107 From: Methods in Molecular Medicine, vol. 78: Wound Healing: Methods and Protocols Edited by: Luisa A. DiPietro and Aime L. Burns © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ 8 A Porcine Burn Model Adam J. Singer and Steve A. McClain 1. Introduction Not only are burns a leading cause of accidental death, but they also result in considerable morbidity and disfigurement leading to significant functional and social impairment. Fortunately, most burns are minor and relatively small. As a result, research efforts have largely focused on the local care of burn wounds. Because of moral and ethical considerations, the use of human skin for in vivo experiments is limited. Over the years researchers have used a variety of animal models as well as in vitro preparations to study cutaneous burns. We have developed and validated a porcine model for partial-thickness contact burns, using it to successfully evaluate a variety of therapeutic agents (1). This chapter describes in detail the model for assessing burn therapies. A good burn model is one that is simple, safe, and reproducible; that is, it should create burns that are consistent in their extent and depth. Any description of an animal burn model should include the following elements: the instruments used to create the burn, the temperature and duration of exposure with the inflicting instrument, and the method of applying the thermal injury. For researchers and readers to compare various new therapies for burns, it is important to ensure that the agents are being used on similar types and extents of injury. Thus, any animal model for burns must be reproducible and reliable; that is, whenever the same exposure time and temperature are used, similar injuries should result. Partial-thickness burns are also excellent models for studying the main components of wound healing such as reepithelialization and scar formation.

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A Porcine Burn Model 107


From: Methods in Molecular Medicine, vol. 78: Wound Healing: Methods and ProtocolsEdited by: Luisa A. DiPietro and Aime L. Burns © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


A Porcine Burn Model

Adam J. Singer and Steve A. McClain

1. IntroductionNot only are burns a leading cause of accidental death, but they also result in

considerable morbidity and disfigurement leading to significant functional and social impairment. Fortunately, most burns are minor and relatively small. As a result, research efforts have largely focused on the local care of burn wounds. Because of moral and ethical considerations, the use of human skin for in vivo experiments is limited. Over the years researchers have used a variety of animal models as well as in vitro preparations to study cutaneous burns. We have developed and validated a porcine model for partial-thickness contact burns, using it to successfully evaluate a variety of therapeutic agents (1). This chapter describes in detail the model for assessing burn therapies.

A good burn model is one that is simple, safe, and reproducible; that is, it should create burns that are consistent in their extent and depth. Any description of an animal burn model should include the following elements: the instruments used to create the burn, the temperature and duration of exposure with the inflicting instrument, and the method of applying the thermal injury. For researchers and readers to compare various new therapies for burns, it is important to ensure that the agents are being used on similar types and extents of injury. Thus, any animal model for burns must be reproducible and reliable; that is, whenever the same exposure time and temperature are used, similar injuries should result. Partial-thickness burns are also excellent models for studying the main components of wound healing such as reepithelialization and scar formation.

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1.1. Choosing the Pig as an Animal Model for Burns

One of the most important aspects of developing an animal model for studying cutaneous burns is choosing an appropriate species. The pig has been favored over other animals for several reasons. First, of all mammals, the skin of the pig most closely resembles that of humans (2,3). The cornified layer and epidermis of the pig is relatively thick, similar to that of the human. Like humans, pig dermis is composed of two zones: the well-defined papillary dermis, with delicate collagen fibers and mucopolysaccharide-rich matrix intermingled with connective-tissue cells; and the dense reticular dermis, where woven collagen bundles and elastic fibers provide the bulk of the cutaneous strength and elasticity. Porcine skin differs from human skin in two main aspects: the absence of sweat (eccrine) glands and fewer elastic fibers in the dermis. The sc region is similar to that found in humans, demonstrating sex and age variability. Porcine sc fat differs slightly from human sc fat in that there are one or two layers of collagenous fascia connected to the dermis above by the fibrous septae in the sc fat.

The hair of the pig is arranged in groups of two to three single hairs. Its sparsely haired coat is also similar to that found in most humans, although the hair shafts are coarser than typical terminal hair in humans. The holocrine sebaceous glands are present in the superficial part of the reticular dermis discharging into the hair canal similar to other mammals. The tubular apocrine glands lie adjacent to the hair follicles and are more numerous than in humans, where they are confined mainly to the axilla and perineum. The subepidermal vascular network is less dense than in humans; however, the pattern of vascularization in the lower region corresponds to that in humans.

Other similarities between porcine and human skin include epidermal enzyme patterns, epidermal tissue turnover time, the character of keratinous proteins, and the composition of the lipid film of the skin surface. A recent study evaluating the crossreactivity between human and porcine cytokeratins and proliferation antigens found that structurally the pig’s skin may even be superior as a model to nonhuman primate skin (4).

Second, pigs are of a large enough size to allow creation of multiple burn sites on the same pig, thus increasing the sample size without significantlyincreasing the cost. The large size also allows creation of multiple burns in each individual pig without resulting in a systemic stress response. Generally, we have limited the total number of burns to <5–10% of the total body surface area. Performance of multiple burns within the same pig also allows each pig to serve as its own control when multiple topical therapies can be studied simultaneously (5). This helps control for any variability in healing among different animals.

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The pig’s size requires that general anesthesia be used prior to creating burns or performing tissue biopsies. This allows precise and predictable titration of iv and/or inhalational anesthetics that is not possible with smaller animals. As a result, most animals survive surgery, allowing performance of longitudinal studies, with multiple tissue samples taken over intervals of days or weeks.

Third, young pigs are highly resistant to contamination and infection. This may be viewed as an evolutionary advantage given their environmental living conditions. However, this quality can be both an advantage and a disadvantage of using the pig. For example, when studying the effects of contamination on infection, we found that high concentrations of bacteria and removal of the burned, necrotic epidermis were required to consistently result in clinically apparent infections (6).

The use of pigs as the animal model has several disadvantages. Pigs are relatively expensive. Furthermore, their large size and the need to administer general anesthesia usually make additional personnel necessary during proce-dures. Finally, pigs generally do not form blisters between the epidermis and dermis as in humans, and recognizing second-degree burns may be difficult.This is thought to be the result of a diminished superficial dermal vascular plexus, their densely arranged dermis, and the lack of loose areolar tissue that precludes intercellular fluid accumulation. To overcome this problem and simulate second-degree burns in humans that routinely form blisters, we removed the necrotic epidermis by gentle manual rubbing (6–8). However, it is important to remember that removal of the necrotic epidermis delays reepithelialization and increases infection rates (8).

While the age of the pig may vary, we generally prefer young pigs weighing approx 20 kg at the time of injury. Most partial-thickness burns reepithelialize within 2 wk (6,8–11). By then, the pig has grown tremendously, making their day-to-day management difficult. Furthermore, the healing process itself is optimal in young pigs.

1.2. Choosing Burn Site

Our model uses a 6.25-cm2 square rigid aluminum bar applied directly to the skin. Site selection is important in order to ensure uniform burn injuries. We have found the thoracic paravertebral zone especially suitable in pigs. When created directly over the vertebral spinous processes or too far laterally over the ribs, it is likely that the burn will be nonuniform. In addition, as the ventral abdominal undersurface is approached, we have found that burns do not heal as well as those adjacent to the paravertebral region. We suspect that this is the result of recurrent trauma to burns located near the pig’s undersurface during movement or lying. Davis et al. (7) noted that burns located in the caudal

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portion of the pig heal better than more cephalically located ones. We have not found any difference in the healing of cephalad or caudad burns. Although the optimal distance between burns has not been determined, it is believed that a minimum distance of 2 to 3 cm is required in order to reduce any local effects of the burns on each other (7).

1.3. Choosing Thermal Insult

Two types of thermal insults can be used to create burns. In the scald burn model, heated or boiling water is circulated over the injured area. The major advantage of this method is the ability to cover uniformly an entire area of skin regardless of its uniformity and underlying surface. The major disadvantage is that this model is also technically more challenging than the contact model and exposes the research team to the risk of burning themselves. By contrast, the contact model of injury uses an aluminum (or brass) bar that is preheated in hot water for creating the burn. This model does not require any specialized apparatus and has minimal risk of injury to the investigators.

Brans et al. (12) have found that with contact burns, a clear demarcation zone with neutrophilic infiltration between the viable and necrotic tissue is observed in the first 72 h after injury. By contrast, an intermingled pattern of damaged and intact collagen fibers with delayed and progressive vascular injury was noted over the first 72 h with scald burns. They conclude that studies focusing on preventing the progression of dermal injury after burns should probably use scalding water to create the burns, whereas we have found that using our contact burn model, burn depth continues to progress for at least 3 d after injury (13). Davis et al. (7) also noted burn progression over the course of several days after infliction of contact burns in pigs.

2. Materials1. Young female pigs weighing 20–25 kg.2. Mechanical respirator: We use the ADS1000 Anesthetic Delivery System (Engler,

Hialeah, FL). However, any mechanical ventilator or bag valve mask apparatus may be used to ventilate the anesthetized pig.

3. Tiletamine and zolazepam (Fort Dodge Laboratories, Fort Dodge, IA).4. Metal bar: The burns are created with a 2.5 cm × 2.5 cm by 7 cm, 150-g aluminum

or brass bar (Small Parts, Miami Lakes, FL) preheated in hot water. Clearly, any size bar can be used to create the desired area of injury. A durable plastic or wooden handle is attached to one end of the bar to enable the investigator to grasp the bar without getting burned (Fig. 1). We drilled and tapped an appropriate-sized hole at one end of the bar into which we attached a threaded, nonconducting plastic rod.

5. Water bath: The metal bar is heated in a water bath (Neslab GP-100; Neslab, Newington, NH) whose water temperature is tightly regulated to the desired

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level (Fig. 1). We generally use a temperature of 80°C. When the preheated bar is applied to the skin at this temperature for a period of 20 s, a partial-thickness burn is created that damages the upper 30–50% of the dermis (1).

6. Punch biopsies: To obtain tissue specimens for histological evaluation, a dispos-able 4-mm biopsy punch is used (Miltex, Lake Success, NY). These can be reused until dull, unless infection is being studied.

7. Dressings: Regardless of the type of local therapy, the burns need to be covered and protected from further self-inflicted injuries that result from the animal’s normal activity. The burns should be covered with nonadherent gauze dressing (Telfa®, Kendall, Mansfield, MA). To further protect the wounds, the burned areas are then covered with a gauze bandage roll (Conform®, Kendall) and a tough, flexible adhesive elastic bandage (Elastoplast®; Beiersdorf-Jobst, Rutherford College, NC). The edges of the adhesive elastic bandage should be secured to the skin with several skin staples (Proximate Plus MD; Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Cincinnati, OH).

8. 10% Formalin: For routine histopathology, tissue samples should be stored at room temperature in neutral buffered 10% formalin.

9. OCT frozen section mounting medium (Sakura FineTek, Torrance, CA); for frozen sections, tissue samples are snap-frozen in this medium in prelabeled

Fig. 1. (Right) Metal bar with attached handle used to create burns. (Left) The bar is preheated in a thermostatically controlled water bath.

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aluminum foil boats in liquid nitrogen. The aluminum boats are wrapped and stored frozen at –80°C.

10. Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E): One can use a histology service for paraffinembedding, sectioning, and staining with H&E or frozen sections where needed. Specialized stains may be helpful in some studies (e.g., Gram stain for bacterial infection, elastic stains for elastic tissue fibers).

11. Light microscope equipped with a polarized light filter and calibrated ocular micrometer.

3. Methods3.1. Preconditioning and Anesthesia

Animals should be given a standard diet ad libitum several days prior to the investigation to allow acclimatization to their new surroundings. The pigs should be fasted overnight before any procedures to reduce the risk of vomiting and aspiration during the procedure. Housing and care for animals should be in accordance with the National Research Council guidelines (14).

1. Sedate the pigs with 5 mg/kg of Talazine® intramuscularly. Generally, the onset of sedation will require 5–10 min.

2. Intubate the pigs endotracheally using a straight laryngoscope blade and ano. 7-7.5 endotracheal tube.

3. After their visualization, squire the vocal cords with 2 to 3 mL of 1% lidocaine to reduce the likelihood of laryngospasm and ease the passage of the endotracheal tube.

4. Maintain the animals under a surgical plane of anesthesia with 0.5–2.5% isoflurane in room air. The use of halothane should be avoided in pigs; this agent is associated with a high risk of seizures. A concentration of 2–2.5% isoflurane is usually required for painful procedures such as creating the burns or obtaining biopsies. A concentration of 0.5–1% is usually adequate for nonpainful procedures such as dressing changes (see Note 1).

3.2. Hair Removal

1. To ensure uniform contact of the metal bar with the skin, the hair is removed priorto creating the burns. Kaufman et al. (5) recommend removing the hair with clippers and a depilatory cream at least 24 h before inflicting burns, since clipping and depilation may produce skin edema. However, after experimenting with a variety of depilatory creams, hair removal waxes, and clippers, we have noted that hair removal with electric clippers immediately before the burns is most simple and does not have any appreciable histological effects on healing of the burns. By contrast, shaving the hair with a razor should be avoided, since shaving has been reported to significantly increase the rate of infection in comparison with clipping (15).

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3.3. Creation of Burns

1. Preheat the metal bar to the desired temperature by immersing it in a bath of heated water for 3–5 min. The metal bar should be immersed in its entirety, but its handle end should not be in contact with the hot water (see Notes 2–4).

2. Remove the heated bar from the water bath and blot dry just prior to application, to prevent water droplets from creating a separate steam burn on the skin.

3. Align the bar perpendicular to the skin’s surface and apply for a predetermined period of time (usually about 20–30 s) with all pressure supplied by gravity (see Note 5).

3.4. Application of Dressing

The dressing is very important in order to protect the burns from any further self-inflicted injuries by the animals. While some investigators have constructed a firm hoop made out of metal, plastic, or wood that surrounds the animals and their wounds, we use a multilayered dressing with the outermost layer stapled to the skin at its cephalad and caudad edges at a distance from the burns. The dressing should be wrapped starting below the shoulders and continuing to just cephalad to the hind legs. This will help prevent the dressing from migrating with pig motion (see Notes 6 and 7).

3.5. Macroscopic Description of Burns

Initially the deep partial-thickness burns have a pale white appearance with a surrounding rim of erythema that subsides within several minutes (Fig. 2).Within the next few days the burns become red and develop a thick scab that does not allow direct observation of the reepithelialization underneath the scab. As a result, we rely on tissue biopsies for evaluation of the degree of reepithelialization. This is in contrast to human burns, in which direct visualiza-tion of the neoepidermis is usually possible, allowing the observer to follow the progression of reepithelialization. We (as others before) have not observed blister formation in the pig under any of the studied experimental conditions.

3.6. Recommended Outcomes to Measure HealingAfter Thermal Injuries

A variety of macroscopic and microscopic outcomes can be used to measure healing of burns. Early indicators include infection based on the presence of erythema, purulence, or systemic indicators of infections such as fever. Microscopically, infection is defined by the presence of intradermal neutrophils containing bacteria. While this measure has a high degree of reliability (6,8,9),it does not necessarily indicate clinically relevant infections and may be overly sensitive (16).

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3.6.1. Reepithelialization

Reepithelialization or the regeneration of neoepidermis occurs from migrat-ing keratinocytes originating in remaining epithelial appendages, mainly hair follicles and apocrine ducts, as well as the surrounding intact epidermis. Reepithelialization of partial-thickness burns usually requires between 7 and 14 d in the pig (6,8–11). Reepithelialization is difficult if not impossible to monitor macroscopically, since visualization of the neoepidermis is not possible beneath the thick crust or scab over the burns. Microscopically, reepithelialization may be measured by two methods.

For the first method we, as well as others (17), measure the length of neoepi-dermis in a skin section on a slide (prepared from full-thickness biopsies of the healing burn; see Note 8) and divide this by the length of the section (Fig. 3).The advantage of this method is that each burn can be sampled multiple times at various time points. This allows monitoring of reepithelialization over time within the same wound. Furthermore, it allows quantification of the degree of reepithelialization even for wounds that are not completely reepithelial-ized. Histopathological studies should be done on formalin-fixed, alcohol-dehydrated, xylene-cleared, paraffin-embedded, H&E-stained sections using conventional microscopy (see Note 9).

The second method is described by Eaglstein and Mertz (18). Thin strips of healing wounds are completely excised with the use of an electrokeratotome.

Fig. 2. Macroscopic appearance of burns 30 min after injury.

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After incubating the excised wounds in 0.5 mol/L of NaBr overnight, the specimens are separated into epidermal and dermal sheets. The epidermis is then examined macroscopically for defects in the area of the burn wounds. Epithelialization is considered complete when no defects are present in the epidermal sheet. The disadvantage of this method is that the wound may be sampled only once. Therefore, more wounds need to be created in order to evaluate reepithelialization at different time points. Furthermore, the outcome measured (complete reepithelialization) is dichotomous and, thus, less sensitive than the first method used to measure reepithelialization.

3.6.2. Scarring

Cutaneous scarring can be quantified macroscopically using a standard 100-mm visual analog scale ranging from no apparent scar to worst possible appearance (10). Furthermore, it is possible to measure the proportionate amount of reduction in the residual wound surface area by dividing the surface area of the scar by that of a control site (whose dimensions are identical to those of the aluminum bar) marked with a tattoo at the time of the original injury.

Fig. 3. The percentage of reepithelialization is calculated by dividing the length of the sectioned slide that is covered with neoepidermis (seen at the left end of the slide) by its total length (H&E; ×40).

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Histologically, a scar is characterized by pale-staining, thin collagen bundles, typically oriented parallel to the epidermis. Less complex in structure and containing less collagen than the thick, woven normal dermal collagen bundles, scar collagen appears dark compared to normal dermis by examination under polarized light. The scar appears dark mainly owing to the diminished collagen content and results in less light refraction. The polarizing filters can be rotated to enhance scar detection. However, the more subtle qualities of the scar, such as thin collagen bundles oriented in the same plane as opposed to the woven structure of thicker collagen bundles, can also be recognized without polarized light. We have developed a histological scale that allows quantification of the amount of scarring and its effects on the normal structure of the dermis. For further discussion of this scale, the reader is referred to ref. 10.

4. Notes1. For short procedures, inhalation anesthesia may be given using only a mask.

For brief nonpainful procedures (such as a dressing change), im sedation alone may suffice.

2. We prefer the use of a thermostatically controlled water bath for heating the aluminum bar. However, warming a beaker of water over a hot plate and manually regulating the temperature with an accurate thermometer can be substituted.

3. Both aluminum and brass bars have been used. Aluminum’s lower cost is an advantage.

4. Between 60 and 100°C heat transfer and cutaneous injury is proportional to the product of the temperature and duration of exposure. Lower temperatures for longer time periods are equivalent to higher temperatures for shorter time periods in terms of depth or level of injury required by the investigator (1,19,20). We have developed matrices that relate the depth of injury to each of several specifichistological elements of the dermis to the temperature and duration of exposure (Table 1) (1). Generally, we prefer using lower temperatures (80–90°C) with longer exposure times (20 s rather than 10 s) since the relative errors in exposure time and their influence on burn depth are minimized (21).

5. Whereas some investigators feel that the amount of pressure applied is important, we and others have not found that the depth of injury is dependent on the amount of pressure employed (22). To avoid premature cooling of the bar, the burns should be created immediately after removing the bar from the water bath and blotting it dry.

6. Usually two assistants are required to hold the pig during application of the adhesive dressing to ensure proper placement.

7. In male pigs, care must be taken to avoid encompassing the penis withinthe dressing, since this may result in obstruction and urinary retention. The use offemale pigs maximizes the area available for creating the burns, since the dressing can be wrapped farther caudad. While wrapping the elastic dressing around the animal, care should be taken to avoid excessive compression, which can result in

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colorectal prolapse. This can be accomplished by intermittently unrolling short segments of the adhesive bandage before wrapping the animal.

8. Biopsy punches should be as sharp as possible to avoid damaging the tissue specimen. Generally, 5–10 biopsies can be performed before the blade becomes dull.

9. Some researchers prefer specialized stains (such as Masson’s trichrome or S-100 immunoperoxidase stain) and techniques (such as a polarized light filter). We believe that the “standard” H&E staining of 5-μ-thick sections is adequate to visualize all cutaneous structures and its architecture.

References1. Singer, A. J., Berruti, L., Thode, H. C., and McClain, S. A. (2000) Standardized

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3. Meyer, W., Schwarz, R., and Neurand, K. (1978) The skin of domestic mammals as a model for the human skin, with special reference to the domestic pig. Curr. Probl. Dermatol. 7, 39–52.

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12. Brans, T. A., Dutrieux, R. P., Hoekstra, M. J., Kreis, R. W., and du Pont, J. S. (1994) Histopathological evaluation of scalds and contact burns in the pig model. Burns 20(Suppl. 1), S48–S51.

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