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  • Atomic Timeline (AKA The 7 Dead Dudes of Atomic Theory)
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  • Timeline Construction Use the adding machine tape to make your Atomic Timeline Make sure you include Name Date Important Information Picture/or/Symbol
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  • 1) Democritus 460 BC First to develop the idea that matter was made of particles called Atoms The term Atoms comes from the Greek word atomos which means undivisible
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  • 2) John Dalton - 1803 Proposed atomic theory An atom is indivisible, indestructible, tiny sphere. Determined that elements have unique atomic masses
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  • 3) Joseph John Thomson - 1898 Discovered Electrons Proposed an atomic model known as the plum pudding model
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  • 4) Ernest Rutherford - 1911 Discovered positively charged nucleus by probing atoms of gold foil with positively charged particles. Proposed atomic model with massive nucleus with electrons in a circle around it in a solar system model
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  • 5) Niels Bohr - 1913 Developed atomic model that placed electrons in specific energy levels to explain why they did not spiral toward and collide with the nucleus Proposed the model with electrons in specific orbits around the nucleus
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  • 6) James Chadwick - 1932 Discovered neutron as a neutral particle in the nucleus The discovery explained why the mass of an atom could not be attributed entirely to the mass of the protons (+) Positive Protons (0) Neutral Neutrons Nucleus
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  • 7) Erwin Schrodinger 1933 Described electrons as waves with their probable location viewed as a cloud and introduced a mathematical model of the atom e-
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  • Highlights 1.DemocritusFirst Atomos - Indivisible 2. John DaltonAtomic Theory 3. J.J. ThomsonElectrons - Plum Pudding 4. Ernest Rutherford+ Charged Nucleus Gold Foil 5. Niels BohrElectrons Specific NRG Levels 6. James ChadwickNeutrons (Jimmy Neutron) 7. Erwin SchrodingerElectron Cloud Wave
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  • Way to Remember the Order of the Scientists for the Atomic Theory Democritus Discovered Dalton Tiny Thomson Round Rutherford Circular Chadwick Ball-like Bohr Spheres Schrodinger
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  • IndivisibleElectronNucleusOrbitElectron Cloud Greek X Dalton X Thomson X Rutherford X X Bohr X X X Wave X X X
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  • Dont Sweat the Small Stuff!
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  • Size of Atoms Tiny! Tinier than the cells and germs. Too small to be seen with ordinary microscopes Atoms are so small that it would take 100 million atoms placed side by side to form a row only 1 cm long which is about the width of your pinky finger!
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  • How Small is the Small Stuff? Lets check it out a/scienceopticsu/powersof10 a/scienceopticsu/powersof10 ture.html ture.html /cells/scale/ /cells/scale/ ID=1780 ID=1780
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  • Whats the Matter? Matter
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  • Whats the Matter? Matter Has Mass= The Amount of Matter in an Object Stuff that Everything is made of! Made of Atoms Has Volume= Takes Up Space
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  • What was the Small Stuff anyway? Atoms Elements Molecules Compounds
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  • Atoms Basic unit of matter The smallest particle of a substance that has all of the properties of that substance. Example= the element Gold is made of gold atoms
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  • Elements A pure substance made of only one kind of atom. Examples= Gold, Hydrogen, Carbon, etc. Elements are found on the Periodic Table of Elements. Here is a song about them tml
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  • Molecules Made up of two or more atoms joined tightly together. Small particle of the entire substance or compound Atoms in a molecule may be of the same element or of different elements. Examples= 1 molecule of the element oxygen or 1 molecule of the compound water H2O
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  • Compounds A substance whose molecules contain atoms of different elements combined chemically. Most matter exists as compounds. Examples= Water, Carbon Dioxide, etc.
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  • What is the difference between a Compound and a Molecule? A molecule is formed when two or more atoms join together chemically. Molecules can be made up of atoms joined together or elements joined together which form compounds A compound is a molecule that contains at least two different elements.
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  • Compound vs. Molecule All compounds are molecules but not all molecules are compounds! Molecules that are made of two atoms joined together are not compounds Compound = entire substance Molecule = small particle of entire substance
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  • Atom Smallest part of a substance Has all of the properties of that substance Element Pure Substance Made of 1 kind of atom Compound Molecules containing atoms of different elements Molecule 2 or more atoms joined tightly together Smallest part of compound
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  • Atom Smallest part of a substance Has all of the properties of that substance
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  • Element Pure Substance Made of 1 kind of atom
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  • Molecule 2 or more atoms joined tightly together Smallest part of compound
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  • Compound Molecules containing atoms of different elements
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  • Chemical Bonding Elements bond together to form compounds 2 Main Types of Bonding 1.Colvalent = sharing of e- 1.Ionic = giving or taking of e-
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  • Covalent Bonding = Sharing e- Covalent Bond= sharing of electrons that occurs between 2 non-metals Ex) Water H 2 O O HH = Hydrogens Electron = Oxygens Electrons
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  • Ionic Bonding = give or take e- Ionic Bond= giving or taking of electrons that occurs between metals and non-metals Ex) Salt NaCl Na give outer e- to Cl Na Cl Na 1+ Cl 1-
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  • Ions An ion is an atom or molecule which has lost or gained one or more electrons, making it positively or negatively charged. A negatively charged ion, which has more electrons in its electron shells than it has protons in its nuclei, is known as an anion Conversely, a positively-charged ion, which has fewer electrons than protons, is known as a cation
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  • Ions (cont) An ion consisting of a single atom is called a monatomic ion, but if it consists of two or more atoms, it is a polyatomic ion. Polyatomic ions containing oxygen, such as carbonate and sulfate, are called oxyanions. monatomic ionpolyatomic ionoxygencarbonatesulfateoxyanions Ions are represented by the presence of a superscript indicating the sign of the net electric charge and the number of electrons lost or gained, if more than one. For example: H+ and SO42. HSO
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  • Elements in the Earth & Air Element Symbol Use 1.Oxygen O Breathing 2.Silicon Si Glass/Rocks 3.Aluminum Al Foil/Cans 4.Iron Fe Steel 5.Calcium Ca Bones/Teeth 6.Potassium K Bones/Muscles 7.Sodium Na Salt
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  • Elements In Our Bodies O 65% C 17.5% H 10.2% N 2.4% Ca 1.6% Other 3.3%
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  • Nucleus P+ & N O 1 st = 2 e- 2 nd = 8 e- 3 rd = 18 e-
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  • Periodic Table Atomic # = # of p+ = # of e- # of n 0 = Atomic Mass Atomic # Period #s = # of orbitals/shells 7 Periods = 7 shell max
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  • Playing with the Periodic Table Draw the orbitals on your paper plate Use play-doh to represent protons, neutrons, and electrons Choose a different color for each Start with simple elements and work your way up!
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  • Nucleus P+ & N O 1 st = 2 e- 2 nd = 8 e- 3 rd = 18 e-
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  • Nucleus P+ & N O 1 st = 2 e- 2 nd = 8 e- 3 rd = 18 e- Acting Out Bohr Models!
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  • Periodic Tables Check out the Periodic Table in Pictures and in Words Use your other Periodic Table to Color Code the Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids On the other side, color code the Groups/Families
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  • Awesome Websites
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  • Blue= Metals Pink= Metalloids Yellow= Nonmetals
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  • How to Read the Periodic Table Tracy Arrington-Payne SI560
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  • The Periodic Table Is.. A table of all known elements, A useful tool for scientists, And, it arranges elements according to their properties.
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  • The Inventor Created by Dmitri Mendeleev. Mendeleev was a teacher who was discouraged by his teaching tools and decided to create his own. He made note cards of the elements known at that time and arranged them. When there wasnt an element to fit a certain spot, he left it open and predicted an element would be found later to fill it.
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  • Reading a Periodic Table When reading a periodic table.... Look at the box Look at the columns (group or family) Look at the rows (periods) Look at the location of metals, nonmetals, and semiconductors
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  • Using the Box Each box represents a different element. Each box contains information that tells.. The elements name The elements symbol The atomic number of the element The atomic weight of the number
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  • Example Name Oxygen Atomic Number 8 Atomic Symbol O Atomic Weight 16.00 Oxygen 8 16.00 O
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  • Using the Columns Each column of elements is called a family or group. Elements in a family have similar but not identical properties. The number for the column sometimes indicates the number of electrons in outer shells of the element. Elements in a group have the same number of electrons in their outer orbital.
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  • Families or Groups Elements in the red group have 1 electron in their outer shell. Elements in the orange group have 2 electrons in their outer shell. As you keep counting the colored columns, you add an additional electron. Purple has 8 electrons in its outer shell. (Dont include the white group)
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  • Using the Rows Rows represent an elements period. Elements in a period are not alike in properties. Even though some squares are skipped in between, all of the rows go from left to right.
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  • Using the Rows As a rule.... the first element in a period is usually an active solid. the last element in a period is always a noble gas. Atomic size decreases from left to right across a period. And generally, atomic mass increases form left to right across a period, although there are exceptions.
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  • Example Every element in the top row (first period) has one orbital for its electrons. Every element in the second row (the second period) have two orbitals available. Atoms on the left are usually larger and lighter. Atoms on the right are usually smaller and heavier.
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  • Metals, Nonmetals, and Semiconductors Some periodic tables are color coded to show what elements are metals, nonmetals, and semiconductors. In general, elements located in the left two-thirds or so of the periodic table are metals. The nonmetals are on the right side of the table. The dividing line between the metals and nonmetals are elements called semiconductors.
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  • The gray area represents the metals. The yellow area represents the semiconductors. The blue area represents the nonmetals.
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  • Conclusion The Periodic Table is an excellent tool for looking at elements and the key to using it is to understand the code of it structure. Using the boxes, columns, and rows will help you learn about the properties of elements.
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  • I.Metals, Metalloids, and Non-Metals II.7 Periods/Rows III.18 Groups/Families
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  • I. Metals, Metalloids, & Non-Metals Metals On the _______ of the staircase/zig-zag (except for hydrogen) Most are shiny, hard, and dense. They conduct (transmit) electricity and heat. They have mostly _______ melting and boiling points. They are malleable (pounded into shapes) and ductile (drawn into wire). Ex) Aluminum is a metal that is pounded into aluminum foil. left high
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  • Metalloids 7 elements _____ the staircase/zig-zag Properties of _______ metals and non- metals. Ex) Silicon is a metalloid. It conducts electricity like a metal and is brittle like a non-metal. It is used to make microchips. on both
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  • Non-Metals To the _______ of the staircase/zig-zag Most have low melting points Are dull and brittle if solid. Most are _______ conductors of heat and electricity. Ex) Sulfur is a non-metal. It is often used to make fertilizer. right poor
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  • II. 7 Periods/Rows The Period # = the # of Electron Shells/Orbitals/Energy Levels 1.This period contains the two __________ known elements, hydrogen (H) and helium (He). Each element has 2 electron shell. 2.The elements in this period have 2 electron shells. The gases that make up most of our ____________, nitrogen(N) and oxygen(O), are found in this period. 3.The elements in this period have ___ electron shells. Sodium (Na) and chlorine(Cl) are found in this period. lightest atmosphere 3
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  • 4. The elements in this period have 4 electron shells. This period includes the element iron (Fe), a commonly used _____. 5. The elements in this period have 5 electron shells. Silver (___) is found in this period 6. With 6 electron shells, some of these __________ elements are unstable and radioactive. This period includes gold (Au), lead (Pb) and radioactive radon (Rn). 7. With 7 electron shells, these are the heaviest elements. Many are ________________ - some so unstable that they fall apart almost instantly. Uranium (U) is found in this period metal Ag heavier radioactive
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  • III. 18 Columns/Groups/Families 1.Alkali Metals 2.Alkaline Earth Metals 3.Transition Metals 4.BCNO Family 5.Halogens 6.Noble Gases 7.Lanthanides 8.Actinides
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  • 1. Alkali Metals Group 1 (far left of table) The metals are Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, Cesium, and Francium. Hydrogen, a non-metal, is in the family because of its ________________. All have 1 __________ in their outer shells. They are all soft and very reactive. Their reactivity ___ as we read down the table. They so reactive because they have 1 valence electron that can easily be given away. All of these metals are soft, silvery white, with low melting points. Hydrogen will _______ ____ upon any contact with flames. The metals are so reactive they will _______ the skin if touched. reactivity electron blow up burn
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  • 1. Alkali Metals (cont) They tarnish rapidly and react violently with __________. They easily form _______ with the halogens. They are _______ found in their pure forms in nature, only found as compounds The metals in this family are easy to identify because they give off a different _________ when burned: Lithium = crimson, Sodium = yellow, Potassium = violet, Rubidium = reddish-violet, Cesium = blue, and Francium = Rare Little is Known Important _________- Lithium = Grease, Lubricants, Aircraft Parts, & Batteries, Sodium = Salt and Gasoline, Potassium = More Expensive than Na & less widely used but used in fertilizer and photography. water salts never colors Uses
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  • 2. The Alkaline Earth Metals Group 2 6 metals: Berylium, Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium, and Radium. Are _______ and bright silvery-white in color. Have high melting points and _______ densities. All have ___ electrons in their outer shells. Are all reactive and react with water. Are __________ reactive than the alkali metals. Have reactivity that ___ as we read down the table. Will oxidize or tarnish in air, but can be handled by __________. Are __________ found in nature in their pure forms. soft high 2 less humans never
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  • 2. Alkaline Earth (cont) Are good conductors of electricity Burn in different colors: Magnesium = Bright White, Calcium = Orange-Red, Strontium = Bright Red, Barium = Yellowish-Green, and Radium = Crimson Used in ____________ because of their bright colors Beryllium is often added to other metals to make hard metal __________, used to make rocket nose cones, and in nuclear reactors. Magnesium is used in aircraft and photographic equipment. Calcium is used with other metals to make reactive alloys. Radium is radioactive and is used in the treatment of __________. fireworks alloys cancer
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  • 3. The Transition Metals Groups 3-12 The __________ family on the Periodic Table with 40 members. Some of the more common and widely used members of this family include iron, nickel, copper, zinc, silver, and gold. They are all __________- hard, shiny, and strong. Fairly stable, reacting slowly or not at all with air and water. Most of them have very _______ melting points and boiling points. ____________ is one exception- it is a liquid at room temperature. Most are good ____________ of heat and electricity. Most will dissolve in an acid, however, __________ resists acids. Most can bond to _________ in more ways than one, making different compounds. largest metals high Mercury conductors gold oxygen
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  • 3. Transition Metals (cont) Most can be pounded into sheets or shapes (____________) or drawn into a wire (____________) Most can form colored compounds with oxygen. Many can form __________ metal alloys (a mixture of metals). Form a bridge between the very reactive metals on the left side and the less reactive metals on the right. Very similar so that it is difficult to detect differences from one column to the next. First elements in groups 8,9, 10 called the iron triad because they are the only ones known to create a magnetic field. Many uses because of their properties- construction materials, pipes, wires, coins, jewelry, aircrafts, cars, bicycles, cooking utensils, paints, cleaners, etc. malleable ductile strong
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  • 4. The BCNO Family Groups 13-16 Large family with ___ members Some of the more common members of this family include carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, aluminum, silicon, sulfur, arsenic, tin, and lead. This family is sometimes __________ into two or four separate families. Most __________ family of elements. Name is from the ____________ of the elements in each column- Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen. There are metals, nonmetals, and metalloids in this family Some members are _______ at room temp like nitrogen and oxygen, but most are __________. 25 divided diverse lightest gases solids
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  • 4. The BCNO Family (cont) They are reactive, but selective with which elements they will __________. Most will bond with oxygen & oxygen will bond with __________ Members of each column tend to _______ with other elements in a similar fashion Oxygen supports combustion. Many uses- essential to life (carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus), metals are used in electronics, nonmetals are used as ____________ on wires, poisons, fertilizers, in scuba gear, soap, glass-making, solder, aircraft, weapons, drink cans, foil, pots, and pans. bond itself bond insulators
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  • 5. The Halogens Group 17 All have seven electrons in their outer shells and are ____________ non-metals. Most reactive of all nonmetals, but are poor conductors of ____________ Their reactivity decreases as we read __________ the table. Very small family consisting of only ___ elements- fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine At _______ temperature fluorine and chlorine are gases, bromine is a liquid, and iodine and astatine are solids ______ reactive and never found in their pure forms in nature. Combine with alkali metals to form a family of chemical compounds - __________. poisonous electricity 5 down room Very salts
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  • 5. The Halogens (cont) Fluorine is added to toothpaste and water to prevent tooth decay and combines with uranium to form __________ fuel. Chlorine is added to water supplies and swimming pools to kill germs. It is widely used in bleach and salt. ____________ is used as a gasoline additive, photograph developer, fire retardant, and an insecticide. It is also used to kill germs in water supplies. Iodine is added to salt to reduce thyroid disease. It is also used as a film developer and as a disinfectant in water supplies. Astatine is very rare, very radioactive, and has ___ uses. nuclear Bromine no
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  • 6. The Noble Gases - Group 18 They are very non-reactive because they have _____ outer shellsinert. These are some of the __________ and heaviest elements. Six gases- helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon __________, tasteless, and odorless Do not mix with others- do not gain, share, lose electrons. Chemically stable because they have a full outer energy level. Helium, neon, and argon will _____ combine with other elements Xenon, krypton, and radon will combine with other elements, but difficult process. full Colorless rarest not
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  • 6. The Noble Gases (cont) When an electrical current is passed through one of these gases it will glow in a characteristic __________ ex) neon has a characteristic orange- red glow Helium is lighter than _____ and is used in balloons and blimps Ne, Ar, Kr, & Xe are used in lights b/c of the colors they make in light bulbs because they ___ ___ react with the metal (tungsten) that makes the filament. __________ is radioactive and is used in the treatment of cancer. Argon is the most abundant Noble Gas, making up one percent of the atmosphere. color air do not Radon
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  • 7. Lanthanides 1st of the 2 rows at the bottom of the table 15 elements known as the _______ Earth Elements along with the Actinides Soft, shiny, silvery metals Malleable with high conductivity Reactive Burns in oxygen or air Oxidizes or tarnishes rapidly rare
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  • 7. Lanthanides (cont) Similar to transition metals _______ for poor conductors React in similar manner because they are found together in _______ Produce _______ when struck Alloys made with iron are used to make flints for cigarette lighters Uses: glass, welders goggles, nuclear reactors, petroleum, color TV screens, computer monitors (because they produce colors when combined with phosphorus) Example of colors are Europium = red and Terbium = _______ except nature spark green
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  • 8. Actinides Very last row at the _______ 15 elements known as the Rare Earth Elements along with the Lanthanides All radioactive, reactive, silvery metals Actinium, thorium, protactinium, and uranium are all natural Neptunium and plutonium were once thought to be synthetic or __________, but found small amounts in nature. _____ other members are synthetic bottom manmade All
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  • 8. Actinides (cont) After Curium, all are very radioactive and have been produced in such _______ amounts that little is known about them Uranium is the most stable and is used for nuclear fuel, power plants, weapons, as a pigment in glass and ceramics. Plutonium is used in nuclear weapons and to power space exploration equipment. Curium is used to power satellites and was used to test moon soils. ____________ is used in smoke detectors. small Americium
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  • Review Metals To the Left & are More Reactive Metalloids on Stairs Non-Metals to the Right Less Reactive 7 Periods/Rows/HorizontalRow # indicates the # of e- shells/orbitals/energy levels 18 Groups/Families/Vertical Elements have similar properties within families Chemical Reactivity Metals increase from right to left & top to bottom Nonmetals increase from left to right & bottom to top
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  • Periodic Table Quiz 1.Who was the first to develop the Periodic Table? a.Henry Mosely b.Niels Bohr c.Dmitri Mendeleev 2.The modern Periodic Table is designed according to increasing a.Atomic Mass b.Atomic Number c.Atomic Theory 3.Most of the elements are a.Solids b.Liquids c.Gases 4.The Periodic Table is divided into which of the following 3 properties? a.Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids b.Metals, Solids, and Liquids c.Metals, Nonmetals, and Gases 5.Where on the Periodic Table are the Metalloids located? a.To the Left of the Staircase/Zig-Zag b.On the Staircase/Zig-Zag c.To the Right of the Staircase/Zig-Zag
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  • 6. What are the horizontal rows on the periodic table called? a.Periods b.Groups c.Families 7. How many rows are there? a.7 b.12 c.18 8. What are the vertical columns on the periodic table called? a.Rows b.Periods c.Families 9. How many columns are there? a.7 b.12 c.18 10. As you move across the Periodic Table from left to right, what happens to the reactivity of the elements? a.Increases b.Decreases c.Stays the Same
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  • Chemistry Review
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  • Atoms
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  • Atomic Theory Atomic Structure Small Protons (+), Neutrons (0), Electrons (-) Nucleus Orbitals Elements, Compounds, Molecules 2, 8, 18 Periodic Table
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  • 118 Elements 1 st created by Dmitri Mendeleev 1 st arranged by Atomic Mass now Atomic # 7 Rows or Periods & 18 Columns or Families Metals (left of staircase), Non-Metals (right of staircase), and Metalloids (on staircase) Solids, Liquids, Gases Staircase Zig Zag Atomic Structure Symbols, Atomic # & Atomic Mass # of P & # of E = Atomic # Atomic Mass Atomic # = # of N
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  • Atomic Theory
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  • Evolution of the Model of the Atom Democritus - Atomos John Dalton Atomic Theory JJ Thomson Plum Pudding Ernest Rutherford Gold Foil James Chadwick Neutron Niels Bohr Electron Shells Erwin Schrodinger Wave Model
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  • Atomic Structure
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  • Nucleus with Protons & Neutrons Electron Shells/Orbitals/Levels Electrons = approx. size of P & N 2, 8, 18 Periodic Table Rows = # of Shells 7 Shell Max Periodic Table Columns = # of Valence e- Electron Cloud Wave Model
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  • Elements
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  • 118 Each with their own properties Made of atoms Combine same atoms = Molecules Combine different atoms = Compounds 1, 2, or 3 letter symbols Arranged on table by increasing atomic # Found in nature or manmade
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  • Chemical Bonding
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  • Atoms joined together chemically to form either molecules or compounds Covalent Bonds = Sharing of Electrons by 2 Non-Metals Ionic Bonds = Giving & Taking of Electrons by a Metal and a Non-Metal Toothpicks are used to represent bonding with molecular models
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  • Chemical Reactions
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  • Reactants = Start With Products = End With Reactants Products 4 Types of Chemical Reactions: 1.Synthesis 2.Decomposition 3.Single Displacement 4.Double Displacement
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  • Matter
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  • What everything is made up of Has Mass and Volume Made of Atoms Atoms make up Elements Elements make up Compounds Most of the world is made of Chemical Compounds States/Phases of Matter 1.Solid 2. Liquid 3. Gas 4. Plasma
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  • States of Matter
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  • Solid definite shape and volume Liquid takes shape of container & has definite volume Gas takes shape & volume of container Plasma ex) sun, stars, fire, etc. Evaporation liquid to a gas Condensation gas to a liquid Sublimation solid to a gas Melting, Boiling, & Freezing
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  • Physical vs. Chemical Changes
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  • Physical Change = still the same substance Chemical Change = creates a new substance Examples of Physical Changes = crushing, cutting, melting, boiling, freezing, breaking, mixing, etc. Examples of Chemical Changes = reacting, burning, fizzing, rusting, cooking, etc.
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  • Mixtures
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  • Mixture is physically combined no chemical reaction occurs! Solution = solute dissolves in a solvent Ex) sugar water, kool-aid, salt water, etc. Suspension = large particles settle out Ex) muddy water, Italian salad dressing, etc. Colloid = matter is dispersed throughout Ex) Jell-O, paint, mayonnaise, milk, fog, etc. Homogeneous = the same matter throughout Heterogeneous = different matter throughout