Welcome to the Air Force Association’s 2020 Virtual Air, Space & Cyber Conference AFA’s virtual Air, Space & Cyber Conference (vASC) will continue AFA’s long tradition of hosting the premier event for defense and aerospace professionals around the world. The conference will offer the same exceptional line-up of speakers, world-class (virtual) exhibits/sponsorships, professional development opportunities, and important interaction between and among industry, government, the media, academia, and the public. vASC 2020 will be held on September 14-16 and will provide Airmen, Space Professionals, and industry leaders direct insights into the plans, policies and vision of Air Force and Space Force leadership, and emerging trends and developments in aerospace and cyber technology. Don’t miss out on sponsoring at the virtual aerospace event of the year as time is short. All sponsorships must be booked by August 20th to ensure proper fulfillment of listed benefits. All vASC sponsorship levels come with a virtual exhibit booth allowing you to virtually host and meet with attendees, showcasing your products, services, and thought leadership. In addition to the sponsorship levels we are also offering standalone sponsorships for even more exposure.

VIRTUAL Welcome to the Air Force Association’s 2020 ... · with links to the digital version of the September issue of Air Force Magazine. The September issue will also be featured

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Page 1: VIRTUAL Welcome to the Air Force Association’s 2020 ... · with links to the digital version of the September issue of Air Force Magazine. The September issue will also be featured

VIRTUALWelcome to the Air Force Association’s

2020 Virtual Air, Space & Cyber Conference

AFA’s v ir tua l A ir, Space & C ybe r C onfe rence (vASC ) w ill c ontinue AFA’s long trad it ion o f ho s ting the p rem ie r e vent fo r de fense and ae ro space p ro fe s s iona ls a round the wo r ld . T he c on fe renc e w ill o ffe r the s ame exceptiona l line -up o f speake rs , world-c lass (v ir tua l) e x h ib its/sponsorsh ips , p ro fe ss iona l deve lopment oppor tun itie s , and impor tant in te rac tion be tween and among indus tr y , gove rnment , the med ia , ac adem ia , and the pub lic .

vASC 2020 w ill be he ld on S ep tembe r 14 -16 and w ill p rov ide A irmen , Space Pro fe s s iona ls , and indus tr y le ade rs d ire c t ins ights in to the p lans , po lic ie s and v is ion o f A ir Fo rc e and Space Fo rc e le ade rsh ip , and eme rg ing trends and deve lopments in ae ro space and c y be r te chno logy .

Don ’ t m is s ou t on sponso ring a t the v ir tua l ae ro space e vent o f the y ea r as t ime is sho r t . A ll sponso rsh ip s mus t be booked by Augus t 20 th to ensure p rope r fu lf illment o f lis ted bene f its . A ll vASC sponso rsh ip le ve ls c ome w ith a v ir tua l e x h ib it boo th a llow ing y ou to v ir tua lly ho s t and mee t w ith a ttendee s , showcas ing y our p roduc ts , se rv ic e s , and thought le ade rsh ip . In add it ion to the sponso rsh ip le ve ls we a re a lso o ffe ring s tanda lone sponso rsh ip s fo r e ven more e x posure .

Page 2: VIRTUAL Welcome to the Air Force Association’s 2020 ... · with links to the digital version of the September issue of Air Force Magazine. The September issue will also be featured



Benefits $30,000 $18,000 $10,000 $4,000

Rotating banner ad placement• Main site page • Speaker page • Session page

Not available Not available Not available

Session marketing

• 15-second commercial played between sessions during broadcast • During studio show: Logo + 75 characters scrolling in bottom third of screen*

*Subject to approval & revision

• During studio show: Logo + 50 characters scrolling in bottom third of screen*

*Subject to approval & revision

• During studio show: Logo scrolling in bottom third of screen*

*Subject to approval & revision

Not available

Pre-show marketing

• Opportunity to provide 15-second ‘Welcome to vASC' video from Co. CEO/Sr. Leader linked from separate full page ad in Attendee Guide • Logo in all pre-show email blast • Interactive logo (clickable) in Attendee Guide• 1 full page ad in Attendee Guide (up to 5 additional links)• Ability to add Calendly link to pre-schedule meetings with attendees in company description

• Interactive logo (clickable) in Attendee Guide• 1/2 page ad in Attendee Guide (up to 3 additional links)• Ability to add Calendly link to pre-schedule meetings with attendees in company description

• 1/4 page ad in Attendee Guide (up to 1 additional link)• Ability to add Calendly link to pre-schedule meetings with attendees in company description

• Ability to add Calendly link to pre-schedule meetings with attendees in company description

Included registrations• 10 full show registrations included • Unlimited exhibitor only

• 4 full show registrations included • Unlimited exhibitor only

• 2 full show registrations included • Unlimited exhibitor only

• 1 full show registration included • Unlimited exhibitor only

Large rotating banner ad at the top of the page ✪

Embedded company video of your choosing ✪

Image gallery ✪ ✪

In-booth live chat feature ✪ ✪Contact form for attendees to request meetings/information ✪ ✪ ✪

Large logo placement on top of page ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪Company website embedded conveniently located under your logo ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪Introductory paragraph to help attendees learn more about what your company has to offer ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪

# external links included 4 4 1 1

Calendly feature to schedule meetings pre, during, & post show ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪

In-booth video chat capability (through Calendly or link) ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪

Show metrics report ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪

Gamification/attendee engagement ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪

vASC Virtual Sponsorship Tier ComparisonsB








* A s k a b o u t o u r m i l i t a r y & n o n - p r o f i t r a t e s





Page 3: VIRTUAL Welcome to the Air Force Association’s 2020 ... · with links to the digital version of the September issue of Air Force Magazine. The September issue will also be featured

VIRTUALPLATINUM BOOTH SPONSORSHIP$30,000(Six) Platinum Level Sponsors Available

Make the largest impact at vASC with this exclus ive sponsorship!

Platinum Virtual Sponsorship Benefits:

✪ Six-image rotating banner ad at the top of the page

✪ Large logo placement on top of page

✪ Company website embedded conveniently located under your logo

✪ Embedded company video of your choosing

✪ Introductory paragraph to help attendees learn more about what your company has to offer

✪ Image gallery

✪ Four external links included

✪ In-booth contact form for attendees to request meetings/information

✪ In-booth Calendly feature to schedule meetings pre, during, & post show

✪ In-booth live chat feature

✪ In-booth video chat capability

✪ 10 full show registrations included

Exhibitor Logo Size: 250px X 250px minimum

Filetype: .png .jpg .eps

Exhibitor Weblink

Introductory ParagraphWord Limit: 150 words

VideoFormat: Exhibitor provides an embed link from

YouTube, Vimeo, or other hosted location

Image GalleryFormat: Landscape

Size: 2MB maximum

Pixel Count: Image will scale to size

Filetype: .png .jpg .eps

Maximum Number of Images: 6

Rotating BannerFormat: Landscape

Size: 2MB maximum

Pixel Count: 1000px X 425px

Filetype: .png .jpg .eps

Maximum Number of Images: 6

Best Practice: Center text to accommodate scaling

Product / Demo LinksCharacter Limit: 20 / Custom button Filetype: .png .jpg .eps / Custom button size: 225px X 65px

Meeting SchedulerFormat: Exhibitor will setup an account and

schedule on https://calendly.com/ and provide PSAV with an embed code

ChatFormat: Exhibitor will setup an account

customize their chat on https://www.tawk.to/and provide PSAV with an embed code

Form SubmissionRequired for contact: email

Name, Email, Company, and Message are standard fields. One (1) custom field can be added.

AFA | Platinum Booth Elements

Page 4: VIRTUAL Welcome to the Air Force Association’s 2020 ... · with links to the digital version of the September issue of Air Force Magazine. The September issue will also be featured


Platinum Package Additional Benefits:

✪ Partner logo in pre-show marketing emails

✪ Rotating ad on main page

✪ Rotating ad on speaker page

✪ Rotating ad on session main page

✪ Logo on rotating ‘Thank you to our sponsors’ ad, throughout the show

✪ Interactive logo (clickable) in Attendee Guide

✪ Logo in all pre-session slides

✪ Logo + 75 characters in vASC studio feed** Subject to approval & revision

✪ 15-second commercial played between session broadcast

✪ Opportunity to provide 15-second ‘Welcome to vASC’ video from Co. CEO/Sr. Leader linked from separate full page ad in Attendee Guide

✪ Loads of special features in the Attendee Guide

✪ 1 full page ad in Attendee Guide

✪ Dash board matrix report





Page 5: VIRTUAL Welcome to the Air Force Association’s 2020 ... · with links to the digital version of the September issue of Air Force Magazine. The September issue will also be featured



Stand out with this huge impact space at vASC!

Gold Virtual Sponsorship Benefits:

✪ Large logo placement on top of page

✪ Company website embedded conveniently located under your logo

✪ Introductory paragraph to help attendees learn more about what your company has to offer

✪ Four external links included

✪ In-booth contact form for attendees to request meetings/information

✪ In-booth Calendly feature to schedule meetings pre, during, & post show

✪ In-booth live chat feature

✪ In-booth video chat capability (through Calendly or link)

✪ Four full show registrations included

Exhibitor Logo Size: 250px X 250px minimum

Filetype: .png .jpg .eps

Copyright © 2020 Audio Visual Service Group dba, PSAVPrivileged and Confidential

Exhibitor Weblink

Image GalleryFormat: Landscape

Size: 2MB maximum

Pixel Count: Image will scale to size

Filetype: .png .jpg .eps

Maximum Number of Images: 6

Product / Demo LinksCharacter Limit: 20 / Custom button Filetype: .png .jpg .eps / Custom button size: 225px X 65px

Meeting SchedulerFormat: Exhibitor will setup an account and

schedule on https://calendly.com/ and provide PSAV with an embed code

ChatFormat: Exhibitor will setup an account

customize their chat on https://www.tawk.to/and provide PSAV with an embed code

Form SubmissionRequired for contact: email

Name, Email, Company, and Message are standard fields. One (1) custom field can be added.

Introductory ParagraphWord Limit: 150 words

AFA | Gold Booth Elements

Page 6: VIRTUAL Welcome to the Air Force Association’s 2020 ... · with links to the digital version of the September issue of Air Force Magazine. The September issue will also be featured


Gold Package Additional Benefits:

✪ Logo on rotating ‘Thank you to our sponsors’ ad, throughout the show

✪ Interactive logo (clickable) in Attendee Guide

✪ Logo + 50 characters in vASC studio feed** Subject to approval & revision

✪ Loads of special features in the Attendee Guide

✪ 1/2 page ad in Attendee Guide

✪ Dash board matrix report




Page 7: VIRTUAL Welcome to the Air Force Association’s 2020 ... · with links to the digital version of the September issue of Air Force Magazine. The September issue will also be featured


Loads of features in one space at vASC!

Silver Virtual Sponsorship Benefits:

✪ Large logo placement on top of page

✪ Company website embedded conveniently located under your logo

✪ Introductory paragraph to help attendees learn more about what your company has to offer

✪ In-booth contact form for attendees to request meetings/information

✪ In-booth Calendly feature to schedule meetings pre, during, & post show

✪ In-booth video chat capability (through Calendly or link)

✪ Two full show registrations included

Exhibitor Logo Size: 250px X 250px minimum

Filetype: .png .jpg .eps

Copyright © 2020 Audio Visual Service Group dba, PSAVPrivileged and Confidential

Exhibitor Weblink

Introductory ParagraphWord Limit: 150 words

Meeting SchedulerFormat: Exhibitor will setup an account and

schedule on https://calendly.com/ and provide PSAV with an embed code

Form SubmissionRequired for contact: email

Name, Email, Company, and Message are standard fields. One (1) custom field can be added.

AFA | Silver Booth Elements

Silver Package Additional Benefits:

✪ 1/4 page ad in Attendee Guide

✪ Logo in vASC studio feed** Subject to approval & revision

✪ Dash board matrix reportLOGO HERE


Page 8: VIRTUAL Welcome to the Air Force Association’s 2020 ... · with links to the digital version of the September issue of Air Force Magazine. The September issue will also be featured



Loads of features in one space at vASC!

Bronze Virtual Sponsorship Benefits:

✪ Large logo placement on top of page

✪ Company website embedded conveniently located under your logo

✪ Introductory paragraph to help attendees learn more about what your company has to offer

✪ In-booth Calendly feature to schedule meetings pre, during, & post show

✪ In-booth video chat capability (through Calendly or link)

✪ One full show registration included

✪ Dash board matrix report

Exhibitor Logo Size: 250px X 250px minimum

Filetype: .png .jpg .eps

Copyright © 2020 Audio Visual Service Group dba, PSAVPrivileged and Confidential

Exhibitor Weblink

Introductory ParagraphWord Limit: 150 words

Meeting SchedulerFormat: Exhibitor will setup an account and

schedule on https://calendly.com/ and provide PSAV with an embed code

AFA | Bronze Booth Elements

Page 9: VIRTUAL Welcome to the Air Force Association’s 2020 ... · with links to the digital version of the September issue of Air Force Magazine. The September issue will also be featured

June 2020$18Published by the Air Force Association








2020 AIR FO







E 2020





New Chief, New Priorities 24 | Q&A: Space Force's Towberman 26 | A New Bomber Vision 14


Air Force & Space Force




S e p t e m b e r 1 4 - 1 6 , 2 0 2 0 | A F A . o r g


VIRTUALvASC Attendee Guide net rates

for AFA Corporate Members include 10% discount:

• Full Page: $6,854

• Half Page: $4,176

• Quarter Page: $2,500

Each edition of the Attendee Guide will be updated with the latest agenda,

speaker, sponsor, and exhibitor updates.

Advertising in the vASC Attendee Guide is included with most vASC

sponsorships. You can upgrade your ad size by paying the difference.

Deadlines: Space 8/20, Material 8/26

vASC Advertising OpportunitiesThe 2020 AFA Virtual Air, Space & Cyber Conference (vASC) includes live and pre-recorded sessions webcast September

14-16 from the Air Force Association studio in Washington, D.C. and exclusively available to registrants for 14 days afterward

• Exhibitors can broaden their message to attendees by advertising in the vASC Attendee Guide and the September issue of Air Force Magazine.

vASC Attendee Guide – Launch Date August 31Registered attendees will receive up to three emails with the

embedded Attendee Guide cover and link.

• Ratchet up your pre-show engagement and visibility

• Invite vASC attendees to schedule meetings through a link in your vASC Attendee Guide ad

• The interactive vASC Attendee Guide PDF will be the comprehensive pre-show Attendee Guide and resource for all things vASC

• The vASC Attendee Guide will be prominently featured on AFA.org and on the vASC event home page and promoted in the Daily Report newsletter and on AirForceMag.com

vASC Attendee Guide Content:

• Video Welcome Messages from Air Force and Space Force leaders (invited)

along with AFA Senior Leaders

• What to Expect at vASC

• How to Navigate vASC

• Guide to Gamification at vASC

• Networking and Meetings at vASC

• Agenda

• Speakers

• Sponsors and Exhibitors

• Advertisers are encouraged to provide links in their ads

• Advertiser directory will connect attendees to the pre-show meeting scheduler

Air Force MagazineReinforce and broaden your message with an ad in the September issue of Air

Force Magazine with bonus distribution to vASC registrants. In addition to normal

distribution of 95,000 to AFA members, registrants to vASC will receive an email

with links to the digital version of the September issue of Air Force Magazine.

The September issue will also be featured in the vASC publication bin.

Deadlines: Space 8/17, Material 8/21

Ask about special combination rates and digital ad bundles with

AirForceMag.com for advertisers in the Attendee Guide.

Contact: Kirk Brown, Director Media Solutions

[email protected] 301-938-8363

Page 10: VIRTUAL Welcome to the Air Force Association’s 2020 ... · with links to the digital version of the September issue of Air Force Magazine. The September issue will also be featured


Sponsorship Price

vPress Room SponsorshipWant more brand exposure to the press, then this sponsorship is for you! This sponsorship includes a Hero Image, rotating banner at bottom of page, ability to mail a box to registered press attendees with press release and branded tchotchkies (please ask about mailing requirements).


vRegistration SponsorThis sponsorship allows your branding to be constantly displayed in one of the most continually visited areas, the sign-in page to the entire event. Along with loads of branding and recognition, your logo will also be prominently displayed throughout the entire registration process.

Pricing coming soon!

vOAY Sponsorship PackageSponsor to underwrite an AFA Lifetime Membership for each of the 12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year. The sponsor may address the 12 Outstanding Airmen during one of their private gatherings. An entire designated ‘room’ (page) will be dedicated to recognize this year’s OAY recipients and would allow special branding throughout this page and entire conference. This sponsorship also includes AFA sending on your behalf to the OAYs: coins, shirts, and and plaques. Sponsor will additional have the ability to send OAYs gifts.

Price coming soon!

Stand Alone Session Sponsorship

Branded session opportunities coming soon Price coming soon!

Gamification SponsorBe the premiere sponsorship to engage attendees during the show and to help guide them to your booth and all over the entire show for extra points. Your brand will be the exclusive brand for this opportunity that will include an entire room for it’s self along with your brand following attendees throughout the show while they play.

*Please note that more specifics on this opportunity are coming soon.Price coming soon!

vSocial Media Sponsor

Let AFA help share your social media campaign leading up to the show while also receiving 'during show' branding, with this sponsorship. AFA will post your provided content on the following AFA accounts: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. In addition, you will receive the ability to provide an ad of your choosing to be displayed in the banner ad available in the vASC social media room for one day, recognizing you as the social media sponsor to all attendees.

*Please note this opportunity is on a first come first serve bases, available days may vary depending on demand.

$3,000 per day or $8,250 for entire show

Push Notification SponsorshipWant to get the attention of the vASC attendees? Want to drive attendees to your booth? Then this is the sponsorship for you! With this opportunity AFA will push a notification with the content of your choosing to all attendees in the platform on the date/time that works best for your mission. Super easy, super effective.

*Please note there is only one push notification available per day. Availability is on a first come, first serve basis.$3,000 per push notification

STANDALONE vSPONSORSHIPSSponsoring vASC will provide outstanding branding, visibility and engagement putting you top of mind with Air Force/ Space Force leadership and decision-makers.

All vASC Stand Alone Sponsorships include recognition as an event sponsor in the show pre-session slides. Additional calls-out in pre-show email blast, recognition as an event sponsor on AFA.org and receive the ability to provide an interactive (clickable) logo to go in the Attendee Guide.

For stand alone sponsorships for additional branding, visibility, and engagement please contact: Perry Currier • [email protected] • 703-247-5838

For packaged leveled sponsorships with virtual booths please contact: Ron Bates • [email protected] • 703-706-8230

To learn more about the vASC Attendee Guide or to upgrade advertising please contact: Kirk Brown • [email protected] • 301-938-8363

Open invitation for sponsorship: As a true partner of AFA, you may have more sponsorship ideas than we have listed, we welcome them! Please reach out to Perry Currier for any new sponsorship ideas you have and we look forward to making this event a success together!