Writing Poetry Rhyme and Rhythm Metaphors and Similes Limericks Epitaphs Clerihew Haiku Memory Poem Sound of words Riddles Useful websites

Writing Poetry Rhyme and Rhythm Metaphors and Similes Limericks Epitaphs Clerihew Haiku Memory Poem Sound of words Riddles Useful websites

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Page 1: Writing Poetry Rhyme and Rhythm Metaphors and Similes Limericks Epitaphs Clerihew Haiku Memory Poem Sound of words Riddles Useful websites

Writing Poetry Rhyme and Rhythm

Metaphors and Similes


Clerihew Haiku

Memory Poem

Sound of words

RiddlesUseful websites

Page 2: Writing Poetry Rhyme and Rhythm Metaphors and Similes Limericks Epitaphs Clerihew Haiku Memory Poem Sound of words Riddles Useful websites

Rhyme and RhythmA Sequence Poem – A rhyming sequence poem is a great way to start writingPoetry. It tell you about thing in order.

The words at the ends of each pair of lines rhyme (lines that rhyme like this are called rhyming couplets).

First write down all the words you can think of to describe what you want to write a poem about.

A rhyming dictionary is helpful if you are stuck for a rhyme.

By drafting and re-drafting the verse on rough paper first – you will end up witha better poem.

Example:On Monday icy rain poured downand flooded drains all over town.Tuesday’s gale bashed elm and ash,Branches fell down with a crash.

Page 3: Writing Poetry Rhyme and Rhythm Metaphors and Similes Limericks Epitaphs Clerihew Haiku Memory Poem Sound of words Riddles Useful websites

Use Metaphors and Similes

Metaphor – When you are writing poetry it can be very effective to describe something as if it is another thing that it reminds you of.This is called a Metaphor. It is a picture in words “The wind is a roaring lion”.

Simile – Similes are similar to metaphors. They compare two things to make aword picture, using the word “as” or “like”. “My love is like a red, succulent rose”. “As strong as an ox”.

Page 4: Writing Poetry Rhyme and Rhythm Metaphors and Similes Limericks Epitaphs Clerihew Haiku Memory Poem Sound of words Riddles Useful websites

LimericksNot all poetry is serious. Limericks are humorous poems – although they havetheir own rules.

A Limerick has 5 lines of poetry only.

Lines 1, 2 and 5 rhyme. These lines have 8 syllables. (A syllable is a serparatesound – or part – within a word).

The shorter lines (lines 3&4) rhyme with each other. These lines have 5 or 6 syllables.

Example:There was a young lady from DealWho threw food around at each meal.With manners so badShe angered her dadAnd made her poor mum shout and squeal.

Page 5: Writing Poetry Rhyme and Rhythm Metaphors and Similes Limericks Epitaphs Clerihew Haiku Memory Poem Sound of words Riddles Useful websites

EpitaphsAn epitaph is a short verse carved on a headstone, in memory of a personwho died. Epitaphs are usually serious; however, they can be humorous.

Alliteration (words beginning with the same sound) can create humour

Example:Here liesAcker Abercrombie,crazy zombie.Slightly scary,rather rude,he walks at midnight in the nude.

Page 6: Writing Poetry Rhyme and Rhythm Metaphors and Similes Limericks Epitaphs Clerihew Haiku Memory Poem Sound of words Riddles Useful websites

ClerihewClerihew – in the 1800’s, an English novelist invented funny four-line rhymingpoems about a person.

The rules are simple;

There are four lines consisting of two rhyming couplets.

The first line is the person’s name.

The other lines can be any length and the funnier and sillier the poem the better.

Example:Mrs Cynthia Splatowned a black and white cat.They flew through the airon a jet- propelled chair!

Page 7: Writing Poetry Rhyme and Rhythm Metaphors and Similes Limericks Epitaphs Clerihew Haiku Memory Poem Sound of words Riddles Useful websites


A Haiku poem has the following rules;

It has 3 lines.Line 1 has 5 syllablesLine 2 has 7 syllablesLine 3 has 5 syllablesIt doesn’t rhyme!

Examples:Slinks to the wood’s edgeand, with one paw raised, surveysThe open meadows.

Books left for marking, pens crammed in a pot, letters,cracked mug of cold tea.

Page 8: Writing Poetry Rhyme and Rhythm Metaphors and Similes Limericks Epitaphs Clerihew Haiku Memory Poem Sound of words Riddles Useful websites

A Memory Poem

When you write free verse, it gives you the chance to make your poem intoAn interesting shape on the page.


The pleasant smellof dinner cooking in the kitchenon Christmas Day morning.

I remember, I remember, The house where I was born.The little window where the sunCame peeping in at morn...

Page 9: Writing Poetry Rhyme and Rhythm Metaphors and Similes Limericks Epitaphs Clerihew Haiku Memory Poem Sound of words Riddles Useful websites

A Persona PoemA persona poem is one written with the “voice” of someone (or something) else.The poet writes a viewpoint of another being.

Example:I like Emmabut I don’t know if she likes me.All the boysthink I’m a fool.

I wait beside the school gateat half past threetrying to keep my cool.Emma walks pastshaking her long hair free,laughs with her friendsand drifts off home for tea.

Page 10: Writing Poetry Rhyme and Rhythm Metaphors and Similes Limericks Epitaphs Clerihew Haiku Memory Poem Sound of words Riddles Useful websites

The Sound of WordIt is important to think about the sounds of the words you choose for yourpoems because they affect the rhythm and rhyme, too.

You can make good use of words that sound like their meanings. This is calledOnomatopoeia.

Example: the cuckoo actually sounds like a cuckoo’s call.Sizzling sounds like sausages in a pan.

“S” creates a sinister atmosphere and reminds the reader that “sss” is the sounda snake makes

“Cl” makes a clattering sound – just like the car.

The words “black”, “cat” “pads” and “patio” all have the same vowel sound.

Example:Over rugged rocksThe waterfall tumbles,and rumbles.

Page 11: Writing Poetry Rhyme and Rhythm Metaphors and Similes Limericks Epitaphs Clerihew Haiku Memory Poem Sound of words Riddles Useful websites

RiddlesA riddle is a “puzzle-me-out” poem about a person, animal or object. The ideaIs to give clues and the reader has to guess the answer.

Descriptive Riddles:Some riddles are more descriptive. They tell you more than just the clues you needto solve them.

Acrostic Riddles:An acrostic is a poem in which the first letter of each line forms a word whenread vertically.

Example: Who am I?S I am as flat as a football field.N I have legs but I never walk.A I don’t speak although I can squeak.K People sit around meE and eat hot dogs or ice-creamS but never think of feeding me!

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Poetry Websites
