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Rainero et al. Cell Death and Disease (2018) 9:349 DOI 10.1038/s41419-018-0387-2 Cell Death & Disease

ART ICLE Open Ac ce s s

gDNA qPCR is statistically more reliablethan mRNA analysis in detecting leukemiccells to monitor CMLAlessia Rainero 1, Fabrizio Angaroni2,3, Francesca D’Avila4, Andrea Conti1, Cristina Pirrone5, Giovanni Micheloni1,Lucia Tararà1, Giorgia Millefanti1, Emanuela Maserati1, Roberto Valli1, Orietta Spinelli 6, Ksenija Buklijas6,Anna Michelato6, Rosario Casalone7, Cristina Barlassina8, Matteo Barcella8, Silvia Sirchia8, Eleonora Piscitelli9,Massimo Caccia 2 and Giovanni Porta1

AbstractChronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) is a stem cell cancer that arises when t(9;22) translocation occurs in a hematopoieticstem cells. This event results in the expression of the BCR-ABL1 fusion gene, which codes for a constitutively activetyrosine kinase that is responsible for the transformation of a HSC into a CML stem cell, which then gives rise to aclonal myeloproliferative disease. The introduction of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (TKIs) has revolutionized themanagement of the disease. However, these drugs do not seem to be able to eradicate the malignancy. Indeed,discontinuation trials (STIM; TWISER; DADI) for those patients who achieved a profound molecular response showed50% relapsing within 12 months. We performed a comparative analysis on 15 CML patients and one B-ALL patient,between the standard quantitative reverse-transcriptase PCR (qRT–PCR) and our genomic DNA patient-specificquantitative PCR assay (gDNA qPCR). Here we demonstrate that gDNA qPCR is better than standard qRT–PCR indisease monitoring after an average follow-up period of 200 days. Specifically, we statistically demonstrated that DNAnegativity is more reliable than RNA negativity in indicating when TKIs therapy can be safely stopped.

IntroductionChronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) is a classic example

of a stem cell cancer and arises when the t(9;22) trans-location (the Philadelphia chromosome)1–3 occurs in ahematopoietic stem cell (HSC). This event results in theexpression of the BCR-ABL1 fusion gene, which codes fora constitutively active tyrosine kinase responsible for thetransformation of a HSC into a CML stem cell, and thenceto a clonal myeloproliferative disease.The BCR-ABL1 fusion gene exists in three different

forms, associated with different types of leukemia: p190 is

mainly associated with Ph-positive (Ph+) acute lympho-blastic leukemia (ALL), p210 with 95% of CML, and p230with a subset of patients with chronic neutrophilic leu-kemia (CNL). There is, however, some overlap. P210occurs in 40% of Ph+ ALL, p190 occurs in 2–3% of CML,and p230 in some cases of CML4.Until a little more than a decade ago, drug therapy for

CML was limited to nonspecific agents such as busulfan,hydroxyurea, and interferon α (INF-a)5. Allogeneic stemcell transplantation (allo-SCT) is curative, but carries risksof morbidity and mortality; and furthermore, allo-SCT isan option only for patients with good performance statusand organ functions, and who have an appropriate stemcell donor6. The introduction of a potent BCR-ABL1tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI), Imatinib (IM), almost twodecades ago, followed by subsequent generations of TKI,

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Correspondence: Alessia Rainero ([email protected])1Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy2Department of Science and High Technology, University of Insubria, Como,ItalyFull list of author information is available at the end of the articleThese authors contributed equally: Alessia Rainero and Fabrizio Angaroni.Edited by G. Melino

Official journal of the Cell Death Differentiation Association







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has transformed the management of CML7,8. However,these drugs are not able to eradicate the malignancy, andpatients therefore require life-long therapy.Most cases achieve a major molecular response (MMR)

in which BCR-ABL1 levels detectable by qPCR (quanti-tative PCR) in the blood show a 3log10 fold reduction9.However, due to patient-to-patient variation, 10–20% ofall patients develop even deeper molecular responsestriggering dose de-escalation and discontinuation/stop-ping trials (STIM10, TWISTER11, DADI12, EURO-SKI) inwhich 50% of patients relapse within 12 months. TKIdiscontinuation studies demonstrated that stopping TKItherapy should thus be performed only under the auspicesof a clinical trial6.Strong evidence now shows that CML leukemic stem

cells (LSCs) persist in most patients on long-term therapy,and may promote acquired TKI resistance, driving relapseor disease progression. Virtually all chronic phase (CP)patients on TKI therapy and in MMR are not cured ofCML and show signs of residual disease burden from thepresence of LSCs in the bone marrow (BM). AlthoughLSCs are not always detectable in cases of very deepmolecular response—most likely from technical limitations- some patients with no detectable LSCs can subsequentlyrelapse after TKI discontinuation13–16. Other studies haveshown that the LSCs which persist in patient in MMRexpress BCR-ABL1 at lower levels than the LSCs at thetime of diagnosis. Furthermore, murine BM cells engi-neered to express low levels of BCR-ABL1 were far lesssensitive to IM, whereas those expressing higher levelswere prone to de novo mutations17. Tessa et al.14

demonstrated that in vitro and in vivo knockdown of BCR-ABL resulted in LSCs persistence, and these cells resultedindependent of BCR-ABL kinase activity, thereforeunderlying that targeting BCR-ABL kinase activity alone isnot sufficient to eliminate them14. Thus, the eradication ofLSCs inevitably represent a bottleneck to cure.Quantitative reverse-transcriptase PCR (qRT–PCR) is

the most sensitive technique now available to monitorBCR-ABL1 fusion transcripts. In 2006, the NationalInstitute of Health Consensus Group proposed an inter-national scale (IS) to standardize the results18. Despitehigh qRT–PCR sensitivity, this technique has limits rela-ted to the interpretation of undetectable results. ThemRNA molecule is susceptible to degradation, andthe efficiency of cDNA synthesis can vary19. Indeed, theaccuracy of the method critically depends on the ability oftesting laboratories to measure absolute numbers ofcontrol gene transcripts in a comparable manner andachieve the sensitivity required for the BCR-ABL1detection20,21. Finally, this technique detects leukemictranscripts, which may not be proportional to the numberof Philadelphia positive cells; and it completely missestranscriptionally silent cells22.

Responding to these limitations, we have developed agDNA patient-specific qPCR assay to detect leukemiccells irrespective of their transcriptional status, and aformula to calculate the number of leukemic cells23. Bycomparing qRT–PCR and gDNA qPCR on 15 CMLpatients and one B-ALL (B-cell acute lymphoblastic leu-kemia) patient, we statistically proved for the first time thesuperiority of the DNA marker to monitor leukemic cellsin late follow-up (after a median of 200 days of therapy).

Materials and methodsPatientsAll patients gave their informed consent to participate

in this study.We monitored 15 patients with CML diagnosed in Chronic

Phase (CP) and one with B-ALL for an average period of72 months (patients’ characteristics are listed in Table 1).Patients included 9 men and 7 women, with a median age

at diagnosis of 49 years (range 13–67 years). 11/16 patientsshowed a b2a2 fusion transcript; 4/16 showed a b3a2 fusiontranscript and 1/16 showed a p190 transcript. The majorityof patients were treated with Imatinib (Gleevec®, STI571,Novartis) monotherapy at a starting dose of 400mg/day,except for patient 5, who participated in an 800mg/daytrial and patient 11, who participated in a NILG 09/2000protocol ( Identifier NCT00.58072) with a600mg/day IM dose. Patient 5 continued therapy with IM800mg/day until 64 months, when the dosage was reducedto 400mg/day. The dose for patients 6 and 8 was increasedto 600mg/day as a consequence of suboptimal cytogeneticfindings observed at 12 and 6 months, respectively. Patients6 and 8 continued therapy with IM 600mg/day until 73and 44 months, respectively, after which dosage wasreduced to 400mg/day. Therapy for patient 9 was changedto Dasatinib 100mg/day after 17 months due to skintoxicity (grade III) and then reduced to 50mg/day becauseof gastrointestinal toxicity. After 47 months, patient 9 fol-lowed a dose escalation to Dasatinib 80mg/day, whichelicited a MMR. The therapy for patient 10 was changed inNilotinib 600mg/day at 12 months due to MMR loss, butlater suspended do to cardiological toxicity and substitutedwith Dasatinib 100mg/day (which elicited a MMR). Patient11 followed a dose de-escalation to IM 400mg/day untilthe transplant, followed by a dose of 200mg/day. Patient 12reached a stable deep molecular response (4.5 log10 foldreduction of BCR-ABL transcripts) and suspended thetherapy after 78 months of therapy. Patient 14 interruptedIM therapy due to MMR loss after 51 months of therapy,then he switched to Dasatinib 100mg/day and followed adose de-escalation at 50mg/dye Dasatinib due to diabeticnephropathy-related chronic renal failure. Patient 16 sus-pended IM therapy after 14 months due to severe anemia,thrombocytopenia and bowel bleeding; then he followed arestart of IM 400mg/day. For patient 13 (pediatric at

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diagnosis) no information about the therapy dosage areavailable.

MonitoringELN (European LeukemiaNet) recommends to assess

and monitor the response using both conventional cyto-genetics (Chromosome Banding Analysis (CBA) of at least20 marrow cells metaphases) and real-time qPCR21.Cytogenetics was performed at 3, 6, and 12 months, untila complete cytogenetic response (CCyR) was achieved.Once a CCyR is achieved, CBA can be substituted byFISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization) of at least 200blood cells nuclei. qRT–PCR was performed on totalwhite blood cells (WBC) every 3 months. The results ofqRT–PCR are expressed according to the InternationalScale (IS) as BCR-ABL1%18,20,24. BCR was used as refer-ence gene. Once a major molecular response (BCR-ABL1≤0.1%IS) has been achieved, qRT–PCR was performedevery 3–6 months, depending on baseline risk, transcriptslevel, and transcripts level fluctuations.We collected bone marrow (BM) and peripheral blood

(PB) samples from 15 newly diagnosed CML patients andone B-ALL patient, from the ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII(Bergamo, Italy) and from Ospedale di Circolo e Fonda-zione Macchi (Varese, Italy). We followed these patients for

an average period of 72 months. For each patient, real-timeqPCR (RTq–PCR) and gDNA qPCR25 were used todetermine the BCR-ABL1 over BCR values on all analyzedsamples. Values below detection of the qRT–PCR assaywere converted to positive BCR-ABL1 values due to thelogarithmic transformation, since undetectable BCR-ABL1transcripts don’t correspond to a leukemic cells absence.All mRNA analyses were performed following the

standard operating procedures of the LabNet andGIMEMA CML Working Party.BCR-ABL1 DNA breakpoint fusion sequences of 8/16

patients were previously characterized through a systemoriginally developed for genome walking25, while theremainder 8 fusion sequences were characterized withEnrichment (Sure Select Target Enrichment – AgilentTechnologies) and Next Generation Sequencing methods(HiSeq instrument, Illumina). Briefly, genomic DNA wasextracted from peripheral blood or bone marrow, frag-mented, ligated to adaptors and enriched in the region ofinterest (3 regions for BCR, corresponding to major,minor and micro breakpoint regions, and 1 for ABL).Enriched DNA was then amplified and sequencedthrough an HiSeq sequencing instrument. Sequencingdata were processed in order to identify genomic BCR-ABL1 breakpoints coordinates in chromosome 22 and 9

Table 1 CML patients’ characteristics

Patient Sex Age at diagnosis


Date of


Diagnosis Translocation Start of therapy Therapymg/die

1 M 59 21/02/2006 CML t(9;22)(q34;q11)p210 b2a2 07/03/2006 IM 400mg/die

2 + M 66 06/06/2005 CML t(9;22)(q34;q11)p210 b2a2 17/06/2005 IM 400mg/die

3 M 60 20/05/2005 CML t(9;22)(q34;q11)p210 b2a2 25/05/2005 IM 400mg/die

4 M 50 30/03/2005 CML t(9;22)(q34;q11)p210 b2a2 12/04/2005 IM 400mg/die

5 F 71 03/02/2005 CML t(9;22)(q34;q11)p210 b2a2 14/02/2005 IM 800mg/die

6 F 63 02/12/2004 CML t(9;22)(q34;q11)p210 b2a2 21/12/2004 IM 400mg/die

7 M 52 8/10/2004 CML t(9;22)(q34;q11)p210 b2a2 12/10/2004 IM 400mg/die

8 M 60 30/05/2005 CML t(9;22)(q34;q11;q24)p210 b2a2 08/06/2005 IM 400mg/die

9 F 70 13/09/2007 CML t(9;22)(q34;q11)p210 b2a2 24/09/2007 IM 400mg/die

10 F 70 02/10/2007 CML t(9;22)(q34;q11)p210 b2a2 20/10/2007 IM 400mg/die

11a M 66 03/08/2006 B-ALL t(9;22)(q34;q11)p190 02/09/2006 IM 600mg/die

12 M 74 12/07/2010 CML t(9;22)(q34;q11)p210 b3a2 16/07/2010 IM 400mg/die

13 F 20 04/08/2010 CML t(9;22)(q34;q11)p210 b3a2 Not available Not available

14b F 49 20/08/2010 CML t(9;22)(q34;q11)p210 b3a2 25/08/2010 IM 400mg/die

15 M 48 02/11/2010 CML (X;9;22)(p11;q34;q11)(ABL+ BCR+ ;

ABL+BCR-)p210 b2a2

05/11/2010 IM 400mg/die

16 F 67 16/12/2010 CML t(9;22(q34;q11)p210 b3a2 21/12/2010 IM 400mg/die

aPatients 2 and 11 died in 2010 and 2009, respectivelybBCR-ABL1 coordinates for patient 14 were taken from the derivative chromosome 9

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for each patient. These coordinates were then used todesigned a patient-specific assay, which comprises tworeal-time reactions: one directed against the breakpointsequence (present in one copy only in leukemic cells), anda second directed against the BCR sequence (present inone copy in leukemic cells and in two copies in normalcells).Informed consent was obtained in accordance with the

Declaration of Helsinki principles and with approval ofthe Ethic Committees of Insubria University, Ospedale diCircolo e Fondazione Macchi (Varese, Italy) and ASSTPapa Giovanni XXIII (Bergamo, Italy).

Statistical analysisStatistical correlation analysis of data was performed

with Wolfram mathematica and Fortran software.

ResultsOur laboratory developed a patient-specific DNA-based

assay to detect leukemic cells independent of their tran-scriptional status. We have previously published theresults obtained by comparing our gDNA qPCR to stan-dard qRT–PCR on eight newly diagnosed Chronic PhaseCML patients; our technique resulted positive in morethan 30% of samples with undetectable mRNA22,26.The results from gDNA qPCR and RT–qPCR analysis

on all 16 patients are reported in Figs. 1 and 2.Several studies16,27–31 based on BCR-ABL1 transcript

measurements in CML patients showed a biphasic ortriphasic exponential decline of leukemic cell number.The slopes of the resulting curves indicated the presenceof different cell populations; the first slope represents theturnover rate of differentiated leukemic cells, while thesecond (and third) slope represents the turnover rate ofleukemic progenitors (or stem cells). To understand thecorrelation between DNA and mRNA values, we firstevaluated the distribution of DNA measurements after9 months of therapy, when the number of leukemic cellsis <1% (low sensitivity zone) in most of the testedpatients. We hypothesized that the second slope repre-sents the persistence of leukemic cells resistant to TKItreatment. Considering these parameters, we obtained132 pairs of values and calculated the mean (µ=2.20785), variance (σ2= 1.0850), and skewness (γ=0.16704) of these values. The skewness value suggested asymmetric distribution, and to test this hypothesis weperformed a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (implemented inWolfram Mathematica). We confirmed the hypothesiswith 95% reliability.To test for any gDNA and mRNA value correlation, we

constructed a scatter plot (Fig. 3a) which showed nosignificant correlation (r= 0.6003).We then tried to estimate a correlation by a different

approach. First, we considered the 132 mRNA values and

tested whether these were normally distributed as DNAvalues. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test showed a non-Gaussian distribution of these values (p > 0.05). We thenconsidered the “area of agreement” between DNA andmRNA values (Fig. 3b).The results showed that only 56% of mRNA values fell

within the DNA confidence interval, but 89% of measuresoutside this confidence interval were undetectablemRNA values. These results suggest that thedifference between these two measures (DNA vs. RNA)might lie in undetectable values. Therefore, we studied thecorrelation (ρ) between DNA and mRNA values overtime; the results within the first 10 months are shown inFig. 2c.We observed a decrease in correlation between 100 and

200 days of therapy, which corresponded to the decay ofcell number to below 1%. Finally, we performed a con-ditioned correlation test (by choosing a threshold; Fig. 3d)between two arrays defined in the following way: we chosea threshold value of DNA (or mRNA) marker, then weconsidered the under-threshold measurements for theselected marker and the measurements made on the samesample with the other marker. For undetectable values(when using zero as threshold), because the variance isnull, we used joint probability as an estimator of corre-lation. Results showed a low correlation between thesearrays, but it is notable that DNA undetectable valueswere always correlated with mRNA null values; contra-riwise, mRNA undetectable values have only a 21.3%probability to be correlated to DNA null values.

Discussion and ConclusionsIn most patients under TKI therapy, there is a pro-

gressive decline in BCR-ABL1 transcripts over time.However, CML has been suggested as impossible to cure,due to the persistence of leukemic stem cells that cannotbe eradicated by TKI treatment. Whether all CML cellshave been eradicated in any patient is a question of sig-nificant clinical and scientific importance16.We have previously demonstrated that our gDNA qPCR

assay proves residual disease positivity in more than 30%of mRNA negative samples22,26.In this study, we performed a comparative statistical

analysis of both mRNA and DNA BCR-ABL1 values in 15CML patients (7 new and 8 previously published) and oneB-ALL patient, in order to investigate if our gDNAtechnique is more reliable to identify transcriptionallysilent leukemic cells, which could be responsible forrelapse after TKIs discontinuation. As reported in theliterature32–34, our results indicate a 3-fold decrease inBCR-ABL1 gene and transcript within the first 2 years oftherapy. By plotting the Log10(BCR-ABL) values overtime, after 10 months (i.e. after the 3log fold decay) nearly95% of cases showed a number of leukemic cells reduced

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more than 99%. Considering these cases (under 1%region) we noticed a great difference in undetectable valuedistribution between DNA and mRNA: 17 BCR-ABL1DNA negative samples vs. 81 mRNA negative samples.Indeed, there was weak agreement between DNA andRNA values (56%), and the decrease in correlation was

consistent after the initial 3-fold decay in leukemic cellnumber. Our data analysis also showed that when weconsidered DNA as a threshold in correlation analysis,there’s always a correspondence (100% joint probability)between undetectable values of DNA with that of RNA;contrariwise, considering RNA as a threshold value, there

Fig. 1 DNA vs. mRNA quantitative PCR results. The figure displays the kinetics of the leukemic cell burden in patients treated with Imatinibmesylate after the diagnosis in early chronic phase. (a–h) The panels show the percentage of cancer cells (BCR-ABL1/BCR) as measured by gDNAqPCR (⊗DNA values, solid line) and RT–qPCR (▲RNA values, dashed line) in patients 1–8

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was only a 21% joint probability (i.e., undetectable RNAvalues were rarely correlated to DNA null values).We infer that after an average period of 200 days of

therapy, BCR-ABL1 detection with gDNA qPCR ismore reliable to determine the absence of leukemiccells and, therefore, could be more reliable for the

clinicians’ decision on whether to discontinue TKItherapy.Many researchers have proposed mathematical models

to describe the differentiation hierarchy of the hemato-poietic system16,27–31. Most of these studies were con-ducted on BCR-ABL transcript values from CML patients

Fig. 2 DNA vs. mRNA quantitative PCR results. The figure displays the kinetics of the leukemic cell burden in patients treated with Imatinibmesylate after the diagnosis in early chronic phase. (I-P) The panels show the percentage of cancer cells (BCR-ABL1/BCR) as measured by gDNA qPCR(⊗DNA values, solid line) and RT–qPCR (▲RNA values, dashed line) in patients 9 to 16

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and showed a biphasic or triphasic exponential decline ofleukemic cell number. The slopes of the resulting curvesindicated the presence of different cell populations: the firstslope represents the turnover rate of differentiated leu-kemic cells, while the second (and third) slope representthe turnover rate of leukemic progenitors (or stem cells).Our DNA data seem to fit with these RNA-based mathe-matical models, as we obtained a biphasic decline of leu-kemic cells for almost all our patients; however, we werenot able to calculate the first slope of the curve, due to thepaucity of measurements in the first 12 months of therapy.Moreover, the molecular response at 3 months of TKI

therapy has prognostic significance; a BCR-ABL1 tran-script level >10%IS at 3 months is associated with sig-nificantly inferior overall free survival (OS), progression-free survival (PFS), failure-free survival (FFS) and cyto-genetic and molecular responses. The National Compre-hensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines include achange of therapy if BCR-ABL1 is >10% at 3 months,whereas ELN suggests that a single BCR-ABL1

measurement at 3 months is insufficient to define treat-ment failure requiring a change of therapy. For patientswith >10% BCR-ABL1 at 3 months, the ELN recommendsadditional testing and a change of therapy for patientswho are still >10% after 6 months of treatment.In order to robustly identify the first slope, a sufficient

number of early time points is needed; thus, with the aimto develop a new mathematical model to predict the effectof TKIs on leukemic stem cells, we propose that clinicianscollect new CML samples every month for the first12 months of therapy. We would also include in theresultant study CML patients who received nilotinib asfirst-line therapy, to understand whether this second-generation TKI is more active on the leukemic stem cellpopulation (though Tang et al.16 concluded that Nilotinibelicited treatment responses very similar to Imatinib).The application of our DNA-based method to CD34+

sorted cells (stem cells) could also provide additionalinformation about the stem cell compartment composi-tion in CML patients at diagnosis and during treatment.

Fig. 3 Statistical analysis between DNA and RNA measures. a The correlation between the two methods used for CML samples analysis. On x axisare reported the DNA values, while y axis represents the mRNA values. The dashed line is the equality line (X= Y). If there was no or little differencesbetween DNA and RNA measures, the values should have followed the equality line. Our results are clearly not correlated. b The agreement betweenDNA and RNA values. The area comprised between the two dashed lines represents the 95% confidence interval of DNA values (not null) after9 months of therapy. Dots represents the mRNA values coupled to DNA ones. Only 56% of mRNA values falls within the DNA confidence interval, butthe 89% of measures outside this confidence interval are undetectable mRNA values. c The correlation between DNA and RNA values over time. Onthe x axis is the time (expressed in months), while on the y axis is the correlation (ρ) value. We observe a decrease in correlation between 100 and200 days of therapy, which correspond to the decay of cells’ number under 1%. d The conditionate correlation vs. a threshold value. On x axis is thethreshold value, while y axis is the correlation (ρ) value. The solid line represents the DNA threshold, while the dashed line represents the mRNAthreshold. When we choose DNA as a threshold and we consider undetectable values, DNA and mRNA showed 100% correspondence; but weobtained a very low correlation in all the other follow-ups

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AcknowledgementsWe thank the patients who took part in this study and the clinical staff of thehospitals. A special thanks goes to David Schlessinger who reviewed the manuscript.Thanks to Lucia Tararà, Giorgia Millefanti and Giovanni Micheloni who participated aslearning students in this work. This work was supported by Centro Grandi StrumentiUniversità dell’Insubria, Fondazione Comunitaria del Varesotto, Fondazione DelMonte di Lombardia, Fondazione Anna Villa e Felice Rusconi.

Author details1Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy.2Department of Science and High Technology, University of Insubria, Como,Italy. 3IFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics), Como, Italy. 4 Immunology andFunctional Genomics Unit, Centro Cardiologico Monzino IRCCS, via Parea 4,20138 Milan, Italy. 5Department of Biology and Life Sciences, University ofInsubria, Varese, Italy. 6Department of Hematology, ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII,Bergamo, Italy. 7Department of Genetics and Cytogenetics, ASST Sette Laghi,Ospedale di Circolo Fondazione Macchi, Varese, Italy. 8Department of HealthSciences, University of Milan, Milan, Italy. 9Biomedical Technologies Institute,CNR, Milan, Italy

Conflict of interestThe authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

Publisher's noteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims inpublished maps and institutional affiliations.

Received: 10 January 2018 Revised: 1 February 2018 Accepted: 2 February2018

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