
Online reading & math for K-5

3rd Grade Spelling Words #2Grade 3 Vocabulary Worksheet

For each question only one is spelled correctly and matches the clue that isprovided. Write the letter of the correctly spelled word in the space.

1.The top of the body.A. HEAT B. HEAD C. HEAZ D. HED

2.To close.A. SHUH B. CHUT C. SHUG D. SHUT

3.To fail to hit something.A. MIJS B. MISS C. MISSS D. MIS

4.Something you put on an envelope.A. STTAMP B. STAMPE C. STAMP D. STAMR

5.To spring clear of the ground.A. JEMP B. JUMP C. JUMMP D. JUXP

6.A slight, sharp sound.A. CLICKE B. CLICK C. CLIKK D. CLIPK

7.A body of water smaller than a lake.A. POND B. PORD C. PONDE D. PUND

8.Something we bathe in.A. BATHTUG B. BATHCUB C. BATHTUB D. BATCTUB

Online reading & math for K-5

3rd Grade Spelling Words #2Grade 3 Vocabulary Worksheet

For each question only one is spelled correctly and matches the clue that isprovided. Write the letter of the correctly spelled word in the space.

1. BThe top of the body.A. HEAT B. HEAD C. HEAZ D. HED

2. DTo close.A. SHUH B. CHUT C. SHUG D. SHUT

3. BTo fail to hit something.A. MIJS B. MISS C. MISSS D. MIS

4. CSomething you put on an envelope.A. STTAMP B. STAMPE C. STAMP D. STAMR

5. BTo spring clear of the ground.A. JEMP B. JUMP C. JUMMP D. JUXP

6. BA slight, sharp sound.A. CLICKE B. CLICK C. CLIKK D. CLIPK

7. AA body of water smaller than a lake.A. POND B. PORD C. PONDE D. PUND

8. CSomething we bathe in.A. BATHTUG B. BATHCUB C. BATHTUB D. BATCTUB