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Immunology Today, voL 8, No. 5, 1987

Hypotheses on T-cell recognition

In a recent article (ImmunoL Today Vol. 8, No. 3, p80) Ole Werdelin proposed that T cells recognize antigen alone and not MHC molecules. The manuscript was received on July 25, 1986, re-submitted in revised form on December 27, 1987 and accepted on January 20, 1987. Dr Werdelin has drawn our attention to the fact that J.-M. Claverie and P. Kourilsky have proposed the same hypothesis (Ann. d'lmmunoL Inst. Pasteur 1986, 137D: 425) in a paper submitted on October 8, 1986 and accepted a week later.

Cytokine reference reagents

At the 5th International Lymphokine Workshop (January 1987, Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA) it was decided to make available the following preparations as interim ref¢r~nce reagents: interleukin-1- (IL-loL); interleukin-113 (IL-113); Tumour Necrosis Factor ~ (TNFcz).

The above reagents were freeze-dried in ampoules at the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control, London.

Ampoules of IL-loL'(coded 86/632), IL-113 (coded 86/552) and TNFo~ (coded 86/659), together with full details of ampoule contents and assigned potency, will be despatched upon written request to the Director, NIBSC, Blanche Lane, South Mimms, Potters Bar, Herts EN6 3QG, UK. A small handling charge per ampoule will apply.

The interim reference reagent for interleukin 2 (IL-2) remains obtainable from Dr J. Rossio, BRMP, NCI- Frederick Cancer Research Facility, Building 426, Room 1, Frederick, MD 21701, USA.

Data grapics reviewed

The visual display of statistical data is an integral part of the life of most scientists and, according to the author of a recent book is perhaps given less thought than it deserves. The collation and presentation of data are required on many levels in scientific research, ranging from the simple diagrams used to illustrate informal discussions to highly polished graphics accompanying published papers and conference presentations. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information is an elegantly presented book about the design of statistical graphics and, as such, is concerned with the principles of both the design and the statistics. The author,

Edward Tufte, believes the book will help to change the view ot image makers and in his introduction describes it as. a 'celebration of data graphics'.

The first part of the book is an histori- cal account of the dev.olopment of graphical practices which, as well as reviewing some of the glories of the past two centuries, discusses the way in which graphics have been used to distort data and encourage misperceptions in the viewer. Part two covers the theory of data graphics, suggesting principles to apply during design and discussing in detail the elements that make un a well designed graphical presentation.

As one would expect, the production of this volume is hard to fault and excellent illustrative examples of every kind of graphical representation from the last two hundred years appear on almost every page Published by Graphics Press in 1985 The Visual Display of Quantitative Icformgtion would complement a coffee table collection as well as a useful addition to a reference bookshelf.

Edward R. Tufte The Visual Display of Quantitative Information $34.00 Graphics Press, Box 430, Cheshire, CT 06410, USA; £20 Graphics Press UK, PO Box 2, Godalming, Surrey GU7 3HB, UK.

Do you teach immunology?

In many academic institutions the responsibility for teaching immunology at graduate or undergraduate level rests on members of staff whose affiliation may be to departments as diverse as pathology, microbiology, anatomy, biochemistry, surgery or zoology. When the extent of the teaching demands it, there may be a local coordinator. Nevertheless it is not hard to find teachers of immunology who feel a certain degree of isolation and a lack of confidence in the resources they are providing for their students.

Immunology Today is widely read and used by immunology teachers and we hope to increase its value in this respect still further. We are preparing a special package of information, visual aids, booklists, recommended reading and other educatior;al resources designed to be useful for the teaching of immunology. It will be made available, with a special subscription offer, in the coming months.

If you teach immunology and are interested in further details of this information package, please send your name and address, the title of the course you teach and the number of students involved to: Teachers' Information Pack, Immunology Today, Elsevier Publications, 68 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1LA, UK.

(~) 1987, Elsevier Publications, Cambridge 0167-4919/87/502.00

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Errata Some new perspectives on

transplantation immunity and tolerance

I a i : l l . . ~ vw,y~ K. Silvers, Hiromitsu Kimura, Lise Desquenne-Clark and Megumu Miyamoto (1987) ImrnunoL Today 8, 117-122

Owing to an error in the ~ditorial office, the review by Silvers et aL published in our April issue did not incorporate proof changes requested by the author. We apologise to Professor Silvers and his colleagues for this error. The correct version of the review will be published in full in our June issue.

We apologise to Dr P. E. Bigazzi for two errors introduced into his review of Jacques Descotes' book Immuno- toxicology of Drugs and Chemicals (Immunol. Today, 1987, ~: 65).

Schistosoma cerevisiae should have read Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The reference in column 3 should have read: [see P. E. Bigazzi (1986) in Immunotoxicology and Im- munopharmacology (Dean, J. et al. eds), pp. 277-290, Raven Press, New York].