Too – too much too many –

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Page 2: Too – too much    too many –


• TOO : demasiado. Siempre va delante de adjetivos y/o adverbios. Ejemplo: It's too cold today: Hoy hace demasiado frío hoy.

• TOO MUCH: demasiado/demasiada. Utilizamos esta forma delante de nombres en SINGULAR.Ejemplo: There is too much cheese in the fridge: Hay demasiado queso en el frigorífico. There is too much snow in the street: Hay demasiada nieve en la calle.

TOO MANY: demasiados/demasiadas. Se utiliza siempre delante de nombres en PLURAL.Ejemplo: There are too many chairs in the room: hay demasiadas sillas en la habitación. Don't eat too many sweets: No comas demasiados caramelos.

Page 3: Too – too much    too many –


Too & Enough 1. TOOToose traduce al español por “demasiado”, “más de lo necesario”. Toose puede usar en frases con varias estructuras: •Con “much” o “many” delante de sustantivostoo much / too many + sustantivosoThere is too much noise here oYou make too many mistakes •Delante de adjetivos o adverbiostoo + adjetivo / adverbio (+ infinitivo)oLet’s go by train. The bus is too slow oI can’t understand him. He talks too quickly •Delante de una estructura “for + object + infinitivo”too ... (for sb / sth) (to do sth)oThese shoes are too big for me oIt’s too cold to go out oShe speaks too fast for me to understand her.

. ENOUGHEnoughse traduce al español por “suficiente”, “la cantidad necesaria”. Enoughse puede usar en frases con varias etructuras: •Delante de sustantivos(not) enough + sustantivos oWe wanted to play football but we didn’t have enough playersoIs there enough sugar in your coffee?•Detrás de adjetivos (que no acompañen a un sutantivo) y de adverbios(not) adjetivo / adverbio + enough oThe coat isn’t long enoughoHe isn’t tall enough•Delante de una estructura “for + object + infinitivo”(not) enough ... (for sb / sth) (to do sth) oThis pullover isn’t big enough for meoI haven’t got enough money for a caroI haven’t got enough money to buy a caroIs your English good enough to have a conversation?oThere weren’t enough chairs for everybody to sit down

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1.- Write in the blanks too, too much, too many. Escribe en los huecos too, too much, too many.- The baby is drinking __________ water.- Summer in the South of Spain is ________ hot.- I have done __________ exercises.- This is a very rich woman, she has got ___________ houses.- I'm going to bed right now, I'm _________ tired.- You mustn't say that this job is _______ easy.- There are _________ cars here.

2.- Rewrite each sentence using the adverb "enough". Escribe de nuevo cada frase utilizando el adverbio "enough".- It isn't hot to go to the swimming-pool.>- You are intelligent to pass the exam. >- Your friend Lucy is beautiful to be a model. >- I don't have paper to write a long letter. >- Please, buy milk for all of us. >- She hasn't got money to buy a new house. >- You don't speak loud so I can't hear you. >

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ENOUGH: suficiente/suficientemente. Este adverbiose coloca de diferente manera dependiendo de si estamos hablando de un nombre o de un adjetivo. Por lo tanto, lo colocaremos DELANTE de los nombres y DETRÁS de los adjetivos.Ejemplo: The man isn't strong enough: El hombre no es lo suficientemente fuerte. Have you bought enough beer? ¿Has comprado suficiente cerveza?