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BY DeWITT 0. MYATT AND THOMPSON E. UPHAM Science Communication, Inc., Washington 7, D. C.


Within the past generation, the technical information environment of the typical scientist has changed from scarci ty to surplus. Our sci- entific forbears could "keep up with their field" ra ther comfortably. With the journals and other tools of their e r a , their capacity to scan for pertinence and digest for meaning essentially exceeded the rate at which significant new knowl- edge was being generated. t ime i s gone, and gone forever .

scientist views his obligation to remain well- informed with a sense of acute personal dis- t r e s s . Almost certainly, the annual output in his own specialty has continued to increase . But beyond that, our great tr iumphs in merging science at the base have unblocked new a reas , previously the specialty of another, in which he can also be competent. Self-interest , i f nothing more , p resses him to command them a s well, or accept consignment to a relatively narrow and barren field.

A second major influence on the scientist has been the way our society has altered i t s expectations of him in the past generation. In fact , we have only to go back four years to Sputnik I to see quite significant changes, a l - though the historic inflection point probably should date from the OSRD activities of World War 11. Before then, the scientist really lived in a comparatively simple and undemanding world. He roamed pretty much where he pleased, and the te r ra in of a single discipline usually proved fert i le enough to keep him happy and r e - warded. Society pretty much looked on his use- ful discoveries a s windfalls. Since i t had not yet grasped the full implications of creative r e - search, i t issued no socially-motived directives and established no quotas for our scientists and technologists .

Today the individual scientist usually finds himself a par t of la rge and complex technologi- cal endeavors. These endeavors reflect the rapid industrialization of science and the sci- entist . And, more and more often, they a r e addressed to the meeting of a social des i re or need, which may be the conquest of a major

F o r most of us that

In most technical fields today the thoughtful

disease, the creation of a new tool of national defense, o r the enhancement of an economic r e - source. The scientist and his science bear the sobering responsibilities of cultural maturity.

In this new environment the scientist 's in- formation need cannot be dismissed a s a uniquely personal concern. Increasingly it has become viewed a s a responsibility his employer should share , most particularly with informational serv- ices that conserve the ever-more-sought talents - and ever -more -costly man-hours --of available technical manpower. This i s the shift, we be- l ieve, that has led to the appearance of the mod- e rn technical information center .

The scientist 's very endorsement of the in- formation center concept suggests strongly that new forces of actual historical magnitude have come into play. scientist 's philosophical acceptance of the judg- ment of another in sifting subject mat ter through a s torage-retr ieval mechanism that he does not ever expect to operate personally. (It i s t rue , of course, that he st i l l i s f ree to use other channels that give him direct contact with origi- nal mater ia l . But the fact that research scien- t i s t s will even concede value to techniques r e - quiring a third-party participant indicates the magnitude of the influences they feel.)

and yet-vulnerable institution (perhaps, in fact , the f i r s t undisputed child of an information- surplus technological culture), we believe those who would design and operate them should make a rea l effort, however scanty the current f i rm knowledge, to understand underlying forces , the practical l imits they imply, and the special in- novations they encourage. This i s the t ime for intellectual r igor , so fa r a s it can be applied.

With amply-justified humility we offer such an analysis. affected some of our choices and interpretations in an actual design project.

Especially significant i s the

Because the information center i s a young

Later , we will describe how i t


Any realist ic definition of a technical infor- mation center must relate it to a la rger func- tional system. This la rger system contains, in


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addition to our center , information use r s and (since the use of knowledge almost invariably c rea tes new knowledge) i t contains information sources . Finally, the l a rge r system contains a policy o r managerial element. The executive element decides the use r s to be served and the sor t of information and service the center i s expected to provide.

comments : Let us formalize an asser t ion from these

"The proper informational mission of a technical information center i s a function of the technical mission of the population it serves." (ASSERTION I)

This asser t ion does not differentiate the technical l ib rary from the information center . We shall contend that the staff of the informa- tion center i s professionally qualified in the technical subjects handled, whereas the special expertise of the technical l ib rary is the man- agement of documents. In any r ea l situation, we ra re ly find either information centers o r technical l ib rar ies whose staffs a r e entirely un- qualified in the other 's domain. tempt to fix the ultimate distinction between pr ime competenc ies that lead to totally different roles within the organization, we believe the tes t i s the presence o r absence of professional capability (i .e. , capacity to function a s a tech-

But i f we at-

nical expert) i n t h e subject ma t t e r . In talking hereaf ter of a technical informa-

tion center , we mean an organization that sat is- f ies the following definition:

"A group serving a technical organiza- tion or field by collecting and supplying pertinent technical and specialized in- formation to other specified groups and individuals, and qualified and functioning in this ro.Le a s a professional peer of those groups and individuals .'I

(DEFINITION I) The clause within this definition that reads

' I . . . functioning in this role a s a professional peer . . . . ,'I cal ls for examination of one other pr ime question. The question concerns the r e - sources the center must command to collect , s tore , search , re t r ieve , and communicate at peer level. To account fo r them, we suggest:

"The information center ' s proper tech- nical knowledgeability and subject range a r e determined by the technical compe- tence of the persons being served and by the nature of the problems in which they a r e engaged. I ts proper information- processing and -supply pract ices a r e determined by the knowledge patt e r n s traditional in the special fields repre- sented among those i t i s serving."

(ASSERTION 11) It will be seen that a center satisfying As-

ser t ion I1 does not require those it se rves to learn anything about i t s information-processing operations. This i s possible because it has peer

competence in the technical subject mat te r , and thus can "translate" i t s raw retr ieval output f rom "information system" language to, say, colloid chemist language. In this respect , the center can make life distinctly eas ie r for the person served than the "pure" l ibrary we defined p r evious ly .

Assert ion I1 also implies that working knowl- edge of specialized information-processing tech- niques i s not an inherent responsibility of the "bench" scientist . And a s the opposite side of the coin, it implies that there i s a distinctive field of expertise pertinent to information and communication processes . (We have heard !!in- formation scientist" with increasing prevalence, so we should perhaps call it "information sci- ence" - and i t s applied-art companion, "corn- munication technology.") rapidly advancing r e sea rch in machine and non- machine s torage-search-retr ieval methods already has presented substantial justification for this very important c la im. Machine data- processing, for example, may be a small par t of the total information a r t , but it i s important in special a r eas and certainly has demanded spe- cialized training far beyond the tolerance of the person who i s not a machine specialist .

The logical consequences of this line of reasoning produce guide-lines that we think a r e of pr imary importance when one actually gets down to the mat te r of designing or operating an information center . They include:

of-knowledge patterns, competency levels, per- sonal attitudes, and working objectives of the group he proposes to serve . F rom these, he can derive the information service range and tech- niques that make connections with rea l custom- e r s a t the other end of the line and a r e neither over- nor under-designed to serve them.

2. His information output should be purged of any character is t ics imposed by the center ' s internal s torage-retr ieval techniques. (We will concede one departure f rom this ideal, when purging costs a r e grea te r than the combined effects of the educational costs and communica- tion losses imposed on those he i s serving.)

3 . His staff must contain two professional competencies: in specified technical subjects, and in information science and communication technology. Key members of his staff must be knowledgeable in both fields.

4. He should view his staff a s pr ime t e r - minal vehicles for conveying information to the customer -- and for accepting i t initially to the center . As information c a r r i e r s , face-to-face discussions (or ea r - to- ea r telephone conve r sa- tion) a r e impressively distinctive from the ac- cession l is t , o r even the individual memorandum. He should be most particularly aware of the novel ways in which the human can function a s a com- ponent link of an information service system.

We believe that the

1. The designer should investigate the field-

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When "science" and "man" a r e mentioned in the same breath, the f i r s t quick comparison that comes to mind--particularly to the mind of a scientist possessing the t rue faith--is the relative fallibility of the human when compared with the ordered beauty and reassuring repro- ducibility of scientific law.

Shouldn't we be doing our best to build in- formation services that exclude the human, ra ther than making him the pivot component ?

And isn' t the added suggestion that the service be derived from the human interests of the group to be served really a sor t of ultimate confession that there i s no discipline or sub- stance to this subject a t a l l?

We believe neither i s so. Our ear l ie r discussions do not really an-

swer this very appropriate question, since they consist of a brief attempt at contemporary his- tory and a recital of some implications associ- ated with a few gratuitous definitions and asser t ions.

F o r our f i r s t advocate of the human ingre- dient in the technical information service, we offer the French philosopher-scientist du NoCy. Du Noiiy advances the essential argument that "science" i s inherently shot through with human- i sm. "Science," he says, "is only that portion of nature that humans have been able to make sense of through a process of rational ordering.'" If one follows du Notiy's basic contention to i t s application here , the human i s the most fully compatible vessel for contending with scientific information, being i t s c rea tor . Mechanisms (like index cards or computers) may aid the human but only ra re ly can c a r r y value discr imi- nation beyond the moron level. And professional scientists have only limited use for moronic services .

defense of the human ingredient, we offer R. E . Gibson, the scientist- executive-philosopher who heads the Applied Physics Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University. APL originated and currently operates one of the f i r s t modern tech- nical information centers , the Solid Propellent Information Agency. Gibson asser t s :

"Knowledge, the distillate of human expe- rience, i s stored in three types of banks: (a) in the human mind and memory; (b) in the l i terature--periodicals, books, repor t s , and so forth; (c) in the products of technol- ogy and culture, commodities, tools, serv- ices , and organizations. bank which pays interest and offers capital gains i s the mind. The growth of knowledge i s a function of the capacity and the number of educated minds engaged in i ts cultivation?" So much for natural congruence of a r t and

For our second fundamental argument in

Of these the only

discipline with the human mind: what about

human fallibility? To examine this question, we propose to review the conditions and conse- quences one might reasonably anticipate i f he set up an information service.

Let us suppose you have been charged with the responsibility of designing a technical in- formation service. Let us suppose further that a rea l organization, or field of interest , staffed with rea l scientists and engineers, with rea l laboratories- even rea l l ib rar ies and l ibrarians- exists already to use and be used by this service you have been asked to design.

If you subscribe, a s the authors do, to the belief that an optimal technical information serv- ice i s a derivative of the population it se rves , the logical outgrowth of your efforts should pos- s es s several gratifying characterist ic s :

Your recommended design should relate closely to the expressed interest of the popula- tion being served--which makes them happy (at least before the actual service i s launched; it a lso helps in getting executive authorization).

2 . In your design, you will find yourself virtually forced to take account of the f i rm data you were actually able to develop. This s t r ic - tu re reduces the likelihood that the "service" will really be an experimental vehicle for one person 's untested theories. By no means, how- ever , does it eliminate the opportunity for imagi- native o r unconventional techniques. It i s more likely to stimulate innovations that have the notable added virtue of utility.

3. Even i f your survey technique is credi t - able, there i s usually enough "slop" in the r e - turns that you can sneak a few of your pet tech- niques into less cr i t ical a r e a s of the design. This usually means that the exercise leaves you


happy * So we finally get our service established--

through steps we know include human fallibility. What happens then?

The normal design e r r o r s in such a system do not compound to absurdity or catastrophe l ike a runaway computer. F o r the character is t ic strength of the humanistic element now comes into play. The staff members of a r ea l techni- cal information center , being human and able to recognize the technical shortcomings of ini- t ial operation, quite predictably will react to, compensate for, and ultimately cor rec t the imperfections. Our basic strategy i s therefore quite sound. technical information service, manned by pro- fessional scientists or engineers, permits-- indeed, counsels --acc eptanc e of de sign directives from a population that i s not sophisticated in in- formation technique per se . into the service by endowing it with a well- trained, service-oriented technical s taff , and i t will gravitate toward i t s optimal role. It will do more yet: i t will follow the changing and evolving needs of the population it se rves a s the whole endeavor proceeds.

This organic vitality of the modern

Just breathe life

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At f i r s t glance, one might conclude that an information service built to specifications laid down by the user cLoes not allow us to make use of the more sophisticated information-process- ing techniques. This is not so. It does, how- ever , illuminate for us the sharp distinction that should be macle between the methods used within the service group and the techniques i t employs in communicating with i t s "clients . ' I

Internally, the search-retr ieval system may be technologically formidable. Externally, the out- put should be delivered in a format acceptable to the recipient. The recipient (even though he i s a scientist) turns out to have human fallibility, too, and woe betide the system that fails to ac- commodate to him.

ing the conclusion that a l l of science i s really just that sl im car icature of a l l human experi- ences that we have found organizable. But we might also view th,e emergence of the human- centered technical information center a s hear t - ening evidence tha.t we have at las t accumulated enough science that we can no longer subject our precious hoard to the intellectual crudities of non-humanistic m a s s processing techniques and s t i l l retain our gr ip on i t . r ichness has just begun to make demands for something better--to be specific, those s tore- search- re t r ieva l :schemes that employ more effectively the subtleties and discriminating powers of the human mind.

We might have a sense of despair on reach-

Its growing


This leads us to a justification for soliciting opinion a s well a s fact when one se t s about de- signing the technic a l information c enter :

If one predicates that (1) the person inter- viewed understands what you a r e asking him; (2) he i s asked to answer only on behalf of him- self , or a small group with which he i s inti- mately associated; (3) he i s made reasonably convinced that his personal pract ices , prefer- ences, and opinions a r e inherently "right" an- swers to your questions; (4) a sufficient sample of the population concerned i s polled to elimi- nate statist ical uncertainties: we believe that a m o r e complete and reliable specification for the proper information service has been estab- lished than specifications one can develop through other means, and most particularly through means restr ic ted to non-opinion meas - urements . We believe this because the working success of the service ("center," etc.) depends SO intimately upon subjective considerations, including such "unscientific" mat te rs a s the college degrees held by the center ' s employees, the official name of the service, and m a s s att i- tudes of the group being served. One should make positive efforts to draw out these subjective

factors , so there is some reasonable chance of dealing with them effectively in the design.

These precepts underlie the specific tech- niques utilized in a recent study the authors have c ~ n d u c t e d . ~ A summary of the survey objectives, the approach used, and the service derived through the investigation a r e given.



Objectives of Project. -- The ARIES project had the broad purpose of determining whether a technical information service would contribute to current scientific and engineering programs concerned with knowledge of the upper atmos- phere (the altitude range 30 to 300 km.) accomplish this purpose, i t was necessary to determine:


1. The mer i t of a service 2 . The optimal technical coverage 3. The service techniques and staff require-

ments , and 4. The estimated annual operating cost . -

The Survey Technique Employed in the ARIES Studv. -- The investigation method em- - ployed

1. 2.

3 .


had to: Identify the members of the population. Determine the technical information us- age of an adequate sample of the popu- lation. Determine the most acceptable service techniques for serving i t . Ascertain the des i re of the population for a centralized technical information service.

Depth personal interviews, coupled with "cross-check" mail questionnaires on key points of the survey, were employed to obtain this in- formation.

"group-head" level for detailed interview-dis- cussions, s o a single interrogation would pro- duce an informed appraisal of the involvement of all persons in the group with upper atmosphere data, and would yield a working-knowledge opinion of the technical information need.

only on behalf of their own group, a s we in ef- fect synthesized a total population answer in our compilation of individual replies.

So fa r a s possible, we chose persons at the

Persons interviewed were asked to answer

Size of Population Sample Surveyed. -- The typical group head supervised three to ten pro- - - fessionals. A single interview thus reflected the explicit practices and requirements of perhaps five to ten persons (including technicians a s well a s professionals) .

The survey returns indicated that the follow- ing population sample was represented:

Page 5: A Quantitative Technique for Designing the Technical Information Center


No. No. professionals Sent respondents represented -

Interview check-list - - 38 160 575

Total 80 77 73 5

- 39 Mail questionnaire 3 -

In addition, relatively significant discus- sions were held with approximately 35 persons under circumstances not resulting in a filled- out questionnaire. (The distribution of their attitudes regarding a service appeared con- sistent with the m o r e formally obtained replies.)

Analysis of Returns. -- Statistical tests5 were employed to determine the significance of the replies obtained from the sample population, and to see whether sub-groups in the population varied in their information usage and their des i re for an information service.

interview sample and the mail questionnaire sample were cross-checked to see whether these different survey techniques indicated sig- nificantly different sample populations. (The tes t showed a very high probability that the populations were identical.)

a Keysort card t ranscr ip t of all mail question- na i re and interview check-lists was prepared. Its model was the brief mail questionnaire. Tes ts of more detailed questions were made by hand compilation from the interview question- naire.

The "do you want a service" answers in the

To facilitate the c ros s -cor relation process ,


Desire for an Information Service. -- The questionnaire data were analyzed to determine the des i re of the technical population for an in- formation service. The results were:

Desire for Service, % Desire Statistical Hiehlv More Less RatineO sienificance"

Q / v Y - - - - Interviewees(33) 55 24 2 1 1.67 Yes Mail question-


Total (67) 1.66 Yes

naire (34) - 4444441.65 -


T o m osite of multiple-choice replies rating from -1 to +3. *By? 5 test.

Subject Range of the Service. - The data usage of the population was employed to estab- l i sh the optimal subject coverage for the serv- ice . use ratings) a r e given, in rank order in the following table:

in defining the initial subject coverage of the s e r vic e .

ranking above 0.8 in usage value then were

The resu l t s (10 subjects with the highest

Inspection suggested a cut-off value of 0.8

Technical Skills Required. - The subjects


Subject Field

Density Solar Radiation Temperature Winds Pressure Ionization

Water Oxygen Ozone Nitrogen Oxides

Use rating.

1.84 1.4 1.37 1.2 1.1 1.05

0.63 0.63 0.47 0.52

- __---.

Statistically s ignif icane

Yes Yes Yes Yes

*Composite of multiple-choice replies rating from -1 to +3. 9 y I test.

inspected to determine the technical skills des i r - able in the service staff. They indicate princi- pal needs for professional knowledge of:

1. Physics (especially radiation phenomena) 2. Meteorology 3. Instrumentation (electronic and mechanical) Service Techniques Desired. -- Interview

check-list returns next were analyzed with r e - spect to preferences expressed for different information service techniques. The results for the 10 service functions with the highest ratings follow, in rank order :

Technique Statistically

Desire rating" s igniffcane

Loose- leaf manual Data collection-compilation Accession list Abstract bulletin Technical extract-reports Newsletter Report and document

collection "Man Friday"

1 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - Language translacions 0.85 Handbooks 0.67

2.2 1.9 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.2

1.2 1.1 - - - -

*Numerical weighted average for population answering the questions.

"'By I test.

Inspection of the spread of des i re ratings

These service preferences show a predomi- suggested a cut-off value of 1.0.

nanc e of function requiring technic a1 knowledge, and editorial rather than l ib rary skills.

The broad picture evoked by these prefer - ence rankings provides a rather explicit se t of directives for the personal and information- technique skills, staff activity patterns, and physical resources of a service that will satisfy the demand. They a r e itemized a s follows:

THE SERVICE SHOULD PROVIDE: 1. A data collection-compilation activity,

with the compilations disseminated in

Page 6: A Quantitative Technique for Designing the Technical Information Center


2 .

3 .



6 .

7 .

the form of "perpetual" manuals updated a s appropriate with loose-leaf inser t s . Periodic announcements of new subject- knowledge sources acquired by the serv- ice . Periodic accession l i s t s were recommended. A newsletter. (We recommended that the newsletter function be provided a s a "Progress Highlights" opening section of the accession list.) The document collection necessary to conduct these activit ies . Technical reportor ia l coverage of meet- ings and conferences. "Man Friday" information services by staff members . Technical editorial skil ls and personnel

with the professional capacity to deal effectively on a person-to-person basis with project scientists and engineers.

8 . An appreciable t ravel activity.

THE SERVICE DOES NOT NEED TO PROVIDE: 1. Conventional l ibrary services , such a s

document loans, book purchases, reprint ordering, etc.

services .


2 . Special correlat ions or mathematical

3 . Administrative support in organizing

The Operating Service Organization. - An organization chart for an information center performing these functions follows:

Information Technologist (Preferably with background in geo- and astrophysics)

7- (s) Secretary 1

Document Operations Grou (p) Information Technologist

(skilled in technical index- ing, data storage-retrieval)

File & mail-room clerk (p) Technical Information


(meteorologist) . . . * . * t &.' Publications Group

(Data Manual, Accession List, Newsletter)

(p) Technical Information (p) Technical Editor Specialist (Instrumentation and Electronics)

(s) Compilation Assistant

(s) Typist

¶...I. .. rn ..I. r

This pat tern was chosen to provide a maxi- mum assignment of specific work responsibili- t i es to individuah, yet re ta in necessary flexi- bility for unusual work loads. four senior and one junior professionals (p) plus a supporting c le r ica l - secre ta r ia l ( s ) force of four.

Total staff includes


We suspect the ARIES case history was in- herently kinder to the surveyor than many of the situations one might be called on to explore. To enumerate :

1. The sharp definition of subject field, namely, geophysical attr ibutes of the atmosphere and rocketsonde technology, considerably eased

the conception and preparation of the "mor- phology l is t ," which we feel contributed considerably in gaining professional accept- ance for the interviewer and technical con- sistency during interview discussion.

in i t s attitudes regarding a service, thus producing key answers possessing high statist ical assurance f rom relatively small samples.

3. This consistency also produced substantial concordance regarding the de- sign for cer ta in services and subject coverages. In fact , almost no interpre- tive judgments by the survey group were required to reconcile the replies with a set of real is t ic recommendations.

were readily accommodated in an

2 . The population proved quite uniform

4. The service des i res expressed

Page 7: A Quantitative Technique for Designing the Technical Information Center


organization of logical design and realist ic s ize , manned by per sons with conventional discipline training and ca ree r experience.

We may, of course, be leaning over back- wards in this generalized judgment, i n view of our introductory emphasis of the humanistic underpinnings of scientific fields. But we can readily visualize patterns of survey returns that would be much m o r e difficult to cope with than ARIES proved to be.

Should we apply this basic survey technique to a more refractory problem, we do have avail- able a few more t r icks in our kit-bag that might spell the difference between a derived design and blind guessing. F o r example:

1. Fields of interest might be approached by asking more than one leading member of the survey population to outline it for us , and then looking to see where their replies coincide and diverge. In some instances, a field i s really a number of "schools," loosely bound together by a common purpose, perhaps, but with distinc- tively different technical patterns. Where such character is t ics a r e found, some of the service functions may properly be provided to cer ta in par t s of the field, while others may serve across the board.

Within l imits , cer ta in statist ical a s su r - ances can be obtained by increasing the survey sample size. Should an initial sample show un- cer ta in concurrence, we can examine the return, and by risking an assumption or two, get a

2 .

reasonable indication of the additional surveying needed to clarify the ambiguities.

3. At t imes a particular service requested i s explicit and technically justified, but the spe- cialized training required and the fractional man-power called for make it c lear ly uneco- nomic to provide a properly qualified specialist in the centralized service. In such an instance, we might recommend that par t - t ime information service duties be assigned to an appropriate specialist in the group requiring the service. In general , peer competence in the information service organization facil i tates practical solu- tions that a r e not strictly observant of organiza- tion chart lines.

Finally, we wish to urge this key recom- mendation on any person assigned the task of designing an information service: begin by just looking at the situation with the greatest percep- tivity you can bring to bear. At the beginning, t ry to avoid any preconception a s to the methods you will use to develop f i rm guide lines for your design. F o r just a s certainly a s a sound design study can avoid unproductive costs in the opera- tion of an information center , the initial natural disposition of persons, attitudes, and activities usually contains hints regarding particularly apt design solutions. If you can see them, they usually suggest singularly productive approaches to data collection, and stimulate the development of imaginative and unusually well-fitting de signs.




Lecomte du No'ty, "Human Destiny," The New American Library of World Literature, New York, N. Y., 1949. R E. Gibson, "Impact of Government Programs on Growth of Knowledge," Presented before the 134th ACS National Meeting, September 9, 1958, Chicago, Illinois.

(3) Project ARIES (Atmospheric Research Information Exchange Study), A Study to Determine the Merits of an Upper Atmosphere Tech- nical Information Service. Contract Nom 3071-00. Office of Naval Research. (Grateful acknowledgment is made to the

Office of Naval Research, Code 416, for permission to utilize the results of that study for this paper. Information and opinions presented here do not necessarily carry the endorsement or rep- resent the viewpoint of the U. s. Navy.)

(4) Check-lists and questionaire responses of this survey are avail- able from the authors on request.

( 5 ) H. C. Fryer, "Elements of Statistics," John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1954.


A survey of Antarctic information sources


data, and other information on the Antarctic; in- vestigate information requirements; and analyze information available to, and needed by, the US. Antarctic Research Program, administered by NSF.

will be performed by Science Communication, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa., with NSF support. survey will seek to locate documents, specimens,
