Zalacznik IV Learning Agreement Traineeships Final4

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  • 8/10/2019 Zalacznik IV Learning Agreement Traineeships Final4



    The TraineeLast name (s) First name (s)

    Date of birth Nationality1

    Sex [M/F] Academic year 20!20

    St"dy cycle2 S"b#ect area$


    'hone mail

    The Sending Institution

    Name Fac"lty

    rasm"s code(if a**licable)


    Address %o"ntry$

    %o"ntry code+

    %ontact *erson


    %ontact *erson

    mail ! *hone

    The Receiving Organisation/Enterprise

    Name and


    Address$ -ebsite %o"ntry

    Si.e of enter*rise/

    %ontact *erson

    name ! *osition

    %ontact *erson

    email ! *hone

    entorname ! *osition entor email ! *hone

    For 3"idelines$ *lease loo4 at Annex 1$ for end notes *lease loo4 at Annex 2

    S ti t " t d #EFORE THE MO#ILIT$

  • 8/10/2019 Zalacznik IV Learning Agreement Traineeships Final4



    P"anned period o' the !oi"it(5 from [day!month!year] 666 till [day!month!year]6666

    Nu!er o' )or*ing hours per )ee*+ 6

    Traineeship tit"e+6

    &etai"ed progra!!e o' the traineeship period6

    ,no)"edge$ s*i""s and co!petences to e ac-uired ( the trainee at the end o' the


    Monitoring p"an 6

    Eva"uation p"an 6

    Language co!petence o' the trainee

    7he le8el of lan3"a3e com*etence9in 6666 [workplace main language]that the trainee

    already has or a3rees to ac:"ire by the start of the mobility *eriod is5

    A1 A2 ;1 ;2 %1 %2

    The sending institution

    7he instit"tion "nderta4es to res*ect all the *rinci*les of the rasm"s %harter for f yes$ *lease indicate if this -ill be based on5

    7raineeshi* certificate Final re*ort >nter8ie-

    ?ecord the traineeshi* in the trainee@s 7ranscri*t of ?ecords es No

    ? d th t i hi i th t i @ Di l S l t ( i l t) t

  • 8/10/2019 Zalacznik IV Learning Agreement Traineeships Final4


    if the trainee is a recent 3rad"ate

    ?ecord the traineeshi* in the trainee@s "ro*ass obility Doc"ment es No

    his is recommended if the trainee will be a recent graduate.

    The receiving organisation/enterprise

    7he trainee -ill recei8e a financial s"**ort for his!her traineeshi*5 es No

    >f yes$ amo"nt in B?!month5 6

    7he trainee -ill recei8e a contrib"tion in 4ind for his!her traineeshi*5 es No

    >f yes$ *lease s*ecify5 6

    >s the trainee co8ered by the accident ins"ranceC es No

    >f not$ *lease s*ecify -hether the trainee is co8ered by an accident ins"rance *ro8ided by

    the sendin3 instit"tion5 es No

    7he accident ins"rance co8ers5 accidents d"rin3 tra8els made for -or4 *"r*oses5 es No

    accidents on the -ay to -or4 and bac4 from -or45 es No

    >s the trainee co8ered by a liability ins"ranceC es No

    7he recei8in3 or3anisation!enter*rise "nderta4es to ens"re that a**ro*riate e:"i*ment

    and s"**ort is a8ailable to the trainee

    B*on com*letion of the traineeshi*$ the or3anisation!enter*rise "nderta4es to iss"e a

    7raineeshi* %ertificate by 6 [maximum ! weeks after the traineeship]


    Responsi"e the sending institution+

    Name5 F"nction5

    'hone n"mber5 mail5

    Responsi"e the receiving organisation/enterprise 0supervisor1+

    Name5 F"nction5

    'hone n"mber5 mail5


    ;y si3nin3 this doc"ment$ the trainee$ the sendin3 instit"tion and the recei8in3

    or3anisation!enter*rise confirm that they a**ro8e the *ro*osed Learnin3 A3reement and

    that they -ill com*ly -ith all the arran3ements a3reed by all *arties

    7he trainee and recei8in3 or3anisation!enter*rise -ill comm"nicate to the sendin3 instit"tion

    any *roblem or chan3es re3ardin3 the traineeshi* *eriod

    The trainee

    7rainees si3nat"re Date5

    The sending institution

    ?es*onsible *ersons si3nat"re and stam* Date5The receiving organisation/enterprise

    ?es*onsible *ersons si3nat"re and stam* or seal Date5

    Section to e co!p"eted &3RING THE MO#ILIT$

  • 8/10/2019 Zalacznik IV Learning Agreement Traineeships Final4




    P"anned period o' the !oi"it(5 from [day!month!year] 666 till [day!month!year]6666

    Nu!er o' )or*ing hours per )ee*+ 6

    Traineeship tit"e+6

    &etai"ed progra!!e o' the traineeship period6

    ,no)"edge$ s*i""s and co!petences to e ac-uired ( the trainee at the end o' the


    Monitoring p"an 6

    Eva"uation p"an 6

    7he trainee$ the sendin3 instit"tion and the recei8in3 or3anisation!enter*rise confirm that

    the *ro*osed amendments to the mobility *ro3ramme are a**ro8ed

    A**ro8al by email or si3nat"re from the trainee$ the res*onsible *erson in the sendin3

    instit"tion and the res*onsible *erson in the recei8in3 or3anisation!enter*rise


    Ne) responsi"e person in the sending institution+

    Name5 F"nction5

    'hone n"mber5 mail5

    Ne) responsi"e person in the receiving organisation/enterprise5

    Name5 F"nction5

    'hone n"mber5 mail5

  • 8/10/2019 Zalacznik IV Learning Agreement Traineeships Final4


    Section to e co!p"eted AFTER THE MO#ILIT$


    Na!e o' the trainee+

    Na!e o' the receiving organisation/enterprise+

    Sector o' the receiving organisation/enterprise+

    Address o' the receiving organisation/enterprise [street" city" country" phone"

    e#mail address]6 )esite+

    Start and end o' the traineeship+

    from [day/month/year] 66666 till [day/month/year] 66666

    Traineeship tit"e+

    &etai"ed progra!!e o' the traineeship period inc"uding tas*s carried out (

    the trainee+

    ,no)"edge6 s*i""s 0inte""ectua" and practica"1 and co!petences ac-uired

    0"earning outco!es achieved1+

    Eva"uation o' the trainee+


    Na!e6 signature and sta!p or sea" o' the "ega" representative o' the receiving


  • 8/10/2019 Zalacznik IV Learning Agreement Traineeships Final4


    Anne7 .+ Guide"ines

    7he *"r*ose of the Learnin3 A3reement is to *ro8ide a trans*arent and efficient *re*aration

    of the traineeshi* *eriod abroad and to ens"re that the trainee -ill recei8e reco3nition for

    the acti8ities s"ccessf"lly com*leted abroad

    >t is recommended to "se this tem*late 7 system in *lace to *rod"ce the Learnin3 A3reement or the 7ranscri*t of ?ecords$ it

    can contin"e "sin3 it 7he 7raineeshi* %ertificate that the recei8in3 or3anisation!enter*rise

    m"st iss"e may ha8e a different format as -ell Ehat is im*ortant is that all the information

    re:"ested in this tem*late is *ro8ided$ no matter in -hich format

  • 8/10/2019 Zalacznik IV Learning Agreement Traineeships Final4


  • 8/10/2019 Zalacznik IV Learning Agreement Traineeships Final4


    7he section to be com*leted d"rin3 the mobility is needed on"( i' changes have to e

    introduced into the origina" Learning Agree!ent% >n that case$ the section to be

    com*leted before the mobility sho"ld be 4e*t "nchan3ed and chan3es sho"ld be described in

    this section

    Ehen chan3es to the !oi"it( progra!!e arise$ they sho"ld be a3reed as soon as

    *ossible -ith the sendin3 instit"tion

    >n case the chan3e concerns an e7tension o' the duration of the mobility *ro3ramme

    abroad$ the re:"est can be made by the trainee at the latest one month before the foreseen

    end date

    A"" parties !ust con'ir! that the proposed a!end!ents to the Learning Agree!ent

    are approved For this s*ecific section$ ori3inal or scanned si3nat"res are not mandatory

    and an a**ro8al by email may be eno"3h 7he *roced"re has to be decided by the sendin3

    instit"tion$ de*endin3 on the national le3islation


    B*on com*letion of the traineeshi*$ the recei8in3 or3anisation!enter*rise commits to *ro8ide

    to the sendin3 instit"tion and to the trainee a Traineeship 2erti'icate -ithin a *eriod

    a3reed in the section before the mobility$ -hich -ill be of a maxim"m , -ee4s after

    com*letion of the traineeshi*

    7he 7raineeshi* %ertificate -ill contain all the elements that are re:"ested in *a3e , 7he

    act"al start and end dates of the traineeshi* *ro3ramme m"st be incl"ded accordin3 to the

    follo-in3 definitions5

    7he start dateof the traineeshi* *eriod is the first day the trainee has been *resent

    at the enter*rise to carry o"t his!her traineeshi* >t can be the first day of -or4$ or of

    a -elcomin3 e8ent or3anised by the recei8in3 or3anisation!enter*rise or of lan3"a3e

    and interc"lt"ral co"rses

    7he end dateof the traineeshi* *eriod is the last day the trainee has been *resent at

    the recei8in3 enter*rise to carry o"t his!her traineeshi* (and not his act"al date of


    Follo-in3 the recei*t of the7raineeshi* %ertificate6 the sendin3 instit"tion commits to iss"e a

    Transcript o' Records if the traineeshi* -as embedded in the c"rric"l"m or if it had

    committed to do so before the mobility 7he sendin3 instit"tion -ill *ro8ide to the trainee the

    7ranscri*t of ?ecords normally -ithin fi8e -ee4s and -itho"t f"rther re:"irements than

    those a3reed "*on before the mobility 7herefore$ -hen it -as foreseen to reco3nise the

    traineeshi* -ith a certain n"mber of %7S$ there sho"ld not be f"rther re:"irements in this

    re3ardH ho-e8er$ the trainee may ha8e to -rite a final re*ort or "nder3o an inter8ie- only

    for the *"r*oses of settin3 a 3rade (if it -as initially re:"ested in the Learnin3 A3reement)

    7he 7ranscri*t of ?ecords -ill contain at least the information that the sendin3 instit"tion

    committed to *ro8ide before the mobility in the Learnin3 A3reement (a record of it in a

    database accessible to the st"dent is also acce*table)

    >n addition$ the traineeshi* -ill be recorded in the trainee@s Di*loma S"**lement$ exce*t

    -hen the trainee is a recent 3rad"ate >n that case$ it is recommended to record the

    traineeshi* in the trainee@s "ro*ass obility Doc"ment and it sho"ld in e8ery case be done

    if the sendin3 instit"tion committed to do so before the mobility

    Steps to 'i"" in the Learning Agree!ent 'or Traineeships

  • 8/10/2019 Zalacznik IV Learning Agreement Traineeships Final4


    Page 1 Information on the student and the sending and receiving


    Before mobility

    Pages 2-3

    During mobility

    Page 4

    After mobility

    Page 5

    Provide mobility programme

    Identifyresponsible persons

    Commitment of the three

    parties with original / scanned/

    di ital si natures

    !eceiving organisation/enterprise

    provides a Traineeship Certicate to

    student and sending institution in a

    period stipulated "efore mo"ility

    #normally ma$ 5 wee%s&

    The sending institution commits

    recognise the outcomes of t

    traineeship upon satisfactocompletion of the mobil

    programme. There are diere

    provisions for traineesh

    The receivi

    organisation/enterprise commits

    grant the trainee a minimu

    insurance coverage (unless he

    she is insured by the sendi

    institution or him/herself), ensu

    availability of appropriaequipment and support and issue


    are )*+


    s ,!

    n greement on the changes by

    email is possible.

    .ending institution grants recognition

    according to its commitments in

    !t includes the conrmed

    start and end date of the


  • 8/10/2019 Zalacznik IV Learning Agreement Traineeships Final4


    Higher Education

    Learning Agree!ent 'or!

    Student/trainee8s na!e

    Anne7 9+ End notes

  • 8/10/2019 Zalacznik IV Learning Agreement Traineeships Final4


    1Nationa"it(+ %o"ntry to -hich the *erson belon3s administrati8ely and that iss"es the >D card and!or


    2Stud( c(c"e+Short cycle (IF le8el ,) ! bachelor or e:"i8alent first cycle (IF le8el /) ! master or

    e:"i8alent second cycle (IF le8el ) ! doctorate or e:"i8alent third cycle (IF le8el ) J for recent3rad"ates$ s*ecify the latest st"dy cycle

    37he >S%DF 201& search toola8ailable at htt*5!!ece"ro*ae"!ed"cation!tools!iscedfKenhtmsho"ld be

    "sed to find the >S%D 201& detailed field of ed"cation and trainin3 that is closest to the s"b#ect of thede3ree to be a-arded to the trainee by the sendin3 instit"tion

    42ountr( code5 >S &1//2 co"ntry codes a8ailable at5 htt*s5!!---isoor3!ob*!"i!search

    57he list of to*le8el NA2E sector codesis a8ailable at5htt*5!!ece"ro*ae"!e"rostat!ramon!nomenclat"res!indexcfmC


    7he si.e of the enter*rise co"ld be$ for instance$ 1,0 ! ,1,00 ! more than ,00 em*loyees

    0 2ontact person5 a *erson -ho can *ro8ide administrati8e information -ithin the frame-or4 of rasm"s


    Mentor5 the role of the mentor is to *ro8ide s"**ort$ enco"ra3ement and information to the trainee on the

    life and ex*erience relati8e to the enter*rise (c"lt"re of the enter*rise$ informal codes and cond"cts$ etc)

    Normally$ the mentor sho"ld be a different *erson than the s"*er8isor

    For the %ommon "ro*ean Frame-or4 of ?eference for Lan3"a3es (2EFR) see


    1 Responsi"e person in the sending institution5 this *erson is res*onsible for si3nin3 the Learnin3

    A3reement$ amendin3 it if needed and reco3nisin3 the credits and associated learnin3 o"tcomes on behalf of

    the res*onsible academic body as set o"t in the Learnin3 A3reement

    11Responsi"e person in the receiving organisation 0supervisor15 this *erson is res*onsible for si3nin3

    the Learnin3 A3reement$ amendin3 it if needed$ s"*er8isin3 the trainee d"rin3 the traineeshi* and si3nin3

    the 7raineeshi* %ertificate