Traditionalist Conservatism

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  • 8/13/2019 Traditionalist Conservatism



    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Traditionalist conservatism , also known as traditional conservatism, traditionalism,classical conservatism, and Burkean conservatism is a political philosophy that developed inGreat Britain, Continental Europe, and the United tates around the time of the French !evolution"#t tends to emphasi$e cultural renewal and is characteri$ed %y an adherence to the principles of

    tradition , prescription &law' and custom &law' , social order , hierarchy , andor(anic society, orthodo) reli(ious faith , traditional social values such as the upholdin( thesanctity of life, marria(e, and the natural family, and need for ordered li%erty" #t may %e said tohave affinities with reactionary thou(ht &especially French Counter*!evolutionary thou(ht', andsome adherents of this movement perhaps em%race that la%el, defyin( the sti(ma that has attachedto it in Western culture since the Enli(htenment "

    While traditionalism has e)isted in the West in various forms since the + th century, moderntraditionalist conservatism as an or(ani$ed intellectual force only emer(ed after World War ##" #t was found in the writin(s of a (roup of U" " university professors &la%eled the -ewConservatives %y the popular press' who re.ected the notions of individualism , li%eralism,modernity , and social pro(ress /+0 and revived interest in what 1" " Eliot referred to asthe permanent thin(s &those perennial truths which endure from a(e to a(e and those %asicinstitutions that (round society such as the church, the family, the state, community life, etc"'"

    Historical beginnings in Britain

    Traditionalism in the Eighteenth century

    B r!ean origins

    1raditionalist conservatism could %e said to have %e(un with the thou(ht of 2n(lo*#rish Whi( statesman and philosopher Edmund Burke , whose political principles were rooted in moralnatural law and the Western tradition" 3e %elieved in prescriptive ri(hts and what he referred to asordered li%erty as well as a stron( %elief in trascendent values that found support in suchinstitutions as the church, the family, and the state" /40 3e was a fierce critic of the principles %ehind

    the French !evolution and in +567 his o%servations on the e)cesses and radicalism of theFrench !evolution were collected in Reflections on the Revolution in France " #n Reflectionshe took to task the radical innovations of the revolutionaries, such as the !i(hts of 8an"2merican social critic and historian !ussell 9irk wrote that """the Reflections %urns with all thewrath and an(uish of a prophet who saw the traditions of Christendom and the fa%ric of civil societydissolvin( %efore his eyes" /:0

    Burke;s influence would e)tend to later thinkers and writers %oth in his native Britain and inContinental Europe" 2mon( those influenced %y his thou(ht were the En(lish !omantic poets

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    amuel 1aylor Colerid(e , William Wordsworth , and !o%ert outhey , cottish!omantic author ir Walter cott ,/oseph de 8aistre ,/?0 and in 2merica@resident >ohn 2dams and those associated with the Federalist @arty /A0

    Traditionalism in the Nineteenth century

    Coleridge" Carl#le $ Ne%man

    2fter Burke traditionalist conservatism found its fiercest defenders in three culturalconservatives and critics of material pro(ress amuel 1aylor Colerid(e , 1homas Carlyle , and >ohn 3enry -ewman "

    2ccordin( to traditionalist scholar @eter iereck, Colerid(e and his associate and fellow poet

    William Wordsworth %e(an as supporters of the French !evolution and the radicalutopianism it spawned" But %y +56 their collection of poems, Lyrical Ballads had re.ected theEnli(htenment thesis of reason over faith and tradition" Colerid(e;s later writin(s, includin( LaySermons &+ +A', Biographia Literaria &+ +5', and Aids to Reflection &+ 4?' .ustified traditionalconservative positions on hierarchy and or(anic society, criticism of materialism and the merchantclass, the need for inner (rowth that is rooted in a traditional and reli(ious culture" Colerid(e wasa firm %eliever in social institutions and a harsh critic of >eremy Bentham and his Utilitarian

    philosophy" /50

    Writer, historian, and essayist 1homas Carlyle was also an early traditionalist thinker,defendin( medieval notions such as aristocracy, hierarchy, or(anic society, and class unity oversocialism and the cash ne)us of laisse$*faire capitalism " 2ccordin( to Carlyle, thecash ne)us was when social relationships were merely reduced to economic (ain" 2 champion ofthe poor, Carlyle %elieved that the fa%ric of British society was %ein( threatened %y mo%s,

    plutocrats, socialists, and others who wanted to e)ploit them and perpetuate class resentment" 2devotee of Germanic culture and !omanticism , Carlyle is most known for his writin(s Sartor

    Rasartus &+ ::*+ :ohn 9e%le , Edward @usey , and >ohn 3enry -ewman , the1ractarians &so called for the pu%lication of their 1racts for the 1imes' condemned reli(iousli%eralism while defendin( do(ma, ritual, poetry, /and0 tradition" =ike Colerid(e and Carlyle,

    -ewman &who %ecame a !oman Catholic in +

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    2rnold, a poet and cultural critic, is %est known for his poetry and literary, social, and reli(iouscriticism" 3is %ook Culture and Anarchy &+ A6' took on the middle*class ictorian values of theday &2rnold viewed middle class tastes in literature as philistinism'and ar(ued for a return to theclassical literature of the past" 2rnold also viewed with skepticism the plutocratic (raspin( insocioeconomic affairs which Colerid(e, Carlyle, and the D)ford 8ovement critici$ed" /+70

    Dne of the themes that traditionalist conservatives have consistently reiterated has %een the themethat industrial capitalism is as uestiona%le as the classical li%eralism which spawned it" Carryin(on in this tradition was cultural and artistic critic >ohn !uskin , a medievalist who called himselfa Christian socialist and cared much for standards in culture, the arts, and society" For !uskin &aswith all the nineteenth century cultural conservatives', the #ndustrial !evolution had fomenteddislocation, rootlessness, and the mass ur%ani$ation of the poor" /++0 #n his art criticism he wrote TheStones of enice &+ ?+*+ ?:', which took on the Classical tradition while defendin( Gothic art andarchitecture" 3is other works included The Seven Lamps of Architecture and !nto This Last &+ A7'"

    Ben(amin Disraeli)s *One Nation Conservatism+

    #n politics the ideas of Burke, Colerid(e, Carlyle, -ewman, and other traditionalist conservativeswere distilled into the policies and philosophy of former British @rime 8inister Ben.amin

    israeli " israeli in his youn(er years was an opponent of middle class capitalism and theindustrial policies that were promoted %y the 8anchester li%erals &1he !eform Bill and the Corn=aws'" eekin( a way to alleviate the sufferin( of the ur%an poor in the wake of the #ndustrial!evolution, israeli sou(ht out to unify the nation %y way of Dne -ation Conservatism, where acoalition of aristocrats and the common workin( man would unite to stave off the influences of theli%eral middle class" 1his new coalition would serve as a way to work with the enfranchised masseswhile (roundin( them in ancient conservative traditions" israeli;s ideas &includin( his criticismof Utilitarianism' found fruit in the oun( En(land movement and in writin(s such as

    indication of the English Constitution &+ :?', The Radical Tory &+ :5', and his social novels

    Conings"y &+

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    tates distri%utist ideas were em%raced %y the .ournalist 3er%ert 2(ar , Catholic activistorothy ay , economist E" F" chumacher and were compara%le to the work of

    Wilhelm !oepke "/+

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    T&e Cornerstone .ro -

    cruton was also involved with the creation of a (roup of Conservative @arty 8@s known as the

    Cornerstone Group who were committed to Faith, Fla(, and Family"

    /&illi- Blond)s Red Tor#ism

    #n early 4776 British philosopher @hillip Blond articulated an alternative to =a%our @artysocialism and 1hatcherite -ew !i(ht Conservatism" Echoin( the thou(ht of Burke, Coledri(e,

    israeli and other traditionalist 1ories he called for 2 Civic tate which em%raced civiccommunitarianism, localism, recapitalisation of the poor, and other pu%lic policy solutions to the

    a)is of %i( (overnment and %i( %usiness in the U"9" /+ 0 3is ideas found favor with avid Cameron,the leader of the Conservative @arty in the U"9" and resulted in the creation of 1he @ro(ressiveConservative @ro.ect at the left*leanin( emos or(ani$ation" Blond la%eled his philosophy !ed1oryism or pro(ressive conservatism &channelin( Canadian !ed 1oryism and pro(ressiveconservatism only minus that tradition;s social li%eralism'" 8ost recently Blond has launched

    !es@u%lica/+60, a !ed 1ory think tank and is writin( a %ook on !ed 1oryism"

    Historical beginnings in America

    Traditionalism in the Eighteenth centuryT&e 0ederalists

    Burkean traditionalism was transported to the 2merican colonies throu(h the policies and principles of the Federalist @arty and its leadership as em%odied %y >ohn 2dams and2le)ander 3amilton " Federalists opposed the French !evolution , defended traditionalChristian morality, and supported a new natural aristocracy %ased on property, education, family

    status, and sense of ethical responsi%ility" /470

    Former U" " @resident >ohn 2dams was pro%a%ly one of the earliest defenders of a traditionalsocial order in !evolutionary 2merica" #n his *efence of the Constitution &+5 5' 2dams attackedthe ideas of radicals like 1homas @aine, who advocated for a unicameral le(islature &2damsdeemed it too democratic'" 3is translation of *iscourses on *avila &+567', which also contained hisown commentary, was an e)amination of human motivation in politics" 2dams %elieved that thathuman motivation inevita%ly led to dan(erous impulses where the (overnment would need tosometimes intervene" /4+0

    1he leader of the Federalist @arty was 2le)ander 3amilton , former ecretary of the1reasury and co*author of The Federalist Papers &+5 5*+5 ', a series of newspaper tracts desi(nedto influence the passa(e of the U" " Constitution" 3amilton was critical of %oth >effersonian

    classical li%eralism and the radical ideas comin( out of the French !evolution" 3e re.ected laisse$*faire economics, favored a stron( central (overnment, and like 2dams, opposed slavery" /440
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    Traditionalism in the Nineteenth century

    1ebster" C&oate and t&e 1&igs

    #n the era after the !evolutionary Generation, the Whi( @arty &successors to the Federalists' cameto represent Burkean conservatism in 2merica" Whi( statesmen led the char(e for tradition andcustom a(ainst the prevailin( democratic ethos of the >acksonian Era" tandin( for hierarchy andor(anic society, in many ways their concepts of the Union paralleled Ben.amin israeli;s Dne

    -ation Conservatism"

    For many the most noteworthy Whi( statesman &aside from 3enry Clay' was -ew En(land politician, lawyer, and orator aniel We%ster" 2 firm Unionist, his most famous speech was his econd !eply to 3ayne &+ 46' where he critici$ed the ar(ument from outherners such as >ohn

    C" Calhoun that the states had a ri(ht to nullify the Constitution and therefore were more importantthan the federal repu%lic as a whole" /4:0

    We%ster;s intellectual and political heir was !ufus Choate, another Whi( statesman who was alsoan ardent disciple of Edmund Burke" Choate was a part of the emer(in( le(al culture in -ewEn(land, centered around the newly formed 3arvard =aw chool" 3e %elieved that lawyers were

    preservers and conservers of the Constitution and that it was the duty of the educated to (overn political institutions" Choate;s most famous address was 1he @osition and Functions of the

    2merican Bar, as an Element of Conservatism in the tate &+

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    T%entiet& cent r# traditionalism in America

    Pre,&orld &ar -- Critics

    T&e Boo!man and T&e American Revie%

    #n the twentieth century traditionalist conservatism on %oth sides of the 2tlantic was centeredaround two pu%lications the Bookman and the 2merican !eview " Dwned and edited %ythe eccentric eward Collins , these .ournals pu%lished the writin(s of the British

    istri%utists , the -ew 3umanists , the outhern 2(rarians , 1" " Eliot ,Christopher awson , and others" Eventually Collins descended into the madness offascism and lost the support of his traditionalist %ackers %ut not %efore the former contri%utors tohis .ournals left an profound mark on the history of traditionalist conservatism" /4 0

    T&e Ne% H manists

    2nother intellectual %ranch of early twentieth century traditionalist conservatism was known as the

    -ew 3umanism " =ed %y 3arvard University professor #rvin( Ba%%itt and

    @rinceton University professor @aul Elmer 8ore , the -ew 3umanism was aliterary and social criticism movement that opposed %oth romanticism and naturalism "Be(innin( in the late nineteenth century, the -ew 3umanism defended artistic standards andfirst principles &Ba%%itt;s phrase'" !eachin( an apo(ee in +6:7, Ba%%itt and 8ore pu%lished avariety of %ooks includin( Ba%%itt;s Literature and the American College &+67 ', Rousseau and

    Romanticism &+6+6', and *emocracy and Leadership &+64ohn Crowe !ansom , 2llen 1ate , onaldavidson, and !o%ert @enn Warren " 2dherin( to strict literary standards &Warren and

    traditionalist scholar Cleanth Brooks were to later formulate a form of literary criticism knownas the -ew Criticism ', in +6:7 some of the Fu(itives .oined other traditionalist outhernwriters to pu%lish -.ll Ta/e )y Stand , which applied standards sympathetic to local particularismand the a(rarian way of life to politics and economics" Condemnin( northern industrialism andcommercialism, the twelve southerners who contri%uted to the %ook echoed ar(uments made %y

    the distri%utists and a few years later .oined 3ilaire Belloc and 3er%ert 2(ar in a newcollection of essays entitled &ho %#ns America( A Ne# *eclaration of -ndependence " 1he
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    outhern 2(rarians had a (reat influence on -ew Conservative scholar !ichard 8" Weaver and writer*farmer Wendell Berry "/:70

    Post,&orld &ar -- Critics

    T&e Ne% Conservatives

    #n the +6aki , >ohn =ukacs , Forrest 8c onald , 1homas 8olnar , Gerhard -eimeyer, >ames " chall, ">", @eter >" tanlis,

    tephen >" 1onsor, and Frederick Wilhelmsen" /:

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    conservative >ohn !andolph of !oanoke , 9irk;s The Conservative )ind had laid out si)canons of conservative thou(ht in the %ook, includin(

    +" Belief that a divine intent rules society as well as conscience""" @olitical pro%lems, at %ottom,are reli(ious and moral pro%lems"

    4" 2ffection for the proliferatin( variety and mystery of traditional life, as distin(uished from

    the narrowin( uniformity and e ualitarian and utilitarian aims of most radical systems":" Conviction that civili$ed society re uires orders and classes"""ohn 2dams and 2le)ander

    3amilton , British literati amuel 1aylor Colerid(e and !o%ert outhey , outhernconservatives >ohn !andolph of !oanoke , >ohn Calhoun , 2merican Catholic

    political thinker Drestes Brownson , -ew En(land writer -athaniel 3awthorne ,British @rime 8inister Ben.amin israeli , British Catholic >ohn 3enry -ewman ,2merican historian 3enry 2dams , the -ew 3umanism of #rvin( Ba%%itt and @aul Elmer 8ore , and 2n(lo*2merican poet and literary critic 1" " Eliot "

    Traditionalism and t&e Conservative Movement

    Traditionalism in the 2345s

    T&e Intercollegiate St dies Instit te

    1he #ntercolle(iate tudies #nstitute , which since its foundin( in +6?: has had a closerelationship with traditionalists such as !ichard Weaver and !ussell 9irk" 1hrou(h 9irk;s influence&as well as other well known conservatives' it has %een a center for traditionalist students, hostin(lectures, symposiums, conferences, and de%ates and pu%lishin( .ournals such as )odern Age , The

    -ntercollegiate Revie# , The Chesterton Revie# and The !niversity Boo/man as well as a variety of

    %ooks %y traditionalist scholars throu(h its imprint, # # Books" /:A0 1he president of the

    #ntercolle(iate tudies #nstitute is 1" 9enneth Cri%%, >r""

    Modern Age

    #n +6?5 !ussell 9irk co*founded &with pu%lisher 3enry !e(nery ' 8odern 2(e &periodical' , a conservative academic uarterly which for over fifty years has remained,_Jr.,_Jr.,_Jr.
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    traditionalist in scope and has pu%lished various thinkers, such as 8a) @icard, 2ndrew =ytle,!ichard Weaver, !o%ert -is%et, C" @" #ves, !oss 3offman, and others" /:50 3istorian Geor(e 3"

    -ash has referred to 8odern 2(e &periodical' as the principal uarterly of the intellectualri(ht" Current 2ssociate Editors include Geor(e W" Carey, >ude @" ou(herty, >effrey 3art,1homas 8olnar, 8arion 8ont(omery, 8ordecai !oshwald, @eter >" tanlis, and tephen >" 1onsor"

    !ussell 9irk was its editor for its first two years and from +6 < to 4775 its editor was literary criticGeor(e 2" @anichas &who also serves on the 2cademic Board of the -ational 3umanities #nstitute'"

    1he .ournal is now edited %y !" " oun( , who also serves as a contri%utor to Touchstone , atraditionalist Christian ma(a$ine"

    Traditionalism and the 2365s

    T&e 5niversit# Boo!man

    #n +6A7 9irk founded the oldest continuously pu%lished conservative review of %ooks The!niversity Boo/man " #t is pu%lished %y 2nnette " 9irk and r" >effrey D" -elson and is edited %y

    -ew ork attorney Gerald >" !ussello, who is a 9irk %io(rapher and a Fellow at the G" 9"Chesterton #nstitute" #ts Board of 2dvisors include 3" =ee Cheek, >r" , ice @resident forColle(e 2dvancement and @rofessor of @olitical cience and @hilosophy at Brewton*@arkerColle(eH r" William Fahey, the 2ctin( @resident of the 1homas 8ore Colle(e of =i%eral 2rts HBruce Frohnen , 2ssociate @rofessor of =aw at Dhio -orthern UniversityColle(e of =aw and enior Fellow at the !ussell 9irk CenterH and Gary =" Gre(( , 8itch8cConnell Chair in =eadership at the University of =ouisville and director of the 8cConnellCenter"

    T&e .old%ater Cam-aign

    #n +6A< conservatives around the nation were united %ehind the presidential campai(n of 2ri$onaenator Barry Goldwater " Challen(ed in a %rutal primary %y the Eastern Esta%lishment and its

    li%eral !epu%lican leaders &!ockefeller, cranton, etc"' and mali(ned %y @resident >ohnson,traditionalists such as !ussell 9irk championed Goldwater;s cause as the maturation of the

    -ew !i(ht in 2merican politics" #n his syndicated columns 9irk advocated for Goldwater &and predicted his rise' and would also campai(n for him in the primaries" /: 0 Goldwater;s su%se uentdefeat would result in the -ew !i(ht re(roupin( and findin( a new fi(urehead in the late +657s

    !onald !ea(an "

    Traditionalism and the 2375s

    T&e /olitical Science Revie%er,_Jr.,_Jr.
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    #n +65: political scientist Geor(e Carey and >ames 8cClellan created an annual review of %ooks in the field of political science entitled The Political Science Revie#er " #ts current editor is

    Bruce Frohnen and it is pu%lished %y the #ntercolle(iate tudies #nstitute" /:60

    T&e C&esterton Revie% and t&e C&esterton Instit te

    #n +65< Canadian Catholic priest !ev" #an Boyd, C" "B" created a uarterly .ournal for the#nternational Chesterton ociety" Called The Chesterton Revie# , the pu%lication is dedicated to thee)ploration of the life and works of G"9" Chesterton and toher writers who share a commitment toChestertonian principles" /

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    #n +6 6 former -ntercollegiate Revie# editor Gre(ory Wolfe founded -mage( A 9ournal ofthe Arts and Religion " #ma(e &.ournal' is pu%lished %y Wolfe;s Center for !eli(ious3umanism"

    T&e National H manities Instit te and H5MANITAS

    #n the +6 7s traditionalist scholar Claes G" !yn and >ospeh Baldacchino founded the -ational3umanities #nstitute /" tanlis" -3# runs the Center for Constitutional tudies and the #rvin(

    Ba%%itt @ro.ect"

    Traditionalism in the 2335s

    T&e R ssell 2ir! Center 4or C lt ral Rene%al

    #n the mid*+667s, after the death of !ussell 9irk , the !ussell 9irk Center for Cultural!enewal was founded %y 9irk;s widow, 2nnette " 9irk and son*in*law, r" >effrey D" -elson, to

    carry on his le(acy" /

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    Traditionalism on the internet

    T&e Ne% /antagr el and 0ront /orc& Re- blic

    1raditionalist conservatism found its own niche on the #nternet %y the late 4777s" #n the Unitedtates we% ma(a$ines such as the now defunct Ne# Pantagruel /ohn 8edaille and others" /< 0

    Recent *evelopments

    7889 distrib tist con4erence

    Dn >uly ++, 4776 a conference on the distri%utist view of the (lo%al economic crisis sponsored %y the G" 9" Chesterton #nstitute for Faith and Culture was held in the United 9in(dom at D)fordUniversity featurin( an international panel, includin( !ed 1ory theorist @hillip Blond and2merican author and scholar 2llan C" Carlson " #t marked a milestone for traditionalism sinceit was a pu%lic forum for Blond to connect his pro(ressive conservativeJ!ed 1ory philosophy withothers who favored the communitarianism that the distri%utists advocated" /" Buchanan e)press traditionalist conservative ideas and support traditionalist conservative causes such ascultural renewal and defendin( Western Civili$ation" 1raditionalist conservatism, however, is olderthan paleoconservatism &which emer(ed in the late +6 7s amon( traditionalist conservativeacademics and .ournalists in response to the (rowin( influence of neoconservatism ', and while

    many paleoconservatives &Claes G" !yn , @aul Gottfried ' are also traditionalists, notall traditionalist conservatives are paleoconservatives"
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    /rominent 4ig res

    StatesmenEdmund Burke Ben.amin israeli

    >ohn 8acdonald &Canadian politician' >ohn 2dams 2le)ander 3amilton

    aniel We%ster !ufus Choate Edward Everett

    avid Cameron Cale% te(all

    Philosophers and scholarsamuel 1aylor Colerid(e

    1homas Carlyle >ohn 3enry -ewman 8atthew 2rnold >ohn !uskin Drestes Brownson 3ilaire Belloc G"9" Chesterton 1" " Eliot Christopher awson #rvin( Ba%%itt @aul Elmer 8ore 2llen 1ate >ohn Crowe !ansom 3er%ert 2(ar

    !ussell 9irk Eric oe(elin @eter iereck !ichard 8" Weaver !o%ert 2" -is%et Clinton !ossiter

    aniel Boorstin Forrest 8c onald

    >ohn =ukacs tanley >aki
  • 8/13/2019 Traditionalist Conservatism


    8el Bradford Claes G" !yn >ames 9urth 8ordecai !oshwald

    1homas 8olnar

    Geor(e Carey @aul Gottfried >effrey 3art !" " oun( 1" 9enneth Cri%%, >r" 2llan C" Carlson Bruce Frohnen !o(er cruton 3" =ee Cheek, >r" Gary =" Gre(( !" >" tove Gre(ory Wolfe @eter 2u(ustine =awler E" Christian 9opff @hillip Blond

    9ournalists@atrick >" Buchanan !od reher Bill 9auffman

    American Traditionalist Conservatism

    Center for the 2merican #dea

    3oward Center for Family, !eli(ion and ociety

    #ma(e &.ournal' #ntercolle(iate tudies #nstitute 8cConnell Center 8odern 2(e &periodical' 1he -ew @anta(ruel 1rinity Forum

    British K Canadian 1raditionalist Conservatism

    Cornerstone Group 3i(h 1ory,_Jr.,_Jr.,_Religion_and_Society,_Jr.,_Jr.,_Religion_and_Society
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    !ed 1ory alis%ury !eview

    Traditionalist /&iloso-

    istri%utism -ew 3umanism Dne -ation Conservatism

    /olitical /arties

    Conservative @arty &U9' Federalist @arty Whi( @arty &United tates'


    +" : Frohnen, Bruce, >eremy Beer, and >effrey D" -elson, ed" &477A' American Conservatism( An Encyclopedia Wilmin(ton, E # # Books, p" 57"

    4" : American Conservatism( An Encyclopedia , Bruce Frohnen, >eremy Beer, and >effrey D" -elson, pp" +75*+76, # # Books, 477A

    :" : 9irk, !ussell &+6A5, +665' Edmund Burke 2 Genius !econsidered ,Wilmin(ton, E # # Books, p" +?

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    44" L Frohnen, pp" :A6*:57"4:" L Frohnen, pp" 67A*67 "4