What Women Should Know About Cancer

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  • 7/31/2019 What Women Should Know About Cancer


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    Protect & Detect:W Wm KWb r

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    A Message Fromichard . Waldman, , Pridnt, Th Amrican ll ottrician and gnclit

    Dr. Waldman is chair of the ob-gyn department at St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center in Syracuse, NY,

    president of the Associates for Women's Medicine, and clinical associate professor of ob-gyn at Upstate

    Medical Center, the State University of New York.

    Too many women are dying from cancer. Today, cancer is the second

    leading killer of women in the USin 2010 an estimated 270,290 women

    will die and nearly 740,000 women will be diagnosed with cancer.

    It is not surprising that cancer is one of the biggest health fears for women. Sometimes this fear

    can be so overwhelming that women forego screening tests that can detect cancer early, when it

    is most curable.

    The causes of cancer are complex. We know that having a family history of cancer is a risk factor.

    But most cancers occur in people with no family history of the disease at all, so those without a

    family history of cancer cannot assume that they arent at risk. Also complicating matters is the

    fact that the disease can occur without symptoms. And even if symptoms are present, they can be

    mistaken for a harmless health condition or they may not appear until the disease is more advanced.

    While it may seem as if we have no control over cancer, there are steps a woman can take to

    reduce her risk. Consider this: As many as half of all cancer deaths could be prevented if people

    practiced simple, healthy lifestyle habitssuch as not smoking, eating well, and exercisingand

    got recommended health screenings. This special cancer guide will help you take charge of and

    protect your health.

    OB-GYNS are dedicated to improving womens health, and we are deeply concerned about the

    state of womens cancers. Our specialty recognizes the benets of prevention and early detection

    eorts, and we want to share this vital message with you. Use this guide with your OB-GYN. Read

    it and ask questions. Your OB-GYN is your partner in helping you stay healthy!

    The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists is the nation's leading group of physicians

    providing health care for women. As a private, voluntary, nonprot membership organization of

    approximately 53,000 members, The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists strongly

    advocates for quality health care for women, maintains the highest standards of clinical practice and

    continuing education of its members, promotes patient education, and increases awareness among its

    members and the public of the changing issues facing women's health care.


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    IntroductionIf you are like most women, when it comes to your health, cancer ranks high on

    your list of concerns. But few women have a true sense of their risk of developingcancer or the steps they can take to reduce that risk. For instance, while most of us

    are aware that more women in the US are diagnosed with breast cancer than any

    other kind of cancer each year, few are aware that more women die of lung cancer

    than breast, uterine, and ovarian cancers combined.

    Whats more, most women dont realize that the one doctor they see on a regular basis, their OB-GYN, can talk

    with them about appropriate screenings for all types of cancer. Some screening tests, like those for cervical and

    colorectal cancer, can even nd changes before they ever turn into cancer. Your OB-GYN can also guide you intalking about what lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your risk of developing cancer and alert you to the

    important warning signs of cancer.

    Did you know that early detection of cancer increases your chances of successful treatment? There

    are several dierent tests available to you to detect the presence of breast, cervical, and colorectal cancers. If

    cervical, colorectal, or uterine cancer is detected early, your chances of beating it can be as high as 90%. Similarly,

    the ve-year survival rate today for women with localized breast cancer is 97%. In the 1940s, only 72% of women

    diagnosed with breast cancer survived for ve years.

    Currently, there are no screening tests available to help detect lung, ovarian, and uterine cancers early. As a result,its vitally important to pay close attention to how your body feels and looks, have regular yearly check-ups with

    your OB-GYN, and talk with your doctor about any changes that concern you.

    Its also true that leading a healthy lifestyle can reduce your risk of cancer. In fact, certain female reproductive

    cancers share the same risk factors. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends

    that women focus on living a healthy lifestylelose excess weight, dont smoke, practice safe sex, and get daily


    Protect & Detect: What Women Should Know About Cancer is a guide developed by The American College of

    Ob-Gyns to encourage you, in partnership with your OB-GYN, to take charge of your health and gain an accurateunderstanding of your risk of developing cancer and the lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your risk. The

    American College of Ob-Gyns urges women to plan for the appropriate screenings at the right ages and to be

    aware of the physical warning signs of cancer.

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    *What you should know about

    brat cancr is the second leading cause of cance death aong woen in the .

    ne out of evey eight woen will develop east cance in he lifetie.


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    BrEaST cancErWhat is Breast Cancer?beast cance usually egins as a lup o sall foation of cells in the east, typically in the loes o ducts of the east.

    ieent types of east cance gow at dieent ates.

    Who is Most at Risk?Woen who cay a utation in the br1 o br2 gene

    Woen with a faily histoy of east cance, especially othe, daughte, o siste

    Woen ove age 65

    Woen who went though puety ealy (efoe age 12) o expeienced a late enopause (afte 55)

    hose who have not had childen o had thei st child afte age 30

    Woen who ae oese

    How Can I Prevent Breast Cancer?xecise egulaly

    ontol you weight

    at a alanced, nutitious diet

    iit you alcohol intake

    iscuss with you docto the use of cheopevention edications, such as

    taoxifen and aloxifene, and whethe hoone theapy ay incease you isk

    Woen with a signicant isk of developing heeditay east and ovaian

    cance ay e advised to use oal contaceptives

    What Should I Know about Screening for Breast Cancer?It is important that you do breast self-exams and have aphysician examine your breasts annually. Mammogramsare the gold standard for detecting breast cancer and arerecommended every year or two for women in their 40sand annually for women age 50 or older.

    If a aoga nds an anoality, agnetic esonance iaging (mrI) o ultasound aye used fo futhe evaluation. mrI also ay e ecoended fo woen with cetain isk

    factos. iopsy will deteine if you have cance.

    Fo woen who cay the br1 o br2 gene utation, soe cance expets ecoend

    annual o seiannual clinical east exainations, along with annual aogaphy,

    eginning at age 25 35 yeas.

    What are the Warning Signsof Possible Breast Cancer? lup in the east

    ipling of the easthanges in the skin on the east

    pontaneous nipple dischage

    How is Breast Cancer Treated?beast cance is teated with a coination of sugey,

    cheotheapy, adiation, and/o othe dugs such as

    heceptin, taoxifen, and aoatase inhiitos.

    What if I Have a Strong Family History of Breast Cancer?Genetic testing ay e advised fo woen who have a stong faily histoy of east and/o ovaian cance o who cay

    a br gene utation. Genetic counseling with a tained health cae pofessional will help you undestand the isks and

    enets of the test and if its ight fo you.

    If you have a br gene utation a cance specialist can help you decide if peventive easues, such as a astectoy

    (eoval of the east) o oophoectoy (eoval of the ovaies), will educe you isk of east cance.


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    *What you should know about

    rvical cancr is one of the ost coon cances in woen thoughout the wold, ut has

    ecoe less coon in counties whee woen outinely get Pap tests. oday, one in 145 woen in the

    will develop cevical cance in he lifetie.

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    cErvical cancErWhat is Cervical Cancer?lost all cevical cances ae linked to a coon infection in the cevix called huan papilloavius (PV). f the oe than 100

    types of PV, any ae enign, ut soe ae linked to cance of the ce vix.

    Who is Most at Risk?You isk fo cevical cance depends on you sexual histoy, you iune syste, you health, and

    you lifestyle. hose at highest isk of developing cance of the cevix include:

    Woen with cetain stains of PV

    Woen ove age 30. While it can occu in younge woen, cevical cance aely occus in

    woen younge than age 21

    Woen who soke ae aout twice as likely as nonsokes to develop cevical cance

    Woen who have poles with thei iune syste

    Woen with the huan iunodeciency vius (IV) infection

    Woen who wee exposed to diethylstilestol () efoe ith

    Woen with a pevious pecance of the cevix

    How Can I Prevent CervicalCancer?Get egula Pap teststhey can detect cevical

    changes efoe they ecoe canceous

    Gils and woen ages 9 26 should get the

    PV vaccine. he eican ollege of -Gyns

    ecoends the PV vaccine e outinely given

    to all gils ages 11 12; howeve, it can e given

    to gils as young as 9

    be onogaous and pactice safe sex

    ont soke

    What are theWarning Signs ofPossible CervicalCancer?Pecance and cance of the cevix

    often have no syptos; howeve,

    soe of the waning signs include:

    noal vaginal leeding

    potting o dischagebleeding afte sex

    igns of advanced cance include

    pain, poles uinating, and

    swollen legs

    What Should I Know aboutScreening for Cervical Cancer?he Pap test is the est way to detect anoal cells on the

    cevix. he eican ollege of -Gyns ecoends that all

    woen should have thei fist Pap test eginning at age 21

    Woen etween the ages of 21 29 need a Pap test evey

    two yeas, using eithe the standad ethod o liquid-ased


    ow-isk woen ages 30 64 who have had thee

    consecutive noal Pap tests can e sceened evey thee

    yeas. nothe option includes coining a Pap test with anPV test (evey thee yeas if oth ae noal) to see if

    you have a high isk type of the vius

    ow-isk woen ages 65 and olde, who have had thee

    o oe noal Pap tests within the last 10 yeas, can

    discontinue Pap testing unless they have isk factos fo

    sexually tansitted diseases

    lightly anoal Pap esults ay e followed up y an

    PV test, a epeat Pap test, o colposcopy, which uses a

    agnifying instuent to view and iopsy anoal cells.

    Pap tests that ae oe anoal equie colposcopy

    many woen who have had a hysteectoy ay e ale

    to discontinue outine Pap testing. Pap testing can ediscontinued if the sugey eoved the cevix and was

    done fo easons othe than cance o pecanceous changes.

    Woen who had pecanceous changes efoe thei

    hysteectoy should continue with outine sceening

    How is Cervical Cancer Treated?Pecances can e eoved with a P iopsy (loop electosugical excision pocedue), which uses an electied loop of

    wie to eove cells, cyotheapy (which feezes the cells), lase theapy (which vapoizes the cells), o a cone iopsy (in

    which a cone shaped wedge is eoved fo the cevix)

    evical cance ay equie a adical hysteectoy and adiation with o without cheotheapy. When found ealy, the cueate is oe than 90%


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    *What you should know about

    lrctal cancr is the o. 2 cance kille of adults in the and the thid leading cause

    of cance death aong woen in the , ehind lung and east cances. ach yea, coloectal

    cance takes the lives of nealy 25,000 woennealy twice as any as ovaian, cevical, and

    uteine cances coined. ne in 20 woen will develop coloectal cance in he lifetie.

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    colorEcTal cancErWhat is Colorectal Cancer?oloectal cance (often efeed to as colon cance) is a slow-gowing cance that aects the cells in the colon and ectu

    and can spead to othe pats of the ody. Its exact causes ae unknown.

    Who is Most at Risk?he isk of developing coloectal cance inceases with age. out 9 out of 10 people with coloectal cance ae oldethan 50. esity is also a ajo isk facto.

    Woen with the following isk factos should egin sceening efoe age 50:

    Pesonal o faily histoy of colon polyps o coloectal cance

    Pesonal histoy of inaatoy owel disease, such as ulceative colitis o ohns disease

    Faily histoy of coloectal cance syndoes

    he eican ollege of Gastoenteology ecoends that fican eicans egin sceening at age 45

    What Should I Know aboutScreening for Colon Cancer?

    Colon cancer can be stopped beforeit starts if precancerous polyps arefound and removed.

    ceening allows the detection of ealy colon cance,

    when it is highly cuale. he eican ollege of

    -Gyns ecoends the following coloectal cance

    sceening options fo woen age 50 and olde:

    Prrrd mthd

    olonoscopy evey 10 yeas

    othr apprpriat mthd

    Yealy patient-collected fecal occult lood test (Fb)

    o fecal iunocheical test (FI) o

    Flexile sigoidoscopy evey five yeas o

    oule-contast aiu enea evey five yeas o

    colonogaphy (vitual colonoscopy) evey five

    yeas o

    tool testingit is not known how often this

    test is needed

    If anoalities ae found with these tests, diagnostic

    colonoscopy will e necessay. iopsy will deteine

    if you have cance.

    What are the Warning

    Signs of Possible ColonCancer?oloectal cance ay have no

    syptosyou can look healthy and

    feel healthy and not know thee is a

    pole; theefoe, he eican ollege

    of -Gyns uges you not to wait. Get

    sceened efoe syptos appea. s

    coloectal cance pogesses, a woan

    ay expeience the following syptos:

    pesistent change in owel haits,

    such as naowing of the stool

    bleeding fo the ectu o lood in

    the stool

    aping pain in the adoen

    nexplained weight loss


    Is My OB-GYN the Right Person to Talk to aboutColon Cancer?Fo any woen, an b-GY is the only physician they see on a egula asis. You

    b-GY can povide counseling and appopiate sceening ecoendations, including

    when to egin sceening and the enets, liitations, and fequency of the dieent

    testing options.

    How Can I PreventColon Cancer?ontol you weight

    xecise egulalytop soking

    iit you alcohol intake

    How is Colon Cancer Treated?ugey is the ost coon teatent fo coloectal cance.

    heotheapy o adiation theapy also ay e used. *

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    *What you should know about

    un cancr is the leading cause of cance death in oth woen and en in

    the . ne in 16 woen will develop lung cance in he lifetie. his yea alone,

    it is estiated that nealy 106,000 woen will e diagnosed with lung cance; it

    will kill ove 71,000 woen.

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    lung cancEr

    Who is Most at Risk?Woen who soke ae 12 ties oe likely to get lung cance than woen who have neve soked

    Woen ae oe susceptile to lung cance than en

    econdhand soke also inceases you isk of lung cance

    moe nonsoking woen ae getting the disease than eve efoe: out 1 in 5 woen who gets

    lung cance neve soked

    How Can I Prevent Lung Cancer?he est way to potect youself fo lung cance is not

    to soke. he eican ollege of -Gyns uges woen

    who soke to seek advice on how to stop. In addition,

    sokes who quit can stop o evese the daage caused

    y cigaettes. eat attack isk deceases y 50% within the

    st yea afte quitting, and the chances of developing lung

    cance, heat disease, and othe ailents fall to nealy that

    of a nonsoke in the st few yeas.

    What are the Warning Signs ofPossible Lung Cancer?Waning signs of lung cance often dont appea until the

    cance has spead:

    pesistent cough

    Phleg steaked with lood

    hest pain

    repeat outs of pneuonia o onchitis


    Weight loss and loss of appetite

    hotness of eath o wheezing

    What Should I Knowabout Screening forLung Cancer?There are currently norecommended routinescreenings for lung cancer.Those that do exist havenot been shown to be

    eective. Many tests areused to diagnose lungcancer, including bloodtests, imaging tests, andbiopsies.

    Is My OB-GYN the Right Person to Talk to about Lung Cancer?Fo any woen, an b-GY is the only physician they see on a egula asis. You bGY can efe you

    to soking cessation pogas that can help you quit and can povide lifestyle ecoendations that

    can decease you isk of developing lung cance. You docto also ay pescie nicotine eplaceentpoducts and/o edications that can doule you chances of quitting.

    What is Lung Cancer?ances that egin in the lungs, usually in the cells lining ai passages, ae divided into two ain typesnon-sall cell

    lung cance and sall cell lung cance, depending on how the cells look unde a icoscope.

    Did You Know? woan who sokes cigaettes shotens he life y 14.5 yeas

    econdhand soke is esponsile fo an estiated 3,000 lung cance deaths aong

    nonsokes each yeaoking can ha a woans epoductive health. Woen who soke ae at inceased

    isk of having fetility poles, pegnancy-elated coplications, cevical cance,

    incontinence, and ealie enopause

    oking duing pegnancy is associated with pete ith, low ith weight, and

    sudden infant death syndoe

    How is LungCancer Treated?eatent depends ainly on

    the type of lung cance and its

    stage. ptions include sugey,cheotheapy, adiation

    theapy, o a coination of

    these; they often do not cue

    the cance.


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    *What you should know about

    out 3% of all new cances found in woen ae ovaian cances. ne in 71 woen will

    develop varian cancr duing he lifetie. because its syptos ae so vague, ovaian

    cance often isnt found until the late stage, afte the cance has spead.

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    ovarian cancErWhat is Ovarian Cancer?hee ae thee types of ovaian cance:

    Epithelial is the ost coon fo of ovaian cance (85% to 90% ae this type);

    these ae the cells that cove the suface of the ovaies

    Germ cell tumors fo on the cells in the ovay that develop into eggs

    Sex cord-stromal tumors occu in the connective tissue inside the ovay

    How Can I Prevent Ovarian Cancer?reducing the nue of ovulations you have in you lifetie educes you isk fo

    ovaian cance. heefoe, pegnancy and eastfeeding ay have potective eects

    sing oal contaceptives ay educe you isk fo ovaian cance and ay e

    ecoended fo woen who ae at high isk fo developing heeditay east and

    ovaian cance

    If you have a br gene utation a cance specialist can help you decide if peventive

    easues, such as sugey to eove the ovaies, ae ight fo you

    lso, e alet to changes in you ody and ing the to you doctos attention

    What are the Warning Signs of PossibleOvarian Cancer?yptos of ovaian cance often appea to e haless

    gastointestinal and adoinal poles. If you have the

    following syptos on an ongoing asis, see you docto fo an


    nexplained loating

    Pelvic o adoinal pain

    back pain

    Inceased adoinal size

    iculty eating

    nexplained weight loss

    inay incontinence

    Fequent uination




    How is Ovarian CancerTreated?ugey is used to eove the cance, often

    followed y cheotheapy o adiation.

    Woen whose cance is teated efoe

    it has spead have a 90% chance of

    living ve yeas o oe afte teatent.nfotunately, only 19% of woen with

    ovaian cance ae diagnosed at this stage.

    Who is Most at Risk?Woen with a faily histoy of east, endoetial, ovaian, o coloectal cances,

    o who cay a utation in the br1 o br2 genes

    Woen etween ages 50 and 75

    Woen who ae oese

    Woen who have neve had childen o who wee pegnant afte age 30

    Woen who expeience late enopause (afte age 55)

    Woen who have neve used ith contol pills


    What Should I Know about Screening for Ovarian Cancer?While there is no routine screening for ovarian cancer, for thosewho experience symptoms, have a family history, or who have aBRCA gene mutation, a pelvic exam, a CA 125 blood test, and anultrasound are used for evaluation. Surgery is used to diagnoseovarian cancer.

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    *What you should know about

    Utrin cancr is the ost coon gynecologic cance in the . out 2 o 3 woen

    in 100 will develop endoetial cance (the oe coon of the two fos of uteine

    cance) in thei lifetie.

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    uTErinE cancErWhat is Uterine Cancer?hee ae two types of uteine cance:

    Endometrial the oe coon fo of uteine cance; it occus when the lining of the uteus ecoes too thick

    Sarcomas tuos that fo fo uscle o othe tissue; it is oe aggessive than endoetial cance and has dieent syptos

    Who is Most at Risk?Woen who have taken unopposed estogen (estogen without pogestin)

    Postenopausal woen who have taken taoxifen

    Woen who have neve given ith

    Woen who ae oese

    Woen who have passed enopause, paticulaly fo age 65 to 70; it is ae aong

    woen younge than 40

    Woen who ae infetile o have enstual poles such as iegula ovulation o

    fequently issed peiods

    Woen who went though puety ealy (efoe age 12) o enopause late (afte age 55)

    Woen who have polycystic ovay syndoe, diaetes, endoetial hypeplasia, o who

    have had cance of the ovay, east, o colonWoen with a faily histoy of uteine cance

    How Can I Prevent Uterine Cancer?he eican ollege of -Gyns ecoends taking the following

    pecautions to help pevent uteine cance:

    void polonged exposue to unopposed estogen (estogen

    without pogestin)

    se of oal contaceptives ay educe you isk

    ose excess weight

    Get a yealy pelvic exa

    What Should I Know aboutScreening for Uterine Cancer?There is no routine screening foruterine cancer, so its crucial tobe alert to early symptoms.

    What are the Warning Signs of PossibleUterine Cancer?nusual vaginal leeding

    potting o dischage

    eavy enstual leeding

    Postenopausal leeding o spotting

    yptos that coe and go

    noal leeding o dischage, especially afte enopause

    How is Uterine CancerDiagnosed?ndoetial cance can e diagnosed only y

    exaining tissue fo the uteus: most woen

    with endoetial cance have noal Pap test


    hee ae vaious ethods fo exaining theuteine tissue, including:

    Endometrial biopsy: a test in which a

    sall aount of the tissue lining the uteus is

    eoved and exained unde a icoscope

    Vaginal ultrasound: a test in which

    sound waves ae used to check the thickness of

    the lining of the uteus

    Hysteroscopy: a sugical pocedue in

    which a slende, light-tansitting device is

    used to view the inside of the uteus o pefo


    Dilation and curettage (D&C):a pocedue in which the cevix is opened and

    tissue is gently scaped o suctioned fo the

    inside of the uteus

    How is Uterine Cancer Treated?ugey is done to teat the disease and decide if futhe teatent is needed

    most patients have oth a hysteectoy and eoval of the ovaies and fallopian tues, known as salpingo-oophoectoy,

    ecause woen with uteine cance have an inceased isk of ovaian cance

    oe cases ay also equie adiation; in ae cases, cheotheapy is used

    eatent with pogestin ay e tied in woen who want to peseve thei fetility o who ae not candidates fo sugey


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    16/2015 www.acog.org Te AeA oege of obsTeT As A gyeoogsTs

    Easy ReferenceAe seeg eTos A eoeATos*

    The annual well-woman visit is very important for preventive health care. All women 21 or older need annual gynecologic exams,

    including a pelvic exam.

    Ae PeeTo beAos To UeTAke

    Type of CanCer prevenTion aCTiviTies

    Breast Cancer Exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet

    Control your weight

    Limit your alcohol intake

    Discuss with your doctor the use of tamoxifen and raloxifene and whetherhormone therapy may increase your risk

    Cervical Cancer Get regular Pap tests

    Girls and women ages 9 26 should get the HPV vaccine

    Be monogamous and practice safe sex

    Stop smoking

    Colorectal Cancer Undertake colonoscopies starting at age 50 (earlier if you have risk factors)

    Control your weight

    Exercise regularly

    Stop smoking

    Limit your alcohol intake

    Lung Cancer Stop smoking

    Limit your exposure to secondhand smoke

    Ovarian Cancer Be aware of symptoms

    Consider using oral contraceptives

    Pregnancy and breastfeeding may also have protective eects

    Uterine/Endometrial Cancer Avoid prolonged exposure to unopposed estrogen (estrogen without


    Consider using oral contraceptives

    Control your weight Get a yearly pelvic exam

    if you are you should To deTeCT: frequenCyage: sChedule a: reCommendaTion:

    19+ Breast Exam Breast Cancer Yearly

    2129 Pap Test Cervical Cancer Every 2 years if Pap tests havebeen normal

    30+ Pap Test Cervical Cancer Every 3 years if Pap tests havebeen normal

    40 49 Mammography Breast Cancer Every 1 2 years

    50+ Mammography Breast Cancer Yearly

    50+ Colonoscopy Colorectal Cancer Every 10 years

    * There are no screening tests available to detect lung, ovarian, or uterine cancer, so its important to be aware of the warning signs and see your doctor if you

    experience them. Warning signs for each cancer are listed on previous fact sheet pages.

    If you have a family history of breast or colon cancer, your doctor may recommend starting screening earlier and continuing screening more frequently.

    Other options for colorectal cancer screening are available, but they need to be done more often.

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    Your Personal Cancer Risk AssessmentFollowing is a list of questions important for women to consider throughout the stages of their lives.

    Use this information to help launch meaningful discussions with your doctor at your next OB-GYN visit.

    F D PES HS

    Have you ever been diagnosed with any type

    of cancer?

    Have you ever been diagnosed with benign breastdisease that resulted in a breast biopsy?

    Do you have a family history of cancer in a rst-degree

    blood relative (mother, sister, daughter, or father)?

    Do you have any other relatives with a history of

    breast, ovarian, endometrial, or colorectal cancer?


    Do you perform breast self-exams?

    If you are 40 49, did you get a mammogram in the

    past two years? Or in the past year, if you are over 50?

    Are you getting regular Pap tests?

    Did you have a pelvic exam in the past year?


    Have you ever had an abnormal Pap test?

    Have you ever been diagnosed with human

    papillomavirus (HPV)?

    Do you smoke?

    Have you taken tamoxifen postmenopause?

    Do you carry the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes?

    Did you experience a late menopause

    (after age 55)?

    Have you ever had ulcerative colitis or

    Crohns disease?

    Do you usually drink more than one alcoholic drink

    per day?


    Do you have regular periods?

    Did you get your rst period after age 12?

    Do you practice safe sex?

    Do you take birth control pills?

    Have you given birth? If so, was your rst pregnancy

    before age 30?

    Do you eat fruits or vegetables often?

    Do you exercise regularly?

  • 7/31/2019 What Women Should Know About Cancer

    18/2017 www.acog.org Te AeA oege of obsTeT As A gyeoogsTs

    GlossaryArmata nhiitr: A class of drugs used in the treatment of breast cancer in postmenopausal women.

    bip:Removal of a small piece of tissue that is then examined under a microscope in a laboratory.

    bA1 and bA2: Genes that increase your risk of breast cancer and certain other types of cancer.

    A 125: A protein in the blood that may be a sign of ovarian cancer.

    lncp: An exam of the entire colon using a small, lighted instrument.

    lpcp: Viewing of the cervix, vulva, or vagina with magnication using an instrument called a colposcope.

    T lnraph: A method to examine the inside of the colon by taking a series of X-rays.

    ul-ntrat barium enma Tt: A test during which a special solution and air are injected into thecolon and X-ray images are taken to check for abnormalities in the colon.

    endmtrial prplaia: A condition that occurs when the lining of the uterus grows too much.

    etrn: A female hormone produced in the ovaries that stimulates the growth of the lining of the uterus.

    fcal occult bld Tt (fobT) or fcal mmunchmical Tt (fT): Two similar tests fordetecting blood in stool samples, which could be a sign of cancer of the colon or rectum.

    flxil simidcp: A test in which a slender device is placed into the rectum and lower colon to lookfor cancer.

    gntic Ttin: An analysis of DNA to look for a genetic alteration that may indicate an increased risk fordeveloping a specic disease.

    Additional Cancer ResourcesThe American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. . . . . www.acog.org

    National Cancer Institute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.cancer.gov

    American Cancer Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.cancer.org

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.cdc.gov/cancer

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    rcptin: A targeted drugtreatment for certain types of breast


    rmn Thrap:Treatment inwhich estrogen, and often progestin,

    is taken to help relieve some of the

    symptoms of menopause caused by

    low levels of hormones produced by the


    uman Papillmaviru(P): A group of related viruses,some of which are linked to cervical

    changes and cervical cancer.

    uman Papillmaviru (P) accin:There are two vaccines that protect against cervical cancer andprecancerous changes. One of these vaccines also protects against genital warts.

    trctm: Removal of the uterus.

    antic nanc main (): A procedure that uses a strong magnetic eld to view internal organs andstructures of the body.

    ammraph: A procedure in which X-rays of the breast are used to detect breast cancer.

    oral ntracptiv (th Pill): Birth control pills containing hormones that prevent ovulation and thus pregnancy.

    Pap Tt: A test in which cells are taken from the cervix and examined under a microscope.

    Plvic exam: An examination of the abdomen, cervix, ovaries, pelvis, uterus, vagina, and often the rectum.

    Prtrn: A female hormone that is produced in the ovaries and makes the lining of the uterus grow. When thelevel of progesterone decreases, menstruation occurs.

    alxin: A type of selective estrogen receptor modulator that helps strengthen the tissues of the bones and canbe used to prevent breast cancer.

    stl A Tt: A test that looks for certain abnormal sections of DNA (genetic material) from cancer or polyp cells.

    Tamxin: A synthetic estrogen pill used to prevent or treat breast cancer.

    Ultraund: A procedure that uses sound waves to create pictures of the inside of body organs or tissues.

  • 7/31/2019 What Women Should Know About Cancer


    ConclusionThe American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists urges women to take

    charge of their health. Its important to know that there is a great deal you can do

    to prevent and detect cancer early, which will have a lasting impact on your life

    and on your family. Make sure you visit your OB-GYN for an annual exam and the

    screenings appropriate for your age. Be sure to discuss your family history, your

    specic risk of developing cancer, and the lifestyle changes that you may be able

    to make to reduce that risk. Also, know your body and be alert for any changes that

    may be warning signs.

    The American College of Ob-Gyns recommends that this guide be used both to deliver the facts

    about cancer to women and as a vehicle for building a strong partnership with your OB-GYN. Bring

    this guide with you as a reference to your doctors appointment and work together to prevent and

    detect cancer. Be informed, be healthy.
