PROTIV TAME ZABORAVA Za budu}a pokolewa 24. mart 1999. godine osta}e upam}en i zabele`en kao prelomni datum za sudbinu srpskog i crnogorskog naroda i kao po~etak jednog od najdubqih moralnih posrnu}a onog dela sveta koji smo nazivali zapadnom civi- lizacijom. Datum kada je taj deo planete, obnevideo od pohlepe, a ponesen osi- ono{}u, propustio da se suo~i sa odrazom svog moralnog izvitoperewa, duhovne i vojni~ke nemo}i, te je tek posle 78 dana kona~no bio primoran da redefini{e svoj do tada va`e}i sistem vrednosti. Te no}i su vlade devetnaest tehni~ki i vojno najrazvijenijih zemaqa sveta, pred- vo|enih SAD, otpo~ele, bez ijednog objek- tivnog razloga i povoda, a kukavi~ki, bez objave rata, agresiju na jednu malu evrop- sku dr`avu, utemeqiva~a i ~lanicu OUN, dr`avu i narod sa dugom slobodarskom tradicijom. Prividno mo}ni i prividno nepobedivi, ponovo su pogre{no procenili da }e silovitim i muwevitim atakom, bez suvi{nog napora i bez gubitaka, uspeti da slome otpor Vojske i duh naroda Jugo- slavije, te da }e tako, spektakularno, za potrebe svojih medija, na~initi jo{ jedan korak u svom planiranom pohodu na Istok. Prevarili su se i tog dvadeset ~etvrtog marta. Jer od te no}i mi ovde, na ovom par~etu Starog kontinenta, ~ak i vreme merimo druga~ije. Sa kolena na koleno }e se prenositi kako je u toj martovskoj no}i hrabro ustao ceo narod, kako su ustali svi gra|ani koji AGAINST THE DIRE OBLIVION All future generations will remember March 24th 1999 as a breaking point for the destiny of Serbian and Montenegrin people and the begin- ning of one of the greatest moral downfalls of the part of the world we used to call the Western civilization. The date when that part of the plan- et, blinded with greed and guided by arrogance, failed to face the reflection of its moral distor- tion, spiritual and military weakness, and only after 78 days was forced to redefine its thus far valid value system. That night, the governments of nineteen technically and military most advanced coun- tries in the world, headed by the US, started, without a single actual reason or motive, in a cowardly manner, without a declaration of war, the aggression on a small European country, one of the founders and members of the UN, a country and a people with long freedom-loving tradition. The falsely powerful and falsely invincible have once again thought that by a fierce blitz, without much effort and losses, they could break the YA Defense and the spirit of Yugoslav peo- ple, and thus, spectacularly, for the purposes of their media, take another step in the previously planned quest to the East. They were very much mistaken. For, since that night, we measure even the time differently in this part of the Old Continent. From generation to generation it will be passed how, on that night in March, the entire nation bravely rose, all the citizens who carry

 · Tokom NATO bombardovanja Srbije, delom i Crne Gore, press centar JNA izdavao je ”Ratni dnevni pregled”, za akreditovane novina\൲e tokom agresije. Posetioci portala mogu

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    All future generations will remember March24th 1999 as a breaking point for the destiny ofSerbian and Montenegrin people and the begin-ning of one of the greatest moral downfalls ofthe part of the world we used to call the Westerncivilization. The date when that part of the plan-et, blinded with greed and guided by arrogance,failed to face the reflection of its moral distor-tion, spiritual and military weakness, and onlyafter 78 days was forced to redefine its thus farvalid value system.

    That night, the governments of nineteentechnically and military most advanced coun-tries in the world, headed by the US, started,without a single actual reason or motive, in acowardly manner, without a declaration of war,the aggression on a small European country,one of the founders and members of the UN, acountry and a people with long freedom-lovingtradition.

    The falsely powerful and falsely invinciblehave once again thought that by a fierce blitz,without much effort and losses, they could breakthe YA Defense and the spirit of Yugoslav peo-ple, and thus, spectacularly, for the purposes oftheir media, take another step in the previouslyplanned quest to the East.

    They were very much mistaken.For, since that night, we measure even the

    time differently in this part of the Old Continent.From generation to generation it will be

    passed how, on that night in March, the entirenation bravely rose, all the citizens who carry

    Janic NikolaMaskinskriven textTokom NATO bombardovanja Srbije, delom i Crne Gore, press centar JNA izdavao je ”Ratni dnevni pregled”, za akreditovane novinare tokom agresije. Posetioci portala www.koreni.rs mogu ponovo da čitaju o tim tragičnim stradanjima matice Srbije.

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    FR Yugoslavia in their hearts, as their father-land, and stood in its defense, offering com-plete, unreserved support to their leadershipand Army.

    Courage, spiritual superiority and Herculeanresistance of Yugoslav people, expressed dur-ing all 78 days of the aggression, in different,but always authentic, ways confused the enemyand awakened and churned the rest of the free-dom-loving world.

    It is then that the "target" was created andaccepted all over the world as a pacifist, univer-sal symbol of resistance to all forms of violenceand anarchy, and which was, only after theaggression on FR Yugoslavia, established as amodern metaphor of righteous struggle to pre-serve national identity.

    The target was accepted and with its versa-tile symbolics identified themselves almost allreporters and photographers, even from theNATO countries, who, during those two and ahalf months, daily and with all confidence basedtheir reports on the YA Press center data on theeffects of the aggression, destruction of indus-trial infrastructure, suffering and killing of inno-cent civilians of all nationalities and religiousaffiliations living on FRY territory, and unbreak-able YA Defense.

    You have before you authentic documents,gathered and chronologically arranged - 76 wardaily reviews, carefully compiled and publishedin Serbian and English by the YA Press Centerand which speak most fully, most concisely andeloquently about the dramatic war period, whichis now already a part of history.

    History yes, but not oblivion.That is why, in order to preserve it from the

    dire oblivion, we decided to provide the localand foreign public with a complete insight intothe chronology of the events, which will,undoubtedly, affect the destinies of all countrieswhich already have, or will have to face andstruggle with one of the most dangerous andmost malevolent shadows of the modern world,the demon of terrorism.

    Major general�


    Head of the Moral Department