LOCKPORT, N. Y.. UNION-SUN A OQ» Ot WW ^w»iia^ry f* v.r.vv rQOI MMK B*» W and 3rd » « « ' at I P M . 01 112 i •OV Si- H 47? Them* Taylor, 2W = •an M "XSBST" twyai Marro*.* ICattiryn 0- BaaMaa4 eOeaB?nk*\ Ai^faBJuT FLia-mgL LLaBktskmtr T aMnnla naBinuaB IB^PQ*OIB lOOO M f r l Secy.. «\ Wr*w»f I et ma ana four in S*MN n at m* Mottnic Tam- al •ma* oi 7 JO p M. ****• IMMIP4I **» oi their noma. 4* Lock i l i a . ! at I P.M ™til, x O n l Usa* uQi. ii m 11 Peg imm ' UaW'af catrah Rua valley at WCOWd i i n i Kwrm Pri- of oaon nssnm in m* Masonic Tonv p.e W<n and Cottage Sir**t* » • O'cloc*. Miion Rendunt mnci fui. ^euieiQi y meed second and tounn thursaay* • ••RpaT.*^™ Smew > ^ a » * ItlNi tRPBeWt -ajtle titan Warren. Pecononiot Maria Beccue, Keeper ot Kecord*. P 0 . •an a/0, Lacmpan, N.Y. H*. H. F t A M meets tounn and titm TMMHy* et aacn TPsB*» oi l e a e c k . *v*ry I uoMtoy 0*0- eVyor*. La* Dokm unit Na. 4Ht American la***, itTiVrflj tOt monm at 7:M P.M. oi tha Mo»onic lem- pa. Mo.n and Cottage »t*. AU Meson* Lyman *mmm Horweed. war, Oormar, Secretory a. Lao Doom Po»t NO. W. L*g*fl, 42-44 n.oaota ii. Pott mat r«#r4 on **•• first Qrtel third Tfutooay ti.na* ft aocn momn. board at u.ra American maaMaja U.rec.or* : Thurtday of each montfi. Legiom.air*» end mt.r gueti* or* wel- come at Post ctuaraemft. commander, fcdwara H. Hull Adiuiont, Leland H. Ouiwater Finance Otticar, Itatpn G. rew Chairman Board ot Uireciort, Harry R Uytoti Auxiliary meet* second and fourth l uesdoy ovamng et the man in a I MaedNwartan, 43 Niagara St. Pre>.oant. Mr*. Harry Regua, ltd Haw- lay a. vict Pro*., Mr*. Prank Smith, I M Hor MM Am MCnaary. Mr». Edward i Kindt, IS Grand *troot Tr«a»uf«r. Mr», KttMi Wcljntr. 41 Ron •am JM. NIXT W U K i N C i A U - VOWIQ Dr.van. IWSU«AWCM" ' •'• "*^" IMS •^^^daBaa^aMda^tf^a} fffcai^HBBk JjaaBatfoBBBBBaV dBoal iAaJa UNION^UN er JOURNAL Classified Want Ad Section BUY SELL ^p Iff* by Lcatry Hutfc Wedga, No. 290, matt* HO fcoji A n . ( m i and LocKport •t lOOr Hard TftMraaay*. NoMa Grand, Myrtit Clark Vice Grand. Emma Enatrt ROC bac y.. Ciora *thu»i«r Irao* , Giody* Sy* Htl, 4acy.. Ltlitio Urlal jMBtar HI Woman ot afajfjajpajpw *•••> »»^pa»»ap«a »»* tht •Jd. Sanior Raoant, Mrt. Tnatma WtMriay Lockport Peat No. 2434 Vatarons of For- eign War* ot in* u. 4. rneeis ai 1(2 Cot- eaonia St., ma tacond ana tounn Wadnet- ooy ot aocn monm. commander Jean w. Loft, 41 Cortaoa St. Locxport N.Y. Pnono 4-4224. Quoriermotter J. Harold Lostello 1 Wmiom Si. Newtone N.r„ pnone SP Aaiulant agora' si . Thodaaut LocKPon, MuslowsKi, 172 N i - N.Y., Pnone 4-34W. ttar at Bethlehem Council, No. 21 Oaugfltert ot America, meet* 2nd s> 4in Tgeedoy evening ot each monm at 1:00, U.4.W.V. Hail, Collage St. Lena O* Groft, 474 pretpect St., Coun- cilor. Anna Rhinehart, 17) Genetee St., Treat. Jean Podgerj, 164 Park Ave., Kec Secy. ivwrcella Fratitr, 4t Adam St. Fin. Secy. The scrtwbaii Club meett m* first and third Thursdays et me monm at nine P.M. in me ctubroomt at 44 Morket St. C. H. Murctll. Pros. Harold Kiddie, Vict Prat. Clartnce t Shorts, Sect y. Frank uempsay. Treat. 10 LOST par ot grt* fUM> jJU-WtKaMXaOtf I1W3Ti *d/Wta^^tjppajpB|B^ 4I2»4. Fo«nd, lost Stray «d *~*t» A»» lard. Laii 17-ltp-IO FOUNO in Lockporf, w.m arownjej 4p 1-4144. and addie cauor, no 172OC-10 = 11 Automotive Stt OUR USED CAR J. LUX, Wromul at E m Wa duy ustd Cora. ABLERT 4 1211. tvenmoj. I4-21C-11 ATTENTION PONTIAC 0WNER4 For the Rnatt m Poniioc Servtee ond GerHHne rouory Porn. Coil iony coioe. J-3t0i. Miller Pontiac Motors 14-17 Buliaio St. la-Hc-ll Red Jacket Lodge No 444, FS.AM meeit Nit tirtt and third Thursday ot each monm at too o'clock at Masonic Tempia, corner Ma>n ond Cottage Streets. Visiting Masons weieome. frank A. Uisinger, Matwr H. Fioyd Scholar, Secretary Angalut Chapter No. SS», Order of East em Star mteu first and nurd Wedne* day tverttng at each monm at Masonic Hail, corner Main and Cottage St. at I 4»J*. Rum Oaurrtan, Worthy Matron Arthur Dauman, Wormy Patron Irene Thompson, Secretary Dorothy Shimer, Treasuer FOR SALE - ItSS Volkswagon deluxe, in excellent condition. Low mileage. Phone Newtone. SP t-7747. iS-Uc-il 19431 DE SOTO. 2 door, radio and heater. Good running condition, lee. Phone 4- W73. IS-Wc-ll FOR SALE BUiCK, Super, 4 deer, ex- cellent condition. Call * 2449, IS-17c—11 1*44 OLDSMOBILE «t.' Good condition, 24.000 original miles. Loaded, power Brakes, power steering, air condition- ing, radio, heater, back up lights. S1,- 140 Coil 4-3713. lS-lTp—11 Auxiliary ot the Fraternal Or- der at tagiei, Na. 425, meets tirti ond tmrd Wednesday evenings ot each month. Madam President, Jennie Ingram Madam Secretary, Violet Boots. Maaam treasurer, Helen Jonnson - Lockport Chapter No. 73, O.fc.S. meett first and thira luesdays ot every month excepting July and August at 1:00 P.M. snarp m Masonic Han, corner cottage and Main Stt. Janice Despard, Worthy Matron Lee Uetpard, Worthy patron fcitonore M. Tayior, Secy. Knights ot Columbus, Lockport Council, Sly, business Meetings first and third Wednesdays in every month; tocioi meet- ings, tacond, fourth and titm Wednesdays at K. ot C. Home, 21 Cortege Et. Fourth Degree meett second Tuesday of each month. wrn. T. Scirto, Grand Knight Gerald H. Rosenberg, Fin. Sec Bernard Frombgen, Recorder Donald O'Byrne, Faithtul Navigator, eth Peg, . Lockport Ledge No. 41, B.F.O.E. Seef ings held the second and fourth Thurs- days at the month. Albert N, Benolt, Exalted Ruler, Ho. 3. Ltxkport, N.Y. Tel. 4-7173 John H. Graf, Secretary, 13 South St., BUiCK, 1954 Century, 4 door, radio, heat- er, dynahaw, blue and white, clean MERCEDES-BENZ, IM Sedon, 1*M tatty Tioga Tribe MB Improved Order at Rod Men meet every Wednesday at too P.M. in Redman 1 * Home 25-27 West Main Street. Earl B. Rehm, Sachem Morgan L. Jones, Collector ot the Wam- pum, 255 Grand Street. P.G.S.: Charles T. Hamper, Chief of Records, 390 Hawlty Street. Myrtle Rebekoh Lodge No. 14, meats second and fourth Thursday evenings in lOOF Tempi*, 110 East Ave. NoW* Grand—Thelma Wast Vice Grond-lno Stevenson Recy Soc'y Helen Ferry Fin. Secy—Elltootm Carton Treoturer—Van Buren Tothill Studebaker DRIVE THE LARK HIRE NOTIFY TRADE THE USaVJ WANT AD WAY PHONE 3-3811 59 Household Goods FlUfcMNO B beam tMis By new luet IMS 00 PtW WILSON *£? 83 ratms For Sale *. out prtcee en ail ltM Frigidair* •t> Morch l>t T*e>yrTle>|Tlt OVER 5000 WANT ADS PRINTED EVERY MONTH PLACE YOUR AD SOON WHERE THOUSANDS OF OTHERS DO RUHLMANN BROS. HDWE. 1M1C-J9 COMFUrri HOUSEHOLD n*^h*gttar •*•"•>•. vW"#C n«VVIre| T*» VfW*™t"tQ. Ceil 4-0*31 7-PC. BRCBXJOM OUTFIT. «,49 »4-17c-» ide Clear- Pay « Market lH7e-d9 ONE ACRE $5,800 CLOSE TO VILLAGE, modern Younoa- tull oil 2 furnace. afcjmt- $Y %• 84 s= DUPLEX HOME Fid* up "lac SaW afaT" •TbiS artrZ: *7m. W-ITp-M McKnight Hogan Leckport - 3 3443 17-l*c—43 Lockport- 1 Otcott Rood FOUR BEDROOMS WEST AVE. GASFORT WITH ONE and **t tetst bom. Large t cor oarage. A CARL STRATTON REALTY 7| Walnut St. Ftv 4-3115 Aftar I r JUL 44BB LOCKPORT 65 WdMirino AoDatEl eiRL'S ALL W0O4. 5 5 S T S^d «tM I, •>•*t # sU« 8. FlbVM itB~a 66 Wonted To Buy Cat I d « t f otter | M L pr.ee 111000 TIN ACRES OH HESS ROAD with m new ttdBtg en house; tome fruit and 1S-17C-44 WANTED SMALL FIANO. mutt t be oood s-sn»x I4I4C-44 WAHTEO USED RECAPPABLE TIRES Frtcw Fatd Only ftr WVNEs" , pETROLEUM SERVlCt Watt Avenue City UN Erl tUV AHD tell orymtnt) of vejhie. Don't woit, see TATE, 7 Richmond Ave. For eppelntment cad Harold Houtmtw 4P l»447 or Dan Connolly & Co. Inc. Lockport 3 J i l l Open evenings until I 30 14-17o-t3 OH OLCOTT rd.—IV* mil** from Wright* OLCOTT RD. end New tana o t erhc home wtm eprapare vainai t cottar, ttorme and tat 100x235. opptiiiiiiiorit can 'ID! sen For J. J. Marotta Realty 104 Moin St.. Lockpart *7718 4-7712 47729 17c—14 'Boy, that's aa old frae rent to lake tht V montha 14A Sporting Goods 67 Rooms SLEEPING ROOM for rent, wtm private entrance et 43 Juniper Street or coil *Jo47. 17 1*p—e7 18 Business Service 45 Musical Merchandise FLEASANT large tired. Near bus. Corners, 50 acre*. IW front. 1 mile deep* ranch dwelling. 2 dining tWMft and bath, expandable attic, oil furnace, electric hot water hooter wired for etoctrlc range, *2* 000 Alto a duplex In New tone Area. PETTIT REALTY 4-7*42. SF I 9279. 4 1319 RF.D. 4 Ridge Road. Lockport le-tfc-tJ Call DRAW TITE ft. Hftches. Tee Net Trail- ers, Guns—Ammo. Terms or Lay-Awav plan. KEYS MADE. SKEETS ESSO, Wrights Cnrs. 13-t»c— 14a FULL LINE of new and used shotguns, fie*, handguns. Heodquarters for reload tng supplies, gun powder. Open 'HI 10 and Sundays. THE CABIN RANGE Lockport 3574 Lkpt-Otcott Rd.. Phone 3 3914 4-24C-140 24 24 Chapel S.T, Ph. 3-2911 1S-26C-1I FOR SALE - 1954 Dodge Lancer, s.ooo miles; exceptionally clean. Coll 447101 otter 4 F.M. lS-We-n Lockport Navy Ship t< Mooting held on the Kh monm at US |un. George Roitnberg C Chart** Sonford Shi 104 Joctawn Street Lockport, N.Y. Telephone LKPT 3-4309 1. tit, NCUSA 3rd Tuesday of Street at 1:00 (CDR) R.D., Lockport Grange P. of H.. No. 1242, Meeting the itt ond 3rd Friday ot each monm. Odd Fellows Hon, lie East Av*. Matter, Horry Kelley Overseer, James London Jr. Lecturer, May Spencer Secretary, Rooert London Niagara Lodge, No. 374, F&AM, meett at Masonic Temple, corner Main and Cot- tage Streets first and third Monday* Of each month. Visiting Masons welcome. ROtMrt H. Snell, W. M. Wor. Rooert M. LeVon, Soc'y. Genet— Comrnandery No. 10 K. meat* first and third Fridoyt of monm at I F.M. at the Masonic Temple, Main and Cottage St. Charles Raymond, Commander Louis T. Huoer, Recorder Unity Chpoter, 7M OE^S. me*}* every tacond and fourth Wtdnttooyt ot each month, at S P.M. In Ma*onic Temple, Main and Cottage Stt. Jewell M. Pynn, Worthy Matron Spencer M. Pynn. Worthy Patron Mrs. Gee. C Cotcoyne, Secy. Barton Oldsmobile 427 West Av«, at Michigan PH. 35941 RECONDnrioNEO FOR THE FINEST USED CARS Visit Timkey Cadillac, Inc. 24 w. Genetee. Just Watt of Triwoy Bridge Phone 3-1749 or 44170 It-tBc—11 Ames Chapter, No. is, RAM., meett hi Masonic Temple, Main at Cottage Street, second and fourth Thurtday at S P.M. each monm. Vltiting. Royal Arch Masons welcome George E. Wilton. HP. Richard Watson, Sec. Cuban Execution* Defended By Tati VIENNA. Austria (AP) - The Soviet newB agency TEES Friday defended Cuban leader Fidel Cas- tro against American criticism of his forces' speedy execution of those they Judge as war crim- inals. The dispatch called the criti- cism in the U.S. Congress of the executions "defamatory sad pro- vocative." Mullane Motors, Inc. DE SOTO-PLYMOUTH RICHMOND AVE. HAHN "45" BB SINGLE Action Revolver Authen- tic Replica of the West* Famous Peacemaker. A true tingle action pow- ered by Crosman CO? Powerlets. Rips eft II BB shots at tati at you can fan the hammer. Regan Sporting Goods 29 Morket Bt. Fti. 34*54 Gas Heating Equipment SERVICE O N A U MAKES Colt on Flit tor your heoting tit* F. V. Pils, Inc. HAMMOND ORGAN SALES y plan** Center E rentals and through Denton. Cottier E Daniels local 1 Iv*. Vorn Tie*. 4-4*51. 47 H* MALE TOY l»0X t*rrt*r puppy. Sei to male IM terrier, medium tit* part cot lie puppies, II .SB to HO. Andrews 3 4554 17-4-47 LOST-GOLDEN old tomato. RETRIEVER-4 months 17 20C—47 S14 Akron Rd. Rhone 4 3700 24-22c— I I . IL EVINRUOE •UN* I MOTORS 1S-21C-14A 18 Business Service ELECTROLUX oemort - Frompf frtoodty service on your ELECTROLUX (R). Cleaner pickup ond delivery. Call 41571 after 5:00 34921 KURT BULMER or writ* 54 Rochester Road. Lockport Authorised Sot** E Service 17-JBp-ll Heating Oil WITH ADDED Q13 FOR CLEAN BURNING Loaded with heat tor lower cett "ROUND THE CLOCK SERVICE" Budget plan If desired Exclusive heating ever 25 yeort in LOCKPORT wtm TIMKEN HEAT QUALITY HOME SERVICE 11 Richmond Ave. Phone 4-0*4 J-IK-ll SUDBURY FLEA SCAT FAD. Sir* tot* way to rid pet* ef fleas. Kills them eu tomaflcollv. YOUNG S 41 Buttolo St. well. 14-ITe—47 ROOM tar working man or woman. Near Parking space far cor. 34422 or 117 Eott Avenue. 1M7C-47 PTiV- ROOM FOR RENT near downtown liege*. Coll 3 9537 or 47*42. 13-l7e-47 JACQUES ROAD FIVE ACRE lot with swimming pool and attached potio, thro* Bedroom ranch home ftv* years eld; extra cedar cte* *t. two complete Bath*; utility room; two septic tanks, good wall; utilities end tractor with mower equipment in eluded in asking price of S24.0O9. 3.93T* * BARKER !7-|PQ-*> 1 pALLHTER AVE. - Two ttory heme, moderniied; partial bam down and three bedroom* and complete bam on tocend fleer; two stairways new wir- ing ond copper plumbing lot well landtcaptd. prtco SIEset. Call Hautmon 3 3*44 for appointment or WRIGHT'S CORNERS A BRAND NEW two family house thai the owners most soil beeous* of ill- ness Ftv* spacious rooms In each aoortment. modern Kitchens and both*; hot wafer buiebouid host. IV* aero* land, bom and crook on property A deiighrrui two family heme, on* you would be proud to own. inspection By oppotatmanf. s Charles Bewley Realty, Inc BEWLEY ELDO. PHONE 34744 R. M IBudt SIMMONS ASSOCIATE 17c-*4 CORWiN - near Newtone. You can move right into this coiy 3 decorated living E kitchen. Oak floors, screened tit porch, attractive setting RoutoiiuBty priced for quick tot*. Newton* SP S-931* after * PM. l4M7p-*i J4 CHERRY STREET - ranch type thro* bedrooms. Full basement, iv* cor garag* on 7Q-xl53' lot. Laundry chute.kitchen ex- haust tan. Alto* storm windows. Call 4- 14B3 for appointment. 1V19C—14 FLEASANT WARM tletplng room* tor rent, prtvat* entrance free parking space Men only 31 Pound Street Phone _S404B. _^420c-47 SUITE OF ROOMS! sitting room, beO ream, private bam, large closet end ttorogt space, cooking, use ot phone Excellent location. Phone 4-4915. 1417*—47 Dan Connolly & Co. Inc. Lockport 3-3*11 evening* until I 30 14-17C-43 51 PH. 3 3*07 1422c—11 SPECIAL $1095.00 1955 Chev 4 Dr. V* Pow*rgl)d*, Heater, Washers, Backi. Goad Tire*. Now battery. Traded by original owner CLARENCE BAILEY'S RAMBLER GARAGE Lockport. N.Y. Open Evening* IMec—11 SEPTIC TANKS QctfNED Inspection. Phont Lkpt County Septic Tank Green Stamps given. 3-23*5. Servo Nl- MBc-ll RkCHARD O. DAIGLER Federal E State Tax** Prepared Accounting Service US N. Adam St. Lockport, N. Y. Ph. 3 2354. 10 o m to 4 p.m. IH4C-1I T.V. •wrfTtT SHARPENING of Air tools, chisels, picks etc. Pipe E tub* bending; *»— — " — c ° 0 specialty; machine work; *ur* boil«r welding; heliarc-arc WVltJIiftQ I pOftBDfff WWa Cran* Service. GRISWOLD WELDING SERVICI 14 Contor Alley, Lockport T*l*phon* 3-2144 41 Yeort in The Butines* 4-19c—II United Lodge No. 91, I.O.OF. meets at Odd Fellows Tempi*, 110 Eott Av*. every Tuesday evening, I P.M. N.G., Edwin Brett V.O. Henry Clost R*c. Secy., Delos Cummlngt Jr. Fin. Soc'y., Edgar Woliobw Treos , Franklin Shaffer Visiting Brothers, Welcome Unity Chapter, 796 O.E.S. meett every ond fourth Wednesdays of each at I F.M. In Masonic Tempt*. md Cottage Stt. Violet Homquist, Worthy Matron Leo Taylor, Worthy Patron Mrs. Georg* Gascoyne, Secy 1 In in loving Memory of Angela A. Boron* . died en* year aga Jan. IBIh, 1951. Loving Memories, nmm di* At year* roll on and days pott By In our hearts a memory I* kept Of on* w* loved and will never forgot Remembered by Mother. Dad Sltt*r and Brother l*B-1 An SUNOAV DINNER, TRY FOR YOUR ° ritfteoF IT The FINO RESTAURANT, ACROSS THE LOCKPORT SHOPPING PLAZA. Wor4 SIRLOIN STRIP DINNER, YOU'LL EHJOY EVEif MBf^ 1950 CHEVROLET-Fair condition, 575.03. SP MS*?. ^»p-4t WASHtNG MACHINES Ilk* $AVE SAVE $AVE $7 Ford Fairtont 500. Rodio. Hootor, Auto. Tram. 2 ton* Blue St Rambler 4 Dr. Rodio. H**t*r, Auto. Trent. 2 Ton* Green 4 Dr. 4 cyl. Radio, Hostor, Ov- » Bi< •rdrlv*. 2 TOM Blue. 54 Ford VIC H-Top ffKitlc. Stack it Rodio, Moator, Aut«- m«tic, •tfldc & Whltt. NEWFANE GARAGE Open Dotty 7 am. 1* t P m , Sundays tun. till 1 p m. till fwrfhor notice 1J-I4C-11 If your machine pair W. AOOLPH ICHMIDT re- Alt 32941 3 30C-U , BOHLED GAS Mobil-Flom* Oi.trlbufor. Coll Oiol SEMI. REPAIRS for any make of w per cent discount on alt tube*. 12 1 •> in. — two 171n. TV* for sal* TV set regardless of condltlton or taken In trade. Dutch s Service. Street, Phone 4 74M . 2i Ont Any it 141 17 32 Help Wanted-F'male OPERATING ROOM gicai Nurses for an expanding surgical service Full or part tim* Excellent op iitiet. Ransomvflle General Hotel Y. Phone Sy. 14211. I-17C-JJ ArHcles For Solo 73 Want'd - R'm or Board ** Houses For Sale TV Sorvtc* Colt* Boys- Niohtt - Jim Hoy** TV E Appliance* All City Collt SS.SS Flut Fort* St-tJc-51 NOTICE MOW IS fh* tim* to yaur furnoe* WANTED room and board In country tot elderly man. Phont 4-0007 or 39270. 1$-I7c—73 BEST OFFER COT with 2*4' frontage next to 'railroad aiding, suifoott tor many uses, such at. _ . _, _ wm»h*us*, *t*r» and warehou**. bowl 74 Apartment For Rent ** otioy*. tank 2 cor gasoline station. used car let, lumber and building tup ply yard ond many mar*. Low assess Contact""" MUST BE SOLD TO SETTLE ESTATE IS* ELM STREET 4 BEDROOM HOME, plenty closet tpt 2 car garage, lorg* drive. Full sli* cel- lar wtm lavatory. Ham* now ranted, very good income Interior In excellent condition. Outside need* painting. Rea tenable offer accepted, inquire 127 Main St. or 139 Elm St. or Phone 9c—§4 4 3213 l-19c—I flltort for btttor hxWtlftfl- ' COMPLETE STOCK Crose & Leary NEW MODERN 1 bedroom opartment. Privet* entrance, all utilities Waterman St. Phone 3 4224. 1 J-tOe—74 FOR RENT, unfurnished apartment 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living room t, bath S45 per monm. utilities extra Can 312*9 17C-74 list 54 Market St. * f » portunM mi, N. W. H S-22C-H WHY WAITT Inttell that ntedtd heating (ystom now. For eoinomlcot—comtort- obie hoot with worm air or hot water Fro* estimates, call Wilson *Q05 14-19c—II HOUSEWIVES - Be debt free! Turn •par* hours into cash. Hour* of own choice. Mr*. T. overage* *1 41 per hour. Ho experience needed. Phono N. F. BU- TLER 54*43 or writ* Box 97 e-o Union Sun E Journal. 17-2QC—» WHY WORRY about money? A few hours a day spent in friendly conversation til- ling Avon will provide a good tatstn* for you. Writ* or phono. Lucille £ French, 177 High Street, Avon. Htw York, Lockport, 3 724J 141*e-« Special Sale! Kitchen Equipment - Top Ouollty 140 75 Boo* ctMnot, whit* with formica top < only BM.N m.* BOM cabinet, whit* wtm Hnoitum top 1 Only S42.3* Complete M" BOM ond wait coothot with red formica top. Rag. *•>*. roducsd to BUS. 1 only. CARPENTER & RICHARDS HI Chettnut Strati Phone 4 1533 24-22C—SI AT LEAST $25 movie 54 BUICK SPECIAL. I Sdf hardtop, Ro- actual WW 7 P.M. 13 10c—11 ATTENTION GOLFERS 1ING CROSBY GOLF TOUtNAMENT SUNDAY 5 3 0 P. M . CH ANNll 7 IARTOM OLOSMOBllI INC. 19S2 HUDSON MX - 4 door. H^T^r SP 1720O-I1 AL MORGAN AAOTORS, INC. USfO CARS E Service Fh, J47M 14.2BC-U wfflKu'l W CHUCK KENYON'S AUTO SALES Sump Pump & Parts REPAIRS FOR ALL MAKES - FANS EXHAUSTS - BLOWERS - MOTORS FOR EVERY PURPOSE FERRY ELECTRIC CO « Prospect-4-21*2 Open Eves 27 22c—II WANTED Woman t* car* for tchool oge child, afternoons 3 30 to | 30 . Vi- cinity John Found tchool. Call 47411 anytime. 14-t9p—32 WANTED reliable woman to Booy lit dovt. wtm 1 year old eMtd while mother work*. Phone 4 7074 offer StSt PJM, I4r»»-12 AUTOMATIC WASHERS paired. Speclatit* en Whirlpool Guaranteed Net, re- Kenmar* and service. Call 3 1424c—II UFHOLSTFRY CLEANED. Modern dry toom detetuont shampoo and suction niH9t*d, Safe, odortett. lost drying. Sot Hlactton, Oonatd Cameron *<mi 13-22p—11 BE SAFE - caller wollt Rex woter- BjfOOf pointed Rough fionn scourod Odnwoyt bum and repaired year round CASAUA. 44777. 42SC-H PRIVATE PARKING SFACKS^en Xocutt BVastotM Fainxttt* Buick Co.. 3 5*55. 54-27©- I I 33 Help Wanted - Male Allowance tar your era toward* the new DE JUR ELECTRA Three lens turret. Fully automatic I $149.50 f 1. I l*n* EAST AVINUE - Three rooms and Automatic gat heat. ISO perl 299 CHURCH STREET - Upper two-bed room apartment. MO per month 217 HIGH STREET Medern deluxe two bedroom apartment SIB) per month plus utilities. MAIN STREET - Three room apartment ebov* 30 West Main. S4t per monm. Cell 1 PAUL REYNOLDS REAL ESTATE 3 3411 Day or Night 1J-2SC—74 Strauss Realty 4 3J27 1 $112. 4 7091, 4-1973. 3 32*9 SF 44713. SP S4SS4 Mlddltport RE 5 9239, RE 54471 1419c—S4 SEVEN DELUXE first clost porlmonts. perfect control location, atwovs ranted. Renti of about 54,100 par year test ex- pen*** at 52,500 brings S3,500 ci**\r. This Income property it In top condi- tion ond It a real volu* Ot 533,500 REMICK REALTY 24911, 4 3441. 4444*. 44*23 ' 17-2*0-0* 113 SOUTH STREET - « livng room, dmii room, dining roor hoat, alt first ctatt LARGE thra* room wtm bom. All utilities included S2B per Coll Mlddtopert PJ S-7231. lUTe—74 UPPER ftv* foamt and both, newty dee •rated Phone 24224 I324C-74 Upper furnished opartment, 2 IDOIIH -Both, (org* ciotttt. Colt 3 1213 Offer 4 P.M. 421c—74 Jay's Camera Shop St Mom St. I5 22C-51 CULLIGAN WATER SOFTENER and wo- a^ m- *Q •*Ji*l**t** i.«l4e BT^^h^ A4USliJeie ^kd SajT VwrfeHTiOntrsej WW*!* I le>0 wntmywm ew your water. Call 3*707 FERGUSON OIL B SUPPLY CO . Lockport Y*V OOHT HAVS TO BUY IT TO TRY IT. tmmm _ m __ mm _ mmi ___^ 2-200-41 MAN'S NEW OVERCOAT, III* 2441; m- tfclet *f turnitur* and mitcatiew—ui. START A BANG! i A few End with 1950 WITH hi the Oeotershtpi in vartited WATKtNS PRODUCTS or* Hilt available in New York No M.attnittlt. Repeat business Writ* or wir* Otpt. J. 74 B. Robinson Av*., BoroOrton. OWe for personal Interview with our local representative ITp-33 SALESMAN - Our Inif to** j o t * a*_to> tionoMy oavOf'tim^OQ IXFT'IO 'rw|*ir©vajHWri' produr*t roqufrot ttotart w* OKM A AMR to ouf tolsn Hrrco F»r#v*i>Mt %4Xtl«o OwpOflttrrro htlpfuti. birt H*tt fWelsfillOt, OB *• wui ggggg»y torntjm mm and bonus**, cor essential, morrled. Ntogara FotH-BU 5*570. Mr Srhytt* S 1717C-31 EXPERIENCfO MECHANIC OJtpEPJ - familiar with pttwer unit* Oh Chrysler prodwett - mcontiv* pton - good wtrh- ing conditions Inturanc* pragrom —• po'd vocation end notiaoys see imr. Frltt, Sorvtc* menogtr at HHltn Mo> tori, Iv PeXal AvorrMO- IS-tTc-Et 36 WOMAN will do Ctgfat— Us#Me«*A«l ait no nanigu * a m ]\ ' .'"Sia •F'lo 1MB or Ny - Sea. • -r^t4n' ajaaap*SE3SB| •EIBRTmen cad AeWeO. \JWrT)f- FfW** ORDER YOUR CWOCS AND TURKIEY POU.TS Po"fTo«SULTS9 WlnllTlUnL Complete Chick Starter PCI I FTC. MASH EUGENE SONS |FN * ^-V— * Lev* . 4 . . . M tT JVxP Baw'** 1 * •*aP^/ , ^d" ^d" "chicVi 1 322 NIAGARA ST. PHONE 4-1244 lt-ITp-ll LIHE f CO0ln<t Ifdrdwor* A l l FWaaVeeV SlrCR Aj Chffpfrt*). COfapO r i i na 1ti-nriI** 1M itati^im iTVifERswTBJ ifl PSrtllBVS ttyioi, (V •'•ck AvtjiNSoie) 'n W*> tjlVV 9RI *ef*M*Me < TV Ift Grimble's Hardware WB MAKE KEYS W-tt) W. MAIN ST. PH. 4179* TOYS - OlFTS - HARDWARE I417e-*T $4 1'nott A Office Eq'nt LOCKPORT OFPlCfl ' BOUIPMENT it Typawrttor* and *xEMIf*ai jtArif h'fiee F9t M t o t LOWER unfurnlihed oportment for rant. Avoiiobi* Fob. 1st, now PIOIO Phone 42IB2. 1719P-74 ATTRACTIVE I room furntthed oporT ment. Well equipped with heat, light loundry and Other faclhtiM Garage •1*c—74 14-14c- THREF ROOM furnished oportmenf with Beraa* and ott utiini*s m m* eott **t Men, oduitt preferred- Phone 242*4 1H7e—74 MODFRN TWO bedroom upper OPS'* very clean You appreciate it. Phe 14-27c— 74 have to tee it to UPPER UNFURNISHED S rtment, oduitt Available Feb, ut room, t Bod- pteasont fctfl n#t!u dltlon. HOWARD J. BREWER REALTOR 3-5122 14-I4C-44 up. new BURT won bum home - 2 Bedrooms n*MtiVW Syltorri ond not wat*|r terge let. Goof buy at 17,100. James C DeLange Agency BEWLEY BUILD I NO BARGAIN HUNTER JUST A MOMENT PLEASE THIS I ROOM HOME on Oenese* Street, mutt be told to dee* an estate, NO* modern, hut a sturdy oid*r home for e large family. High dry basement, ott fired hoot, immediate possession. R. Washburn Realty 21 LohrmoMt B'dg Ph. 4 3434 FACING Outwoter _ Perfc three bed- room, one-floor plan home House Is in process et being completely redecorw hid 59 wo INQUIRE Paul Reynolds Realty 20 W. Main Si at Transit Dial 3-3*11 Day or Night 17e-4J After S P M Coll SF 49*21 lMle-44 BEAUTIFUL two South Sid* Owner moving out ef town. BURNS REALTY Day* - Leckpert S4BM Eve*. George Anna 4-1457 Eugene P. Brady 44727 Bd Homm S4S27 1419C-I4 preferred IBM. 13-24C-74 UPPER THREE ROOMS, lot Ntooore Street Electric ItOVO, refrigerator, tiled bath, hardwood fiaert. Aduftt ptotorred References Oar***. 4 0401 12-t*c-74 A PROMOTION MEANS THS CoofrOy, on i w t n f town* *>*> thoJ-" vory cJvintiiftQ ho*t>*t a* 30*1 High Street it for tot*. This tstn* room home hos tparkling new kth dll-nrWOSTTeff* OCIR*>1#0 OoJR» f»V# V 3 botttt^ Itirw t'foplato*- BlaKOferiion In txcot^tnt taitej- TOftOr* 9tQ>n9- * by FOUR ROOMS and both upper apartment All uflllflt*. private entronc*. Phone 4- 7142. IHTc-74 MODERN APARTMENT attached patio, far a cauate, B*t Con 4 3550 IS 17c—74 THREE 4 FOUR utilities furnished. St. room upwlintnll. WJSc-74 IT. equipped POULTRY FARM HESS ROAD productive completely acre tarns. Large I three tt*ry Born; thro* rang* shelters 'Ooat'Oo •"Onel 41724, 3 5503, SP 4*4*3 I4C-42 CHARLES S. BAILEY RBALTY SPBBBB' iTc—a Charles Bewley Realty, Inc BEWELY BLDO. PHONE 34744 R. H. (EudT SIMMONS ASSOCIATE 17c-04 Must Be Sold LOWER tour room epartmanf. partly fur nitfwd High StrooT taction Cat 3J2tt 9 » 10 10 A M . OT 15 10 P M IIStQ 74 VERY PLEASANT I roam* E"bam. South Oil utilities 990 HOWARD J. s-rnr 14-JBC-74 BRBWBR. RBALTOR. 21 Lerutt Street Heuseheld Oeodi RAMMING'S 25 MAIN ST. tfo-l* p^RpraV w^OiO) TlpTyOeje^e ^r'^p'io/ns, ^BYterl BW#~ *^ lHew BRBer" BHOT BB> T*BaB9e«FaW^ PKBJ^Pl rooj*. BUMS aga* tmm. B 1 taeasxlajdh^b^ad a. a^dwheodi^ laVl**xaMB>.^^ SBskxax* * —— UfttS new tteapl * o|«S«SeaVBB ease SOS *et*. Year eh* "BapS FURNtSMBO UFPBR OH or r.t.red 475 1 44*11 'i^ARTMEHf ""for' Btt*x*Mwai*E4a aw*«r«aY*a> , ^pon 1H7C-74 UPPER" ^ p^atdBBi fehj^aat ik^p*a*4aS*a3Ba* tSSoA aB earosP BFWWIV •^BEW' T^pTiw^i*4*a»> aapa* BE Adult* preferred. Coll 4 7740 14I9P-74 AVA.LABLE NOW - rant S7S. . AB trtRha M AOuit* prefer-** Ce«t 4 1417 UTJc-M 77 Houses For Rent PAUL R* YNOLD3 R* At ESTAT1 14111 Dor or Night 71 OtWitiirVfcent mm jff&H tB Pi ^* TO SBTTLt ESTATE 777 Wothhum Street TWO APARTMENT HOME, if sold by owner, III,500. Thl* hem* mutt be teen •x* has -— -' * - -* • * -* 4 *- akdl •• - TO OO OfpfFrB'C'O'OOt WBtJOalrri / S4faro*!rrn •fMrtnBOftt 4aw*>tN)iir) 4> 5 rootri fitpof* WrtMrl UlWtwtfi, H*W%t*|Bf y s t f PeHptrel. I <&* J. J. Marotta Realty Otcott L' S 4 S00 7 BR Cettoge. 2 BR Cottaoa, Front 2 BR Cottage. Franktm St.. Oicott 4.900 2 BR Elm Court 3 S* Mill V , Mlddlepert 3 BR Washburn St 3 BR Outwotor Drive 2 Family 3 BR to op'f 140 Gordon St. 4 ER Chapman Rd , Horttond I BR Gotport Rd 3 BR Wilson 3 8R f High St. GASFORT SPrm* J 3100 *r ! 4 Family Green $! LOCKPORT 4-1424 1 BR Expandable ethc. Chettnut tTc-44! Rido* 1 BR Expand. Attic Otcott 4! 3.300 4 500 4.9*4 7.541 7oS HVJB0 to. 5*4 14OJ0 11,*4» 11*44 1 EAST SEaiON THRBI YEAR OLD thra* bedroom ranch. ws? expense etwee) as 2 Famtty, Jthtiten Crook. S) Acret St WON to SOUTH SEaiON Met o" e-l EASTSKTION ) BR Transit 1 Famtty 1 Family, 2 BR Barker 3 911 ronch. I^oirviow 4 BR MBtTRRttMnk % BR ranch. Chailathwlllg It* Drtvo « *2aBaaB*kSx*a* WSBoxfe OCaoEolO 1 Fg*triirY BfaE, *M> flw*. nV 3 BR ranch. East end ' SUB —-—*- •«». . ,1— 11 1 ' • w •** rvBCis V I HI *w»«flmif»o| 17.0J* ALL PRICE RANGES Charles H. Wood 1 "• « St^ Ot -- -|i__ S tafia V\V)W$ VOWS BBfRiTB ^ffBaiaHs k 4Vi J. J. Marotta Realty HrESTxffcf' FIVE REHTAV»*»haajr»S*l4B|oryoar astaws* wad hMaBtdt* kaure tott ot- Realty, Inc #' •A i 1 Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

UNION^UN er JOURNAL Classified Want Ad Section 18/Lockport NY Union Sun Journal... · LOCKPORT, N. Y.. UNION-SUN A OQ» Ot WW ^w»iia^ry f* v.r.vv rQOI MMK B*» W and 3rd »««

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Page 1: UNION^UN er JOURNAL Classified Want Ad Section 18/Lockport NY Union Sun Journal... · LOCKPORT, N. Y.. UNION-SUN A OQ» Ot WW ^w»iia^ry f* v.r.vv rQOI MMK B*» W and 3rd »««


OQ» Ot

WW ^w»iia^ry f* v.r.vv rQOI MMK B*» W and 3rd » « «

' at I P M . 01 112

i •OV Si-



Them* Taylor, 2W

= •an



twyai Marro*.* ICattiryn 0-BaaMaa4 eOeaB?nk*\ Ai^faBJuT FLia-mgL

LLaBktskmtr T aMnnla naBinuaB IB^PQ*OIB lOOO M f r l


« \ Wr*w»f I

et ma ana four in S*MN n a t m* Mottnic Tam-al

• m a * oi 7 JO p M . * * * * • IMMIP4I **»

oi their noma. 4 * Lock i l i a . ! at I P .M ™ t i l , x O n l Usa* u Q i .

• ii m 11

Peg imm ' UaW'af

catrah Rua valley at WCOWd i ini Kwrm Pri-

of oaon nssnm in m* Masonic Tonv p.e W<n and Cottage Sir**t* » • O'cloc*.

Miion Rendunt mnc i fu i . ^ e u i e i Q i y

meed second and tounn thursaay* • ••RpaT.*^™ Smew > ^ a » * I t l N i tRPBeWt -ajtle

titan Warren. Pecononiot Maria Beccue, Keeper ot Kecord*. P 0.

•an a/0, Lacmpan, N.Y.

H*. H . F tAM meets tounn and titm TMMHy* et aacn


oi l e a e c k . *v*ry I uoMtoy 0*0-


La* Dokm unit Na. 4Ht American

la***, i t T i V r f l j tOt monm at 7:M P.M. oi tha Mo»onic lem-pa. Mo.n and Cottage »t*. AU Meson*


*mmm Horweed. war, Oormar, Secretory

a. Lao Doom Po»t NO. W. L*g*fl, 42-44 n.oaota i i . Pott mat r«#r4 on **•• first Qrtel third Tfutooay ti.na* f t aocn momn. board at u.ra

American maaMaja

U.rec.or* : Thurtday of each montfi.

Legiom.air*» end mt.r gueti* or* wel­come at Post ctuaraemft.

commander, fcdwara H. Hull Adiuiont, Leland H. Ouiwater Finance Otticar, Itatpn G. rew Chairman Board ot Uireciort, Harry R

Uytoti Auxiliary meet* second and fourth l uesdoy ovamng et the man in a I MaedNwartan, 43 Niagara St.

Pre>.oant. Mr*. Harry Regua, ltd Haw-lay a .

vict Pro*., Mr*. Prank Smith, I M Hor M M A m

MCnaary. Mr». Edward i Kindt, I S Grand *troot

Tr«a»uf«r. Mr», KttMi Wcljntr. 41 Ron •am JM.

N I X T W U K i N C i A U -

VOWIQ Dr.van. IWSU«AWCM" ' • ' • " * ^ " IMS

•^^^daBaa^aMda^tf^a} fffcai^HBBk JjaaBatfoBBBBBaV dBoal iAaJa


Classified Want Ad Section



^p Iff* b y Lcatry Hutfc

Wedga, No. 290, matt* HO fcoji A n . ( m i and

LocKport • t lOOr Hard TftMraaay*. • NoMa Grand, Myrtit Clark

Vice Grand. Emma Enatrt ROC bac y.. Ciora *thu»i«r Irao* , Giody* Sy* Htl, 4acy.. Ltlitio Urlal

jMBtar H I Woman ot afajfjajpajpw * • • •> »»^pa»»ap«a »»*


• J d . Sanior Raoant, Mrt. Tnatma WtMriay

Lockport Peat No. 2434 Vatarons of For­eign War* ot in* u. 4. rneeis ai 1(2 Cot-eaonia St., ma tacond ana tounn Wadnet-ooy ot aocn monm.

commander Jean w. Loft, 41 Cortaoa St. Locxport N.Y. Pnono 4-4224.

Quoriermotter J. Harold Lostello 1 Wmiom Si. Newtone N.r„ pnone SP

Aaiulant agora' si .

Thodaaut LocKPon,

MuslowsKi, 172 Ni -N.Y., Pnone 4-34W.

ttar at Bethlehem Council, No. 21 Oaugfltert ot America, meet* 2nd s> 4in Tgeedoy evening ot each monm at 1:00, U.4.W.V. Hail, Collage St.

Lena O* Groft, 474 pretpect St., Coun­cilor.

Anna Rhinehart, 17) Genetee St., Treat. Jean Podgerj, 164 Park Ave., Kec

Secy. ivwrcella Fratitr, 4t Adam St. Fin.


The scrtwbaii Club meett m* first and third Thursdays et me monm at nine P.M. in me ctubroomt at 44 Morket St.

C. H. Murctll. Pros. Harold Kiddie, Vict Prat. Clartnce t Shorts, Sect y. Frank uempsay. Treat.

10 LOST par ot grt*

fUM> jJU-WtKaMXaOtf I1W3T i *d/Wta^^tjppajpB|B^

4 I 2 » 4 .

Fo«nd, lost Stray «d * ~ * t » A » »

lard. Lai i 17-ltp-IO

F O U N O in Lockporf, w.m arownjej

4p 1-4144.

and addie cauor, no


= 11 Automotive S t t OUR USED CAR

J. LUX, Wromul at E m Wa duy ustd Cora.

ABLERT 4 1211.

tvenmoj. I4-21C-11

ATTENTION PONTIAC 0WNER4 For the Rnatt m Poniioc Servtee ond GerHHne rouory Porn. Coil iony coioe. J-3t0i.

Miller Pontiac Motors 14-17 Buliaio St.

l a - H c - l l

Red Jacket Lodge No 444, FS.AM meeit Nit tirtt and third Thursday ot each monm at too o'clock at Masonic Tempia, corner Ma>n ond Cottage Streets.

Visiting Masons weieome. frank A. Uisinger, Matwr H. Fioyd Scholar, Secretary

Angalut Chapter No. SS», Order of East em Star mteu first and nurd Wedne* day tverttng at each monm at Masonic Hail, corner Main and Cottage St. at I 4»J*.

Rum Oaurrtan, Worthy Matron Arthur Dauman, Wormy Patron

Irene Thompson, Secretary Dorothy Shimer, Treasuer

FOR SALE - ItSS Volkswagon deluxe, in excellent condition. Low mileage. Phone Newtone. SP t-7747. iS-Uc- i l

19431 DE SOTO. 2 door, radio and heater. Good running condition, lee. Phone 4-W73. IS-Wc-l l

FOR SALE BUiCK, 4« Super, 4 deer, ex­cellent condition. Call * 2449,


1*44 OLDSMOBILE «t . ' Good condition, 24.000 original miles. Loaded, power Brakes, power steering, air condition­ing, radio, heater, back up lights. S1,-140 Coil 4-3713. lS-lTp—11

Auxiliary ot the Fraternal Or­der at tagiei , Na. 425, meets tirti ond tmrd Wednesday evenings ot each month.

Madam President, Jennie Ingram Madam Secretary, Violet Boots. Maaam treasurer, Helen Jonnson -

Lockport Chapter No. 73, O.fc.S. meett first and thira luesdays ot every month excepting July and August at 1:00 P.M. snarp m Masonic Han, corner cottage and Main Stt.

Janice Despard, Worthy Matron Lee Uetpard, Worthy patron fcitonore M. Tayior, Secy.

Knights ot Columbus, Lockport Council, Sly, business Meetings first and third Wednesdays in every month; tocioi meet­ings, tacond, fourth and titm Wednesdays at K. ot C. Home, 21 Cortege Et. Fourth Degree meett second Tuesday of each month.

wrn. T. Scirto, Grand Knight Gerald H. Rosenberg, Fin. Sec Bernard Frombgen, Recorder Donald O'Byrne, Faithtul Navigator,

eth Peg, .

Lockport Ledge No. 41, B.F.O.E. S e e f ings held the second and fourth Thurs­days at the month.

Albert N, Benolt, Exalted Ruler, Ho. 3. Ltxkport, N.Y. Tel. 4-7173

John H. Graf, Secretary, 13 South St.,

BUiCK, 1954 Century, 4 door, radio, heat­er, dynahaw, blue and white, clean

MERCEDES-BENZ, IM Sedon, 1*M tatty

Tioga Tribe MB Improved Order at Rod Men meet every Wednesday at too P.M. in Redman1* Home 25-27 West Main Street.

Earl B. Rehm, Sachem Morgan L. Jones, Collector ot the Wam­

pum, 255 Grand Street. P.G.S.: Charles T. Hamper, Chief of

Records, 390 Hawlty Street.

Myrtle Rebekoh Lodge No. 14, meats second and fourth Thursday evenings in lOOF Tempi*, 110 East Ave.

NoW* Grand—Thelma Wast Vice Grond-lno Stevenson Recy Soc'y Helen Ferry Fin. Secy—Elltootm Carton Treoturer—Van Buren

Tothill Studebaker DRIVE THE LARK










59 Household Goods F lU fcMNO B

beam tMis By new luet IMS 00 PtW


83 ratms For Sale * .

out prtcee en ail l tM Frigidair*

•t> Morch l>t T*e>yrTle>|Tlt
















C O M F U r r i HOUSEHOLD n * ^ h * g t t a r

• * • " • > • . v W " # C n « V V I r e | T*» V f W * ™ t " t Q .

Ceil 4-0*31 7-PC. BRCBXJOM O U T F I T . «,49


ide Clear-

Pay * » « Market lH7e-d9

ONE ACRE $5,800 CLOSE TO VILLAGE, modern Younoa-

tull oil 2 furnace. afcjmt-

$ Y %•

84 s=


"lac S a W afaT" •TbiS artrZ:

*7m. W-ITp-M

McKnight • Hogan Leckport - 3 3443


Lockport-1 Otcott Rood


t cor oarage. A

CARL STRATTON REALTY 7| Walnut St. Ftv 4-3115

Aftar I r JUL 44BB


6 5 WdMirino A o D a t E l

eiRL'S ALL W0O4. 55ST

S^d «tM I,

•>•*t# sU« 8. FlbVM itB~a

66 Wonted To Buy

Cat I d « t f otter | M L

pr.ee 111000


new ttdBtg en house; tome fruit and


WANTED SMALL FIANO. mutt t be oood s-sn»x I 4 I 4 C - 4 4


Frtcw Fatd Only ftr

WVNEs" ,pETROLEUM SERVlCt Watt Avenue City U N

Er l t U V AHD tell orymtnt) of vejhie. Don't woit, see TATE, 7 Richmond Ave.

For eppelntment cad Harold Houtmtw 4P l»447 or

Dan Connolly & Co. Inc.

Lockport 3 J i l l Open evenings until I 30

14-17o-t3 OH OLCOTT rd.—IV* mil** from Wright*

OLCOTT R D . end New tana o t erhc home wtm

eprapare vainai t

cottar, ttorme and tat 100x235.

opptiiiiiiiorit can

'ID! sen For

J. J. Marotta Realty 104 Moin St.. Lockpart

*7718 4-7712 47729 17c—14

'Boy, that's aa old frae rent to lake tht V


14A Sporting Goods

67 Rooms S L E E P I N G ROOM for rent, wtm private

entrance et 43 Juniper Street or coil *Jo47. 17 1*p—e7

18 Business Service 45 Musical Merchandise FLEASANT large

tired. Near bus.

Corners, 50 acre*. I W front. 1 mile deep* ranch dwelling. 2 dining tWMft and bath, expandable attic, oil furnace, electric hot water hooter wired for etoctrlc range, *2* 000 Alto a duplex In New tone Area.

PETTIT REALTY 4-7*42. SF I 9279. 4 1319

RF.D. 4 Ridge Road. Lockport le-tfc-tJ


DRAW TITE ft. Hftches. Tee Net Trail­ers, Guns—Ammo. Terms or Lay-Awav plan. KEYS MADE. SKEETS ESSO, Wrights Cnrs. 13-t»c— 14a

FULL LINE of new and used shotguns, fie*, handguns. Heodquarters for reload tng supplies, gun powder. Open 'HI 10 and Sundays.

THE CABIN RANGE Lockport 3574 Lkpt-Otcott Rd..

Phone 3 3914 4-24C-140

24 24 Chapel S.T, Ph. 3-2911 1S-26C-1I

FOR SALE - 1954 Dodge Lancer, s.ooo miles; exceptionally clean. Coll 447101 otter 4 F.M. lS-We-n

Lockport Navy Ship t< Mooting held on the Kh monm at US

|un. George Roitnberg C Chart** Sonford Shi

104 Joctawn Street Lockport, N.Y. Telephone LKPT 3-4309

1. t i t , NCUSA 3rd Tuesday of

Street at 1:00



Lockport Grange P. of H.. No. 1242, Meeting the itt ond 3rd Friday ot each monm. Odd Fellows Hon, lie East Av*.

Matter, Horry Kelley Overseer, James London Jr. Lecturer, May Spencer Secretary, Rooert London

Niagara Lodge, No. 374, F&AM, meett at Masonic Temple, corner Main and Cot­tage Streets first and third Monday* Of each month. Visiting Masons welcome.

ROtMrt H. Snell, W. M. Wor. Rooert M. LeVon, Soc'y.

Genet— Comrnandery No. 10 K. meat* first and third Fridoyt of monm at I F.M. at the Masonic Temple, Main and Cottage St.

Charles Raymond, Commander Louis T. Huoer, Recorder

Unity Chpoter, 7M OE^S. me*}* every tacond and fourth Wtdnttooyt ot each month, at S P.M. In Ma*onic Temple, Main and Cottage Stt.

Jewell M. Pynn, Worthy Matron Spencer M. Pynn. Worthy Patron Mrs. Gee. C Cotcoyne, Secy.

Barton Oldsmobile 427 West Av«,

at Michigan PH. 35941



Timkey Cadillac, Inc. 24 w. Genetee. Just Watt of Triwoy

Bridge Phone 3-1749 or 44170


Ames Chapter, No. is, R A M . , meett hi Masonic Temple, Main at Cottage Street, second and fourth Thurtday at S P.M. each monm.

Vltiting. Royal Arch Masons welcome George E. Wilton. H P . Richard Watson, Sec.

Cuban Execution* Defended By Tati

VIENNA. Austria (AP) - The Soviet newB agency TEES Friday defended Cuban leader Fidel Cas­tro against American criticism of his forces' speedy execution of those they Judge as war crim­inals.

The dispatch called the criti­cism in the U.S. Congress of the executions "defamatory sad pro­vocative."

Mullane Motors, Inc. DE SOTO-PLYMOUTH

R I C H M O N D A V E .

HAHN "45" BB SINGLE Action Revolver — Authen­

tic Replica of the West* Famous Peacemaker. A true tingle action pow­ered by Crosman CO? Powerlets. Rips eft I I BB shots at tati at you can fan the hammer.

Regan Sporting Goods 29 Morket Bt. Fti. 34*54

Gas Heating Equipment

SERVICE O N A U MAKES Colt on Flit tor your heoting tit*

F. V. Pils, Inc.


rentals and

through Denton. Cottier E Daniels local 1 Iv*. Vorn Tie*. 4-4*51.

47 H* MALE TOY l»0X t*rrt*r puppy. Sei to

male I M terrier, medium t i t * part cot lie puppies, I I .SB to HO. Andrews 3 4554


old tomato. RETRIEVER-4 months

17 20C—47

S14 Akron Rd. Rhone 4 3700 24-22c— I I




18 Business Service

ELECTROLUX oemort - Frompf frtoodty service on your ELECTROLUX (R) . Cleaner pickup ond delivery. Call 41571 after 5:00 34921

KURT BULMER or writ* 54 Rochester Road. Lockport Authorised Sot** E Service


Heating Oil WITH ADDED Q13 FOR

CLEAN BURNING Loaded with heat tor lower cett


Budget plan If desired Exclusive heating ever 25 yeort


QUALITY HOME SERVICE 11 Richmond Ave. Phone 4-0*4

J-IK-l l

SUDBURY FLEA SCAT FAD. Sir* tot* way to rid pet* ef fleas. Kills them eu tomaflcollv. YOUNG S 41 Buttolo St.

well. 14-ITe—47

ROOM tar working man or woman. Near Parking space far cor.

34422 or 117 Eott Avenue. 1M7C-47

PTiV-ROOM FOR RENT near downtown liege*. Coll 3 9537 or 47*42.


JACQUES R O A D FIVE ACRE lot with swimming pool and

attached potio, thro* Bedroom ranch home ftv* years eld; extra cedar cte* *t . two complete Bath*; utility room; two septic tanks, good wall; utilities end tractor with mower equipment in eluded in asking price of S24.0O9.

3.93T* * BARKER ! 7 - | P Q - * > 1 pALLHTER AVE. - Two ttory heme,

moderniied; partial bam down and three bedroom* and complete bam on tocend fleer; two stairways new wir­ing ond copper plumbing lot well landtcaptd. prtco SIEset. Call Hautmon 3 3*44 for appointment or

WRIGHT'S CORNERS A BRAND NEW two family house thai

the owners most soil beeous* of ill­ness Ftv* spacious rooms In each aoortment. modern Kitchens and both*; hot wafer buiebouid host. IV* aero* land, bom and crook on property A deiighrrui two family heme, on* you would be proud to own. inspection By oppotatmanf. s

Charles Bewley Realty, Inc




CORWiN - near Newtone. You can move right into this coiy 3

decorated living E kitchen. Oak floors, screened tit

porch, attractive setting RoutoiiuBty priced for quick tot*. Newton* SP S-931* after * PM. l4M7p-* i

J4 CHERRY STREET - ranch type thro* bedrooms. Full basement, iv* cor garag* on 7Q-xl53' lot. Laundry chute.kitchen ex­haust tan. Alto* storm windows. Call 4-14B3 for appointment.


FLEASANT WARM tletplng room* tor rent, prtvat* entrance free parking space Men only 31 Pound Street Phone

_S404B. _ ^ 4 2 0 c - 4 7

SUITE OF ROOMS! sitting room, beO ream, private bam, large closet end ttorogt space, cooking, use ot phone Excellent location. Phone 4-4915.


Dan Connolly & Co. Inc.

Lockport — 3-3*11 evening* until I 30



PH. 3 3*07 1422c—11

SPECIAL $ 1 0 9 5 . 0 0 1955 Chev 4 Dr. V* Pow*rgl)d*,

Heater, Washers, Backi. Goad Tire*. Now battery. Traded by original owner


Lockport. N.Y. Open Evening* IMec—11

SEPTIC TANKS Q c t f N E D Inspection. Phont Lkpt

County Septic Tank Green Stamps given.

3-23*5. Servo


M B c - l l

RkCHARD O. DAIGLER Federal E State Tax** Prepared

Accounting Service US N. Adam St. Lockport, N. Y. Ph. 3 2354. 10 o m to 4 p.m.

I H 4 C - 1 I

T . V .


SHARPENING of Air tools, chisels, picks etc. Pipe E tub* bending; *»— — " — c ° 0 specialty; machine work; *ur* boil«r welding; heliarc-arc WVltJIiftQ I pOftBDfff WWa Cran* Service.

GRISWOLD WELDING SERVICI 14 Contor Alley, Lockport

T*l*phon* 3-2144 41 Yeort in The Butines*


United Lodge No. 91, I.O.OF. meets at Odd Fellows Tempi*, 110 Eott Av*. every Tuesday evening, I P.M.

N.G., Edwin Brett V.O. Henry Clost R*c. Secy., Delos Cummlngt Jr. Fin. Soc'y., Edgar Woliobw Treos , Franklin Shaffer Visiting Brothers, Welcome

Unity Chapter, 796 O.E.S. meett every ond fourth Wednesdays of each at I F.M. In Masonic Tempt*. md Cottage Stt.

Violet Homquist, Worthy Matron Leo Taylor, Worthy Patron Mrs. Georg* Gascoyne, Secy

1 In in loving Memory of Angela A. Boron*

. died en* year aga Jan. IBIh, 1951. Loving Memories, nmm d i *

At year* roll on and days pott By In our hearts a memory I* kept

Of on* w* loved and will never forgot Remembered by Mother. Dad Sltt*r and Brother

l *B-1





1950 CHEVROLET-Fair condition, 575.03. SP MS*?. ^ » p - 4 t


$AVE SAVE $ A V E $7 Ford Fairtont 500. Rodio. Hootor, Auto.

Tram. 2 ton* Blue St Rambler 4 Dr. Rodio. H**t*r, Auto.

Trent. 2 Ton* Green 4 Dr. 4 cyl. Radio, Hostor, Ov-

» Bi< •rdrlv*. 2 TOM Blue. 54 Ford VIC H-Top

ffKitlc. Stack it Rodio, Moator, Aut«-

m«tic, •tf ldc & Whl t t .


Open Dotty 7 a m . 1* t P m , Sundays • tun. till 1 p m. till fwrfhor notice


If your machine pair W.



32941 3 30C-U

, BOHLED GAS Mobil-Flom* Oi.trlbufor. Coll

Oiol SEMI.

REPAIRS for any make of w per cent discount on alt tube*. 121 •> in. — two 171n. TV* for sal*

TV set regardless of condltlton or taken In trade. Dutch s Service.

Street, Phone 4 74M

. 2i Ont Any

it 141


32 Help Wanted-F'male OPERATING ROOM

gicai Nurses for an expanding surgical service Full or part tim* Excellent op

iitiet. Ransomvflle General Hotel Y. Phone Sy. 14211.


ArHcles For Solo

73 Want'd - R'm or Board * * Houses For Sale

TV Sorvtc* Colt* B o y s - Niohtt -

Jim Hoy** TV E Appliance*

All City Collt SS.SS Flut Fort* St-tJc-51

NOTICE MOW IS fh* t im* to yaur furnoe*

WANTED — room and board In country tot elderly man. Phont 4-0007 or 39270.

1$-I7c—73 BEST OFFER

COT with 2*4' frontage next to 'railroad aiding, suifoott tor many uses, such at.

_ . _, _ wm»h*us*, *t*r» and warehou**. bowl 7 4 Apartment For Rent ** otioy*. tank 2 cor gasoline station.

used car let, lumber and building tup ply yard ond many mar*. Low assess



IS* ELM STREET 4 BEDROOM HOME, plenty closet tpt

2 car garage, lorg* drive. Full sli* cel­lar wtm lavatory. Ham* now ranted, very good income Interior In excellent condition. Outside need* painting. Rea tenable offer accepted, inquire 127 Main St. or 139 Elm St. or Phone

9c—§4 4 3213 l-19c—I

flltort for btttor hxWtlftfl-' COMPLETE STOCK

Crose & Leary

NEW MODERN 1 bedroom opartment. Privet* entrance, all utilities Waterman St. Phone 3 4224.

1 J-tOe—74

FOR RENT, unfurnished apartment 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living room t, bath S45 per monm. utilities extra Can 312*9 17C-74

l ist

54 Market St. * f »

portunM mi, N .

W. H

S - 2 2 C - H

WHY WAITT Inttell that ntedtd heating (ystom now. For eoinomlcot—comtort-obie hoot with worm air or hot water Fro* estimates, call Wilson *Q05


HOUSEWIVES - Be debt free! Turn •par* hours into cash. Hour* of own choice. Mr*. T. overage* *1 41 per hour. Ho experience needed. Phono N. F. BU­TLER 54*43 or writ* Box 97 e-o Union Sun E Journal. 17-2QC—»

WHY WORRY about money? A few hours a day spent in friendly conversation til­ling Avon will provide a good tatstn* for you. Writ* or phono. Lucille £ French, 177 High Street, Avon. Htw York, Lockport, 3 724J

1 4 1 * e - «

Special Sale! Kitchen Equipment - Top Ouollty 140 75

Boo* ctMnot, whit* with formica top < only BM.N m.* BOM cabinet, whit* wtm Hnoitum top 1 Only S42.3* Complete M " B O M ond wait coothot with red formica top. Rag. *•>*. roducsd to

BUS. 1 only.


Phone 4 1533 24-22C—SI

AT LEAST $ 2 5 movie

54 BUICK SPECIAL. I S d f hardtop, Ro-actual

WW 7 P.M.

13 10c—11




SUNDAY 5 3 0 P. M. CH ANNl l 7


19S2 HUDSON MX - 4 door. H^T^r SP

1 7 2 0 O - I 1




E Service Fh, J47M 14.2BC-U





FERRY ELECTRIC CO « Prospect-4-21*2 Open Eves

27 22c—II

WANTED — Woman t* car* for tchool oge child, afternoons 3 30 to | 30 . Vi­cinity John Found tchool. Call 47411 anytime. 14-t9p—32

W A N T E D reliable woman to Booy lit dovt. wtm 1 year old eMtd while mother work*. Phone 4 7074 offer StSt PJM,


AUTOMATIC WASHERS paired. Speclatit* en Whirlpool Guaranteed Net,

re-Kenmar* and

service. Call 3 1424c—II

UFHOLSTFRY CLEANED. Modern dry toom detetuont shampoo and suction niH9t*d, Safe, odortett. lost drying. Sot Hlactton, Oonatd Cameron *<mi


BE SAFE - caller wollt Rex woter-BjfOOf pointed Rough fionn scourod Odnwoyt bum and repaired year round CASAUA. 44777.



Fainxttt* Buick Co.. 3 5*55. 54-27©- I I

33 Help Wanted - Male

Allowance tar your era toward* the new

DE JUR ELECTRA Three lens turret. Fully automatic I

$149.50 f 1. I l*n*

EAST AVINUE - Three rooms and Automatic gat heat. ISO perl

299 CHURCH STREET - Upper two-bed room apartment. MO per month

217 HIGH STREET — Medern deluxe two bedroom apartment SIB) per month plus utilities.

MAIN STREET - Three room apartment ebov* 30 West Main. S4t per monm. Cell1



Strauss Realty 4 3J27

1 $112. 4 7091, 4-1973. 3 32*9 SF 44713. SP S4SS4

Mlddltport RE 5 9239, RE 54471 1419c—S4

SEVEN DELUXE first clost porlmonts. perfect control location, atwovs ranted. Renti of about 54,100 par year test ex-pen*** at 52,500 brings S3,500 ci**\r. This Income property it In top condi­tion ond It a real volu* Ot 533,500

REMICK REALTY 24911, 4 3441. 4444*. 44*23 '

1 7 - 2 * 0 - 0 *

113 SOUTH S T R E E T - « livng room, dmii room, dining roor

hoat, alt first ctatt

LARGE thra* room wtm bom. All utilities included S2B per

Coll Mlddtopert PJ S-7231. lUTe—74

UPPER ftv* foamt and both, newty dee •rated Phone 24224 I 3 2 4 C - 7 4

Upper furnished opartment, 2 IDOI IH -Both, (org* ciotttt. Colt 3 1213 Offer 4 P.M.


Jay's Camera Shop St Mom St.


a ^ m- *Q • * J i * l * * t * * i . « l 4 e BT^^h^ A 4 U S l i J e i e ^kd SajT VwrfeHTiOntrsej WW*!* I le>0 wntmywm ew your water. Call 3*707 FERGUSON OIL B SUPPLY CO . Lockport Y*V OOHT HAVS TO BUY IT TO TRY IT.

tmmm_m__mm_mmi___^ 2-200-41 MAN'S NEW OVERCOAT, I I I * 2441; m-

tfclet *f turnitur* and mitcatiew—ui.


End with 1950 WITH hi the

Oeotershtpi in vartited WATKtNS PRODUCTS or* Hilt available in New York No M.attnittlt. Repeat business Writ* or wir* Otpt. J. 74 B. Robinson Av*., BoroOrton. OWe for personal Interview with our local

representative ITp-33

SALESMAN - Our Inif to * * j o t * a*_to> tionoMy oavOf'tim^OQ IXFT'IO 'rw|*ir©vajHWri' produr*t roqufrot ttotart w * OKM A AMR to ouf tolsn Hrrco F»r#v*i>Mt %4Xtl«o OwpOflttrrro htlpfuti. birt H*tt fWelsfillOt,

OB *• wui ggggg»y torntjm mm

and bonus**, cor essential, morrled. Ntogara FotH-BU 5*570. Mr Srhytt*

S 1717C-31

EXPERIENCfO MECHANIC OJtpEPJ -familiar with pttwer unit* Oh Chrysler prodwett - mcontiv* pton - good wtrh-ing conditions — Inturanc* pragrom —• po'd vocation end notiaoys see imr. Frltt, Sorvtc* menogtr at HHltn Mo> t o r i , I v PeXal AvorrMO-



will do

Ctgfat— Us#Me«*A«l

ait no nanigu *

• a m ]\ ' . ' " S i a

•F'lo 1MB or

N y - Sea. • -r t4n' ajaaap*SE3SB|

• E I B R T m e n cad

AeWeO. \JWrT)f- F f W * *



WlnllTlUnL Complete Chick Starter




|FN * ^-V— * Lev* . 4 . . . M tT JVxP B a w ' * * 1 * • * a P ^ / , ^ d " • ^ d "


322 NIAGARA ST. PHONE 4-1244

l t - I Tp - l l

LIHE f CO0ln<t Ifdrdwor* A l l FWaaVeeV SlrCR A j Chffpfrt*). COfapOr

i i na 1 t i -nri I ** 1 M i t a t i ^ i m iTVifERswTBJ i f l P S r t l l B V S

ttyioi, (V • ' • c k AvtjiNSoie) 'n

W*> tjlVV 9 R I *ef*M*Me<TV I f t

Grimble's Hardware WB MAKE KEYS

W-tt) W. MAIN ST. PH. 4179*


$4 1'nott A Office Eq'nt LOCKPORT OFPlCfl '

BOUIPMENT it Typawrttor* and *xEMIf*ai jtArif h'fiee

F9t M t o t

LOWER unfurnlihed oportment for rant. Avoiiobi* Fob. 1st, now PIOIO Phone 42IB2. 1719P-74

ATTRACTIVE I room furntthed oporT ment. Well equipped with heat, light loundry and Other faclht iM Garage

•1*c—74 14-14c-

T H R E F R O O M furnished oportmenf with Beraa* and ott utiini*s m m* eott **t Men, oduitt preferred- Phone 242*4

1H7e— 74

M O D F R N TWO bedroom upper OPS'* very clean You

appreciate it. Phe 14-27c— 74

have to tee it to

UPPER UNFURNISHED S rtment, oduitt

Available Feb, ut

room, t Bod-

pteasont fctfl n#t!u dltlon.


3-5122 14-I4C-44

up. new BURT

won bum home - 2 Bedrooms n*MtiVW Syltorri o n d not wat*|r terge let. Goof buy at 17,100.

James C DeLange Agency



THIS I ROOM HOME on Oenese* Street, mutt be told to dee* an estate, NO* modern, hut a sturdy oid*r home for e large family. High dry basement, ott fired hoot, immediate possession.

R. Washburn Realty 21 LohrmoMt B'dg Ph. 4 3434

FACING Outwoter_Perfc — three bed-room, one-floor plan home House Is in process et being completely redecorw hid 59 wo


Paul Reynolds Realty

20 W. Main Si at Transit Dial 3-3*11 Day or Night


After S P M Coll SF 49*21 l M l e - 4 4

BEAUTIFUL two South Sid* Owner moving out ef town.

BURNS REALTY Day* - Leckpert S4BM Eve*. George Anna 4-1457 Eugene P. Brady 44727

Bd Homm S4S27 1419C-I4

preferred IBM. 13-24C-74

UPPER THREE ROOMS, lot Ntooore Street Electric ItOVO, refrigerator, tiled bath, hardwood fiaert. Aduftt ptotorred References Oar***. 4 0401


A PROMOTION MEANS THS CoofrOy, o n i w t n f town*

*>*> thoJ-" vory cJvintiiftQ ho*t>*t a* 30*1 High Street it for tot*. This tstn* room home hos tparkling new kth d l l -n rWOSTTef f * OCIR*>1#0 OoJR» f » V #

V 3 botttt^ I t i r w t ' foplato*-BlaKOferiion In txcot^tnt taitej-TOftOr* 9tQ>n9- *


FOUR ROOMS and both upper apartment All uflllflt*. private entronc*. Phone 4-7142. I H T c - 7 4

MODERN APARTMENT attached patio, far a cauate, B*t Con 4 3550

IS 17c—74

THREE 4 FOUR utilities furnished.


room upwlintnll.


IT. equipped


productive completely acre tarns. Large I

three tt*ry Born; thro* rang* shelters 'Ooat'Oo •"Onel

41724, 3 5503, SP 4 *4 *3 I 4 C - 4 2 —



Charles Bewley Realty, Inc




Must Be Sold

LOWER tour room epartmanf. partly fur nitfwd High StrooT taction Cat 3J2tt 9 » 10 10 A M . OT 15 10 P M

IIStQ 74

VERY PLEASANT I roam* E"bam. South Oil utilities 990 HOWARD J.

s-rnr 14-JBC-74


21 Lerutt Street

Heuseheld Oeodi



p^RpraV w^OiO) TlpTyOeje^e ^ r ' ^ p ' i o / n s , ^BYterl BW#~

* ^ l H e w BRBer" BHOT BB> T*BaB9e«FaW^ PKBJ^Pl rooj*.

BUMS aga* tmm. B 1 taeasxlajdh^b^ad a . a^dwheodi^ laVl**xaMB>. ^ SBskxax* * ——

U f t t S new tteapl * o | « S « S e a V B B ease SOS

*et*. Year eh*



or r.t.red 475 1

44*11 'i^ARTMEHf ""for'

Btt*x*Mwai*E4a aw*«r«aY*a>,^pon

1 H 7 C - 7 4

U P P E R " ^ p atdBBi fehj^aat ik^p*a*4aS*a3Ba* tSSoA aB

earosP BFWWIV •^BEW' T^pTiw i*4*a»> aapa* BE Adult* preferred. Coll 4 7740

1 4 I 9 P - 7 4 A V A . L A B L E NOW -

rant S7S. . AB trtRha M

AOuit* prefer-** Ce«t 4 1417 U T J c - M

77 Houses For Rent

PAUL R* YNOLD3 R* At ESTAT1 14111 Dor or Night

7 1 OtWiti irVfcent

mm jff&H tB Pi *

TO SBTTLt ESTATE 777 Wothhum Street

TWO APARTMENT HOME, if sold by owner, III,500. Thl* hem* mutt be teen •x* has — -— - ' — * - -* • * — -* 4 *- akdl •• -TO OO OfpfFrB'C'O'OOt WBtJOalrri / S4faro*!rrn •fMrtnBOftt 4aw*>tN)iir) 4> 5 rootri fitpof* WrtMrl UlWtwtfi, H*W%t*|Bf y s t f PeHptrel. I <&*

J. J. Marotta Realty Otcott L'

S 4 S00 7 BR Cettoge. 2 BR Cottaoa,

Front 2 BR Cottage. Franktm St.. Oicott 4.900 2 BR Elm Court 3 S * Mill V , Mlddlepert 3 BR Washburn St 3 BR Outwotor Drive 2 Family 3 BR to op'f 140

Gordon St. 4 ER Chapman Rd , Horttond I BR Gotport Rd 3 BR Wilson 3 8R f High St.

GASFORT SPrm* J 3100 *r ! 4 Family Green $! LOCKPORT 4-1424 1 BR Expandable ethc. Chettnut

tTc-44! Rido* 1 BR Expand. Attic Otcott

4 ! 3.300 4 500 4.9*4 7.541

7oS HVJB0 to. 5*4 14OJ0 11,*4»

11*44 1

EAST SEaiON THRBI YEAR OLD thra* bedroom ranch.

ws? expense etwee) as

2 Famtty, Jthtiten Crook. S) Acret


WON to

SOUTH SEaiON Met o " e-l


) BR Transit 1 Famtty 1 Family, 2 BR Barker 3 911 ronch. I^oirviow 4 BR MBtTRRttMnk % BR ranch. Chailathwlllg



« *2aBaaB*kSx*a* WSBoxfe OCaoEolO

1 Fg*triirY • BfaE, *M> flw*. n V

3 BR ranch. East end ' • S U B — - — * - •«». . , 1 — 11 1 ' • w • * * rvBCis V I HI *w»«flmif»o|



Charles H. Wood 1 "• « St^ Ot -- -|i__ S tafia



J. J. Marotta Realty

HrESTxffcf' FIVE REHTAV»*»haajr»S* l4B|oryoar

astaws* wad hMaBtdt* kaure tott ot-

Realty, Inc #' • A

i 1

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
