
Go Mini's Franchise Website Analysis

Website AnalysisWhat can be done to increase the

lead flow produced by the website?

Website AudienceWho is visiting the Go Mini's

franchising website? Is the site attracting the right people?

Website PerformanceDoes the website have the right content and information to keep visitors on the site and convert

them to leads?




Returning VisitorNew Visitor Charlotte, NC (6.16%)Chapel Hill, NC (1.90%)

Ashburn, VA (2.84%)

New York, NY (4.27%)

Evanston, IL (3.79%)

Dallas, TX (2.37%)Waco, TX (3.79%)

Los Angeles, CA (1.90%)

Minneapolis, MN (1.43%)

Phoenix, AZ (1.13%)

Jacksonville, FL (0.75%)

Tampa, FL (0.38%)

71.14% 28.86%


3.71 page views/session(Optimal performance is anything over 2.00.)

2.59 avg. session duration(Goal for average session duration is >2:00.)

45.14% bounce rate(Goal for bounce rate is <60%.)

Most visitors come to the website through your homepage. Some of the most important information you want to showcase is on your opportunities or

investment pages. This requires the visitor to take an additional step. When they take that next step, they

register at least two pages viewed during that session.

Someone spending more than two minutes on your site is engaged and has found the site's content to be relevant to their search. The longer a visitor spends in a session, the more engaged they are as a potential


Bounce rate is closely related to both pages/session and average session duration. It is a clear indicator of how qualified the traffic to your site is. A general rule is to try to keep bounce rates lower than 60%. A high bounce rate is a sign that visitors to your site are not finding what they were looking for. A low bounce rate

indicates visitors are finding your site for the right reasons.


Conversion RateThe ultimate indicator of website performance is the conversion rate. Conversion rate is the proportion of website visitors that convert to leads.



Industry AverageGo Mini’s


By looking at the analytics, we can determine that the Go Mini's franchising website is performing at a high level. The statistics demonstrate that the site is easy to navigate and the content is relevant and engaging to the right audience.

The website is effectively converting visitors to leads. All that is needed to increase lead flow is website traffic. There are multiple sources of traffic that should be considered including franchise portal advertising, AdWords campaigns and other forms of advertising.

Go Mini's Lead Generation Analysis

Next StepsWhat is the plan to continue

generating leads for Go Mini’s that convert into franchise sales?

The ProcessWhat is the strategy for

driving the right traffic to the go Mini’s website?

ResultsIs the lead generation strategy

working? How does the cost per lead compare to the cost of third

party lead sources?

The Process

High Converting Landing PageA landing page was created for the franchise sales

PPC campaign based on the design and layout of the high converting Go Mini’s franchising website.

To keep leads focused on the call-to-action, we stripped the navigation and kept the focus on the

inquiry for and industry report.

Prospects can also request and schedule a call. An automated email is sent to prospects as a follow up.

The Process

PPCA Google Adwords campaign targeting people

searching for a storage franchise is turned on each month, delivering relevant traffic to the landing page.

The cost per lead is $34.


Lead Generation

With a small monthly budget, 71 leads have converted on the campaign landing page. Two of the leads from the ad campaign are qualified and were in discussions with Go Mini’s. The last round of PPC ads generated 12 new leads which need to be attended to

by Go Mini’s.

Franchise $70/lead

Franchise Direct $55/lead

Franchise Direct $50/lead

Go Mini’s $34/lead

Next Steps

Drive More LeadsIncrease the PPC campaign budget to reach

more prospects. Currently the campaign runs for 10 days a month. Adding budget will drive more leads to the landing page and into the Go Mini’s

franchising funnel.

Streamline Lead Management Process

We recommend building out a process for managing franchise leads. 54 could create an automated

system that aligns with the Go Mini’s franchise sales process. When should a prospect submit their

financial information? What can be done to help qualify candidates before they take up the time of the

Go Mini’s team?

Maximize Lead GenerationMany franchise brands make the mistake of purging leads from their sales process after a short period of time. This is a waste of time, money and resources. Buying a franchise is a big decision and the buying cycle can be lengthy. We recommend developing a

12 month plan to nurture leads. A prospect may be at the early stages of research when they fill out a lead

form. We want to make sure that when they are ready to invest, Go Mini’s is there to reengage them.
