is not likely you can sell your knowledge elae. wbere.boiwaUy." "Thal is parl <>f my aeeret, sir." he said aaaHy. "Oh, very well. <»nly la* careful wlmt you are dolng," I replled, Boeaewbal oettJed. "Mr. Basot aud l ahall <>f eonrae put our beanaa together. We know one or two <|iieer tldngs of you already. Wliy are you here, Pred? What were you doiag in tne bilfiard-room tbe aight before last ? Whal were you dolng ih thovnst wlag laai night when y ni sef. the house 00 tire ?" His jaw fell. 1 saw tlie perspiralion st.irt out and stami gleamlng oa his roreheed; and I knew, notwiUiatanding lns baaty dealahv thal aay ehaaea lUot had told. Ilut I appeared to aeeept hia itatementa, aml said: "\cr.v well. you aay you did not set the houso on (ire. But why have you made a aeerel of the fael tImt your fathcr waa butler here in old Mr. Bagot'a tiw»tn Mv lum agaln. He Blood tilent, disconeerted. doubtful how iiiuch I knew. how nuich n wouid he sale lor him i<> deny. " Do you not think you had better he caadid, my man, and lell me \oir aeeret '" I pald. Ile recovered hituself. "No, sir. I ihink not," he replled grlmly. Ltotag back t" Um house after this. i eaaa*,.-.«I criHwed 'I"' courtyard, npon Bagol and Fatbei (il.vii They were itanding outatde the abattered, empty eisements of the kitchen, looking ill at the miacliief done bj tbe Bre: aml I kilned them lhe bare, amolw-atained walhi aeei.I dreary enough after the aiinahine and treea, bal the atone looi o{ the looni- If dllloll said lt had onee 1*0011 the hanqueting-hall.waa chaoa itaelf, littered a fool deep with |.laster alld ruldusii. Iracmotlts of half- Imlnod furnitlire and charred hcams whiell had fallen from 'he chimney-piece, Pbta and pona lay about, aml poola <»f water atoad aaaoag the deoria. .Dear, dear!" cried the prie.st "wh.it a aad aighl:" I'arti'-nlarlv in a kit. hen." I su::i:ostod "heei fully. Bagol st,..,d lietween ua, k-ealag htaelbowi on the sill aud looking in. "Very true \.-i i have aeen ai aad a aigbl in thia room before," rejoined the fathcr: "a \<t\ aad sikht. lt waa ln your father'a lifeUaae, fielvea. His butler dieil auddenly. I euppoee rl la tbe aighl oi thia room brioga it so freahlj to my mlad to- day. lor he w is found de.id here. ill tlial corner, when the aervanto eame down .me aaarnlni |fe spoke slowiy and UlOUghtfully. scar< hllicr hia memory, na old men will: aml he had cican f«>r- lotteti hia reeognitlon ot Aaton tln- day before,aa old men '-'.il1 foigel l* \.'s euilo'Ja I turned alightly t" see ii llaxot aotieed tiie lapso: and then l fiocgoi i' all Beyond lum, at the aeat is.- inent, atood Fred, appareaUv looking ln idlj aa people had hcen ilolug all day. and as wo weie doiag now, but roally. oi so | luafJreted. listemni to ua. " Vou were living here, then, Fathcr Olyn ? I aaid, auddenly nifnded to pursue ihe aaDjeet. NeiUier of my companloaa nad s»'en aai new ueighbor. .. Ves. They brought me to him at onee to see if there was an\ life in iiim. Ah, me.' In tie iiiidst of life . ^'"i know the reat. my rhlldren." ind the "Id gentlemao eiaaaed him¬ aelf and mattered pioualy; " It was .1 aad tlung, and atrange, too." Ii my own curioelty had not led me to <|ue<rnnn him furtber, Fred'a iuee. upon whieh I araa ahai to keep wat.-h withoul attiactiag his notice. wouid ave iodiiced nie to do s,, lt waa atrangely pab>, I tllOUglit, aud his lips were prcsscd foeethor. Ile v. ,s ^.i/niL' into the empty room. aud seeniol un* eonacioua of ..ur preeence; bal I knew by s..me in- stinct that lns every aenae waa "n the nWt, !.,. v. ,s nni loalng a word. "Whal was the ie oi death. Father Olyn?" I aald eareteaa "Vou were aayiag that there was aoaaetbing al'out jt." Ile di,-.! "i beart-compiaint. There waa uoth- in th it." tl..- prieat expiained. " It wi -, wl -.t .. i, "l been doing was atrange." V t.i ¦'. li ,t --v s ti Well." i.-ioied the pnest.in li is sh, w.medit a t ve ua'., "there were people w ho said lie had been dlg. .. ¦¦.i graci ia lu that corner?" I eried, \»s. S une s: [d that II a ia a i»-- .-. tiome it lie li ol had a warniug II" had r»r. 1 ,:nl>, jifteil up one "! t:,e t<|l| ... sr ,-.,-s, aml s-riped Ollt a ll'ti'' earth. just as lt mlght l»e that riibbiab there now, He was lying dead and eoM slde of it. with the lool iu lns ji.uid Doabt* -,\ ia oul of hia mlnd." I sti.le a look at Fred. II . eyea niet mine. His t.e waa livid. I atood sii.-ut a moment, dur* ie whieh mv miiid was work ing - laai t any time iu mv life Then I called to Fred " Fred:" 1 aaid, "wouid you i--i.ii the kev ,.; tbe kitchei Wiikiha has it Ile aeetned to l.es.t . I' nol heard cleariy. But iu the md Im aaid " \>s. sir,1 and w.iiked awajr. i; _,,' hecame aware of tii.- ser- ¦. l f-.- I -* time 'What on earth do you wanl to go ii for?" he asked 11*». <. ll t. r 11 .-. 11\ " BN all you wanl to are from here '" \ .. im, mere a lilm, .." 1 nnawercd And I »*aited wtth itle .t.-r a rather 1«. ti_ Inten-al, r.-t Wilkins B.1.VB he ea not lind tiie i..-\. | reported. Ile 'uinks Mr. Walt n, \-,. t,. ii,e uiagiatrati - - ... lt wi'b Mi! hen pleaae t re n h me that hair, 1 aaid. Tberc were t»o or ihree ch Ira al riding, ial, in tia- couil id. nol far from Win p he waa onl. ing to do iaia 1..,. utkeil -1 i.-t tn t!.r<> ,.!i t lie .* iwered Buiting ihe iiction :.< tie' word, .nni hobily at.-p- plng from tie chair t.. the aill, where I s- iliiu'ing t.i ti," peipendiculai bura I'.' 'l.ere 1 to a lull atop. Struggle as I wouid. I -* etween Ihem, while th" pne»i rlutcbed ..- < ,., ,-,,- .'¦' tne to laj a,i Ih i\cs prodilrd niy .' '-s wlUi tie ::,-; t ..- Mra Llngai araa Well, I am a 'nti.' Btout, I t aay I like t,, I,.- found bj ri.e ruem.i in a ridi i on the poinl atepping liai k, a m weie well lounde f Fred'a .. lt exprraae I no ai aei ii.ii a grent (leal ol -tiiii. ailent Intereat. "I' - .;..-i bj ti ,- - t to a .at whieh pi.I s, raa .i.| U| ... .,.. Uugarda reai lafd tae windovi I'ln ar to he funn ed me tn Lor iu int. md Madame threw me h.ll |aa>l li> w i\ ol a l":t: blll 1 «:>¦ | now I pn ked m\ w over the rnei ol the kr. hen II t n> h ,| pi,, m, foi the wi IU ver.inplclelj ruined, nnd quite a p l .- I,. whl< h Fali iUj n h .¦! inuuted \ here more ol il, 1 io ight, k»k- Ing from the window, than w-ia iwtural I a a iiu over Ibia, nmid a volle) ol when the voiee ol i newcomei cauaed me t<> look '-,, ,i througb the window, did he?" the Bqaira v lS .,,\,.,_: VV y, Brett, what are you itp to? Ii,| you le.t s.'iid lu th-' key '.' Wllkinl \ . i.,..' i anawered. He s.Mit word th.t Vou had 1' " | lertainb aol " And llMreupon Walton, aax* Bi faiiry, '" fcbow how li.'ht aml sli^hf aml -. he atill waa, atepped un to the aill, and ita live aeeomla atood heaide me Bagot, Fathcr fllyn \\n | | n ed if one of Um law wide l lirahethan winduwe, Lingai 1 md fTie aer- ,, , .',. otiwi Fred'a face glared ir. ,ii me. ,,,;,. |,j hei. menacing tbe Index '.< the aitua- tioiii or 1 waa much mlstaken. 1 lili'kcd as,,|e two or 1 liree pie, es of chirre,| u,,,.| - |..i..k here." 1 said t, Wallon ; "how ,:,,, ^ this paith ome Imw "' l niii Why, so tt is'" he exclaimed, st'.'.p- in^ down "IVrliapa aome otie tried le i> out the lire with it lapfoie we eame on lhe aeei >. " -Not likely," I aald. I looked abonl f>r ,1 t ol wlth whicli t" onrry on my reaeareliea. I plcked up ii aaucepan it laat, aml wlth it aeiaptal away some of the rubblah. TIm S<|utre asked quea- tinna, but 1 paid n<> hee.l i>. them antil I found what l w.niled, and what I 11... looked |o lil'l. Then I atood up, and made a si^n to Fred rign impeiatlve. "Fred," l crb?d, "eoeae m hen*. pleaae! Aml Bagot," 1 contlnued, turning aa l>el\es. "you had letlcr I'OBBe tOO. Do m pl.v tie iu. l, imt come!" I adici aharply, aeeiBg tl il lie heaitated. While they were oheying me, nettber <>f them vci-. willingly, l l-egged Lingard to e-ill one of tbe .. ird. neis. aml bld him brlng his s|K\Ue. Then. ilireeting I're.l to atand aai.le a moment, I sl"\vei th.- Si|iiire aml Delvea thal one .,i the aal st,.t,e« whieh lormed the Boor waa nol ln its plaee Ap- |, ii. uil., it had lapen raiaed, and haaUly thrown liHck Bagot, ui a few aeeonila, had ii up agaln. Its remov.il dlacloaeil ,i Bhalloa hole, perbapa a fool deep, from which, no doubt, tbe earth I had notiee had been I 'l. .Who has done this '" eiied lhe N(uir.\ 1- iiiU into it open-eyeil and apen-aioutbed, while i,-,t .is ,.i perapiration atoeal upon Haater l leii's iiinw. "Aml how did you diaco'vei ita Bretl "Tlial remalna (¦> he aeen." I re'ihed .iracularly. I Imde tae gardeiMr, who had jaat rlimla-d inta lhe iimiiii wlth a loup'te oi spades on lns ahouldei, dlg derper. " \u>l. Fred," I addeil with pollte- neoa, "perbapa you will take a aaaaat aad lead I liaiul." , ^ l.'a.e, fear and |n'tolc\iiv BtlUggMHl for the maaterj ln his face. I wondered thal lhe oUwri did iml see lhal aOmetllillU .'. is Wiong. When ln' did in t siir, i«ut looked al me aa thourh li<- eould kill. I made as it I did not nolice it. aud wenl on apeaklag to the Sqnire. "Who dh) it f 'lhe man wbu s«'t \o,ir hoiisi- oii llre 1 ist ntarlil. I ev- pect," I sanl. llol li,.; Sils the win.l iu tlnt <|iiaitcr' cried Walton. ..Then he aad 'c"ei let u.e IMltell him' I ploialse \,.||, hl' Will U' 111 »\'T- ccater gaol In a verj alwrl tlroe." ..(¦.e, Fred/ l aald aweetly, "taka b spade. And this time Fred took one. nnd lieijan t" dig feveriahly, with his faee bidaaa Irom me. Baijot whibtlcd, undcrstanding at laat

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1890-03-16/ed-1/seq-18.pdf · TIIE CIIIXA-CI.OSET. From Good Hoaae Keeptng Blng a aaag f ealna, a eloael

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1890-03-16/ed-1/seq-18.pdf · TIIE CIIIXA-CI.OSET. From Good Hoaae Keeptng Blng a aaag f ealna, a eloael

TIIE CIIIXA-CI.OSET.From Good Hoaae KeeptngBlng a aaag <>f ealna, a eloael ox-p and wlde.Bowa and rowa ol dlabes, aettliig alde by iMe.When the door I- oj. 'ti g.Ily lo h.di.ddlialntv ahlnlng crysUl the tea noi wl.aad gold.Grandma's blue-sprigged chLna on the upper stieit

(Oraadma uaed to wash 11 and dr> eaih plece neracil),lloplnc. poorold lady. if llving nol to.That futiu-c geueraUona mighl from I.>;- drlnk tea.

Rinc a aaag ol bn eaaa* a eleael deep m <i ¦¦ iCracked and broken dlshcs aetting sldc by Ide,When the d..or stonds open 't - awful to in'inda

Fragmenlary eryslul tl," teu-sel i.- gold.Oraadma'i blue-sprlgged thlna wsarch well the appei

N.d a p'iece to tell Ihe lale of Ita ihaltered - lf.Well ia it for r.randmn -le ha* nol ved lo -...:Tho-." qualntly fashloned teacuna will nevei more hoii


Sing a aang of Brldgel nf M iry Ann of KaleThe eomlng, golng, restl de, who form the mmlly

Heapaof aea waihed wreckage streajn nlong Ihe ihoreTell »f devaatatlng ilorms when tbe fury' o'er.Softly clo*e Ihe lo<cl door haitrred treaanrea hlde,There's no bftlm t<> hcal thesi woaads, tbougb we

scarch world wlde,Ralm will nol heal hlnn wnre. nor Ihe aad hearl rei I:Vothing now rematns lo do bul to try remcnl

SEFTON'* SERVANT."Do yoa know, it doea aeem odd," aald Mra.

Walton, aettlng dowa her eup, and folding herliands. "Do nol you think bo?"

"Odka? What, .laiie:" Her hnaband apokebriskly, with u faint note ol challeaHC in his \.,<w.

Wo were aittiag, aix ol as, tbeee two and theirfour gncsts. ln ihe cuurtyard at Bagoltaking tea- aome ol ua. am afraid, taking itin the ahape ol wbiskcj nnd Apolliuaria water.But then the day was hot.

¦.Mr. Sefton'a conduct, Jamea, Mra. Waltonanswcre.1. "in aeadiag Fred here in thla way.lt is not that 1 grudge tbe man hia food und bed.Iln. Linjrord. Vou kaow that. In h house likethis one or two extra moutha make literallv nodilfcrenee. Bul 1 do aol underatand whj be iahere. Can you think, Mra. Liagard, why Mr.Sefton has aeal him .'"

Sefton, a middle-aged baehelor, lind been one olua until a daj or two before thia.a irtieat al thei'ourt. Then be had gone to viail the Featheistones near Exeter, taking hia valei with liim.We liinl all liked bim. There had been no mys-tery aboui his movement* whatever, and, conaeftuentlv, onr aurpriae had been gre I « hen, twenty-fonra lntcr. hla aervant had retiirned, lieai na r*note from him. in which he aaked Mr. Waltonto tflke the nian in for a week, and cxplained that.

f'red had falien out with the Featherstones1 l>if-er, and found the house uncomfnrtublc. S»mewouid have thoughi the explanation Insiifllcient,but the Squirc w.is the leasi auapicioua ol men,and, withoul t-akiiiK coimsel, he had wired an

afhrmative.Mrs. Liagard, a particalar friend ol Sefton a,

did not haaten to aoawef; -.. I s..i-l: " lt certninlyseems oueer t*> me. Sefton has hambera ln l-oa-don. Why did he nol aend tiie man to town.which la nearer to Kxeter thaa Worceataliire ?Stirely it wouid have beea more naturaL as wellos more casv, to aend him home."

"Of eaarae il wouid!" Delvea Bagol aaaeutodindolently. He was leaning haek iu hiawith his eyea in the Inwn, which vergea on tbeDne open alde of the coiirtyard. "Or iato lodg-inps ;.t Kxeter. where he mighl have ma le aomeusc of him. Or to a hot.-i .he ..ii."Tirlvcs added, with a sij h. " to pay for his b"And it is imi." Mra. Walton said, "as i! Mr

Sefton were an iatimate friend ol n re. tl »ugh Ilike him very much. This ivas his lirsi visit. (IfMr. Walton did nol knew hi- handwritlng, lahouM l>e teropted to think tbe letter n forcery

" lt is his letter, aufe enough," said Um Sbraequely.

Mrs Liagnrd ceaaeil drawii patterna on Uie

fwivement with tbe ndle of her i le nndooked up. "Sefton ia n fool:" alie suid nirily.

'. Fred can (lo nnything with him rniindliis lager, Mra. Wi Iton Ile alwaya couid. 11is so. Liagard, isift it .'"

"Vou oughl to know, my dear," i id tlie gea*tlemnn. plaeidly.

"Well. le eaa!" ahe aaawere Ij with e shi ¦-.¦¦

of temper. "I dare kij p haa gol Sefton underli is thumh. Vou have all gol we k plaee*menl An.l vour tervante know them." AndaaM finished her whiakcy and Apollinaria verymuch a.s it sne liked it. Mra. Lingai waa i.rito wlth n:"st ol ua. Sl e wa8 well conneete I.She had a rich hnaband Bul al r li also n villant Pau, in whieh ahe apenl half ihe year. an lFrench p"!ish ad long ago hidden any n lgood qualitiea tae woman may have poaaesscd.Almost the aame mighl i>e aaid ,,f hei huabaud. «.

lazv. over-fed maa, rarelj withaul French novelin his hand.

"But." said Mr Walton, impatientijr, "whyahonld Fred wis!i to he here. Vou do Bol thinkhe )ins ciiine io rob the houae, 3

"To kiss the maida, more liki gestedaome one.

"That la Liagard all over!" retorted mndameaaptemptuuualy. "Vou were w :.;:.:_- with mymaid this moralag, my man. I aaw you andblushed lor your taate. Si e has-"

" Pooh, pooh I" tii-m Uie S'iuiic.. N" more tigure than .i blackboard! ** trinm-

phantly."Pooh, pooh!" cried the Squire, still more bn-

patiently: "ihis is .,11 nonaeaae.""No. Jamea, il ia nol nonaense," - id Mn Wal-

ton, plaeidly. "I mel Mr, Sefton'a aervant onthe stoirs near tbe aewiag-room very 1 ¦.t.-night, aad he hurried by tne in n Way I did Iat all like. He i> a good <o\ iag m n, h littleabove his aitdbtioB, and I dare bhj Mr. Scftii.poiled him. He will ael our a I acars."'

¦. Has it oceurred to you." I asked, "thal hemay bave gol into some i .. tr ible wiipoliee? And Mr. Sefton waats bim aafe oul ulthe way for a bil

" Nothing more likelyi" quoth madame, with anevil 5ini!e.

"Well," aaid Mr. Walton. with Rudden decision,"I will not navc him tn the houae after Satui-day."I was lawardly making merry und comrrattilat-ing Mrs. Walton on the cleverneB8 with whichi>he hr.d reached lvr enda. I had aeen them allalong.wjien Mr. Lingard Kald: "Hen. comes thegenueman in ciueation! And "v ¦.11 \\ill -<... I amright. lt is the girls he li nftci He haa oim oltlieni in tow now, the ekanuneg!"

I saw Bagtit's face llneli ill over, He, i.a wellaa Liagard, -¦. tting fa the lawn. I turned,and, to l«* aure, there ^'.a.- red, good-looking,Kllm youag fellow, dreaaed In n tweed suit, whichI gappoee he thoughi he ui .rlit wear, bemufti. He was eros-sing the lawn from Uie gardens with a girl ul his aide Aa I looked, tbepirl.taking from him n haskcl pflcaine towai ll was l^--..." '¦'.: Walton.

Mr. Liagard, ln flne, ha m le -li;.. .. \'r.have made a liad ahot this time," I iooolly. I was nol goiog to help him oi t

diflieulty.Bnt, with French arine«w, he

Cr he had nol tbe gl ce to ip i/c "MiaaWalton. is it '.' Well, mademoiapllc La no doublamusin^' beraelf."

Bagot i;ot up with aneh violenee thal his chniiwent ovei like a ninepin. Luckii)*, it was onlya wieker oae. me and knoek the balls about,"he said to nio. ln- tnead veiy hi.-i,

"All rinht." I aaaeuted, aad, riaing more gently,went with him

"('oaiso beaat!" he cried. ¦¦¦ aoon aa Uie doorof the billlard-room waa ciosed heliiad '¦. "Ibave a good mind tu kiek him. If thal be Freachpoliteiiess, haag Freach poiilcneaa, aay I'""With all my heart," I anawered, chooaLng a

cue."And that woman! After Seftoa lefl she foi*

lowed me aboul the plaee n whole day. waatingto tell my fortune. ralil il ma le me aick. .s!i''la old eoough to be mt roother."

"She tlatter-- her-clt I Baid, paualag upon acaiinou. "thal Maatei Freil haa hen, aenl baikeep an e\e upon her- in Sefton'a intereet.is her readinii ol tlie liddle."

"Rubbisb!" retorted Boeot.he was ln b coa-tradietoiy moo<l Seftoa is as tired "f ei as heihnaband la. What on earth he evei ^lU- m beiaffeetations I ennnol Imm ine

"Vou do not think thal Fred la here on heraccount ¦>"

"Not hei It i.s so ne Intrigue of 1ns own withthe aaaida «»i oi oh! I don'1 know," lie rone.luded fretfulK. atriking hia lsaa.ll over the enaliion. and gramblina as be aought foi i' uadei thefender.

I put dowa my cue. Delvea Bagol aad l wereold trleada. I Liked th.y, liked bia boylab Im*puLsiveuess aml Irank bearlog, u d eveii tbe obatinacy and aelf-conlidencc ihul were well eiin a iiii^'ot. "Look bere, Delvea," I aaid,do you not apeak i" Walton? Aboul Ueaaie, Imca'u. Vou ara wretched company al prea-ut.lnpaiu yoaraelf, aad a eauac "i pulu .iheraHe looked al !ue an.niy: init, aceing me aa*

moved, releated. "Well, I intended to apehim to-day, Brett. And then I beard tbe old bojtalkinir of Uie doctor b1 Aabley wlio wanta tomarry Mary Vooag, nd and boul fortuue-hunt-era jieneraily, you kaow, alanging llMm up lullaml down dale. And 1 inked, thal ia the trutb.Vou know, except my pay and tbe threc bundreda year rent for UiM plaee, 1 have abaolutelynothing.""Thanks to old Siiuire Courteaay ''

"Well, thanks to Iiiu, and oae o. tWO othcrs,"Delvet, aaid gloouiily.

lt wa* a proverb in ihe family tbai a eertainSquire Courteaay had atarted Uie Bugota dowahillby raisiuK iiioi.cy at ruinoua lutereal in tbe i >. Hiadescen.lanta reaeated it the more that be dbrought his eaterpriae '<. a most Lgnomlnioua end.Hla twenty tbouaan gulneaa had done no one anygood, for the old geatleman, ridiag by nighl tojoin the l'rin'-e at Derby, had been waylaid andmurdercd along \.i'!i is aervant, and robbed, oleouwe

"Well, you may make your mind eaay, Delvea,I aaid. "Walton wouid much ratber that Beaalemarried a Bagot with Stjuire Courteaay for agraatpgrandfathcr, to aay nothing of tbe gunpow-

dcr geatleauiB.Bagol rhymea wlth faggot, youknow.ta.ui a Snooiia with the twenty mouaandui haad. , ,,

.l'oaaibly," replicd Delvea dryly. 'Bal a^Bagatwith Uie '"iu wouid he siill more welcoiae."You caoaol .-ai youi cake and have it, young

man,' I retorted. And we played o game ol nltjup, ai.d then wenl to <ii-css J"i dinner.

never tell anv doub! myaelf ol tne Bucoesa ..!1'.- "s's sut. il' I had, a glance at- lia.ol I OUTtwouid have lemovcii lt. Tlie COUrt, nUUlllI at ail

limes, and bcautiful ln aummer, loruMd threc,,, ,, |10|iow s,,u..ic. A greal atone tywer,

lattiecil si, i,, Bpcak, bj wide niullioncd windowa,lornici tbe prim .("1 alde; and this time and

is had meiiowed to a deep orange ":.'. ihewinga were ol atill "Ide. date. luey ran backii., a ie fronl nl rigbl aaglca-long, matiy-gaiilcd

nira oi hrick .md ti.''. maaked by ro¦-..,. umi vcilcd by westeriaa. Like all bouaca

ill in this abape, the t'ouil was a rambling pllcI; wag ;, ilay'a iouraey from one end t" the other.(.. the ground Booi .. am .le lonj .paaange. foi o v*

;,. ti.Mc.-ioi Uaea of ihe limlding, almpllllcd,,, ,':.-;s for tln- atraager, bul .ve he liad no

-,-, i, ;,..!-; ;.,,c. Tl e .. were ai leaaf aix atnir-taaes 11." rooma were on as manj levela, aud

often the onlj way "- reach a aext-door neighiioiwnstogo dow; atniraiiiid aaceml another corkserevvfliglit, pasl a fresb aeriea ol Bngota, who aceined,l»y the fainl gleaiu ol ihe candle, '.. be amirkingIII theii Itala.s

Delvea nnd I were more lucky. We o cupierooma adjoining one another in the weal win*.with a liny ilurk ataircaae, moal auggeative olmidiiighl luuider, al! to oureelves, Above iia

glepl sonic "f Ihe aprvanla. L'nderneath waa tbe-1,,. one oi t:., bandaomeal .- a in lhe

¦-. lined v-nl. '.kabelvea, und wl! wariiicd,,., wintei i.i: is bj .. greal open llreplace, fJankedby oak settleg.

\s i,\ iu bed lhal nighl heard aomelhing, a

insii. aharp aoiuid, a.s caaily recognized by an ed-ucated eai aa anv. lt was tbe click ol one billiardball atriking another. I faney I maet bave bunaome 'une liatening to lt, apprehending whal tt

waa bul ol the time nnd plaee, until at toal i

grew less iirowav, and hegan lo pul one and one

tovether. Then 1 atarted up i" b«l, remerabcrlngtbai it miist Im- 2 ""I" k at leasi ; thal all Uie

men h.d come to i.el ui the aame time wlth my¬aelf; and ih.it therefore this aouad needed ex-

pian.ition. . f ,, ,

Could it i»e merely the echo ln my eara oi im

dav'a play? So ('liek! click il canie. nt reg-1-. intervala. There coitld la- no douht. Soue

onr ln thia atill house. wrnppeil in aluml»er. thia.,-,. iu which enrlj houra were kept. waa piny-

in« hilli irds al .' in the morniag. And i had puiout the hillianl-rooai lighta with my own hanu

two houra before, al leaat; and aren everj one

¦tart to l>ed. , ....

-lt is Bagot," was my flrsl Hiought. l«cannot aleep, and ln- goae dowuataira. Bal Wal¬ton will nol like it."

l>tting it of bed. T out on a drenair^-gown.and sr.itiv feltmy way tolbgota room. rhe¦iiooiwas unlocked. the room waa in darkneaa. bnt i

lieard him breatliing, made my way t.. him, aaa

awoke him. .,¦-.¦..>..llallo!"heerled, graapiagme, who la ii-I Brett Do not make anoise, I whlsperen

"There jv soroethtng wrong downataira.aomethirigverv qucer. nl any rate " I made him liaten. I Imaound "I ihe I.-.lis waaquite audible here.

.. tll righl '" be aaid, brlakjy lightiug his cnndlcand gcttlng up. "Il la Liagard, foi n BovereiguWe will go -low-ti and give him n fright.

- He b eepa ln ihe ,,ther wing." 1 ob pcted¦?Well al ny rate we will go and *><. who lt

is " repiied tbe vouns fellow. thoronirhly wldeaw ike now. And .ordingly we ailently openedthe door. and with n gunrded liirhl p... rn pi,!,,,v tbe nnrr >w atoire isc which 1 "l Its fool

n few n ees nl tl .¦ hilli rd room doil'he- 1 - rfo ilropw tlie imlle.

one awiftly and silently bcihI led by me \ v oi

jr -ci.-,i io I,". eomins frmn the billianlatart r bj our npproaeh. " « io

|: ii | whiapered l"r -1! I hml area i.ill form in a bl ie ro *?. " \» bo w ia it, o]man.'"

Dei -"- did not anawer. Ile a - -;i<'-,- -. emptj paasngc whieh led tl

in b lilding to the 1 "iabl

ii.,n v. i. ttevei - '.'. ¦¦ i.-pca'.-d to

question be lool rd 1 l me, 1 en di ¦;.,-¦|H p« i do nol know v. ho n wa

tered, way un ia ial with him.i:s s.-e w ho is iieiv."

Foi atci Ihe click of.'. lliard halls

.. Wi ,t tlie dickena is np I I nei.. r tln

it. do you l!The st ,n whlrh the wom u ' '"'

shaken my r.ervea I aa for Bhad hai geil atraugely. He nu longer ieenlook on tie affair aa a iaik and .- n ah nen joke. IL- apoke w Ith aa e emphanls

., '.' i? The dewill soon aee.'" and he flung Ihe door wide openI w.-nt in behind

Well, I had not l ed for 1 \*t ,- toble in 1 .. fuli gl.t Ui*Sefi His fi 'e. - ired n l ol II

is, peered I ua ovei ;. s hhouMei .¦ rrcsted on the I. le ene. n

1...11. <. e at- od ¦-' ,

tliud.audible In the ail dead alleithe plaee.iato a pocket '1 heMy first imp ilae h ia to la -. !"it | cheeked il

I t .- luii ..' .a-' room fell - dden preaeneea-. .,? thiinder iu Hm air. IVi ipa lheterrorst.ruckme aal perhapaBngot'adumb-

1!", uauallv so fiaiik and read> "t apif ivorite with tl e aei .-anta nd

out a iii.-tiv word for them, atnod tongring tlie Interloper with hla >.

v ipokc flrat, who moved flral FredI s id, pntting the st.-.- -.!,.. I oiibl,

ing ol thia? Will you rxplain, if you

l':,h: The fellow w-is friglitened He atuI<.-.,-,! i, ln rti le aomethiiig then reeo redI.i- voiee aml fell .¦,.-.. |fi

...,- dow 'i to uae be t ibie 11.¦ «/aa foi d ol the

D ,- li.- pi .! nol |.. li 1 ¦." -'¦ H aroubiwe wouid overlook it. and not

report him t.. Mr. Walton.h si: ui !, me thal his t.-ar exceeded tlie

Bul w hen I tiirned and saw B igol a freezin i< e,1 wondcreil no longer.

Why, li ot!" I aaid, thinking he waa ill, lor1 e \-, .-. the 1 -.;..- ,:. to t..,.,- -, |, "le of tkind -' s ti,c."

II,. did nol l"t me lini-h. Ile shooked u,-,| iru- by hia iolem e. H<- pul un ni

<;,, ed he sei rnnt. "You lie '" he cxi laimeil, u-ldressiiig him in a voiee tremtiliiig with passion,w;,,],- be st rctclii d oul one l. md as ii he

ie, n,-ci: \ oi

not come ilowii to usc 1 r toble Vou I. noldown io play. \" ive r >i.low:, lo

Ile broke ofT ehoked hj Foia uiomenl he I: n d !<¦ ind nildly. Then exclaimin cannol say it! <¦, tuiot s,-, it! ^..-,

:" ,- mn "'1 and di lelj laii rrom "

i".,i me, I waa dazed. I waa '-t 11 looking fromhim to tbe acrx'anl in inexpreasible wonder, when! i. nd him gone. A moment'H heaitation, andhurried after .him. in alarm, and aome angei andmore coni ision, und heard bim stuinble up lhe

si.,ns like one i.lii,d l: ii when I i" icbedthe landing at the Uip be had I". ked hia do n ln-hind him.

To go down '¦' Um billiaid-room and flnd itd rk and tl e man i'Hni« p this was m-. liisi im*I.-,! Then I wenl to my own room aud onthe bed and pinehed my arm. Whal hadnaased mual he u drearo, Tbe ahoii Interx'iew.|)elve s pilSHioll, the -.aVets lear. hiwl left t|.[niperfeel imprcKsii.na ol n ilrcain. Bul n<», tbeiilneh bil home. and 1 aal ci."t. liatening untll

mre thal nl] waa r-iilel nexl door. '111is Idid more than onee, and ao liuiia l>rtween Irotibledgleep and wakina mtil mortiin?. When I flnallyopened mv eyea Bngol was .t my bedalde

.¦ r.ii-it." he i'c.-.i-i. nbriiptly, as tbough lie wereafraid to let the icaolutiou he had 'aken Itlllldi|,,. . -s: of an inatant'a dela.v. "I have made unii.v miml t.. t.ll you. I mual tell aome one, <>r I-!,:¦]] go inad."

ii i can do nnything la help you." I said. mnehconcerned for him, "go on, my dear boy."

.. \ o oannot. No one can, he replleil, In n

cold, Impaasive manner, very unlike lu-s uauaJway. " Lingaid, eurae him' wna right."

.. ||ow do you mean? ln what. Bagot?"li,, bad gone lo the wlndow, and apoke wlth

his l'.i"!c to n»- 11" said thal nian had AOmeatt.-r one ol ol Um women. He told me which.lie was nliout right. Clever fellow, Liagard,"Wlth a hlltei- Laugh.

I am pretty aharp al taking hinta. I aawalrendy a! what he waa driving. '* Do you mean."I said abockril thal Bagot, of all people, ahouldeatertaiu bucIi a thoughi "thal he is here onaccoiint "i Mi* Walton- "f IVsaie ?"

"Aye, 1 do." be aaawered, drearily. "Rtraage,is |i in " f'.ut women are atninge, Brett."

.. or ali .¦ e :" 1 ci ied

.. \-..-. shame IndeeU." he said, in tbe aametone,

I waa efoj | wl I did aol know how tohim, wl, t to s v to him. An Iden aa prepoater

ml wlien entertained by him so abhimy ever> lay reaaon B ¦'. Bagol " i

a-lccl fieiilv. you do nol Inainnate lhal abe.Bessie.aPi.ura h .¦ him ''"

.¦ |.,,oU heie." i,e said, " I milSl tell VOU all or

nothing. 'I ial la iual what I do mean \ .¦

know Lingard noliced bei walkiag with him yea-tei ;." :'""Why. vou Joaloua fool! I cried. apringini

oul of l.'d. "Ihere \vas no h.irm in fhat. Shehad been picking fruit, aad he earrfed the baa <-t|. r ler as anv .-crvant mlght."

"Wait," be anawered, quite unmoa/ed by n.v

Lndignation. "Did you notice thal man'a handlaatnigbt? You did not. I did. Brett. He waaweoring on Iii-. Ii11JL-- flnger Miai Walton'a pearlri ti l: the one hei fatbei gave Imi laai Chrlatmasahould know ii aiiioim h hiindred.""But she may have loal n He may liavc

found it," I aaid, s mewhal atagaered bj this.," It was on her finger when 1 said good-Bighl

to her."1 Ilagot uiu.wcred, gloomily. "<»f thal 1am certaiu. lt cbanged hands alter miduiubt.

Aml that is not all. You .liil not see who tt was

w hom we all l.ui eauffht eoming out of the biillard-i... tn tiu-, morning.al '.' o'clock this mornlng,llr.-ti. I .Inl. lt waa Miss Waltoii."

.. Impoasible'" I erled, akih-ist. remembenng thalsl»e alept in the oth.-r wing.

.¦ lt w.is. iou shake your head. I tell v<;".hc repeated bitferly, " ll was li.. you tbink lbhotild not know her aaywhere.everywherc,manl An.l for lhal leliowa tale, do you Iwllcveit yourself? VYho ever heard >.i a aervant r""1*down alone to uae tbe bUllard-table inlhe middleof the nighl ?" , . ,. ,

I found ;. diffieulty there myaelf. I did n rthelieve Delvea's suspiciona had any hasis. I re-

pudiated t-liem atout-ly in mv own min.L Uul itwas so difflcull to I'Xplaln Fred'a eondiirl "ther.wise, Ilis own story w.:s Improhable. and tnemore improhable tbe m«»re closely I acanned it.On the other hand, if Delvee were right, trcdastrange return and his vigll ln lhe billiard-roomi.- ame intelligible. So iliil his peculiar fenr alaighl .-f ltair.il. whom all tbc bouavbold knewio i.e cnurtina Mias Beeale.

I rememliere.1. too, with n ainklng of tho heana wonl which tlie i.utler had aaid to me liefon-dlnner the prevloua evening. Ile waa an "hlEervant, ln Mrs. VValtou's.ilidei «. and meetlnghim on the ataira 1 hud nol scrupled lo aak himii he could aecounl for tlar reappeorance ol Mr.Sclt.ma aervant, He eould not: and on mjaaking him between i<" t and earneal ll Fredw is courtinn one ol the maida, he had anawerol,-Nn sir. I..- h.-.-|.s binnvll very stiff. I tbinkho conaidera liimsell n cul a.mve Ihem "

A ,. ,i. .,. ihem. I'mphl » onld lt he thalLinc u.i -.¦ ia 11- Itl .'

..r aball leave to-day," aald Delvea, preparing"No: yoo mnal <i" notldna "f th.- kind." I

nnawerrd firmly. "Vou mnal atny twenty-fonrhoura al leaat. And ma«le him promiae thlaNow ili.ii he had lold 1ns atory. 1 could are (toawhile nn.l heart broken be lonked, icl whllr Ipitie-l him I waa angry wlth him. lt waa hardio reiiieinl.er ih.it n lover is the mosl rolatilerrenture In lhe work): and thal f..r him fmra im-plicil confidenee lo decra.ling auspicion la bul a-., ,i ;, step taken ln p momcnt.

Rather ll s.-.-m.'.l natural to tbink he ahonldh.,ve been tlie laal lo harhor the thoughl. Tliethoiiglit! Ob. Ihe pity ul it. if he a*cre righl

had heard of thlnga like this before. I knewIhey happened someiimca in piaces Ihe lenaljikely. Uul bithcrto lliey had liefallen mjfriends' frien.la, an.l I could ahruy mj ahouldera

A few .l..\ s lieTorc we had taken t .¦> ttamall laland ln the river. \n.l one nl tl r boya(..nl made a t*ong of fnir women -wretrbcd duit waa ibout ihe la.liea, giving eaeh a veneI remembered lieaeie's:

My next i- tall and plump and frea.\ 1 ..,' eth* f al rilbury,

\- il :.*.';i nnilAnd mllk and no

Are all ln her face, lhal I* falr to aee.She had been vexed in a g-ood-humored way

bj the wonl free," and thc roii strel had auffered,l(, little. f'oiild it le, I wondercd now. lhal h<-had seen arigbt.that hii. mor.' delicate inpight,eynieal youns don thal he wna! had read ln thalunnfTeeted frankneaa which 1 found so eharmingn fatal lark "t reaerve ui odioti* faci "

.\.,: a hunilred iin ea ao! would bellevc inllcseie. ihotigh all Ihrse gay young!.- ,iwi bl.oiihl '¦. -rl liei s.t tiextj.,-r :.t breakfasl in lhe aeal ua illj

.... Ile 1 ilel: t kei <> ¦¦

bj hei father at lhe other orner A- he di o

croweil er ple . ml gi . eyes. Itli.iiiuli she .lri:iii>i"l them iiuiekb Slie n

visdbly li irl and made no re-in:.r'...' ntid I strwi e by ehatl ;-!'. t.ver

oll lhe I.ii. rarda attfUm It im 'wl i.'h

I t.i the wret imi mpen lin r,it was tli <1 thal drea.ll .1 wont m opp

of ilv,: I, hundretl timea nn' "ind yel aom.

huppeued pre ahiv.I. i. i. the 1

,,-t I., n.\ I..- :.'. ,i, wkiepert'd,^ " ,iI',.,..,,-. ...... well

did Uut th. . H......

|:, iedlv


Ibe I"Mr. Seftnn's man


She did n*>i how Sefl Iaend it t

it ln 1 bul lo misir.ui e

I ntild 1...1 I ¦, . . .

.-, M -

-..-,...;--.. .:Haater Fred'a

,,. hei i' Mra. 1I-.

- W ..'.-,

aame timase

;.-. .¦ .

Uul ......

dear? I lhat l.. .-I mn i- Ml Sel ¦. i -.

I .;..'.I.. see e -.. ....

por, onfuaed, r- 1. an.l !>...' ip*!'...¦ .- wa* rfbci I tbc me uli nl

Sefl .

,¦-.- ,-n referen .¦ to Her f«k e nffaii.,-.-.

tlu- | l, ,'.-,i Mra. I.ii re I\^ ;i |,. ri i r ¦.¦ ere i than evei


ita, alone «i in p'.ira, killina t ime aa wei,i,t .;,<¦., k t,. Ile.

. ¦.r.>Iid ii' I,.| |. - .', nl hilli 'i'ls.

iib hu! he.-n hia I'uafom after breakfaat Uut. ,- ¦.:, went, ao fai r. ild mai e mil nnd

rrally tt ope t: liimi-. th.it sotiiet

w.is w r><: n h it nol Rpoken lo papu"tbe:." rea. he tl r al e al wh h. mialii Interfrre waa iu two

M irtl .-I aim il n«>l tell >lr\\., Iton ol i i.-'l s ese p If in he h lliar.l o..m amlmnke thc a nt i n il n ;f l:sliowii ao s': .¦ :, i!e,: re looliah, bul

not to mi I dcuTmlned t keepfoi it few houra eaal

liier filvn . .'..'. ii. I.. I'.i,'-'. and rnI; " 1:

.,,.- he h "I been an ini inte of thi N'«>w.t: ,- VV Iton*' i.-iii. l'i..'.- u I. .i'i' i tin>

.- -i.-n ln ix-.'-i'ii hesliort, ». ite i'<- irded, I nmn moals.ni|ii.-. c iiti'.i i- likin- Ibe Wultoiis,

.iI.i liim ,. f.al

iiud >.' .-- m. nu.ite love,

K, I re ieve, lhal ol u fatlierII,¦ '' ,- i.', Iil lu. k. r«»r her

, ud Ibe onI>viewa slie held lb.il .re.l of tl.- irimaterialwere r.inneeted wnb nmaic nnd pelniisl Ileltii-t iiis'n.rt -\ i» ii j. :,!.¦. ¦ " .'.¦ ..Id man.

\,.i rihoiilil I,.- |.il nt f\|>! iiniii.- mysteriea,Katbei filyn," she uid: "lhal i-- .' mai n pni .,f

in***s. i- it not ''"

I shudderol Uul min.1 of < ict dui .¦-. per-ips ... ¦¦ Itaelf, mn 'I slow to

| 'lo nol tl.iiil ite ndc ' n -Ianid rn.-..'.,!. Ile ' I somethina

n.| fom ;,; ible i>. h'm. bul I... d|.| nol drenmlhal she could .¦ deridin Iil nfl ee; and hi- veryInnoeen. .¦ i* ff.e<! .¦

"Vou ui'.-.; knov .i :r tl mnii arerets, father.I menn," :¦'¦<. te|*':ife.l. invilinu us b«, :. I.ioh t,.

p.iii in 11,<- -.|.,,i tlu prr I,."-, spoitTh.Te are arcrela ln all llvea, lu.lv," hc said

gmvelyI ihinl; you had better lake ire, Mra Lin

»rd, I Kiifrj eated softly, bul so thal all mlubtheur,

1 wisli you would mind your own huainess,Mr r.i.-ti. -hi- mi.''I. rudely, loaina hei leniper;flier.' was hei wenk sp.,t. " I ean lokc ire ul n.\sell withoul y.uii heip Vnd for Pnther Ulyn'aarerets, abould tbink Ibere are n. t mnin ln thislittle villni/e lhat are wortli mueb. Mr, Uretljs for ninking myaterica where there are none,rather

"Strange thinjr* happen everj'where,"1 he anawered <|uite eaiferl* "An old place haa :.lw;.\sit-. mysteriea, n- nld itork** and rlddlea, lad'y.Tliere un- soiur. for Instanee, who sa* lhat Mr.1'ourtenny IbiK.d IVIvea haa nn tloiihi i..|.| y.nil,i. story" he ran on irarrulotialy, * nevei w.i^

rnbhed or »»iiir-*«-r.-'f. bul pol aafc t,, l»,.|i.\. nmltlieil :,»>r,.:..l ln llt*> !'r i.-ii'l.-i's acrviee, nnd thnllhe Inle waa sel nlio.il t>. aave the eatates. N'..nknow that, DelveB?"

"'I'., aave lhe catatea? From wbat?" ma<lanieraaketl, nbtuaelt

"l'i.im ...iiiiisi it imi." |i<-!'.-s snswered, speakin ii.i- ihe old ktentlem m Uul \ ou do m»l h,-!u- .- ihe si.,1-.. .tl i-i '¦"

Ile s!.k iil* head, smilinc nl llie lad. lt w:.s

plen.sunl to aee hou pro ,.i hc waa «.i thc tra.liti.ui,nnd lo". he lookeil nl Delvea while he lw.lt.npon'it. Ifcijr.il had often told me thnl Ihe nldiM'iitleinaii would talk lo him by Ihe hour ..I thi*

thnl nnceslor, nointinu uul Ihelr isirtrniia. nnd<i..t:,ilin- th.'ir vlrtues, .inl showina aollcllii'lelhal he sbould know whal marringra thej hadmade nnd ho* tbey fnred

"Will." said Mrs Mnsar.1, welgbtllj ihe badnboul ..s inu.-li roin in.... i'. 1 i*t eorntMisitioit a n..\

he i-.tr .t.-i| from n flat-lron "I 'h> nol tbinki.h oi your atory >>r riddle, ni whatevcr you...ll it. repeclally ;.s wberever tbc old aenllemanwent. there aeema to be no doubl !,.. t"ok themoney with him. It is nol half an inlerestlnito Mi. itroti. al am rate as the myatery ofFred "

"Fred?" mnrmured the prieat, iin//le<1 and nn-'¦ert..iii. ihe li^hi '.'"iu* from hia faee. "I rto nolIhinl I know Iil*

.. \V,||. ih. i.' hc Is! I.' nk !" ri"il tlie Indy.ilna the old gentleman'* aleeve nol lon cere

monioualy. Fred, us it ehaneed, had .¦..me wlthintbe room to take a iiish from a aervant, and, heinsliisi.le, sti-.o.l waitin^' a inoinent. Father Olynbnd a good view of him. " You do not sec much

rnyatery abonl him. I dara Bajr,1 oootluued *r§.Lingard, caatiag a spiteiul glaace ln my dlrection.-t'ommonpluce enougb, bi lie aot?

The prieal paaaed bla haad acnisa his forcliead...I think I know hia lace." he murmured, ihoiight-fuiiv lonklnn from one t.. anotbei ul ua wiin a

puzzled evpiession. Fred had gon.il o iln"Yea I have iren his taee before. Bul nol Intely.No, nol foi a long time. It was when your latuerwa:. here, dear la.l." ,

Mra. Liagard laughed. "Nonaenael abe cried... Fred is i.11 r n boy of twenty now-or liti e more.

And evea Bagol said geatly, "I thlnk you muati.e miataken, fi Uier "

.. ,Um the prieal did nol gtve way. ><>. nc

replled, in aome excitemeat, I am rigtit-niuivet wrong. I rememlMr now. His face pul me

in miad ol a aervaal of yoar faUiera builer. whodletl here suddenlv many \ears ago. Hla naiiie

was taton. I knew him weU-very well. Indceil.ln lhe paaee whieh rollowed. Wilklna, who waa

Btnnding bebind Mr. Walton'a chair. atooped '"

hla i'.ir." Fre.l's name is Aaton. air.' he aald ln

;i |ow tone. but one whieh we all heardWhat :¦" cried.¦ hoat. turning aharply. Are

ron anre of that, Wilklna?" ...

"Ouite anre, air," waa the anawer; l r.rtcK

\sto.i. air." And Wilklna fixeil his eyea on the

prieafa face, mneh Impreaaed, it was clear, by bla

Itul does the man come from this parl '" askedih,. Stiuire. Aml it may be Imagined how heed*fnllv we were llatening. " I thoughi he wi -

mra'nirer.tlial lie waa nol a Worcesterahire man

al all." ..

-II.. gnve himaelf oul r..i a atranger, air, an

¦wercd the butlei cantioiialy. The other aervantahad lefl lhe room . ,,

"Humph! It is rather od,i:" rommented thes;.,iiire. turning agaln to lhe tabte and lookinaround upon ua, his glnaa hetweeit 1ns Hngera

.. |t is. Jamea." Mra. Walton agreed. ; \er.vodd : Uowever, be goea to-morrow. And.WI k na,.-on v-iM not mentlon this dnwaataira, pleaaealwnya thoughi thal there was aometbing in tbeinaii's retiirn thal woiild aol qitite lieai lookingInto." , .,

i;.t s:,t illent, hia eyea eaal down. HeasleaUioih hta Heei ie to he ebiewhere. For the reaio( UH, We stalted Yiiliolis lllCOI.e*, Witll Ul.B lie'-V

li.-ht npon the aubjeet, to accounl lor Fredspreaence. Bul as ihere were al k*aa1 as manytbeorlea ia peraorw al 'he fable, an one ronld makeevea a aiagle rnnvert; and we Boon broke up lndiaorder. Mr Walton riiaappcnred ln Uie direiliuii of tbe st iblea Bn rol nnd I wenl ofl lo etherlo ihe I.pei'a. Aml tbe laai I aaw o| Mra Lln*

:. she wrut workimi ilesneralely to gel up allirta'ion with faiite ile mieux -the old prieat.

The aigbl "f thi.se tw<. remnlned with me all,l.,\ more, I dreamed of them that night. I

ed I aaw her nmid ahrieka of laughter drag-lUng the nhl n.-t toward the altar. while Sefl -

.crvant- eaatina a ainister hackward glaace nl t.hcmn .- Hl one hy one the bi ure >.t r indk-a below

the altar piece fade-l Sa II S»l. ,.-.f u n. " lui'1.*ligbt preaently dnitaled me. M. eyea ara irted andajew dim. 1 awoke, Uie amarl ln them atill.

What waa thh ? A re glow flickered on thewal's of my room, aml now r .se. now annk Irreau*Inrly. A pufT nf white amoke.and yel anothetilarted anake-llke throiigh the open windotwntehed them Inrllv, lylng with mv face tlial

Itut n thlrd followed. Ua! I aprnnc oul(,| U'd wide awake, at lhe sv'ne momeill that a

voiee miLeide acreamed abrilly, "r'ire!" Ilud-dling on a few elothea, and anatehing up mywnt. h a keepaake 1 r>n t-. Ba

Iii-l-..-s I |, .-. it in. f,>r it w..s holted,rt up! Tlie I oiirt la on llrc "

II.Once aaaured Ihat II takcn 1 .. al irm,

lo tll.ai' inl. lie llnhutl un yrt mullc lill

-,\eie lllllBt IWOol t -,i-

lork "f ' ¦.'. .|-[^

Iii this- ire "i men aome

together,., ln.."Ites, i,| ' ,!".-:,

slijih. ¦'


ah rp pe ikn "i ibles, and pii kedf t be wi ml..wa

la?l all the wotuen ¦¦ into lhe weal IWalton aay, ln ii \ rp

t ,- IiiiMiiiIi ¦¦

wi11 la*llrett, i

eye.| V I returncl 1 11\


.- e. .!.¦ -p le it> .,_.-

" aml 1.1 '.>.¦!. ¦..


worka,s ..-,'. Ii pl :¦ .-. I-

He pointrd to thetbe and who


the M .':¦',.-¦.,.!-,- lhe.- room

,. c- hilU take them fllll Blld toMsi. iii .a-, ^. iii (oi aore

Soliietimi ike aud -'¦

ai.,. it iiim -I un from . ievi.- .,- .

More - fromol vill igera lewaided him llia facewith aimita, hia baii a liiaportw.-iath.ilnl a hero No aomler that I ilnl nninim. in..! I look him foi one lhe atablcmeii or

. ed, Vea, I,.- ia woi king likeWho

lon'l vou know exclnimcd '' .. v re 11ia Sefton s mun Ile ali ill i. .-,- n llve po .» d notelu iiioirow \-.-, und al >¦. Iiere aa longlikea .lane will have no ,. unsl him,,ft.-i thia, will laj u pi

|lu oi had |oiiied ua, and, he rin thew,,r,|-. st,...ii fi ..-... iun_ l>\ lli> slde No lloll l| ||w,.s unple ¦¦ und see ii rival audmieh ii rival ilistiuguish hin ." llufnothini Vnd nul nothing; foi ivluil w s ihere

Vel I aaa great I.i uston .. 'I he tiilioiia young fellow Vi I

l're.1 w.ia Iui I Iiiinc c\;i.-- t ¦¦!lo la> of une iu . .-: Ii iidi j

tln ti,,--"....en- nol t am s Ii id pn .',

here he w ua doin Ihem, m. nl ill" and wel I.\\e had Leeli I.i 11 llliatl ia"i ill llilll, "!'

!.,. i,.,il ome \c:¦>. atroi ., iiulueemei t .,

lliia waj Wan it Ihe knowled p tl il |te»aie waa

ni i.i.i the windowa, ivut< mia the aeene ur¦!. ire t" 1":' hei futbei inilei .,¦ obli

oi Injth oinl'ii.<.Vnywuy, lns exertiona pmved Biieeetieful The

ia ia good as ."it and ni nii ol t p hel|n>raitind a-.. the lalk n

erted to its origin "I here is ol vei ¦-

in in li d itiiui.- done, air, i hink, anid V. ilk.No." reiilied tlie Si|iiire cenially lns relii

..,-.. .1.... . ..r. i...i.,!!_ lej.lie-l |,1»- .-'I'lll- _. Ill,ill.. in-. I, 1.

^;,^ areal "For u wondei there ia not Bul ,i

h ,,| broken out aii\ -¦¦¦ here lae, the houaeunisi hiive pone Why, hail the wulbi nie ol limI,,--. nnd na drj iu* tom hw.I."

- ||»w did it eonie lo hn'ak <>ut nl ill'.'" asked(¦., ,,i i|iiei iiloiial) Vnd ln the kit hen Tliein.-s in ihis bul weather wouid la.' Im ua ui o,wouid lliej iml

[en ii.¦ ii"' cook waa makii jum, or ome

IfOltis ..I lhal I- Ind." ¦. ild the S«|iiire mlblently.Itul H.h repiidinlcd tbe un mnkin u

sertllii: rollllllly lhal she l.-"l Nfl lhe lires go nlll,ii iiiahing up tbe dlniiei he iwrvanfa hadtak.'ll II ""ld Sil|>JM-l ]he bllt ler, ton, had l.ieuIbrough Uie kitclieii ot baif-paal 10 and loekedllif, diMira Tlie lirea were oul then. Ile hutl .-.n-

,,,.,i :i giutrded lamp, ;>* uaual, and was certainthal he had droppeil no aparka

,,|ie was inissiiik " "' ,' ¦- ..¦ . ¦¦ ..- .¦ .¦

h.iulh " Where la tlie glil K"iie '."

s,|,. ,-.,n,e in at thal moment, and Bnawereil f«>rberaell Here I am, father," alie aaid iiuieth

..Where llBVe J'OII been, Pllild?" asl.ed MisWalton, inakin- rooin foi hei on the aettle. Whulbnve vou I'cen doin

.. Boins ? Thanking I red foi lns gallantry,ahe iinawered, hei coloi rialng, her tone iinlmated

\,,,| | 1'iinh there nre aome otliera wlm ahouldbave done It, too, Inalead «.i leavins him wltboiit..' vM,r,| ile' h.is hehnveil nobb liiiuk

);,.,. .; ||e ..'. ill have n live poiind note tamorrow :' uiiBwered Ihe Kqiilre

I'.ill she was md looking Bl laT ill.er llerevea were liiineil lull on Bagot, ¦¦. lUi n meaning lnliieni I eoiiid no' fntl.i. I' mighl lie appeal, iii

avmpathy, "' dellance eitlMi Bul whalevei itivna, hia eyea retuineil no nnawei, and bera quiekljilropianl, S.¦ one renuirked tlml Iv looked l,i.(janl aml t.red aml leavlng \iiis. Lingard ln tbeMiiddle of her leiilh ic.ital of lhe mi.'itier inwhieh she hnd hecn anniaetl, and ol all thnl abehad said. iiiul all thal Liagard had aaid, I tbokhim av.a\ w ith me

-This is likelv to pul our old puzzle into tliebaekgrollnd." aiid, eveing him atealthily as weplolde up-tairs to'ethcr.-Whal Ti.e ii-.- ."

.. To he anre. Wh it clse""

.. It is all one," aaa his rurioua anawer.- \'ou do not BMaa," I said, "thal you think."" Seftoa'a aervaal was ut the bottom of it:'

Vcs.J do," bo rejoiucd.

"Uut. eome. eotne." I DTged, lurnin-,' iBto hisrooin. ¦. Th is is a naety thiua to lay al any man a

.1.-. Bagot, \>'n know nothlng."Nothing at aii." hc anawered eoldly. except

thal he .inl it-intentionully or by nccldent. i

know nothing. Or-aee bere, Brctt. ine nre

bruke out aboul half-paal I.from that toWho was so llkely to be aboul then aa ihe manwho hi up the billiard-room al 2 oclocK tne.rning before? Wbat would Walton aay tothis il he knew ol thal '.' Oh, no doubt, headded, with a bitter ieering laujrh, cul ahort m t'u*

nn.hll.- by ,i sorl ot shu.l.ler. "he is a regularUon Juan. ln tlie drawinjt-room mic evening,and the kitcben tbe nexl !

..ii.'-oi,' i said, deliberately, tlie aneer waa so

\ ile, you are eitlier oul ..t your mind .>r a hrtite.Aml I leii him withoul anothei word, thinkinshow atrange a lover'a eyes are. They know norolora. Ilis miatresa is alwaya pureat whlte «rfouleat black. There is no hetwixl and betweenlt he one ilay Investa hia Dvlcinea with qualitiearatlier angclie than ol tbe earth, he la as pronethe ne\i, >>n tbe aliehlesl i>.cation, to aay," Vicc, thy name la wonian!" and till ,.' a wind«nnil. It is so, and ii is atranpv.

At the late breakfaat which followed ourtri.iti.'.-l night, Ikigol talked loutlly and al ran..h.ni with thc Limrnrds, seeming to avoiJ me,and I siw nothlng of liim iintil aboul noon. Then,lurninn. tlie eorner ..f a walk, In lhe ahrublier.v,I ...nn.' upon him.and Fred with him. Tbeywere hnvini* nn Bltercation.1 nibiht have <-\-

neetod M. \s l came up he.itd UokoI exelalm,"No! wnnl to h.ai nothing, ruj manl Noth-«- Will you lie good enough to go your wayand I'' me g« miii<* ?

.. it is for j 'in .w ii sake, sir." urged tbe aervanties| e.l lullv t-noii' h

"Halloo!" ih..i"'iit 1. "this is ;i new devclop-ment." Aml 1 noled the contraat the two men

preseuted na Ihey al.1 t isethcr: Uajrot, wlth biainii. heavy form and croppcd bkvck lin r. his lipsrurlina with aeorn, his head in the air: tIm* other,tall alao, bul ilira and fnlr, with n amall pnlemustache.more handaome, even In tlie largerIm. s oi more*nrtsfocratlc type, but atamped byruatom and edttcation with the benring ul an .n-

feilor. "Wl.it is it. Ikigol '" I Interposed.II,. did i>' anawer. and Fred appeaLrd to me

volubiy. .¦ Mr. Uag-ol will nol liaten lo me. Iledoea nol aive me n henrinK, air," he crled. "Youar>' Ilis fiieml. Mlghl I beg a hearing irom .vou,

."'Wliat is it vou w.nit with blm?'1 I asked< ivilly. , ,

"Sometbing that is for his ndvantnge. In I :..

maln. I mean. air. Aml n Wl lor mine, too."-oh, riibbbi)'.!" l;.-.j"t evelalmed aavagely.

" I'omr along, Hrett " Uul I did nol move, andthe man. after n aliyhl pntise, eontlnued, " ll isaboul Mias VVulUm. sir -in a way."1

I took tighl fiold oi Dagot'a nrm. an.l k.-pt himthere almoal by maln foree. I fell nueer myaelf,hearinn thoae worda, bul I had sueh eontidenccin lleaaic thal I waa determined he ahould heartlie fellow out now. "About Mias Walton frepeaicd, aa careleaaly as I could, "Aboul berring, is it .''."The im.': I found? On, no a!r/ readlly

enough..Tlien whal is lt?" I aaked. Ile had pauaeil

again, md waa ihlftlng hia feei nnl lookina aboulhnij uneaaily, wbile I waa burnlng wlth Im.patience.

.. |t ia aboul Mr Rngol and her. sir." he blurte Iout It is common talk in tl"' eervanta' balllhal Mr Bugot.apenking withoul offetice, air.i- aweetliearting the yoiing lady. An.l I tiiink-well, I oan give him n lejr, up, air, Tl.it is the,. ,.\f him a les up, sir, ir n conslderation.

Uagot, I regrel t. aay, gwore violenlly Uul Iha.l liis nrm na in n , n c. Indeed," I repllesiii'. -ihl-., Vn.l how

"Well, I !:.:¦.'.' something.he would like toknow, sir."

Ah' Alwitil Mir-a Walton .'"|t haa t,. do with her in the v. i.v I have

aaid." he anawered doirxedly, ir.nl ol Lettins out. tor s,¦!:.'. aei ret I now Rathered he

,| in itti I. -'. .. lindii i! it difHeulit ij |nu so tn ii,,., !.. it- value, I mea

/. could ni..rr'. her nmre pleasant-Iike, it he knewlt sir. I ovi word >.i t >vn hc sni to

Imiiii !ns ii..¦ his in lhe billiard room,., ugo lu :¦! ... i.i Ibe yoitn

ri mi' I km.w sonn- iv.irtli moiiej lo him. « lal* li I am rc i.ly

to U'll him i"r "i -io."" Vou t to lhe '.<¦ ee foi li .¦:" rlcd fi

Nt. .'-. ., minute," I i ii»l, smilins - ind myUp* did but smile. Hc

s|.-, t,.«| Uest-ie, had hc the lolt, ie IdioiI . ¦ re not vei

pl,un -. m i'- pri'i-H, ,\ Ih- nmre deltnite. \\ bal d nl lor

\ . ud p. ¦!- be anawered, blinkiagwith ln* eyes

,i h ul .ti ... hiatling contemptnoualy, Hest. utieil in ast.inislim.

ll: i| ¦. Do you I ny wine man

E in a

pokc '" 1 iII.. red.l.I \> ith ansrcr, and brokc out violently

II || |a nol w.rri - ind po in.la tentiini's lula .. 1 -" and

^. ,1 ¦ || t worth ten 1i| II .. ¦¦'....

iil! .'"- | ¦,'. ie"Now, l 1 tu H I, t do vou

,- rhat I will have nothing.,, du with him oi aenae

1. -.i v- ibe .!'¦ u '. wbavc noiie of ii

-|>.- ik in j our interest, nd red au\ ? t, me it my ii worth

-. ll I,'--. t

llang me' lhat ia atl itflil enSll :. I will have no de ilinitt with

.-.,.. |l '.I,,. down the w ilk rew varda, i-'red, I ln

lerp..*4'd, "and I will apeak to Mi RWhen .¦ Iiud olieyed uie ie did n -r -.' fnr,

bul nioved in uul l.» the lawn nn tl.'' er aidc,., ,;,. .,..;,.. md kepl hi* eye ip.m us auspi.'iniislv| tnuk H tlu Iton l." pre,..,i,|. .¦ i: ,n- is i: mkj p nik nl s, ¦..- kind

.. ... i.e il inkful itiv uot uf t ,- kind yo Ihntiirht. Ne-. n

.. ui :. unirrily, for he sl.1. hia he i.i s ilvei " You have .i

il. my Ind, ind ileaei ve lo -

f,,r |t \, seuaibl' now il y. Vnd I|.,| Ui- lie t t.i |* *.'P' i'"' ¦

ilition* " A humlred I ¦.

Verj well,lt. ,... .- otbei h ml. ll ¦. inf.iruiiitii.il he :ive*

not 1|ll.ii i¦¦"- l«T lt,. ,. |H ,,i slei it lo i .. Ind. aceini;

this. I - '" cpeak unpleaiKitillj lo him.his eyea, w th il *>h

u n !.:..! at.ippe.1 v ,

V|...,e.l. S .'in- one Uesaie W >.

,. ,,-i,| |,,- ir w ii sl .. .1 l. ind we listei .1losslv. W U\ nol I '. '' "'.'.. bnew th H

to Sefton - servanlu ii-ji we mi f ll.il h:-.ii

\ ou urc lea in lo daj. are yo md '" II.-r..!<...r, hilverj tone ime irisply Ihroiiith the mr;., h '.! >wer \.«' oiil.l imi heai liideeil '" lli-iimr .' tniiii II"'- could iinj mic h ive sus|ie. ledwiuiiaii .: 1 am mueh lnileliti'.j to \"U for 1I'tunin,\ nn., to in.- yeatcrdu I lefi " on

ir.l iable. I .1" imi mind lehsbp weiii oii pleisantly, "thal my father \\ 's

\n\ :.i,.i\ with me fnr miahiying it n few weokaii ^ iinxio s n.it to ln- senlded this

,,.,,'- | vvimiI down '" lhe room oiyself, b n lfound thc nentlemen were atill up

\ [e\\ ii, ,- m orils p --i.-'l i.i"i il I.. r fathiwishina t... him. nnd aome inimej elinked.Then sin- ilit:,-.l ..n. little rei ti whal alw hadclTe, t.'.l

Uul we atood t-lierc stooil -t 111 looking differ,.t,t wraya lkig.il did n.H dnre raiac his eyea or,ui.rt ii'iine I in slicer mcrej nnd pltj »I.«i nollook at him Whal bad la? done >i rather,. i, ,i i, k.| hc ii"' done. V'tilcnii hud r ille.1 VenuaBniirehe.l' Ikittom Imd dubbed 'l itani aaal,\n liab krentleman had alandered his ownmreetlieuri Ml this Maater Delvea ha.l done.Uut it lleaaic %> .s not avenaed In thal ruomenlil ber priile eoul.l she havi known >>\ thc offenoe,aa lleaven forbld she sbould had nol found aolaeeenough In ln-* luimlllation then ahc waa nol theRir| j |(.,k her for, imt n verj merciieaa vlxenindeed ,,

I i-oiihl nol aaj anything to him aboul thalI ,| ired nol I merclj propoacl t.> blm wlth ilfeeted earclesaneaa nn uaaumlmi his conseul thitwe ahould .-epl I'n-.l's trrins

Uut ln- s mi N-,' -nll " I will have notbinat.. .I.. with his arerets! ^."l are all t.'leverfor me Arrnnae whnl you like. hm I will baveno i,-t nr pari in it. mn pny him anvtliln*." Allthis with .i rlull rc flnah on hia face and avertetleyea.

His prcjudlec :.. uust Uie man waa Invineilile,and. aeelnu I .I.I nol prevall, 1 lel blm ao Imekto the hoitse, nnd rel-urned nlone to Fred,

.. lt is of ii,i nsr." I aald bruequelj betweenthem tl"-'. were enouirh tn apoil anj man'a temp,.r. "Mr. Unjrol will have nothlna lo s.u t,.

Tlu- Baeraaeera al OMPlauated the akull ;.'..! ro honea. their Iga tli n uitljni the tt SBlhead. Vour to. 6. rn pirate, not ..n tl¦eaa. bul "1. th.- hlffn repntatlon ,.t atandard ren ii -

-k.iiu- un.! -i varlou d lli- i,,,i,- ;,i.i rorner

trafflc as* aevi r to anj degr ¦¦ ...'¦ rt. .1 lloatetter'a Btantaehniti ra, :.'ti.ah tt. .i atandard Invlgoranl snd eossaetlva

ig been t.i.-- ahlnlna aark sl whlrh hl* ahafta aave

been dlrected hesp loeal blttera, rompoaed ..f Bery aa-ntlmulanU, aith an Infualon »i- estrael paaalMr.

' tonle ..!.. are >tlll aoui.-Uniea rerommended aaIdentlral wlth ai -.Iat lo, di i.«alna vlrtue* klndred

i . i'i, bo* fainll; n dl. Inc Theae |.-r.i, -i ..li rhlle Ih t< .' lulidi ., and previ alive al

.ii-..i-,. purau - ii. aucceaaful i.>i ovei omlna taalarla,dyapepala, Bervouaneaa, kMasy Ireubtas, rMtaatlpallaa nn.lrkaiaiatla 11'aiaafai. uul uuiy ou thla, bul uu uiauy oasvUneuta.

your ofi'er. If you take my adviee you will make¦ clean l.reast of it, and trust to his nonerosity.It is not likely you can sell your knowledge elae.wbere.boiwaUy."

"Thal is parl <>f my aeeret, sir." he said aaaHy."Oh, very well. <»nly la* careful wlmt you are

dolng," I replled, Boeaewbal oettJed. "Mr. Basotaud l ahall <>f eonrae put our beanaa together. Weknow one or two <|iieer tldngs of you already.Wliy are you here, Pred? What were you doiagin tne bilfiard-room tbe aight before last ? Whalwere you dolng ih thovnst wlag laai night wheny ni sef. the house 00 tire ?"

His jaw fell. 1 saw tlie perspiralion st.irt outand stami gleamlng oa his roreheed; and I knew,notwiUiatanding lns baaty dealahv thal aay ehaaealUot had told. Ilut I appeared to aeeept hiaitatementa, aml said: "\cr.v well. you aay youdid not set the houso on (ire. But why have youmade a aeerel of the fael tImt your fathcr waabutler here in old Mr. Bagot'a tiw»tnMv lum agaln. He Blood tilent, disconeerted.

doubtful how iiiuch I knew. how nuich n wouidhe sale lor him i<> deny. " Do you not think youhad better he caadid, my man, and lell me \oir

aeeret '" I pald.Ile recovered hituself. "No, sir. I ihink not,"

he replled grlmly.Ltotag back t" Um house after this. i eaaa*,.-.«I

criHwed 'I"' courtyard, npon Bagol and Fatbei(il.vii They were itanding outatde the abattered,empty eisements of the kitchen, looking ill at themiacliief done bj tbe Bre: aml I kilned them lhebare, amolw-atained walhi aeei.I dreary enoughafter the aiinahine and treea, bal the atone looi o{the looni- If dllloll said lt had onee 1*0011 thehanqueting-hall.waa chaoa itaelf, littered a fooldeep with |.laster alld ruldusii. Iracmotlts of half-Imlnod furnitlire and charred hcams whiell hadfallen from 'he chimney-piece, Pbta and ponalay about, aml poola <»f water atoad aaaoag thedeoria.

.Dear, dear!" cried the prie.st "wh.it a aadaighl:"

I'arti'-nlarlv in a kit. hen." I su::i:ostod "heeifully. Bagol st,..,d lietween ua, k-ealag htaelbowion the sill aud looking in.

"Very true \.-i i have aeen ai aad a aigbl in

thia room before," rejoined the fathcr: "a \<t\aad sikht. lt waa ln your father'a lifeUaae, fielvea.His butler dieil auddenly. I euppoee rl la tbe aighloi thia room brioga it so freahlj to my mlad to-

day. lor he w is found de.id here. ill tlial corner,when the aervanto eame down .me aaarnlni

|fe spoke slowiy and UlOUghtfully. scar< hllicr hiamemory, na old men will: aml he had cican f«>r-lotteti hia reeognitlon ot Aaton tln- day before,aaold men '-'.il1 foigel l* \.'s euilo'Ja I turnedalightly t" see ii llaxot aotieed tiie lapso: and thenl fiocgoi i' all Beyond lum, at the aeat is.-

inent, atood Fred, appareaUv looking ln idlj aapeople had hcen ilolug all day. and as wo weie

doiag now, but roally. oi so | luafJreted. listemnito ua. " Vou were living here, then, Fathcr Olyn ?I aaid, auddenly nifnded to pursue ihe aaDjeet.NeiUier of my companloaa nad s»'en aai newueighbor.

.. Ves. They brought me to him at onee tosee if there was an\ life in iiim. Ah, me.' Intie iiiidst of life . ^'"i know the reat. myrhlldren." ind the "Id gentlemao eiaaaed him¬aelf and mattered pioualy; " It was .1 aad tlung,and atrange, too."

Ii my own curioelty had not led me to <|ue<rnnnhim furtber, Fred'a iuee. upon whieh I araa ahaito keep wat.-h withoul attiactiag his notice. wouidave iodiiced nie to do s,, lt waa atrangely pab>,

I tllOUglit, aud his lips were prcsscd foeethor. Ilev. ,s ^.i/niL' into the empty room. aud seeniol un*eonacioua of ..ur preeence; bal I knew by s..me in-stinct that lns every aenae waa "n the nWt,

!.,. v. ,s nni loalng a word. "Whal was theie oi death. Father Olyn?" I aald eareteaa

"Vou were aayiag that there was aoaaetbing.¦ al'out jt."

Ile di,-.! "i beart-compiaint. There waa uoth-in th it." tl..- prieat expiained. " It

wi -, wl -.t .. i, "l been doing was atrange."V t.i ¦'. li ,t --v s tiWell." i.-ioied the pnest.in li is sh, w.medit a t ve

ua'., "there were people w ho said lie had been dlg...

¦¦.i graci ia lu that corner?" I eried,

\»s. S une s: [d that II a ia a i»-- .-.

tiome it lie li ol had a warniug II" had r»r.1 ,:nl>, jifteil up one "! t:,e t<|l| ... sr ,-.,-s, amls-riped Ollt a ll'ti'' earth. just as lt mlght l»e thatriibbiab there now, He was lying dead and eoM

slde of it. with the lool iu lns ji.uid Doabt*-,\ ia oul of hia mlnd."

I sti.le a look at Fred. II . eyea niet mine.His t.e waa livid. I atood sii.-ut a moment, dur*ie whieh mv miiid was working - laai t anytime iu mv life Then I called to Fred " Fred:"1 aaid, "wouid you i--i.ii the kev ,.; tbe kitchei

Wiikiha has itIle aeetned to l.es.t . I' nol

heard cleariy. But iu the md Im aaid " \>s. sir,1and w.iiked awajr.

i; _,,' hecame aware of tii.- ser- ¦. l f-.- I -*

time 'What on earth do you wanl to go iifor?" he asked 11*». <. ll t. r 11 .-. 11\ " BNall you wanl to are from here '"

\ .. im, mere a lilm, .." 1nnawercd And I »*aited wtth itle

.t.-r a rather 1«. ti_ Inten-al, r.-tWilkins B.1.VB he ea not lind tiie i..-\. |

reported. Ile 'uinks Mr. Walt n, \-,.

t,. ii,e uiagiatrati - - ... lt wi'b

Mi! hen pleaae t re n h me that hair,1 aaid. Tberc were t»o or ihree ch Ira al riding,

ial, in tia- couil id. nol far fromWin p he waa onl.

ing to do iaia 1..,. utkeil-1 i.-t tn t!.r<> ,.!i t lie .* iwered

Buiting ihe iiction :.< tie' word, .nni hobily at.-p-plng from tie chair t.. the aill, where I s-

iliiu'ing t.i ti," peipendiculai bura I'.' 'l.ere 1to a lull atop. Struggle as I wouid. I -*

etween Ihem, while th" pne»i rlutcbed ..- <,., ,-,,- .'¦' tne to laj

a,i Ih i\cs prodilrd niy .' '-s wlUi tie::,-; t ..- Mra Llngai araa

Well, I am a 'nti.' Btout, I t aay I liket,, I,.- found bj ri.e ruem.i in a ridi

i on the poinl atepping liai k, am weie well lounde

f Fred'a .. lt exprraae I no ai aeiii.ii a grent (leal ol -tiiii. ailent Intereat. "I'

- .;..-i bj ti ,- - t to a .at

whieh pi.I s, raa.i.|U| ... .,.. Uugarda reai lafd taewindovi I'ln ar to he funn ed me

tn Lor iu int. md Madame threw me h.ll|aa>l li> w i\ ol a l":t: blll 1 «:>¦

| now I pn ked m\ w over thernei ol the kr. hen II t

n> h ,| pi,, m, foi the wi IUver.inplclelj ruined, nnd quite a p l

.- I,. whl< h Fali >¦ iUj n h .¦!

inuuted \ here more ol il, 1 io ight, k»k-Ing from the window, than w-ia iwtural I a a

iiu over Ibia, nmid a volle) olwhen the voiee ol i newcomei cauaed me t<> look'-,, ,i througb the window, did he?" the Bqaira

v lS .,,\,.,_: VV y, Brett, what are you itp to?Ii,| you le.t s.'iid lu th-' key '.' Wllkinl

\ . i.,..' i anawered. He s.Mit word th.tVou had 1'


| lertainb aol" And llMreupon Walton, aax*

Bi faiiry, '" fcbow how li.'ht aml sli^hf aml-. he atill waa, atepped un to the aill, and ita

live aeeomla atood heaide me Bagot, Fathcr fllyn\\n | | n ed if one of Um law

wide l lirahethan winduwe, Lingai 1 md fTie aer-,, , .',. otiwi Fred'a face glared ir. ,ii me.

,,,;,. |,j hei. menacing tbe Index '.< the aitua-tioiii or 1 waa much mlstaken.

1 lili'kcd as,,|e two or 1 liree pie, es of chirre,|u,,,.| - |..i..k here." 1 said t, Wallon ; "how,:,,, ^ this paith ome Imw "'

l niii Why, so tt is'" he exclaimed, st'.'.p-in^ down "IVrliapa aome otie tried le i>out the lire with it lapfoie we eame on lhe aeei >.


-Not likely," I aald. I looked abonl f>r ,1 t olwlth whicli t" onrry on my reaeareliea. I plckedup ii aaucepan it laat, aml wlth it aeiaptal awaysome of the rubblah. TIm S<|utre asked quea-tinna, but 1 paid n<> hee.l i>. them antil I foundwhat l w.niled, and what I 11... looked |o lil'l.Then I atood up, and made a si^n to Fred rignimpeiatlve. "Fred," l crb?d, "eoeae m hen*.pleaae! Aml Bagot," 1 contlnued, turning aal>el\es. "you had letlcr I'OBBe tOO. Do m pl.vtie iu. l, imt come!" I adici aharply, aeeiBg tl illie heaitated.

While they were oheying me, nettber <>f themvci-. willingly, l l-egged Lingard to e-ill one of tbe.. ird. neis. aml bld him brlng his s|K\Ue. Then.ilireeting I're.l to atand aai.le a moment, I sl"\veith.- Si|iiire aml Delvea thal one .,i the aal st,.t,e«whieh lormed the Boor waa nol ln its plaee Ap-|, ii. uil., it had lapen raiaed, and haaUly thrownliHck Bagot, ui a few aeeonila, had ii up agaln.Its remov.il dlacloaeil ,i Bhalloa hole, perbapa afool deep, from which, no doubt, tbe earth I hadnotiee had been I 'l..Who has done this '" eiied lhe N(uir.\ 1-

iiiU into it open-eyeil and apen-aioutbed, whilei,-,t .is ,.i perapiration atoeal upon Haater

l leii's iiinw. "Aml how did you diaco'vei itaBretl

"Tlial remalna (¦> he aeen." I re'ihed .iracularly.I Imde tae gardeiMr, who had jaat rlimla-d intalhe iimiiii wlth a loup'te oi spades on lns ahouldei,dlg derper. " \u>l. Fred," I addeil with pollte-neoa, "perbapa you will take a aaaaat aad lead Iliaiul.", ^

l.'a.e, fear and |n'tolc\iiv BtlUggMHl for themaaterj ln his face. I wondered thal lhe oUwridid iml see lhal aOmetllillU .'. is Wiong. When ln'

did in t siir, i«ut looked al me aa thourh li<- eouldkill. I made as it I did not nolice it. aud wenlon apeaklag to the Sqnire. "Who dh) it f 'lheman wbu s«'t \o,ir hoiisi- oii llre 1 ist ntarlil. I ev-

pect," I sanl.llol li,.; Sils the win.l iu tlnt <|iiaitcr'

cried Walton. ..Then he aad 'c"ei let u.e

IMltell him' I ploialse \,.||, hl' Will U' 111 »\'T-ccater gaol In a verj alwrl tlroe."

..(¦.e, Fred/ l aald aweetly, "taka b spade.And this time Fred took one. nnd lieijan t" digfeveriahly, with his faee bidaaa Irom me.

Baijot whibtlcd, undcrstanding at laat