BUYER PERSONA PROFILE TEMPLATE Name Insert an image of a person that represents your target audience Age Family Status Occupation Household Income Buyer or researcher? Talk about who they are, their motivations, values, pressures, fears, why they are buying, what they really want. Objectives Pain points Your solutions Your Elevator pitch Based on the information above, if you only had 20 seconds to sell your solution, what would you say? Delete, copy and paste the ticks/crosses as appropriate: Conversion funnel Unaware Researching Familiar Ready Engaged Prospect Buyer Remove the stars below as appropriate: Online activities Influences Values Keywords Search Service Email Price Social Location Offline Quality www.writehouse.com.au

Write house buyer persona profile

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A free template to create a buyer persona from www.writehouse.com.au

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Insert an image of a person that represents your target audience


Family Status


Household IncomeBuyer or researcher?Talk about who they are, their motivations, values, pressures, fears, why they are buying, what they really want.

Objectives Pain points

Your solutions Your Elevator pitch Based on the information above, if you only had 20 seconds to sell your solution, what would you say?

Delete, copy and paste the ticks/crosses as appropriate:

Conversion funnel

Unaware Researching Familiar Ready Engaged

Prospect Buyer

Remove the stars below as appropriate:

Online activities Influences Values Keywords

Search Service

Email Price

Social Location

Offline Quality
