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Transitioning Servicemembers Cheat Sheet - PMI …pmi-metrolina.com/.../transitioning_servicemembers_cheatsheet.pdf · Transitioning Servicemembers Cheat Sheet by David Decker (xfaith)

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Page 1: Transitioning Servicemembers Cheat Sheet - PMI …pmi-metrolina.com/.../transitioning_servicemembers_cheatsheet.pdf · Transitioning Servicemembers Cheat Sheet by David Decker (xfaith)

Transitioning Servicemembers Cheat Sheetby David Decker (xfaith) via cheatography.com/35818/cs/11274/



VETCTAP https: //w ww.v et cta p.org/

REBOOT http:/ /ww w.n vts i.org/

Breakline http:/ /br eak lin e.org/

Patriots Path (NorthCarolina)

http:/ /pa tri ots -pa th.org/

Centurion Military Alliance http:/ /cm awa rri or.org/

Veteran Transition Support https: //w ww.v et era nst ran sit ion sup por t.org/

Most of these " cla sse s" provide resume /in ter vie w/c oac hing.

Mentor Programs

American Corp Partner http:/ /ww w.a cp- usa.org/

Veterans MentorNetwork

https: //w ww.l in ked in.c om /gr oup s/4 466 143 /pr ofile

eMentor https: //w ww.e me nto rpr ogr am.o rg /ve ter an- eme ntor/

HonorO urT roops http:/ /hr tro ops.or g/m ent ors hip -pr ogram/

Workof Honor https: //w ww.w or kof hon or.com/

Veterati https: //w ww.v et era ti.com/

MVP Vets https: //w ww.m vp vet s.o rg/ im- a-v eteran/

Stand Besides Them http:/ /ww w.s tan dbe sid eth em.org/

The CommitFoundation

http:/ /ww w.c omm itf oun dat ion.org/

Allies in Service https: //a lli esi nse rvi ce.o rg /ou r-p rograms

Gallant Few https: //g all ant few.or g/a bou t-us/

Clothe s/M ake overs

SaveASuit http:/ /sa vea sui t.o rg/ mil ita ry- vet eran/

Suits4 Sol diers YMCA

Suiting Warriors https: //s uit ing war rio rs.org/

MakeOv ers Tha tMatter (Female) http:/ /ww w.m ake ove rst hat mat ter.org/

The Dress Code (Women) http:/ /ww w.t hed res sco dec a.com/

Training Opps

Tech Qualled (TechSales)

http:/ /qu all ed.c om /ou r-c ompany/

Mervis Foundation(Sales force)

http:/ /me riv isf oun dat ion.org/

Amazon AWS https: //a ws.a ma zon.co m/e duc ati on/ aws edu cat e/v ete rans/

FedVTE (Free) https: //f edv te.u sa lea rni ng.gov/

DOD SkillB ridge https: //d ods kil lbr idg e.com/

Veterans On Wallstreet http:/ /ve ter ans onw all str eet.co m/about

VetsinTech https: //v ets int ech.co/

VA Claims

DAV https: //w ww.d av.or g/v ete rans/

VFW https: //w ww.v fw.or g/a ssi sta nce /va -cl aim s-s epa rat ion -be nefits

*Wounded WarriorProject

https: //w ww.w ou nde dwa rri orp roj ect.or g/p rog ram s/b ene fit s-s ervice

Blue Button http:/ /ww w.t ric are onl ine.com


* - WWP - Must be a member to use service

Colleg e/E duc ation

Stanford Post-9/11Veterans IGNITE

https: //w ww.g sb.st anf ord.ed u/p rog ram s/s tan for d-i gni te/ cam pus /po st- 9-1 1-v eterans

Warrio r-S cholar(Education Re-imm ersion)

http:/ /wa rri or- sch ola r.o rg/ abo ut.html

Posse VeteransProgram

https: //w ww.p os sef oun dat ion.or g/v ete ran s-p oss e-p rogram

Pave (Mentor ForCollege)

http:/ /pa veo nca mpu s.org/

Servic e2S chool https: //s erv ice 2sc hoo l.org/

DOD Sites Needed

DOD TAP https: //w ww.d od tap.mil/

eBenefits https: //w ww.e be nef its.va.go v/e ben efi ts/ hom epage

DOD TAP - Check VMET/V erfiy TGPS/C apstone inform ationeBenefits - Check GI Bill/Post 9-11 & Check Disability claimsMake sure you have a DS LOGON Userna me/ Pas sword beforeturning in CAC

By David Decker (xfaith)cheatography.com/xfaith/


Published 29th March, 2017.Last updated 10th May, 2017.Page 1 of 3.

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Page 2: Transitioning Servicemembers Cheat Sheet - PMI …pmi-metrolina.com/.../transitioning_servicemembers_cheatsheet.pdf · Transitioning Servicemembers Cheat Sheet by David Decker (xfaith)

Transitioning Servicemembers Cheat Sheetby David Decker (xfaith) via cheatography.com/35818/cs/11274/

Military Spouse Opps

Mad Skills https: //h ire mad ski lls.com/


http:/ /mi lsp ous eco der s.org/

Blue StarFamilies

https: //b lue sta rfa m.org/

V-Wise https: //i vmf.sy rac use.ed u/v ete ran -an d-f ami ly- res our ces /st art ing -gr owi ng- a-b usi nes s/v -wise/

Veterans with Disabi lities


https: //i vmf.sy rac use.ed u/v ete ran -an d-f ami ly- res our ces /st art ing -gr owi ng- a-b usi ness/

Computer Coding

Coder Vets http:/ /w w w.c ode rv e t s.org/

(Chicago) Code Platoon http:/ /w w w.c ode pl a t oo n.org/

Operat io nCode https: // o p er ati on c o de.org/

Vets on Point http:/ /ve tso npo int.2- dro ps.com/

Resume Assistance

HireHe rosUSA https: //w ww.h ir ehe roe sus a.o rg/ res ume -tools/

Resume 4Vets http:/ /ww w.r esu mes 4ve ts.org/

Conditions Set http:/ /ww w.c ond iti ons set.or g/m ission

JobScan (Optimize Keywords vsPosting)

https: //w ww.j ob sca n.co/

Vmock https: //w ww.v mo ck.com/

Allies in Service https: //a lli esi nse rvi ce.o rg /ou r-p rograms

Job Boards /Re sources

LinkedIn http:/ /ww w.l ink edi n.com

Indeed http:/ /ww w.i nde ed.com

VetJobs http:/ /ve tjo bs.com/

HireVe terans http:/ /ww w.h ire vet era ns.com/

USAJobs https: //w ww.u sa job s.gov/

GIJobs http:/ /ww w.g ijo bs.com/

Clearance Jobs https: //w ww.c le ara nce job s.com/

Career Assessment https: //c are erg uid efo rve ts.com/

O*Net https: //w ww.o ne ton lin e.org/

Job Boards /Re sources (cont)

NavNet http:/ /ww w.n avn etr eso urc es.com/

Get Free upgrade for 1 year on LINKEDIN (Veteran) athttps://linkedinforgood.linkedin.com/programs/veterans

Other Stuff

WorkShop forWarriors

https: //w ork sho psf orw arr ior s.org/

Patriot Boot Camp(Entre pre neur)

http:/ /pa tri otb oot cam p.o rg/ about/

Hire Our Heros(Flights for JobInterview)

http:/ /st ate sid ele gal.or g/t ran sit ion ing -ve ter ans -fl y-f ree -jo b-i nte rvi ews -hi re- our -heroes

VetNET http:/ /ww w.v etn eth q.com/

MiliSource (App forPhone)

http:/ /mi lis our ce.d ef ens emo bil e.c om/ ?li nkI d=2 6452251

LinkedIn Makeover http:/ /ww w.l ink edi n-m ake ove r.c om/ ser vic es/ vet era n-s upport/

Start A Bussiness

Boots2 Bus siness

http:/ /bo ots 2bu sin ess.org/


https: //w ww.s ba.go v/s tar tin g-b usi nes s/h ow- sta rt- bus ine ss/ bus ine ss- typ es/ vet era n-o wne d-b usi nesses

Regional Opps

(TEXAS) Vetted http:/ /ww w.v ett edf oun dat ion.org/

(CHICAGO) PMP Course http:/ /ww w.b lac kdi amo ndc har iti es.org/

(SAN DIEGO) OperationConnect

http:/ /sd bus ine ssc ham ber.co m/o per ati on- con nect/

(CA) Troops to College http:/ /ww w.c als tat e.e du/ vet erans/

(Chicago) Code Platoon http:/ /ww w.c ode pla too n.org/

CTAP (Ocean side, CA) http:/ /va ncn ort hco unt y.o rg/ eve nts -ca lendar/

Work for Warriors (CA) http:/ /wo rkf orw arr ior s.org/

North Carolina for MilitaryEmployment

http:/ /ww w.n c4m e.org/

By David Decker (xfaith)cheatography.com/xfaith/


Published 29th March, 2017.Last updated 10th May, 2017.Page 2 of 3.

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Page 3: Transitioning Servicemembers Cheat Sheet - PMI …pmi-metrolina.com/.../transitioning_servicemembers_cheatsheet.pdf · Transitioning Servicemembers Cheat Sheet by David Decker (xfaith)

Transitioning Servicemembers Cheat Sheetby David Decker (xfaith) via cheatography.com/35818/cs/11274/

Certif ica tions

VTCP http:/ /on war d2o ppo rtu nit y.org/

VCTP https: //i vmf.sy rac use.ed u/v ete ran -an d-f ami ly- res our ces /ca ree r-t rai nin g/v ctp /vc tp- apply/

Netapp https: //h ire our her oes.or g/t rai ning/

VetSuccess https: //w ww.s an s.o rg/ cyb ert ale nt/ imm ers ion -ac ade my/ aca demies

VetForce (Sales Force) https: //v ete ran s.f orc e.com/

NS2Serve (SAP) http:/ /ww w.n s2s erv es.o rg /tr ain ing -co urse/

AllState http:/ /al lst ate vet era ns.c om /?_ ga= 1.2 976 816.12 861 013 89.1 48 9028316

Vet2PM($$) http:/ /ww w.v ets 2pm.com/

VA HR Academy https: //w ww.v ah rac ade my.v a.gov/

LEAN Certif icationCourse (CampPendleton)

https: //w ww.e ve ntb rit e.c om/ o/v ete ran s-t ran sit ion -su ppo rt- 754 4018039

OSHA 10hr Training(Camp Pendleton)

https: //w ww.e ve ntb rit e.c om/ o/v ete ran s-t ran sit ion -su ppo rt- 754 4018039

O2O - 6m prior EAOS - 6m past EAOSIT Certs/ PMP /CI SSP /HR /Sa les For ce/SAP$$ - costs money (maybe grants /di scounts available)

Special Forces (SOF)

The Honor Foundation https: //w ww.h on or.o rg /ou r-p rogram/


Out of Uniform

Down Range- A Transi tioning Veteran

Networking For Veterans

Deployment to Employ ment:

The Prior- Service Entrep reneur

PCS to Corporate America

Milita ry- To- Civ ilian Career Transition 2nd Ed

All these book can be found on Amazon.

By David Decker (xfaith)cheatography.com/xfaith/


Published 29th March, 2017.Last updated 10th May, 2017.Page 3 of 3.

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