WJR-Lung Cancer Screening Computed Tomography or Chest Radiographs

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  • 7/23/2019 WJR-Lung Cancer Screening Computed Tomography or Chest Radiographs


    ung cancer screening: Computed tomograph

    y or chest radiographs?

    Edwin JR van Beek, Saeed Mirsadraee, John Murchison

    C!"!#$ van Beek EJR, Mirsadraee S, Murchison J% Lung cancer screening: Compute

    d tomography or chest radiographs? &or'd J Radio'()*+ -./0: */12*13

    URL http://www.wjgnet.com/1949-8470/full/v7/i8/189.htm

    DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.4329/wjr.v7.i8.189



    hi! #rticle i! #n open-#cce!! #rticle which w#! !elected $% #n in-hou!e

    editor #nd full% peer-reviewed $% extern#l reviewer!. &t i! di!tri$uted in

    #ccord#nce with the 're#tive 'ommon! (ttri$ution )on 'ommerci#l

    *'' +,-)' 4.0 licen!e which permit! other! to di!tri$ute remix #d#pt

    $uild upon thi! wor non-commerci#ll% #nd licen!e their deriv#tive

    wor! on dierent term! provided the origin#l wor i! properl% cited

    #nd the u!e i! non-commerci#l. ee:


  • 7/23/2019 WJR-Lung Cancer Screening Computed Tomography or Chest Radiographs


    C#RE !4 he use o5 'ow dose computed tomography .C0 5or 'ung cancer screening

    is superior to the use o5 standard chest radiograph .C6R0, and there5ore st

    andard C6R shou'd not 7e used 5or this purpose% 8owever, the app'ication

    o5 nove' computer assisted diagnosis so5tware may in5'uence the uti'ity o5

    C6R and may u'timate'y 7e a cost2e55icient method in those countries whe

    re de'ivery o5 'ow2dose C is not 5easi7'e due to in5rastructure or costs con


    9E R;S Lung cancer Chest radiograph Computed tomography Screening 8ea'th ec


    COPYRIGHT The Author(s) 2015u$li!hed $% +#i!hideng u$li!hing

    roup &nc. (ll right! re!erved.



    rder reprint! or re5ue!t permi!!ion!: !"#o$%e&'#et%o*

    NA+E O,


    World Journal of Radiology

    ISSN 1949-8470 *online

    PU.LISHER Pu!/she ! .3she# Pu!/sh# Grou" I% 8226

    egenc% rive le#!#nton '( 9488 (



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  • 7/23/2019 WJR-Lung Cancer Screening Computed Tomography or Chest Radiographs


    ESPS +3us%r"t NO4 1677

    Co/u*s4 EDITORIAL

    ung cancer screening: Computed tomography or chest radiographs?

    Edwin JR van Beek, Saeed Mirsadraee, John Murchison

    ;dwin ueen?! =edic#l e!e#rch &n!titute niver!it% of ;din$urgh

    ;din$urgh ;@16 4

  • 7/23/2019 WJR-Lung Cancer Screening Computed Tomography or Chest Radiographs



  • 7/23/2019 WJR-Lung Cancer Screening Computed Tomography or Chest Radiographs


    Eir!t deci!ion: (pril 27 201

    evi!ed: (pril 29 201

    (ccepted: =#% 27 201

    (rticle in pre!!: =#% 28 201

    u$li!hed online: (ugu!t 28 201


    Iorldwide lung c#ncer i! the le#ding c#u!e of mort#lit% due to

    m#lign#nc%. he v#!t m#jorit% of c#!e! of lung c#ncer #re !moing

    rel#ted #nd the mo!t eective w#% of reducing lung c#ncer incidence

    #nd mort#lit% i! $% !moing ce!!#tion. &n the Ie!tern world !moing

    ce!!#tion policie! h#ve met with limited !ucce!!. he other m#jor

    me#n! of reducing lung c#ncer de#th! i! to di#gno!e c#!e! #t #n

    e#rlier more tre#t#$le !t#ge emplo%ing !creening progr#mme! u!ing

    che!t r#diogr#ph! or low do!e computed tomogr#ph%. &n m#n%

    countrie! !moing i! !till on the incre#!e #nd the !heer !c#le of the

    pro$lem limit! the #ord#$ilit% of !uch !creening progr#mme!. hi!

    !hort review #rticle will ev#lu#te the current evidence #nd potenti#l

    #re#! of re!e#rch which m#% $eneBt polic% m#ing #cro!! the world.

    8e 'ors4Fung c#ncerC 'he!t r#diogr#phC 'omputed tomogr#ph%C

    creeningC @e#lth economic!

    The Author(s) 2015 u$li!hed $% +#i!hideng u$li!hing roup

    &nc. (ll right! re!erved.

    Core t"4 he u!e of low do!e computed tomogr#ph% *' for lung

    c#ncer !creening i! !uperior to the u!e of !t#nd#rd che!t r#diogr#ph

    *'J #nd therefore !t#nd#rd 'J !hould not $e u!ed for thi!

  • 7/23/2019 WJR-Lung Cancer Screening Computed Tomography or Chest Radiographs


    purpo!e. @owever the #pplic#tion of novel computer #!!i!ted

    di#gno!i! !oftw#re m#% inDuence the utilit% of 'J #nd m#%

    ultim#tel% $e # co!t-eKcient method in tho!e countrie! where

    deliver% of low-do!e ' i! not fe#!i$le due to infr#!tructure or co!t!


    v#n +ee ;

  • 7/23/2019 WJR-Lung Cancer Screening Computed Tomography or Chest Radiographs


    $een explored. he!e h#ve m#inl% $een $#!ed #round im#ging u!ing

    the che!t r#diogr#ph *'J #nd computed tomogr#ph% *'.


    &n the e#rl% 1980! # lung !creening progr#mme u!ing 4-monthl%

    'J! in high ri! p#tient! w#! developed #t the =#%o 'linicNO.

    u$ject! !elected were over 4 %e#r! old m#le he#v% !moer!

    deBned #! one p#c/d#%. he% were r#ndoml% #!!igned to # control

    group *493 p#tient! or repe#ted 'J follow up #t 4 mo interv#l

    *4618 p#tient! #fter the% h#d undergone #n initi#l 'J #nd !putumc%tolog% ex#min#tion th#t were $oth norm#l. he follow up !ucce!!

    w#! 7M #t 4 mo #nd 92 lung c#ncer! were detected $% 'J *of

    which 7 #l!o h#d !putum c%tolog% po!itive Bnding! while 1

    p#tient! h#d norm#l 'J with #$norm#l !putum c%tolog% for #n

    over#ll incidence of 109 *2.4M. ( !igniBc#nt num$er of the!e lung

    c#ncer! were vi!i$le in retro!pect. Eurthermore 2 of the lung

    c#ncer were cl#!!iBed #! !t#ge

  • 7/23/2019 WJR-Lung Cancer Screening Computed Tomography or Chest Radiographs


    improve mort#lit% #dv#nt#ge over p#tient! who were oered #nnu#l


    ( more recent #ttempt #t u!ing 'J !creening w#! c#rried out in the

    ro!t#te Fung 'olorect#l #nd v#ri#n c#ncer !creening tri#lN8O. hi! !tud%

    r#ndomi!ed 14901 men #nd women #ged -74 %e#r! to either !t#nd#rd

    c#re *7746 or #nnu#l !creening *7744 for four %e#r! during the period

    1993-2001. he num$er of lung c#ncer de#th! w#! e5u#l in $oth group!

    *1213 vs 1230 with !imil#r !t#ge #nd hi!tolog% of lung c#ncer!.

    herefore it w#! concluded th#t #nnu#l 'J !creening doe! not $eneBt

    outcome of lung c#ncer mort#lit%.

    Erom the!e l#rge !c#le !tudie! #! well #! from the )#tion#l Fung

    creening ri#l *)F *!ee $elow it i! concluded th#t the

    #pplic#tion of routine #nnu#l che!t r#diogr#ph% for !creening of high-

    ri! p#tient! for lung c#ncer #lthough detecting # !igniBc#nt num$er

    of lung c#ncer c#!e! i! not $eneBci#l in term! of improvement of



    he )F comp#red 'J! with computed tomogr#ph% for the

    !creening of p#tient! #t high ri! for developing lung c#ncerN9O. =en

    #nd women were !elected in the #ge group -74 %e#r! with #

    hi!tor% of cig#rette !moing of #t le#!t 30 p#c %e#r! or h#d the!e

    expo!ure r#te! $ut h#d 5uit !moing within 1 %e#r!. he !u$ject!

    were r#ndomi!ed to either three #nnu#l !creening po!terior-#nterior

    'J! *26732 or low-do!e ' *26722. (lmo!t 4-fold higher po!itive

    !creening te!t! were o$t#ined with ' *24.2M vs 6.9M with the

    f#l!e po!itive r#te !lightl% lower in the 'J! group *94.M vs

    96.4M. he incidence of proven lung c#ncer w#! higher in the '

    group comp#red to the 'J group *rel#tive ri! 1.13C 9M'&: 1.03-

  • 7/23/2019 WJR-Lung Cancer Screening Computed Tomography or Chest Radiographs


    1.23. =ore import#ntl% mort#lit% due to lung c#ncer decre#!ed

    from 309 de#th! per 100000 per!on-%e#r! in the r#diogr#ph% group

    to 247 de#th! from lung c#ncer per 100000 per!on-%e#r! in the low-

    do!e ' group # decre#!e of 20M. &n #ddition the ' group

    $eneBtted from other di#gno!e! th#t po!itivel% #ected mort#lit%

    r#te! with 6.7M fewer p#tient! d%ing in the low-do!e ' group.

    &n ;urope !ever#l !tudie! were !t#rted to ev#lu#te the potenti#l

    role of low-do!e che!t ' for lung c#ncer !creening. hree !tudie!

    did not demon!tr#te # $eneBt of lung c#ncer !creening with ' in

    term! of mort#lit% $ut the!e were in!uKcientl% powered to reli#$l%

    dr#w !uch conclu!ionN10-12O. here #re # further Bve ongoing !tudie!

    th#t #re %et to report on the Bn#l re!ult! $ut !ome will $e #$le to

    give #n!wer! to the 5ue!tion whether ' !creening improve!

    outcome of lung c#ncer p#tient!N13-17O.

    he )ederl#nd!-Feuven! Fong#ner creening nderQoe

    *);F) !tud% i! # utch/+elgi#n project which recruited 20000 high-

    ri! !u$ject! #nd r#ndomi!ed h#lf of them for low-do!e ' #nd the

    other h#lf for 'J !creeningN13O. &t i! the l#rge!t ;urope#n !tud% #nd

    h#! !uKcient power to en#$le # !t#tement whether low-do!e '

    !creening h#! $eneBt over che!t r#diogr#ph% !creening.

    (nother !tud% from '#n#d# h#! reported the Br!t !creening round

    re!ult! #nd i! focu!ed on inclu!ion of c%tolog% u!ing

    #utoDuore!cence $roncho!cop% #! well #! modelling #ppro#che!

    tow#rd! optimi!#tion of predictive v#lue for lung nodule!N18O.

    ( potenti#l ri! #!!oci#ted with !creening i! the f#l!e po!itive

    re!ult! th#t c#n le#d to further inve!tig#tion! #nd #ddition#l co!t!. (

    r#ndomiQed controlled tri#l of low-do!e ' vsche!t r#diogr#ph% * n

    R 3318 in $oth #rm! #! p#rt of the )F demon!tr#ted # f#l!e-

    po!itive r#te of 21M #nd 9M for !ingle low-do!e ' #nd che!t

  • 7/23/2019 WJR-Lung Cancer Screening Computed Tomography or Chest Radiographs


    r#diogr#ph% !creening re!pectivel%N19O. ( tot#l of 7M of p#rticip#nt!

    with # f#l!e-po!itive low-do!e ' ex#min#tion #nd 4M with # f#l!e-

    po!itive che!t r#diogr#ph% !u$!e5uentl% underwent #n inv#!ive


    (nother potenti#l ri! #!!oci#te with lung c#ncer !creening i! the

    potenti#l incre#!ed ri! of lifetime c#ncer! #! # re!ult of ioni!ing

    r#di#tion. he e!tim#ted ri! of c#ncer from expo!ure to ' ioni!ing

    r#di#tion i! reported to $e more when the !creening i! !t#rted e#rlier

    in life or on #nnu#l $#!i! #nd in fem#le!. ( !tud% reported #n

    e!tim#ted .M incre#!e in lung c#ncer ri! #ttri$ut#$le to #nnu#l

    '-rel#ted r#di#tion expo!ure #nd concluded th#t # mort#lit% $eneBt

    of con!ider#$l% more th#n M m#% $e nece!!#r% to outweigh the

    potenti#l r#di#tion ri!!N20O.

    creening progr#m! #re #!!oci#ted with #ddition#l co!t! $oth

    from the !creening procedure #nd the follow up intervention!.

    reviou! !tudie! reported th#t !creening for lung c#ncer #ppe#red to

    $e co!t-eective in high ri! more elderl% popul#tion!N2122O. ther

    !tudie! 5ue!tioned the potenti#l co!t eectivene!! of lung c#ncer

    !creening. @owever their re!ult! were $#!ed on lower e!tim#ted

    eectivene!! of !creening th#n wh#t w#! demon!tr#ted $% the


    ( more recent co!t-utilit% #n#l%!i! of lung c#ncer !creening $% low

    do!e ' reported th#t repe#t #nnu#l lung c#ncer !creening in high

    ri! #dult! #ged 0-64 w#! highl% co!t-eectiveN2O. he !tud% #l!o

    indic#ted th#t oering !moing ce!!#tion intervention! with the

    !creening progr#m improved the co!t-eectivene!! of lung c#ncer

    !creening $etween 20M-4M.

    ( contr#r% report w#! pu$li!hed #! p#rt of # he#lth technolog%

    #!!e!!ment which !ugge!ted th#t lung c#ncer !creening would not $e

  • 7/23/2019 WJR-Lung Cancer Screening Computed Tomography or Chest Radiographs


    co!t-eectiveN26O. @owever it !hould $e con!idered th#t thi! report w#!

    i!!ued prior to the re!ult! of mo!t of the recent l#rge lung c#ncer !creening


    he l#rge!t #nd mo!t recent !tud% the )F #l!o h#d #n economic

    #n#l%!i! #nd co!t-eectivene!! #n#l%!i! performedN27O. hi! !tud%

    demon!tr#ted th#t the #ddition#l he#lthc#re co!t! of performing low-

    do!e ' !creening would co!t S1631 per per!on with the

    increment#l co!t! per life-%e#r g#ined #nd the co!t! per 5u#lit%

    #dju!ted life %e#r g#ined coming in #t S2000 #nd S81000

    re!pectivel%. &mport#ntl% there w#! 5uite # wide r#nge of life %e#r

    g#in! depending on #ge *optim#l #ge r#nge 60-69 %e#r! ri! for

    developing lung c#ncer *highe!t ri! group! $eneBtting mo!t #nd

    gender *with women $eneBtting le#!t. hi! c#u!ed # r#nge of co!t!

    for 5u#lit% #dju!ted life %e#r g#ined #n%where $etween S32000-

    S61000. he !tud% did not !how # co!t-eective $eneBt for che!t

    r#diogr#ph% !creening.


    'le#rl% $#!ed on the #$ove !tudie! ' i! !uperior to 'J! for !creening in

    lung c#ncer. (lthough the )F #ppe#r! to h#ve #n!wered the 5ue!tion

    conclu!ivel% there #re !till ongoing !tudie! th#t m#% inDuence the

    m#nner in which !creening will $e #ppro#ched in the future.

    igniBc#nt de$#te i! !till ongoing #! to how often we !hould $e

    !creening the optim#l popul#tion th#t could $eneBt interpret#tion

    of nodule! #void#nce of f#l!e po!itive re!ult! #nd #ppro#che!

    including po!itron emi!!ion tomogr#ph%-computed tomogr#ph%

    m#gnetic re!on#nce im#ging #nd #utoDuore!cence $roncho!cop%

    for in!t#nceN28-34O. =#n% of the!e point! #re !till undergoing

    ev#lu#tion #nd future !tud% re!ult! #re e#gerl% #w#ited.

  • 7/23/2019 WJR-Lung Cancer Screening Computed Tomography or Chest Radiographs


    here #re !ome #ddition#l point! to $e t#en into con!ider#tion

    which m#% !till give 'J! # potenti#l role for !creening of lung


    Eir!t 'J! h#ve m#tured from # technic#l per!pective #nd the wide

    introduction of digit#l 'J! oer! # new #ppro#ch to #pplic#tion of

    computer #!!i!ted di#gno!i! *'(. hu! !ever#l !tudie! h#ve !hown

    gre#ter !en!itivit% for lung nodule detection u!ing '( methodologie!

    #nd thi! m#% $e of $eneBt when u!ing the te!t #! # !creening te!t N336O.

    @owever # conclu!ive !tud% !howing the $eneBt of !creening with che!t

    r#diogr#ph% #nd #dded '( h#! not $een performed #nd could $e

    import#nt in thi! re!pect.

    econd 'J! #re $% f#r the che#per of the two im#ging mod#litie! #nd

    more commonl% #v#il#$le. hi! i! #n import#nt i!!ue p#rticul#rl% in

    countrie! th#t #re le!! well developed #nd where !moing continue! to $e

    on the incre#!e #nd the lung c#ncer epidemic i! on the ri!e. here i! #

    high f#l!e neg#tive r#te u!ing the 'J. 'J !creening progr#mme! !hould

    $e $#ced up with cro!!-!ection#l im#ging with # low thre!hold in pl#ce for

    inve!tig#ting even !m#ll #$norm#litie! detected on the 'J with ' !c#n.

    &t m#% not $e fe#!i$le to #rr#nge for l#rge-!c#le !creening u!ing ' #nd in

    the!e circum!t#nce! one could con!ider u!ing the 'J.

    Ihil!t )F demon!tr#ted th#t $eneBt! from e#rl% detection of

    lung c#ncer outweigh! the ri! of ioniQing r#di#tion the potenti#l ri!

    i! !u$!t#nti#l. &n )F p#rticip#nt! received #n #ver#ge expo!ure of

    8 mv over 3 %e#r! of !creening/di#gno!tic ex#min#tion! which c#n

    potenti#ll% c#u!e 1 c#ncer in ever% 200 !creenedN37O. ecentl%

    multiple !tudie! h#ve $een inve!tig#ting the fe#!i$ilit% of r#di#tion

    do!e reduction to !u$-mv level whil!t the di#gno!tic #ccur#c% i!

    m#int#inedN3839O. ince there i! # high contr#!t re!olution $etween #ir

    #nd lung nodule! !igniBc#nt r#di#tion do!e reduction c#n $e

  • 7/23/2019 WJR-Lung Cancer Screening Computed Tomography or Chest Radiographs


    #chieved while m#int#ining good di#gno!tic 5u#lit%. T#riou!

    !tr#tegie! !uch #! reduced tu$e volt#ge tu$e current or $oth i!

    $eing u!ed. he #pplic#tion of iter#tive recon!truction would

    m#int#in !p#ti#l re!olution in low do!e !tudie! whil!t m#int#in

    di#gno!tic #ccur#c%N40O.

    ver#ll it i! highl% liel% th#t low-do!e ' !creening for p#tient! #t

    high ri! for developing lung c#ncer i! # co!t-eective #ppro#ch

    which will le#d to improved outcome due to e#rlier detection #nd

    tre#tment of thi! highl% leth#l m#lign#nc%. &n countrie! th#t h#ve the

    re!ource! #v#il#$le it m#e! !en!e therefore to u!e low-do!e ' #!

    # !creening methodolog%. Eor countrie! where Bn#nce! or logi!tic!

    render low-do!e ' !creening impo!!i$le to deliver 'J! on #n

    #nnu#l $#!i! !hould $e con!idered #nd #ddition#l u!e of '( m#%

    improve !en!itivit% for e#rlier le!ion!.


    1 C3%er Rese3r%h U8. Fung c#ncer mort#lit% !t#ti!tic!. N#cce!!ed

    2013 =#% 11O. (v#il#$le from: F:




    2 ISD S%ot/3. &nform#tion #nd t#ti!tic!. Fung c#ncer #nd

    me!otheliom#. N#cce!!ed 2013 (ugu!t 7O. (v#il#$le from: F:



    3 Se#e/ R )#i!h#dh#m

  • 7/23/2019 WJR-Lung Cancer Screening Computed Tomography or Chest Radiographs


    =iettinen . urviv#l of p#tient! with !t#ge & lung c#ncer

    detected on ' !creening. N Engl J Med 2006C 755: 1763-1771

    N=&: 1706637 &: 10.106/);

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    ichter A 'lement!en eer!holm ). he #ni!h r#ndomiQed

    lung c#ncer ' !creening tri#l--over#ll de!ign #nd re!ult! of the

    prev#lence round. J Thorac Oncol 2009C

  • 7/23/2019 WJR-Lung Cancer Screening Computed Tomography or Chest Radiographs


    re!ult! of the epi!c#n !tud%: # Erench r#ndomiQed pilot tri#l of

    lung c#ncer !creening comp#ring low do!e ' !c#n *F' #nd

    che!t J-r#% *'J. !ung Cancer 2007C 5=: 0-8 N=&:


    1 Lo"es Pe#3 A icoQQi =#!c#lchi = =#ri# '#roQQi E '#rroQQi

    F 'omin ' pinelli ' E#l#!chi E r#QQini = &nnocenti E onchi '

    #ci ;. e!ign recruitment #nd $#!eline re!ult! of the &(F)

    tri#l for lung c#ncer !creening with low-do!e '. !ung Cancer

    2009C :

  • 7/23/2019 WJR-Lung Cancer Screening Computed Tomography or Chest Radiographs



  • 7/23/2019 WJR-Lung Cancer Screening Computed Tomography or Chest Radiographs


    #n#l%!i! of lung c#ncer !creening #nd the #ddition#l $eneBt! of

    incorpor#ting !moing ce!!#tion intervention!. P!o# One2013C =:

    e71379 N=&: 23940744O

    26 ./3%; C +#gu!t ( +ol#nd ( I#ler =cFeod ' e Terteuil


  • 7/23/2019 WJR-Lung Cancer Screening Computed Tomography or Chest Radiographs


    v#n oijen = reuter =

  • 7/23/2019 WJR-Lung Cancer Screening Computed Tomography or Chest Radiographs


    +%er! 'olditQ ( ould =A

  • 7/23/2019 WJR-Lung Cancer Screening Computed Tomography or Chest Radiographs
