Page 1: 8 Things That Attract A Man To A Woman! By Cucan Pemo

8 Things That Attract A Man To A Woman! By Cucan Pemo

Learning how to attract girls doesn't need to be as complicated as us guys can sometimes make it.But sometimes it just feels hopeless! As soon as you feel that you may have a real chance with a girl,sure enough, she ends up leaving with that #%%-hole! What to do...? Well, take a look at these basictips that will help put you in the driver's seat and get the girls hopelessly attracted to you!

More and more men are coming out of the closet by admitting the fact that they want to be cared forby a woman. So, let me say it on behalf of all the men: we want to be taken care of. We wantsomeone who can take care of us, dispel our fears, and absolve our worries. So, if you find your manphysically attracted to another inordinately hot female, you can rest assured knowing that you alonecan provide the one thing man needs more than anything, and can get only from you. Love.

Your level of confident will determine how far you can go about attracting women of your choice.Show youa��re confident when you are walking around by standing straight. Your body posturewill always show whether you are condiment or not. Some who is confident will stand straight andlook into the eyes of anybody around him.

Page 2: 8 Things That Attract A Man To A Woman! By Cucan Pemo

The important ingredient of attraction is non-neediness. The best way to learn how to project non-neediness towards women is by getting into the habit of sharing your playfulness and your curiositywith women. Believe it or not, it is possible for you to project your playfulnes and your curiositypurely through the lenses of your eyes before you even open your mouth and say anything to thewoman that you're attracted to. Here I'm talking about the phenomenon of using "smiling eyes"because of which I got to enjoy my first ever experience of being able to make a hot girl flirt backwith me and chase me without me even saying a word to her at the very beginning.

These tips will certainly help you understand aTaurus man better. And then, making him fall inlove with you, wouldn't be as difficult as it seemsnow. You now know almost everything about aTaurus man , so be patient with him. Once thisman falls for you, he is bound to get possessive, atrait that you will have to always deal with. Otherthan that, he will always be there for you, andwill see to it that your happiness is taken care of,at all times. He will give you everything youdeserve in the relationship, without you having to ask for it. What more could you ask for? Best ofLuck!

Have a mental picture or vision of your type. To be honest, I didn't use affirmations or prayers tomeet my type (although you can), I just had a mental picture of what he was like (looks, personality,etc). I ingrained that image in my head. And then my favorite song came on, Rihanna's Only Girl ,and I forgot all about the image and focused on having a great time. Yup, and right after the song, loand behold, my type� walks up to me. Whyyy hellllllllloooo Mr. Type.

Page 3: 8 Things That Attract A Man To A Woman! By Cucan Pemo

Because since you can't avoid texting girlsabout similar stuff, why not take note ofwhich replies you sent got the best reaction?If you tease a girl about sunbathing in acertain way and you notice she's laughingher ass off, then save that text messagesomewhere or write it down.

There's something that you have to face ifyou have broken up with your girlfriendrecently. The longer that you wait to dosomething about what you are feeling, the

longer that you put off learning how to attract her back... the more likely it is that the breakup willstay and you will end up finding out the she is in love with someone else.

Is 9 times out of 10 better odds than you are getting now? That is because you have been doing whateveryone else does in a club. If you have had a lack of dates it is evidence that their way stinks. Thisway has been proven to work. So if you want to be successful at meeting gorgeous women try it outand you will see.