Why is South Florida a Great Place to Start a Business

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  • 8/13/2019 Why is South Florida a Great Place to Start a Business


    Why is South Florida a Great Place to Start a Business?

    South Florida is an exceptional part of Florida. Why? Well, it is the only part of continentalAmerica that has a tropical climate. Though this article focuses not on its lissful eaches ut on

    !hy it is a great place to start a usiness. Why do so many dynamic entrepreneurs see South

    Florida as the place !here their usiness can flourish?

    A friendly tax manFlorida collects no state income tax " South Florida, #entral Florida and $orth Florida all enefit

    from this policy that ma%es the sunshine state an attracti&e place for indi&iduals and companies.Add to this that the Florida corporate rate tax is currently set at '.' ( " at the lo! end of the

    American scale " and you ha&e a fertile en&ironment.

    Regulations are relatively friendlyBusinesses operating in the northern parts of the )nited States li%e $e! *or%, Boston and

    #onnecticut ha&e to follo! more regulations than their corporate cousins in South Florida. #osts

    attached to follo!ing rigid regulations can e high+ usiness startups !ant to plough their capitalinto setup and de&elopment costs, not regulatory costs.

    Topnotch public schools$o company exists in a &acuum+ it is part of a larger community. South Florida offers a solidpulic school system that is continually !ell funded. $ot only is this an important feature for

    families of usiness o!ners ut it indicates the high uality of employees that are a&ailale for

    hire in South Florida.

    Fiscally strongThe state of Florida oasts a stale financial status that forms a strong ase on !hich a small or

    large usiness can stand. The udget is cleanly alanced, the state holds no det and its ondrating is stale and strong. The &alue of homes is rising in South Florida, e&en as they remain

    static in many poc%ets of America.

    The Lab MiamiSouth Florida offers outstanding resources for usiness people !ho ha&e set up a usiness or are

    thin%ing aout doing so. The -a iami, for example, has een set up to !or% !ithentrepreneurs and the usiness community to help them ma%e South Florida !or% for their

    usiness. That such an impressi&e resource exists in iami spea%s to the focused efforts of South

    Florida to attract and nurture strong usinesses.

    NetworkingBusinesses flourish through net!or%ing !ithin their larger community/ South Florida offers

    outstanding institutions through !hich important interactions ta%e place, li%e the Greater iami

    #hamer of #ommerce and the Beacon #ouncil.

    The big pictureSouth Florida can e said to ha&e it all, !hen it comes to the conditions that are %no!n to epositi&e for setting up a usiness that ma%es it. Tax policies, solid institutional support for

  • 8/13/2019 Why is South Florida a Great Place to Start a Business


    usiness, pulic schools that are !ell0funded, and a fiscal health that is the en&y of much of

    America. This is to say nothing of the tropical climate.

    1f you are thin%ing aout setting up a usiness in South Florida, do your research. *ou2ll e

    pleased !ith !hat you disco&er.