What's your favourite means of transport? TRANSPORT... Do you like to travel by train? Do you like fast trains? Do you like to drive a car? Have you ever travelled somewhere by plane? What kind of car do you like most? -modern -second-hand -brand-new -expensive? If yes, how was it like? Are you afraid of travelling by plane? Do you often travel somewhere by plane? Have you ever travelled by boat? If yes, what was it like? If no, would you like to try it? What kind of boats do you like? Have you ever tried to go somewhere by gondola (cable car)? Do you often travel somewhere by train? If yes, what was it like? Would you like to try it again? Where can you use gondolas?- mountains, some other places?

TRANSPORT Questions Speaking Activities

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Have you ever tried to go somewhere by gondola (cable car)?If yes, what was it like? Would you like to try it again?Where can you use gondolas?-mountains, some other places?Do you like fast trains?Have you ever travelled by boat?Do you often travel somewhere by train?Do you like to travel by train?What's your favourite means of transport?Do you like to drive a car?TRANSPORT...

What kind of boats do you like?Do you often travel somewhere by plane?If yes, how was it like? Are you afraid of travelling by plane?If yes, what was it like? If no, would you like to try it?Have you ever travelled somewhere by plane?-modern-second-hand-brand-new-expensive?

What kind of car do you like most?