Uranian-Institute.org-Transneptunian Points Transneptunian Factors Keywords of the Uranian Points Amp Planets Ruth Brumm

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  • 7/27/2019 Uranian-Institute.org-Transneptunian Points Transneptunian Factors Keywords of the Uranian Points Amp Planets R


    uranian-institute.org http://www.uranian-institute.org/rbplanet.htm

    Transneptunian Points : Transneptunian Factors : Keywords

    of the Uranian Points & Planets : Ruth Brummund :

    Transneptunians: Transneptunian Planets : Uranian Planets :

    Hamburg School: Brummund Rulebook: Regelwerk-Neufassung: Revised Rulebook


    PSYCHOLOGICAL, GENERAL MANIFESTATION, and MEDICAL/CHEMICAL correspondences[Note: theEnglish translation includes s ignif icant additions, modif ications, and updates made since the German 2nd

    Edition o f 1990.]

    AR : Ariespoint:

    MANIFESTATIONS :: Situat ions out among the world - Out in the public world - Imperso nalconditions - Situations out in the open - Earthly matters in general - T he world in general -Ref erence point f or t he zodiac -

    MC : Midheaven : PSY: Personal consciousness -MANIFESTATIONS: One's spirit - One's psyche - One's Ego - That which is "me" or "mine" -The individual - Inner character - Inner nature - Life goals o r aspirations - The conscious mind- The moment - The minute - T he inner character o f a city [in locational astrology] -

    AS : Ascendant :

    MANIFESTATIONS: The immediate environs - One's complements - Others - Partners -Companions - Colleagues - Associates; Interactions - Relationships - Contacts -

    Acquaintances - Personal interact ions - Surroundings - The place - The locality -

    SU : Sun : PSY: energetic - indef atigable - able-bodied - s tro ng - achievement-oriented - --forcefulMANIFESTATIONS: Archetypal Man - Humanity - Person - Being - Physical body - Physicalmanif estation - Vitality - Material substance - The day - T he year -MED/CHEM: Vitality - The heart - The living cell - T he element Go ld [Au] -

    MO : Moon :

    PSY: st rong anima - warm-hearted - cordial - nurturing - caring - kind - accommodating -affectionate - emotional --- moody

    MANIFESTATIONS : Archetypal Woman - Personal temperament or disposit ion - The

    emot ional realm - One's inner nature - The populace - The public itself - The hour -MED/CHEM: The brain - Body f luids - Secretions - The element Silver [Ag] -

    NO : Lunar Node :

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    MANIFESTATIONS : Connections - Relationships - Contacts - Links - Encounters -Touching - Couplings - Unions, Alliances - Common bonds - Togetherness - Personalrelations - Bonding -MED/CHEM: The navel - Body joints

    ME : Mercury : PSY: agile - aware - able to reason - entertaining - has business acumen -- -inconstant - nervous -MANIFESTATIONS : The intellect - Thinking - Ideas - Language - Mental perception - Mimicry -

    Intellect - Verbal manifestat ions - News - Youth - Mobility - MercantilismMED/CHEM: The nerves - The element Mercury [Hg] -

    VE : Venus : PSY: st rong anima - alluring - congenial - charming - even-tempered -sentimental - tranquil - f riendly --- vain - hedonistic - takes for granted -MANIFESTATIONS : Love - Attraction - Congeniality - Goo dwill - Sympathy - Gif ts - Harmony -Cordiality - Feeling - Balance - Att raction - Charm - Pleasure - Anticipation - Desires -Satisf action - Proclivity - Comf orts - Beauty - Taste - ArtMED/CHEM: Glands - Veins - Sugar - The element Copper [Cu] -

    MA : Mars : PSY: st rong-willed - ready f or action - assert ive - industrious --- needs self -control - inconsiderate -MANIFESTATIONS : Work - Daily activit ies - Actions - Workmanship - Decision - Impulse -Willpower - Energy - Struggle - Archetypal masculinity - Animus - Kinetic energyMED/CHEM: Inf lammatory, sharp, piercing, or cutt ing pains - The element Iron [Fe]

    JU : Jupiter :

    PSY: even-tempered - optimistic - agreeable - f riendly - f rank - candid - f air - tactf ul -experienced at handling money --- calculating - materialistic -

    MANIFESTATIONS : Good luck - Success - Income - Money - Value - Capital -Possessions - Wealth - Satisf action - Happiness - Goodwill - Ass istance - Rules - Legalities- Justice - Positive energy - Abundance - Expansion -MED/CHEM: The liver - T he lungs - The element Tin [Sn] -

    SA : Saturn : PSY: serious - self -restrained - persist ent - socially withdrawn - retrospective -interested in history - responsible - distant - -- inhibited - dif f icult t o reach - restricted -MANIFESTATIONS : Persistence - Consolidation - Concentration - The past - Guardian onthe threshold - Maturity - Rest raint - Solitude - Boundaries - Solid or dense matter - Tangiblesubstances - Containers - Heaviness - Gravity - Pragmatism - The Concrete - -- Problems -

    Alienation - Separat ion - Barriers - Delays - Resis tance or obstacles - Limitat ions -Encumbrances -

    MED/CHEM: Bones - Teeth - Heavy or high-pressure pains - Hardening - The element Lead[Pb] -

    UR : Uranus : PSY: spontaneously intuitive - original - unpredictable - spontaneous - -- easilyupset - s tressf ul - unsettled - non-committal - spasmodic -MANIFESTATIONS : Events - Occurrences - Surprises - Adventures - Spontaneous intuit ion -Impulse - Suddenness - The unexpected - Spontaneity - Eccentricity - Progress - Reforms -Technology - Mathematics - Natural energies - Electricity - -- Nervousness - Tension -Rest lessness - Recklessness -MED/CHEM: Pulling or acute pains -

    NE : Nept une :

    PSY : empathically intuit ive - highly imaginative - visionary - of ten unseen -- - vulnerable -easily swayed - deceiving - MANIFESTATIONS : Empathic intuit ions - Premonit ions -Privacy - Imagination - Suspense - Sacrifices - The unf amiliar - T he obscure - T he future -Liquid or gaseous substances - Non-physical phenomena - Mysticism - Amorphoussubstances - Abstractions - Dissolutions - The unconscious - -- Vagueness; Ambiguity -

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    Weakening - Uncertainty - Disillusionment - Conf usion - Forf eiture - Denial - Deceit -MED/CHEM: Insidious pains - Water [H2O] -

    PL : Pluto :

    PSY : adapts readily - skilled at developing - capable at convert ing or transforming - inclinedto change - seeks exchanges --- compulsive about changes - abuses trust if unevolved -subject to reversals -

    MANIFESTATIONS : Alterations - Changes - Conversions - Adjustments - Reorganization- Renewal - Exchanges - Interchanges - The new - The current - Developments -Improvements - Evolution - Transitions - Metamorphoses --- Upheavals - Reversals -

    CU : Cupido : PSY : involved with others - people-oriented -companionable - enjoys contact- sociable - entertaining - public-spirited - group-oriented -- clannish -

    MANIFESTATIONS : Marriage - Family - Togetherness - Pairs - Contacts - Relationships -Communities - Societies - Groups - Participants - Companies - Corporat ions - Parties -

    Associations - Gatherings - Synthes is - Complete Units - Organs - Symbiosis - Arts ---Cliques -

    HA : Hades :

    PSY: private - concealed or hidden - retro spective - interested in histo ry - interested in theunfamiliar - interested in non-solid or non-physical factors - seriously concerned - needsattention to details - needs timing --- neglectf ul - negative - s tuck in the past -misunderstood - passive - evasive - envious - unreliable - needs to f orgive - abuses t rust ifunevolved - may need help - MANIFESTATIONS : The concealed or hidden - Theunfamiliar - Non-so lid or non-physical f actors - The past - The old - Dealings with def ects ordef iciencies - Frugality - Sacrifices - Serious concern - Health issues - Humility - Commonmatters - Dealings with dirt - By-products - - Secrecy - Discomfort - Damages - Def iciencies -Worry - Grief - Hazards - Illness - Trouble - T he crude - Vulgarity - Negativity - Neglect -Discrimination -

    ZE : Zeus : PSY: spontaneous - lives in the moment - purposef ul - energetic - resolute -industrious - persuasive - -- inconsiderate

    MANIFESTATIONS : Creation - Production - Work - Creativity - Goal - Direction - Beginning -The exact current moment - Immediacy - Procreation - Technology - Fire - Targeting --Compulsive acts -

    KR : Kronos : PSY: self -reliant - secure - prominent --- pretentious - arrogant - conceited -

    MANIFESTATIONS : Prest ige - Authority - Leadership - Management - Mastery - Prominence -Pre-eminence - Importance - Excellence - Signif icance - Heightening - Notability - Height -Ruling bodies - Of f icial matters - The state - Self -reliance, independence - Self -conf idence -

    Ascendancy - Superlat ive -

    AP : Apollon :

    PSY: broad - liberal - experienced - highly perceptive - eager to learn - versatile - peaceable -f reedom-loving - even-tempered - scho larly --- scat tered - MANIFESTATIONS : Success -Increase - Increment - Concord - Peace - Augmentation - Gain - Experience - Repute -Renown - Freedom - Distant places - Breadth - Expanse - Extensiveness - Much - More -Quantity - Liberalism -- - Excess

    AD : Admetos : PSY: steady, staunch - persistent - f ocused - deep - self -disciplined -

    retrospective - interested in history - -- inhibited - restricted - stuck in the past -

    MANIFESTATIONS : Persistence - Concentration, Focus - Compression - Consolidation -Dense material - Tangible substances - The concrete - The past - Rest raint - Iso lation -Separation - Endings - Rupture - Abiogenesis - Earth - Raw materials - Old age -- -

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    Resistance - Inhibition - Shrinkage - Obstructions - Ruptures - Standstills -

    VU : Vulkanus :

    PSY: energetic - powerful - inf luential - persuasive - in contro l -- - overbearing -presumptuous - MANIFESTATIONS : Strength - Inf luence - Sway - Power - Excellence -Pure energy - Work -Productivity - Grandeur - Intensif ication - Contro l - Predominance -- -Force or coercion -

    PO : Poseidon : PSY: intuitive - spirit- conscious - idealistic - knowledgeable - insightf ul -genuine - open - understands theory - mentally resourceful - thinks clearly --- doctrinaire -

    MANIFESTATIONS : Spirit - Reason - Understanding - Wisdom - Prudence - Intuit ion -Knowledge - Clarity - Truth - Openness - Insight - Trust - High-mindedness - Honesty - Ideas- Concepts - Culture - Intangible phenomena - Ideology -

    The only software program legally authorized to include the interpretive text of the BrummundRulebook is the 'Special Uranian' astrology program by Aureas Software of Paris, developed in

    cooperation with Ruth Brummund and Blake Finley (Click here for further information.)


    [ed.: As evidenced also in a number of other authoritative astrological dictionaries and references, certainkeywords repeat, implying that there is NOT necessarily an exact one-to- one correspondence between a

    given idea and a single planet. This implies that planets do not exclusively "rule" concepts and objects,but that there are varying degrees o f af f inity and synchronicity among them. Overlapping or shared

    concepts are listed here.]

    AR, MO : Public matt ers.

    AS, NO, CU

    : Contacts, Relationships, Community, Togetherness.

    SO, MA : Archetypal Man, Activity.

    MO, VE : Archetypal Woman, Feelings.

    ME, PO : Ideas, Concepts, Thinking.

    VE, CU : Art.

    VE, AP

    : Harmony, Peace, Evenness of temperament.

    MA, ZE, VU

    :Activity, Occupation, Work, Prof ess ion, Energy.

    JU, AP

    : Success, Earnings, Prof it, Expansion.

    SA, HA, AD : The past, Histo ry.

    SA, AD

    : Consolidation, Concentration, Perseverance, Resistance, Stamina, Inhibitions, Restraint,Dif f iculties, Cold, Dense material, Tangible substances, T he concrete.

    UR, NE : The f uture.

    UR, NE, PO : Intuit ion

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    NE, HA

    : Privacy, Secrecy, Mystery, The unrecognized, Metaphysics, Losses .

    NE, HA, PO

    : Intangible phenomena, Abstractions.

    PL, ZE

    : The current time, This moment.

    PL, AP : Growth, expansion.

    HA, AD

    : Decrease due to shortage (HA) or shrinkage (AD).

    KR, AP, AD, VU

    : Increase of height (KR), quantity (AP), density (AD) , or volume (VU).