  • 7/25/2019 Adolescence into Adulthood



  • 7/25/2019 Adolescence into Adulthood


    Why I chose late adolescenceA stage n l!e that I ha"e act#ally

    e$%e&enced and can &elate to and&e'e'e&

  • 7/25/2019 Adolescence into Adulthood



    Ma&*e&s Menstaton n g&ls ( Age ++,+-) n /oys (Age +0,+1)

    The %hyscal %&ocess s ty%cally co'%letey age +2and hal! n g&ls and +1 n oys3

  • 7/25/2019 Adolescence into Adulthood


    Tanne& Stagng

    Class4es %#e&ty nto 4"e le"els

  • 7/25/2019 Adolescence into Adulthood


    Tanne& Stagng

  • 7/25/2019 Adolescence into Adulthood


    Mddle Adolescence/egn to de"elo% an nte&est n ody 'age

    and %o%#la&ty 5th sa'e and o%%oste se$%ee&s

    T&y to 4t n %ee&s

    Mo&e l*ely to engage n &s* ta*ngeha"o&s

    &e!e& to s%end 'o&e t'e 5th !&ends then

    !a'lyRel#ctant to co'%ly 5th 'edcal ad"ce

  • 7/25/2019 Adolescence into Adulthood


    Teenage Se$#alty and &egnancy

    Onset o! Se$#al 6eelngshyscal act"ty


    Hete&ose$#al and ho'ose$#al cshesSe$#al nte&co#&se

  • 7/25/2019 Adolescence into Adulthood


    Teenage &egnancy

  • 7/25/2019 Adolescence into Adulthood


    Late AdolescenceIdentty C&ssRole Con!#son

    6o&'al O%e&atons

  • 7/25/2019 Adolescence into Adulthood


    Identty C&ss

  • 7/25/2019 Adolescence into Adulthood


    Role Con!#son

  • 7/25/2019 Adolescence into Adulthood


    6o&'al O%e&atons

  • 7/25/2019 Adolescence into Adulthood


    E'e&gng Ad#lthoodAcco&dng to an a&tcle !&o' 0777 5&tten y 8e9&ey

    A&nett enttledAmerican Psychologist, it isa %haseo! the l!e s%an et5een adolescenceand !#ll,:edged ad#lthood3 E'e&gng ad#lthood alsoenco'%asses late adolescence and ea&lyad#lthood3 It %&'a&ly a%%les to yo#ng ad#lts n

    de"elo%ed co#nt&es5ho do not ha"e chld&en; donot l"e n the& o5n ho'e; o& do not ha"e s#

  • 7/25/2019 Adolescence into Adulthood


    &ole's A9ectng De"elo%'ent

  • 7/25/2019 Adolescence into Adulthood


  • 7/25/2019 Adolescence into Adulthood



  • 7/25/2019 Adolescence into Adulthood


  • 7/25/2019 Adolescence into Adulthood


  • 7/25/2019 Adolescence into Adulthood


  • 7/25/2019 Adolescence into Adulthood


    Exploration of identity

    One o! the 'ost '%o&tant !eat#&es o! e'e&gngad#lthood s that ths age %e&od allo5s !o& e$%lo&aton nlo"e; 5o&*; and 5o&ld"e5s 'o&e than any othe& age%e&od3 The %&ocess o! dentty !o&'aton e'e&ges nadolescence #t 'ostly ta*es %lace n e'e&gng

    ad#lthood3 Rega&dng lo"e; altho#gh adolescents n theUnted States #s#ally egn datng et5een ages +0 and+-; they #s#ally "e5 ths datng as &ec&eatonal3 It s not#ntl e'e&gng ad#lthood that dentty !o&'aton n lo"eeco'es 'o&e se&o#s3 Whle n the Unted States d#&ngadolescence datng #s#ally occ#&s n g&o#%s and nst#atons s#ch as %a&tes and dances; n e'e&gngad#lthood; &elatonsh%s last longe& and o!ten ncl#dese$#al &elatons as 5ell as cohataton3 As !a& as 5o&*;the 'a.o&ty o! 5o&*ng adolescents n the Unted Statestend to see the& .os as a 5ay to 'a*e 'oney !o&

    &ec&eatonal act"tes &athe& than %&e%a&ng the' !o& a

  • 7/25/2019 Adolescence into Adulthood


    E$%lo&aton o! denttyIn cont* += to 01 yea& olds n e'e&gng ad#lthood

    "e5 the& .os as a 5ay to otan the *no5ledge ands*lls that 5ll %&e%a&e the' !o& the& !#t#&e ad#lthoodca&ee&s3 Unde&gong changes n 5o&ld"e5s s a 'and"son o! cognt"e de"elo%'ent d#&ng e'e&gng

    ad#lthood>eo%le n e'e&gng ad#lthood that choose toattend college o!ten egn college o& #n"e&sty 5th the5o&ld"e5 they 5e&e &ased 5th and lea&ned nchldhood and adolescence3 Ho5e"e&; e'e&gng ad#lts5ho ha"e attended college o& #n"e&sty ha"e een

    e$%osed to and ha"e consde&ed d9e&ent 5o&ld"e5s;and e"ent#ally co''t to a 5o&ld"e5 that s dstnct!&o' the 5o&ld"e5 5th 5hch they 5e&e &ased y theend o! the& college o& #n"e&sty ca&ee&
  • 7/25/2019 Adolescence into Adulthood


    S#.ect"e D9e&enceAcco&dng to A&nett; n an a&tcle ttled; ?Conce%tons o! the t&anston

    to ad#lthood !&o' adolescence th&o#gh 'dl!e@ n theJournal of AdultDevelopment, he states that 5hen A'e&cans et5een the ages o! +=and 01 a&e as*ed 5hethe& they ele"e they ha"e &eached ad#lthood;'ost do not ans5e& 5th a no o& a yes; #t ans5e& 5th In so'e&es%ects yes; n so'e &es%ects no3 It s clea& !&o' ths a'g#ty that

    'ost e'e&gng ad#lts n the Unted States !eel they ha"e co'%letedadolescence #t not yet ente&ed ad#lthood 3St#des ha"e sho5n that&ega&dng %eo%le n the& late teens and ea&ly t5entes n the;de'og&a%hc B#altes s#ch as co'%letng the& ed#caton; 4ndng aca&ee&; gettng 'a&&ed; and eco'ng %a&ents a&e not the c&te&a#sed n dete&'nng 5hethe& they ha"e &eached ad#lthood3Rathe&;the c&te&a that dete&'ne 5hethe& ad#lthood has een &eached a&e

    cha&acte& B#altes; s#ch as eng ale to 'a*e nde%endent decsonsand ta*ng &es%onslty !o& ones sel!3These cha&acte& B#altes a&e#s#ally e$%e&enced n the 'd to late t5entes; 5hch con4&' thate'e&gng ad#lthood s dstnct s#.ect"ely

  • 7/25/2019 Adolescence into Adulthood


    Why the D9e&enceWhy emerging adulthood is distinct demographicallyE'e&gng ad#lthood s the sole age %e&od 5he&e the&e s nothng

    that s de'og&a%hcally consstent3 In cont* o! adolescents n theUnted States #% to age +=; o"e& 1 l"e at ho'e 5th at least one%a&ent; = a&e not 'a&&ed; #nde& +7 ha"e eco'e %a&ents; and'o&e than 1 attend school3Resdental stat#s and school

    attendance a&e t5o &easons that the %e&od o! e'e&gng ad#lthoods nc&edly dstnct de'og&a%hcally3 Rega&dng &esdental stat#s;e'e&gng ad#lts n the Unted States ha"e "e&y d"e&se l"ngst#atons3 Ao#t one th&d o! e'e&gng ad#lts attend college ands%end a !e5 yea&s l"ng nde%endently 5hle %a&tally &elyng onad#lts3 Cont&astngly; -7 o! e'e&gng ad#lts do not attend college

    #t l"e nde%endently and 5o&* !#ll,t'e3F

    6nally; a&o#nd t5o,th&dso! e'e&gng ad#lts cohatate 5th a &o'antc %a&tne&3 Rega&dngschool attendance; e'e&gng ad#lts a&e e$t&e'ely d"e&se n the&ed#catonal %aths (A&nett; 0777; %3 -7,-+)3

  • 7/25/2019 Adolescence into Adulthood


    O"e& 7 o! e'e&gng ad#lts n the Unted States ente&college o& #n"e&sty the yea& a!te& they g&ad#ate !&o' hghschool3 Ho5e"e&; the e'e&gng ad#lthood yea&s that !ollo5college a&e e$t&e'ely d"e&se , only ao#t 20 o! 01,0 yea&,olds ha"e 4nshed !o#& o& 'o&e yea&s o! college3 Ths seca#se hghe& ed#caton s #s#ally %#&s#ed non,contn#o#sly;

    5he&e so'e %#&s#e ed#caton 5hle they also 5o&*; and so'edo not attend school !o& %e&ods o! t'e3 6#&the& conttngto the "a&ance; ao#t one th&d o! e'e&gng ad#lts 5thachelo&s deg&ees %#&s#e a %ostg&ad#ate ed#caton 5thn ayea& o! ea&nng the& achelo&s deg&ee3 Th#s; eca#se the&e sso '#ch de'og&a%hc nstalty; es%ecally n &esdentalstat#s and school attendance; t s clea& that e'e&gngad#lthood s a dstnct entty ased on ts de'og&a%hcallynon,no&'at"e B#altes3
