1 Translaon #7 Chinese Translaon dào zéi de Melodic instrucons Congregaon of Thieves Translaon Time 1 dào zéi Thieves 4.00 2 de guān In mutuality 3 zài yǒu ài In camaraderie 4 shuō Speak of 5 wàng de Hope of 6 dòng mài 脉, dàn Arterioles, yet 7 nài 何, chōng mǎn xià Helplessness, pervading 8 zhè xiē dào Down these avenues Isaac Low 0431183864 [email protected]

Translation #7 congregation of thieves (chinse and malay)

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1Translation #7

Chinese Translation

dào盗 zéi贼de的 j í集hé合Melodic

instructionsCongregation of Thieves Translation


1 dào盗 zéi贼Thieves 4.00

2 de的guān关 x ì系In mutuality

3 zài在yǒu友 ài爱In camaraderie

4 shuō说 yú于Speak of

5 x ī希wàng望 de的Hope of

6 dòng动 mài脉 ,dàn但Arterioles, yet

7 wú无hé何nài奈 hé何,chōng充 mǎn满 xià下Helplessness, pervading

8 zhè这 xiē些dà大dào道Down these avenues

Isaac Low 0431183864 [email protected]

2Translation #7

9 yú于jǐn紧zhāng张 jú局shì势Of scrambling tensions

10 zài在zhè这 kuān宽 róng容 de的guàn冠céng层

Of this forgiving canopy

11 zhī之 zhōng中The center of it

12 yú于shì是 fēi飞xià下 lái来And flying down

13 zhè这 shén神 shèng圣These sacred

14 chún纯 zhēn真 de的guǎn管 z i子Tubes of innocence

15 zài在zhè这 l ǐ里zhī之nèi内 ,Within

16 zhè这 yǐn隐 cáng藏 de的mì秘mì密, cái财This hidden stealth, wealth

Isaac Low 0431183864 [email protected]

3Translation #7

fù富17 bìng并 zài在gè个dī低shēng声 chuǎn喘 x ī息

And in a whispered breathing

18 tā他men们 tán谈They talked

19 guān关 yú于huáng黄 hēi黑 ,bú不yào要bèi被 y í遗wàng忘 de的rén人 ;

Of yellow-blacked forget-me-nots;

20 tā他men们 kāi开 shǐ始hé合chàng唱 :They sang in chorus:


“ràng让 wǒ我men们 ná拿shàng上

“Let us pick up

22 zhè这 xiē些shuǐ水 guǒ果 ,These fruits,

23 tiān天 rán然 nuò诺 yán言Of nature’s promising,

Isaac Low 0431183864 [email protected]

4Translation #7

24 yú于tàn叹 qì气, bǎo保 hù护zhe着By sighing, protecting

25 zhè这 yàng样 měi美 miào妙Such beauty

26 de的shí食wù物Of these delicates”

27 zài再 lái来y í一cì次And once again

28 tā他men们 róu柔 ruǎn软 dì地kū哭qì泣They cried in whispered silence


“n g让 ā他men们 ī吸 u收

“Let us imbibe

30 zhè这 yàng样 de的zhuó卓 shí识 sè色Such colors of sagacity

31 huì绘 shēng声 huì绘 sè色Painted

32 bái白 huā花 huā花Foaming

Isaac Low 0431183864 [email protected]

5Translation #7

33 you游Roaming

34 xià下dào到Down into

35 suō缩 xiǎo小 de的Narrowed

36 hé河kǒu口Estuaries

37 gǔ古guài怪 fā发jué觉 de的Of quaintly-scented

38 dēng灯 pào泡Bulbs

39 hé和wǔ五yán颜 liù六sè色de的And brightly 5.14

40 fēi飞 é蛾Coloured moths

41 shū舒 huái怀 de的All quieting

Isaac Low 0431183864 [email protected]

6Translation #7

42 jìng静 zhǐ止quiescence

43 chán缠 mián绵 zhe着Lingering

44 táo逃 y ì逸Escaping

45 xià下chuán船 t ǐ体Down hull

46 hé和shuāng双 xióng雄And into hutch

47 yú余chì赤hóng红 de的Beyond the crimson

48 j ī击bài败 j ì迹xiàng象Sign of defeat

49 ràng让 wǒ我men们 shuō说 yú于dān单 kǒu口yǔ语yīn音

Let us declaim with soloistic voice

Isaac Low 0431183864 [email protected]

7Translation #7

50 hé和háo号 jiào叫And bellowing

51 ràng让 wǒ我men们 xún巡 xíng行“Let us perambulate

52 tōng通 guò过 xiǎo小 qiū丘Into the hills

53 yú于dòng动 l ì力Of puissance

54 hé和bā八fú福And beatitudes

55 yú于mì秘mì密de的yōu幽 huì会With secret trysts

56 tōu偷 kàn看 zhe着Peeping into

57 dòng洞 kǒu口Holes

58 hé和yín淫 luàn乱And harlotry

Isaac Low 0431183864 [email protected]

8Translation #7

59 yú于níng狞 xiào笑 de的Of grimly smiling

60 rén人 t ǐ体mó模 tè特Mannequins

61 tā他men们 nán喃 nán喃 dì地shuō说 :They sighed:


“ràng让 wǒ我men们 zǒu走 ”

“Let us walk”

63 rù入into

64 qī漆hēi黑 de的The bleak-blacked

65 zá杂shuǎ耍Vaudevilled

66 yú于 j í即xìng兴 y ì艺shù术Commedia de arte 6.30

67 tā他men们 gǎn感 tàn叹 地说:They sighed 2 hours 30


Isaac Low 0431183864 [email protected]

9Translation #7

68 让我们投降 “Let us surrender 10.10


对于他们的xiào笑 bǐng柄To their pillories

70 于是 And then

71 duì对 yú于téng疼 tòng痛 hé和To pain

72 动刑 Of tortured

73 的快步 Quick-steps

74 huí回 xuán旋 、Pirouettes

75 跳入 And dive

76 习习天数的 Into the heat

77 热力 Of flying fate

78 跳舞、 Of dancing

79 xīng猩 xing猩Orangutans

Isaac Low 0431183864 [email protected]

10Translation #7

80 tiào跳 lái来tiào跳 qù去, tóu投 zhì掷Jump-throwing

81 tái台qiú球Billiard balls

82 xiàng像 wēi微 suō缩 mó模 xíng型Like miniatures

83 的大步 Of giant steps

84 前进乐趣 Into the fun

85 hé和qián前 bù部And fore

86 面对 Onto the

87 mó磨 suì碎hé和Grinding

88 jiē接dì地Grounding 11.10

89 (© 版权 02/09/2012 丹尼尔·卡汗) (© Copyright 02/09/12 Daniel Kahans) Total: 3

hours 30

Isaac Low 0431183864 [email protected]

11Translation #7


Malay Translation

Perhimpunan pencuri Musical Instruction Congregation of Thieves Translation Time

Isaac Low 0431183864 [email protected]

12Translation #7

1 Pencuri Thieves 11.20

2 Bersama-sama In mutuality

3 dalam keakraban In camaraderie

4 Mencakapi kepada Speak into

5 Arteroil Arterioles of

6 Harapan, namun Hope, yet

7 Tanpa bantuan, ia memasuki Helplessness, pervading

8 Saluran-saluran itu Down these avenues

9 Ketegangan bergegas Of scrambling tensions

10 Di sesetengah In the centre of this

11 Kanopi pengampunan Of this forgiving canopy

12 Dan terterbang kepada And flying down

13 Tiub-tiub suci These sacred

Isaac Low 0431183864 [email protected]

13Translation #7

14 Tanpa bersalah Tubes of innocence

15 Di dalam Within

16 Kekayaan tersembunyi This hidden stealth, wealth

17 Dalam pernafasan berbisik And in a whispered breathing

18 Mereka berbual-bual They talked

19 Tentang kuning-hitam


Of yellow-blacked forget-me-nots;

20 Mereka menyanyikan dalam

korus :

They sang in chorus:

21 “Marilah kita mengambil “Let us pick up

22 Buah-buahan ini , These fruits,

23 Pencerahan alam semula


Of nature’s promising,

24 Dengan kekeluhan,


By sighing, protecting

25 kecantikan seperti Such beauty

Isaac Low 0431183864 [email protected]

14Translation #7

26 Tentang bahan halus ini” Of these delicates”

27 Dan sekali lagi And once again

28 Mereka menangis dalam

bisik-bisik yang mendiamkan

They cried in whispered silence

29 Mari kita minum “Let us imbibe

30 Warna-warna kebijaksanaan Such colors of sagacity

31 Dicat Painted

32 Berbuih Foaming

33 Dan merayau Roaming

34 Ke dalam Down into

35 Kerapatan Narrowed

36 muara Estuaries

37 Aneh wangi Of quaintly-scented

38 Mentol Bulbs

Isaac Low 0431183864 [email protected]

15Translation #7

39 Dan keterangan And brightly 5.14

40 Rama-rama yang berwarna-


Coloured moths

41 Semua mensenyapkan All quieting

42 Keadaan tidak bergerak quiescence

43 Yang kekal Lingering

44 Yang melarikan diri Escaping

45 Bawah badan kapal Down hull

46 Dan ke dalam reban And into hutch

47 Mengatasi lembayung Beyond the crimson

48 Ini tanda kekalahan Sign of defeat

49 Marilah kita mengecam

dengan suara bersendirian

Let us declaim with soloistic voice

50 Dan jeritan And bellowing

51 Mari kita berjalan-jalan “Let us perambulate

Isaac Low 0431183864 [email protected]

16Translation #7

52 Ke bukit-bukit Into the hills

53 Perlumbaan kuda Of puissance

54 Dan bukit ucapan And beatitudes

55 Dengan perjanjian rahsia With secret trysts

56 Mengintip ke dalam Peeping into

57 lubang Holes

58 Dan penyundalan And harlotry

59 Senyuman suram Of grimly smiling

60 Topeng maut Mannequins

61 Mereka mengeluh: The sighed:

62 “Mari kita berjalan” “Let us walk”

63 Ke dalam into

64 Suram hitam The bleak-blacked

65 yang vaudeville Vaudevilled

Isaac Low 0431183864 [email protected]

17Translation #7

66 Seni commedia Commedia de arte 6.30

67 Mereka mengeluh: They sighed 2 hours 30 mins

68 "Marilah kita menyerahkan “Let us surrender 10.10

69 Untuk pembikinan malu


To their pillories

70 Dan kemudian And then

71 Kepada kesakitan To pain

72 Dan keseksaan Of tortured

73 Langkah pantas Quick-steps

74 Ia menggulung Pirouettes

75 Dan menyelami diri And dive

76 Ke dalam haba Into the heat

77 Nasib terbang Of flying fate

78 tarian Of dancing

Isaac Low 0431183864 [email protected]

18Translation #7

79 Orangutan-orangutan Orangutans

80 Melompat-lompat dan



81 Bola biliard Billiard balls

82 Seperti miniatur Like miniatures

83 Langkah-langkah gergasi Of giant steps

84 Melalui keseronokan Into the fun

85 Dan ke hadapan And fore

86 Dan kemudian Onto the

87 Pengisaran dan Grinding

88 Pembumian Grounding 12.20

89 (© Hakcipta 06/01/2014 Daniel


(© Copyright 06/01/2014 Daniel Kahans) Total: 4 hours 30


Isaac Low 0431183864 [email protected]