4 peran HR Strategic Partner HRD ditantang untuk memiliki inisiatif-inisiatif program yang selaras & mendukung  pencapaian strategi perusahaan, berperan sebagai fasilitator dalam perumusan strategi  perusahaan dalam mencapai tujuan bisnis perusahaan. Praktiknya dapat berupa implement asi sis tem manajemen yang ses uai unt uk per usa haan , sep ert i al anc ed !corecard. Change Agent agian HRD berpera n dalam memfasil itasi transfor masi perusahaan dan membe ntuk sistem organisasi yang dapat menjadikan perusahaan lebih kompetitif dan ino"atif. Peran ini dieja#antahkan dalam bentuk penyusunan struktur organisasi yang efektif,  job design yang akur at, $ob gra ding kar ya#an yang fai r, dan pembuat an sta nda r kompet ens i karya#an. Employee Champion Hasil dari peran ini dapat diukur dari seberapa kompeten dan seberapa besar komitmen karya#an terhadap pekerjaan & perusahaan. entuk kegiatannya dapat berupa sur"ey kepuasan karya#an, training, program penghargaan bagi karya#an, program outbound dalam rangka membentuk team building, dsb. Administrative Expert agian HRD ditantang untuk dapat menyusun pengelolaan manajemen personalia%absen,  pengelolaan gaji,dsb secara efisien dan cepat. Hal ini di#ujudkan dengan penyusunan HR'! %  Human Resources Information System yang cost effect ive serta menunjang kelancaran kinerja organisasi. 6 core competencies of professional HRM by Ulrich !" Strategic positioned  High-performing HR professionals understand the global business conte(t ) the social,  political, economic, en"ironmental, technological, and demographic trends that bear on their business ) and translate these trends into business implications. *hey understand the structure and logic of their o#n industries and the underlying competiti"e dynamics of the markets they ser"e, including customer, competitor, and supplier trends. *hey then apply this kno#ledge in de"eloping a pers ona l "ision for the future of their o#n company. *hey participate in de"eloping customer-focused business strategies and in translating the business strategy into annual business plans and goals. #" Cr ed ible ac ti vi st HR profe ssion als in high-pe rfor ming firms funct ion as credi ble acti"i sts. *hey do #hat they say they #ill do. !uch results-based integrity ser"es as the foundation of personal trust that, in turn, tr ansl at es into pr of essional cr edi bi lity. *hey ha"e effecti"e int erp ers onal skills. *he y are fle (ible in de"e loping pos iti "e chemist ry #it h key stakeholders. *hey translate this positi"e chemistry into influence that contributes to

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4 peran HR 

• Strategic Partner

HRD ditantang untuk memiliki inisiatif-inisiatif program yang selaras & mendukung

 pencapaian strategi perusahaan, berperan sebagai fasilitator dalam perumusan strategi

 perusahaan dalam mencapai tujuan bisnis perusahaan. Praktiknya dapat berupa

implementasi sistem manajemen yang sesuai untuk perusahaan, seperti alanced


• Change Agent

agian HRD berperan dalam memfasilitasi transformasi perusahaan dan membentuk 

sistem organisasi yang dapat menjadikan perusahaan lebih kompetitif dan ino"atif. Peran

ini dieja#antahkan dalam bentuk penyusunan struktur organisasi yang efektif, job design

yang akurat, $ob grading karya#an yang fair, dan pembuatan standar kompetensi


• Employee Champion

Hasil dari peran ini dapat diukur dari seberapa kompeten dan seberapa besar komitmenkarya#an terhadap pekerjaan & perusahaan. entuk kegiatannya dapat berupa sur"ey

kepuasan karya#an, training, program penghargaan bagi karya#an, program outbound

dalam rangka membentuk team building, dsb.

• Administrative Expert

agian HRD ditantang untuk dapat menyusun pengelolaan manajemen personalia%absen,

 pengelolaan gaji,dsb secara efisien dan cepat. Hal ini di#ujudkan dengan penyusunan

HR'! % Human Resources Information System yang cost effective  serta menunjang

kelancaran kinerja organisasi.

6 core competencies of professional HRM by Ulrich

!" Strategic positioned

 High-performing HR professionals understand the global business conte(t ) the social,

 political, economic, en"ironmental, technological, and demographic trends that bear on

their business ) and translate these trends into business implications. *hey understand the

structure and logic of their o#n industries and the underlying competiti"e dynamics of 

the markets they ser"e, including customer, competitor, and supplier trends. *hey then

apply this kno#ledge in de"eloping a personal "ision for the future of their o#n

company. *hey participate in de"eloping customer-focused business strategies and in

translating the business strategy into annual business plans and goals.

#" Credible activist

HR professionals in high-performing firms function as credible acti"ists. *hey do #hat

they say they #ill do. !uch results-based integrity ser"es as the foundation of personal

trust that, in turn, translates into professional credibility. *hey ha"e effecti"e

interpersonal skills. *hey are fle(ible in de"eloping positi"e chemistry #ith key

stakeholders. *hey translate this positi"e chemistry into influence that contributes to

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 business results. *hey take strong positions about business issues that are grounded in

sound data and thoughtful opinions.

$" Capability b%ilder

+t the organisational le"el, an effecti"e HR professional creates, audits, and orchestrates

an effecti"e and strong organisation by helping define and build its organisational

capabilities. apability represents #hat the organisation is good at and kno#n for. *hesecapabilities outlast the beha"ior or performance of any indi"idual manager or system.

!uch capabilities might include inno"ation, speed, customer focus, efficiency, and the

creation of meaning and purpose at #ork. HR professionals can help line managers create

meaning so that the capability of the organisation reflects the deeper "alues of the


&" Change champion

ffecti"e HR professionals de"elop their organisations capacity for change and then

translate that capacity into effecti"e change processes and structures. *hey ensure a

seamless integration of change processes that builds sustainable competiti"e ad"antage.

*hey build the case for change based on market and business reality, and they o"ercome

resistance to change by engaging key stakeholders in key decisions and building their 

commitment to full implementation. *hey sustain change by ensuring the a"ailability of 

necessary resources including time, people, capital, and information, and by capturing the

lessons of both success and failure.

'" H%man reso%rce innovator and integrator

+t an organisational le"el, a major competency of effecti"e HR professionals is their 

ability to inno"ate and integrate HR practices around a fe# critical business issues. *he

challenge is to make the HR #hole more effecti"e than the sum of its parts. High-

 performing HR professionals ensure that desired business results are clearly and precisely

 prioritised, that the necessary organisation capabilities are po#erfully conceptualised and

operationalised, and that the appropriate HR practices, processes, structures, and

 procedures are aligned to create and sustain the identified organisational capabilities. +s

they do so #ith discipline and consistency, they help collecti"e HR practices to reach the

tipping point of impact on business results. *he inno"ation and integration of HR 

 practices, processes, and structures, directs HR more fully to#ard impacting business


6" (echnology proponent

/or many years, HR professionals ha"e applied technology to basic HR #ork. HR 

information systems %HR'! ha"e been applied to enhance the efficiency of HR processes

including benefits, payroll processing, health care funding, record keeping, and other 

administrati"e ser"ices. 'n this HR'! round, #e see a dramatic change in the implications

of technology for HR professionals. +t the organisation le"el, high-performing HR 

 professionals are no# in"ol"ed in t#o additional categories of technological application.

/irst, HR professionals are applying social net#orking technology to help people stay

connected #ith each other. *hey help guide the connectedness of people #ithin the firm

and the connectedness bet#een people outside firms %especially customers #ith

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employees inside the firm. !econd, in the high-performing firms, HR professionals are

increasing their role in the management of information. *his includes identifying the

information that should recei"e focus, bundling that information into useable kno#ledge,

le"eraging that kno#ledge into key decisions, and then ensuring that these decision are

clearly communicated and acted upon. *his updates the operational efficiency

competency and #ill add substanti"e "alue to their organi0ations.