Top 10 Breakfast Foods

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  • 8/12/2019 Top 10 Breakfast Foods


    Top 10 breakfast foods

    10 all-time favourite low-cal breakfast options to start your day with

    By: CHRI!" #elroy$ %ctober &'( &010 $ !opics:)iet * +utrition$,iled under: rticles

    %ften breakfast becomes borin. if we keep eatin. the

    same items over and over a.ain/ Here( we .ive you 10 easy-to-make( power-packed and low-caloptions that continue to top the breakfast menus of Indians/

    Bein. low in calories( these will keep you active without feelin. bloated leavin. ust enou.h

    space for a wholesome lunch/


    andwiches are a .reat way to eat raw ve..ies in a tasty way/ nd if made from whole wheat

    bread( the sandwich becomes a powerhouse of nutrients( as whole wheat is abundant in fibre(

    vitamins and B( selenium( iron( ma.nesium( and 2inc/

    3erman study published in !he 4ournal of )iabetes Care says that whole wheat bread preventsdiabetes/ !he researchers found that eatin. it for even three consecutive days improved our

    body5s insulin sensitivity by per cent/

    6hole wheat bread is low-fat and re.ulates the efficient workin. of almost all en2ymes in our

    body/ "ou could add raw ve.etables( boiled or baked chicken or even left-over dry ve.etables toit to enhance its nutritional value/

    2. IDLIS
  • 8/12/2019 Top 10 Breakfast Foods


    4ust the of steamin.( soft idlis could make anyone

    hun.ry/ Health benefits of idlis make them an ideal choice for breakfast/ #ade from rice andblack .ram( idlis are rich in carbohydrates and proteins( besides bein. loaded with vitamins and


    !hey are also low on calories( hi.h on ener.y and are easily di.estible/ "ou can team up idlis

    with any side dish like chutney( pickles or any leftover .ravy like sambhar( kurma/

    !ip: !he tou.hest part of makin. idlisis the batter/ Hence( it5s a .ood idea to prepare the batterover the weekend and use it when re7uired durin. the week 8the batter can be refri.erated for

    about four days9/

    3. OATS

    4ust one servin. of oats fulfils &0 per cent of our body5s

    daily fibre re7uirement/ %ats also supply us with antioidants like avenanthramides that preventblood clots and heart complications/ !he beta-.lucans 8a carbohydrate9 in oats enhance

    immunity( normalise blood and cholesterol levels( and also prevent cancer/

    !he ener.y oatmeal endows will keep you active the entire day; it will also satiate you till lunchtimerovince/ It says that eatin. oatmeal results in clear( .lowin. skin( reduced acne

    breakouts( and si.nificant loss/

  • 8/12/2019 Top 10 Breakfast Foods


    4. CEREALS

    atin. cereals like corn( rice( bran( or soy 8to name a few9 for breakfast is the simplest way of

    providin. your body with maimum nutrients at one .o/ !hese cereals are rich in carbohydrates(protein( vitamins and fibre/

    !hey are low in fat but hi.h in minerals like iron( ma.nesium( copper( phosphorus and 2inc/

    #ost breakfast cereals available in the market today are fortified with nutrients like folic acid(

    antioidants( and phytochemicals/

    Health researchers also support eatin. cereals for breakfast/ Research conducted at the

    ?niversity of cranton( >ennsylvania( ?( found that breakfast cereals provide the hi.hest

    levels of disease-fi.htin. antioidants as compared to other food options/

    nother tate ?niversity reports that havin. cereals for breakfast helps mana.e bodymass inde and also aids in efficient loss/ +ot only that( a study published in the )aily

    #ail says that a bowl of cereals for breakfast is as revitalisin. to your body as a hi.h-ener.yhealth drink/

    . !IL"SHA"ES

    #ilk is a complete food in itself/ ?sin. the low-cal

    variety of milk will ensure that you reap all its benefits minus the calories/ #ilk is an abundantsource of calcium( protein( vitamins and B( carbohydrates( 2inc( phosphorus( potassium and


  • 8/12/2019 Top 10 Breakfast Foods


    ll these nutrients .uarantee that we have healthy bones and teeth( .lowin. skin( sharp

    and proper nerve functionin./ !he proteins 8casein and whey9 in milk are ecellent for the

    .rowth and development of our muscles/

    yurveda recommends re.ular consumption of milk to reverse a.ein. and its ill effects/ n

    ustralian study published in the merican 4ournal of Clinical +utrition says that when youdrink low-cal milk re.ularly at breakfast( you will feel fuller and consume fewer calories

    throu.hout the day/ ,ruits( when added to milk( multiply the health .ains 8see fruit salads forbenefits of fruits9/


    Chapattis8Indian bread9 made from whole wheat flour are healthy( nutritious and fillin./ !heyare rich in fibre and protein( and low in fat and carbohydrates/ "ou can make chapattis more

    nourishin. by addin. the flour of [email protected]@oats to the whole wheat flour/

    Chapattisare and help in maintenance/ Cooked ve..ies are nutrition-packed andwhen combined with chapattis make a wholesome meal that will keep you char.ed throu.houtthe day/

    '. SCRA!(LED E))S

    crambbled e..s are easy to make and yummy to eat/

    ..s are a rich source of protein and vitamins ( B and / !hey also have abundant calcium(potassium and essential minerals/ ll these nutrients make scrambbled e..s a complete meal that

    bestows numerous health benefits/

    Re.ular consumption of e..s averts cardiac complications( re.ulates the nervous system and

    prevents cancer/ Bein. rich in sulphur( e..s promote the .rowth of healthy hair and nails/ !heproteins 8lutein and 2eaanthin9 found in e..s protect our eyes from the harmful rays of the sun

    and also improve

    ccordin. to a ?niversity of Connecticut( ?( study eatin. e..s for breakfast aids loss/By keepin. you satiated for lon.( it ensures that you eat fewer calories in the day/

  • 8/12/2019 Top 10 Breakfast Foods


    *. $R+IT SALAD

    ,ruits make the best and tastiest sources of vitamins( minerals( ener.y( carbohydrates(

    fibre and proteins/

    By miin. different fruits to.ether( you can be assured of meetin. most of your body5s nutrientre7uirements for the day/ easonal fruits are nature5s way of providin. essential nutrients

    re7uired by our body durin. that particular season/

    Combinin. seasonal fruits with some common ones will make for a complete meal everymornin./ Besides( yurveda recommends that you eat fruits in the early part of the day 8to .ain

    maimum benefits9

  • 8/12/2019 Top 10 Breakfast Foods


    Ra.i is also believed to have properties that could delay the a.ein. process and promote


    Soft Dosa with Poha

    Masala idli

    Bread Sandwich

    Garlic Bread with Cheese


    Mix veg Soup

    Moong Soup

    Garlic Chutney

    Masala Fried Idly