Your Imagination

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  • 8/8/2019 Your Imagination






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    Photos, from top to bottom:First Sanctuary of Mystic ChristianityPreceptory of LightMeditation CenterCaravansary of Joy

    The INSTITUTE of MENTALPHYSICSP.O. Box 640Yucca Valley, CA 92284

    THE MENTALPHYSICS TEACHINGAND SPIRITUAL CENTERLike a garden oasis in the hi-desert ofSouthern California, the MentalphysicsTeaching and Spiritual Center gives refreshment of body, mind, and spirit tovisiting students. The site was inspi ra- .t ionally selected by the Founder andit embodies the superb climate of thedry hi-desert, and sweeping vista ofdesert, mountain, and centuries-oldJoshua Trees, at an altitude of 3300feet. Jus t to the west is the Big BearLake Resort in the San Gorgonio Mountain area. Palm Springs is 30 miles tothe south. Just to the east is JoshuaTree National Monument, and south ofthat is Salton Sea.Master architecture is set off by a greatvariety of trees and plantings. The 600foot long Caravansary of Joy is built ofnative stone from a majestic design byLloyd Wright, providing motel-likeaccommodations and a large meetingand entertainment hall. The Preceptoryof Light is designed for class work. TheFirst Sanctuary of Mystic Christianityoffers lectures t o t he public. The Meditation Center is perfectly formed for'the practice of meditation. On Inspiration Heights are the Dining Hall, residential apartments, and guest cottages.Students from all over the United Statesand other parts of the world come toenjoy the unforgettable experience ofgathering together with fellow spiritualseekers for personal instruction in theScience of Mentalphysics, in an atmosphere so pure and silent that one canfeel the influence of the Eternal Spiritwithin them.

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    ABOUT THE AUTHOR, EDWIN JOHN DINGLE (Ding Le MenThe Science of Mentalphysics was founded by Edwin JohnDingle, himself a true Mystic of the Great Wisdom. Raised inEngland and educated in publishing, he spent 21 years in theOrient, wherehe built a large publishingcompany with officesin Shanghai and HongKong. He became the leading economicand geographic authority on China. Details of his distinguished achievements are related in his books, "Across China onFoot" and "Borderlands of Eternity."Always within him burned the constant desire fo r deeper

    wisdom and he studied all religions and mystic knowledge hefound through teachers in the East. His travels led him to aTibetan monastery, where he was privileged to study under aremarkable Tibetan teacher, a keeper of the Eternal Wisdom.With the deep knowledge he acquired in years of arduousstudy, Rev. Dingle (given the Chinese name of Ding Le Mei)formulated the Science of Mentalphysics, which reveals thebasic truths that underlie all great religions and philosophiesof both the East and the West. Mentalphysics shows the unitybetween all great Spiritual Teachings and their ultimate harmony wi th Science. Through the spiritual rebirth of everyindividual lies the way to spiritual rebirth of every nation andpositive peace throughout the world.

    Your Imagination"Almighty and Eternal Fount of Wis-dom, grant us knowledge, understandingand wisdom to sp eak he re 'WOrds ofTruth, Love andHope. We ask for L ightfrom the higher spheres, and may ourGuides guard and control our mind andtongue that nothing bu t th e Truth mayh ere be given, and that the good seedsown may f ind fer ti le spo ts - may liveand grow tha t those who are now inobscurity and darkness may be b roughtinto the radiant sunsh ine and joyousglory of the unfoldment of true spiritualgoodne. . ."

    ' I :E purpose fo r which this shorttreatise is written is solely t o he lp those , who haveth e desire, to make of t he ir lives what they believein their hearts is poss ible t o t hem. Anyone who i sconscious of an y form of disbalance in his l ife willknow how there comes into hi s m in d an ensuingfeeling of inadequacy, causUig a recognition ofinability to m ee t th e conditions of life with per-fect poise . This lack of poise, this inferior feelingin a person, o ft en causes him to retire into th eseeming safety of h is own small i nd iv idual world,thereby leaving him to suffer silently because hecan f ind no outlet for his cherished hopes and

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    4 YOUR IMAGINATION YOUR IMAGINATION 5ambitiolU. Very often some magni fi cent i dea islost to the world because t he per son who bearsth e idea is timid, and fea rful t ha t he cannot bringit to frui tion.You ar e l ike thi s? Then, if you ca n come tounderstand what your true capabilities are, an dhow to awaken yoursel f to the full use of yourown hidden powers, there will never again be anysense of want or lack in your life.You will then know that you ar e spiritually rich,mentally abundant, an d possessed of surprisingphysical endurance. Many men , t hrough ignorance of their latent abilities, often underestimatethemselves. And if we underestimate ourselves,we ar e also underestimating ou r Creator, th eSpirit and Power of Life Itself, in which we l iv eand by whi ch we are sustained. If you f ee l thatyou la ck the ability to achieve your desires, youar e defying th e very spirit of th e Creative Princi-ple that is a live within you, an d in which you live.If the Creative Spirit or Creative Intelligence isno t allowed to unfold through you, you certainlycannot keep step in the conquer ing march throughlife. You will then have t o join th e laggards an dlook on sorrowfully while others sweep on to vie-tory. But if you can learn how t o un cov er y ou rtalents and put t hem to work for you , you ca nbring your dreams and plans into realization.You ca n see, c an y ou n ot, that Man is made inth e " Image o f God"-made f or th e p ur po se of"doing t he Wil l" of God, of expressing God? The"Holy Spirit" is a living force in Man, and a perfectly successful human life is th e full expressionof what we cal l God and know to be God throughMan. Bu t unless we learn to ref lect tha t Imagethrough our li fe , we cannot shine forth in it sbrightness and power and intelligence. That whichmen call God- the Creative Wisdom; th e CreativeSpirit; Intelligence; That Which Creates-can. doall things; an d since God is in everyone of ~ s ~ h k e ,and we a ll l ive in God, then we ar e al l < Similarlymade of t ha t eternal substance--Life. And Life is

    LIGHT! -God ' s first command was "Let There BeLight!" .. Your life is Light , my Life is Light.(a ) Le t There, then, Be Light!

    I ASK you t o con temp la te th efol lowing-thoughtful ly and quietly. These sevenpoi nt s may be called th e seven chapters of th eeternal Book of Life, an d in your contemplationyou will be a ble to s ee how , l iv ing in t hi s g reatocean of th e Oneness of Life Itself, you beg in itstrue expression through your l if e onl y t o the de-gree that you unders tand the power of your ownImaginat ion. These a re t he chapters o f th e Book,and having read t hi s you will be in a better posit ion to understand th e power of you r Imagination:( I ) GOD--The Absolute--God alone is true; Godalone is great; alone is God. God th eChangeless: All bu t God is changing day byday. God said: "Let us make Man in OurImage."(2)*LOVE-THE FIRST QUALITY-God is Love,an d God i s eve ry th ing. When WE lovewe k now God through h is mov ing spi ri tin us . Love finds ou t al l ways, fo r l ov e i sthe Mother of Wisdom. Without love, yourlife is less than nothing; with love pouringt hr ough you r h ea rt , t hr ough r ig ht deeds,life is lacking nothi ng o f t he Light of Wis-

    dom. Love is precisely to th e moral natureo f m an what t he S un is to th e Earth , and,whi le t o l ove fo r th e sake of being loved i shuman, to love fo r the sake of love isangel ic . R iches take wings, comforts vanish, hope withers, cou rage f alt er s, BUTLOVE STAYS WITH US, fo r LOVE IS God;an d when you an d I come to KNOW thatLOVE is ever with us , then riches ar eeternal , comfor ts overwhelm us, hope risest o cause courage ever to fly onward o n th e

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    6 YOUR IMAGINATION YOUR IMAGINATION 7wings of ou r faith. Humble Love, and notProud Science, keeps the door of heaven.

    "LOt1e i. a child that talk. iR brokeR laRguage,Ye t theR he .peak. mo.t plain."Love levels AIL things; Love takes th eshepherd 's c rook and lays it everlastinglybeside th e scepter. Love, being God, lIe11erreasons, but profoundly gives-gives, lilcea thoughtless p ro di ga l, i ts aU, then trembles l est it hers done too little.

    (3)*LlGHT-Light is LIFE; it is th e symbol ofTruth; l ight, once kindled, spreads till al lis luminous. As Light is Life, there isnaught BUT Light , an d Light thus is th efirst emanation (o f God). I t comes to us,it is clear to see, Fi rs t - In th e Light ofth e senses; Second-In th e Light of th eReason; and Thi rd - In th e Light of theillumination of th e Spirit, through ou r Im agination.Thu.: God, th e Absolute.Love, th e First quality of God, whose univer.almotion makes Light.Light, expression i n a nd t hr ou gh L if e, who .eESSENCE IS TRUTH.

    (4)*TRUTH-The Essence of UFE-The Truthof Life is God's works, embodied in IDSESTABUSHED LAW. Truth means Freedom; truth is ever-present, impossible ofbeing besmirched or changed by any outward touch, as is th e sunbeam (or ra y ofUGHT); consequently Truth never turnst o rebuke falsehood, fo r on e is eternal andof God, t he o th er t empo ra l a nd of man.AND TRUTH IS TH E MEASURE OFYOUR KNOWLEDGE, leading you to WIS DOM.

    Al l t b es e a r e interrelated t o e ac h o th er i n t ha t mighty l acu l t y -ou rImaginat ion.

    (5)*WISDOM-Wisdom is th e Silent Director ofth e ENERGY OF THE LAW. Wisdom isonly found in Truth ;Wisdom is a science ofal l other sciences, an d of i tself; Wisdom isof the heart , guiding th e intellect; and whathealth is t o t he body, wisdom is t o t he soul."Happy is th e man that findeth wisdom,an d t he man that getteth understanding;fo r th e merchandise of it is be tt er thanth e merchandise of silver, an d th e gainthereof than f ine gold . She is more precious than rubies, an d AIL THE THINGSTHOU CANST DESffiE ARE NOT TOBE COMPARED UNTO HER. Length ofdays is in her right hand; an d in herleft hand riches and honor . He r waysar e ways of pleasantness, an d al l he rpaths ar e peace. SHE IS A TREE OFLIFE TO THEM THAT LAY HOLD up.ON HER; and happy is everyone that retaineth her."

    (6) ENERGY-Energy, universal an d, is UFE'S sole MOTIVATING PRINCIPLE. The universal energy of life comesto us in (1 ) Thought, (2 ) Feeling, an d (3)Action, t he three redeemers of human life.You see that ENERGY is never detached,a nd c an n ev er be separated, from LIFE;an d as LIFE is self.manifesting and selfperpetuating, so Energy multiplies itselfby using itself, just as Light Shines of itself.(7 ) MANIFESTATION-This is th e culminationof Life, th e "Works of God," visible and"invisible." Manifestation is Truth MadeVisible; it is heaven on ear th-" the mannacomes down ou t of heaven"; i t is love madeknown; i t is God seen in Human Form; it isth e realization by Man of what he truly is-God in t he form of his true divine being.

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    8 YOUR IMAGINATION YOUR IMAGINATION 9( b ) Th e S e v e n E t ern a l C h a p t er.

    THESE , then, are the seven eterna l chapters of Life Itself. You ca n us e otherWORDS if you wish. If you have another wordf or "God, " you m ay use it ; i f you have anotherword fo r "Life," or "Truth," or "Light," or "Manifestation," you may u se i t, fo r I have no quarrelwith you. But, no matter what word. you use , th eeternal sequence of th e E te r na l I d ea must constantly emerge-and we shall ever be in equalityof Th e Spirit.Having ha d placed before you the Book of Life,se ei ng i ts sev en chap ters , how then ar e you toREAD THE BOOK? Let us see.(1 ) GOD; THE ONE IN ALL; THE FATHER;THAT:

    (a ) God IN You Known through yourImagination, your Source of Creation.(b ) God WITHOUT You Knownth ro ug h You r Subconscious Mind,Your Source of Power.

    (2 ) GOD IN MAN-and-MAN IN GOD:(a ) REASON an d WILL Your Sourceof Direction.(b) EMOTIONS Your Source of Inspiration.(This i swher e Man may triumph, fo r both theREASON and the WILL are under his OWN direc-tion an d control. We may , by v ir tu e of the factthat Man is IN GOD, make of ou r OWN lives whatthey should be, and so LIVE IN GOD, and BEWHAT GOD IS. But th e "enemies stand threatening around," an d t he y c ome to us throughFEAR. They need no t be recognized, however,fo r FAITH rises triumphant, causing us t o rightlyUSE THE ENERGY, rightly DIRECTED BY THEWISDOM.)

    (3 ) GOD'S EXPRESSION THROUGH MAN:( a) FEAR -I TS RIGHT USE. (This is ,perhaps, a new idea, showing how we

    may t ransform Fear i nto Fait h, an dmake stepping stones out of stumbling blocks.( b) FAITH -THE SEED OF WISDOM.(Every moment instructs and everyobject, fo r Wisdom exists in everyf orm and particle of substance. Wis-dom circulates in us through ou r veryblood, and with ou r blood, it wouldseem that Wisdom is poured into us .Wisdom is like electricity, an d ourvery blood is Light.)

    (c ) Y o u r I m m or t al Partner Introduced.I T will h av e b ecome apparentto you t ha t y ou r Imagination is your Immor ta l

    Partner, which is , of course-has always been andalways will b e - w i t h i n you. Imagination leads youright a long to Fai th-and Faith is th e seed of Wis-dom. Your Imag inat ion brings you the picturesand images of th e th in gs yo u d es ire t o d o, quickening your desire, leading you on to th e faith thatyou ca n accomplish, thus emotionally setting upth e energy within you that quite automatically compels y ou t o succeed. And as you direct in th e firstinstance your Imagination, so do y ou cause i ts i nspiring p ic tu res to become mani fest ed in physicalequivalent in your l i fe- the result of balancedactivity between your immortal partner an d yourself.Through what you r ead i n this booklet you maybe induced to se t ou t to find this partner , and ifyou do I can promise you a changed outlook onlife in general and much more abundant and suc-cess fu ll iv ing. And when once the contact is made,when once you realize t ha t i t is by your imagination that you s ta rt t he process of building yourideas on towards their physical equivalent in manifestation in your life, you will know once and fo ral l that you ar e divinely equipped to achieve what-

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    10 YOUR IMAGINATION YOUR IMAGINATION 11ever you bel ieve yoursel f capable of achieving.Le t none turn you from this resolve. YOUR IM-AGINATION IS THE WORKSHOP WHERE ALLYOUR PLANS ARE CREATED.

    It h as b ee n said that man can crea te anythingt ha t h e can imagine. Think of al l that m an hasachieved. He has come almos t literally to the conquest of th e material universe, an d al l through thepower of his Creative Imagination, in direct touchor communication with th e Infinite Intelligence ofthe Universe. You can say that Man's only limitation lies i n th e development an d use of hi s Imagination. Happy ar e you i f, through what you thinkas a result of reading this booklet, you discoverthat you have an Imagination; happier still if youcommence to train i t a nd use it in a definitely constructive way.The great leaders of business, industry, finance,of art an d science , a l l th e musicians, poets an dwriters al l hecame great hecause tbey developedand used the faculty of creative imagination. Iemphasi ze the word used, because your imaginative faculty hecomes weak through nonuse or inaction-though it can never die.

    A Glance Into the Technique of Your Imagination

    (Read and study t he nex t few pages wi th deep spi ri tualinsight. You will l e arn much of th e technique of Your Imagination.)

    IN considering how we may develop in a definitely constructive manner our owndivine Imagination, so that ou r own dreams ofwhat our life should be may come t rue , t he re is9 ~ thing of utmost importance. Your imaginat ive facul ty works automatically-you direct it .By your own conscious thinking and feeling youdirect i t , an d your conscious thinking is , of course,stimulated through th e emotion of a strong desire.

    H you have a burning desire f or th e realization inyour life of anything whatever, a nd hol d t ha t desire par amount i n you r consciousness, your Imagination becomes correspondingly quickened withideas r el at ed to th e d es ir e. S o that whether it bein respect to prolonging your life, t o improv ingyour financial condition, building personali ty, becoming popular, creating ideas an d inventions,permanently banishing al l worry-becoming asalesman, a singer, a writer, a musician, an actor,a poet, or whatever you have any inherent inclination towards --uproot ing your inferiority complexes, . no matter what, on e it he r t he physical,mental or spiritual plane this on e necessarything is


    This conviction, clear and unassailed, must ex-ist i n t he Mind so that your desire appeals t o yourReason as a possibility. The Reason ha s it s ownlaw an d l imitation-it , too, must be quickened,an d the secret is to know how to qui cken it intobalance with th e Imagination. How can we learnthe l aw?-we wil l see.Let's read again: "That you g et a c le ar c onv ic -tion that it can be done, and t ha t you can do it."This conviction, as you think i t , rests i n you r mind.You may, as a silent watcher within your mind,

    watch the idea, an d feel, "Well, that's a good idea-a velj' good idea!" an d ye t do nothing aboutit . Why d o yo u n ot d o any th in g about it is itno t because you do no t feel that you will do anyt hing abou t it ? Therefore, th is conviction is topass o ut o f th e mentality, where you mere ly thinkof it , in to the FEELINGS, into the emotions, wherethere rises up within you a burning desi re to makeit come true so t ha t not only do you feel thatyou know it to be a certainty, but you know thatyou FEEL it to be a cert aint y.

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    12 YOUR IMAGINATION YOUR IMAGINATION 13Without thi s convict ion that you can greatlyext end t he span of your life, or achieve anythingof whatever na ture that you truly desire, it is use

    less to proceed.Not .only must th e Reason see and t he Consciousnes s f ee l th e certainty, bu t the convict ion i s topass a stage fur ther- into th e Imagination! Dwelllong upon that word "Imagination."The Imagination, you now se e, is th e CreativeFaculty of the INFINITE CREATIVE SPIRIT,which dwells within. Th e Imagination is Your Immortal Partner, eve r r eady to i nspi re you an dcarry you along to the realization of your highesthopes. Bu t remember-never forget i t - i f youdo no t d irec t i t, i t directs you; also remember thatthis Faculty will do fo r you WHATEVER YOU DI-RECT IT TO DO-WHATEVER YOU TRAIN ITTO DO. I f you do no t direct it , it directs you, ac-cording to th e tradition of th e Race, which is dis-ease, decay and death, generally failure, disappointment an d despair.You ar e a part of the race; if you accep t its beliefs an d traditions, then, you must accept th eresults of those beliefs an d traditions. This is fo ryou to dec ide.All t hink ing men an d women shoul d r ef us e t oa cc ep t Rac e beliefs, without proving fo r themselves. Students in Mentalphysics all over th eworld have d eci de d NOT to ac ce pt; th ey have nofear of breaking away from tradition, and this

    great science teaches t hem how; in th is booklet Iam merely talking about this great science of liv-ing; Mentalphysics teaches us the way. Now it isup to al l of us to REVERSE THE TRADITION OFTHE RACE, enlisting th e Creative Faculty t o bui ldHealth an d Life condi tions ins tead of decay an ddeath conditions, success conditions instead offailure conditions-joy and happiness instead ofmisery and negation-peace an d good-will conditions instead of these apparently everlasting wa rconditions.



    But yo u must be warned no t to allow anyconflict between th e Reason and the Imagination. Th e Reason does no t create-i t cannot.Th e Imagination creates, bu t it, again, doesno t reason-i t cannot, for it is non-reasoning, non-reasonable, bu t IT IS SUBJECT TOTH E REASON. Therefore, when t he Reasonsays "I w ant to l ive continuously but I knowthat I won't," "I want to become a success,bu t I know that I won' t ," -or anything else- t h e "I won't" is an instruction to th e lmagiat ion, and your desire ends in smoke. So ineverything we desire to do.The re fo re , LET THERE BE NO CONFLICT,FOR THE IMAGINATION ALWAYS WINS-forgood or ill.Le t th e Reason be convinced t ha t i t IS possible

    to live continuously, or to do any th ing you havese t your m ind upon, to transform your life an dmak e y ou r d re ams come true, a nd t he n le t yourImagination-Your Immortal Partner-revel inth e pleasure of its contemplation. THINK! Stopfo r a moment and t hi nk .(d) Be a Leader Among Men.

    PICTURE up in your m ind aBeing, th e Real YOU, full of life and vigor, ofenergy, of hope and bel ie f in the manifestation ofDivine Power within, of in tense personal magnetism which will enable you to direct human activi-ties in line with your h ighest hope - i n short, al eade r t hr obbi ng with power an d attracting toyourself only that in Unison with a ll good. Thinkof your Rea l Sel f! Imagine!

    When we uncover the I AM, we know then that,trul}', whatever th e Creator is WE ARE.So, you must no t say "I want to live indefinitely,t o su cceed, t o make my dreams come true, bu tknow that it is impossible," " I will, but I can't"... No! A thousand times NO-believe that you

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    14 YOUR IMAGINATION YOUR IMAGINATION 15can do it that you can achieve whatever youcan imagine.

    Therefore-First--Cultivate the certain conviction ofth e possibility of doing it.Second-Train th e Imagina tion to feastupon its delights.VISUAUZING YOUR IDEALIZED SELF

    Here is an exercise fo r meditation*:You shoul d b eg in t o develop th e power of Visualization. Thi s means that you must create fo ryourself pictures in the mind of those conditionswhich you wish to realize. The Imagination is th eCREATIVE FACULTY, that is , th e wonderful in -

    strument with which we al l work, whether we knowit or not - t ruly Your Immortal Partner.You must also know t ha t Thought is an im-measurable force, an d you ar e using it fo r goodor il l every moment that you live. We canno t SEEthought, bu t we know that we th in k. Thoughtcreates images just as real as you might when youtake, say, some lumber to make a shelf fo r yoUI'kitchen. Ther e ar e m en who have adually seenth e forms that Thought creates. We have no t gonefa r enough yet to develop t hi s power , bu t thosewho ar e students of Mentalphysics ar e on theirway.Now, when you ar e in a state of perfect p e ~ ,make a slight effort of th e will, without any st rain ,that you ar e to CREATE th e NEW PHYSICALYOU. S it calm ly , w ith th e eyes gen tly c losed,slightly raised, as if y ou wer e looking upward t oyour forehead.Be very still, so s ti ll that you do no t move at al lfo r a long time.

    See "How To Medi ta t e, " pub li s hed by th e Insti tute o_ Mentalpby.le. ,

    Then mentally state that you ar e about to forma picture of your Perfect Wondrous Self. Willthat this picture shall come before your eyes. Thenwait an d watch, perfectly still. Don't s tr ai n. Soonyou will see just a l i tt le removed f rom the f ront ofyour eyes a picture being painted fo r you, so tospeak. There it comes. "I see that beautiful head- th ick healthy hair, perfect features, a f ace un-lined a nd h appy , t he eyes bright. I. see a strongneck, a full chest, strong arms an d hands. I seeMY PERFEcr SELF before me, power fu l an dstrong and harmonious in every muscle."

    Stand in reverence before your body.Menta lly go down through your body, and notethe beauty , the strength, th e youth, the very gloryof life within.Then imagine a Great Light around your Per-

    fect Sel f p ic tu red befor e you r Mind. You ar ebathed in light. Perhaps the l ight will be so st rongas to s eem to b li nd your physical vision. Hold i t!Then - still, VERY still - b rin g that picturenearer. Say mentally to yourself t ha t i t is comingnearer to you. Watch it . Bring it so near that youcan s ee eve ry p art o f your beautiful body. Thenbr ing i t still nearer , neare r, nearer , and finally le tth e light sweep down through you as th e pictureis lost in the absorption of your mind. Th e lightwill bathe you from h ead to foot. I f th ine "eye"be "single," thy whole body shal l be full of light!Affirm t ha t t ha t P er fe ct Self has now been un-folded to you, an d visualize the t ruth of this state-ment i n you r own body.

    You should feel a deep peace within, and whenyou come ou t of your Meditation you shou ld bebathed in light an d happiness, fo r th e work thatyou have done is now going on in your own body,leading on to Perfection in every deta i l.You will have be gun to find your immortalpartner.It cannot be exp la ined to you in this booklet exactly wha t you are doing when you undertake thill

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    16 YOUR IMAGINATION YOUR IMAGINATION 17exercise-this is a p ar t o f th e private teaching inMentalphysics. You, however , will be able s oon t ose e th e good resu l t. In a word, on e may say nowt ha t i n t hi s exerc ise you are br ing ing in to pe rfectrhythm al l th e forces o f you r body, bringing themal l into on e direction so to speak, just as in thelight of th e electric bulb al l th e molecules ar e magnetized to flow in o ne direction, an d so we ge t th elight.

    Hypnotized or Inspired?-Which Are You?IMAGINATION is truly man'swonder -worker. Mos t people are square pegs inround holes. Rarely do we find a man whose life

    is perfect halance and ha rmony. Most peop le a reill an d want to he wel l -unsuccessful and wan t t ohe successful-unhappy an d wan t t o he happy always wondering wh y life cannot be what they in herently desire an d inward ly hel ieve it can be .And the sole reason fo r al l this is that they do no tknow what a glorious force exists within themwhi ch t hey may , if they will learn th e way, directto their own h ighes t and cont inu ing good, s o thatthey may know truly victorious living.

    To you who now read these l ines, I wou ld s ay"D o n ot d es pa ir a ny l on ge r . do no t give uphope convince yourself that I am te ll ing yout he t ru th . make up y ou r m in d that you willlearn h ow to master conditions a nd mak e yourselfa strong, vigorous, successful person!" You ca nthink. You c an imagin e. You can feel. Yo u ca ndream. You know that th rough wha t y ou are noWread ing there runs a sincerity that is invincible.You ar e no t t he o nl y person who ha s "slipped acog" or disappointed yourself, an d th e fact thatyou recognize that you have s lipped is a greathlessing to you - i t is the re su l t of the d irect communication in your consciousness of th e CreativeWisdom of Life inwardly informing you. It is , soto speak , the very Voice of God s pe ak in g t o y ou

    an d assuring you that you can do more an d havemor e and know more an d be more."How ca n I do i t?" I seem to hear you asking.That is th e question-and I would l ike you simil ar ly t o hear my reply. Your answer is "Mental

    physics is t he way !" Thous ands of peop le just l ikeyou have testified to t he g reat benef it s t hey havederived from th e study an d practice of this greatliving science. Benef it s in some cases of an almostunbelievable nature have been reported-benefi tson th e physical and mat er ia l p la ne of l if e, a s wellas on th e mental an d spiritual planes. In Mentalphysics most people find what they ar e unconsciously seeking, a nd i f I ca n be the means of causin g you to find that which you ar e seek ing , theselines will no t have been wri tt en in vain.

    There is mighty power i n th e written word, an dwhen soul recognizes soul a "Ul ir ac le " musthappen.The manne r in which you have trained your Imagination ha s determined whether you ar e hypnotized or inspired. I n o ne respect or another, practically everybody is hypnotized. In some peop leit is quite noticeable, i n o th er s i t is not. Yet in all,including yourself, an d t he w ri te r of t hese l in es ,ideas have s un k, th ro ug h th e way we have u sedour Im agin atio n, in to th e subconscious mind,which have a fateful effect, which profoundly in-fluence our moods an d thoughts, our actions an dour reactions, every day we live. These deeplyburied i de as u su al ly determine our success orfailure, our health or lack of it , our personalityand our character. They often determ ine thelength of o ur lives, a nd t he destinics of our companions-sometimes , even, th e fate of nations .

    If y ou wish to be captain of y ou r own shi p, ma st er ofyour own f at e, it is necessary to det ermi ne i n whatwa y YOU are influenced by hypnot iz i ng idpas-whichhav e t he ir origin in th e Imagination. For, strangeto s ay , a s soon as these id l'as are recogl /i zNI, thpy I/Ol onger have thl' same inf luence over you-uI/ less yo uthink they are b e l / ( ' f i ~ i a l , or ar e too fond of them to

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    18 YOUR IMAGINATION YOUR IMAGINATION 19gifle them up. You may become their mfUter iruteadof their flictim. To help you determine th e idea tlleuth w influenee 1'011, I .haJJ /fifle a few example

    The most familiar. perhaps is th e back sea'driver-hypnotized wi&h an exaggerated idea ofdanger. Some long- fo rgot ten exper ience p lan tedth e idea in hi s subconsciousmind. Be patient withhim (o r her) therefore; in spite of h is bes t i nt en tions no t t o annoy the driver, he can't help himself-unless someone shows him how to removethe hypnotizing idea.

    Nex t comes th e victim of "s'age-fright"-hypnotized with th e idea th at h e can't do befor e anaudience what he did perfect ly at th e r ehearsal . Hesometimes becomes speechless, hi s mouth dry , h isbody awkward or st if f -so strong is the influenceo f th e paralyzing idea.Ideas Which Smother Your Real Talents

    People who ar e ready conversationalists athome, bu t preternaturally silent in society, th ema n who can't do himself just ice when applying fo ra job, t he man who does h is worst when others ar ewatching an d he wants to do hi s bes t, a ll who ar eself-conscious, bashful, or timid, ar e similarly hypnotized. The man who dreads making a speech,the woman who dreads playing the part of hostess,th e m an (o r woman) who chooses mental inferiors fo r companions instead of those he really admires, ar e typical examples of "stage fright."MOST OF THESE PEOPLE WOULD SURPRISETHEMSELVES WITH THEIR POWERS AND CA-PABILITIES, IF THEY LEARNED THE WAY TODE-HYPNOTIZE THE MIND OF THE FOOLISHIDEAS WHICH SMOTHER THEIR REAL TAL-ENTS.Th e wall-flowers, men a nd women, ar e illustrations-hypnotized usually with the idea that theyar e unattractive, their society unwanted, that peopl e ar e snubbing or jeering them. They can'thelp showing the treatment they expect, an d scare

    away or d iscourage those who wish to befriendthem. Usually such peopl e ar e inherently fa rmore attractive than they realize, often better lookin g than those whose populari ty they envy. Theonly unat t ractive thing about them is th e attitudeof mind caused by obsessing ideas. I f t hey onlyexpected different t rea tment , t hey would get it.They might even become h ighl y magne ti c p er sonalities.

    Then the re a re those obsessed with t he idea thatthey, an d t hey only can manage things correctly,that they must not only pu t their noses i n o th erpeople's affairs, bu t actually ru n them. Mostpeople have relatives who ar e hypnotized with thisidea-the result, be it remembered, of th e way inwhich the Imagi na ti on has b een t ra in ed . We havea ll met th e "rule or ruin" t yp e. Usual ly they havehad too much responsibility t hr us t u pon themearly in life, or have t aken it too seriously.What I wish to bring ou t is that al l these peoplea re not t o b lame. They can't help acting as theydo, so long as th e hypnotizing idea prevails, thoughthey have be en th e unconscious authors of th eidL8s. No amount of protest, or argument, oradvice, ca n change them until, somehow or other,they ar e de-hypnotized-which means using theirImaginat ion to at tain th e opposite result .

    Examples o f th e hypnotizing influence of ideasar e innumerable. Her e a re j us t a few:THE PESSIMIST, oblle88ed with th e i dea t ha t f at e ill

    aga im t h im , that he ill unlucky, that th e worst illyet to come.THE GAMBLER, helplellsly hypnotized by the oppolIite idea, that hill "big IItrike" ill around th e corner.THE AGITATOR, hypnotized by hatred of the rich.THE RUTHLESS, obllelllled by greed an d lUllt forpower.THE SELF.CONSCIOUS, who f ee l t ha t other s are ai_waYII criticizing or watch ing them.THE SELF .PIT IER , who feels he ill . ing led ou t forunfair t rea tment or persecution.THE SPENDTHRIFT , who feels that money grow. ontreell.

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    THE MISER, who overvalues money.THE GLUTTON, hypnoti:t.ed by food.THE DRUNKARD, by drink.THE EGOTIST, by an exaggerated idea of his ownimportance. ,THE SERVILE, who are influenced by the opposite

    idea.THE WORRIED, hypnotized by fear.THE SLUGGARD, by the idea t hat work is 01 no use.THE BUSYBODY, impe l led to constan t activity withtrifles, never stopping to think.THE DULLARD, alraid 01 mental ef fort .THE BORE, who overvalues h is mental e ff or ts .THE FAILURE, convinced that he is licked.Hundreds o f o th er examples cou ld be given.Study a ll t he peopl e you know, and you will soonsee fo r yourself t ha t t he ir faults, their handicapstheir lack of success, often their health an d thei;personality, are due to some hypnotiz ing idea .Entire communities ar e sometimes hypnotized byprejudice, entire nations by fear of or lust for war.Japan today is hypnotized by exaggerated ideas ofit s own importance, it s destiny. FANATICISM,another name fo r hypnotism, HAS DRIVENWHOLE PEOPLES TO FOLLY, INJUSTICE, ANDCRUELTY. Their Imagination is dwarfed.Th e above ar e th e more easily recognized illustrations o f th e universality of hypnotic ideas, ofhow t he Imagi na ti on has b een wrongly directed.What is no t so apparent is that ',men an d womenar e often hypnotized with the i de a t hey can 't d othis or that, can 't have this or that, or can't bethis or that. Under the sway of such ideas, they ar e

    bound to fail. That word "can't" has TERRIFICHYPNOTIC EFFECT. The man or woman whouse s i t, or who has i t deeply buried in th e subconscious mind, is paralyzed. Most failures ar ed ue to this cause. The man who use s h is Imagi n ation to fre e him self of t hi s hypno ti zi ng i de amight temporar i ly be se t back, bu t he will alwaysrise again.Similarly, people who think they can't ge t well,won't-people who keep the though t of death con-

    stantly before them, will soon die. The wholebody, particularly th e ductless glands, th e stomach,th e nerves, ar e affected by these ideas, just as th esalivary glands o f t he mouth ar e affected by "stagefright," causing th e mouth to become dry. So weseehow ou r Imagination works.I f we ca n escape from th e hypnotic influencesof negat ive ideas, which slow up an d devitalize us ,we can retain our youthful appearance and vitalityfor many years more, our lives ca n be PROLONGED, an d sickness an d decline in great measur e prevented. In youth we EXPECT to growstronger day by day , an d we DO. Later we expectto grow WEAKER, an d we DO. Whatever ideaprevails , whatever we expect, usual ly is brought

    about -for that is th e work of our Imagination,to create. Expec t t hi ng s t o go wrong , an d theywill. Expect them to go right, an d they will. Thisis th e secret behind faith cur es t hr oughou t t heages.

    Everybody is now familiar with th e fact thatthere is a grea t power within us, capab le of surprising feats. Stories of f ait h c ur es a re no t al lfairy tales. Apparent miracles do happen. Overnight, sometimes, people ar e made well.Then there ar e men like Napoleon, an d Beethoven, and Shakespeare, who have almost unbelievable genius. We read stories of prodigies whosolve in an instant, without even a pencil, mathematical problems t ha t r equi re hou rs of concent rat ion and sheaves of penciled calculations o n th e

    p art o f a college p ro fe ss or . And th e stories ar etrue. Th e onl y d if fe re nc e between s uch peopleand ordinary people is that the former have readyaccess to the great power w it hi n them. Childprodigies ar e typ ical examples. But th e s amepctWer is in al l of us. Every word o n every pageof every book you have eve r read i s s ti ll stored inyour subconscious mind. IT NEVER FORGETSANYTHING. People under th e spell of hypnotismcan sometimes r epea t word fo r word books r ead

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    years before, of which they cannot remember asentence when awake.How quick ly we could learn, how marvelouswould be ou r brain power, if we could use thatperfect memory of th e subconscious mind withinus ! Shakespeare and other great geniuses havedone it. Bu t just as it has perfect memory, thissubconscious mind has unbelievable power inother respects, bu t it is pu t to sleep, hypnotized,by th e suggestions of ou r Imagination, by th esuggestions and telepathic doubts a nd f ea rs ofou r daily companions, an d even by impressions weform of childhood-unfail ingly th e work of ourImagina ti on , which i s th e orlginal workshop ofLife Itself.The t ri ed and tested methods of MentalphysicsINSPIRE THE MIND TO PRODIGIOUS HEIGHTS.When proper ly used, t hey make people feel likeall-conquering heroes-CONFIDENT, COURAGEOUS, GLORIOUSLY CAPABLE, DIVINELYINSPIRED, joyously going fo rt h t o tackle problems and tasks former ly dreaded or avoided,moved by a fa ith i n themselves that carries al lbefore them, animated by electrifying intelligencean d intensified talents, indefatigably industriousand fearlessly victorious. INSPIRED BY SUCHFEELINGS, NO MAN OR WOMAN CAN FAIL,SICKNESS IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE. ONEBECOMES A MAGNET TO WHICH ALL GOODTIlINGS ARE ATTRACTED.We should constantly give thanks fo r ou r glori.ous Imagination, and may you who read feelwithin you th e urge of the Spiri t of th e Wisdom ofLife to investigate ou r beautiful Science of Mental.physics. We truly desi re to help you.


    AN INVITATION TO YOUThe valuable truths given in this booklet are on ly a small part

    of the teaching of the Science of Mentalphysics, available to anysincere seeker. The complete study of Mentalphysics leads a studentto perfection of body, mind, and spirit through his own self-development. The student becomes master of his own li fe. He learnshow to solve problems. He partakes o f t he abundance of the Universe.He lives a life of joy and gra ti tude . And he tas te s the delights ofthe spirit in knowledge and understanding of the Creator of all things.The Science of Mentalphysics reveals deep wisdom, treasuredfor centuries in a Tibetan temple. Developed for the New Age,Mentalphysics shows the great potential that l ies hidden in everyman and woman. The i m m e n s ~ power of the subconscious can becommanded, through yoga breaths and affirmative meditation, toachieve health, success, abundance, and love for all mankind.The latent powers within you revealed by the Science ofMentalphysics await only your knowledge of how to commandthem. This great Teaching shows the inner meaning of all worthyreligions and philosophies and their reconciliation with science. I tleads to spiritual regeneration of the individual, which leads tospiritual regeneration of every nation and final peace throughoutthe world.You are invited to take up t he study of the Science of Mentalphysics, contained in the Initiate Group Course of 26 lessons anda series of advanced lessons. The cost is slight- just enough to payfor the cost of printing, handling and mailing. The major costs ofMentalphysics are paid by the many students who have benefitedfrom the teachings and want to pass t hem on to others.Write for free literature.

    INSTITUTE OF MENTALPHYSICSP. O. Box 640Yucca Val ley, CA 92284

    A non-profit organization founded in 1927