You Can Improve Your Memory

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  • 7/25/2019 You Can Improve Your Memory


    ou Can Improve Your Memory!

    Memory enlarges our world. Without it, we would lack a sense of continuity and each morning encounter a

    stranger staring ack from the mirror. ach day and event would e"ist in isolation# we could neither learn from

    the past nor anticipate the future.$%MY&'(I& )* '+ MI-.$

    W+Y is it that some irds can rememer months later the places where they stored seeds for the winter and suirrels

    ememer the locations where they uried nuts, ut we may forget where we left our keys an hour ago/ Yes, many oomplain of a faulty memory. Yet, the human rain, though imperfect, has an ama0ing capacity to learn and remem

    he secret is to make the most of what we have.

    normous 1otential

    he human rain weighs aout three pounds [1.4 kg] and is roughly the si0e of a grapefruit, yet it contains s

    33 illion neurons, or nerve cells, all of which form an incredily comple" network. Indeed, 4ust one neuron may

    onnected to 233,333 others. 'his wiring gives the rain the potential to process and retain a vast amount of informat

    he challenge, of course, is for a person to recall the information when it is needed. &ome e"cel at this, including m

    ith little if any secular schooling.

    or e"ample, in West 5frica, nonliterate trial chroniclers called griots can recite the names of many generation

    eople in their villages. 6riots enaled 5merican author 5le" +aley, whose ookRoots won a 1ulit0er pri0e

    nvestigate his family tree in 6amia ack through si" generations. +aley said7 I acknowledge immense det to

    riots of 5frica%where today it is rightly said that when a griot dies, it is as if a lirary has urned to the ground.$

    onsider, too, the famous Italian conductor 5rturo 'oscanini, who was discovered$ at the age of 28 when called u

    o sustitute for another conductor. In spite of his poor eyesight, he was ale to conduct the entire opera Aidafmemory!

    uch feats may ama0e us. Yet, most people have the potential to rememer much more than they think they can. W

    ou like to enhance your memory/

    mproving Your Memory

    Memory involves three stages7 encoding, storage, and retrieval. Your rain encodes information when it perceives it

    egisters it. 'his information can then e stored for future retrieval. Memory failure occurs when any one of these th

    ages reaks down.

    Memory itself has een divided into various kinds, including sensory memory, short9term memory, and long9t

    memory. &ensory memory receives information from stimuli through the senses, such as smell, sight, and touch. &h

    rm memory, also called working memory, holds small amounts of information for rief periods. 'hus, we can add

  • 7/25/2019 You Can Improve Your Memory


    umers in our head, rememer a telephone numer long enough to dial it, and rememer the first half of a sente

    hile reading or listening to the second half. :ut as we all know, short9term memory has its limits.

    f you want to store information indefinitely, it must go into your long9term memory. +ow can you put it there/

    ollowing principles will help.

    Interest Cultivate an interest in the su4ect, and remind yourself of the reasons for learning it. 5s your own e"perie

    n life may tell you, when your emotions are involved, you enhance your memory. 'his fact can e a great help to :

    udents. When they read the :ile with the twofold goal of drawing closer to 6od and teaching others aout him, t

    memory can e consideraly enhanced.%1rovers 'imothy =72?.

    Attention Most @memory failuresA actually represent failures in attention,$ says the ookMysteries of the Mind. W

    an help you to pay attention/ :e interested and, where possile, take notes. ote9taking not only focuses the mind

    so enales a listener to review the material later.

    Understanding With all that you acuire, acuire understanding,$ says 1rovers B7

  • 7/25/2019 You Can Improve Your Memory


    he ook Searching for Memory states7 If we operate on automatic pilot much of the time and do not reflect on

    nvironment and our e"periences, we may pay a price y retaining only sketchy memories of where we have een

    hat we have done.$

    Consolidation 5llow time for the information to e processed, to soak in, as it were. )ne of the est ways to do th

    review what you have learned, perhaps y repeating it to someone else. If you had an interesting e"perience or

    omething upuilding in the :ile or in a :ile study aid, share it with someone. In that way oth of you will enef

    our memory will e reinforced and your friend, encouraged. *or good reason, repetition has een called the mothe


    Mnemonics%5 seful 'ool

    n ancient 6reece and (ome, orators were ale to deliver long speeches without referring to a single note. +ow did t

    o it/ 'hey used mnemonics. 5 mnemonic is a strategy or device that helps us store information in the long9t

    memory and recall it when needed.

    mnemonic device used y ancient 6reek orators was the method of loci, or the location method, first descried

    reek poet &imonides of Ceos in B

  • 7/25/2019 You Can Improve Your Memory


    cus your attention on the most important things.

    arn mnemonic techniues.

    ink sufficient water. -ehydration can cause mental confusion.

    t enough sleep. -uring sleep the rain stores memories.

    la" while you are studying. &tress triggers the release of cortisol, which can disrupt nerve interactions.

    void alcohol ause and smoking. 5lcohol interferes with short9term memory, and alcoholism can lead to a deficienc

    hiamine, a :9vitamin that is essential to the proper working of the memory. &moking reduces o"ygen to the rain.H


    ased on information pulished in the electronic maga0ineBrain & Mind.

    o!)ictures on "age #-, #]

    A/0 A' IA2I'AR3 A(/

    ow would you rememer a grocery list with several items, such as read, eggs, milk, and utter. sing the loci met

    ou could see$ them as you go for an imaginary walk through your living room.

    isuali0e a cushion of read in the armchair

    ggs incuating under the lamp

    our goldfish swimming in a tank of milk

    utter smeared all over the television screen

    he more humorous or unusual, the etter! When you get to the store, retrace your mental walk.

    o! on "age #]

    0 2(A% &5A& 3OU CA' +OR20&6

    magine what your life would e like if you rememered everything, whether important or trivial. Your mind wo

    ecome filled with clutter, would it not/ In fact, one woman who could recall practically everything that occurred in

    fe, descried her constant recall as @non9stop, uncontrollale and totally e"haustingA and as a @urden,A$ says N

    cientist maga0ine. 'hankfully, most of us do not have that prolem ecause our mind, researchers elieve, has

    ility to weed out irrelevant or out9of9date information. fficient forgetting,$ saysNew Scientist, is a crucial pa
  • 7/25/2019 You Can Improve Your Memory


    aving a fully functioning memory. When we forget something useful, . . . it 4ust shows that this pruning system

    orking a little too well.$