Vision Mission - docx

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  • 7/25/2019 Vision Mission - docx


    Mission:Improve quality of products and customersatisfaction through 5S, Lean and TPM.


    1S-Sort-SeiriSORT means we remove all items from the worplace that are

    not needed. !nd eep the needed items in a classified


    2S-Set in Order-Seiton"! place for everything and everything in its place#

    3S-Shine Sort-SeisoSHINEmeans regular cleaning with inspection

    It also means preventive maintenance

    4S-Standardie-Sei!ets"Standardiemeans that you need to have some standards in

    place to mae sure that everything is ept where it$s

    supposed to.

    5S-S"stain-Shits"!eS#ST$INis isn#t a single separate activity. %e S&ST!I' the

    continual improvement ha(its developed during first )S#simplementation.

    5S Seiri* Sort, +learing, +lassify

    5S Seiton* Straighten, Simplify, Set in order, +onfigure

    5S Seiso* Sweep, shine, Scru(, +lean and +hec

    5S Seietsu* Standardie, sta(ilie, +onformity

    5S Shitsue* Sustain, self-discipline, custom and practice


    /. !rranging 5S awareness program 0Training1

    2. 3ormation of 5S steering committee

    4. 3ormation of department wise 5S implementation team0+oordinator

    and mem(ers1

    ). Training of Internal auditors.

    5. Preparation of Internal audit chec sheet

    . Starting of monthly Internal !udit

  • 7/25/2019 Vision Mission - docx


    6.7uarterly completion on 5S themes.

  • 7/25/2019 Vision Mission - docx



  • 7/25/2019 Vision Mission - docx


    &ontin"o"s im'rovement-%hat 8liminate 9readowns, :efects and any other type of loss to

    achieve Production effectiveness

    ;ow &sing the standard /< step !pproach


    %hat :evelop 8quipment competent %orforce empowering to loo after

    their own equipment

    ;ow 8=ecuting the 6 Steps of !utonomous Maintenance

    %lanned maintenan(e-

    %hat Improve the effectiveness of the Maintenance :epartment so that

    the > 9ig Losses are no Longer generated

    ;ow :o failure analysis, :evelop Standard Maintenance Practices and

    ;ave routines in place

    )"alit* maintenan(e-

    %hat !chieve ?8@A 7uality defects (y Sustaining +orrect equipment


    ;ow 8sta(lishing ) M conditions and connect the 8quipment parts to

    :efects Benerated.

    Involves !M, PM and 8CT

  • 7/25/2019 Vision Mission - docx


    &a'a+ilit* develo'ment-

    %hat 9oost the e=pertise of the Aperators and the Maintenance team

    ;ow Benerating and imparting training as per the Sill gap through

    SPL, ADT, Specialied Training courses

    Sa,et* Environment-

    %hat !chieve and Sustain ?8@A !ccidents

    ;ow +reating a healthy rewarding and Pleasant wor places

    Earl* e"i'ment mana/ement-

    %hat @educe Product and 8quipment development Lead times and achieve

    sta(le +ommissioning of new products and equipment thus having a

    E8@TI+!L ST!@T-&P

    ;ow 8liminating flaws at the design stage and carrying out design


    O,,i(e T%M-

    +reate ;ighly 8fficient Affices and there(y Provide Support to the

    Production :epartment

    0ean Mana/ement:

    Lean is a(out creating the most value for the customer while

    minimiing resources, time, energy and effort. ! lean approach to wor

    is a(out

    &nderstanding what#s really going on at the place where value is

    created F commonly nown as the gem(a.

    Improving the processes (y which products and services are

    created and delivered.

    :eveloping and empowering people through pro(lem solving and


    :eveloping leaders and an effective management system.

    The original seven Types of waste are TIMOO

    Trans'ort 0moving products that are not actually required to

    perform the processing1

    Inventor*0all components, wor in process, and finished product

    not (eing processed1

    Motion 0people or equipment moving or waling more than is

    required to perform the processing1

    aitin/0waiting for the ne=t production step, interruptions of

    production during shift change1
  • 7/25/2019 Vision Mission - docx


    Over'rod"(tion0production ahead of demand1

    Aver Processing 0resulting from poor tool or product design

    creating activity1

    e,e(ts0the effort involved in inspecting for and fi=ing


    !nd 'ow > %aste


    : e,e(ts

    O: Over'rod"(tion

    : aitin/

    N: Non #tiliation o, Talent

    T: Trans'ort

    I: Inventor*

    M: Motion

    E: Etra %ro(essin/