Download pptx - Evaluating your lesson plan

  • 1. Evaluating Your Lesson Plans Through Self-ReflectionBy Melanie Santarossa

2. Why Self-Reflection?Web image from: 3. How Does One Self-Reflect? Web image from: 4. When Should One Self-Reflect? 1. Once you have reviewed therough draft of your lesson. 2. After you have presented thelesson to the class.Web image from: 5. Questions to GuideReflection/Evaluation1. What do I like about this lesson plan?2. What do I dislike about this lesson plan?3. How can I be more creative in this lesson plan?4. Are there any components to the lesson plan that I am missing?5. Where in the lesson plan am I most likely to lose/did lose my students attention?6. Am I presenting this lesson plan out of laziness?7. What is my goal for this lesson plan? Is it achieved by the activities I have chosen to incorporate?8. Are there aspects I am ignoring out of fear (i.e. technology, discussion, group work)?9. What types of students is this lesson plan geared toward?10. How does my lesson plan make room for student involvement? 6. A Final Helpful HintWeb image from: 7. More Questions? The GATA Network Development TeamThe Blog Facebook Page Twitter Account [email protected]
