Page 1: How to Get Skinny After Pregnancy

How to Get Skinny After Pregnancy

If how to get skinny after pregnancy is on top of your mind, let me show you how. It really isn’t too difficult to get rid of weight gain so just relax and don’t worry about it too much. There are four rules that you need to follow. If you follow them all you will achieve that skinny body.

Before I begin let me first congratulate you on your new baby. Now, allow me to show you how to be skinny!

Rule #1: Get a Move On!

I would agree that this sounds boring but you should really do this. Head out to Wal-Mart and buy yourself a mini-trampoline which costs around $25 then jump on it for at least 2 minutes at a time. Do this in between commercials if you are watching TV. There is about 22 minutes worth of commercials in a one hour program on TV. This way you will be working out for 22 minutes without making you spend 30 to 60 minutes of your time doing boring work outs. You can actually get to do two things at the same time. Actually, three things since the other one is becoming skinny!

Rule #2: Eat More by Portioning Your Meals

This rule can help your metabolism work better by boosting the function of your digestive system making it efficient in absorbing all the healthy nutrients your body needs while at the same time eliminating wastes. It actually helps you in 2 ways just like the first rule. What’s more, you really don’t have to worry about any cravings at all because the levels of your blood sugar is regulated compared to that when you are eating big, full meals.

Rule #3: Start Your Day with a Big Breakfast

Did I just say you need to eat small meals above? Yes, I did, didn’t I? Actually, you can eat a really big breakfast because you will be burning all the calories throughout the day. You can stick to eating small breakfast if you wish.

You are actually “front loading” your calories when you eat a big breakfast. This is actually beneficial because you won’t be tempted to eat any snacks or heavy meals throughout the day. A ½ can of black beans and 3 to 4 scrambled eggs is actually quite good for your breakfast.

These ingredients contain carbohydrates and protein which are the nutrients that you need for your breakfast.

Rule #4: Plan Your Snacks Strategically

Page 2: How to Get Skinny After Pregnancy

Aside from the meals, I also found my client’s effort to reduce weight suffering, because of eating snacks. Allow me to correct this right now. If you want to eat snacks, stick only with the following items: ……..

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