Tips for Effective Listening

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  • 8/17/2019 Tips for Effective Listening


    Efective listening

  • 8/17/2019 Tips for Effective Listening


    Listening is a very importantskill

    We listen to obtain information.We listen to understand.We listen for enjoyment.We listen to learn.

    However, research suggests that we

    remember between 25 percent and 50percent of what we hear.

  • 8/17/2019 Tips for Effective Listening


    Solution: Activelistening

    “ctive listening“ is ma!ing aconscious e"ort to hear not only thewords that the spea!er is saying but,

    more importantly, try to understandthe complete message being sent.

    #n order to do this you must payattention to the other person verycarefully.

    $%. &ibberish

  • 8/17/2019 Tips for Effective Listening


    Solution: Activelistening

     'ou cannot allow yourself to becomedistracted by whatever else may begoing on around you, or by formingcounter arguments or (uestions.

    )or can you allow yourself to get

    bored, and lose focus.

    ll of these contribute to a lac! of

    listening and understanding.

  • 8/17/2019 Tips for Effective Listening


    Tips or active


    *. +eep an open mind2. epeat it-. icture it

    /. eect on it5. 1oncentrate purposefully. 3a!e notes

    $%. iddles

  • 8/17/2019 Tips for Effective Listening


    Keep an open mind

    4isten without judging the other person ormentally criticiing the things they tell you.s soon as you indulge in judgmental

    bemusements, you6ve compromised youre"ectiveness as a listener.

    4isten without jumping to conclusions.

    emember that the spea!er is usinglanguage to represent the thoughts andfeelings inside their brain. 'ou don6t !nowwhat those thoughts and feelings are and the

    only way you6ll 7nd out is by listening.

  • 8/17/2019 Tips for Effective Listening


    Repeat it

    #f you8re 7nding it particularlydi9cult to concentrate on whatsomeone is saying, try repeatingtheir words mentally as they saythem : this will reinforce theirmessage and help you stay focused.

  • 8/17/2019 Tips for Effective Listening


    Picture it

    llow your mind to create a mental

    model of the information beingcommunicated. Whether a literal

    picture, or an arrangement ofabstract concepts, your brain will dothe necessary wor! if you stay

    focused, with senses fully alert.

    $%. ;amily

  • 8/17/2019 Tips for Effective Listening


    Reect on it

  • 8/17/2019 Tips for Effective Listening



    When listening for long stretches,concentrate on, and remember, !ey

    words and phrases.

  • 8/17/2019 Tips for Effective Listening


    Take notes

    >on6t attempt to write everything down.focus on the !ey ideas or main points.

    Write clearly enough that you can

    understand your writing later.1ircle or highlight the most important
