56. Jg., Heft 6, 1969 Kurze Originalmitteilungen 33 f No addiction to I was found in tests in monkeys. The anaIgesic activity of I is greatly dependent on chemical structure, since the amide of I is t0 times, and 4-allyloxyphenylacetic acid is 2.5 times, less active in the Siegmund test. Antipyrelic activity was tested in rabbits rendered hyper- thermic by an intravenous injection of antigonococeal vac- cine according to a modified technique of BAKER et al. [6]; compound I, at a dose of 200 mg/kg, was 4 to 5 times more active than aspirin, and compound II, at 50 mg/kg, com- pletely inhibited the effect of the pyrogen. In normal rabbits, the antipyretic dose levels of I and II do not induce hypo- thermia. Anti-inflammatory activity was determined in adjuvant- induced polyarthritis of the rat [7], using male Wistar rats (20 for each experiment) weighing 300--350 g, treated daily from the 1st to 2tst day following the intradermal injection of the adjuvant. Table 2 shows I and II to be at least as effective as phenylbutazone (III). Table 2. Anti-in/lammatory activity in ad/uvant-induced poly- arthritis o/therat Treatment Dose Score ~ on day 21 Incidence mg/kg/day mean • SE on day 21 oral: Controls -- 6.41 -4- t . 5 3 12/t7 I 25 0.94 ~ =~ 0.40 6/t 8 b I 100 0.93 o i 0.40 5/15 b II1 25 3.00 c ~ t. 13 8/15 Ill t00 0.83 ~ =~ 0.34 6/t2 subcutaneous : Controls -- 6.30 -t- 1.15 18/20 11 25 2.t0 o =~ 0.55 11/20 b II t00 1.40 c ~ 0.66 6/20 d III 25 2.40 e • 0.7O 12/20 b III 100 t.35 ~ • 0.42 9/20 ~ Scoring system according to GLENN for estimating the importance of arthritis; scores range from 0 to 4 according to the severity of the lesions in each paw; maximum score for one rat is thus t6. b-d Significantly different from the controls at the threshold zr = 0.05 (b); a=0.0t (c); ~ = 0.00t (a). In view of their very low degree of toxicity, especia!1y in non-rodent species like dogs and monkeys (daily doses up to I g/kg are perfectly tolerated by the monkey in 3-month toxicity studies), I and II were submitted to clinical double- blind trials. In 55 patients, a comparison of the analgesic activity of I (500 mg oral), codeine (30 mg oral), and a placebo showed that both drugs are significantly superior to the placebo (P < 0.05) and that I is more effective than codeine at the dose adopted. In osteoarthritis, a trial on 30 patients treated during two 7-day periods showed that 500 mg t.i.d. orally of I have the same therapeutic efficacy as phenyl- butazone at 100 mg t.i.d, orally, with fewer side effects for the former. Lastly, a comparison of the analgesic effect of II at 500 mg i.m,, phenylbutazone at 560 mg i.m., and placebo i.m. in 30 patients showed that the two drugs give equivalent pain relief and are significantly different from the placebo. Antipyretic activity of I and II has been ascertained in fever of various aetiologies in 14 patients; marked decreases of temperature were observed in all cases. Received February 27, 1969 [l] Bun-Hog, N. P., et al.: Nature 211, 752 (1966); Bnu-Ho L N. P., C. GILLET and G. LAMBELIN, Belgian Patent No 704.368 (27.9. 1967). -- [2] SI~GMUND, E., et al.: Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. N. Y. 95, 729 (t957); -- [3] KOSTER, R., etal.: Fed. Proc. 18, 412 (i959). -- [4~ EDDY, N. B., and O. LEIMBACH: J. Pharmacol. exp. Ther. 107, 385 (t953). -- [5] RANDALL, L. O., and J. J. SELITTO: Arch. int. Pharmaeodyn. 11~, 409 (1957). -- [6] BAXER, J. A., et al.: J. Pharm. Pharmacol. ls, Suppl. 97 T (t963).- [7] GLENN, E, M., and J. GRAY:Am. J. Vet. Res. 26, 1180 (1965); GLENN, E. M. : ibid. 27, 339 (t966). Verz6gerte AbstoBung von Hauttransplantaten nach Injektion von Thoriumdioxyd bet Miiusen H. lXlOLTENIUS, S. TAN und I. KNAUF Pathologisches Institut der Universit~t Freiburg Thoriumdioxyd ist ein ~-, fl- und 7-Strahler. Seine Halb- wertszeit betritgt 1,35"t0 l~ Jahre. Es wird nach intraven6ser Injektion in den Zellen des IRES gespeichert und nicht wieder ausgeschieden. Beim Mensehen verursacht es SchSdigungen, darunter eine Zerst6rung des lymphatischen Gewebes. Ob- dukfionsbefunde zeigen jedoch immer wieder, dab diese Kranken nicht an interkurrenten Infektionen sterben. Es wurde daher nntersucht, ob Thoriumdioxyd zu einer ver- z6gerten Abstol3ung yon Hauttransplantaten angewendet werden kann, ohne dab dabei die Versuchstiere an Infektionen sterben. 32 ingezfichtete weibliche und m$Imliche CBA-Miiuse, 8 his 10 Wochen alt, erhielten 24 h nor der Transplantation yon zwei Hautstflcken, 0,8 his I cm 2, yon ingeztichteten weib- lichen C 57 bl-Spendern 0,2 ml Thorotrast intraven6s. Fiir jedes Versuchstier wurde eine unbehandelte Maus als Non- trolle verwendet. Bet allen Tieren wurde die AbstoBungszeit der Hauttrans- plantate vom 7. Tag bet den Kontrollen auf den t 1. Tag bet den Versuchstieren verz6gert. Dos Ergebnis wurde an vier Versuchsgruppen zu vier Zeiten reproduziert. Wir haben kein Tier durch Intoxikation oder Infektion verloren. Eingegangen am l t. April t969 Membrane Potential Measurements on Fertilized Fucus Eggs F. W. BENTRUP Institut far Biologic der Universit/it Tflbingen The electric potential difference across the plasmalemma (membrane potential) of embryonic animal ceils has been measured hitherto in only few instances (cf. [t]), that of embryonic, i.e. non-vacuolated, plant cells in apparently none. This communication presents evidence for this potential di//erence (P. D.) on fertilized eggs of the marine brown alga Fucus. Fig. I shows that upon fertilization the Fucus egg develops a steadily rising P.D., the cytoplasm becoming eIectronegative. At about 14 h after fertilization a stationary level of around -- 78 mV is reached to be maintained during the following 8 h, while the egg is undergoing differentiation and eventually cleaving into a thallus and a rhizoid cell. This study which is going to extend to embryonic cells of other lower plants, is to hetp analyze, firstly, electric pheno- mena associated with the development of these cells [2, 3J. The knowledge of the membrane potential proved to be necessary, for instance, to treat quantitatively the Fucus egg's morphogenetic response to transeellular electrochemical gradients [3, 4]. SecondIy, such potential measurements 0 -20 ~ -40 c3 -60 -~0 -,,f, o~ oo I I [ 0 2 4 6 I 8 %:. " ":'.':.2"'.'" [ ~ I [ I I I 10 ?2 14 76 18 20 22 HOUR5 AFTER FERT/L/SAT/ON Fig. 1. Electric potential differences (P. D.) across the plasma- lemma of Fucus serratus eggs, measured at different times after fertilization. Each dot reflects the P. D. of a single egg, recorded for a time varying between 10rain and I h. Technique: Intra- and extracellularly operating glass capillaries connect via Ag/AgC1- electrodes to a Keithley 610 C Electrometer (1014 a input resistance) to feed a pen recorder. The hltracellular capillary (0.5--0.9 v tip diameter) was inserted into the egg ( m 70 a diameter) by means of a Leitz micromanipulator. The egg-bearing chamber was kept at (18• 1) ~ by thermostating the microscope stage. The eggs' P. D. was measured ill artificial sea water of pH 7.9

Verzögerte Abstoßung von Hauttransplantaten nach Injektion von Thoriumdioxyd bei Mäusen

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Page 1: Verzögerte Abstoßung von Hauttransplantaten nach Injektion von Thoriumdioxyd bei Mäusen

56. Jg., Heft 6, 1969 Kurze Or ig ina lmi t t e i lungen 33 f

No addic t ion to I was found in t e s t s in monkeys . T h e anaIgesic ac t iv i ty of I is g rea t ly d e p e n d e n t on chemical s t ruc tu re , s ince t he amide of I is t0 t imes , a n d 4-a l ly loxyphenylace t ic acid is 2.5 t imes , less ac t ive in t he S i e g m u n d test .

Antipyrelic activity was t e s ted in r abb i t s rendered hype r - t h e r m i c b y an i n t r a v e n o u s in ject ion of an t igonococeal vac- cine accord ing to a modif ied t e chn i que of BAKER et al. [6]; c o m p o u n d I, a t a dose of 200 mg/kg , was 4 to 5 t imes more act ive t h a n aspir in, a n d c o m p o u n d II , a t 50 mg/kg , com- ple te ly inh ib i ted t h e effect of t he pyrogen . I n n o r m a l rabbi t s , t h e an t ipy re t i c dose levels of I and I I do no t induce hypo- t he rmia .

Anti-inflammatory activity was d e t e r m i n e d in a d j u v a n t - induced po lya r th r i t i s of t h e r a t [7], u s ing male W i s t a r ra t s (20 for each exper imen t ) weighing 300- -350 g, t r ea t ed da i ly f rom t h e 1st to 2 t s t d a y following t he i n t r a d e r m a l in ject ion of t he a d j u v a n t . Tab le 2 shows I and I I to be a t leas t as effect ive as p h e n y l b u t a z o n e (III) .

Table 2. Anti-in/lammatory activity in ad/uvant-induced poly- arthritis o/therat

T r e a t m e n t Dose Score ~ on day 21 Inc idence m g / k g / d a y m e a n • SE on day 21

oral: Controls - - 6.41 -4- t .53 12/ t7 I 25 0.94 ~ =~ 0.40 6/t 8 b I 100 0.93 o i 0.40 5/15 b II1 25 3.00 c ~ t. 13 8/15 I l l t00 0.83 ~ =~ 0.34 6 / t2

subcutaneous : Controls - - 6.30 -t- 1.15 18/20 11 25 2 . t0 o =~ 0.55 11/20 b I I t00 1.40 c ~ 0.66 6/20 d I I I 25 2.40 e • 0.7O 12/20 b I I I 100 t.35 ~ • 0.42 9/20 ~

Scoring s y s t e m accord ing to GLENN for e s t i ma t i ng t he impor t ance of a r thr i t i s ; scores range f rom 0 to 4 according to the sever i ty of t he lesions in each paw; m a x i m u m score for one ra t is t h u s t6. b-d Signif icant ly d i f ferent f rom t h e cont ro ls a t t h e t h r e sho ld zr = 0.05 (b); a = 0 . 0 t (c); ~ = 0.00t (a).

In view of the i r ve ry low degree of toxic i ty , especia!1y in n o n - r o d e n t species l ike dogs a n d m o n k e y s (daily doses up to I g /kg are perfec t ly to le ra ted b y t he m o n k e y in 3 - m o n t h tox ic i ty s tudies) , I and I I were s u b m i t t e d to clinical double- b l ind trials. I n 55 pa t i en t s , a compar i son of t he analgesic ac t iv i ty of I (500 m g oral), codeine (30 m g oral), and a placebo showed t h a t b o t h d rugs are s igni f icant ly super ior to t h e placebo (P < 0.05) and t h a t I is more effect ive t h a n codeine a t t he dose adopted . I n os teoar thr i t i s , a t r ia l on 30 pa t i en t s t r ea ted du r ing two 7-day per iods showed t h a t 500 m g t . i . d . oral ly of I h a v e t he s a m e t he r apeu t i c eff icacy as pheny l - b u t a z o n e a t 100 m g t . i . d , orally, w i t h fewer side effects for t h e former . Las t ly , a compar i son of t h e analges ic effect of I I a t 500 m g i .m, , p h e n y l b u t a z o n e a t 560 m g i .m. , and placebo i .m. in 30 pa t i en t s showed t h a t t h e two d rugs give equ iva len t pa in relief and are s ign i f ican t ly di f ferent f rom t he placebo.

An t ipy re t i c ac t iv i ty of I a n d I I ha s been asce r t a ined in fever of va r ious aetiologies in 14 p a t i e n t s ; m a r k e d decreases of t e m p e r a t u r e were obse rved in all cases.

Received February 27, 1969

[l] Bun-Hog, N. P., et al.: Nature 211, 752 (1966); Bnu-Ho L N. P., C. GILLET and G. LAMBELIN, Belgian Patent No 704.368 (27.9. 1967). - - [2] SI~GMUND, E., et al.: Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. N. Y. 95, 729 (t957); - - [3] KOSTER, R., e t a l . : Fed. Proc. 18, 412 (i959). - - [4~ EDDY, N. B., and O. LEIMBACH: J. Pharmacol. exp. Ther. 107, 385 (t953). - - [5] RANDALL, L. O., and J. J. SELITTO: Arch. int. Pharmaeodyn. 11~, 409 (1957). - - [6] BAXER, J. A., et al.: J. Pharm. Pharmacol. ls , Suppl. 97 T ( t 9 6 3 ) . - [7] GLENN, E, M., and J. GRAY:Am. J. Vet. Res. 26, 1180 (1965); GLENN, E. M. : ibid. 27, 339 (t966).

Verz6gerte AbstoBung von Hauttransplantaten nach Injektion von Thoriumdioxyd bet Miiusen H. lXlOLTENIUS, S. TAN u n d I. KNAUF

Patho log i sches I n s t i t u t der Un ive r s i t~ t F re iburg

T h o r i u m d i o x y d is t ein ~-, fl- u n d 7-St rahler . Seine Ha lb - wer tsze i t betr i tgt 1 ,35"t0 l~ Jahre . Es wird nach i n t r aven 6 se r In j ek t ion in den Zellen des IRES gespeicher t u n d n i ch t wieder ausgeschieden. Be im Mensehen v e r u r s a c h t es SchSdigungen, d a r u n t e r eine Ze r s t6 rung des l y m p h a t i s c h e n Gewebes. Ob- duk f ionsbe funde zeigen jedoch i m m e r wieder, dab diese K r a n k e n n ich t an i n t e r k u r r e n t e n In fek t ionen s te rben . Es wurde dahe r nn t e r such t , ob T h o r i u m d i o x y d zu einer ver- z6ger ten Abstol3ung yon H a u t t r a n s p l a n t a t e n a n g e w e n d e t werden kann , ohne dab dabei die Versuchs t ie re an In fek t ionen s terben. 32 ingezf ichte te weibliche u n d m$Iml iche CBA-Miiuse, 8 his 10 W o c h e n alt, erhie l ten 24 h nor der T r a n s p l a n t a t i o n y o n zwei Hau t s t f l cken , 0,8 his I cm 2, y o n ingez t ich te ten weib- l ichen C 57 b l -Spendern 0,2 ml T h o r o t r a s t in t raven6s . Fiir jedes Versuchs t i e r wurde eine u n b e h a n d e l t e Maus als N o n - trolle verwende t . Bet allen Tieren wurde die Abs toBungsze i t der H a u t t r a n s - p l an t a t e v o m 7. Tag bet den Kont ro l len au f den t 1. Tag bet den Versuchs t i e ren verz6ger t . Dos Ergebnis w u r d e an v ier Ve r suchsg ruppen zu vier Zei ten reproduzier t . Wi r h a b e n kein Tier du rch I n t o x i k a t i o n oder In fek t ion ver loren.

Eingegangen am l t. April t969

Membrane Potential Measurements on Fertilized Fucus Eggs F. W. BENTRUP

I n s t i t u t fa r Biologic der Univers i t / i t Tf lb ingen

The electric po ten t ia l difference across t he p l a s m a l e m m a (membrane potential) of embryon ic an ima l ceils has been m e a s u r e d h i the r to in only few ins t ances (cf. [t]), t h a t of embryonic , i .e. non-vacuo la ted , p l an t cells in a p p a r e n t l y none. This c o m m u n i c a t i o n p re sen t s evidence for th is potential di//erence (P. D.) on fertilized eggs of t he mar ine b rown alga Fucus. Fig. I shows t h a t upon fert i l izat ion t he Fucus egg develops a s teadi ly r is ing P . D . , the c y t o p l a s m becoming eIectronegat ive. A t a b o u t 14 h a f te r fer t i l izat ion a s t a t i o n a r y level of a round -- 78 m V is reached to be m a i n t a i n e d du r in g the following 8 h, while t he egg is unde rgo ing d i f fe rent ia t ion and even tua l l y c leaving into a tha l lus and a rhizoid cell. This s t u d y which is going to ex t end to e m b r y o n i c cells of o ther lower p lan ts , is to he tp analyze , f irst ly, electric pheno- m e n a associa ted wi th t he deve lopmen t of t h e s e cells [2, 3J. The knowledge of t he m e m b r a n e po t en t i a l p roved to be necessary, for ins tance , to t r e a t q u a n t i t a t i v e l y t he Fucus egg's morphogene t i c response to t r ansee l lu l a r e lec t rochemical g rad ien ts [3, 4]. SecondIy, such po t en t i a l m e a s u r e m e n t s



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10 ?2 14 76 18 20 22 HOUR5 AFTER FERT/L/SAT/ON

Fig. 1. Electric potential differences (P. D.) across the plasma- lemma of Fucus serratus eggs, measured at different times after fertilization. Each dot reflects the P. D. of a single egg, recorded for a time varying between 10rain and I h. Technique: Intra- and extracellularly operating glass capillaries connect via Ag/AgC1- electrodes to a Keithley 610 C Electrometer (1014 a input resistance) to feed a pen recorder. The hltracellular capillary (0.5--0.9 v tip diameter) was inserted into the egg ( m 70 a diameter) by means of a Leitz micromanipulator. The egg-bearing chamber was kept at (18• 1) ~ by thermostating the microscope stage. The eggs' P. D. was measured ill artificial sea water of pH 7.9