We The State - Issue 37

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  • 7/28/2019 We The State - Issue 37


    Um K]O :8 ^C K]O :7! 28:6

    Bcaaywccns bietrjeif suifinms


    dm VtjtmWca-8:/ Issum-65/ Bdcpja/ @conjy Xjem-:2/ Xrifm-`=#-

    Udy Fcoermss ailmaytc acsm io Nmadi*

    Udy Jnvjois rmsieojticonrj`j wjs motirmay pciotamss 3

    Dcw UM accl it *

    ///Fjrtcco by L E CKDJ


    Vmoicr BKX amjnmr AL Jnvjoi trieemrmn j pcaitifja frisis by

    rmsieoioe grc` tdm pjrtys Ojticoja Mxmfutivm! Fmotrja Xjr-

    aij`motjry Bcjrn jon Fmotrja Mamftico Fc` ittmm /^dm rms-

    ieojtico prcvmn crm tc bm jo m`cticoja cutburst / dis jft cg pmtu-

    ajofm wjs tdm wcrst tdioe Jnvjoi djs ncom io dis motirm pcaitifja fj-

    rmmr mvmo wcrsm tdjo wmmpioe io Ljrjfdi ailm j wmjlaioe/ Ajfl-

    ioe tdm fdjris`j jon `jss jppmja ailm Jtja Bmdjri Wjkpjymm ! Jn-

    vjois vjaum tc dis pjrty djs jawjys bmmo tdjt cg j bjfl rcc` strjtm-

    eist/ ^dm inmcacey gcuotjiodmjn cg tdm pjrty ! RVV bmaimvms tdjt

    Ojrmonrj @cni is tdm crieioja Dionutvj Amjnmr/ Ojrmonrj @cni jt

    tdm fcrm rmprmsmots wdjt tdm RVV jon tdm BKX rmprmsmot/

    ^dm jatmrojtivms tdjt Jnvjoi prcpcsmn io cppcsitico tc @cni io

    tdm gcr` cg j Oitio Ejnljri cr @jndyj Xrjnmsd F@ Vdivrjk Vioed

    Fdcudjo wjvms frjsdmn co tdm rcfls/ Jaa tdmsm amjnmrs iofaunioe

    ]`j Bdjrti rmjfdmn AL Jnvjoi%s rmsinmofm pajymn j bie rcam io rm-

    scavioe tdm Jnvjoi trieemrmn frisis / ^dm frisis trieemrmn witd tdm

    BKX pjraij`motjry bcjrn `mmtioe dman io Ecj /Udjt djppmomn io

    Ecj wjs tdjt tdm BKX pjraij`motjry bcjrn jnm tdm fjafuajtmn bmt

    tdjt tdm pjrtys bmst prcspmfts cg modjofioe its mamftcrja tjaay io

    Mamfticos 28:> ajy io djvioe @cni js tdm gjfm cg tdm pjrty/ It is pcs-

    sibam tc fcotmst tdm wisnc` cg tdjt faji` jon! io gjft! tdm fjafuaj-

    tico `jy bjflgirm co tdm BKX/ ^dm pcssibiaity cg @cni bmfc`ioe j

    smricus fcotmonmr gcr tdm pri`m ioistmrsdip jrisms coay ig tdm BKX

    smfurms io mxfmss cg 288 smjts/ Io tdjt fjsm coay Jnvjois gcr`uaj

    gcr sc`mcom masm grc` tdm BKX cr mvmo tdm ajremr ONJ fcjaitico

    wcuan bm j rmjaistif fjoninjtm/

    Jnvjoi fcuan djvm bmmo tdm lrisdoj wdc nrcvm Jrkuoj%s fdjrict

    jon amjn Xjonjvjs tc viftcry witd dis ermjt jnvifms jon pcaitifs but

    iostmjn dm fdcsm tc bm Nrcojfdjryj tryioe tc fut tdm tdu`b cg

    Mlajvyj/ Dm djn fdjofm tc ec ncwo io distcry js sc`mcom wdc amgt

    amejfy cg strcoe amjnmrsdip but tdis nmspmrjtm briols`josdip coay

    nj`jemn tdm crja cg pjrty wcrlmrs/

    ^i`m djs fc`m gcr amjnmrs ailm Jnvjoi jon jaa tdcsm tryioe tc sdcct

    grc` dis sdcuanmrs tc iotrcspmft jon jffmpt tdm rmjaity tdjt witdcut

    @cni tdmrm is oct ufd fdjofm tc fc`m strcoemr /

    Ig Jnvjoi amjros cut cg tdis jon dmaps tdm ojtico emt rin cg tdm ru-

    iomn pcaitifs! dm stiaa djs fdjofm tc bm rm`m`bmrmn js amjnmr///dcpm

    dm gjaa io aiom jon suppcrt omw emomrjtico/Dm djn tdm cppcrtuoity

    jon tdm pcaitifja spjfm tc smt jo mxj`pam by vcauotjriay eivioe up

    pcwmr jon sdcwioe dis cwo pjrty j omw pjtd/ Dm nmsmrvmn j bmttmr

    gjrmwmaa grc` pcaitifs/ Vjnay! dm djs nmoimn di`smag tdjt rmspmft

    Bcaaywccns bietrjeif suifinms

  • 7/28/2019 We The State - Issue 37


    UM ^DM V^J^MFjpitja2 BDCXJA Kuo :8 tc Kuo :7! 28:6

    Xrmsinmot Xrjojb @uldmrkmm tcnjy

    sjin tdm rmfmot rism io fri`ms jejiost

    wc`mo jon fdianrmo wjs j fjusm cg

    nmmp fcofmro jon fjaamn gcr mggmftivm `mjs-

    urms gcr tdmir sjgmty jon smfurity/

    Vpmjlioe jgtmr ajyioe tdm gcuonjtico stcom

    cg tdm Jtja Bidjri Wjkpjymm Dioni ]oivmrsi-

    ty io Bdcpja tcnjy! @uldmrkmm jasc uonmr-

    aiomn tdm ommn gcr uremot iotrcspmftico jon

    stmps tc jrrmst tdm mrcsico cg vjaums io scfim-


    @uldmrkmm fjaamn upco uoivmrsitims tc tjlm

    tdm amjn io stjrtioe j sustjiomn prcerj``m

    gcr `mmtioe tdm fcotm`pcrjry `crja fdja-

    amoems jon mosurioe tdjt fiviaizjticoja vja-

    ums cg acvm gcr `ctdmrajon! pmrgcr`jofm cg

    nuty! fc`pjssico gcr jaa! tcamrjofm gcr pau-

    rjais`< rmspmft gcr wc`mo jon manmray< trutd

    jon dcomsty io aigm< nisfipaiom jon smag-rm-

    strjiot io fconuft! jon rmspcosibiaity io jf-

    tico jrm iofuafjtmn guaay io tdm ycuoe ions/

    Dm sjin mnufjtico djn jo i`pcrtjot rcam tcpajy io tdm nmvmacp`mot cg tdm scfimty jon

    tdm ojtico/

    Dm sjin ajoeujem djn jo i`pcrtjot rcam bm-

    twmmo tdm Ecvmro`mot jon pmcpam/

    "Vuffmss cg scfija wmagjrm jon nmvmacp`mot

    prcerj``m nmpmons co ajoeujem/ dmrmgcrm!

    wm sdcuan mofcurjem Dioni jon ctdmr rm-

    eicoja ajoeujems/ Dioni djs jawjys pajymn

    jo i`pcrtjot rcam io tdm ojticoja iotmerj-

    tico/ It is sy`bca cg Ionijs scfija jon fua-

    turja uoity!" dm sjin/

    ^dm Xrmsinmot sjin tdjt tdm nmfjnm cg 28:8-

    28 djs bmmo nmfajrmn js tdm nmfjnm cg iooc-

    vjtico/ Dm sjin tdjt rmfmotay! dm djn cpmomn

    Ioocvjtico Faubs io twc Fmotrja ]oivmrsi-

    tims io ]ttjr Xrjnmsd jon Jssj` jon jttmon-

    mn ioocvjtico mxdibiticos crejoizmn io tdmsm

    uoivmrsitims/ Dm fjaamn upco tdm ]oivmrsity

    tc tjlm tdm ioitijtivm tc buian j strcoe iooc-

    vjtico fuaturm/

    Vpmjlioe co tdm cffjsico! tdm Xrmsinmot

    sjin tdjt ajoeujem djs jo i`pcrtjot rcam bm-

    twmmo tdm Ecvmro`mot jon pmcpam/ Vuffmss

    cg scfija wmagjrm jon nmvmacp`mot prc-

    erj``m nmpmons co ajoeujem/ dmrmgcrm! wm

    sdcuan mofcurjem Dioni jon ctdmr rmeicoja

    ajoeujems/ Dioni djs jawjys pajymn jo i`-

    pcrtjot rcam io tdm ojticoja iotmerjtico/ It is

    sy`bca cg Ionijs scfija jon fuaturja uoity/

    ^dm Xrmsinmot stjtmn tdjt mnufjtico djs joi`pcrtjot rcam tc pajy io tdm nmvmacp`mot cg

    tdm scfimty jon tdm ojtico/ dm rmfmot rism io

    fri`ms jejiost wc`mo jon fdianrmo is j

    fjusm gcr nmmp fcofmro/ It oct coay fjaas gcr

    mggmftivm `mjsurms gcr tdmir sjgmty jon smfu-

    rity! but jasc rmquirms us tc uremotay iotrc-

    spmft jon gion wjys tc jrrmst tdm mrcsico cg

    vjaums io cur scfimty/

    Dm fjaamn co uoivmrsitims tc tjlm tdm amjn io

    stjrtioe j sustjiomn prcerj``m gcr `mmtioetdm fcotm`pcrjry `crja fdjaamoems jon mo-

    surioe tdjt cur fiviaizjticoja vjaums cg acvm

    gcr `ctdmrajon< pmrgcr`jofm cg nuty< fc`-

    pjssico gcr jaa< tcamrjofm gcr paurjais`< rm-

    spmft gcr wc`mo jon manmray< trutd jon dco-

    msty io aigm< nisfipaiom jon smag-rmstrjiot io

    fconuft! jon rmspcosibiaity io jftico jrm io-

    fuafjtmn guaay io tdm ycuoe `ions/

    ^dm Xrmsinmot sjin tdjt nmfjnm cg 28:8-28

    djs bmmo nmfajrmn js tdm nmfjnm cg ioocvj-tico/ Dm sjin tdjt rmfmotay! dm djn cpmomn Io-

    ocvjtico Faubs io twc Fmotrja ]oivmrsitims

    io ]ttjr Xrjnmsd jon Jssj` jon jttmonmn io-

    ocvjtico mxdibiticos crejoizmn io tdmsm uoi-

    vmrsitims/ Dm fjaamn upco tdm ]oivmrsity tc

    tjlm tdm ioitijtivm tc buian j strcoe ioocvj-

    tico fuaturm/

    Fri`ms jejiost wc`mo! fdianrmo `jttmr cg fcofmro; Xrmsinmot

    @X cggifijas oct iovmstioeuojffcuotmn wmjatd io stjtm

    It is j tdmcry jaa fivia smrvjots stuny js pjrt cg tdm prmpjrjticos gcr tdm uoico

    pubaif smrvifm fc``issico $]XVF) mxj` jon joy jrm puttioe it iotc prjf-

    tifm/ ^dmrm is j %nrjio cg wmjatd%- js mxpajiomn by Njnjbdji Ojcrcki -tjlioe

    pajfm grc` @jndyj Xrjnmsd tc ctdmr stjtms vis--vis iovmst`mots `jnm grc`

    wmjatd ecttmo tdrcued iaa-`mjos/

    Mvmo js tdm @X ecvmro`mot is crejoisioe bie tiflmt rcjn sdcws jon iovmstcr

    su``its tc jttrjft iovmst`mots- its cwo cggifmrs! bmioe prcbmn by vieiajofm jemo-

    fims! jrm gcuon tc bm iovmstioe ajrem su`s cg tdmir uojffcuotmn wmjatd io ctdmr

    stjtms/Io j amttmr writtmo tc nmpjrt`mot cg pmrscooma jon trjioioe $NcX^)! witd

    fcpims tc tdm Jondrj Xrjnmsd jon @X fdimg smfrm-

    tjrims! :999-bjtfd Ionijo jn`ioistrjtivm smrvifm

    $IJV) cggifmr M Rj`msd Lu`jr%s wigm Lurjejoti

    Vjpoj djs faji`mn tdjt dmr dusbjon djs `jnm

    duem iovmst`mots io Wisdjldjpjtoj` io JX/

    Iofc`m tjx nmpjrt`mot scurfms sjin jo IJV

    fcupam prcbmn io 28:8 wmrm gcuon tc djvm

    `jnm substjotija iovmst`mot io rmja mstjtm io

    Jssj`/ Jo Ionijo gcrmieo smrvifm $IGV) cggifmrsmjrfdmn by tdm spmfija pcaifm mstjbaisd`mot

    $VXM) cg tdm Acljyultj wjs gcuon tc djvm `jnm

    ajrem iovmst`mots io ajon io ]ttjr Xrjnmsd/ Joctdmr

    IGV cggifmr smjrfdmn by tdm VXM wjs gcuon tc prmgmr Rj-

    kjstdjo js jo iovmst`mot nmstiojtico/ J `mnifja cggifmr grc` Ioncrm wdc wjs

    smjrfdmn by VXM put dis comy io @jdjrjsdtrj/

    @X is oct bmomgitioe ermjtay grc` joy iovmst`mot/ Io jo jem cg bcrnmramss

    mfcoc`ims! wdjt is mjromn io @X! gions itsmag io ctdmr stjtms/

    Jgtmr Lu`jr%s wigm `jnm stjrtaioe faji`s jbcut dis iovmst`mots io Jondrj

    Xrjnmsd! cggifmrs io tdm IJV! IXV jon IGV djvm stjrtmn tjalioe jbcut ctdmr cggi-

    fmrs wdc djvm jasc rmpjtrijtmn tdmir wmjatd tc tdmir dc`m stjtms/

    Fdimg `ioistmr Vdivrjk Vioed Fdcudjo is locwo tc djvm j scgt spct gcr %scos cg

    tdm scia% witdio tdm burmjufrjfy jon is sjin tc prmgmr tdm` gcr eccn pcstioes/ Dm

    djs! dcwmvmr! oct fajrigimn wdmtdmr dis j ggioity gcr %dc`m e rcwo% cggifmrs is bm-

    fjusm tdmy wcuan prmgmr tc iovmst io tdmir dc`m stjtm! jon wdjt bmacoes tc @X

    wiaa rm`jio io @X/

    Jpcaceists gcr fcrruptico io pjofdjyjti rjk iostituticos pciot cut wdy it is bmt-

    tmr tdjo fcrruptico jt died pajfms/ "Iostmjn cg bmioe iovmstmn io j tjx djvmo

    cvmrsmjs! comy mjromn tdrcued tdm pjofdjyjti rjk systm` wiaa bm iovmstmn ac-

    fjaay jon wcuan bmomgit tdm acfja mfcoc`y io sc`m wjy!" sjys j smoicr IJV cggi-

    fmr! oct wisdioe tc bm oj`mn/ Fcoermss spclmspmrsco @jojl Jejrwja jermms

    tdjt mvmo cggifmrs jrm oct iovmstioe tdmir wmjatd io @X/ "^dm stjtm ecvmro`mot

    sdcuan gion cut jbcut cggifmrs wdc djvm iovmstmn uojffcuotmn wmjatd cutsinm

    tdm stjtm/ ^dmir prcpmrtims sdcuan bm smizmn jon tdm `comy sdcuan bm brcuedt

    bjfl tc @X! jgtmr jaa it bmacoes dmrm!" dm sjin/

    Fdjudjo cppcsms ojticoja

    fcuotmr tmrrcris` fmotrmBDCXJAF

    dimg `ioistmr Vdivrjk Vioed Fdjudjo djs

    cppcsmn tdm gcr`jtico cg tdm ojticoja

    fcuotmr tmrrcris` fmotrm $OF^F) jon io-

    stmjn nm`jonmn tdm smttioe up cg j stjtm fcuotmr

    tmrrcris` fmotrm $VF^F)/

    ^dm F@ wjs spmjlioe jt j `mmtioe cg fdimg `io-

    istmrs co iotmroja smfurity io Omw Nmadi rmfmotay/

    Dm sjin BKX jon ctdmr oco-Fcoermss fdimg `iois-

    tmrs jrm cppcsmn tc OF^F js it is jejiost tdm gmnmr-

    ja ojturm cg tdm fcuotry/ Dm sjin tdm Fmotrm sdcuan

    tjlm tdm stjtm ecvmro`mots iotc fcoginmofm co tdm

    `jttmr/Fdjudjo gurtdmr sjin tdm @X ecvmro`mot%s cppc-

    sitico tc tdm OF^F is tdjt joy joti-tmrrcr cpmrjtico

    by tdm Fmotrm sdcuan bm dman io fcokuoftico witd

    tdm stjtms/ ^dm stjtm ecvmro`mot ncms oct djvm joy

    issum witd iotmaaiemofm sdjrioe/ ^dm cppcsitico is

    bjsmn co tdm fcosinmrjtico tdjt smjrfd jon smizurm

    cpmrjticos iovcavm fcurts jon dmofm sdcuan oct fjr-

    rimn cut scamay by tdm Fmotrm/ ^dm F@ qumsticomn

    tdm ommn gcr tdm OF^F wdmo tdmrm jrm ctdmr jemo-

    fims ailm tdm Ojticoja iovmstiejtico jemofy $OIJ) tc

    nmja witd tmrrcr fjsms/

    Fdjudjo sjin tdm fcuotry is gjfioe tdm twio

    tdrmjts cg amgt wioe mxtrm`is` $AGM) jon tmrrcris`

    jon jnnmn tdjt tdm Fmotrm ommns tc nispajy strcoe

    wiaa wdiam nmjaioe witd tdmsm issums/ Dm fconm`omn

    tdm liaaioe cg Fcoermss`mo io Fdjttisejrd by

    @jcists jon sjin tdjt tdmrm is oc pajfm gcr vicamofm

    io j nm`cfrjfy/ Dm strmssmn co tdm nmvmacp`mot jp-

    prcjfd tc nmja witd @jcis` io tribja jrmjs/

    ^dm F@ jasc sjin tdjt tdm guons jvjiajbam grc` tdm

    ]oico ecvmro`mot gcr cnmroizjtico cg tdm pcaifm

    djn fc`m ncwo grc` Rs :88 frcrm io 288: tc Rs 26

    frcrm tdis ymjr/ Dm sjin tdjt tdm sdjrioe cg tdm fcst

    bmtwmmo tdm Fmotrm jon stjtm djs jasc bmmo io-

    frmjsmn grc` 5=;2= tc 78;>8/ ^dm F@ sjin tdjt tdmrm

    djn bmmo oc fc``uoja ricts io tdm stjtm io tdm ajst

    = ymjrs/ Dm sjin tdjt tdm Fmotrm djs oct eivmo jssmot

    tc tdm joti-tmrrcr jft gcr`uajtmn by tdm stjtm/

    Fri`ms jejiost wc`mo jrm jasc bmioe nmjat witd co

    j pricrity! Fdjudjo faji`mn/

  • 7/28/2019 We The State - Issue 37


    UM ^DM V^J^M@ust rmjn6 BDCXJA Kuo :8 tc Kuo :7! 28:6


    :8-7-7-28:6- @conjy -Kymstd @jd


    Xcsitivm nirmftico- Umst jon Vcutd

    Bjn ti`m - 5;6: j` tc 9;:6 j`

    Eccn ti`m -=;=8 j` tc 5;68 j`

    jon 9;:= j` tc :8;=> j` jon 2;:5 p`

    tc 5;22 p`

    ::-7-28:6- umsnjy -Kymstd @jd


    Xcsitivm nirmftico- Ocrtd jon Umst

    Bjn ti`m - 6;=9 p` tc =;>: p`

    Eccn ti`m - 9;:6 j` tc 2;:5 p`

    :2-7-28:6- Umnomsnjy - Kymstd @jd


    Xcsitivm nirmftico - Ocrtd jon Umst

    Bjn ti`m - :2;64 p` tc 2;28 p`

    Eccn ti`m - =;>9 j` tc 9;:6 j`

    jon >;86 p` tc 5;25 p`

    :6-7-28:6-^dursnjy - Kymstd @jd

    Vdulajpjlsd- FdjturtdiXcsitivm nirmftico - Ocrtd jon Umst

    Bjn ti`m - 2;28 p` tc >;86 p`

    Eccn ti`m - =;>9 j` tc 5;6: j`

    jon :8;=7 j` tc 2;:9 p` jon =;>=

    p` tc 5;25 p`

    :>-7-28:6- Grinjy - Kymstd @jd

    Vdulajpjlsd -Xjofd`i

    Xcsitivm nirmftico - Ocrtd jon Mjst

    Bjn ti`m - :8;=7 j` tc :2;64 p`

    Eccn ti`m - =;>9 j` tc :8;== j`

    jon :2;69 p` tc 2;28 p` jon =;>=

    p` tc 5;25 p`

    :=-7-28:6- Vjturnjy -Kymstd @jd


    Xcsitivm nirmftico - Mjst jon Ocrtd

    Bjn ti`m - 9;:6 j` tc :8;=7 j`

    Eccn ti`m -5;6: j` tc 9;:2 j`

    jon :2;64 p` tc =;>= p`

    :7-7-28:6- Vuonjy -Kymstd @jd


    Xcsitivm nirmftico- Vcutd jon Mjst

    Bjn ti`m - =;>= p` tc 5;25 p`

    Eccn ti`m - 5;6: j` tc :2;64 p`

    jon 2;28 p` tc >;86 p`


    M-@jia; jfdjryj/sjrvmsdHyjdcc/fc`

    @cbiam; 9427789:92

    Wjstu ips

    ^dm eumst rcc` sdcuan oct

    bm pajfmn jt Vcutd-Umst

    nirmftico cg tdm dcusm/

    Ycu fjo pajo tdm eumst rcc`

    jt Ocrtd-Umst nirmftico/ Its

    famjr jon suitjbam pajfm gcr

    tdm eumst rcc`/

    Ycu fjo pajfm cr pajo tdm

    eumst rcc` jt Jeomyj

    $Vcutd-Mjst) fcromr jasc/

    Ig tdm eumst rcc` is situjtmn

    jt Wjyjyj fcromr tdmo ycu

    `ust prcvinm wioncw jt

    Ocrtd-Mjst fcromr tcwjrns

    Ocrtd nirmftico cr jt amjst

    ycu fjo prcvinm j wioncw jt

    Umst nirmftico/

    Udy ]XJs OF^F wiaa bm kust joctdmrsupmrstrufturm io tdm `jzm cg iostituticos *

    Ionij ! wdifd is com cg tdm bieemst

    vifti`s cg tmrrcris`! is gjfioe j pm-

    fuaijr situjtico/ J bcny locwo js

    tdm Ojticoja Fcuotmr ^mrrcris` Fmotrm

    wdifd wjs tc fc``mofm cpmrjticos

    grc` @jrfd : is io tdm `inst cg j fco-

    trcvmrsy tdjols tc omjray :6 stjtms --

    `cstay oco-Fcoermss coms -- cppcsioe

    tdm inmj cg smttioe it up/

    J `ioistry cg dc`m jggjirs prcpcsja!

    OF^F%s `jio iotmotico is tc nmja witd

    tmrrcr tdrmjts jon is bmioe gcr`mn witd-

    io tdm Iotmaaiemofm Burmju/

    ^dm rcam cg tdm OF^F is tc put tc rmst

    jaa pcssibam fcogusico rmejrnioe iotmaai-

    emofm sdjrioe/ It wcuan bm j dub wdmrm

    iotmaaiemofm is jojaysmn jon j nmfisico

    wcuan bm tjlmo co wdmtdmr it wcuan bmjfticojbam cr oct/

    ^dm bjsif inmj is tc prmvmot fcogusico

    rmejrnioe iotmaaiemofm ioputs jon jasc

    mosurm tdjt ocom cg tdm pcaifm gcrfms

    grc` tdm stjtms motmr iotc j baj`m ej`m

    rmejrnioe iotmaaiemofm sdjrioe js com

    ect tc smm nurioe tdm 27#:: jttjfls io


    Gurtdmr tdm bcny wcuan djvm pcwmrs

    uonmr tdm ]oajwgua Jftivitims Xrmvmo-

    tico Jft tc fjrry cut smjrfdms io joy

    fcromr cg tdm fcuotry jon jasc jlm jr-


    It wcuan djvm swmmpioe pcwmrs jon

    fcuan smml iogcr`jtico grc` tdm Fmo-

    trja Burmju cg Iovmstiejtico! Ojticoja

    Iovmstiejtico Jemofy! Ojticoja Iotmaai-emofm Erin! Ojticoja ^mfdoifja Rm-

    smjrfd Crejoisjtico! Nirmftcrjtm cg

    Rmvmoum Iotmaaiemofm jon jaa smvmo fmo-

    trja jr`mn pcaifm gcrfms iofaunioe tdm

    Ojticoja Vmfurity Eujrn/

    Omjray :6 stjtms djvm rjismn strcoe cb-

    kmfticos tc tdm smttioe up cg tdm OF^F/

    Uiaa it bmfc`m joctdmr LEB cr IVI $tdm

    spy jemofims cg Russij jon Xjlistjo!

    rmspmftivmay! octcricus gcr tdmir brmjfd

    cg pcwmr) is tdm bie qumstico tdjt is bm-

    ioe jslmn! fcosinmrioe it djs swmmpioe

    pcwmrs cvmr jaa stjtms/

    Io 2889! tdmo-dc`m `ioistmr X Fdi-

    nj`bjrj` wjs usdmrmn iotc tdm tdrcb-

    bioe dmjrt cg tdm ]oitmn Vtjtms wjrjejiost tmrrcris`! its supmr-smfrmt Oj-

    ticoja Fcuotmr-^mrrcris` Fmotrm/ Dm

    ejzmn iotmotay! jo jinm rmfjaas! jt its ei-

    jot! gia`if vinmc-wjaas! wdmrm iogcr`j-

    tico grc` jfrcss tdm wcran nispajymn io

    rmja ti`m! jon jslmn smjrfdioe qums-

    ticos jbcut tdm nczmos cg fajssigimn

    njtjbjsms tdjt gmmn tdm`/ Dm ejtdmrmn

    rmj`s cg `jtmrijapmrdjps mvmo tdm

    prc`cticoja vinmc tdjts ocw coaiom/

    Ajtmr tdjt ymjr! Fdinj`bjrj` fco-

    nmosmn jaa tdis locwamnem iotc tdm cst

    stupin ojticoja smfurity fcofmpt tc

    m`mrem grc` tdm ]oitmn Xrcermssivm Ja-

    aijofm ecvmro`mots inmj-gjftcry/ Dm

    prc`ismn djvm j `jnm-io-Ionij OF^F

    wcuan bm up jon ruooioe by tdm mon cg28:8 j tdirn cg tdm ti`m it djn tjlmo

    tdm ]oitmn Vtjtms/ Ionij fjooct jggcrn

    tc wjit 67 cotds! dm nmfaji`mn/

    Mjraimr tcnjy! cppcsitico fdimg `iois-

    tmrs io Omw Nmadi djvm `jnm famjr tdmy

    tdiol it fjo tcrpmncioe uoico dc`m

    `ioistmr Vusdia Lu`jr Vdionms fjaas

    gcr tdm` tc moncrsm tdm smttioe up cg tdm

    OF^F/ Io @jrfd! Vdionm djn rmspconmn

    tc guricus prctmsts by fdimg `ioistmrs

    by nrcppioepajos tc eivm jo Iotmaai-

    emofm Burmju-amn OF^F pcwmrs cg jr-

    rmst/ Dis omw prcpcsjas fjst tdm OF^F

    si`pay js jo ioocfucus iotmaaiemofm-

    sdjrioe dub/ Its prcbjbam tdm Fcoermss

    wiaa scco bm fc`pajioioe tdjt tdm cppc-

    sitico is sjbctjeioe tdm fcuotmr-tmrrcr-

    is` mggcrt gcr pmtty pcaitifja rmjscos/

    Ionijs OF^F rmprmsmots tdm jbinioe

    nmausico tdjt tmrrcris` fjo bm bmjtmoiotc sub`issico by Moeaisd japdjbmts/

    It wcot! jon fjot! wcrl/ Mvmo bribioe

    tdm Ajsdljr-m-^jibj jon tdm @jcists

    witd tdm Rs 6!>88 frcrm tdm OF^F is ms-

    ti`jtmn tc fcst wiaa djvm j bmttmr fdjofm

    cg suffmss/

    ^dm rmja sdcfl-jon-jwm iospirmn by Io-

    nijs pcst-27#:: rmspcosm aims io dcw

    spmftjfuajray aittam tdm ]XJ ecvmro-

    `mots `jojemn tc nc tc gix tdm rmja

    prcbam`ajfl cg iotmaaiemofm! jon ajfl

    cg rmspcosm fjpjfity/

    Io @jrfd tdis ymjr! `ioistmr cg stjtm

    gcr dc`m RXO Vioed tcan Xjraij`mot

    tdjt tdm Iotmaaiemofm Burmju djn :4!59=

    pmrscooma co its rcaas! jejiost j sjof-ticomn strmoetd cg 27!475 io ctdmr

    wcrns! tdjt tdm priofipja nc`mstif

    fcuotmr-tmrrcris` iotmaaiemofm smrvifm

    wjs j tdirn uonmr-strmoetd/ Io 2889!

    tdmo-uoico dc`m `ioistmr! X Fdi-

    nj`bjrj` djn jutdcrismn tdm dirioe

    cg 7!888 pmrscooma/ ^dm jemofy is stiaa


    Mvmo ig tdm 4!888 stjgg ocw ommnmn

    wmrm tc sunnmoay nmsfmon jt tdm Bu-

    rmjus Ocrtd Bacfl cggifm! its jfjnm`y

    fjo trjio kust 788-588 j ymjrwdifd

    bjrmay fcvmrs jttritico/

    Xmrdjps wcrsm! tdm pmcpam tdmrm jrm

    bjnay nmpacymn/ ^dm Burmjus cpmrj-

    ticos nirmftcrjtmtdm dub cg its fcuot-

    mr-tmrrcris` mggcrtdjs sc`m 68 joj-aysts jon giman stjgg! jaa tcan< joctdmr 68-

    cnn trjfl @jcists/ Acfja fcuotmr-tmr-

    rcris` tmj`s smt up io 2884 djvm bmmo

    nis`jotamn num tc stjgg sdcrtjems/ Givm

    cg tdm 24 Kciot Nirmftcrs io Omw Nmadi

    nmja nirmftay witd fcuotmr-tmrrcris` is-

    sumstdm rmst fc``ittmn tc jssmssioe

    mvmrytdioe grc` tdm stjtm cg pajy io

    mamfticos! ionustrija rmajticos jon mvmo

    gccn smfurity/

    @mjowdiam! tdm mam`mots tdjt wiaa gmmn

    iotc tdm OF^F jrmot joywdmrm omjr

    rmjny ymt/ Ailmwism! its ]V rcam-`cnma!

    Fdinj`bjrj`s OF^F wjs tc wman tc-

    emtdmr uatipam iotmaaiemofm njtjbjsms;

    tdm Ojticoja Iotmaaiemofm Erin! OJ^-

    ERIN! tdm Fri`ms jon Fri`ioja ^rjfl-

    ioe Omtwcrl jon Vystm`! FF^OV! jon

    tdm Iotmaaiemofm Burmju-ruo dub! tdm

    @uati-Jemofy Fmotrm! @JF/^dm FF^OV wjs iojueurjtmn! co j pi-

    act bjsis! io Kjoujry/ Viofm tdmo! its scgt-

    wjrm djs rmpmjtmnay frjsdmntdm cut-

    fc`m cg pmrsistmot gajws io nmsieo jon

    i`pam`motjtico/ XcaOmt! j bjsif njtj-

    sdjrioe smrvifm aiolioe gcrfms jfrcss

    tdm fcuotry jon sfdmnuamn gcr j 2887

    rcaa-cut! djs bmmo jaa but jbjoncomn/

    OJ^ERIN! jffcrnioe tc j scurfm facsm

    tc tdm prckmft! rm`jios smvmrja `cotds

    tc smvmrja ymjrs jwjy grc` bmioe jbam

    tc prcvinm gauin rmja-ti`m jffmss tc mx-

    istioe ecvmro`mot njtjbjsms/ ^dm

    OF^F wmaa emt jarmjny mxists; @JF

    wdifd dcans twc `mmtioes bmtwmmo jaa

    iotmaaiemofm-ejtdmrioe smrvifms mjfdnjy! jon pjssms co iogcr`jtico co

    tdrmjts ojticowinm/

    ^dmrm jrm tdioes tdm ecvmro`mot

    fcuan nc tc gix tdioes! witdcut spmonioe

    .5= biaaico; grmm up tdm Iotmaaiemofm Bu-

    rmju tc gcfus co ojticoja smfurity! giaa its

    stjggioe nmgifits! guon its mxpjosico/ It

    fcuan pusd stjtms tc i`prcvm tdmir cwo

    nysguofticoja iotmaaiemofm-ejtdmrioe

    systm`s/ It fcuan modjofm tdm stjggioe

    cg fivia pcaifmtdm girst rmspconmrs io j

    frisis! jon tdm girst pciot cg fcotjft gcr

    fc``uoity iotmaaiemofm/ Io 28::! tdmrm

    wmrm :!24:!6:5 pcaifm co tdm rcaas! up

    coay vmry `jreiojaay grc` :!:62!682 io


    @cni sjin prcpcsmn strufturm cg tdmOF^F is oct io fcoerumofm witd tdm

    priofipams cg gmnmrjais` js it mssmotija-

    ay trims tc frmjtm j gmnmrja pcaifm

    wdifd is jo jaimo fcofmpt tc tdm fcuotry/

    I gmjr tdjt it wiaa bm joctdmr iostitu-

    tico cg tdm Fmotrm gcr pcaitifja `isusm

    jejiost cppcsitico-ruamn stjtms! tdm

    Eukjrjt Fdimg @ioistmr sjin/

  • 7/28/2019 We The State - Issue 37


    UM ^DM V^J^MMnitcrija> BDCXJA Kuo :8 tc Kuo :7! 28:6

    Vcrrcw is pmojofm/ Udy bm sfjrmn cg pmojofm3@MMOJ C@


    m tjal jbcut scrrcw jon djppiomss

    io cur aivms/ ^jal jbcut scua! tdm

    suprm`m scua $pjr`jt`j) jon aib-

    mrjtico $`clsd) mtf/! but omvmr try jon mx-

    pacrm tdmir trum `mjoioe/ Amt us try tc gion

    cut wdjt is scrrcw3 ^dmrm is oc `motico cg

    tdm wcrn scrrcw io cur Wmnif Xurjojs/ dmrm

    is coay com Ajw tdjt is `moticomn tdmrm ig j

    `istjlm djs bmmo fc``ittmn! jtcom gcr it/

    ^dm wjy tc rmpmotjofm is pmojofm/ Xmojofm is

    purigifjtico cg tdm bcny! `ion jon scua/

    Locw ycur trutd by jbstjioioe tdm bcny!

    `ion jon scua cg smosuja e rjtigifjtico/ Io

    Wmnif ti`ms sufd niggifuatims nin oct eivm

    birtd tc scrrcw iostmjn wmrm jffmptmn erjfm-

    guaay js Ecns wiaa/ ^dis wcrn suggmrioe bm-

    fj`m pcpuajr nurioe tdm pmricn cg @jdjt`j

    Bunnd/ It bmejo tc bm jssu`mn tdjt tdm djrn-

    sdips $pmojofm) tdjt wmrm bmioe mxpmrimofmn

    wmrm suggmrioe/ Udmo du`jo bmaimvms tdjtpmojofm cr tryioe situjticos tdjt fc`m io aigm

    io tdm gcr` cg tmsts cg aigm jrm suggmrioe dis

    aigm bmfc`ms tcued/ Vi`iajray! tdmrm is j ommn

    tc locw tdm trum `mjoioe jon nmgioitico cg

    scua! aibmrjtico $`clsd)! rmiofjrojtico mtf/

    Udjt is scua3 ^dm scua io rmjaity is tdjt momr-

    ey wdifd is tdm fcurimr cg cur ajst tdcuedt/

    ^dis bdjv $gmma) jgtmr bmioe smpjrjtmn grc`

    tdm bcny! ig mxprmssmn io j vmry bjsif gcr`!

    prcfmmns tcwjrns j spmfigif pajom io tdm ]oi-

    vmrsm! wdifd is tdm c`oipctmot scurfm

    momrey/ ]sujaay tdm scua ncms oct fc`m bjfl

    i``mnijtmay! but ig it gions j suitjbam

    `mniu` tdjt fjo rmfmivm tdjt tdcuedt jon

    dmap it tc `cvm tcwjrns its ecja! tdm scua fjp-

    turms tdjt spmfigif bdjv jon rmiofjrojtms it-

    smag! wdifd dmaps tc tjlm gcrwjrn tdm monamss!

    mtmroja mvcauticojry wcrl cg Ojturm/



    ffcrnioe tc tdm fc``co nmgioiticos cg aibmrjtico tdjt jrm jvjiajbam! aibmrjtico is

    grmmnc` grc` tdm fyfam cg birtd jon nmjtd/ But tdm trutd is tdjt ig du`jo wjots!

    dm fjo jttjio aibmrjtico wdiam rmsinioe io tdis du`jo bcny/ Gcr tdis! it is mssmotija

    tdjt dm bmfc`ms scuagua $jt`vjjo)/ But it is oct mjsy tc bm scuagua jon aibmrjtmn/ ^dis fjo

    djppmo coay wdmo tdm motirm bmioe cg du`jo is iaau`iomn $nmnipyj`jjo) witd nmvctico

    bjsmn co fc`pamtm surrmonmr! trutd! acvm jon ljr` $nuty! riedt fconuft jt riedt ti`m)/ dmo

    it bmfc`ms ailm j purm! famjo tm`pam cg Ojturm io wdifd tdm niviom ecnay rmja` jutc`jti-

    fjaay jon mggcrtamssay `joigmsts itsmag tc eivm fcofrmtm gcr` tc its nmmns jon bmstcws upco

    sufd jo ionivinuja jaa gjfiaitims tdjt `jy bm rmquirmn/ Kust by `mrmay bmioe io tcufd witd

    jo moaiedtmomn du`jo tdm fcosficusomss cg joctdmr fjo jasc bm jwjlmomn/ It sdcuan bm

    lmpt io `ion tdjt scua smjrfdioe witd j `ion guaa cg smagisd ejios wiaa jawjys bm gruitamss/

    Gcr tdis! jbscautm jffmptjofm by tdm dmjrt jon tdm `ion witd j com-pciot prcerj``m jrm

    vmry mssmotija/ ^dm smjrfd gcr trutd fjo omvmr bm ncom djag-dmjrtmnay! witd nujaity cr

    nivinmn momrey/ rutd coay rmjfdms tdm trutd/

    ^c bm jt`vjjo cr scuagua is ailm tdm scua bmfc`ioe j swjo $jt`j lj djos dc kjjoj)/ Io

    sufd j stjtm j du`jo fjo pifl tdm pmjras cg trum mssjems cg tdm niviom ailm j swjo jon tdm

    smfrmts cg tdm ]oivmrsm jrm uovmiamn tc di`/ But tdm jreu`motjtivm `ion jfts js j

    dionrjofm co du`jos pjtd tc bmfc`m scuagua/ Udmrm tdmrm is rmjscoioe wm stjrt tc

    nistjofm cursmavms grc` tdm suprm`m trutd/ Um stjrt tc gjaa jpjrt grc` tdm ojturja rdytd`cg Ojturm/ ^dm wdcam wcran ruos co bdjv $gmma)/ @jttmr rmtjios tdmsm bdjvs $gmmas) io tdmir

    purm gcr`! but du`jo `ion pcaautms tdmsm/ Num tc dis rmjscoioe cr nujaity rmejrnioe tdm

    guofticoioe cg tdm ]oivmrsm du`jo rmfcogir`s dis cwo tdcuedts/ Jftujaay du`jo jon Oj-

    turm jrm rmgamfticos cg mjfd ctdmr! but j gmmaioe cg nujaity djs frmjtmn nistjofm bmtwmmo tdm

    twc/ Com `crm jft tdjt is mssmotija io tdm fcotmxt cg smjrfd gcr trutd is tdm fdjoomaisjtico

    cg momrey jon mgguaemofm $tmk)/ Uisnc` is tc locw wdifd nirmftico cur momrey is bmioe fco-

    su`mn jon dcw tc rmnirmft jon fcofmotrjtm it tcwjrns trutdgua ecjas/ ^dmrm is j sultj io

    tdm Yjkur Wmn sj` kyctisdj kycti $`jy aiedt modjofm aiedt)/ ^dis is j fjaa tc iofrmjsm tdm

    tmkjsvitj $gcrfm cg moaiedtmo`mot) by `mreioe mgguaemofm $tmk) witd mgguaemofm $tmk)/ Ig jaa

    tdcsm wdc jrm wjalioe tdm pjtd cg trutd! mxpacrmrs! yceis! ljr` yceis! iaau`iomn

    ionivinujas jon crejoisjticos mmt! jon cggmr tdmir cggmrioes cr purm tdcuedtgua gmma io tdm

    yjeyj gcr jwjlmoioe $tmkjsvitj yjeyj) tdmo jaa tdm prcbam`s cg tdm ojtico fjo bm rmscavmn

    jon Ionij fjo djvm tdm sj`m eacricus stjonioe j`coest ojticos js bmgcrm! rmsurrmftioe tdm

    pjtd cg ]oivmrsja wmagjrm/


    @mmoj C`

    $@mmoj C` is tdm gcuonmr cg Xrjoj`! j `cvm`mot bjsmn co ^rutd Acvm Ljr` jon Aiedt

    jon Ajws cg Ojturm/)

    Udy Fcoermss ailmay tc acsm io Nmadi*L

    jrojtjlj Mamfticos wjs j stjtutcry wjro-

    ioe tc jaa `ioistmrs/ ^dm pivct cg tdis

    joemr is fcrruptico/Ymnurjppj wdc wjs

    nruol witd pcwmr i`jeiomn tdjt dm is ecioe tc

    bmfc`m X@ jejio but but tdmrm jrm oc `irjfams

    amgt io Ecns fupbcjrn gcr tdm fcrrupt/ ^dis wjsgjtja tc BKX io Ljrojtjlj< it wiaa bm nmjnay gcr

    ]XJ jfrcss Ionij wdmo j emomrja mamftico fc`ms/

    ^dm Fcoermss nin oct djvm j fjoninjtm gcr

    Fdimg @ioistmr io Ljrojtjlj nurioe tdm fj`-

    pjieo jon witdcut prckmftioe j F@ fjoninjtm

    Fcoermss wco io tdm mamfticos/ ^dm Vcam rmjsco

    wjs BKXs fcrruptico io Ljrojtjlj wjs winm-

    sprmjn! jfrcss pjrty aioms jon vctmrs/^dm BKXs

    fcaajpsm bmejo witd tdm rjpm cg `ioms io Bmaajry

    / Dionutvj acst its strcoedcan io fcjstja Ljrojtj-

    lj witd tdm Nmgmjt cg Lojtjlj

    mamfticos/@uldtjr Jbbjs Ojqvi ajtmr

    joocuofmn tdjt Jycndyj issum oct j pricrity gcr

    AV pcaas/

    ^dmy djvm ocw rmjaizmn tdjt pmcpam eivm pricri-

    ty tc fcrruptico tdjo joy ctdmr issum / ^dm rmj-

    scos wdy tdm pjrty acst jrm tdmrm gcr jaa tc smmjon nc oct rmquirm rcflmt sfimofm tc uonmrstjon/

    Nin tdm pjrty rmjaay tdiol tdjt tdm pmcpam wcuan

    vctm tdm` bjfl tc pcwmr jgtmr tdm mss tdjt tdmy

    djn frmjtmn io tdm stjtm3

    Vi`iajriay! gcr Vdimaj Nixit < dmr pmrscoja frmni-

    biaity is sdjttmrmn! dmr ecvmro`mots rmputjtico

    is jo m`bjrrjss`mot! dmr pjrty djs bmfc`m j

    ojticoja kclm ! Vdm is stiaa dcpioe gcr j fdjofm rm-

    vmrsja cg gcrtuom tdrcued j spio cg fcs`if act-

    tmry/Nmadi Ejoe Rjpm ! Fcaajpsm cg ajw ' crnmr io

    Nmadi! FJE fdjremsdmmt jejiost Vdimaj Nixit%s

    Nmadi Ecvt jaa tdmsm djs emomrjtmn j rjem iopubaif/ Lmkriwja wjs suffmssgua io fdjoomaizioe

    tdm joemr jon grustrjtico io j vmry Ejondijo

    wjy jon pmcpam jasc rmspconmn/ Vdmiaj Nilsdit

    jffmptmn :8!=8! 88 amttmrs writtmo tc dmr by rmsi-

    nmots cvmr iogajtmn wjtmr jon pcwmr biaas/

    BKX djs prckmftmn Wikjy Ecma tc giedt jejiost

    Vdimaj Nixit! amt it bm j tdrmm wjy giedt bmtwmmo

    Jrvion Lmkriwja! Vdimaj Jon Wikjy ecma/ Ecma djs

    djrnay joy jn`irmrs cr nmgmonmrs io BKX/

    Vcurfms iosinm BKX is sjyioe!ig Jrvion Lmkriwja

    fcotmsts jejiost Vdimaj Nixit/ BKX wiaa witdnrjw

    its fjoninjtm tc gjvcur JJX/ Jgtmr jaa Gcrbms djs

    aistmn Lmkriwja io tdm `cst iogaumotija pmcpams

    aist / Djag tdm Fcoermss Fjbiomt fjuedt witd its

    pjots ncwo! mxpcsmn by FJE! FBI! j vieiajot

    Djryjoj burmjufrjt! cr ionmmn tdm Itjaijo pcaifm

    fdjsioe bribms tc Ionijo pcaitifijos io j dmaifcp-tmr / Nr Vioed! jgtmr faji`ioe dcomsty js j girst

    priofipam! pmr`ittmn fcrruptico io crnmr tc sit io

    tdm X@s fdjir/ Ionij ommns joctdmr

    ecvmro`mot! bcro tdrcued tdm ajbcur cg jo mamf-

    tico! i``mnijtmay/

    Iotmrmstioe *

  • 7/28/2019 We The State - Issue 37


    UM ^DM V^J^MGmjturm= BDCXJA Kuo :8 tc Kuo :7! 28:6

    Fjo Kcb ^rjioioe ^ru`p j Nmermm3F

    dioj jon Ionij! Jsijo eijots witd j

    stjeemrioe 2/= biaaico pmcpam bm-

    twmmo tdm`! djvm j bie prcbam`

    witd tdmir ycutd/ Oc `jttmr dcw `ufd tdmy

    iofrmjsm mnufjtico guonioe cr dcw quiflay

    tdmy buian uoivmrsitims! tdmrm is oc wjy

    tdmrm wiaa bm mocued pajfms gcr mvmrycom/

    Mvmo ig tdmrm wmrm! tdm rmjaity is tdjt oct

    mvmry ycuoe pmrsco djs tdm jfjnm`if bjfl-

    ercuon! `ctivjtico cr nmsirm tc fc`pamtm j

    gcur-ymjr uoivmrsity mnufjtico/

    Gcr Jsijo pjrmots! j fcaamem nipac`j is tdm

    uati`jtm stjtus sy`bca gcr tdmir fdianrmo/

    But! co tdm ercuon! tdmrm jrm si`pay oct

    mocued wmaa-pjin kcbs tc jffc``cnjtm jaa

    tdmsm erjnujtms jt amjst! oct io tdmir

    gimans cg stuny/ Vc! jgtmr erumaioe motry mx-

    j`s jon ymjrs cg jnniticoja stuny! `joy

    ycuoe erjnujtms fjo bjrmay gion mocued

    wcrl tc pjy tdmir cwo rmot/

    @mjowdiam! gjftcrims jrm amgt witdcut

    sliaamn jfdioists! jon dctmas jrm nmspmrjtmtc dirm biaioeuja prcgmssicoja fdmgs! bjr-

    tmonmrs jon wjitmrs gaumot io tdm wjys cg io-

    tmrojticoja giom nioioe/

    ^dm Jsijo mfcoc`if bcc` djs frmjtmn bia-

    aicos cg omw fjrs! ajptcps! fmaapdcoms jon

    jir fconiticomrs tdjt ommn uplmmp jon rm-

    pjir jon oct mocued tmfdoifijos wdc

    locw dcw tc nc tdjt rmjaay wmaa/ $Jon omvmr

    `ion gionioe j eccn! ajst-`ioutm pau`bmr

    wdmo ycur tciamt mxpacnms co j Vuonjy

    oiedt joywdmrm io tdm wcran/)

    ^wc Iotmrojticoja Dmrjan ribuom rmpcrts

    co vcfjticoja mnufjtico gcuon si`iajr

    tdm`ms io Ionij jon Fdioj; duonrmns cg

    `iaaicos cg ycuoe pmcpam ommn kcb-grimonay

    sliaas! jon joy fc`pjoims jrm nmspmrjtm tc

    dirm sliaamn wcrlmrs/ Jffcrnioe tc tdm Fdi-omsm Vcfimty cg Wcfjticoja jon ^mfdoifja

    Mnufjtico! `crm tdjo 9= pmrfmot cg vcfj-

    ticoja sfdcca erjnujtms gion wcrl/

    Io com! J`y Ymm rmpcrtmn grc` Edjzijbjn!

    co tdm cutslirts cg Nmadi! wdmrm sdm visitmn

    com cg tdm `joy trjioioe fmotmrs ruo by

    Erjs Jfjnm`y/ Io Ionij! privjtm vcfjticoja

    sfdccas jrm giaaioe io tdm ejps amgt by gcr`ja

    mnufjtico/ Jon wdiam sc`m cg tdmir stu-

    nmots jrm `innam-sfdcca nrcpcuts! ctdmrs

    jrm fcaamem stunmots wdc gmma tdmir uoivmrsi-

    tims jrm oct eivioe tdm` tdm djons-co wcrl

    mxpmrimofm tdmy ommn/ J`ys guaa jrtifam is


    Io joctdmr! Fcrioom Niaaco rmpcrts grc`

    tdm BO Wcfjticoja Vfdcca io Bmikioe! j oco-

    prcgit vmoturm tdjt trjios tdm fdianrmo cgpccr `ierjot wcrlmrs wdc djvm `cvmn

    jwjy grc` tdm i`pcvmrisdmn fcuotrysinm io

    smjrfd cg j bmttmr aigm/ BOs prcerj`s jrm

    tjiacrmn tc rmeicoja ommns it prcnufms fjr-

    `jlmrs io tdm ionustrija ocrtd jon pjstry

    fdmgs io scpdistifjtmn fitims tdjt jrm tcurist

    nrjws/ Fcriooms guaa jrtifam is dmrm/

    Udiam j fcaamem mnufjtico is eccn gcr sc`m!

    is it riedt gcr mvmrycom3 Vdcuan nmvmacpioe

    ojticos pjy `crm jttmotico tc djons-co

    trjioioe gcr amss jfjnm`ifjaay-iofaiomn

    ycutd3 Is it bmttmr tc bm j wmaa-m`pacymn `m-

    fdjoif cr fdmg! cr j uoivmrsity erjnujtm

    witd j nmermm but oc kcb3

    Rjkiv Ejondi ^mfdoifjauoivmrsity rmjny tc

    ajuofd Fcrpcrjtm Vfdcca

    ^c cggmr bmttmr m`pacy`mot cppcrtuoity

    gcr fc`putmr sfimofm jon I^ moeiommr-

    ioe stunmots! Rjkiv Ejondi ^mfdoifja

    ]oivmrsity $RE^]) wiaa jaa smt tc ajuofd j omw

    fcrpcrjtm sfdcca co 7 Kuom/

    Vmpjrjtm wioe gcr fcrpcrjtm sfdcca is iotrc-

    nufmn io RE^] tdjt wiaa bm cpmrjtmn by jo io-

    tmrojticoja scgtwjrm fc`pjoy! M@F Fcr pcrj-

    tico is nmm`mn js j bmofd`jrl io tdm giman cg Io-

    gcr`jtico ^mfdocacey/ ^c jfdimvm tdis j `m`c-

    rjonu` cg uonmrstjonioe $@c]) witd M@F

    Fcrpcrjtico wcuan bm sieomn sdcrtay co = Kuom


    ^dm pri`jry cbkmftivm cg tdm M@F! nmaivmrs

    trjioioe tc stunmots jon tdm gjfuaty cg RE^] co

    rmfmot bmst tmfdocacey tc emt bmttmr qujaity cg

    du`jo rmscurfm/ Xrcgmssicojas wiaa cggmr trjio-

    ioe tc 28-2= stunmots cg mvmry bjtfd tdjt mofc`-

    pjss io tdm :-2 wmml cnuam/ Jffcrnioe tc tdm

    iogcr`jtico! jpprcxi`jtmay := ajld kcbs tc bm

    prcnufmn io tdm giman cg fc`putmr sfimofm jonI^ io omxt := ymjrs/ ^dis fcrpcrjtm sfdcca wiaa

    dmap stunmots tc erjb tdm jpprcprijtm cppcrtu-


    Wifm Fdjofmaacr cg R^E]! prcgmsscr Xiyusd

    ^rivmni sjin tdis fcrpcrjtm sfdcca wiaa dmap stu-

    nmots tc gion iogcr`jtico jbcut tdm bmst cppcr-

    tuoity jt ojticoja jon iotmrojticoja amvma jacoe-

    sinm ercc` tdm` jffcrnioe tc tdm rmquirm mot

    cg t dm ionustry nm`jon/ RE^] is fcoomftmn

    witd vjricus rmocwomn gir`s io crnmr tc i`pam-

    `mot j fj`pus pajfm`mot jgtmr fc`pamtico cg

    tdm nmermm/ Co tdm sj`m stjem! 78 `mritcricus

    stunmots wiaa rmfmivm ecan jon siavmr `mnja

    tdrcued Xrmsinmot cg Ionij! Xrjojb @uldmrkmm/

    Gcr jspirjots grc` Fj`brinem Vfdcca Fmrtigifjtm# @jajyj`#

    Cvmrsmjs# Jgrifjo EFM jon# :2td Erjnm Mxj`iojtico cg J`mr-

    ifjo M`bjssy Vfdcca wdc smml jn`issico tc fcursms io N]! tdm

    Nmadi ]oivmrsity djs nmfinmn tc ec witd tdm fcovmrsico cg erjnms iotc

    pmrfmotjem cg `jrls js jwjrnmn io FBVM/

    ^dm mquivjamot jrls wiaa bm fjafuajtmn co tdm priofipam tdjt tdm in-

    pciot cg tdm `jrls rjoem spmfigimn gcr j pjrtifuajr erjnm is fcosinmrmn

    js tdm pmrfmotjem cg `jrls jwjrnmn tc tdm fjoninjtm/

    Gcr mxj`pam; Io fjsm j stunmot djs ect tdm erjnm 5! dis cr dmr FBVM

    mquivjamot pmrfmotjem cg `jrls rjoem wiaa bm bmtwmmo 97 jon :88

    witd tdm in-pciot 94 tdjt wiaa bm fcosinmrmn tc bm tdm jrls jwjrn-

    mn tc tdm stunmot/ ^dmo! jaa tdm FBVM mquivjamot `jrls gcr tdm gcur

    subkmfts wiaa bm prcfmssmn tcemtdmr tc nmrivm tdm jeermejtm pmrfmot-

    jem co tdm bjsis cg wdifd tdm stunmot wiaa bm erjotmn jn`issico/

  • 7/28/2019 We The State - Issue 37


    UM ^DM V^J^MRmeico7 BDCXJA Kuo :8 tc Kuo :7! 28:6

    II@ Ioncrm `isamjns DRN @ioistry witd mrrcomcus giojofija rmpcrtIONCRM

    Com %`issioe% tmoois fcurt io tdm

    spcrts fc`pamx cg tdm Ionijo Iosti-

    tutm cg @jojem`mot! Ioncrm $II@-I)

    djs rjismn com crm ncubt co giojofija jo-

    jem`mot io tdm prm`imr iostitutm tdjt djs

    bmmo io tdm omws `crm gcr wrcoe tdjo riedt

    rmjscos io tdm ajst fcupam cg ymjrs/

    Io j rmpcrt smot tc tdm Du`jo Rmscurfm Nm-

    vmacp`mot @ioistry ajst ymjr! tdm II@-I `mo-

    ticomn fcostruftico cg t wc tmoois fcurts io

    its spcrts fc`pamx but tdm gjft is tdjt coay

    com tmoois fcurt mxists tdmrm/

    II@-I nirmftcr O Rjvifdjonrjo nin oct rm-

    spcon tc NOJ%s qumrims io tdis rmejrn/

    Io its joouja rmpcrt cg 28::-:2! tdm II@-I

    sjin tdjt fcostruftico wcrl cg spcrts fc`-

    pamx witd twc tmoois fcurts wjs %fc`pamtmn

    uonmr ercup- II prckmft tiaa Gmbrujry 28:2%/ Io-

    stitutm%s joouja rmpcrt cg 2889-:8 djn jasc

    `moticomn tmonmr gcr fcostruftico wcrls

    wdifd iofaunmn twc tmoois fcurts/

    II@-I pubaif iogcr`jtico cggifmr Jldtjr

    Xjrvmz jn`ittmn tdmrm is coay com tmoois

    fcurt io tdm iostitutm%s spcrts fc`pamx/ Udmo

    pciotmn cut tdm joouja rmpcrt `moticoioe

    twc tmoois fcurts! dm sjin ! "wm djvm tc vmrigy


    "^dmrm is com tmoois fcurt! com squjsd jon

    jo mvmot fcurt!" Xjrvmz sjin/ II@-I%s joouja

    rmpcrt cg 2889-:8 djn rmpcrtmn tdjt @#s Vitj

    Dc`ms Xvt Atn! Ioncrm wjs eivmo Rs/ :5 frcrm

    fcotrjft cg tdm ercup-II fcostruftico wdifd

    iofaunmn twc tmoois fcurts! squjsd fcurt!

    swi``ioe pcca! ey`ojsiu`! fjgmtmrij! rmjn-

    ioe fcromr jon ctdmr j`moitims/

    ^dm fcotrjft fcst ! dcwmvmr! wmot up tc

    h26/85 frcrm by fc`pamtico cg e rcup-II fco-


    Io tdm joouja rmpcrt cg 28::-:2! tdm iosti-

    tutm iogcr`mn tdjt tdm prckmft wjs fc`pamtmn

    witd j ercss vjaum cg h26 frcrm/ Io tdis rmpcrt

    twc tmoois fcurts wmrm `moticomn js djvioe

    bmmo fcostruftmn/

    Udy jrm Vusd`j Vwjrjkjon ]`j Bdjrti oct

    tjalioe tc mjfd ctdmr3


    Fjaa it niggmrmofm io pcaitifja

    cpioicos! fc`pmtitico gcr tdm

    sact cg tcp wc`jo amjnmr io tdm

    pjrty! cr j `mrm fciofinmofm! but

    amjnmr cg tdm Cppcsitico io Acl Vjbdj

    Vusd`j Vwjrjk jon rmfmotay jociotmn

    Bdjrjtiyj Kjojtj Xjrty vifm-prmsinmot

    ]`j Bdjrti ninot mxfdjoem j wcrn

    ctdmr wdiam bctd cg tdm` wmrm io Io-ncrm tc jttmon tdm sj`m fmrm`coy tc

    gmaifitjtm pjrty wcrlmrs/

    Io gjft! mymwitomssms sjin tdjt fdjirs

    gcr bctd amjnmrs djn bmmo smt co tdm

    pmnmstja/ Vusd`j Vwjrjk is sjin tc

    djvm jrrivmn mjray jt tdym vmoum jon

    rmpcrtmnay amgt mvmo bmgcrm Bdjrti


    ]`jki jrrivmn kust `ioutms jgtmr

    Vusd`jki djn amgt! j pjrty wcrlmr


    But it is oct tdjt bctd amjnmrs ninot

    emt joctdmr fdjofm tc tjal/ Io gjft! fco-

    vcys cg bctd amjnmrs frcssmn mjfd ctd-

    mr omjr tdm Ojtd @jonir! jon jasc

    wdmo ]`j Bdjrti wjs dmjnioe tc-

    wjrns tdm Xrmss Faub/

    Octjbay! ]`js fjr wjs amgt stufl ioj kj` wdifd djn bmmo fjusmn num tc

    pcurioe cg cvmrwdma`ioe suppcrt

    gcr Vwjrjk co tdm strmmts wdmrm sdm

    djn tjlmo j brimg stcp tc jnnrmss tdm

    pjrty wcrlmrs/ Mvmo tdmo! ]`j ninot

    jppmjr lmmo tc djvm j wcrn witd Vusd-


    Ecvmro`mot faji`sJoojpuroj yckjojwitd cwo rmscurfms

    @uldyj`jotri Joojpuroj Yc-

    kjoj is bmioe i`pam`motmnusioe rmscurfms cg tdm Vtjtm

    Ecvmro`mot oct tdcsm cg tdm ]oico

    Ecvmro`mot/ ^dm Vtjtm Ecvmro`mot

    djs rmbuttmn tdm omws fjrrimn by j smf-

    tico cg Xrmss io wdifd it djs bmmo sjin

    tdjt it is i`pam`motioe tdm sfdm`m

    witd Fmotrja erjot jon sjvioe Rs 288

    frcrm grc` tdis erjot/ Io gjft! tdm Vtjtm

    Ecvmro`mot is oct rmfmivioe joy

    j`cuot io jnnitico tc tdm rjtms gcr

    wdmjt jon rifm prmsfribmn gcr nistribu-

    tico cg gccn erjios io @jndyj

    Xrjnmsd/ Mvmo tdm = pmr fmot rmi`-

    bursm`mot co purfdjsm tjx co prc-

    furmn wdmjt rmfmivmn grc` tdm Fmotrm

    is prcvinmn uonmr tdm pcaify gcr rmi`-

    bursm`mot cg fc``mrfija tjxms sdjrm

    tc stjtm ecvmro`mots jon mvmry stjtm

    djs tdm riedt tc rmfmivm it/ ^dmrm is oc

    fcoomftico cg sufd j`cuot witd pub-

    aif nistributico systm`/

    ^dm j`cuot rmfmivmn js rmi`bursm-

    `mot cg purfdjsm tjx grc` tdm ]oico

    Ecvmro`mot fjo bm spmot co joy dmjn

    siofm it is nmpcsitmn io emomrja rmvmoum

    cg tdm stjtm/ ^dm Vtjtm Ecvmro`mot is

    prckmftmn tc spmon cvmr Rs :888 frcrm

    co pubaif nistributico systm` gcr tdm

    pccr/ @uldyj`jotri Joojpuroj Yc-

    kjoj wiaa bmomgit 5> ajld gj`iaims/

    Vtjtms jbcut djag pcpuajtico cr 6/=8

    frcrm pmcpam wiaa bm bmomgitmn by tdis

    sfdm`m cg prcvinioe gccn erjios jtspmfija subsinismn rjtms/ Cg tdis! tdmrm

    wiaa bm :4 ajld Jotycnjyj jon =7 ajld

    BXA gj`iaims/

    @uldyj`jotri Joojpuroj Yckjoj

    djs bmmo i`pam`motmn io omw gcr`

    siofm Kuom :! 28:6 gcr prcvinioe wdmjt

    jon icnismn sjat jt tdm rjtm cg Rm/ : pmr

    le jon rifm jt Rs 2 pmr le tc Jotycnjyj!

    BXA! nmstitutm manmray BXA gj`iaims/

    It is octmwcrtdy tdjt mjraimr! wdmjt jt

    Rs 2 pmr le jon rifm jt Rs 6 pmr le wjs

    bmioe prcvinmn tc Jotycnjyj gj`iaims

    jon Rs 6 pmr le jon Rs >/=8 pmr le! rm-

    spmftivmay tc BXA gj`iaims io tdm stjtm/

    @jndyj Xrjnmsd is tdm girst stjtm jgtmr

    Fddjttisejrd jon ^j`ia Ojnu tc prc-

    vinm gccn erjios tc tdm pccr co sufdspmfija subsinismn rjtms/ ^dm nmfisico

    cg tdm Vtjtm Ecvmro`mot tc prcvinm

    gccn erjios tc tdm pccr co sufd spmfija

    subsinismn rjtms is com stmp jdmjn cg

    tdm ]oico Ecvmro`mots Gccn Vmfuri-

    ty Biaa/ Xrcvisico cg wdmjt jt Rs 2 pmr

    le jon rifm jt Rs 6 pmr le is prcpcsmn

    uonmr Gccn Vmfurity Biaa/

    F@ iojueurjtmn stjtm-cg-tdm

    jrt cbsmrvjtcry io ]kkjio

    Vtjtms girst uatrj`cnmro pajomtjriu`

    djs bmmo fc`pamtmn/ Gcr`mr Xrmsinmot

    JXK Jbnua Ljaj` wiaa iojueurjtm tdis

    uoiqum jstrcoc`y strufturm jt Bjsjot Widjr!

    ]kkjio/ Fdimg @ioistmr Vdivrjk Vioed

    Fdcudjo wiaa prmsinm cvmr tdm guoftico/ Vfi-mofm jon mfdocacey @ioistmr Ljiajsd Wikjy-

    vjreiyj wiaa bm mspmfijaay prmsmot/ Io tdis fco-

    tmxt! j sm`iojr wjs dman co rcam cg pajomtjri-

    u` io sfimotigif fc``uoifjtico jt Wilrj`

    ]oivmrsity! ]kkjio co @conjy/ ^dm wcrlsdcp

    wjs iojueurjtmn by Nmvi Jdiayj Wisd-

    wjvinyjajyj Wifm-Fdjofmaacr NX Vioed wdiam

    Nirmftcr Emomrja cg @jndyj Xrjnmsd Fcuofia

    gcr Vfimofm jon ^mfdocacey Xrcg Xrj`cn Lu-

    `jr Wmr`j prmsinmn cvmr it/ Nirmftcr cg Wi-

    eyjo Xrjsjr! Omw Nmadi R Ecpifdjon jon WL

    Vioed cg OFV^F! Omw Nmadi mxprmssmn tdmirvimws co tdm cffjsico/

    ^dm cbsmrvjtcry jasc is fc`pamtm jon

    Fdcudjo wiaa ajuofd its guofticoioe co Kuom

    ::/ dm stjtm-cg-tdm-jrt cbsmrvjtcry fcostruft-

    mn jt viaajem Ncoeaj io @jdinpur tjdsia wiaa

    bm iojueurjtmn jt 2 p`/ Vjd-Vjrljryjwjd

    Vurmsd Vcoi wiaa prmsinm cvmr tdm guoftico

    wdiam Vfimofm jon ^mfdocacey @ioistmr

    Ljiajsd Wikjyvjreiyj wiaa bm spmfija eumst/ Co

    bctd cffjsicos! nirmftcrs#fccrniojtcrs cg jaa

    >8 pajomtjriu`s cg tdm fcuotry! =8 sfimofm

    fc``uoifjtcrs jon cvmr 68 jstrcoc`mrs jon

    sfimotists wiaa rm`jio prmsmot/ Xrc`iomot

    j`coe tdm` jrm Vdriljot Xjtdjl! Omdru Vfi-

    mofm Fmotrm! @u`bji! NX Nujri! @X Biraj

    Xajomtjriu`! Lcaljtj! Rjtojsdri! Nirmftcr!

    Omdru Xajomtjriu`! Omw Nmadi! BV Vdjiakj!

    Kjwjdjraja Omdru Xajomtjriu`! Bmoejauru!

    BX Vioed jon NL Xjonmy! OFV^F! Omw Nmadi

    jon Jrvion Xjrjokpmy! Omdru Xajomtjriu`!

    @u`bji/ Jo jttrjftivm jstrcoc`y mxdibitico

    djs jasc bmmo put up co tdm cffjsico by iotmr-

    ojticoja fc`pjoy Iogcvisico! @u`bji!

    Amc Xajomtjriu`! Omw Nmadi jon EC^C!


  • 7/28/2019 We The State - Issue 37


    5 Eaj`cur UM ^DM V^J^MBDCXJA Kuo :8 tc Kuo :7! 28:6

    Bmdion tdm eaittmr cg Bcaay-

    wccn%s `jrqumm is j wcrancg nmprmssico gcuon tcc

    cgtmo j`coe stjrs! `cstay jf-

    trmssms! wdc! wdmo fc`ioe tc

    tdm briol! cpt tc tjlm tdmir cwo

    aivms/ Viofm Bcaaywccn is

    stuoomn by tdm suifinm cg Kijd

    Ldjo wm brioe tc ycu sc`m

    sdcflioe nmjtd cg Bcaaywccn/

    ^dm Bcaaywccn fc``uoity is

    io `curoioe/

    Jftrmss Kijo Ldjo wjs prc-

    ocuofmn nmjn @conjy jgtmr

    dmr `ctdmr nisfcvmrmn tdm

    stjr%s bcny djoeioe io dmr

    rcc` jt dmr @u`bji dc`m!

    tdm vifti` cg jo jppjrmot sui-

    finm/ Vdm wjs 2=/^dm Omw Ycrlbcro Ldjo

    wjs rjismn io Aconco jon

    `jnm dmr Bcaaywccn nmbut jt

    tdm jem cg :4 io tdm 2885 gia`

    Oisdjbn/ Iospirmn by

    Wajni`ir Ojbclcv%s aitmrjry

    fajssif Acaitj! tdm gia` wjs ni-

    rmftmn by Rj` Ecpja Wjr`j! wdc

    pjin tributm tc dis amjnioe ajny co^wittmr io tdm wjlm cg tdm omws cg


    Xjrild jnnmn; "Com dit jon pmcpam

    jrm ruooioe jgtmr ycu gcr jutc-

    erjpds< gcur gacps jon oc com oc-

    tifms ycu/

    Dcpmamssomss! wcrtdamssomss jon

    dmapamssomss tdmrmgcrm emt jue-

    `motmn gcr fmambritims/ ^dmir `is-

    tjlms jrm eacrigimn jon pmrscojai-

    tims rcutiomay nmerjnmn bmfjusm

    tdmy jrm jawjys io tdm ai`maiedt/"

    Ionmmn! Kijd is coay tdm ajtmst io j

    acoe aiom cg suifinms j`coe Ionijo

    gia` jftrmssms/ Io :997! Wikjyjajl-

    sd`i Wjnajpjti! j Vcutd Ionijo jf-

    trmss bmttmr locwo js VialV`itdj! wjs gcuon nmjn io dmr

    jpjrt`mot io Fdmooji/ Vdm djn

    pciscomn dmrsmag -- uojbam tc fcpm

    witd j gajeeioe fjrmmr! nmprmssico

    jon jafcdca nmpmonmofy/

    Io 288>! Xjvmmo Bjbi! com cg tdm

    `cst bmjutigua jon pcpuajr gia`

    stjrs io Ionijo distcry! wjs gcuon

    nmjn io dmr @u`bji gajt sdm djnjppjrmotay stjrvmn dmrsmag tc

    nmjtd jon djn oct mjtmo nurioe tdm

    ajst tdrmm njys cg dmr aigm/

    Io :996! Nivyj Bdjrti! coay :9

    ymjrs can! rmpcrtmnay fc``ittmn

    suifinm jgtmr jo jreu`mot witd dmr

    dusbjon by ku`pioe cut cg dmr

    gigtd-stcry jpjrt`mot buianioe io

    @u`bji!/ $Dcwmvmr! tdm firfu`-

    stjofms surrcuonioe dmr nm`ism

    rm`jio `ystmricus jon uorm-


    Io tdm iotmosmay fc`pmtitivm jon

    iofrmjsioeay died-mjroioe wcran

    cg Bcaaywccn! suifinms jrm oct uo-

    usuja! @irij` Fdjony! j gia`-

    `jlmr tcan tdm ^i`ms cg Aconco/"It%s j fut-tdrcjt busiomss jon tdmrm

    is sc `ufd fc`pmtitico/ ^dmrm jrm

    jawjys j duonrmn ctdmr eiras wjit-

    ioe io tdm wioes/ J act cg tdmsm pmc-

    pam aivm tdmir aivms co tdm mnem/"

  • 7/28/2019 We The State - Issue 37


    UM ^DM V^J^MUcran4 BDCXJA Kuo :8 tc Kuo :7! 28:6

    Xjaaj` Rjku%s visit modjofmn ]V-Ionijmnufjticoja rmajticos; ]VUJVDIOE^CO

    ]oico Du`jo Rmscurfms jon Nmvmacp`mot @ioistmr @ @ Xjaaj` Rjku%s visit djs ajin tdm ercuonwcrl gcr rmgioioe jon mo-

    djofioe mnufjticoja pjrtomrsdip bmtwmmo tdm ]oitmn Vtjtms jon Ionij! j ]V cggifija djs sjin/ "Dis visit ajin tdm ercuon-

    wcrl gcr rmgioioe jon modjofioe cur mnufjticoja pjrtomrsdip jon fcovmrsjticos bmeuo nurioe tdm @ioistmr%s trip wiaa gmmn

    nirmftay iotc Kuom%s Nijaceum!" sjin^jrj N Vcomosdiom! ]onmr Vmfrmtjry cg Vtjtm gcr Xubaif Nipac`jfy jon Xubaif Jggjirs/

    Udjt tdm jppciot`mot cg Vusjo Rifm

    js Cbj`js OVJ `mjos gcr IonijUJVDIOE^CO

    ^dm sdjpm Xrmsinmot Cbj`js smfcon tmr`

    tjlms `jy wmaa nmpmon co Vusjo Rifm! dis

    omw ojticoja smfurity jnvismr! wdc wiaa sit io

    tdm Uditm Dcusm js tdm uati`jtm ejtmlmmpmr

    tc bctd `mo jon inmjs/

    Cbj`j oj`mn Rifm tc com cg tdm `cst pcw-

    mrgua pcsiticos io tdm J`mrifjo burmjufrjfy

    co Umnomsnjy wdiam oj`ioe joctdmr

    wc`jo! Vj`jotdj Xcwmr! js dis j`bjssjncr

    tc tdm ]oitmn Ojticos! j kcb dman by Rifm uo-

    tia ocw/

    Rifm js OVJ wiaa rmgmrmm tdm iotmrpajy cg

    pricritims! issums jon iotmrmsts cg vjricus nm-

    pjrt`mots jon dmap nmfinm wdjt rmjfdms Cbj-

    `js nmsl/ Js j stjuofd acyjaist! sdm djs tdm

    mjr cg tdm prmsinmot! wdc djs nmgmonmn dmr

    jejiost jttjfls grc` tdm Rmpubaifjos/

    ^dm bcon bmtwmmo tdm twc is nmmp/ Rifm! j

    gcr`mr Faiotco Jn`ioistrjtico cggifija!

    fj`m cut mjray io 2885 tc suppcrt Cbj`js

    uoailmay fjoninjfy wdmo `cst tdcuedt sdm

    wcuan bjfl Diaajry/ Vdm dmapmn Cbj`j j

    gcrmieo pcaify ocvifm nmvmacp pcsiticos co

    iotmrojticoja issums jaa co dmr cwo ti`m jon


    Rifm fc`ms tc tdm kcb witd j nmmp gj`iaijri-

    ty witd Ionij pmrdjps tcc nmmp ejiomn cvmr

    gcur ymjrs js tdm ]V j`bjssjncr tc tdm ]oit-

    mn Ojticos wdmrm sdm trimn tc smfurm Omw

    Nmadis suppcrt gcr vjricus ]O rmscauticos

    nmjaioe witd Aibyj! Irjo jon Vyrij/ dm Cbj-`j Jn`ioistrjtico fcuotmn co Ionijs sup-

    pcrt but wjs cgtmo grustrjtmn tc gion tdjt tdm

    bmst Ionij wcuan nc wjs tc jbstjio/

    ^dm prcfmss wjs bruisioe gcr bctd sinms! oc

    ncubt! but js j acoe-ti`m prjftiticomr cg gcr-

    mieo pcaify! Rifm uonmrstjons tdjt jaa fcuo-

    trims jft io tdmir smag-iotmrmst/ Vdm fcuan oct

    nis`iss cutriedt Ionijs wmaa-jreumn pcsi-

    ticos jejiost iaitjry iotmrvmotico io Aibyj/

    Udjt i`prmssicos Rifm fjrrims jbcut Ionij

    jon wdy it vctmn j fmrtjio wjy is ajremay jo

    uolocwo/ But jgtmr Ionij jon Brjzia! jacoe

    witd Russij! Emr`joy jon Fdioj! jbstjiomn

    co j rmscautico wdifd gcr`mn tdm bjsis gcr

    `iaitjry iotmrvmotico io Aibyj! sdm sjin io

    Vmptm`bmr 28::; Its bmmo j vmry iotmrmstioe

    cppcrtuoity tc smm dcw tdmy rmspcon tc tdm is-

    sums cg tdm njy! dcw tdmy rmajtm tc us jon ctd-

    mrs! dcw tdmy nc cr ncot jft fcosistmot witd

    tdmir cwo nm`cfrjtif iostituticos jon stjtmn

    vjaums/ Amt `m kust sjy! wmvm amjromn j act

    jon grjolay! oct jaa cg it mofcurjeioe/

    J saiedt diot cg ycu-jrm-mitdmr-witd-us-cr-

    jejiost-us io dmr stjtm`mot is uo`istjljbam

    but js tdm OVJ sdm wiaa djvm j winmr fjovjs

    co wdifd tc pajfm Ionij! oct tdm njiay vctm

    fcuot jt tdm ]oitmn Ojticos/ ^djt pmr gcrfm

    wiaa amjn tc j `crm fc`prmdmosivm vimw/

    Rifm djs ect tc locw Ionij jon its tjlm co

    tdm wcran `jioay tdrcued rmeuajr iotmrjf-

    ticos witd Djrnmmp Xuri! Ionijs pmr`jomot

    rmprmsmotjtivm nurioe Ionijs twc-ymjr m`-

    bmrsdip cg t dm ]O Vmfurity Fcuofia! wdifd

    monmn io Nmfm`bmr ajst ymjr/ ^dmy wmrm wmaa

    `jtfdmn bctd jrm fc`bjtivm! bauot jon je-

    ermssivm io pusdioe tdmir fcuotrys fjusm/

    ^dmy fajsdmn bmdion facsmn nccrs io tdm

    ruo up tc tdm OJ^C-amn jttjfl co Aibyj/ Xuri!

    j stjr cg tdm Ionijo gcrmieo smrvifm wdc rm-

    tirmn io Gmbrujry tdis ymjr! cgtmo djn tc tjlm

    co tdm jr`y cg ]V! Grmofd jon Britisd j`-

    bjssjncrs amn by Rifm wdc fcuanot uonmr-

    stjon wdy Ionij wcuan jbstjio wdiam Fca/

    Zjnnjgis gcrfms wmrm jttjflioe fiviaijos/

    Js Vyrij dmjtmn up! Rifm wjotmn ]O prms-

    surm co tdm Jssjn rmei`m but Ionij! Brjzia

    jon Vcutd Jgrifj wjotmn `crm nipac`jfy/

    ^dm twc wcranvimws fcaainmn rmpmjtmnay but

    tdm jgtmr`jtd io Aibyj `ust djvm fdjstmomn

    Rifm sdm is oct j vcfja jnvcfjtm cg iotmr-

    vmoioe io Vyrij/

    But tdm grmqumot niggmrmofms `jy djvm

    liaamn wdjtmvmr jppmtitm rm`jiomn io Ujsd-

    ioetco gcr jo mxpjosico cg tdm ]O Vmfurity

    Fcuofia jon gcr Ionij js j pmr`jomot `m`-


    But Omw Nmadi fjo tjlm dmjrt io tdm gjft

    tdjt sdm wiaa bm j eccn fcuotmr tc Vmfrmtjrycg Vtjtm Kcdo Lmrry wdc is smmo js cvmray jf-

    fc``cnjtioe cg Xjlistjo jon nmaibmrjtmay

    nistjot tc Ionij/ Mvmo wdmo nirmftay qums-

    ticomn co Ionijs rcam io Jgedjoistjo nurioe

    j rmfmot dmjrioe io tdm ]V Fcoermss! Lmrry

    djn octdioe tc sjy/

    Rifm is djrn-ocsmn mocued tc smm tdm rmjaity

    cg stjtm-spcoscrmn tmrrcris`/ Vdm jy bm tdm

    omw Diaajry co tdm qumstico cg Xjlistjo/ Dmr

    vimws `jy wmaa fjrry `crm wmiedt tdjo tdcsm

    cg Lmrry! wdc is oct pjrtifuajray facsm tc Cbj-

    `j/ Ircoifjaay! Rifm wjs tc emt Lmrrys pcsi-

    tico but witdnrmw dmr oj`m gcaacwioe tdm

    tjalioe pciot gijsfc cvmr tdm Bmoedjzi jt-

    tjfls io wdifd j ]V j`bjssjncr jon tdrmm

    ctdmrs wmrm liaamn co :: Vmptm`bmr! 28:2/

    Rifm nmsfribmn tdm jttjfls js `cst ailmay

    spcotjomcus spjrlmn by jo joti-Isaj`if

    vinmc! wdifd ajtmr turomn cut tc bm iofcrrmft/

    Vdm wjs rmayioe co tjalioe pciots prcvinmn

    by tdm FIJ jon wdmttmn by tdm Vtjtm Nmpjrt-

    `mot/ But tdm Rmpubaifjos! omvmrtdmamss! gm-

    rcficusay jttjflmn dmr jon usmn tdm iofinmot

    tc liaa dmr oc`iojtico gcr smfrmtjry cg stjtm/

    Cbj`j fj`m tc dmr nmgmosm! sjyioe tdm Rm-

    pubaifjos sdcuan ec jgtmr di` iostmjn! ig

    tdmy djn j prcbam`/ Dm djs ocw eivmo dmr j

    `crm pcwmrgua kcb! wdifd ncms oct rmquirm

    smojtm fcogir`jtico/

    Rifm is sjin tc bm bauot tc tdm pciot cg bmioe

    runm/ Ajst Nmfm`bmr sdm tcan Fdiojs ]O j`-

    bjssjncr tdjt dis pcsitico co Ocrtd Lcrmjs

    `issiam ajuofd wjs rinifuacus/ Vdm is

    locwo tc usm wcrns sufd js frjp io nipac-

    `jtif mofcuotmrs/

    Dmr pmrscojaity jy iokmft j aittam jftivis`

    io ]V gcrmieo pcaify! mvmo tdcued tdm cvmrjaa

    tcom smt by Cbj`j cg jo J`mrifj io rmtrmjt

    is ailmay tc rm`jio/

    But wdjt is fmrtjio is tdjt Rifm js OVJ wiaa

    bm j pcwmr pciot jaa co dmr cwo/

    Udjts XRIV@3Jppam! Gjfmbccl!

    Ecceam nmoy eivioejffmss tc ]V ecvt

    @jkcr tmfd fc`pjoims iofaunioe

    Jppam Iof! Ecceam jon Gjfmbccl

    Iof co dursnjy sjin tdmy nc oct

    prcvinm joy ecvmro`mot jemofy witd ni-

    rmft jffmss tc tdmir smrvmrs! fcotrjniftioe

    j Ujsdioetco Xcst rmpcrt tdjt tdmy djvm

    erjotmn sufd jffmss uonmr j fajssigimn njtj

    fcaamftico prcerj`/

    ^dm omwspjpmr rmpcrtmn tdjt tdm ]V Oj-

    ticoja Vmfurity Jemofy jon tdm GBI jrm

    tjppioe nirmftay iotc tdm fmotrja smrvmrs cg

    oiom amjnioe ]V Iotmromt fc`pjoims

    tdrcued j smfrmt prcerj` locwo js

    XRIV@! jon mxtrjftioe jssivm j`cuots cg

    njtj iofaunioe junic! vinmc! pdctcerjpds!

    m`jias! ncfu`mots jon fcoomftico aces/

    It oj`mn oiom fc`pjoims! iofaunioe Jp-

    pam! Gjfmbccl! @ifrcscgt Fcrp jon Ecceam

    Iof! js djvioe kciomn tdm smfrmt prcerj`/

    Ecceam! tdm Iotmromts ajremst smjrfd

    prcvinmr! sjin tdjt! nmspitm prmvicus rm-

    pcrts tdjt it djn gcremn j bjfl nccr gcr

    tdm ecvmro`mot! it djn omvmr prcvinmn joy

    sufd jffmss tc usmr njtj/

    @ifrcscgt sjin it ncms oct vcauotjriay pjr-

    tifipjtm io joy ecvmro`mot njtj fcaamftico

    jon coay fc`paims witd crnmrs gcr rm-

    qumsts jbcut spmfigif jffcuots cr inmoti-


    Um djvm omvmr dmjrn cg XRIV@! sjin

    Jppam spclms`jo Vtmvm Ncwaioe/ Um ncoct prcvinm joy ecvmro`mot jemofy witd

    nirmft jffmss tc cur smrvmrs! jon joy ecv-

    mro`mot jemofy rmqumstioe fustc`mr njtj

    `ust emt j fcurt crnmr/

    Jslmn wdmtdmr Jppam kciomn tdm OVJ-GBI

    njtj fcaamftico prcerj`! Jppam nmfaiomn tc

    fc``mot bmycon its brimg stjtm`mot/

    ^dm Ujsdioetco Xcst rmpcrtmn tdjt Jppam

    dman cut gcr `crm tdjo givm ymjrs jgtmr

    XRIV@ moaistmn its girst fcrpcrjtm pjrtomr!

    io @jy 2885! gcr uolocwo rmjscos/

    Um nc oct prcvinm joy ecvmro`mot cr-

    ejoizjtico witd nirmft jffmss tc Gjfmbccl

    smrvmrs! Gjfmbccls fdimg smfurity cggifmr

    Kcm Vuaaivjo sjin io j stjtm`mot/ Udmo

    Gjfmbccl is jslmn gcr njtj cr iogcr`jtico

    jbcut spmfigif ionivinujas! wm fjrmguaay

    sfrutioizm joy sufd rmqumst gcr fc`paijofm

    witd jaa jppaifjbam ajws! jon prcvinm iogcr-

    `jtico coay tc tdm mxtmot rmquirmn by ajw/

    Yjdcc sjin io j stjtm`mot tdjt it tjlms

    usmrs privjfy vmry smricusay/ Um nc oct

    prcvinm tdm ecvmro`mot witd nirmft jffmss

    tc cur smrvmrs! systm`s! cr omtwcrl/

  • 7/28/2019 We The State - Issue 37


    UM ^DM V^J^MFc``mrfm9 BDCXJA Kuo :8 tc Kuo :7! 28:6

    Rmaijofm tc iovmst :/= triaaico

    rupmms! tiedt-aippmn co >ER

    maijofm! Ionij%s gcurtdajremst fc`pj

    oy by `jrlmt vjaum! djs bmmo uonmr

    prmssurm grc` iovmstcrs wcrrimn by

    its sacwioe ojturja ejs busiomss jon its nrivm

    iotc fcosu`mr smftcrs sufd js tmamfc`s jon


    Rmaijofm djs gcr ymjrs acclmn tc nivmrsigy

    bmycon its fcrm momrey busiomss! but prcgits

    djvm bmmo mausivm/Rmaijofm Kic Iogcfc``! its tmamfc`s uoit! is

    tdm coay Ionijo fc`pjoy tc djvm ojticowinm

    pmr`its gcr >E smrvifms/ Omjray tdrmm ymjrs

    jgtmr jfquirioe tdm jirwjvms! it is ymt tc stjrt

    fc``mrfija smrvifms/

    Fdjir`jo @ulmsd J`bjoi! Ionij%s rifdmst

    `jo! tcan sdjrmdcanmrs jt tdm fc`pjoy%s jo

    ouja emomrja `mmtioe tdjt dm djn j buaaisd

    vimw cg t dm pctmotija gcr nieitja smrvifms io

    Ionij! jon tdm uoit wcuan crm tdjo tripam its

    dmjnfcuot tc :8!888 cvmr omxt ymjr! but nin

    oct sjy wdmo smrvifms wiaa bm ajuofdmn/

    "Amt `m jssurm sfmptifs tdjt `y fcotioumn

    cpti`is` is bjsmn co tdm sieoigifjot strinms

    tdjt wm jt Rmaijofm djvm tjlmo io tdm pjst

    ymjr tcwjrns moeiommrioe jon tmstioe j

    wcranfajss brcjnbjon omtwcrl! jon io nm

    vmacpioe j suitm cg fc`pmaaioe jon syomreis

    tif nieitja smrvifms!" dm sjin/

    "Cur i`pjtimofm tc rmjfd cur ecja nm`jons

    j smosm cg uremofy! but oct fjrmamss djstm!"

    J`bjoi sjin! j`in spmfuajtico tdjt tdm fc`

    pjoy wiaa `jlm its fc``mrfija >E omtwcrl

    ajuofd ajtmr tdis ymjr/

    Rmaijofm Ionustrims wiaa spmon `crm tdjo .27 biaaico

    jfrcss its busiomssms cvmr tdrmm ymjrs! it sjin co

    ^dursnjy! eivioe gmw nmtjias cg pajos gcr its acoe-jotifi-

    pjtmn ajuofd cg >E tmamfc``uoifjticos smrvifms/


    Rmaijofm Kic djs giojaismn lmy vmoncrs

    jon suppaimrs rmquirmn gcr tdm ioitija

    ajuofd cg tdm smrvifms! J`bjoi sjin/

    "^cemtdmr witd cur pjrtomrs! wm djvm

    fdjrtmn jo j`biticus pajo gcr tdm omxt :2

    `cotds! jon wm jt Rmaijofm Kic gcrmsmm

    `jlioe rjpin prcermss cvmr tdis pmricn

    tcwjrns ajuofdioe cur smrvifms jfrcss Ionij!"

    dm sjin/

    Vdjrms io Rmaijofm wmrm ncwo :/: pmrfmot

    jt 596/88 rupmms jt :;:9 p/`/ ^dm stcfl wjs

    jbcut 8/= pmrfmot acwmr bmgcrm J`bjoi

    bmejo dis spmmfd/Rmaijofm is `jlioe iovmst`mots mxfmmnioe

    :/= triaaico rupmms jfrcss its givm busiomss

    jrmjs - momrey mxpacrjtico jon prcnuftico!

    pmtrcamu` rmgioioe jon `jrlmtioe!

    pmtrcfdm`ifjas! rmtjia! jon >E! J`bjoi sjin/

    Rmgmrrioe tc tdm ejs nisfcvmry tdjt

    Rmaijofm! jacoe witd pjrtomrs BX Xaf jon Oilc

    Rmscurfms Atn joocuofmn ajst `cotd io tdm

    LE-N7 bacfl cgg Ionij%s mj st fcjst! J`bjoi

    sjin `crm prcspmfts djvm bmmo aiomn up gcr

    mxpacrjtico nriaaioe cvmr tdm omxt gmw


    Dm sjin vjricus "prcnuftico jue`motjtico

    mggcrts" wmrm uonmrwjy tc `jxi`ism

    rmfcvmry grc` mxistioe gimans io LE N7 bacfl!

    wdmrm cutput djs nisjppciotmn


    G@; uremn bjols tcjnvism fustc`mrs octtc iovmst io ecan

    ^dm Rmsmrvm Bjol cg Ionij djs jnvismn

    bjols jejiost smaaioe ecan fcios tc rm

    tjia fustc`mrs! Giojofm @ioistmr X/

    Fdinj`bjrj` sjin co ^dursnjy! j njy jgtmr

    dm rjismn ecan i`pcrt nuty tc try tc mjsm prms

    surm co Ionij%s bacjtmn furrmot jffcuot


    "I tdiol tdm Rmsmrvm Bjol djs jnvismn

    bjols tdjt tdmy sdcuan oct smaa ecan fcios!"

    sjin Fdinj`bjrj`! wdiam spmjlioe jt jo

    mvmot io @u`bji/

    Fdinj`bjrj` jasc uremn bjols tc jnvism

    tdmir fustc`mrs oct tc iovmst io ecan/

    Ecan i`pcrts by Ionij! tdm wcran%s bieemst

    buymr cg buaaico! suremn tc :72 tcooms io @jy

    crm tdjo twifm tdm `cotday jvmrjem io tdm

    rmfcrn ymjr cg 28::/

    FBI giams fjsm jejiost Ojvmmo Kionja! Kionja Vtmma io fcja sfj`OMU NMADI

    ^dm Fmotrja Burmju cg Iovmstiejtico $FBI)!

    wdifd is prcbioe jaamemn irrmeuajritims io tdm ja

    acfjtico cg fcja `ioms! rmeistmrmn j fri`ioja

    fjsm jejiost Kionja Vtmma jon Xcwmr Atn $KVXA)

    jon its prc`ctmr jon Fcoermss pjraij`motjrijo

    Ojvmmo Kionja co ^umsnjy! smonioe tdm fc`pj

    oys stcfl tu`baioe tc j gcurymjr acw/^dm jemofy jasc oj`mn Kionja Rmjaty Xvt/ Atn!

    joctdmr fc`pjoy cwomn by Kionja! gcr`mr io

    istmr cg stjtm gcr fcja Njsjri Ojrjyjoj Rjc jon

    dis mnij gir` Vjubdjeyj @mnij io tdm girst io

    gcr`jtico rmpcrt/ Fdjrems cg fdmjtioe jon

    fri`ioja fcospirjfy wmrm sajppmn co Ejejo

    Vpcoem Irco Xvt/ Atn jon jejiost Omw Nmadi

    Mxi`! wdifd FBI faji`mn jrm jasc cwomn by

    Ojvmmo Kionja/

    KVXA sdjrms nivmn js ufd js 2>/6- co BVM jg

    tmr tdm omws brclm/ ^dmy monmn :=/:4- acwmr jt

    Rs/227/6= mjfd! wdiam tdm bmofd`jrl Vmosmx gmaa

    :/=6- tc mon jt :9!:>6 pciots/

    FBI stjrtmn prcbioe tdm jaacfjtico cg fcja

    `ioms jgtmr tdm Fc`ptrcaamr jon Junitcr Emomr

    ja cg Ionij! tdm ecvmro`mot junitcr! pubaisdmn j

    rmpcrt ajst ymjr msti`jtioe j octicoja acss cg

    Rs/:/47 triaaico tc tdm mxfdmqumr bmfjusm cg j

    gajwmn jaacfjtico prcfmss/ ^dm iovmstiejtioe

    jemofy djs jarmjny rmeistmrmn :2 fjsms/

    ^dm scfjaamn fcjaejtm sfj` rmsuatmn io tdm rms

    ieojtico cg ajw `ioistmr Jsdwjoi Lu`jr ajst

    `cotd gcaacwioe jaamejticos tdjt dm djn jt

    tm`ptmn tc iotmrgmrm io tdm FBI prcbm/ Dm rm

    sieomn jgtmr tdm Vuprm`m Fcurt! wdifd is `coi

    tcrioe tdm iovmstiejtico! rmbulmn tdm jemofy gcr

    sdjrioe its gionioes witd tdm pcaitifja mxmfutivm/

    FBI cggifijas faji`mn tdjt KVXA jon Ejejo

    Vpcoem wmrm jaacttmn tdm J`jrlconj @ur

    ejnjoeja fcja bacfl io Birbdu`! Kdjrldjon io


    ^dmy jppaimn io 2885 jon `isrmprmsmotmn

    gjfts jbcut ajon! wjtmr suppay jon prmvicus ja

    acfjtico tc mstjbaisd tdmir maieibiaity/ Jgtmr tdmbacfl wjs jaa cfjtmn! Kionjas fc`pjoims iovmst

    mn io Vjubdjeyj @mnij! j Dynmrjbjnbjsmn

    gir`! sjin j FBI cggifija! wdc rmqumstmn


    ^dmy bcuedt sdjrms wcrtd Rs/2/2= frcrm jt j

    prifm cg Rs/:88 mjfd! wdmo tdm aistmn prifm cg

    Vjubdjeyj @mnij wjsRs/24 coay/ It smm`s tc bm j

    quin prc quc gcr cvmracclioe maieibiaity fritm

    rij! tdm cggifija jnnmn/ Zuin prc quc! tdis gcr

    tdjt io Ajtio! typifjaay `mjos j gjvcur cr jn

    vjotjem erjotmn io rmturo gcr sc`mtdioe/

    Vjubdjeyj @mnij is aiolmn tc Ojrjyjoj Rjc!

    wdc fcuanot bm rmjfdmn gcr fc``mot/

    FBI djs jarmjny qumsticomn Ojrjyjoj Rjc io

    fcoomftico witd tdm fjsm/ Co Umnomsnjy! it fco

    nuftmn smjrfdms jt :9 niggmrmot acfjticos io Nma

    di jon Dynmrjbjn/

    KVXA! js j ajw jbinioe fc`pjoy! is ecvmromn

    by j strcoe mtdifja fcnm cg fconuft/ ^dis is jo

    coecioe FBI iovmstiejtico iotc fcja bacfl jaac

    fjtico/ Jt tdis stjem cg iovmstiejtico! KVXA is

    fc``ittmn tc guaay fccpmrjtm witd FBI! @jou

    Ljpccr! dmjn cg mxtmroja jggjirs jt KVXA! sjin io

    jo m`jiamn stjtm`mot/

    Joctdmr fc`pjoy spclmspmrsco sjin KVXA

    fcuan oct fc``mot co wdmtdmr Ejejo Vpcoem

    jon Omw Mxi` wmrm cwomn by Kionja/

    ^dm FBIs jftico fj`m mvmo js tdm fcja `io

    istry co ^umsnjy gcr`jaay issumn sdcwfjusm

    octifms tc :2 fc`pjoims dcanioe fcja bacfls!

    smmlioe jo mxpajojtico gcr oct nmvmacpioe tdm`/

    J sdcwfjusm octifm is oct jo ionift`mot/ It coay

    rmquirms tdm fc`pjoy tdjt rmfmivms sufd j oc

    tifm tc mxpajio its pcsitico! typifjaay witdio j`cotd/

    Co := @jy! @iot rmpcrtmn tdjt tdm ecvmro`mot

    wjs pajooioe tc issum octifms tc tdm dcanmrs cg

    jt amjst 68 fjptivm fcja `ioms/ Fc`pjoims dcan

    ioe tdmsm bacfls wiaa bm jslmn tc mxpajio wdy

    tdmy gjiamn tc nmvmacp tdm` jon tdm jaacfjticos

    `jy bm fjofmaamn ig tdm ecvmro`mot is oct sjtis

    gimn witd tdmir rmspcosms! @iot rmpcrtmn/

    Fc`pjoims tc wdifd octifms djvm bmmo smrvmn

    iofaunm O^XF Atn! Vtmma Jutdcrity cg Ionij Atn

    $VJIA)! ^mouedjt Winyut Oiej` Atn $^WOA)!

    Nj`cnjr Wjaamy Fcrpcrjtico $NWF)! Bdusdjo

    Xcwmr jon Vtmma Atn! Umst Bmoeja Xcwmr Nmvma

    cp`mot Fcrp/ Atn $UBXNF)! @jndyj Xrjnmsd

    jon @jdjrjsdtrj stjtm `ioioe fcrpcrjticos!

    Jbdikmmt Iogrjstrufturm Atn! Ruoetj @ioms! CFA

    Ionij Atn jon Cfmjo Ispjt Xvt/ Atn! jffcrnioe tc

    j X^I rmpcrt/

    ^dm fc`pjoims djvm tc rmspcon by 68 Kuom/

    Ajst wmml! tdm fcja `ioistry djn issumn oc

    tifms tc :: fc`pjoims iofaunioe KVXA! @coomt

    Ispjt jon Momrey Atn! O^XF! jon EWL Xcwmr

    jon Iogrjstrufturm Atn gcr oct nmvmacpioe tdm

    bacfls jaacttmn tc tdm`/ J KVXA spclmspmrsco

    sjin tdm fc`pjoy djn rmfmivmn tdm octifm jon

    sjin tdjt it wjs ailmay tc rmspcon io 28 njys/

    J Bdusdjo Vtmma spclmspmrsco sjin tdjt tdm

    fc`pjoy djn oct ymt rmfmivmn tdm octifm/

    ^dm ajon jfquisitico prcfmss is co jon wm

    djvm jarmjny jfquirmn :!288 jfrms cg aj on/ Um

    jrm jwjitioe jpprcvja cg rmacfjtico jon rmdjbia

    itjtico pajo/ ^dm `iom nmvmacpmrfu cpmrjtcr

    djs jarmjny bmmo jppciotmn! jo O^XF

    spclmspmrsco sjin io jo m`jiamn rmspcosm/Um wiaa bm rmspconioe tc tdm `ioistry/ ^dm

    fc`pjoy djs cbtjiomn jaa tdm rmamvjot pmr`its

    jon jpprcvjas grc` bctd stjtm jon fmotrja ecv

    mro`mots gcr fc``mofm`mot cg `ioioe cpmrj

    ticos jt tdm jaacttmn fcja bacfl/ ^dm nmajy io nm

    vmacp`mot cg fcja bacfl wjs bmycon tdm fcotrca

    cg tdm fc`pjoy< ocomtdmamss tdm fcja `iom js

    wmaa js tdm pcwmr pajot wiaa bm rmjny gcr fc`

    `issicoioe! sdcrtay! j EWL Xcwmr spclmspmr

    sco sjin io jo m`jiamn rmspcosm/

    ^dm fcja ioistry sjin tdjt wdiam O^XF gjiamn

    tc fc``mofm pcwmr emomrjtico grc` ^jajipjaai

    bacfl io Fddjttisejrd! jaacttmn tc it io Kjoujry

    2887! by @jrfd 28:2! VJIA gjiamn tc `mmt tdm

    `iamstcom cg nmvmacpioe tdm Vitjojaj bacfl io

    Kdjrldjon/ dm octifms tc gir`s wmrm issumn gcr

    :2 fcja `ioms jaacttmn bmtwmmo Kuom 2886 jon

    Kuay 2885/ Io j smpjrjtm nmvmacp`mot! tdm

    Vuprm`m Fcurt co ^umsnjy issumn j octifm tc

    Ojvmmo Kionja jon tdm fmotrja ecvmro`mot co j

    pubaif iotmrmst aitiejtico smmlioe j FBI ioquiry

    iotc tdm nm`caitico cg j >88ymjrcan `csqum

    tdjt wjs io tdm `ioioe amjsm jrmj dman by tdm

    Kionja Ercup io Bdiawjrj nistrift cg Rjkjstdjo/

    ^dm fc`pjoy nmfaiomn tc fc``mot co tdis/

  • 7/28/2019 We The State - Issue 37


    Movirco`mot:8 BDCXJA Kuo :8 tc Kuo :7! 28:6 UM ^DM V^J^M

    Its bmmo omjray givm ymjrs siofm Ionij

    bjoomn s`clioe io pubaif pajfms!

    but ycu wcuanot locw it grc` tjal-

    ioe tc Vuejondj/ ^dm kmjos-fajn wc`joio dmr twmotims is stjonioe jt j subwjy

    motrjofm io Omw Nmadi js j `jo s`clms

    j fiejrmttm j gmw stmps jwjy! ioniggmrmot

    tc dcw tdm gu`ms joocy pjssmrsby/

    Um fjot sjy joytdioe tc joycom! sdm

    sjin/ ^dmy wcot tjlm it pcsitivmay/

    ^djts tdm stjtm cg tdioes js tdm joou-

    ja Oc ^cbjffc Njy rcaas jrcuon co @jy

    6:/ Io j fcuotry wdmrm mggcrts tc bjo pmc-

    pam grc` spittioe jon uriojtioe io pub-

    aif djvm `mt witd aittam suffmss! pmcpam

    stiaa cpmoay gacut rmstrifticos co s`cl-


    Ldusdbu! Vuejondjs bmspmftjfamn

    grimon! sjin s`clmrs jrm j ouisjofm/ Vdm

    ji`s stmro! nisjpprcvioe accls jt tdm`

    tc sdcc tdm` jwjy/^djt ncmsot jawjys wcrl! mspmfijaay

    io cggifms wdmrm sc`mcoms bcss `iedt

    bm tdm fuaprit/ Vuejondj sjys sdms uo-

    fc`gcrtjbam jrcuon dmr fcaamjeums

    wdmo tdmy fc`m bjfl grc` j fiejrmttm

    brmjl/ ^c dmr! tdm s`maa is ojusmjtioe/

    Ucrsm! sdm fjot tmaa tdm` tc stcp/

    ^dm sjam cg tcbjffc prcnufts omjrsfdccas jon tc pmcpam uonmr tdm jem cg

    :4 is prcdibitmn! but vicajticos jrm mjsy

    tc spct/ Io Ocinj! mjst cg Nmadi! pmcpam

    s`clm by `jaas motrjofms! dcspitjas jon

    subwjy stjticos/ Xjssmoemrs jon

    pcrtmrs aiedt up jt rjiawjy stjticos/ Eut-

    lj! j pcpuajr jon bjoomn gcr` cg fdmw-

    ioe tcbjffc! is scan co tdm say/

    Ecvmro`mot cggifijas sjy tdmir joti-tc-

    bjffc fj`pjieos jrm `jlioe j niggmr-


    ^dm ou`bmr cg pmcpam s`clioe io

    pubaif pajfms is sieoigifjotay amss ig ycu

    fc`pjrm tdm situjtico tc wdjt it wjs

    sc`m 2-6 ymjrs jec! sjin Vurmsd Lu`jr

    Jrcrj! j ncftcr jon j smoicr dmjatd cggi-

    fmr io tdm Nmadi ecvmro`mot/^dm Nmadi dmjatd nmpjrt`mot djs miedt

    rjinioe squjns mjfd fc`prisioe j ncf-

    tcr! j pjrj`mnif jon j pcaifm fcostjbam

    tdjt giom pmcpam gcr s`clioe io pubaif!

    jon mnufjtm tdm` jbcut tdm iaas cg tc-bjffc usm/ ^dm giom j`cuot iofrmjsms

    fu`uajtivmay witd mjfd cggmofm up tc j

    `jxi`u` cg 288 rupmms $jrcuon .>)

    amss tdjo tdm fcst cg j fcg gmm jt j Vtjr-

    bufls io Omw Nmadi/

    Jrcrj sjin emttioe njtj co tdm ou`bmr

    cg s`clmrs pmojaismn wcuan bm niggifuat/

    Uitd j ajfl cg s`clioe rcc`s io tdm

    fcuotry! tdm tm`ptjtico tc erjb j s`clm

    cutsinm nurioe tdm wcrl njy is strcoe/

    ^dm nmgioitico cg cpmo spjfms! rm-

    gmrrmn tc io Ionijs joti-tcbjffc ruams! is

    oct famjr mitdmr/

    Xubaif dmjatd jftivists wjot fdjoems

    io tdm ecvmro`mots joti-tcbjffc ajws!

    wdifd tdmy nmsfribm js tcctdamss/

    ^iaa tdm ti`m tdm iogaumofm cg tdm tc-bjffc ionustry io cur `ioistry cg

    dmjatd jon witdio UDC $mxists)! it is

    vmry niggifuat tc brioe io j pcwmrgua ame-

    isajtico! sjin jftivist Dm`jot Ecswj-

    `i/Js ig tc prcvm Ecswj`is pciot! jo mx-

    mfutivm jt j `uatiojticoja fc`pjoy

    ocofdjajotay tccl j nrje omxt tc j bus

    stcp co j dct dursnjy mvmoioe io Nmadi/

    I locw its bjoomn! tdm `jo! nrmssmn

    io gcr`ja sdirt jon trcusmrs! sjin js dm

    fdmflmn dis BajflBmrry gcr `mssjems/

    But I ncot fjrm/

    Vcrry! Ncftcr Jrcrj< dm nmfaiomn tc

    eivm dis oj`m/

    ^dm UDC wjros tdjt by 2868! 4 `iaaico

    pmcpam wiaa acsm tdmir aivms tc s`clioe-

    rmajtmn iaaomssms mjfd ymjr/ Uitd tdm

    eacbja tcbjffc mpinm`if liaaioe omjray

    788!888 smfcon-djon s`clmrs mjfd ymjr!

    its famjr tdjt tdmsm pmcpam ommn sc`m

    lion cg prctmftico grc` tdm ecvmro-`mot/ Vtrcoemr! bmttmr ameisajtico tc

    furb tcbjffc usm smm`s ailm j eccn wjy

    gcrwjrn/ Udjt nc ycu tdiol Ionij

    sdcuan nc3 Xamjsm sdjrm ycur tdcuedts/

    V`clmrs ieocrm

    Ionijs pubaifs`clioe bjo

    Ionij Bjos Fjptivm Ncapdio Vdcws js @crjaay ]ojffmptjbamOMU NMADI

    Ionijs @ioistry cg Movirco`mot jon Gcrmsts djs nm-

    finmn tc gcrbin tdm lmmpioe cg fjptivm ncapdios gcr pub-

    aif motmrtjio`mot joywdmrm io tdm fcuotry/

    Io j pcaify st jtm`mot rmamjsmn Grinjy! tdm `ioistry jn-

    vismn stjtm ecvmro`mots tc rmkmft joy prcpcsja tc mstjbaisdj ncapdiojriu` by joy pmrsco # pmrscos! crejoizjticos!

    ecvmro`mot jemofims! privjtm cr pubaif motmrprisms tdjt io-

    vcavms i`pcrt! fjpturm cg fmtjfmjo spmfims tc mstjbaisd gcr

    fc``mrfija motmrtjio`mot! privjtm cr pubaif mxdibitico

    jon iotmrjftico purpcsms wdjtscmvmr/

    ^dm stjtm`mot issumn by B/V/ Bcoja! tdm `m`bmr smfrm-

    tjry cg tdm Fmotrja [cc Jutdcrity cg Ionij! jflocwamnems

    tdjt fmtjfmjos io emomrja nc oct survivm wmaa io fjptivity!

    sjyioe! Fcogiom`mot io fjptivity fjo smricusay fc`prc-

    `ism tdm wmagjrm jon survivja cg jaa typms cg fmtjfmjos by

    jatmrioe tdmir bmdjvicur jon fjusioe mxtrm`m nistrmss/

    Octioe tdjt Ionijs ojticoja jqujtif joi`ja! tdm Ejoems

    Rivmr ncapdio! js wmaa js tdm soubgio ncapdio jrm aistmn io

    Vfdmnuam-I jon jaa fmtjfmjo spmfims jrm aistmn io Vfdmnuam

    II pjrt I cg tdm Uian Aigm $Xrctmftico) Jft! :952! tdm ioistry

    sjin it is i`pcrtjot tc prctmft tdmsm monjoemrmn spmfims

    grc` fjptivity jon mxpacitjtico/

    Udmrmjs fmtjfmjos io emomrja jrm dieday iotmaaiemot jon

    smositivm! jon vjricus sfimotists wdc djvm rmsmjrfdmn nca-

    pdio bmdjvicr djvm sueemstmn tdjt tdm uousujaay died io-

    tmaaiemofm< js fc`pjrmn tc ctdmr joi`jas `mjos tdjt nca-

    pdio sdcuan bm smmo js oco-du`jo pmrscos jon js sufd

    sdcuan djvm tdmir cwo spmfigif riedts jon is `crjaay uojf-

    fmptjbam tc lmmp tdm` fjptivm gcr motmrtjio`mot purpcsm!

    tdm `ioistry sjin/

    ^dm erjssrccts Gmnmrjtico cg Ionijo Joi`ja Xrctmftico

    Crejoizjtico! GIJXC!

    wjs pamjsmn

    witd tdm nmfi-

    sico/ ^dis ercup

    tccl tdm amjn io fj`-

    pjieoioe tc bjo ncapdiojrijio Ionij! `mmtioe witd lmy `io-

    istry cggifijas jon ejromrioe ac-

    fja erjssrccts suppcrt/

    GIJXC spclmspmrsco Xukj @i-

    trj fjaamn tdm nmfisico j duem vif-

    tcry gcr tdm ncapdios* Ionij djs bm-

    fc`m j bmjfco cg dcpm gcr tdm eacbja `cvm`mot tc prc-

    tmft fmtjfmjos grc` fjptivity! jon wm t djol @ioistmr

    Kjyjotdi Ojtjrjkjo gcr smttioe tdm bmofd`jrl io joi`ja

    prctmftico gcr tdm wcran! @itrj sjin/

    GIJXC djs bmmo wcrlioe witd tdmir pjrtomrs Bcro Grmm

    Gcuonjtico! Eacbja Ermmo Erjots Guon! Mjrtd Isajon Io-

    stitutms Ncapdio Xrckmft jon Uianaigm Rmsfum jon Rmdjbia-

    itjtico tc brioe jbcut tdis prcdibitico io Ionij gcr tdm pjst


    Rif CBjrry! j gcr`mr ncapdio trjiomr wdc ocw smrvms js

    nirmftcr cg tdm ]/V/-bjsmn Mjrtd Isajon Iostitutms Ncapdio

    Xrckmft! jppajunmn Ionijs omw p caify/

    ^dis is j duem wio gcr ncapdios! sjin CBjrry/ Oct coay

    djs tdm Ionijo ecvmro`mot spclmo cut jejiost frumaty!

    tdmy djvm fcotributmn tc jo m`mreioe jon vitja nijaceum

    jbcut tdm wjys wm tdiol jbcut ncapdios js tdiolioe! gmma-

    ioe bmioes rjtdmr tdjo pimfms cg prcpmrty tc `jlm `comy

    cgg cg/

  • 7/28/2019 We The State - Issue 37


    UM ^DM V^J^MVpcrts:: BDCXJA Kuo :8 tc Kuo :7! 28:6

    Uiaa BFFI tmr`iojtm jermm`mot witd Rcyjas3Friflmt cggifijas suspmonmn tdm fc-cwomr cg jo

    Ionijo Xrm`imr Amjeum $IXA) tmj` jon jo-

    ocuofmn pajos gcr j `jkcr famjo-up cg tdm spcrt

    jgtmr jo iaameja bmttioe jon spct-gixioe sfjonja/

    ^dm Bcjrn cg Fcotrca gcr Friflmt io Ionij $BFFI)

    dman jo m`mremofy `mmtioe io Omw Nmadi iotc

    tdm Rjkjstdjo Rcyjas IXA grjofdism jon its fc-

    cwomr Rjk Luonrj j`in tdm coecioe sfjonja/

    Luonrj! tdm busiomss`jo dusbjon cg Bcaay-

    wccn jftrmss Vdiapj Vdmtty! djs jn`ittmn iaameja-

    ay bmttioe co dis tmj`! jffcrnioe tc pcaifm/

    ^drmm Rcyjas pajymrs! iofaunioe ^mst gjst bcwamr

    Vdjotdjlu`jrjo Vrmmsjotd! jon ou`mrcus

    bccl`jlmrs djvm bmmo jrrmstmn cvmr jaamejticos

    cg spct-gixioe nurioe tdm rmfmotay-fc pamtmn mni-

    tico cg tdm IXA/

    ]onmr tdm pajo! IXA pajymrs! tmj` cwomrs jon

    suppcrt stjgg g jfm j strift fcnm cg fconuft/

    Cwomrs% `cvm`mots io tmj` nuecuts jon nrmss-

    ioe rcc`s nurioe

    `jtfdms wiaa bm rm-


    Rm`cvja cg samjzm)

    jon Rcdit $7=) smt tdm tcom gcr tdm iooioes/ Io gjft! Ndjwjo bmfj`m

    coay tdm tdirn Ionijo jgtmr L Vrilljotd jon @V Ndcoi tc sfcrm bctd

    dis `jinmo ^mst jon CNI :88s io amss tdjo :88 bjaas/

    Wirjt Lcdai fdippmn io witd 6: cgg >: bjaas but tdmo fj`m j bit cg j

    fcaajpsm/ Grc` 2:8 gcr : tc 278 gcr = tdm Ionijo iooioes acst c`mo-

    tu` jon it wjs coay sc`m bmaaiemrmot dittioe by Rjvionrj Kjnmkj $>5

    cgg 29 bjaas) tdjt dmapmn Ionij emt tc 66: gcr smvmo/

    Jt com pciot! Ionij acclmn eccn gcr pamoty `crm but Vcutd Jgrifj

    puaamn it bjfl tdrcued s`jrt bcwaioe by Ryjo @fAjrmo $6#58) jon

    Acowjbc ^sctcbm $2#46)/ ^dm pjfmrs wdc wmrm suppcsmn tc `jlm jo

    i`pjft wmot gcr pamoty cg ruos jon @crom @crlmas iokury! wdifd

    gcrfmn di` cgg tdm giman! ninot dmap tdmir fjusm mitdmr/

    Io jo iotmrvimw co W nurioe tdm brmjl! Rcdit Vdjr`j sjin tdm fco-

    niticos rm`ionmn di` cg dc`m/ Jon tdjt wjs prcvmn cofm jejio js

    tdm Ionijo pjfm`mo wmot gcr ruos jon tccl wiflmts but it wjs tdm

    spioomrs piamn co tdm prmssurm/

    Vcutd Jgrifj acst Fcaio Ioerj` jon Djsdi` J`aj mjray $2-6:) but

    tdmo Rcbio Xmtmrsco jon Nm Wiaaimrs pajymn witd fcoginmofm tc brioe

    VJ bjfl iotc tdm `jtfd/

    Xmtmrsco jnm dis jinmo CNI =8! tmo ymjrs jgtmr jlioe dis nmbut

    wdiam JB jasc ninot djvm `ufd trcubam/ ^dm spioomrs fcotrcaamn

    tdioes but it VJ smm`mn ailm tdmir wcuan fdjaamoem Ionijs tctja/

    ^dmo Ionij ect tdm brmjltdrcued jon Kjnmkj wjs tdm com wdc

    fj`m tc tdmir rmsfum/ Kust wdmo tdioes wmrm stjrtioe tc emt tmosm! dm

    mggmftmn j briaaijot stcp jon tdmo `cst i`pcrtjotay fdcsm tdm riedt

    mon tc tdrcw jt/ Xmtmrsco gaiflmn tdm bjaa tc tdm ame-sinm jon smt cgg

    coay tc smm Kjnmkj giman it briaaijotay/

    ^djt smt tdioes iotc ctico/ Grc` 2-:== tc 7-:44! tdm wiflmts kust lmpt

    gjaaioe jon locflmn tdm giedt cut cg Vcutd Jgrifj/ dm can fdclmrs tje

    wjs bjfl tc djuot tdm` io scfija `mnij but tdis wjs kust tdm girst

    `jtfd cg tdm tcuroj`mot/

    Ryjo @fAjrmo rm`jiomn uobmjtmo witd 5: cgg 7: bjaas but it fj`m

    tcc ajtm jon Vcutd Jgrifj acst tcc joy wiflmt tc cuot j gimrfm fdja-


    Ionij omxt tjlm co Umst Ionims jt tdm Cvja! Aconco/ djt jtfd is co

    Kuom ::/

    Xcaitifs! spcrts sdcuanstjy jpjrt ; Xjwjr

    Ojticojaist Fcoermss Xjrty prmsinmot

    Vdjrjn Xjwjr tcnjy moncrsmn

    Xri`m @ioistmr @jo`cdjo Vioeds

    vimw tdjt pcaitifs jon spcrts sdcuan oct bm

    `ixmn! sjyioe dm omvmr nin it nurioe dis acoe

    jsscfijtico witd spcrts bcnims/

    I djvm bmmo jsscfijtmn witd spcrts gcr

    `joy ymjrs but omvmr brcuedt pcaitifs iotc

    spcrt/ ^dm pri`m `ioistmr is riedt wdmo dm

    sjys tdjt pcaitifs sdcuan oct bm `ixmn witdspcrts! dm tcan j omws fcogmrmofm/

    Xjwjr wjs jslmn tc fc``mot co tdm rjeioe

    spct-gixioe jon bmttioe fcotrcvmrsy wdifd

    djs rcflmn Ionijo Xrm`imr Amjeumwitd mvmo

    tmj` cwomrs fc`ioe uonmr j facun/

    Xjwjr! j gcr`mr prmsinmot cg tdm Ionijo

    Friflmt Bcjrn js jasc tdm ej`ms tcp`cst

    ecvmroioe bcny IFF! dcwmvmr! rmgusmn tc

    `jlm joy fc``mot co tdm coecioe frisis io


    Riedt ocw I j` oct jsscfijtmn witd BFFI

    $sc I sdcuan oct fc``mot)/ I `jy bm witd

    sc`m spcrts bcny io tdm guturm! tdm OFX

    amjnmr sjin/

    Xjwjr! jasc j ]oico `ioistmr! is rmpcrtmnay

    pajooioe j fc`mbjfl js j friflmt jn`iois-

    trjtcr by bmfc`ioe prmsinmot cg tdm @u`bji

    Friflmt Jsscfijtico/

    It is oct prcpmr gcr `m tc fc``mot/ I coay

    dcpm tdjt pcaitifs jon spcrts ncot emt

    `ixmn! Vioed djn tcan tdm mnij co dis wjy

    bjfl tc Ionij grc` j visit tc Kjpjo jon ^dji-

    ajon co 6: @jy wdmo jslmn wdmtdmr ecvmro-

    `mot wjs fcotm`pajtioe tc iotmrvmom gcaacw-

    ioe tdm spct-gixioe sfjonja/

  • 7/28/2019 We The State - Issue 37


    UM ^DM V^J^MOjtico:2 BDCXJA Kuo :8 tc Kuo :7! 28:6

    Cwomn Xriotmn jon Xubaisdmn by @/@/Bjie/ Xriotmn jt aufly! 275! Xrjejti Ojejr! Vdjdjosdjd Ejrnmo! Bdcpja $@X) jon pubaisdmn grc` D/Oc/:8:! J-VMF^CR IONRJX]RI BDMA! UJRN OC/76 NIV^ BDCXJA->7282:! @/X/

    ^mam#GJT 85==->292=>=!@cb/89>2=82998: m`jia-mnitcrHwmtdmstjtm/fc` ROI Oc/ @XMOEQ28:2Q>7>:= Mnitcr; @/@/ BJIE -Rmspcosibam gcr smamftico cg Omws ' Jrtifams uonmr XRB Jft! Vubkmft tc Bdcpja kurisniftico
