Solid State Communications, Vol. 37, pp.271—274. Pergamon Press Ltd. 1981. Printed in Great Britain. VIBRATIONAL PROPERTIES OF CRYSTALLINE AND AMORPHOUS Ge~Si~ ALLOYS Bal. K. Agrawal Department of Physics, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, India (Received 7 August 1980 by C. W. McCombie) A five-atom cluster Bethe lattice method treating the short-range order with proper statistical effects has been proposed for understanding the crystalline and amorphous alloys. Numerical results for Ge 1_~Si~ alloys are in excellent agreement with the experimental data. In the system studied the network is random but the nearest.neighbour coordination should be treated exactly. The long-range coordination is seen to be concentration-dependent in the crystalline alloys but concentration- independent in the amorphous alloys. IN Ge—Si ALLOYS the electronegativity difference networks corresponding to different bond statistics: (i) between the Ge and Si atoms is quite small and it has segregation network where the reference atom is always been shown [1] that special features (e.g. an “ionic” surrounded by its own kind of atoms (ii) chemically or asymmetry gap) in the electronic density of states ordered network where the reference atom has all its appear in a limited medium-concentration range in the nearest-neighbouring atoms of the other kind in case the chemically ordered network where the atoms in minority reference atom is in minority in concentration, and (us) (in concentration) are always surrounded by the majority random network where none of the restrictions included atoms. On the other hand, as the mass ratio of the con- in the above two networks exists and the occurrence of stituent atoms QWo./mas = 2.6) is quite large, the effects a kind of atom depends only on its concentration. of the short-range order should appear more clearly in For Ge1_~Si~ alloys we first perform one atom the phonon density of states. cluster—Bethe lattice calculation (where the Bethe The author and his collaborators [2] have been lattice is attached to the reference atom) throughout the studying the phonons of the GeSi system using a Green’s whole concentration range. The phonon density for the function method in the low concentration limit of Bethe lattice depends on the concentration x in the impurities. Localised modes due to single and paired Si Ge1_~Si~ alloys in the various networks and is thus dif. atoms in Ge matrix were predicted at 390 and 460 ferent for various values ofx. For illustration we present cm 1, respectively, In agreement with the infrared [3] here the phonon density for the Ge 0~5 Si0.5 alloy for the and Raman [4] data. In the present communication segregation, chemically ordered and random networks we report the results of a study of the vibrational prop- in Fig. 2. In the segregation network [Fig. 2(a)1 the erties of the crystalline and amorphous Gei...~Si~ alloys total density is simply the averages of the densities of using a five-atom cluster—Bethe lattice method where the pure Si and Ge and thereby exhibits the host peaks the short-range order is treated exactly, both in the at 100,200,290 and 510 cm~. However the peak at nearest-neighbour coordination and beyond it with 400 cm 1 due to the local mode of Si in the cage of proper statistical effects. Earlier Yndurain [5] has made Ge atoms is missing. In the chemically ordered network a similar cluster—Bethe lattice calculation in virtual [Fig. 2(b)] as each atom of one kind has all its neigh. crystal approximation in which all the atoms are equi- bours of a second kind one expects to observe the fi~odes valent and there is no short-range order. The present of Ge in the cage of four Si neighbours and vice versa. calculation considers also the variation of the inter- We thus observe the acoustic modes and a band of the atomic force constants for Si—Si, Si—Ge and Ge—Ge optical modes at 400 cm~ of the SiGe compound. bonds for interpretating the Raman data of Lannln [4] The optical band is well separated from the acoustic (see Fig. 1). band. On the other hand, the TO modes of pure Ge and For details we refer to earlier papers [1, 5]. The Si alloys are missing. Finally, in the random network interpolation scheme used for the Bethe lattice is similar [Fig. 2(c)] one obtains peaks near 100,250, 280 and to Kittler and Falicov [6]. There are three covalent 480 cm’ , but again the Si local mode is missing. Thus ___________ the one-atom cluster calculation does not reproduce all * Work supported in parts by Science Research Council, the features appearing in the Reman data in any one U.K. and by University Grants Commission, New Delhi. network and it necessitates the consideration of a larger cluster which we discuss below. 271

Vibrational properties of crystalline and amorphous Ge1−xSixalloys

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Page 1: Vibrational properties of crystalline and amorphous Ge1−xSixalloys

Solid StateCommunications,Vol. 37,pp.271—274.Pergamon PressLtd. 1981.Printed in Great Britain.


Bal. K. Agrawal

Department of Physics,University of Allahabad, Allahabad, India

(Received7 August1980by C. W. McCombie)

A five-atom cluster Bethelatticemethodtreatingtheshort-rangeorderwith proper statisticaleffectshasbeenproposedfor understandingthecrystallineandamorphousalloys. Numerical results for Ge1_~Si~alloysarein excellentagreementwith the experimental data. In the systemstudied the network is randombut the nearest.neighbourcoordinationshouldbetreated exactly.The long-rangecoordination is seento beconcentration-dependentin the crystallinealloysbut concentration-independent in theamorphousalloys.

IN Ge—SiALLOYS theelectronegativity difference networks correspondingto different bond statistics: (i)betweenthe Ge andSi atomsis quite smallandit has segregationnetwork where the referenceatom is alwaysbeenshown[1] that specialfeatures(e.g.an “ionic” surrounded by its ownkind of atoms(ii) chemicallyor asymmetrygap) in the electronicdensityof states ordered network where the referenceatomhas all itsappearin a limited medium-concentration range in the nearest-neighbouringatomsof the other kind in casethechemically orderednetwork wherethe atomsin minority referenceatom is in minority in concentration,and(us)(in concentration)arealwayssurrounded by the majority random network wherenoneof the restrictions includedatoms.On the other hand, asthe massratio of thecon- in the abovetwo networks existsand the occurrenceofstituent atomsQWo./mas= 2.6) is quite large,the effects a kind of atom dependsonly on its concentration.of the short-rangeorder shouldappearmore clearly in For Ge1_~Si~alloyswefirst perform oneatomthe phonondensityof states. cluster—Bethelattice calculation (where the Bethe

The author andhiscollaborators[2] have been lattice is attachedto the referenceatom) throughout thestudyingthe phononsof the GeSisystemusinga Green’s whole concentrationrange.The phonon density for thefunction methodin the low concentrationlimit of Bethe lattice dependson the concentrationx in theimpurities. Localisedmodesdue to singleand pairedSi Ge1_~Si~alloysin the variousnetworks and is thus dif.atomsin Ge matrixwere predictedat 390and 460 ferent for various valuesofx. For illustration wepresentcm

1,respectively,In agreementwith the infrared [3] here the phonondensityfor the Ge0~5Si0.5 alloy for the

andRaman [4] data. In the presentcommunication segregation,chemically orderedandrandomnetworkswe reportthe resultsof astudy of the vibrational prop- in Fig. 2. In the segregationnetwork [Fig.2(a)1 theertiesof the crystalline and amorphousGei...~Si~alloys total density is simply the averagesof the densitiesofusinga five-atom cluster—Bethelattice methodwhere the pure Si and Ge andthereby exhibits the host peaksthe short-range order is treated exactly,both in the at 100,200,290and510cm~.However the peakatnearest-neighbourcoordination andbeyond it with — 400cm

1 due to the localmode of Si in the cageofproper statisticaleffects.Earlier Yndurain [5] hasmade Ge atomsis missing.In the chemically ordered networkasimilar cluster—Bethe lattice calculation in virtual [Fig.2(b)] aseachatom of onekind hasall its neigh.crystal approximation in which all the atomsare equi- boursof a secondkind oneexpectsto observe the fi~odesvalentandthereis no short-range order. The present of Ge in the cageof four Sineighboursandvice versa.calculationconsidersalso thevariation of the inter- We thus observethe acousticmodesand a bandof theatomic force constantsfor Si—Si, Si—GeandGe—Ge optical modesat 400 cm~of the SiGe compound.bonds for interpretatingthe Ramandataof Lannln [4] The optical bandis well separatedfrom the acoustic(seeFig. 1). band. On theother hand,the TO modesof pure Ge and

For detailswerefer to earlier papers [1,5]. The Si alloys are missing.Finally, in the random networkinterpolationschemeusedfor the Bethelattice is similar [Fig.2(c)] oneobtainspeaksnear 100,250,280andto Kittler andFalicov [6]. There are threecovalent 480 cm’ , but againthe Si local modeis missing.Thus___________ the one-atomcluster calculationdoesnot reproduce all* Work supported in partsby ScienceResearchCouncil, the features appearingin the Remandata in anyone

U.K. andby University GrantsCommission,NewDelhi. network and it necessitatesthe considerationof a largercluster which wediscussbelow.


Page 2: Vibrational properties of crystalline and amorphous Ge1−xSixalloys



0.6 (~)Gel ~5’~x- 0.1


0.2 _z091 0.00177

x .0.30.6

~O.35 0.00.46 0.2

x=0.5m 04zOll


0.0 _500 600 700 800 900 iccoiioo 0.2i.~ (cm’) Cd)Fig. 1. Second-orderRamanspectrain Ge1_~Si~at T 07

0.4330K for somecrystallinealloys reproducedfrom [4].The arrowsindicatemajor first-orderpeakpositions 0.2

multiplied by 2. 0.0 .i~~~~i’l

x 090.46Ø5 S’a5

(0)0.4 SEGREGAT~N 0.2

0.00 100 200 300 400 500

________________ Fig. 3. Phonondensityof statesin crystallineGe1_~Si~0.2 w (cm~)

0.0 alloys forx = 0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7and0.9. The dashedandCHEMICALLY ORDERED (b) dottedcurvesshow,respectively,thecontributionsfrom

0.6 theGe andSi atoms.

0.4 /‘ neighboursgivesriseto aresonancemodeat 130cm~.

I Also, theoccurrenceof aSi atomasits neighbourgives~ 0.2rise to apeakat —315 cm~.Onthe otherhand,one

Ui ~

° 0.0 • finds alocalisedmodedueto the Si atomhavingfourRANDOM (C) neighbouringGeatomsat 395 cnf’. A modedueto

0.8the clusterSi—SiSiGeGeappearsat 250 cm’. It may

0.6be notedthatall theabove-mentionedmodesare ob-

0.4servedatall thevaluesofx(0<x < 1).

Thephonondensityatthereferenceatomn(w) is0.2 thendeterminedby takingaweightedaverageof the0.0

0 100 200 3~0 A00 soo densitiesn~(w)atthe centralatomin thevariousclustersas

~ (cm~)

Fig. 2. Phonondensityof statesfor Ge05Si0~alloy in n(c~)= E w~n0(w) (1)Cthe~a)segregationnetwork,(b)chemicallyorderednet-

work,and(c) randomnetwork.Thedashedanddotted wherew0 is the properweightof the clusterc andiscurvesshow the contributionsfrom the Ge andSi atoms, equaltox or (I — x) timesthe factor [4! Ia! b ! )x

0respectively.The solid curvedenotesthe totaldensity. (1 x)b] accordingto whetherthe centralatomis Si or

Ge. Hereaandb denotethenumberof Si andGeneigh-The five-atomclusterconsistsof thereferenceatom boursof the centralatomin the five-atomcluster,

plusits fournearestneighbours.We attachthe Bethe respectively.latticeto thesefour neighboursandcalculatethe phonondensityat thereferenceatomfor everypossiblecon- 1. CRYSTALLINE ALLOYSfiguration of the clusterfor eachconcentration.Thedensitiesof thevariousclustershavingGeasthe central Thecalculateddensityof statesat someconcentra-atom,revealthata Geatom havingall the Si atomsas tionsof x areshownin Fig. 3. A comparisonwith

Page 3: Vibrational properties of crystalline and amorphous Ge1−xSixalloys




£ G.1.1Si~ 0.6

~ ~. ~JL...

Z 10 ..—-—.._ x—O.3 ,c.0.3 (b)

50 __-~~__....-_ ~—___ x .05 0.6

~ 7O—~~ .N____..._zO.7 0.4

___________________ :.: tI:::E~E.\....~_.0 100 200 300 400 500 600 ~.O.7 (c)

&, (cnr1) ~ 0.’. A I

Fig. 4. Reducedfirst-orderRamanintensityof amor- 0.2 ~ ~.L=,_~—_t~phousGe

1_~Si~alloys from [7] . Thecurveswere o.onormalisedto thesamearea. 0.4 x.O.

9 Cd)

Remandata(Fig. 1) showsthat thecalculatedfrequency 00

shiftsof the majorpeaksis invery goodagreementwith 0 100 200 300 400 500

theexperiment.The frequencyof thepureSi (or Ge) . ~cm~’)materialappearingat 515cm~(or 290cm1)de-creaseswith increasein the concentrationof Ge(or Si) Fig. 5. Phonondensityof statesin amorphousGei_~Si~atoms,in away similarto experimentaldata.TheSi alloys for x = 0.1,0.3,0.7and0.9.The curvefor x =

localmodeat 395 cm’ is almostconcentration- 0.5 is similar to Fig. 2(c).Thedashedanddottedcurvesshow respectively the contributionsfrom the Ge andindependentalthoughsomeirregularvariationin fre. Si atomsquencyis seenin the Remandata.Thevariationof theheightsof the peaksin thephonondensitycorrespond-ing to the Si—SiandGe—Gebondswith concentration Bethelatticeis concentration-independent,i.e. theare inagreementwith theintensitiesin the Remandata. phonondensityof the Bethelatticeis the sameatdif-Although theheightof the Si local modepeakdoesnot ferentconcentrationsof Si andGe atoms.increasewith x, in contrastto the Ramandata,the Thusthe probabilityof theoccurrenceof anatomintegratedintensityof theline increasesfor 0 <x <0.5. beyondthe first shell in amorphousmaterialis indepen-A peakcorrespondingto the R.amanpeakat— 340cm~ dentof its concentration.We thus assumeanetwork forappearsin phonondensityat ‘~ 315 cmt atarelatively theBethelattice havingequalprobabilityfor the occur-higherconcentrationof Si atoms.In the low frequency renceof anykind of atom irrespectiveof its concentra-region,abroadpeakappearsnear108cm’ in the tion, i.e. aone-atomclusterBethelattice for aGe

0~5Si05Ramandata.As discussedearlier,wefmd aresonance alloy in arandomnetwork.modedueto heavyGe.atomssurroundedby Si neigh- A five-atomclusterBethelattice calculationsimilarboursat 130 cm_i. to thatfor crystallinealloyswasperformedandthe

densityof statesfor theamorphousalloysat variousconcentrationsare shownin Fig. 5. Oneobservessome2. AMORPHOUSALLOYS . . -istructure,especiallyin the 250—300cm region,arising

TheRemandataof Lannin [7] for the amorphous from theclustersaswell as from theBethelattice. In thealloys (Fig. 4) showthatthe frequenciesof the three calculationwe havenotaddedanyimaginarycomponentmajorpeaksappearingat 290,400and480cnfi are to thefrequencyasincludedearlierby Yndurain [5].concentration-independentin contrastto thoseof the We do not find discretestatessimilar to thosefoundbycrystallinealloys.The concentrationdependenceof the the otherauthor.In the Remanmeasurementsthesefrequenciesof theGe—GeandSi—Sibondpeaksis structuresare smearedout.Thecalculatedphononden-inherentin theconcentration-dependenceof the phonon sity is in goodagreementwith theexperimentalobser-densityof the Bethelattice,whereastheSi localmode vationthroughoutthe wholefrequencyrange.at395 cm

1 arisesfrom thefive-atomclusterandis thusconcentration-independent.In order to haveinvariant Acknowledgement— The authoris gratefulto ProfessorGe—GeandSi—Sibond peaksonehasto assumethatthe J.L. Beebyfor hospitality.

Page 4: Vibrational properties of crystalline and amorphous Ge1−xSixalloys


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