Page 1: Build a good relationship with your boss

Build A Good RelationshipWith Your Boss

The most important part of your job as a Personal Assistant is to build a collaborative relationship with

your boss. In order to provide effective assistance you will need to take the lead in developing the

relationship. I have outlined some points below to help you maximise your relationship with your boss.

Understand Your Role

Make sure you understand your role and know what your boss expects of you. Know the timeframes you

are expected to work to. Know the resources that are available to you. Don't be afraid to ask for

additional resources (extra equipment or human resources) - you won't know until you ask.

Have Regular Meetings

Have regular meetings with your boss. This will provide an opportunity to clarify issues and priorities,

which shift from time to time. It will also allow you to find out how you are doing in light of your boss's

expectations. You should always know what you are expected to produce. Regular meetings provide the

perfect forum to locate the goal post.

Earn Your Boss's Trust

Be a confidante. Earn your boss's trust by understanding his pressures and priorities and make yourself

available to assist him in a way that is convenient for him.

Keep Your Boss Informed

Keep your boss up to speed on what you are doing. Tell him about your major projects. Keep him in the

loop so that you receive his feedback before receiving feedback from others. Always use his preferred

method of communication.

Don't Waste Time

Try not to waste your boss's time. Spend time preparing before you attend update meetings with your

boss or bring a problem to him. Think about the issues you will discuss and be prepared to offer a possible

solution to every problem you raise. This will make your meetings more productive and show that you are

an asset to him, and that you respect his time.
