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  • 8/9/2019 HR Practice in AJI Group




    HRM Practices and Policies in AJI Group

    (This report on internship in AJI Group is submitted as a requirement of the partial

    fulfilment of MBA Proram!

    Submitted to"BA# $%B&

    Submitted byMuhammad Rafiqul Islam

    'tudent I" )*)**+,**)Batch *+th 

    Proram MBA

    Ma-or Human Resource Manaement

    "epartment of Business Administration

    $ictoria %ni.ersit/ of Banladesh

    %nder the super.ision of Prof& "r& M& Abu Misir 

    Date of Submission

    &&&& Auust# *,)0&

    Victoria University of Bangladesh

  • 8/9/2019 HR Practice in AJI Group


    We care what you


     HRM Practices and Policies


    AI !rou"

  • 8/9/2019 HR Practice in AJI Group



    The Holy #ro"het $uhammad %S&A&'&( The reater 'ocial reformer and uide

    in sphere of life&

    M/ affectionate parents 1ho tauht me the first 1ord of spea2 and supported me

    morall/ and financiall/ throuhout m/ studies&

    M/ all belo.ed friends 1hose are 2eepin belief in me&

  • 8/9/2019 HR Practice in AJI Group



    PrefaceInternship proram is one of the most sinificant topics of our MBA proram& 3o1 the

    1orld is competiti.e& 'o 1e ha.e to earn the 2no1lede about the critical en.ironment of 

     business& This t/pe of proram helps the student to acquire practical 2no1lede about the

    contemporar/ business orani4ation& It 1ill also help the student to be an effecti.e

    e5ecuti.e in future& "ifferent orani4ations ta2e different 2ind of policies to operate their 

     business& A reputed Garments industries li2e AJI Group# ta2es different 2ind of strate/ to

    satisf/ their customers&

    As a student of MBA# $ictoria %ni.ersit/ of Banladesh# I ha.e been assined to prepare

    the Thesis on )H*$ #ractices and #olicies in AI !rou"+ from the practical e5posure

    I ha.e underone at AJI Group# 6orporate Office# and HR "i.ision& As a model I ha.e

    tried m/ best 1ith all m/ aptitude to complete this report 1ith aptness&

  • 8/9/2019 HR Practice in AJI Group



    ;irst of all# I 1ould li2e to than2 almiht/ Allah for his race in accomplishin m/ Thesis


    I 1ould li2e to e5press m/ ratitude to m/ academic super.isor #rof& Dr& $uhammad

    Abu $isir from the core of m/ heart for his 2ind support# uidance# constructi.e#

    super.ision# instructions and and for moti.atin me to do this report&

    I am also than2ful to Head of HR "i.ision of AJI Group for me the opportunit/ to

    conduct the internship in AJI Group& I 1ould li2e to than2 $r& Ahmed ,ia -ahmi#

    Manaer 6ompliance for super.isin me# .a/nin A0hter# Asst Manaer 6ompliance#

    $r& *a0ibul Hasan# compliance officer# Abul -attah Shuhud# asst& compliance officer#

    *ima *ahman# 1elfare officer# and special than2s to $r& Atiar *ahman# head of IT

    department to help me b/ pro.idin .arious 2e/ information and me the path to

    1rite a fruitful report&

    I am also rateful to the emplo/ees of others "i.ision for their cordial acceptance& $r&

    Hafi/ur *ahman 1as too helpful& He helped me a lot to collect the information correctl/&$r& 1udrat2 $r& *ifat and $r& U//al also e5tended their helpful hand to me& The/ ha.e

     been .er/ helpful in sho1in me the 1or2 process and pro.ided rele.ant information for 

    m/ report I approached& It 1as a reat opportunit/ to do internship in such an

    orani4ation& The e5perience I ha.e athered 1ill be a pri.ilee for m/ future career 


  • 8/9/2019 HR Practice in AJI Group


    9:TT:R O; TRA3'MITTA9

    &&&&& Auust *,)0

    Prof& "r& M& Abu Misir 


    "epartment of Business Administration

    $ictoria %ni.ersit/ of Banladesh

    'ub-ect Submission of the Thesis #a"er&

    "ear 'ir#

    8ith due respect# I 1ould li2e to inform /ou that# I am $uhammad *afi3ul Islam

     bearin student I" 4545567554# a student of MBA department& M/ ma-or 1as on Human

    Resource Manaement& It is m/ reat pleasure to inform /ou that I ha.e the opportunit/

    to submit an internship 1or2in report on )H*$ #ractices and "olicies in AI !rou"+#

    as a requirement for MBA proram& 8hile conductin the 1or2in report# I ha.e athered

    e5tensi.e 2no1lede on o.erall arments acti.ities from all the rele.ant departments of 

    AJI Group&

    I belie.e this enuine and honest anal/sis 1ill help /ou to ha.e a positi.e .ie1point upon

    me& I 1ill be pleased to /ou 1ith added e5planations or clarifications that /ou ma/

    feel necessar/ in this reard& I shall be than2ful if /ou 2indl/ appro.e this effort&

    'incerel/ /ours

  • 8/9/2019 HR Practice in AJI Group



    TO 8HOM: IT MA= 6O36:R3

    This is to certif/ that $uhammad *afi3ul Islam# '>O Md& Abu 'a/ed a 'tudent of 

    MBA Proram# I" )*)**+,**)# Business Administration "epartment# $ictoria

    %ni.ersit/ of Banladesh has underone an Internship Proram at AJI Group '

    "ha2a for a period of ? (three! months 1&e&f& ,0&,+&*,))&

    "urin the period of Internship# he 1or2ed on the topic )H*$ #ractice and #olicies in

    AI !rou"+ and on completion of the same has submitted a report accordinl/&

    ;or AJI Group

    Sayed $& .asif 

    'r& General Manaer (Admin!


  • 8/9/2019 HR Practice in AJI Group


    E;ecutive Summary

    As a student of business administration anal/4in toda/@s business 1orld is .er/ crucial to

    obser.e in this comple5 situation& It is necessar/ to o throuh all fields of 2no1lede#

     both theoretical and practical& After passin four /ears MBA proram# I 1as sent out to

    ha.e practical 2no1lede in business life as a part of m/ academic proram& An

    internship proram is orani4ed to i.e me an opportunit/ for enhancin m/ capabilities&

    In this report I had tried to focus m/ both theoretical and practical 2no1lede reardin

    HRM practices& M/ internship topic is @HRM practices and policies in AJI Group& I ha.e

    tried to flash out about HRM practices of this orani4ation and ho1 it is 1or2in in

     proress of the arments industr/&

    In the report HRM practice of AJI Group# has been hihlihted pro.idin the basic

    concept of Human Resource Manaement side b/ side& The intention is to understand the

    acti.ities of human resource manaement b/ practical sur.e/& The fact re.ealed from this

    sur.e/ is that all most all the arments industries are in.ol.ed in the same t/pe of HR 


    ;or e5ample# oranoram of the compan/# recruitment and selection procedures# trainin

    institute# increment and bonus facilities etc are t/pical in the arments industr/ 1hich are

    operated in the pri.ate sector& The more modern is their approaches the more the/ can

    resol.e their problems reardin handlin emplo/ees in the orani4ations&

    I ha.e tried to follo1 the riht methodolo/ for preparin this report# 1hich is .er/

    important to find out the truth# 1hich is hidden behind the curtain& In the case stud/ of 

    AJI Group# effort has been i.en to disclose about orani4ations s/stem and procedure

    step b/ step& ;inall/# conclusion and findins are also included in the report&

  • 8/9/2019 HR Practice in AJI Group


    Table of :ontents

    :ha"ters #articulars #age .o

    :ha"ter 4 Introduction

    Prelude)&) Oriin of the Report)&* Purpose of the 'tud/)&? Ob-ecti.e of the 'tud/)&?&) Broad Ob-ecti.e)&?&* 'pecific Ob-ecti.e

    )&0 Methodolo/ of "ata 6ollection)&0&) Primar/ 'ources)&0&* 'econdar/ 'ources)& 9imitations of the 'tud/


  • 8/9/2019 HR Practice in AJI Group


    :ha"ters #articulars #age .o

    &+&? :mplo/ee moti.ation

    &+&0 :mplo/ee e.aluation&+& Industrial relations&+&+ Pro.ision of emplo/ee ser.ices

    &+&C :mplo/ee education# trainin and de.elopment&+&D 'taffin&+&E Performance Appraisal

    &+&), 'afet/ and Health&+&)) :mplo/ee and 9abor Relations&C HRM Resource Plannin&D :mplo/ee Recruitment and 'election Process&E :mplo/ee 6ompensation Benefits&), :mplo/ee Relations

    &)) Polic/ ;ormulation&)* Human Resources Information '/stems&)? Purpose&)0 7e/ 'trateic HRM 6oncepts

    &) HRM and Orani4ational :ffecti.eness&)+ HRM Acti.ities

    &)C 3e1 9abor Relations and 8or2 :thics&)D :5patriate Manaement&)E 6heap 9abor 9abel&*, HRM Roadmap&*) HRM Approach&** Role of HR department

    &*? The 6hallenes of 8or2place&*0 Plannin a Mentorin Proram&* "i.ersit/&*&) 8or2place di.ersit/&*&* 6ultural di.ersit/

    &*&? Manain 8or2force "i.ersit/&*+ 'e5ual Harassment&*C 8or2s9ife Balance&*D The open e5ternal labor mar2et&*E The occupational labor mar2et&?, The nature of labor mar2ets and emplo/ment s/stems&?) The rise and fall of arment emplo/ment s/stems

    &?)&) :mplo/ee pressure and influence&?)&* "istinuishin contractual and statutor/ arment sector

    emplo/ment rihts&?)&? 6ontractual rihts&?)&0 'tatutor/ rihts&?)& The contract of emplo/ment

    &?* Termination of the emplo/ment contract&?*&) ;air dismissal&?*&* %nfair dismissal&?*&? 8ronful dismissal&?*&0 6onstructi.e dismissal&?? :stablishin the terms and conditions of arment sector

    emplo/ment&?0 "e.elopment&?0&) Trainin and "e.elopment Options&?0&* Trainin and "e.elopment Option Job 6ontent and

    Responsibilities&?0&? Trainin and "e.elopment Option ;ormal Trainin and


    &?0&0 Performance Manaement and "e.elopment in the General8or2 '/stem
















  • 8/9/2019 HR Practice in AJI Group


    :ha"ters #articulars #age .o

    &?0& Immediate Preparation for the Performance "e.elopment

    Meetin&?0&+ The Performance "e.elopment Process (P"P! Meetin&?0&C ;ollo1in the Performance "e.elopment Process

    &? Manaement b/ Inno.ati.e :mplo/ee Re1ard '/stem Is $er/ Important for

    Moti.atin the :mplo/ees Its Importance




    :ha"ter 6 :onclusions

    + 6onclusion7
